Thoopul Acharyan

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0:49:43 a10/p1010/15/2008


Thoopul Acharyan Swami Desikan's SRI-STUTI [b][blue]Sriman Venkatanadharya Kavitarkika Kesari.!. [u]Vedantachrya Varyome Sannidhattam Sadahridi!![/u][/b][/blue] [P] There are many sthothrams in praise of Goddess Lakshmi the mother of all chetanas & achetanas..[blue] Swami Nikamanta Maha Desikan has given us SRI-STUTI, BHUSTUTI, & NEELA STUTI singing & praising the3 prartigals of our perumal Lord Sriman.Narayana.!![/blue] [P] My prarkridam Acharyan says that People like I who never follows Acharam anushtanam etc,are not eligible to perform Agnihotram & Chant [red]SRI SUKTHAM[/red]. therefore For people like I to worship[b][i] SriDevi, our Divine mother[/b][/i] who gives prosperity to the chetanas in this birth & Nonperishable /immortal ness in the Next , Swami Desikan Gave us This [b][blue]SRISTUTI[/b][/blue] [P] By chanting this slokam everyday we may get all the prosperity[blue][i] (Vanchhitanam Vasunam – slokam #16).[/blue][/i] During the life period of our Acharyan swami Desikan Once a Brahmachari Approached our Acharya vallal & requesting His help to get wealth & money so that he(that Brahmachari) may follow the Grihastasramam. {In ancient days just like today if the bridegroom don’t have paddy fields, cows etc no body will give him their daughters hand in marriage, and a brahmachari’s not permitted perform all rituals

That's why this brahmachari requested our acharya vallal's Help.} He took the

Brahmachari to Lords abode and start chanting this slokam in the Perundevi thayar’s sannidi. On hearing the chanting(esp slokam 15& 16) from HER favorite son the divine mother showered gold coins . our achryan asked the brahmachari to collect all the coins for his marriage/life saying He needs none of it. such a parama vairAgyasaali our Acharya vallal Ji. With the Permission of My Acharyans & elders AND YOU ALL let us study[red][i]SRI-STUTI from next posting. [/red][/i]

[B][u]Slokam NO(1)[/u] [blue]


िक: पीठीम




पथिकनुर:साििका -मििमा [u]शि े ो

मुिथम ि सि ृ म [blue]





असराना : तिं सरनिाम




Maanatheetha Prathita Vibhavam Mangalam Mangalanaam

Vaksha: Peetheem Madhuvijayino Bhushayantheem Svakanthya Prathyakshan:Sravika-Mahima Prartithineenam Prajanam [u] Sreyo Murthim Sriyam Asarana: Thvam Saranyam Prapadhye[u][/blue].

0:49:43 a10/p1010/15/2008



1. [red][u]Maanaateta…[/red][/u] 2. [red][u]Prathita…[/red][/u] 3. [red][u]vibhavaam

limitless maana (means limit )





4. [red][u]Mangalam.. [/red][/u]


5. [red][u]Mangalaanaam.. [/red][/u]

One Because of whom all auspicious things

get their auspiciousness.( both

4 & 5) means It

LINE#(2) 1 [red][u]Vaksha:… [/red][/u] 2. [red][u]Peetheem





3 [red][u]Madhuvijayino[/red][/u]

… One who vanquished the Rakshashas named

madhu. 4[red][u] Bhushayantheem. [/red][/u]


5. [red][u]Svakanthya….[/red][/u]

one who illuminate by adorning By virtue of self bright ness.

LINE#(3) 1. [red][u]Prathyakshan:Sravika[/red][/u] 2 [red][u]Mahima…[/red][/u]


Now & future ( present Birth & future Here it means wealth.

3[red][u]Prajaanam…[/red][/u] 4 [red][u]Prartineenam



people or bakhthas what ever they wish for

LINE#(4) 1 [red][u]Sreyo Murthim[/red][/u] 2 [red][u]Sriyam[/red][/u]

one who is called as “Sri”

3[red][u].Asarana : [/red][/u] 4 [red][u]Tvam

…….. One who’s full of auspiciousness or good vir one who has no other go.


You ( consider this you as Respectful plural

like Hindi “AAP” 5. [red][u]Saranyam[/red][/u] 6 [red][u]Prapadhye[/red][/u]

saranagati. .

Seeking saranagati.

Prarti because you only all the things get their auspiciousness. By your Glory (jyoti) you glorify yourself as well as by adorning HIS Vakshshthalam you glorify HIS Vakshshthalam. When lord Hayagrivar Vanquished rakshas Madhu [red][u]SRIDEVI adorned his Vakshshthalam & HE’s knownas Lakshmi Hayagrivar. [/red][/u] Every body seeking all the woldly prosperity from you & some of them seek salvation from this world. You being the divine mother grant all their wishes by accepting their saranagati proposal. Becoz of this you get The Thirunamam “sri” No name is better than this Sri Thirunamam. I who don’t have any other go prostrate before you seeking saranagati.

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The term “Sri” has 6 meanings. [red][u]The Six definitions of Sri Devi's names: [/red][/u] The Sreyas (Mangalams) that She confers come under six broad categories as indicated by Her name: Sri Devi (Sriyam: One who has the name of Sri). These Six are [blue] 1. She is attained by those who wish to be redeemed and uplifted. 2. She approaches Her Lord Herself for that purpose. She pleads with Him. 3. She out of Her compassion listens to the appeal by chetanams to protect them. 4. She invites the attention of Her Lord about the plight of the Jeevas and appeals to Him to overlook their multitudinous trespasses. 5. She chases away the the things(which prevents attaining salvation) that stand in the way of the fulfilment of Sarana gathy. 6. She brings to perfection the aathma gunams of those, who seek Her rakshaNam.[/blue]

SLOKAM #(2) आिि भािि : कलस -जलध ा अधिर े िाप ी ि सिा सथानं िसिा :सरिस जिान ाम िि षणु ि क:सथलं िा भू मा िसि ा: भु िाना मििल म देिी िध वि पद म


सतोक ा-पगजन ैर : अनि िध गुन ा स थुि ासे स ा कथं ति ं [b][blue]Aavirbhava: Kalasa-jaladha Adhvare Vaapi Yasya Sthanam Yasya:Sarasijavanam Vishnu vaksha:sthalam vaa Bhuma Yasya: Bhuvanamakhilam Devi Dhivyam Padham vaa [u]

Sthoka-praj~nai: Anavadhi Guna SthuyaseSaa Katham ThvAm[/b][/blue][/u]

LINE#(1) 1 [red][u] [b]Aavirbhava [/b] [/red][/u]

appearance(means Avataram)

2 [red][u] [b] Kalasa-jaladhou[/b] …[/red][/u] 3 [red][u] [b]Adhvare Vaapi

[/b] [/red][/u]

4 [red][u] [b]Yasya. [/b] [/red][/u]

.Shira saharam( Paarkadal) Yagna salai whose ( Sanskrit


LINE#(2) 1 [red][u] [b]Sthanam: [/b] [/red][/u]


Place. Of living./seat

2. [red][u] [b]Yasya [/b] [/red][/u] 3 [red][u] [b]Sarasijavanam [/b] [/red][/u]

whose …

4[red][u] [b]Vishnu. [/b] [/red][/u] 5. [red][u] [b]vaksha:sthalam vaa …[/b].[/red][/u]

Lotus field/ forest. Perumal.sreeyapati HIS Chest..

LINE#(3) 1. [red][u] [b]Bhuma[/b] [/red][/u]

Prosperity( wealth)

0:49:43 a10/p1010/15/2008 2 [red][u] [b]Yasya…[/b] [/red][/u]


3[red][u] [b]Bhuvanamakhilam [/b] …[/red][/u] 4 [red][u] [b]Devi



….entire world/universe

[/b] [/red][/u]

5 [red][u] [b] Dhivyam Padham [/b]

Prarti.Maha Lakshmi [/red][/u]

Means sri Vaikuntham

……..Contd…. LINE#(4) 1 [red][u] [b]Sthoka-praj~nai [/b] [/red][/u]

…….. One who’s.having little knowledge

Gnanam. 2 [red][u] [b] Anavadhi [/b] [/red][/u]


3[red][u]. [b] Guna: [/b] [/red][/u]

Gunangal ..quality

4 [red][u] [b]Sthuyase [/b] [/red][/u]

Praised by all.

5. [red][u] [b]katham[/b] [/red][/u] 6 [red][u] [b]SaaTvam[/b] [/red][/u]

how .

such a person like you

SLOKAM#(2) Contd . Oh divine mother how a person with little KNOWLEDGE can start chanting Praising you. Your place of living are HIS Vakshsthalam & lotus field. You came out of Parkadal (SHIRA SAHARAM) & as SeethaG you came out of Yagna salai. Thus un like My Lord Sriman Narayanan you never under gone womb living(GARBA VASAM) and you appeared(avataram) in this world. If we look /notice your greatness & Keerti I just don’t understand How a a person with little knowledge(STHOKA PRAGJNAN) can start chanting Praising you? Oh Perum Devi! I engage in praising You. Is it proper for me to evaluate Your vaibhavams? How lofty is Your place of birth How loftyi s Your chosen places of residence? How immense is the magnitude of Your wealth?How great are Your auspicious Gunams? How can adiyen think of coming to termswith them all and venture to sing in praise of Your unlimited Vaibhavam? (BHUMA)You took Your avatharam first in the Milky Ocean and then appeared (AAVIRBHAVAM)in the Yaaga Saalai of King Janaka at Mitilapuri. In both these manifestations,You were self-manifest and did not have to endure garbha Vaasam like Your husbandin Raama-Krishna avatharams Contd . One place of your residence, the Lotus pond Known for its natural fragrance and purity. The other place of residence of yours isthe sacred chest of Your Lord. There is no one who can claim to have those lofty stanams (places of residence). All the wealths of this world (LEELA VIBHUTI)and the Supreme abode (Nithya Vibhuti / Sri Vaikuntam) are under Your rulership. …. Your anantha Kalynaa gunams are beyond anyanyone's grasp. Each of these many gunams is difficult to comprehend and describe. Thus in every aspect, You’r matchLess. Swamy Vedanta Desikan identifies himself as a sthoka Prajgnan” or a person of limited intellect. Sthoka means little or small. Prajgna means intuitive wisdom It is customary for great Acharyans to acknowledge their disqualifications when they engage in sthuthis about Bhagavan and His Devi, Maha Lakshmi. .

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SLOKAM #(3) [blue][i]सथो था विति ं िद सती भिती देिि भी : सथुिा मान ा थमे िाति ं अ िन िथर ािगत : सथोत ुम आस ं स ामन ा: िसदा रम भ: सक ल भुिन सल ागान ीिो भि ेिम [u]सेि ापे का ति च रनाि ो : से िास े

कस ि

नसि ाथ [/u][/i][/blue]

[blue][b]Sthothavyathvam Disaty Bhavatee Dehibhi: Sthuyamana Thameva Thvam Anithiragaty : Sthothum aasam Samana: Siddharambha : Sakala Bhuvana Slaganeeyo Bhaveyam [u]Seva peksha Tava Charanayo: Sreyase Kasya Nasyath .[/u][/blue][/b] LINE#1 To be praised by others


[red][u] [b] Sthothavyathvam [/b]

2 3 4 5

[/red][/u] [red][u] [b] [red][u] [b] [red][u] [b] [red][u] [b]

Disaty [/b] [/red][/u] Bhavatee [/red][/u] Dehibhi:. [/red][/u] Sthuyamana. [/red][/u]

1 2 3 4 5

[red][u] [red][u] [red][u] [red][u] [red][u]

LINE#2 Thvameva [/b] [/red][/u] (Tham eva) .. you Tham [/b] [/red][/u] Such a Anithiragaty [/b] [/red][/u] One who has no other go Sthothum [/b] [/red][/u] To praise aasam Samana:. [/b] Like to try

[b] [b] [b] [b] [b]

Giving (to them ) You(respectable way of addressing ) Chetana/Achetanas (living & non living things) You being praised by others

[/red][/u] 1

LINE#3 [red][u] [b] Siddharambha [/b] [/red][/u] I’m trying toattain the goal of chanting / praising you (siddhi


[red][u] [b] Sakala + Bhuvana [/b]

means Goal Ref VSN Stanza#27) Entire universe

3 4

[/red][/u] [red][u] [b] Slaganeeyo [/b] [/red][/u] [red][u] [b] Bhaveyam. [/b] [/red][/u]

Here means praising or praised by I’ll become

1 2

LINE #4 [red][u] [b] Seva(a)peksha [/b] [/red][/u] Want to perform this kainkaryam( tamizhil “thondu seidal} [red][u] [b] Tava Charanayo: [/b] On your thiruvadi( holy feet)

3 4 5

[/red][/u] [red][u] [b] Sreyase [/b] [/red][/u] [red][u] [b] Kasya.. [/b] [/red][/u] [red][u] [b] Nasyath.. [/b] [/red][/u]

To achieve goodness/name fame etc who Why can’t they Don’t want want it?

Maha Lakshmi when chetanas ( people /living things with awareness about supreme reality) achetanas with profound devotion starts chanting praise( stuti) {to attain all the better things }this world start noticing their effort & acknowledge their bakthi and start praising them. These things happen because of you, their bakthi towards you Devi. Although I a person with limited intellect having any other go except you thiruvadi Devi , trying to the job of chanting slokams upon you, it ‘s an

0:49:44 a10/p1010/15/2008


impossible/uphill task ; I’m still trying I certainly believe you will make me do the job of praising you by your benign grace . The world will take notice about this & I will be celebrated for this effort. There is no doubt about this. Who don’t want to prostrate on your Thiruvadi(feet) ( charanagati) , to perform this kainkaryam( devoted duty) and seek all the better things?like wise I’m also trying to this. Although I don’t have the ability to sthothram(chanting praise) you but the desire* to do so will see through it and I will get all the better things. [blue]*[u]Compare[/u] In His Vishnu sahasranama Vyakyanam Varadhachari sadagopan swami ( sadagopan .org)mentions about a little kid goes to his mother & demands to have an Orange. The baby miss pronounce Orange as [b]‘Ange[/b]”,but the mother understands what her baby wants & give him the[i] orange [/i]ignoring the pronunciation mistake. Like wise Divine Mother, just see through the sincere effort put by us & not the mistakes in chanting /sthothram by us.[/blue] {This is what our Acharyan swami Vedanta Desikan implies here}

--{ …slokams….#3}---

SLOKAM # (4) [b][i][blue] ित - संकलपाद भिित कमले जनम -सतेम -पलि तत कलयनाम



[u]पूणण तेजा : सफुरित

ित दे ििनिमीशाम

जंगमा जनगामनाम

ििमनाम भिती



पाद लाका


[b][i][blue]Yat -Sankalpat Bhavati Kamale Yatra Dehinyameesham Janma-Stema-Pralaya Rachana Jangama Jangamanam Tat Kalynam Kimapy Yaminam Yeka Lakshyam Samadhou [u]Poornam Teja: Sphuraty Bhavatee Paadalaksha Rasaangam...!![/u][/b][/i][/blue]


[red][u] [b] Yat -Sankalpaad [/b]

LINE#1 ---- By which Sankalpam

2 3 4 5

[/red][/u] [red][u] [b] [red][u] [b] [red][u] [b] [red][u] [b]


1 2 3 4

[red][u] [red][u] [red][u] [red][u]

Bhavatee [/b] [/red][/u] Kamale [/red][/u] Yatra Dehini. [/red][/u Ameesham. [/red][/u]

[b] Janma- [/b] [/red][/u] [b] Stema [/b] [/red][/u] [b] Pralaya [/b] [/red][/u] [b] JangamaaJangamanam [/b]

[/red][/u] [b] [b] [b] [b] [b]

Becomes Kamala vasini –Mahalakshmi Thayar The thing which becomes HIS body Such this( sankalpam)

LINE#2 -------------

creation Protection or sustenance Eradication Moving & immobile things or knower & ignorant about HIM

1 2 3 4 5

[red][u] [red][u] [red][u] [red][u] [red][u]

Tat [/b] [/red][/u] Kalyanam [/b] [/red][/u] Kimapy [/b] [/red][/u] Yaminaam [/b] [/red][/u Eka Lakshyam [/b]


[/red][/u [red][u] [b] Samadhou [/b] [/red][/u

LINE#3 ---That ---- Auspicious incident ---- Such wonderful ---- Devotees/Rishis Single(minded) goal By meditation( samadi – in Bakthi yoga)

0:49:44 a10/p1010/15/2008 1 2 3 4

[red][u] [red][u] [red][u] [red][u]


[/red][/u] [red][u] [b] Laksha rasa.. [/b]


[b] [b] [b] [b]

Poornam [/b] [/red][/u] Teja [/b] [/red][/u] Spurati [/b] [/red][/u] Bhavati pada.. [/b]


LINE #4 ---- Ever full ---- Tejas (Baghavan’s Tejas) ---Glitering/shinig brightly --Your feet ----

Red lacquer( Lac in Hindi means Araku in Tamil-Sealing wax-

red colored substance used as a seal ) [/red][/u] [red][u] [b] Angam [/b] [/red][/u] --Part to be aimed In this stanza, our Acharyan makes us understand both Bagawan & Prarti Are supreme deity (paradevadai) to us. Devi, Maha Lakshmi. Loka Mata [i]your Husband Lord[b] SRIMAN NARAYANAN [/blue][/i] has many


 HE becomes the Antaryami of all Chetanas & achetanas (achetanan opposite of chetanan..Chetanan means one who knows about the supreme reality.)(Antar bahicha tat sarvam vyapya Narayana stita: Narayana suktam)

 By virtue of HIS sankalpam the act of Creation, protection & eradication is just like a game To HIM  By taking HIS Chest as your place of living, you never leave that place there by HE get the name Srinivasan. By moving your red lacquer (Tamizh=Sen nira alankaram= Sem Panju kuzhambu thadaviya Padangal=is it ok.correcta sollungo?) decorated feet. You are making a permanent mark on HIS chest. It further glorifies HIS beauty/appearance.[/blue]

 The Yogis, who are contemplating HIM thro the Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Set their mind (Aim) the above said (3) red marks in his chest as their aim to attain salvation & ever blissfulness. The Nitya suris enjoys the ever blissfulness by concentrating on the above marks in his Vakshasthalam 

Because of HIS kalyana gunam he’ stays as paripoornan.

 [blue] All this are possible to HIM because of your brightness (jyoti) you have taken residence in HIS Vakshasthalam, & there by glorifying HIS appearance.[b]. pl.ref (stanza #(1) Bhushayantheem Svakanthya)[/b][/blue] [red] She resides on the chest of this Paramathma engaged in many vyaparams through His Sankalpa Balam. Her foot is decorated with a radiant red lacquer dye. That rubs on the chest of the Lord, when she moves and leaves a mark of her presence. All the glories of the Lord arise from her presence on His chest and her Presence in turn is revealed by the mark of the red dye from Her Thiruvadi. The Vedantis recognize Him from that lakshanam and eulogize Him as the Supreme Being based on that revelation. She is the auspiciousness behind our Lord's auspiciousness. She is Sri and He is SrinivAsan. That is how He is recognized and revered …says the 4th Slokam.[/red] [i] [Blue]***As per the ( Vedic tradition)Vedas one has to praise the spouse’s qualities to respective betterhalf of that particular party -. In [b] Sri Suktham [/b] the Vedam glorifies / praises the qualities of SRI i.e. Maha Lakshmi to Bagawan Vishnu (- Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimachar swami.) In the same way Here our Acharyar Swami Vedanta Desikan Praises the qualities Of sriman Narayanan to Devi..Stanza#(4)!! [/blue]…

SLOKAM # (5) [blue] िनशपतिुि



दे िी

िनतिानपिम. !

0:49:44 a10/p1010/15/2008 ििशुसतिं


सेशाििचतम [u] समपधिनते


धिनदधिं अनिोनि

ििमलमनसाम िििरण


मौलििच िसि


शत ु ीनाम



[b][blue]Nishpratyuha Pranaya Gaditam Devi Nityanapayam Vishnustvam chetyanavadhi Gunam Dhvanddhavam Anyonya Lakshayam Seshash Chittam Vimalamanasam Moulayasccha Shruteenam [u]Sampadhyante Viharana Vidhou Yasya Sayya Viseshaa :[/b][/u][/blue]..!!! [red]LINE..1..[/red] 1 [blue][u] [b] Nishpratyuha [/b] Irremediable [/blue][/u] 2 [blue][u] [b] Pranaya [/b] Affection..attachment [/blue][/u] [blue][u] [b] Gaditam [/b] Bond together [/blue][/u] 3 [blue][u] [b] Devi [/b] [/blue][/u] Maha Lakshmi 4 [blue][u] [b] Nitya [/b] [/blue][/u] Constant 5 [blue][u] [b] Anapaayam. Eternal [/blue][/u] …..The bond of uninterrupted (ever-present) love between You as a pair holds You-tightly together [blue] (Nishprathyuha Pranaya gaditham)[/blue].Both of You are inseparable from each other [blue] (Nithya anapayam) [/blue]..!! [red]LINE..2..[/red] 1 [blue][u] [b] Vishnu [/b] Bagawan Vishnu [/blue][/u] 2 [blue][u] [b] Tvam cha iti[/b] you, prati [/blue][/u] 3 [blue][u] [b] Anavadhi[/b] Infinite or unlimited [/blue][/u] 4 [blue][u] [b] Gunam [/b] Merit or quality [/blue][/u] 5 [blue][u] [b] Dhvanddhavam [/b] Couple [/blue][/u] 6 [blue][u] [b] Anyonya Lakshayam One another, mutual & indicate or characterize. [/b] [/blue][/u] ….The pair represented by Yourself and Your Lord is to be known (understood) only with reference to each other…!! [red]LINE..3..[/red] 1 [blue][u] [b] Sesha [/b] [/blue][/u] Adi sheshan, 2 [blue][u] [b] chittam [/b] Mind/intelligence [/blue][/u] 3 [blue][u] [b] Vimala manasam [/b] Clean/pure & heart Manasu [/blue][/u] 4 [blue][u] [b] Moulaya chcha [/b] vedantam [/blue][/u] 5 [blue][u] [b] Shruteenam [/b] Vedas [/blue][/u] …….Both of You have special places for your mutual enjoyment. These are: (a) bed of Adhi Seshan, the pure heart of the Yogis [blue] (Vimala manasam chittha:) [/blue] and top of the Crown of the Vedams [blue] (Srutheenaam


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Moulaya:) [/blue]….!!. [red]LINE..4..[/red] [blue][u] [b] Sampadhyante [/b] These become [/blue][/u] 2 [blue][u] [b] Viharana Vidhou [/b] picnic [/blue][/u] 3 [blue][u] [b] Yasya [/b] Whose [/blue][/u] 4 [blue][u] [b] Sayya Viseshaa : [/b] Special Place of bedding [/blue][/u] …..The above mentioned three places become special places of rest & enjoyment for both of you while on Yoga nidhra…!! 1

[u]In this Stanza our Acharyan make us understand the important places where Prati Bagawan Resides.[/u]

Jaganmata you & your lord Vishnu always bound together and never leave each other.

.The bond of love between both of you never diminishes.

This bond of love between both of you is everlasting/eternal.

There is no limit to your (both Perundevi & perarulalan ) kalyana Gunams.

While introducing ,you have to be introduces as a pair like you being as[blue] “Vishnu Patni” [/blue] & my lord is to addressed as [blue] “Sriya Pati” [/blue].because both of you are inseparable.

The preferred places for you both , to enjoy & rest are (i) Adisheshan as Bed.(ii) in the clear minds/ hearts of yogis &(iii) Vedantams

You both are always taking rest over Adisheshan; the pure minded yogis are always contemplating upon you by their lotus heart (Hridya kamalam), & the shrutis (Vedangal)eternally praising your qualities(Kalyana Gunams) These are the places of rest & enjoyment for both of you while on Yoga nidhra.

…….(stanza ..#5...)…..!! .

0:49:44 a10/p1010/15/2008


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