This-online Newsletter 11

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  • December 2019
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©2008 jayadip joerg schueller


Dear Friends! Here at “The Cave” in the

time to the spiritual. Additional it helped me to dig deeper into my psychological unconsciousness to understand some roadblocks on the way to inner freedom. On 26th of September i celebrated my 27th Sannyas birthday. This was the beginning of my conscious commitment to the spiritual quest. As my body clocks 54 years i am on that journey half my life! Since a while i am not following any specific path or master. Osho and others to whom i am immensely grateful, have given me so much now i look for answers within myself. I love to call it “the end of seeking and Red Rice field near the Cave beginning of an e n d l e s s j o u rney”. Many realizations are integrating and slowly find their way into actualization. Last there was the 9th anniversary i met my Beloved. This is another milestone, which had a profound


Himalayas under the golden autumn sun the leaves are falling in tune with the global financial situation. This newsletter got a bit delayed, as this crash caught up with me while writing to you. I wish for all the crisis does not affect you too much. But fortunately the material world is not all we have. End of September holds a few of my important personal anniversaries. The first remembers the death of my mother. Her death marked a turning point in my life. After her death i could devote a lot more


impact on my life and spiritual journey. I am happy we could celebrate this day together here in the Himalayas. Right now we spend this time of our 4-month semiretreat in deepening our inner work through writing and preparations of other media forms. We are using the power of spontaneous art to discover and express spiritual treasures. Spontaneity is very close to how i understand the interaction of the Absolute with Manifestation; we enjoy the beauty and power of creative energy. I am immensely grateful to my woman for sharing and awaken in me this precious fire. For many years she has been supporting me in my seminars and retreats in Taiwan. Now i devote a big part of my time to her passion of conscious writing and art. Many things are in the making. Right now they are serving us on our inner journey, giving us a platform of understanding, where we learn from our individual authority. This is very exiting and grounding.


May and June i spend in Taiwan. It was a beautiful time. I feel Taiwan is becoming something like a second home. I love and understand the country and people each time a little more. I want to thank all friends there who supported me in their so many ways! In Germany i visited my 90year-old father. He is quiet well and fortunately still very clear in his mind. But i never know if i see him again the next time. A highlight was the meeting with my early girlfriend Doris. We had a great time to revive the 30 years back through travels, pictures and endless talks about events long past. Below enjoy the faded picture of Doris and me in the Andes of Peru. It was there, where i discovered my passion for high mountains, when i climbed (barefooted) into the thin air of the altitude close to 6000m. On this Germany trip I actually met three women of my former love relationships. With Mohani i did a beautiful revival Hiking weekend in the Alps. This reminded me of the good old times, when we walked through the Himalayas. I feel it is a beautiful gift, that we can still connect, support and enjoy each other!

With Love to all of you

Prem Jayadip

Doris and Jayadip 1980 in the Andes of Peru

Autumn Treasures in our Garden

NEW HIGHLIGHTS ON MY WEBSITE: AIM Movie: Shikha filmed during the last 5-day AIM retreat in Taiwan. When i came back to the cave in August i cut a 5:45 minute long movie from her footage, which catches the atmosphere of an AIM retreat. You can enjoy it good resolution but longer download time on my website, if you click here or on YouTube here.

WhiteUps: There are some new writings on the WriteUp Blog page. Click here to enjoy and contemplate on some spiritual plays. They originate from spontaneous writing sessions for an upcoming book. May be this inspires you to some writing of your own. Two little bites: SUDDEN AND GRADUAL AWAKENING As we know from our daily experience it

is not easy to disidentify from anything we have believed and exercised for a long time. “Old habits die hard”. A so fundamental identification like the one with the body, we have been holding since early childhood, is very difficult to erase. This belief is one of the corner stones of our personality structure. Even more difficult is it to disidentify from being this personality structure and experience us as conscious-being beyond our trained mind structures… To continued click here What is Spiritual? Many people will be able to answer more or less clear, what is body, what are feelings, what is mind out of their own experience. When we ask the question “what is spiritual” most people tend to give answers from concepts. They will talk about what they have heard from masters, gurus, religious scriptures etc.… To continued click here

AIM Retreat:

The next AIM is schedule for April 14-19, 2009 in Hsin Tzu Monastery. If you would like to organize AIM in your place in Asia contact me by e-mail here. Find previous newsletters here: 10 9,8,7,6,1-5 I am happy to receive your mails with comments on !THIS Newsletter: click here


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