This Is How I Know He Lives...

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,109
  • Pages: 2
BY DAWN EDWARDS AUGUST 14, 2009 I know that YHVH/Yeshua lives because: …Every day the Earth rotates on its axis allowing me to see the “light that governs the day” [GEN 1:16] arise on the eastern horizon! I celebrate the sovereignty of my Elohim by “working for six days” then “remembering the Sabbath Day, to keep it Holy” [EX 31: 15]. On this day I do not work, nor do I allow/cause another to work. “For in six days Elohim created the heavens and earth. And on the Seventh day he rested.” [GEN 1:31-2:3] …Every month the “the lesser light that governs the night” [GEN 1: 16] revolves around the earth; waxing and waning. With each New Moon Crescent I am reminded of being ‘born again’: “a new creation…old things have passed away.” [II COR 5:17] I honor the Creator of the Universe during Rosh Kodesh (the New Moon), by thanking Him for all of the blessings of the past month and praying for the daily bread I will need during the next duration. [EZEK 46:1-3] …Every year the plants cycle. In the first month The Barley is abib when it is white and ready for harvest! This is followed by the wheat harvest and then the fruit harvest. The fruit/seed drops to the ground, then as the days and months wear on, the plants and trees become dormant and take on the appearance of death only to be reborn with new life. The cycle begins again! “For unless a seed fall to the ground and die, it abides alone; but, if it dies, it bears much fruit.” [JOHN 12:24] I celebrate these cycles of life by keeping the “Feasts of YHVH” [LEV 23:2]: Passover – The first month is marked by the Rosh Kodesh following the sighting of the Barley ripe in the fields. On the 14th day of this month I participate in a “Holy Convocation”; eating, praising, singing. I remember the First Passover – when YHVH hovered over the homes whose “door posts and lentils” where smeared with the blood of a lamb thus commanding the Angel of Death to pass over; leaving all within alive and well! I also remember that the Lamb of YHVH who takes away the sin of the world was crucified on this day. [EX 23:14; NUM 10:10; DEUT 16:1; JOHN 1:29] Feast of Unleavened Bread – Immediately following Passover, for seven days, from the 15th to the 21st day, I eat no leaven. A reminder that our people were commanded to “eat in haste, making their bread without leaven” that they would be able to leave Egypt and their bondage to slavery quickly. [EX 12:17, 13:6, 23:15, 34:18; LEV 23:6; NUM 28:17; DEUT 16:16] It was during this feast that He Who Knew No Sin became sin and died for us. At the celebration of First Fruits when the Barley sheaves are waived before YHVH by the High Priest, Yeshua the Messiah of Israel was raised from the dead and presented Himself as a First Fruits [LEV 23:10; I COR 15:20] offering before His Father, not in a temple made by hands, but in the heavenly temple! [HEB 9:11-12] I do not allow any leaven to remain in my home during this time so that I will not be tempted to partake of it. [EX 12:19] This is my reminder that sin is like leaven causing one to be puffed up or proud [I COR 5:6-7]; a little bit leavens the whole lump/life [GAL 5:9]. On the seventh day I meet with others to remember all that YHVH has done for our people. We eat, sing, pray and laugh! Yom Teruah (Day/Feast of Trumpets) – On the first day of the seventh month, I do not work; rather I gather with other Children of Israel. [NU. 10:10] We blow the shofar and celebrate YHVH and his Glory! I look to the sky and recall that Yeshua

will return at the sound of the last trump! [1 COR 15:51-53] Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) – This is the tenth day of the seventh month – a day of rest and affliction of my soul. [LEV 16:29-30; 23: 26-29] No food, television, movies, games, marital relations – nothing in which the soul would delight. We gather and remember the atoning sacrifice of Messiah for our sins and that apart from Him we are nothing. [JN 15:5] One day there will be a final Judgment; then every knee will bow and every tongue confess, that Yeshua is YHVH. [PHIL 2:10-12] Succoth (Feast of Booths/Tabernacles) – During this seven day feast which begins on the 15th day of the seventh month, I live in a tent (either with a community of other believers or in my back yard). [LEV 23:34, DEUT 16:13 – 17] On the first day, I do not work. I rest to honor YHVH! This is my reminder that for forty years YHVH caused us to dwell in tents in the wilderness because we refused to obey and take the land which He had promised us. The very first Succoth celebration marked the completion of the Tabernacle which went with us everywhere YHVH caused us to traverse. In it was the very presence of YHVH himself! Yeshua, the Messiah, who came to Tabernacle among us, was probably born on this day; and he will come once again, riding on a white horse to reign on this earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords for a period of One Thousand Years. [REV 21:2-4] It will be then that the Third Temple will be built and we will once again give sacrifices for Thank Offerings and Peace Offerings. [EZ 43: 18-27] On the eighth day, which symbolizes a New Beginning, I again participate in a Holy Convocation. [LEV 23:36-39] This is a day of complete rest and rejoicing that He will, one day create a new heaven and a new earth; a New Jerusalem in which all of Israel will spend eternity. [IS 66:22, 2 PET 3:10-13, REV 21:1] Then there will be no need for the “light which governs the day” because the Light of the World will fully shine! [REV 21: 22-23] Every day, week, month and year is filled with evidence of the Creator: Elohim, YHVH, Yeshua: The Word Made Flesh YHVH called us to be a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy (set apart) Nation. [EX 19:6] I show Him my Faith by my works [JAMES 2: 1418] (obedience) as a living stone to be built up for a holy priesthood [1 PET 2:46]; for this, by His mercy, is my living and holy sacrifice. [ROM 12:1]

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