Things Fall Apart

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 5
Kanchanok (Sine) 1203 Peace or War Is religion making peace or making a war? Nowadays many people keep asking this question. If they look carefully into the main point of the religion, they would know that religion was made to guide people to live in peace. According to the book, “Things Fall Apart” was written by the well-known African author, Chinua Achebe. He illustrated his thought toward the religion and culture through his piece of writing. The book generally talks about the thought of the man, Okonkwo, and relationship among his family and friends. Including the change of the religion in the small village in South Africa. People in the story believe in the ancient religion. After the coming of white people, villagers began to change their religion. Consequently, the conflict was caused because of different opinion toward the religion. Christians wanted to wipe out the old traditional and culture from Africa. On the other hand, people who believe in old religion, seeing that Christianity came with the trouble. Even though they are many religion in the society, and people are all have difference opinion toward it. But religion actually provides the set of rules which shapes people to live together peacefully not a war. Ancient religion created the rules to build a peaceful among themselves. In “Things Fall Apart,” the author illustrated the religion through each activity. The villagers worship the goddess and they believe that they have every day because of them. The old generation created the rule of religion, Week of Peace, and aimed to make people be calm and stay in peace. Therefore, they claimed that this was done for honor the earth goddess, Ani, prior to the planting of the new crops for their next season and God is the person who creates live, food and peace. Thus, whatever their God ask for, they will do it because of they afraid of dying and unfortunate

events. “And that was also the year Okonkwo broke the peace and was punished, as was the custom, by Ezeani, the priest of the earth goddess.” (page 29, paragraph 1) According to the book “Things Fall Apart,” showing that this event hides the meaning of living through it. In the long terms, they wish that the next generation or even the old one can improve and live together peacefully. People can follow the theme of ‘do not harm others’ from it and it will be their habit in the future. According to the quote, the protagonist was blamed from not following the rules, intended beating his wife, which can be seen from the quote that he will not be accepted from the neighbor if he does not follow the rule of being in peace during the week of peace. Furthermore, using God as a condition for punishing and leading every person to follow the restrict. Nevertheless, Christianity also provides a lesson for their followers to live in peace, even they came after the old religion, but they have the same determination as well as the old one. Even people have various thought about the religion, but literally, the religion has taught them to live in peacefully with the others. According to the book “Things Fall Apart,” Christians invade the village after the ancient religion did and want to eliminate them. They make conflict between people who believe in Christianity and people who believe in an ancient religion. However, If we look closely to the positives of their action. Christianity provides a chance for every people to live in peace, not only the people famous and strong. Also, it gives an equality life for every people even they are men or women. On the other hand, the old religion are killing each other and detest the people who are weak or freak. In Christianity, Christians respect God and follow his path to the peaceful life. It was state that ​“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”(Matthew 5:9)​The quote simply means the peacemaker will live a happy life, since he is the son of the God. According to the quote, It implied that peace is crucial

in Christianity, and all Christians wish to be a peacemaker. Everyone in this world wish to live in a blissful life. Therefore, the way that Jesus create the path to a peaceful world is to let them making themselves become a peacemaker by their own wishes. Therefore, It can be implied that Christianity creating the path to live tranquility in the world as well as many others religion. In Buddhism, Buddha created the principles for their follower to lived tranquillity in the world. Buddhism is the popular religion that has many people follow their path. In this religion, it has basic rules for people to follow called 5 precepts. The first precept is no killing or harming other living things. Secondly, stealing, cheating, robbing or even shady dealing are not allowed. The third one is abstaining from sexual misconduct, rape or cheating. Fourth, people should avoid speaking of lies, harming others with words or any hash speech. The last precept is the biggest one, intake of drugs, intoxicant or any harmful substance should be prohibited. These precepts have been created a long time ago to conduct people to a pleasant world. It was stated that “The five basic principles for world peace have been promulgated two thousand five hundred years ago by no other sage than the Lord Gautama Buddha.”(The Five Live Basic Principles for the World Peace) According to the quote, it illustrated the benefit of following the 5 precepts in Buddhism. In the religion, there is no telling of living in peace. Instead, they provide the guideline to live together happily in the contentment society. The quote is stated that five precepts are basic rules for us, people, to stay together in this big society with no harm and war. According to the determination of each precept, for the first one, if people do not hurt each other, they will be no conflict among us. In the second precepts, taking something without the owner permission harm possessors. For the third one, sexual misconduct can also make the conflict among people. The fourth, speaking of lie damage others’ feeling. Lastly, the drug can

make people lack awareness and causing the trouble for both them and others. All of these can cause conflict among people. If we avoid these activities, we can be able to live in a better world. In Things Fall Apart, it emphasized readers about the religion that shape people to live peacefully. In addition, each religion has their own way to create the path for people to follow and make the harmony world. In “Things Fall Apart,” It used the week of peace to remind people of living in peace is important. Furthermore, Christianity gives a lesson of blissful live by making peace. In addition, Buddhism provides a set of precepts to create a peace in followers’ hearts. According to the book, it reminds that the main purpose of every religion which is to create a peace among people by stipulating principles and rules.

Reference Schools - Religion - Buddhism. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from User, S. (n.d.). Retrieved from Religion and Peacebuilding. (n.d.). Retrieved from Blessed Are the Peacemakers. (2018, December 03). Retrieved from

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