Things About Light - Lighting Therapy

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Welcome to our Nova Tips Report : The Facts About Light An Informational Gift

Written by : Suzanne McLaughlin © Orientations Nova 2005

Table of Contents Introduction ........................................................................................... The Power of Light ........................................................................................... Basic Facts Reactions to Light Light Sensitivity Sensitivity Work-chart The Explanation …………………..…………………………………..…………. Why Don’t WE Get Enough Light? Exposure Work-chart Effects of Light ........................................................................................... Influences Personal Analysis Work-chart Indoor Light Sources ………………………………………………………….……… Light Therapy Evolution ………………….…………………………..………… Types of light for therapy Bright Light Therapy Full Spectrum Light Therapy Answers About Full Spectrum Light ………….………………………..…………. How can I tell if a product is full spectrum? Are watts, lux or lumens an indication of full spectrum? Why do I see better with full spectrum light? Why do I feel better with full spectrum light? Colour Chart Full Spectrum Light & Plants? Why is full spectrum more expensive than regular fluorescent tubes? Will full spectrum fluorescent tubes hum or flicker? More information about full spectrum light Answers About Bright Light ……………………………………………..……..….. Why choose bright light therapy instead of full spectrum? Why are LEDs preferred to fluorescents for bright light therapy? Lighten Your Life ………………………………………………….……………… About the Author ………………………………………………….……………… Light Source Comparison …………………….………….…………..… eBooks Coming Soon ……………………………………………… Claim Form ………………………………………………….………….….……….... ........................................................................................................ Sizes Guide Product Brochure ………………………………………………………………….

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Introduction Everything you need to know about light before you buy! This report will help you to determine if you require light therapy products. The Facts About Light Like many other people you are questioning if light could be responsible for some of your everyday problems. You are searching for answers and are trying to understand the available research. You find a lot of information on the internet but it is often product specific, therefore confusing, because it doesn’t cover all the aspects. You hear conflicting opinions about light therapy products on radio or television shows but you still don’t know enough to make an informed decision. People across North America, interested in the light therapy products I offer on my web site, telephone me every day to ask for more information. These phone calls, over the years, have made me realize that most people are confused about choosing the right product therefore they usually buy what I recommend. I’ve assembled the questions, prepared this report and made it available to you so you too will know the facts about light before you buy any products. I love to talk with people about light and I’m always available 11 am to 8 pm (eastern) to answer any questions you may have. Please don’t hesitate to contact me. Best wishes for optimal health and happiness,

Disclaimer: the information contained in this report is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease, or to replace medical advice. Consult your health care practitioner with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.

This report is brought to you by Orientations NOVA, A registered company: Canada BN # 143 98 0449, Quebec NEQ # 2260222973 111, 2d Street East, Amos, Quebec, Canada J9T 3G9 Telephone 819-732-5343 Facsimile 819-732-7830

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The Power of Light We can’t exist without the sun; could we survive without light? Probably, but the quality of life might be very different. Basic Facts It’s a simple fact; we can’t live without the basic elements of air, water and food to sustain the body. You’ve heard over and over again about the importance of regular exercise and sufficient sleep; they are recognized essential elements necessary to improve the quality of physical health. What about light? Have you ever thought about how light impacts your everyday existence? Most of us take light for granted… it’s simply there and we don’t even consider it to be a factor of health. Research has shown that light is an important nutrient for the body! It supports physical and mental well being. I’ll get back to that statement a little later in this report, but right now I want to stop and think for a minute… does light influence me personally? My Reactions to Light The immediate answer, in my personal case, is definitively, absolutely, positively! My Sunny Story When I wake up to a beautiful sunny day there seems to be something special in the air and I feel the need to open all the windows. I can smell the sweetness of the flowers, notice the birds chirping and I go about starting my day with a weird little spring in my step. It seems more enjoyable to share breakfast with my family. I am very productive because I feel motivated to get my work finished as soon as possible so I can go outside and play with my dog.

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My Dark Story I’m way too familiar with the way I used to react to dark and cloudy days… my family painfully remembers! First of all I didn’t want to get out of bed and when I finally did I was usually irritable and generally unpleasant to be around. I’d drag myself to work and try to get through the day without quitting or getting into an argument with the boss or my co-workers. I felt lazy, confrontational and completely stressed out by the time I’d get home. The only thing I wanted to do, until bedtime, was flop down on the couch and stuff my face. We all have bad days so I never even considered that there was something missing… Light! You may have noticed that my reactions to light deprivation were emotional ones but I also suffered many physical symptoms, especially during the winter months. When my children were small I used to tell them that their mother was just like a bear… Mom needs to hibernate from October to April or she’ll growl too much. Nope, it wasn’t funny! I suffered from insomnia, headaches, food cravings and mood swings. My menstrual periods were much more difficult than usual and my energy levels were so low I couldn’t play or exercise adequately. Of course I gained weight! Light Sensitivity Everyone around me felt the effects of my light deprivation… I’m very light sensitive so when I’m light deprived my mood and my body are quick to react negatively. The good news is, as soon as I’m exposed to adequate light I feel the benefits just as quickly. You don’t have to be diagnosed with depression, seasonal affective disorder or any other disorder to suffer from light deprivation. An individual’s sensitivity to light depends on many personal factors therefore each person reacts differently. Skin colour, eye colour, race, sex, age, geographical location, lifestyle, medical history, etc. are all contributing factors in the determination of the level of intensity that light will have on a particular person. Symptoms can be as gentle as lack of concentration or as debilitating as a serious medical condition. NovaTip Light is like a fireplace; the closer you are to it the more effect there is.

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Your Reactions to Light I told you earlier about how light affected me but it is more important to realize how it affects you personally. You can learn what your body needs if you pay attention to it. Your body does talk to you, but you have to listen carefully to understand what it is trying to tell you. Try to visualize how you reacted emotionally and physically… Make a list of all the effects you experienced during a specific personal situation or use one of the following suggestions: A) A sunny spring day versus a dark winter day B) A sunny day at the beach versus a rainy day at work C) Any day that started out with sunshine and ended covered in clouds Situation: _______________________________________________________ LIGHT


NovaTip Balance is imperative… we need all of the basic (air, water, food) and essential (sleep, exercise, light) elements of physical health in balanced amounts because too much or too little of anything causes us to react negatively. More and more people are talking about the effects of light deprivation on their everyday lives so let’s take a look at how this problem developed.

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The Explanation We had the sun for daylight and we lived near campfires by night. Life used to be so simple… man has evolved and we now live in a light-deprived world! Why Don’t WE Get Enough Light? There are different explanations why a particular person doesn’t get enough light but if we take a look at the general population here are the main reasons: The Weather Mother Nature herself isn’t perfect. Sometimes the sunshine is hidden by clouds and other times it rains all day long. The summer season doesn’t last long enough and the winter season seems to be never-ending. Winter days are too short so we don’t get sufficient daylight. Life Choices Most of us work, exercise, play and relax indoors! People used to spend most of their time outdoors hunting or growing food but times and occupations have changed. Doctors don’t make house calls anymore and we can no longer pay for services with chickens. The general population usually works indoors. Lawyers, accountants, sales people, secretaries, teachers, health care providers, computer specialists and the list goes on and on. Huge buildings and skyscrapers can mean little or no access to daylight for many people. They work in basements, in windowless offices or in one large room separated by dividers. To get to work, a lot of people leave their homes early in the morning when it’s still dark outside and have to travel back home in the evening, again in the dark. Progress and development doesn’t necessarily mean a better quality of life. Things have changed even for our children. They don’t play outside enough; they’re not as physically active as they used to be. Many children now have weight and health problems at an earlier age. Sadly, most of them learn about life watching television and going to schools that don’t have adequate lighting. They play electronic games and spend a lot of time on a computer or the internet.

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We’ve replaced most of our parks with windowless gymnasiums. Athletic clubs with indoor swimming pools are preferred to polluted lakes and rivers. We love the convenience of finding everything we need inside huge shopping centers and we don’t even have to leave our homes if we have access to the internet. I think you get the idea… we simply spend too much time indoors under inadequate lighting. I’ll cover the different types of available indoor lighting in the section titled “Indoor Light Sources”. Skin Protection When we do spend time outdoors, usually during the time of day when the sun is too strong, we’ve learned to protect ourselves against skin cancer. We put on sun block or we cover ourselves with clothing. The catch… we also block out the health promoting rays of the sun. Why Don’t YOU Get Enough Light? It’s time for you to determine if you and your family are getting enough healthy light. Make a list of the different aspects of your daily activities that may have an impact on light exposure.

NovaTip All people, plants and pets need healthy light everyday!

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Effects of Light Light influences our health, our children and the economy. Light revitalizes general health! It permits us to: see clearly and feel great physically and mentally. Influences Studies compiled in schools have shown that children definitely react positively to light. Reduced hyperactivity and aggression, improved cooperation, higher test scores, fewer absences due to illnesses and fewer dental cavities are the major benefits documented in these reports. You can read the research for yourself on my web site at (See: Studies in Schools) Natural light increases better visual acuity, provides excellent colour matching and reduces energy use 30-60%. In turn, productivity improves and sales increase (average 40%). That’s good for the economy! The research is also available on my web site at /productivity.htm (See: Productivity Study) Light promotes health and alleviates symptoms caused by various medical conditions. The following table indicates only some of the situations where light positively influences the mind and body. Alleviates symptoms: Seasonal affective Disorder (SAD) Non-seasonal major depression Postpartum depression Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) Pre-menopause Osteoporosis Mood / Anxiety disorders Sleep disorders Bipolar disorders Immune disorders ADD / ADHD Anorexia / Bulimia nervosa Alzheimer’s disease Alcoholism …

Promotes health: Calcium absorption Immune system function Cardiac output Circadian rhythm Cholesterol levels Blood pressure Visual acuity …

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There are many articles of research that you may consult on my web site at /health_and_light.htm (See: Studies on Health and Light) Personal Analysis Chart The following chart is provided to assist you in determining if you could benefit from more light. Just put a checkmark beside the symptoms that may apply. Symptoms Stress Irritability Anxiety/Tension Hyperactive Migraines Fatigue Mood swings Low energy Distraction Difficulty concentrating Low productivity Sadness Depression Social withdrawal Food cravings Reduced libido Sleep problems Situations Shift work Housebound/shut-in Frequent travel (jet lag) Other





Check the table on the previous page under “Alleviates Symptoms”. If anyone suffers from one of the medical conditions listed, write it under the section “Other”.

NovaTip Light doesn’t cure disease but it directly impacts the quality of life! Consult your health care practitioner with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.

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Indoor Light Sources As man evolved he spent less time outdoors and needed to develop artificial light sources for his new life indoors. We can understand exactly what our choices are today by briefly looking at a few artificial light sources. Our Choices When we talk about light we generally mean the visible energy that we can sense or see with the human eye. Light is believed to travel in straight lines and it is absorbed, reflected or transmitted when it strikes a surface. In this section, the term “lamp” refers to the complete light source package including the inner parts as well as the outer bulb or tube. All artificial light sources are not created equal. Some produce full spectrum light and others produce a partial or a distorted spectrum of light. Incandescent lamps are well known by everyone and are used everywhere. The light bulbs we use in our homes, stores and businesses are often the standard incandescent screw-in type. Electric current passes through a thin filament wire (usually of tungsten) that heat up to produce the light. Halogen lamps are high-pressure incandescent lamps containing halogen gases such as iodine or bromine, which allow the filaments to be operated at higher temperatures and higher efficacies. At high-temperatures, chemical reaction involving tungsten and the halogen gas recycles evaporated particles of tungsten back onto the filament surface. Fluorescent lamps are high efficiency lamps utilizing an electric discharge through low-pressure mercury vapour to produce invisible ultraviolet (UV) energy. The UV excites phosphor materials applied as a thin layer on the inside of a glass tube, which makes up the structure of the lamp. The phosphors transform the UV to visible light. Compact fluorescent is a general term applied to families of smaller diameter fluorescent lamps. Some compact fluorescent lamps have built-in ballasts and medium screw bases therefore they can easily replace incandescent lamps.

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Full spectrum lamps are fluorescent lamps or compact fluorescent lamps that contain advanced rare earth phosphors. A rating of 90 CRI (or higher) and 5000K (or higher) is necessary to be considered full spectrum. Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits light when electrically biased in the forward direction. This effect is a form of electroluminescence. The colour depends on the semi conducting material used. They use 1/10th the power of an equivalent incandescent bulb and generate virtually no heat. I have provided you with a chart to point out the advantages and disadvantages of each type of artificial indoor light sources that I just indicated. You can find it at the end of this report. See “Light Source Comparison”

---------- Summary ---------This report, so far, has looked at: “The Power of Light” to take notice of our reactions; “The Explanation” to see the impact on our daily lives; “Effects of Light” to analyse our personal needs; and “Indoor Light Sources” to compare standard products. If you haven’t already filled in the work-charts made available to you in the different sections I’ve covered so far… this would be a good time to do so. Once completed, they will help you to determine if more light could make a difference in your life. The next section will report on the different types of light therapy. It will provide you with the necessary details to help you choose products that are beneficial to your specific needs.

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Light Therapy Evolution Everything you need to know before you choose a product… There are two distinct types of artificial light products that are beneficial: Bright light and Full Spectrum light Light therapy research has been conducted for over 20 years. It has been shown to be perfectly safe, and often more effective than drug therapy. Light therapy has no serious side effects and none of the lingering long-term health questions that plague drug therapy. For many years light has been therapeutically useful in the treatment of Seasonal Affective Disorder, winter depression and many other disorders. Types of light for therapy Bright Light Therapy A.K.A.: hi lux light therapy

Full Spectrum Light Therapy A.K.A.: gentle light therapy

Common names*: intense light, broad spectrum light

Common names*: colour corrected light, daylight, soft white light, rainbow light…

Origin: The first successful type of light therapy offered to people looking for relief was bright light. Very bright 10 000 lux fluorescent tubes were installed in devices known as light boxes or light therapy lamps.

Origin: The second successful type of light to be developed and introduced to people for light therapy was full spectrum light. This gentler light therapy was also made available in light boxes or light therapy lamps.

This type of light was shown to be helpful to people searching for relief from depression and seasonal affective disorder.

This type of light was shown to be beneficial to general health and also provided relief from depression, seasonal affective disorder and many other medical disorders.

People who used this traditional bright light therapy criticized the length of time of exposure People can use full spectrum light safely all day necessary to get results. Some people needed without causing any negative side effects or to spend 2 to 3 hours a day and some sleep problems. complained of difficulties getting to sleep at night. * Be aware, the common names indicated above are misleading terms. They are often used to describe products inaccurately.

Today, both types of light therapy products have evolved… they are beneficial even if you aren’t sick or suffering.

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Bright Light Evolved You don’t need 10 000 lux of brightness anymore! New research has shown that it is not only about “lux” and raw spectral energy. It is about selecting the proper shorter wavelength and the effect of that light on the human circadian rhythm. Bright blue light in the 446-477 nanometer range or bright white light that peaks in the blue wavelength suppresses melatonin and raises serotonin quickly. This combination of bright light at the appropriate wavelength produces desired results with maximum efficiency so you many feel better faster. Only 15 to 30 minutes or less in front of this specific blue wavelength is as beneficial as 1 to 2 hours in front of a 10 000 lux traditional bright light. See the section titled “Answers About Bright Light” to learn more details. New technologies have improved bright light therapy products. They are more efficient, economical and practical. They are also extremely compact, durable, lightweight and portable. People can feel better faster and save money. Bright light therapy products should not be used as general lighting fixtures. They should not be used all day in order to avoid possible side effects like hyperactivity or sleep problems. Bright light alleviates symptoms caused by seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression, irritability, sleep disorders, winter blues, social withdrawal, fatigue, sadness, reduced libido, difficulty concentrating, carbohydrate cravings and jet lag but research has shown it to also be beneficial for various circadian rhythm sleep disorders, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), bulimia nervosa, Alzheimer's disease (through regulation of sleep patterns) and non-seasonal major depression...the research is ongoing. The ideal choice for people who want shorter daily treatment times and faster results (melatonin suppression).

Full Spectrum Light Evolved You don’t need a heavy light box for light therapy anymore! You don’t need to spend time sitting in front of a light therapy device anymore! Research has shown that light does not need to be extremely bright to be effective if the light source contains balanced full spectrum. Be aware of imitations with partial or distorted spectrums. Balanced full spectrum light is indoor sunshine; it looks like natural daylight. It contains all of the colours of a rainbow balanced in the same proportions as the sun including trace amounts of beneficial UVA & UVB. See the section titled “Answers About Full Spectrum Light” to learn more details. Improved phosphors and enhanced frequencies have given us superior indoor lighting choices. These new balanced full spectrum light products are beneficial, affordable and available for everyday use in homes, schools and offices or businesses. People can see better, feel better and enjoy brighter days. It's beneficial to all people, plants and pets. Full spectrum light products may be used for therapy and for general lighting. They build health and can be used safely all day without negative side effects. Full spectrum light alleviates symptoms caused by seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression, irritability, sleep disorders, winter blues, social withdrawal, fatigue, sadness, reduced libido, jet lag, difficulty concentrating, carbohydrate cravings, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), postpartum depression and menopause but it's also effective in improving a variety of other health concerns. (Visual acuity, calcium absorption, immune system function, cardiac output, cholesterol levels, blood pressure...) The perfect choice for people who want to light their surroundings with a brighter, more pleasant and natural type of light; to see better, to observe true colours and to obtain maximum health benefits.

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Bright Light Products Light emitting diode (LED) technology brings us bright white light that peaks in the blue wavelength (at around 460 nanometers) for maximum efficiency. See The Litebook Elite Treatment “bright light therapy” When: Optimally, first thing in the morning, as early as convenient. Therapy can be done while reading, eating, applying makeup, or working at a computer or desk. Typical usage time: 15-60 minutes a day. Start with 15 minutes the first day and add 5 more minutes the next day, etc. until you identify the number of daily total minutes your body requires. You will recognize when you've received a sufficient light treatment - most often by feeling of heightened alertness, energy, and/or mood. Position: approximately 12-24 inches (3060cm) from your face, and should be offset slightly from center to reduce glare. The light must be directed at your eyes, and your eyes must be open to achieve benefit. Please do not look at or stare directly at the bright light! Side effects: Occasional mild side-effects may occur, including headaches, a 'stinging' sensation in the eyes, and on rare occasions, nausea. Generally, these are due to the body's adjustment to the light, and should disappear after a few days. On rare occasions (1% of users) mania may be induced, typically from overuse. If these side-effects or any other adverse effects not listed, do not resolve after three days, discontinue use and consult your health care provider. Do not use : if you have a history of eye disease including, but not limited to, cataracts and macular degeneration, have undergone laser corrective eye surgery in the past 30 days, or if you are currently taking any medications including certain antibiotics which render you photosensitive (extremely sensitive to light). Please consult your ophthalmologist or health care provider if you have any concerns about the use of bright light therapy.

Full Spectrum Light Products S See Indoor Sunshine Energy-saving full spectrum compact fluorescent spiral light bulbs (screw-in) 48” Full spectrum fluorescent tubes Treatment “gentle light therapy” When: Anytime of the day of night. You don’t have to take time out of your busy day for therapy. Just turn on the light switch and go about your normal activities. Typical usage time: Full spectrum light builds health gradually and the effects are cumulative. It can be used safely all day without negative side effects. Position: Everywhere and anywhere you want. It is effective from any distance you prefer. It’s best to place the light wherever you spend the most of your time. For optimal health benefits don’t completely enclose the light inside a fixture. A lamp with a lamp shade is fine because the light escapes through the top and bottom of the lamp shade. A glass bell shaped fixture with the opening towards the ceiling or towards the floor is also fine. Just remember, if the light cannot get through because of a glass or plastic covering you’ll see better but you won’t benefit from all the health promoting wavelengths of full spectrum. Side effects: On rare occasions, when the light is positioned too close to the body, mild side-effects like headaches, a 'stinging' sensation in the eyes, or mild nausea may occur. If you simply position the light a little further away from you, these symptoms should disappear. The light is gentle and more natural but it is still bright so please do not stare directly at the light! Do not use: Full spectrum light is the best indoor lighting for people, plants and pets. There are no known circumstances when or where it cannot be used. Please consult your health care provider if you have any concerns about the use of full spectrum light therapy.

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Answers About Full Spectrum Light What information do you need before buying a full spectrum light product? There are a lot of products on the market that claim to be full spectrum light products but you don’t know how to tell the difference… How can I tell if a product is full spectrum? Start by verifying the full spectrum rating of the product… The full spectrum rating is designated by two factors: Natural Outdoor Considered Full Factor Sunlight (noon) Spectrum Light CRI 100 90 + K 5000-5500 5000 + Although there are no legal guidelines, 5000 degrees Kelvin (or higher) and 90 CRI (or higher) is considered full spectrum.

CRI: Colour Rendering Index tells us how the colours appear under artificial light versus sunlight. This is an international system that rates colour rendering on an index from 0-100. The sun is 100 CRI. An incandescent light bulb at 40 CRI shows only 40% of true colours. The higher, the better colours appear: Full spectrum fluorescent Cool white fluorescent Warm white fluorescent Standard incandescent bulb

90 CRI minimum 68 CRI 56 CRI 40 CRI

Once you have determined that a product is rated at 90 CRI or higher you must also find out if the colour temperature meets the minimum requirement of 5000 K. K: Kelvin Colour Temperature Scale refers to the quality of light emanating from an artificial light source. This is used to describe colour temperature, not heat. The light from a 4000K tube looks yellowish while at 5000K it appears natural white and at 6000K it becomes a bluish-white. Typical K ratings are: Full spectrum fluorescent Cool white or SP41 fluorescent Halogen Incandescent

5000K minimum 4100K 3000K 2800K

Before you buy light products, make sure that you know the ratings for both CRI and Kelvin. You don’t want to be disappointed when you turn on the light! NovaTip Both criteria are necessary to obtain health benefits! We insist that all of our full spectrum light products are above and beyond these minimum requirements.

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Are watts, lux or lumens an indication of full spectrum? No! Watts refers to the energy used to produce light. It has nothing to do with light quality! Lux or lumens generally refers to intensity. The higher, the brighter. Full spectrum light doesn’t need to be extremely bright to be effective so you can choose the desired brightness according to the surface you need to light. Why do I see better with full spectrum light? Shows true colours: The reason you can see better with full spectrum light is because of its high CRI or colour rendering index. If you look at colours under natural sunlight, their CRI is 100… when you look at the same colours under artificial light their CRI may be 40 CRI in the case of some incandescent bulbs. It’s like seeing only 40% of the true colours. In the case of most cool white fluorescent tubes the CRI may be 68 so you’re only seeing 68% of the true colours. Promotes better vision: Balanced full spectrum light activates 80% more of the cells in your eyes which promotes better vision. It also provides a brighter, more pleasant and natural type of light. Standard incandescent light bulbs provide only a partial spectrum; this causes us our eyes to become irritated and we tire more quickly. Why do I feel better with full spectrum light? The answer is colour balance. When we’re indoors under light that is mostly yellow-orange our bodies do not function efficiently. Too much of these colours raises our adrenaline and stresses our body…our eyes tire more quickly and we become more irritable, less cooperative and less productive because of lost concentration. We need all the different colours because: Every colour causes a different response in the body; Each system and organ in our body utilizes different colours; Each colour is necessary for the proper metabolism of each element or nutrient that the body uses.

We need ALL the colours for full health, in the same balance that the sun has. Just like everything else in life… sleep; nutrition, play & exercise… light must also be balanced. Too much or too little of any colour can give us problems. The following chart shows how we react to the different colours.

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Colour Chart Spectrum




Invisible heat

Muscular pain


Foundation, family issues

Adrenals, kidneys, base Spontaneous, active, courageous of spine, spinal column, legs


Creation, reproduction

Sacral, reproductive organs, spleen

Sensuality, passion, hospitable



Solar plexus, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, stomach, nervous system

Logic, humour, efficiency, will/personal power



Heart, circulation, thymus, hands, arms

Unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, nurturing


Peacefulness, verbal expression

Throat, thyroid, parathyroid, lungs, mouth. Raises serotonin levels.

Verbal and artistic expression, integrity, clear communication, honesty, loyalty, peace, gentleness


Concentration, Pituitary, left eye, sinus, Intuition, focus, insight, imagination, devotion, inspiration nose, ears vigilance, clear thinking, calm, peace of mind



Pineal, cerebral cortex, right eye, central nervous system


Invisible UVA & UVB

Central nervous system, the unseen energies around us which affect us positively, such as the cholesterol, Vitamin D3, calcium absorption and reduced risk of cancer

Universal love, spiritual motivation, understanding, selfless service, physical, mental and spiritual harmony, unity

NovaTip Full spectrum light, balanced like natural daylight at noon when we are most biologically active, contains ALL the colours of the rainbow that we need for optimal health.

Full Spectrum Light & Plants? Light products have been made available for years to help gardeners grow their indoor plants. Different colours have different effects on plants: Blue and Ultraviolet stimulates the growth of roots and leaves; Red and Infrared stimulates bud development; Pink causes accelerate growth but it also shortens the plant’s life span. A greenhouse gives plants all the colours of light but the glass blocks the helpful ultraviolet from the plants. One-coloured light bulbs or tubes can’t give your indoor plants everything they need. For the strongest and healthiest plants use balanced full spectrum light; it contains ALL the colours of the rainbow. Why is full spectrum more expensive than regular fluorescent tubes? Well, you get what you pay for! Fluorescent tubes contain phosphors. It costs $2 to $3 per kilo to manufacture the phosphors for a regular fluorescent tube. Full spectrum fluorescent tubes contain rare earth phosphors. They cost $200 to $300 per kilo. The more the spectrum is balanced the more the process is expensive. The higher the quality of the phosphors, the higher the health benefits! It’s very important to understand that all light sources are not created equal and you cannot tell the quality of a light just by looking at it. Appearance may be deceiving! NovaTip Before buying, ask the salesperson for the CRI and K ratings of the product. If they don’t know or can’t find the answer, the product is probably NOT full spectrum!

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Will full spectrum fluorescent tubes hum or flicker? Possibly! The tubes themselves are NOT responsible for the annoying humming and irritating flickering; the culprit is the ballast that regulates power to the tubes! Magnetic ballasts operate at 60Hz or cycles per second, resulting in a barely perceptible flicker and a noticeable hum. The flickering light increases stress hormones produced by adrenals and the hum is quite annoying. Many people dislike fluorescent lights because of the negative side effects produced by magnetic ballasts. About 25% of the population is sensitive to ballast flicker and hum and actually can become physically ill, with symptoms such as headaches, nausea, itching and burning eyes, tension, eye fatigue and general fatigue. Electronic ballasts are now available with high frequency cycling which effectively eliminates all flicker and hum, removing associated health concerns. The advantages of electronic ballasts are indicated on my web site at (See: Electronic Ballasts) More information about full spectrum light: I have made other documents available to you at the end of this report: See: Product brochure… images and general description of products. See: Sizes guide… spiral bulb and tube sizes If you have more questions, you can read the Frequently Asked Questions on our web site at /faqs.htm (See: Research & FAQs) And there are many interesting articles at /health_and_light.htm (See: Studies on Health and Light)

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Answers About Bright Light What information do you need before buying a bright light device? There are many products on the market that offer bright light therapy… Why choose bright light therapy instead of full spectrum? The choice between bright or full spectrum light therapy depends entirely on your needs… some people need both. People generally look for bright light therapy devices when they are personally affected by symptoms caused by light deprivation. If you prefer a structured daily light therapy routine with shorter treatments; If you need a portable device to bring with you wherever you travel; If you want fast results; then bright light therapy is the ideal choice for you. It is important to establish a daily routine for effective bright light therapy. A person must be exposed, preferably as early as convenient each morning. Try to repeat treatment at the same time everyday, for the best results. Therapy can be done while reading, eating, applying makeup or working but only for limited time. Bright light devices are used to wake up fully and quickly in the morning… until you get the boost you need; they should not be used for general lighting.

NovaTip For maximum health benefits, with bright light therapy products, I always recommend adding full spectrum compact fluorescent spiral bulbs or tubes to light the rest of your day!

People choose full spectrum light therapy products when they expect more… they want to take advantage of multiple health benefits and they want a brighter, more pleasant and natural type of light that will help them to see better, observe true colours and enjoy healthier general lighting. If you have a family and are looking for light benefits for everyone; If you don’t have time to put aside each day for a structured light therapy routine; If you’re living or working in dark environments; If you have indoor plants and pets that need more light; If you’re looking for relief from symptoms caused by light deprivation; then gentle full spectrum light therapy is the perfect choice for you. Full spectrum light will slowly give you same results as bright light therapy. Even though its effects are gradual, it provides many other health benefits. It revitalizes general health with simple practical products. Just turn on the light switch and go about your normal activities.

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Why are LEDs preferred to fluorescents for bright light therapy? LEDs deliver a sharply focused, very narrow beam of light. By specifying the appropriate wavelength, one can control the nature of the treatment. On the other hand, fluorescent tubes were designed to illuminate rooms, flooding the space indiscriminately. Clearly, a fluorescent produces more light energy within the visible spectrum. While this is useful for illuminating workspaces, much of the light produced is ineffective for the suppression of melatonin. Recent research has shown it is not the overall intensity of a bright light device, but rather the bright light at the appropriate wavelength that produces desired results. Bright blue light in the 446-477 nanometer range or bright white light that peaks in the blue wavelength suppresses melatonin and raises serotonin quickly. This combination of bright light at the appropriate wavelength produces desired results with maximum efficiency so you many feel better faster. Only 15 to 30 minutes or less in front of this specific blue wavelength is as beneficial as 1 to 2 hours in front of a 10 000 lux traditional fluorescent bright light. A 10 000 lux fluorescent tube at a distance of 50 cm has plenty of power, but mostly in the ‘wrong’ wavelength for therapeutic treatment. Much of the energy produced by the fluorescent light is wasted with regard to the suppression of melatonin. LEDs that deliver the appropriate wavelength provide shorter treatment times so you feel better faster. LEDs use less electricity, generate virtually no heat, reduce energy costs and last longer so you save money, energy and safeguard the environment. LEDs are found in compact, lightweight and simple to operate devices. They are portable and convenient so they can be used anywhere, anytime. NovaTip If you decide to purchase a bright light therapy device make sure it provides bright light in the 446-477 nanometer range… you want the appropriate wavelength to get results! Your doctor may want to prescribe a bright light therapy device for you if you have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or depressive/anxiety conditions. Your insurance company may or may not cover it for you. It depends on your particular policy. If you wish you may print out the claim form, available at the end of this report, to take it to your health care provider.

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Lighten Your Life You have discovered your personal light needs… You have the answers to the most popular light questions… You can now make an informed decision… You have come to the end of my report and I hope the information has been useful to you. You may have more specific questions and it would be my pleasure to answer them. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance. Please visit our web site and browse the healthy indoor light products we offer today. Just scroll down to the middle of the page and click on the desired product’s picture… you will then be able to learn all the details pertaining to the specific product. Any comments or suggestions pertaining to this Nova Tips Report, our web site or our products would be greatly appreciated. Please email them to: [email protected] Projects in development… See "eBooks Coming Soon" for details If you want us to contact you as soon as a new product becomes available, click on our "add my email" button. It will open your email software; all you'll need to do is choose SEND. We will inform you when and where you can find the new product.

Your email address will be kept confidential and will not be used for any other purpose except to inform you of the availability of our new products.

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About the Author! Suzanne McLaughlin, The First 50 Years Life is a gift to be treasured and enjoyed every single day! Childhood Suzanne was a military brat, exposed to different cultures and at a very young age, learned that change could be interesting and full of rewarding challenges. She experienced France, Germany and Canada before the age of 10. She was a physically and intellectually active child who loved school and flourished under a structured regiment of classical ballet, tap dancing, figure skating, brownies, majorettes and competitive swimming. Teenage Years Suzanne started off high school on the right foot. She was a cheerleader, the class president, an assistant librarian and she excelled in organizing school activities. Then, she discovered boys, lost interest in her studies and preferred to hang out with her new friends... she learned to speak french! Suzanne dropped out of school, left home and became a retail cashier at the age of 16, married at 18 and became the proud mother of twin girls at 21. Young Adult Raising twins while working mostly at entry level office jobs; life was emotionally and financially difficult. Finally, someone recognized her bilingualism as an asset and gave her a chance at on-the-job training. She learned skills in credit management and bookkeeping. Liberated by divorce at the age of 24, Suzanne looked back on her youth and started to dance again. Her employment was stable, her children were thriving and she developed self-confidence. Then, life changed dramatically…

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Adult Determined to become a dance teacher, Suzanne studied classical and contemporary dance, evenings and weekends, but she needed a dance partner for her ballroom instructor qualifying exams. Destiny provided her with a talented and passionate dance partner; together they founded a regional multi-discipline dance academy. They were married 7 years later and are still happily together after 25 years. Suzanne enjoyed the life of artistic direction, producing dance recitals, creating choreographies, teaching and performing but after 10 years her body forced her to reflect about the future. It was time to retire from the world of dance... and go back to school! When her daughters were about to start high school, Suzanne was accepted into the University of Quebec’s Sciences of Accounting program. A roll of the dice… pass go, do not finish high school, jump over college and because of pertinent work experience go directly into the undergraduate program for 3 years. She moved the family and with her husband’s love and support she achieved her goal. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree of Business Administration, BBA, and went on to obtain her federal and provincial licenses with the professional designation of Certified General Account, CGA. Suzanne’s career as an expertaccountant for multi-national companies was both challenging and rewarding for many years. She retired from the profession in 2001. Mature Adult Unable to remain inactive, Suzanne needed a new passion. She proceeded to learn everything she could about the internet and she researched various aspects of optimal health. Her studies drove her to write about her findings and experiences; she wanted to share this information over the internet. In 2001, Suzanne created, Orientations Nova, an online business to promote and sell her eBooks and her healthy indoor full spectrum lighting products all across North American. She started publishing and offering her Nova Tips eBooks in 2005. Suzanne lives in north-western Quebec with her beloved husband and her precious puppies, Sam & Jess. She is blessed with five wonderful grandchildren and she looks forward to what the next 50 years will bring.

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eBooks Coming Soon

Author: Suzanne McLaughlin I have been working on this eBook project (during my spare time) and it is almost ready. Enjoying a long, prosperous and happy life is Optimal Wealth and it’s acquired by consciously balancing three interdependent components. Physical health + Mental health + Financial health = Optimal Wealth. I have developed a simple program named 2B Alive. It demonstrates how Balance 4 Life can assist in achieving Optimal Wealth. The program will cover the basic and essential elements of each component. It also provides choices and guides to help accomplish personal goals… Here are some of the elements of the program: nutrition, sleep, health care (exercise & body care), goals, time controls, stress controls, financial planning, organizing and implementing, home business, retirement, and much more. It will be a FREE downloadable GIFT offered to all of our customers. This eBook will be advertised on our web site as soon as it is completed. Check often at

Author: Gilles Dionne This project is the accumulation of 30 years of practical experience in teaching physical fitness and wellness programs. My husband has developed a series of original exercise programs that are beneficial, simple to follow, and easy to do. There will be downloadable eBooks with audio and video files made available to facilitate your success. Sorry, 2B Alive… Exercise 4 Life, downloadable eBooks will not be free… they will be practical and affordable. These eBooks will be advertised on our web site as soon as each program is completed. Check often at

Justification of Purchase of Durable Medical Equipment Claimant:

______________________________________ SSN:



______________________________________ Phone:





__________________________ Province: __________ Postal code: ___________



Policy #:

_________________ Group # __________________

Medical Device: THERAPEUTIC LIGHT DEVICE - HCPC Code E-1399 (Miscellaneous) ______ Bright Light Therapy Device ______ Full Spectrum Light Therapy Device Diagnosis: ______ DSM IV 296.90 Mood Disorder, NOS (not otherwise specified) with seasonal pattern specifier. Essential feature is the onset and remission of major depressive episodes at characteristic times of the year. Used for Seasonal Affective Disorder. ______ DSM IV 296.3 Major Depression, Recurrent ______ DSM IV 296.4 Bipolar Disorder, Manic (Use full spectrum with manic individuals) ______ DSM IV 296.5 Bipolar Disorder, Depressed ______ DSM IV 296.6 Bipolar Disorder, Mixed (Use full spectrum with manic individuals) ______ DSM IV 296.7 Bipolar Affective Disorder Unspecified ______ DSM IV 296.80 Bipolar Disorder, NOS (not otherwise specified) ______ DSM IV 296.89 Bipolar II ______ DSM IV 300.21 Agoraphobia Used for housebound individuals. ______ DSM IV 311.00 Depressive Disorder, NOS (not otherwise specified) ______ DSM IV 314.00 ADD and ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive without hyperactivity ______ DSM IV 314.01 ADD and ADHD, Combined with hyperactivity ______ _____________ _____________________________________________________________ Physician:

_____________________________________ License #:


_____________________________________ Office Phone: __________________


_____________________ Province: ________ Postal code: __________________




Date: __________________

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I certify that the above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I request that benefits be directly paid to

the claimant


□ the insured

Claimant Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________ Signature of Insured: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ TO THE CLAIMANT: Please have your physician fill out the top portion first, then complete the bottom portion and mail to your insurer with a copy of the sales receipt/invoice.

Fluorescent Tube Sizes Diameter

1" 1 ¼" 1½" T-8



Indoor Sunshine Spiral Bulb Sizes H = total height of bulb + ballast B= width of ballast 3-Way 20/23/30 watts H : 6.9" B : 2.3"

30 watts H : 5.5" B : 2.2"

25 watts H : 5.5" B : 2.05"

15 watts H : 5" B : 1.55"

Frequently Asked Questions Q: Do I need bright or gentle light therapy? A: That depends entirely on your needs… Bright light therapy is intense light that you position at arms length for a limited amount of time until it gives you a boost and you feel energized. It should NOT be used all day in order to avoid side effects like hyperactivity or sleep problems. Bright light should be a combination of intense light in the 446-477nm wavelengths. Recent research has shown that it is NOT the overall intensity of a powerful 10 000 lux device, but rather the bright light at the appropriate wavelength that produces desired results (melatonin suppression) efficiently. Gentle light therapy is full spectrum light placed everywhere you want and is effective from any distance you prefer. It builds health and can be used safely all day without negative side effects. Full spectrum light must closely reproduce daylight with the same colour balance as sunshine at noon. If it contains all the beautiful wavelengths of colour in its light that a rainbow does, in the same proportions, full spectrum light is like natural daylight. Q: How can I tell if a product is full spectrum? A: The light should be rated above 90 CRI and 5000K to be called full spectrum. Both criteria are necessary to obtain health benefits! We insist that all of our full spectrum light products are above and beyond these minimum requirements. Q: What does CRI and K mean? A: CRI = Colour rendering index or how colours appear under artificial light versus sunlight. The sun is 100 CRI. An incandescent light bulb at 40 CRI shows only 40% of true colours. K = Kelvin temperature and refers to the quality of artificial light. The light from a 4000K tube looks yellowish while at 5000K it appears natural white and at 6000K it becomes a bluish-white. Q: What about watts, lux or lumens? A: Watts refers to the energy used to produce light. It has nothing to do with light quality! Lux or lumens generally refers to intensity. The higher, the brighter. Full spectrum light doesn’t need to be extremely bright to be effective so you can choose the desired brightness according to the surface you need to light. Bright light requires only 2 500+ lux to be effective if it is in the proper wavelength. Note: 10 000 lux fluorescent tubes, in light boxes was the first successful type of bright therapy offered to people looking for relief. People criticize the length of time they have to be exposed to the light to get results. Light alleviates symptoms caused by anxiety, stress, tension, depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), irritability, sleep disorders, winter blues, social withdrawal, fatigue, sadness, reduced libido, jet lag, bulimia nervosa, bipolar disorder, ADD/ADHD, pre-menstrual syndrome ...



℡ 1-819-732-5343 ¬ 1-819-732-7830 Your Canadian supplier of healthy indoor lights

111, 2d Street East, Amos, Quebec, Canada J9T 3G9 [email protected]

Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 11 am to 8 pm (eastern)

Healthy Indoor Lighting! We live in a light-deprived world… we simply don’t spend enough time outside!

We all know how good we feel and how well we sleep after spending time outdoors but most of us work, exercise, play and relax indoors under inadequate light. Winter days are shorter and darker making it even more difficult to get that healthy light from the sun. Insufficient light can lead to low energy, irritability, difficulty concentrating and trouble sleeping. Research has shown that light deprivation is responsible for various medical problems therefore in order to maintain better health we need to find indoor light alternatives. Light therapy has evolved… Today, health building gentle light therapy products with full spectrum light are beneficial, affordable and available for everyday use in homes, schools and offices or businesses. You don’t have to take time out of your busy day to use them. Just turn on the light switch and go about your normal activities. Light bulbs and tubes with full spectrum light can help you to see better, feel better and enjoy brighter days. Beneficial to all people, plants & pets, balanced full spectrum light is effective but gentle therefore it can be used safely all day! New technologies have improved bright light therapy for people searching for relief from depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), winter blues, etc. The latest products with bright light are more efficient, economical and practical. They are also extremely compact, durable, lightweight and portable. In most cases only 15 to 30 minutes per day is required for this new light to be helpful. You can feel better faster and save money too. Usable anywhere, anytime… you can read, write, work on the computer, watch TV, eat, put on make-up… while using these wonderful bright light therapy devices. Products *Full Spectrum, Gentle Light Therapy*

The perfect choice for people who want: to light their surroundings with a brighter, more pleasant and natural type of light; to see better and to observe true colours; to obtain maximum health benefits from healthy indoor lighting.

seulement ceux brillants

Visit us: Contact us: 1-866 566-6682 toll free or 819 732-5343

* Luminothérapie Brillante * *Bright Light Therapy* La recherche démontre que la lumière bleue

Le choix idéal pour des gens qui préfèrent une période de

*New* Research that blue wavelengths in the 446-477nm réduit lashows mélatonine et augmente la 446-477 nm range melatonin raises sérotonine en 15 à 30suppresses minutes au lieu de 1 à 2and heures avec serotonin in 15-30 minutes, instead of the 1-2 hours la lumière brillante traditionnelle. with traditional bright light. traitement plus courte et des résultats! The ideal choice for people who want shorter treatment times andBL: faster results! *Nouveau * Tube double fluorescent un côté bleu brillant et un côté blanc brillant.

Light Emitting Diodes: our patented *Nouveau * Culminant dans unea combinaison unique des LED technology produces specific longueurs d’ondes bleue et verte, nos diodes électrolumicombination of blue and green wavenescentes, DEL, émettent une lumière lengths resulting in an efficient andétonnamment blanche brillante. astonishing bright white light.

A new generation of light therapy: Hand-held portable device, patented LED technology, no UV, very low heat, uses only 2.5 watts,

The Litebook® Elite™

Appareils de Luminothérapie Bright Light Therapy Device Le Litebook® elite™ Léger 8 oz. (225g), Compact 5” x 5” x 1’’ (12.5x12.5x2.5cm) Utilise 2.5 watts pour alimenter les DEL. Minuterie à 4 niveaux: 15-30-45-60 minutes.

Le premier appareil au monde, de durable, luminothérapie safe, and brillante, qui se loge dans une main... simple Sécuritaire, durable et facile à to operate. utiliser. Fonctionne avec la batterie rechargeable intégrée ou l’adaptateur 120-240v AC (inclus). Usage typique: 15-30 New & Improved La Features: lumière qu’il vous faut…chaque jour! min./jour!

* Lower price; Boîtes Lumineuses: * Sleeker design; Lightweight - 8 oz. (225g) Size - 5 x 5 x 1’’ (12.5 x 12.5 x 2.5 cm) Durable ABS plastic housing * Built-in rechargeable Lithium ION battery; Provides 120 minutes when fully charged Battery charge LED indicator * 4 setting timer function: 15-30-45-60 minutes; * Custom Fresnel lens; * Long life LEDs - up to 100 000 hours; * International AC power adaptor 120-240V; * Set2of 4 plugs for: dans 1 (SC+BL) Mighty Mini SC North America, Europe, UK and Australia/Asia; ou ou Soleil d’Intérieur Mighty Mini BL * Custom carrying SC case; * 2 year warranty;

whenever and wherever you need it.

Boîte 2 dans 1: 26x12.75x5.5’’, 15 lbs avec 2 tubes SC * 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee. T8F18 et 2 tubes PL55 BL Soleil d’Intérieur: 26x12.75x5.5’’,14 2 tubes SC T8F18 Typical usage: 15-30 minutes perlbsday! Mighty Mini SC: 15x7x3’’, 3 lbs 1 tube Quad FML55 SC Portable bright therapy… Mighty Mini BL: 15x7x3’’, 3 lbslight 1 tube Quad FML55 BL The light you need...every day!

Ampoules spirales fluorescentes compactes Indoor Sunshine® Soleil d’Intérieur® Full Spectrum

bulbs with energy efficient

Remplacez vos 75, 100, 150 watts Compact Fluorescent Spiral Bulbs par les ampoules éconergétiques 10 000 heures: 20, 23, 30 watts 75, 100, & 150 watt àReplace spectre 60, complet

20/23/30 watt spirals

Attention aux imitations! 10 000 hour: 15, 25 & 30 watt Exigezmini le spectre spirals complet... or *New* 3-Way

Cette ampoule remarquable donne Voir Mieux! une lumière saine économique. Se Sentir imitations! Conçue pour lesBeware appareils of incandescents standard; elle Mieux! Insist on fullélectronique spectrum… possède un ballast silencieux encastré. Elle Économiser permet

l’Énergie! This remarkable builds health andyeux; saves l’utilisation de 80%bulb plus de cellules de vos çaenergy. facilite It fits standard incandescent (screw-in) fixtures and la vision améliorée. haspas a flicker free electronic ballast. ! Ne utiliser avec un rhéostat Promotes better vision allowing use of 80% more of fluorescents à spectre complet theTubes cells in your eyes.

7” PL13 pour lampes Eclipse ou Catalina Not for use with dimmer switches! 48” Tubes T8 Plus ou T12 … Seeécoles, Better! Feel Better! SaveetEnergy! pour bureaux, commerces maisons. Beneficial for people, plants & pets…

La meilleure source de lumière pour toutes personnes, animaux et plantes…

Lampes de Travail

Pratique, complètement ajustable et à prix abordable. Peut se placer dans la base sur le dessus du bureau ou s’accrocher sur le bord du bureau avec le crampon. Utilise un PL-13 éconergétique 10 000 heures.

Une solution économique en luminothérapie.

Lampe de bureau Catalina DUO Permet les deux choix en luminothérapie: la douce et la brillante. Vient avec 1 tube SC et 1 tube BL.

Lampe de bureau Catalina SC vient avec 1 tube SC Spectrum Fluorescent Tubes pour laFull luminothérapie douce.

Lampe de bureau Catalina BLlamps vient avec 1 tube BL 7” PL13 for desk pour la luminothérapie brillante.

Lampe d’ordinateur Eclipse Fournit l’avantage double 48” T8 Plus or T12 … d’une distribution deTubes la lumière appropriée de la lumière saine. Utilise une technologie for&schools, offices, stores and homes. de lumière indirecte. Idéale pour les écrans plats et les écrans standard. S’installe sur le dessus du moniteur avec des adhésifs double côté. PL13 SC.

Augmente la productivité et soulage le stress Enhances productivity & alleviates visual stress visuel causéby par un éclairagelighting! inadéquat. caused inadequate

Thanks for reading our Nova Tips Report: The Facts About Light We hope you enjoyed it.

This report was created by : Orientations Nova © 2005 All rights reserved.

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