Thhcor02b Health Safety And Security

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Following Health Safety and Security Procedures


Essential Skills & Knowledge: Legal requirements in regards to Health and Safety in the workplace. Employer and employee obligations under Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) in the workplace. The importance of following OHS enterprise policies and procedures. Methods an enterprise can use to meet its OHS responsibilities. 2

Essential Skills and Knowledge: ‘Hazard management’ in the workplace; identify a range of hazards Requirements for maintaining personal presentation standards with regard to OHS. Potential emergency situations in the workplace and the action to take in these events. 3

Essential Skills and Knowledge: Identify key security issues Insurance requirements of an enterprise to meet its legal and moral obligations, including workers’ compensation and public liability. Legal obligations to maintain records of workplace injuries and ‘near miss’ reports.


Role of the National Occupational Health & Safety Commission


OHS legislation Objectives Reduction of work-related accidents. Elimination of risks to health and safety at work. The protection of people at work against risks to health and safety. The provision for involvement of employees in the identification and management of health and safety issues.


What is a code of practice? A practical and flexible guide for meeting OHS standards in the workplace. Examples include: Manual handling Hazardous substances First aid


Health & Safety Obligations in the Workplace Employer obligations (duty of care) for OHS Maintain equipment Train staff in the use of equipment Ensure safe storage, handling and use of hazardous substances Provide adequate information, instruction and training to enable employees to do their job safely


Health & Safety Obligations in the Workplace Employer obligations (duty of care) for OHS continued Monitor the health of employees Involve employees on OHS initiatives Monitor, record and evaluate workplace incidents.


Health & Safety Obligations in the Workplace Employee obligations (duty of care) for OHS Take reasonable care for their own, their colleagues and the public’s health and safety Cooperate with employers to comply with OHS requirements Report breaches of safety and potential risks Work and behave in ways that are safe Follow instructions and rules imposed by the employer.


What is a duty of care? In meeting the OHS obligations, employers have a duty of care for both their employees’ and the general publics’ well being. A duty of care is the responsibility one person has for another, in the eyes of the law, for that person’s health and safety.


Following Procedures for OH&S Developing OHS policies and procedures Policies and procedures are developed to help employers and employees meet their obligations under OHS requirements.


What is a policy? The stated position an organisation takes on an issue. It can also be a standard, rule or regulation. An organisations policy usually forms part of its overall goals to achieve OHS in the workplace. 13

What is a procedure? A procedure is a stated process documenting how to carry out a task or duty. Usually a step by step guide that helps ensure compliance and consistency in the way a task is completed. These include procedures for emergency situations 14

How do enterprises meet their OHS obligations? Policy and procedure development and implementation Workplace OHS officer Designated work groups (DWG) Health and safety committees


Workplace OHS officer This role is carried out by a staff member (in addition to their usual duties) Initiates investigation of OHS breaches, accidents and near misses Responds on behalf of management to, and reports on, OHS issues raised by staff


Designated work groups (DWG) A group made up of management and representatives for each department or section within an organisation, representing the collective OHS interests of all employees. Their role is similar to that of an OHS officer. 17

Health and Safety committees May have a similar structure to a DWG or be comprised of management and other key personnel (such as someone from an industry body) with its role to monitor OHS issues Works in a consultative manner to help the organisation meet its OHS legal obligations.


OHS inspectors Under OHS legislation, OHS inspectors have the authority to: Visit and inspect most work sites (in response to a complaint or as part of a strategy to improve working conditions in certain industries) Enter a work site at any time as required or requested Investigate an incident of serious injury or fatality 19

What can an OHS inspector do? Take photographs and samples Seize property Examine and copy documents Conduct interviews and enquiries Seek assistance from technical experts, interpreters or others Issue Improvement Notices (INs) Issue Prohibition Notices (PNs) 20

What is an Improvement Notice? A written directive requiring a person or organisation to fix a breach of the law. What is a Prohibition Notice? A direction to an individual or organisation to stop an activity that is, or has the potential to be, a risk.


Hazard Management What is a Hazard? A hazard is anything that can potentially cause harm.

What is Hazard Management? The identification of potential hazards in the workplace and the implementation of steps to eliminate those hazards.


Hazard Management Cont’d What is a Risk? A risk is the likelihood that a potential hazard will result in injury or disease. What is Risk Control? Risk control is the elimination or minimisation of the likelihood of an injury occurring from exposure to the hazard.


Types of hazards in the workplace Physical Chemical Manual handling Psychological General


Physical Hazards Those hazards which can impact on the body. For example; Noise Vibration Heat Cold Ultraviolet radiation (usually from the sun) 25

Chemical Hazards How chemicals are handled and stored can create hazards. Types of chemicals include; Poisonous or toxic; if ingested. Corrosive; can burn the skin Irritants; can inflame the skin Explosive or flammable. 26

Manual Handling Hazards Manual handling is the physical manoeuvring of any item Pulling Lifting Pushing Bending


Psychological Hazards These are things that can impact on our mental wellbeing. Workplace stress is the most common example. Stress can be caused by; Pressure to increase productivity Lack of job security Workplace bullying 28

General Hazards There are numerous other hazards that exist in any workplace. It is the responsibility for employees and employers to identify and eliminate them. Activity: Look around this class room. What examples of general hazards can you think of? 29

ACTIVITY For each of the following jobs, identify potential hazards. Room Attendant – Housekeeping Waiter / Bar Staff Kitchen Hand Reservations Clerk Porter Tour Guide 30

Minimising Risks and Injuries What is a Safe Work Practice? The completion of tasks in a manner that is safe. Many enterprises develop Safe Work Practice guidelines to help employees work in a safe manner.


Minimising Risks and Injuries Safe practices include: Wearing personal protective clothing Following OHS procedures Reporting faults Correctly manually handling Cleaning spillages immediately Correctly storing equipment and chemicals Correctly using equipment 32


What is it? The science related to man and his work. The applied science of equipment and furniture design, intended to maximise productivity, whilst reducing operator fatigue and discomfort. Examples? Ergonomic office furniture, such as chairs and desks and telephones. Correct posture Correct lifting techniques


What is First Aid? First Aid is the application of emergency care, given immediately to an injured person. The purpose of first aid is to minimise injury and possible future disability. In serious cases, first aid may necessary to keep the injured person alive until proper medical help arrives. 34

First Aid – your responsibility Have a list of staff qualified to administer first aid. Have this list near phones and on your intranet or staff telephone directory. Have emergency phone numbers kept near the switchboard and telephones. Know where your first aid kits are located. Know what your first aid kits contain. Have a qualified staff member take responsibility for maintenance of this kit. 35

Personal Presentation Standards What is PPC&E? Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment (PPC&E) are items used to protect employees while performing their job.

Examples include: Uniforms Disposable and chemical resistant gloves Face masks Hairnets Aprons Glasses/goggles Tongs Trolleys 36

Personal Protective Clothing & Equipment ACTIVITY: List the PPC & E for the event, tourism, & hospitality environments.


Emergencies An emergency is an act or event that has the potential to cause harm to people or property.

Examples include: Fire Bomb threat Natural disaster Accidents Civil disorder Gas leak


FIRE PREVENTION LEGISLATION All business must abide by specific measures to be adopted for the prevention of fire. These may include: Emergency procedures Training of all staff Fire fighting systems Displaying of emergency procedures Adequate means of escape Allocation of staff to take control during an emergency.


Fires – origins, characteristics and classes Origin EG: In hospitality environments, fires are most likely to originate in non-public areas (kitchen, storeroom etc).

Characteristics All fires have three characteristics – they need fuel, a means of ignition and oxygen.

Classes Fires are classified by the type of fuel the fire needs to burn. 40

Fire prevention Everyone in the organisation is responsible for fire prevention. Be familiar with evacuation procedures Be familiar with fire fighting equipment and its location Report electrical faults Correctly store flammable liquids Don’t store combustibles unnecessarily or carelessly 41

Fire prevention Ensure rubbish does not accumulate Extinguish cigarettes thoughtfully Handle fats, oils and chemicals correctly Never leave a kitchen unattended Clean regularly


What to do in the event of a fire emergency Stop, think, act Assist anyone in immediate danger if safe to do so Isolate fires by closing doors Raise the alarm Attempt to extinguish fires only if safe to do so Remain calm Report to designated assembly point 43

What not to do in a fire emergency

Do not:

Endanger your own or someone's else’s life Use lifts Attempt to retrieve personal items or valuables Ignore directions from emergency services personnel or fire wardens Panic Enter a closed room if door handle or door is warm


Security in Events / Tourism / Hospitality Security is concerned with protecting: People (customers/employees) Assets (cash, valuables, property)


A security system may include: Written procedures Staff training in prevention and procedure in the event of security breaches Regular review of existing systems Clearly defined lines of authority in the event of security breaches Reporting systems for security breaches Evaluation of management of security breaches after the event. 46

Security Issues Security procedures are likely to include: Emergency evacuation Bomb threats Armed robbery Suspicious people Access control Premises security

Safety deposit boxes Luggage security Keys and locks security Disturbances Financial control


Bomb Threat Procedures 1. Receiving the threat – follow company

procedures. Report incident to police. 2. The search – police and members of senior management will usually search the property. 3. The evacuation – may be taken immediately, or after it has been determined a bomb actually exists. Follow same procedures as per fire evacuation.


Who is a ‘suspicious person’? Anyone who gives the impression that something might be wrong by their looks or behaviour. Be alert to people who Rush off hurriedly when you look at them or approach them Ignore you when you ask them questions Attempt to access ‘staff only’ areas

Be alert, but not alarmed!


What is a ‘disturbance’? Any event or occurrence that interrupts the normal activities of an organisation. Be alert to: Loud arguments Scuffles, violence Intoxicated people Take preventative/early action, e.g. in case of intoxicated or suspicious persons. Involve your supervisor and security staff if necessary.


Keys control Don’t say a guest’s room number out loud. When a guest asks for their key by room number, request their name, and check it against your registration details. Don’t stamp room numbers on keys. Change locks if keys misplaced or stolen. Restrict access to spare keys. Keep in a locked area. Have a key register for staff.


Hotel Guest Security Key control measures Options for storing valuables, such as in-room safes Peep holes in room doors Locks, latches, chains on room doors Emergency procedures posted in rooms Emergency telephone numbers directory in rooms Restriction of information about guests Checking of signature on credit cards against signature on docket/voucher


Theft Theft by employees; of money, products, equipment, stationery, etc. Good internal control measures can prevent a lot of this.

Theft and robbery by someone other than an employee, e.g. customers taking things from their hotel rooms, armed robbery or hold ups. Business should have a robbery prevention strategy.


Insurance Insurance is a way of protecting the interests of a business if anything goes wrong, such as: Fire Theft Injury Property damage 54

What insurance should organisations hold? Liability insurance Property insurance Fire insurance Loss of profits Workers compensation 55

What is workers compensation? Workers compensation is a compulsory insurance scheme designed to protect the financial security of the employer in the event an employee sustains an injury. After an injury, an employee may be: Financially compensated Rehabilitated A combination of both 56

Reporting requirements All security breaches, accidents, ‘near misses’ and injuries in the workplace, no matter how big or small, should be reported to management and a written record kept.


What is a ‘near miss’? A ‘near miss’ is an accident waiting to happen! A ‘near miss’ is an incident whereby an injury almost or could have occurred. An employer is required to investigate near misses and to reduce further likelihood of a near miss occurring (by taking steps to fix the cause of the near miss).


What is risk management? Risk management is the identification of incidents that occur as a result of the same risk and putting in place measures to prevent further occurrence.


Reporting injuries All employers are required to maintain a log of injuries and near misses that occur in the workplace. In the event of serious injury and fatality, the employer is obligated to report the event to their WorkCover Authority (who conducts an intensive investigation of the incident and the workplace). 60

Cost of Accidents Human Social Financial Psychological


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