Thesis Jewel

  • June 2020
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APPROVAL SHEET This study aimed to determine the capabilities of a MAPEH teacher in making an effective training program of badminton for Lucban Public and Private schools. Specially, this attempted to answer the following questions: 1. What are the capabilities of MAPEH teacher in making effective training program of badminton relative to the following: 1.1 Educational Qualification 1.2 Training a Handed 1.3 Coaching 1.4 Selection and Training of Players 2. What are the common problems met by MAPEH teachers in making effective training program in badminton in terms of: 2.1 Facilities 2.2 Equipment 2.3 Administration support 2.4 Players 3. Is there a significant difference between public and private MAPEH teacher as to the variables given in making effective training program in badminton. 4. What training programs may be suggested for an effective training program in badminton? Prepared by: Jewelson M. Santos Approved by: Mr. Walberto Macaraan Professor Research I

CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Sports took its beginning for the practice of combat and self defense. These were taught to young boys in their age of young preparing them to war and ferrous battle. It also existed several thousand years ago and as the world population continues to increase and technology improves in area such as transportation, communication, medicine an d sport equipment. Sport will continue to evolve more and people across nearly all parts of the world. Commonly, competitive sports are organized and skillful physical activity requiring, fairly, good equipment and facilities and an effective training program for your athlete assurance of his/her winning of an individual to his/her own sport event into. There are so many forms of sport specially badminton. Since 1992, badminton has been an Olympic sport with five events, men’s and women’s singles, men’s and women’s doubles, and mixed doubles, in which each pair is a man and a woman. At high levels of play, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, strength, speed, and precision. It is also a technical sport, requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements. This is a game that needs such training that can enhance the strength, endurance, and agility of a player, this is also a game for two or four people in which players hit a type of light ball with feathers called shuttlecock over a high net, using a piece of equipment called racket, which is held in the hand and has an objective that a player must return the ball in the opponents field or base. There are so many great player of this game. Men’s doubles player Fu Haifeng of China set the official world smash record of 332 km/h (206 mph) on June 3, 2005 in the Sudirman Cup. The fastest smash recorded in the singles competition is 305 km/h (189 mph) by Taufik Hidayat of Indonesia. The most powerful stroke in badminton is the smash, which is hit steeply downwards into opponents’ midcourt. The maximum speed of a smashed shuttlecock exceeds that of any other racquet sport projectile. The recordings of ths speed measure the initial speed of the shuttlecock immediately after it has left the player’s racquet. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Lucban Public and Private schools just like SLSU (Southern Luzon State University). LA (Lucban, Academy), BVA (Banahaw View Academy), and the PSL (Paaralang Sekundarya ng Lucban) are some of the school who was established so many years ago. In need of basic commodity not all this school can provide enough facilities, equipment and training that can cope the needs of every athlete that they may use to improve and strengthen their ability and skills in an event. Also, not all of the school here Lucban has enough funds and sponsorship from the government itself, this study was conducted to improvise training programs that are cheaper and economical that still can cope to the needs of the school and the player to represent in an y competition locally and internationally.

STATEMENT OF THE STUDY This study aimed to determine the capabilities of a MAPEH teacher in making an effective training program of badminton for Lucban Public and Private schools. Specially, this attempted to answer the following questions: 1. What are the capabilities of MAPEH teacher in making effective training program of badminton relative to the following: 1.1 Educational Qualification 1.2 Training a Handed 1.3 Coaching 1.4 Selection and Training of Players 2. What are the common problems met by MAPEH teachers in making effective training program in badminton in terms of: 2.1 Facilities 2.2 Equipment 2.3 Administration support 2.4 Players 3. Is there a significant difference between public and private MAPEH teacher as to the variables given in making effective training program in badminton. 4. What training programs may be suggested for an effective training program in badminton? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will give information and guide to all trainer’s and players in the future on how to be more competitive enough in making and hosting an event that is appropriate to an specific event like badminton that needs focus on the players ability and skills needed to win a competition for him/her to be more conscious on his/her own selfimprovement and self-esteem. SCOPE AND LIMITATION This study focus on the ability of a MAPEH teacher to create an effective training program for his players to improve and enhance their talent in this game or to other sport event. By means of the respondents in all the Public and Private schools here in Lucban they may assure all the needed information about this study based on their experience and some genuine or new trend s of training based on technology and modern day.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents and explains the methods and procedures used in this study. The researcher employed the use of research design, research universe, research sampling, sampling procedures, data processing and statistical design. The focus of this study is mainly on the effect of making an effective training program for badminton on players. RESEARCH DESIGN The researcher use the descriptive design in making and utilizing the instrument in order to gather information needed in the study. The research opted to use this method because it’s the simplest and most broad type of research method and which can be done in a short period of time. RESEARCH UNIVERSE This study is concentrated in the different public and private schools in Lucban, Quezon that could be considered as schools, where a large number of players and coach are in. The researcher has chosen this as his research universe he wanted to find out the effect of a good training program for badminton on a varsity players. SOURCES OD DATA The main source of data is a questionnaire, observation and interview with the respondents. The secondary sources are the reference books, magazines, newspapers, and unpublished thesis needed in the study that the respondents are the selected respondents of Lucban, Quezon. SAMPLING DESIGN A simple randomly sampling procedure was used in the selection of respondents. The researcher will ask help from some principal of Lucban, Quezon to give him at least 40 personnel’s who are knowledgeable an d skilled about this problem. INSTRUMENTATION The instruments used in this study are personal interview and the questionnaire. The items in the questionnaire are based from the

CONSTRUCTION OF THE INTRUMENT The researcher analyze and examine studies that are related to the present studies, playing close attention to the instrument use. Informed by this studies, a questionnaire was constructed. Areas of inquiry covered in the questionnaire are the following: VALIDATION OF THE INSTRUMENT The researcher will present the questionnaire to his research writing adviser before distributing it to the respondents to ensure the relevance and reliability in relation to the problem presented. DATA COLLECTION Before administering the instrument, the researcher secured permission from the schools principals and municipal superintendent upon approval. The questionnaire was distributed to the selected public and private schools here in Lucban, Quezon The researcher has explained and elaborate the purpose of the study to the respondents and seeks their cooperation in answering the items in the questionnaire. They proceed to give instructions on how to answer the form upon completion retrieval of the questionnaire will be done. DATA PROCESSING The collected data were analyzed by counting the frequency of the respondents responses to every item in the questionnaire was presented in a tabular forms and give each of that a corresponding interpretation. ANALYSIS This involves ideas and the causes that will derived from the findings of the study. Analysis will be done or the result of data processing.

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