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  • Words: 1,537
  • Pages: 5
An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a foetus or embryo, resulting in or caused by its death. An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced, in humans and other species. In the context of human pregnancies, an abortion induced to preserve the health of the gravida(pregnant female) is termed a therapeutic abortion, while an abortion induced for any other reason is termed an elective abortion. The term abortion most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy, while spontaneous abortions are usually termed miscarriages. When talking about abortion, we can hear many different points of view. Abortion has been a controversial issue since it became monumental in 1973 with the United States Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of Roe vs. Wade. This victory paved the way for women’s human rights. Abortion was declared lawful because of the United States fourteenth amendment of due process. The United States Supreme Court ruled that a mother may abort her fetus until it is viable outside the womb or to protect the health of the maternal parent. Some people think that abortion is forbidden and some people think abortion is legal. In religion, there are also many different points of views. Some religious groups oppose abortion; some support access to medically supervised abortion; some oppose government restrictions on abortion; and some have no opinion. Many religious traditions have taken a stance on abortion, and these stances span a broad spectrum from acceptance to rejection. Pro-life supporters argue that abortion is morally wrong on the basis that a fetus is an innocent human being. Others reject this position by drawing a distinction between human being and human person, arguing that while the foetus is innocent and biologically human, it is not a person with a right to life. In support of this distinction,

some propose a list of criteria as markers of personhood. For example, Mary Ann Warren suggests consciousness at least the capacity to feel pain, reasoning, self motivation, the ability to communicate, and self-awareness. According to Warren, a being need not exhibit all of these criteria to qualify as a person with a right to life, but if a being exhibits none of them or perhaps only one, then it is certainly not a person. Warren concludes that as the foetus satisfies only one criterion, consciousness and this only after it becomes susceptible to pain, the foetus is not a person and abortion is therefore morally permissible. Other philosophers apply similar criteria, concluding that a fetus lacks a right to life because it lacks self-consciousness, rationality, and autonomy. These lists diverge over precisely which features confer a right to life, but tend to propose various developed psychological features not found in fetuses.

As for me, I also have my own points of views. For many reason I really disagreed with abortion act. However, it is acceptable depending on the circumstances around the pregnancy. The abortion should be taken if the pregnancy brings bad effect to the mother. For example, the reversible pregnancies, it wills danger the mother’s life as it can lead to death. In order to avoid the “mother" from death, the abortion is appropriate to do in this case. However, if the mother wants to abort the baby because she has not yet ready having children, I really object it. This is because although the baby has not seen the world or knowing what happening around him still it is a human being. Only three weeks living inside the mother stomach, the baby have already got lungs. Means the baby have started breathing, just like normal human being. So why we should kill the innocent

baby? The baby also has a right to live in this world. If the mothers do not ready having the baby, why did she “do” it at the first place? Criticism of this line of reasoning follows several threads. Some reject the argument on grounds relating to personal identity, holding that the foetus is not the same entity as the adult into which it will develop, and thus that the foetus does not have a "future like ours" in the required sense. Others grant that the foetus has a future like ours, but argue that being deprived of this future is not a significant harm or a significant wrong to the foetus, because there are relatively few psychological connections (continuations of memory, belief, desire and the like) between the foetus as it is now and the adult into which it will develop. Another criticism is that the argument creates inequalities in the wrongness of killing as the futures of some people, for example the young, bright and healthy appear to be far more valuable or desirable than the futures of other people like the old, depressed and sick, the argument appears to entail that some killings are far more wrong than others, or that some people have a far stronger right to life than others—a conclusion that is taken to be counterintuitive or unacceptable. Some argue that as gametes have a similar potential to the foetus, the argument would entail that contraception is as wrong as the killing of an adult human being—a conclusion that is similarly taken to be counterintuitive or unacceptable. Moreover, person who do abortion will feel the pain same as the person who giving birth. So, if the person aborts the baby, a waste of energy will occurs as there is no baby produce but only a great pain felt. Unsafe abortion remains a public health concern today due to the higher incidence and severity of its associated complications, such as incomplete abortion, sepsis, hemorrhage, and damage to internal organs. WHO estimates

that 19 million unsafe abortions occur around the world annually and that 68,000 of these result in the woman's death. Complications of unsafe abortion are said to account, globally, for approximately 13% of all maternal mortalities, with regional estimates including 12% in Asia, 25% in Latin America, and 13% in sub-Saharan Africa. A 2007 study published in the The Lancet found that, although the global rate of abortion declined from 45.6 million in 1995 to 41.6 million in 2003, unsafe procedures still accounted for 48% of all abortions performed in 2003. Health education, access to family planning, and improvements in health care during and after abortion have been proposed to address this phenomenon.

Nowadays we can hear about abortion quiet frequently. Is this the symbol of women’s right to make a decision or it is a symbol of medicational successful? Not all women think abortion is cool for them, but all women have the right to make this choice. They have a right to make a choice as that are their bodies and that are their lives. No one has the right to force them to have a baby, or to punish them for liking sex!. That what some women thinks. They decide to do abortion for some reason. Some of them cannot handle baby for that particular time and some of them worried that having a baby might screw up finishing high school, going to college, or having a career. This maybe a selfish reason as they only think of themselves and not the baby. Some of them want to do abortion because they have too many children and they worried they cannot feed the baby as they having a financial problems. For whatever reason stated, I strongly object their act

of abortion. Having baby is a blessed from a god, many people want to get a baby but till now they still don’t have it. Why should they abort the baby? For cases like gotten pregnant by rape or incest, I think doing abort is appropriate as if the baby were born, it will have no father perhaps no mother too. Maybe the father has been jail and the mother has commit suicide. So, no one will take care of the baby. The baby will be neglected and live alone in this world. Not only that, the person who have been rape still alive, she will feel sad looking at the baby as it only remains her about her black past of being rape. For sure, the women will not love the baby but hated it. This can lead to another new problem that is children abuse. Moreover, what is the reaction of the child if he knows about his mother dark history and knowing that his is real father are? Thinking of his family background will make the child sad and feel shame to keep living in this world. So, maybe abortion is appropriate in this case too. Abortion causes at least 13% of all deaths among pregnant women. New estimates are that 50 million abortions are performed world wide each year, with 30 million of them in developing countries. Approximately 20 million of these are performed unsafely because of conditions or lack of provider training. Everyone have their own points of views about abortion. Half of the society thinks that abortion is legal and half of the society did not agreed with the abortion act. Whatever it is, I still against the abortion act.

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