Theses 46 60

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  • Words: 2,622
  • Pages: 16
Rocky L. Ho

46. A healthy intranet organizes workers in many meanings of the word. Its effect is more radical than the agenda of many unions.

Intranet is almost as big as the population of the people in the world, we can count it due to people who are using the intranet. Let us give an examples, since we are all using the internet, everyday almost millions of information or files being uploaded in the internet, who can we count the files that were uploaded? We can’t count it. In fact there are times when we get information from the internet, not all information are correct, sometimes it is a false information which will cause harmful effect towards us. Sometimes there are consequences like plagiarism which takes place when we copied information from the internet without citing the sources.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is a healthy intranet? 2. What are its effect? 3. Who is in-charge of the intranet?

Rocky L. Ho 47. While this scares companies witless, they also depend heavily on open intranets to generate ad share critical knowledge. They need to resist the urge to “improve” or control these networked conversations.

Since company has their own files and documentations, to think if a file was leaked out from the company, if the companies from outside gets a hold on the files that you obtain, if they are interested in your company, they will surely find ways to destroy the company that you are entering and sometimes they will claim it as their technology, they can hack the files and sometimes they will sell it to other companies and your company could get framed from what they have done. The company should enter some security codes or passwords so that it won’t be easily hacked and leak out the information to other companies. When we are talking about the networking, there should only be the assigned people to be able to access the files, so that they won’t be blaming to other people but instead they will only blame the assigned people because he or she has the only authorization to get in and out the files.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is security? 2. What is intranet? 3. What do you mean by improve?

Rocky L. Ho 48. When corporate intranets are not constrained by fear and logistic rules, the type of conversation they encourage sounds remarkably like the conversation of networked marketplace.

When there are no fear in some situations, there will be some big problems that will occur, for instance, when we are in a business world or in a company, if the employees are not afraid in anything, they probably will not get afraid from their boss, and do freely what they really want, and not thinking about any consequences. Employees will not get scared of anything unless there will be something bad that will happen to them without realizing that they are being targeted by some of the people in the same company that they are working. Since there are no rules in the company, why should they still be doing the things which are required for them to do. There are types of conversations which makes a company complete, without theses kind of conversation, how can the company market their products and continue the things that will help them to increase the profits and sales for their company.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is a corporation? 2. What is fear? 3. What is logistic rules?

Rocky L. Ho 49. Org charts worked in an older economy where plans could be fully understood from atop steep management pyramids and detailed work orders could be handed down from on high.

An organization chart shows how or what the company is doing right now. Almost all the companies that can be found has an organization chart, they based some of their projects and sales in that chart, in the older companies, the main thing which forms a meeting is where they go to a conference room and show some slides which requires an organizational chart so that they can increase the sales for that specific month. There are different kinds on how to show the sales increase and marketing their product for that month. Let us say that by using the hierarchy level of human needs, we can show the needs and the wants of the people who are in the different levels of livings. Mostly the needs are the food and shelter, the wants will be based on the security, clothing, and other things which we can think of.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is an organization chart? 2. What is steep management pyramid? 3. What is detailed work orders?

Rocky L. Ho 50. Today, the org chart is hyperlinked, not hierarchical. Respect for hands-on knowledge wins over respect for abstract authority.

The internet has been circulation almost every person found in the whole world, since using the internet can be easily be used by everyone, they can blog their own websites, and about the hyperlink, they can use the hyperlink so that their readers will not have a hard time search for their missing link for their blog or they will not have a hard time searching for the continuation of the author’s documentations. Hyperlink is a convenient thing to have when you know how it works and how it is being used. Several students from the information technology course, uses this hyperlink for their book, because we are being required to make our own book about some certain topics which was being given to us.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is hyperlink? 2. What is hands-on knowledge? 3. What is abstract authority?

Rocky L. Ho 51. Command-and-control management styles both derive from and reinforce bureaucracy, power tripping and an overall vulture of paranoia.

Command is a basic thing to have, in a company, if you are in a high position, we can do whatever we want to our subordinates, whatever we want means we can command then to do what they are supposed to do, and they have to fulfill that task within the given period of time. About control management, when we are in-charge of something that we are required to do, we can control it, in other words we should be able to control our subordinates when it comes to handling their attitude, assigned task. By that time, we can be the boss ourselves when we have been promoted in our very own company. Since we have both command management and control management skills, we are already capable in handling the staff who are under us.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is control management? 2. What is command management? 3. What is power tripping?

Rocky L. Ho 52. Paranoia kills conversation. That’s its point. But lack of open conversation kills companies.

There is a kind of trauma which is called paranoid, when that happens, it could be release within a long period of time, it can be a habit to anyone if they continue to practice it every day. It is kind of a bad habit if it occurs or happens to anyone of us. For example, if paranoid has occurred to us, at night, we cannot sleep well because it haunts us even when we are sleeping. Being paranoid in something which we have not done can seem troublesome since it is a negative. We have to remember to practice to overcome then try to forget what happens in the past. For example, when we are in a company, we all want to be successful without failure, but that cannot be refrain from happening, so we get paranoid if we are going to be okay or not. Do not think about it too hard or you’ll lose concentration on your work.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is paranoid? 2. Is it the same with paranoia? 3. How do we refrain it from happening?

Rocky L. Ho 53. There are two conversations going on. One inside the company. One with the market.

When having conversations, we tend to think very deeply, sometimes we tend to talk without making any sense at all, sometimes we talk with sense which catches the attention of the listeners. If we are in the market, there are always conversation happening, it is impossible if there are nobody who are discussing about the prices in the market. Since the market is the center of all attraction for the buyers, because it is where the transactions occurs. It is also impossible if there are not a single living thing is in the market, we all know that we humans need money to survive, so we all try our very best to accomplish that goal, which is to earn money for us and also for our family.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is conversation? 2. What are the two types of conversations? 3. Where does the conversation occurs?

Rocky L. Ho 54. In most cases, neither conversation is going very well. Almost invariably, the cause of failure can be traced to obsolete notions of command and control.

During in a conversation, we must respect both sides who are having the conversation, since we are the third person in their view, we can just hear what they might have to say, after they are done talking, that is the time where we can barge in and ask if you have a violent reactions. A conversation must consist at least two person, and must have a topic to discuss among themselves, especially when the one who is talking is a boss of you, we must not intercept in their talk or conversation. If we do that, we might have a bad reputation from our boss, unlike if the boss is a friend of yours, or a family member of us.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is conversation? 2. What is invariable? 3. What is obsolete notions?

Rocky L. Ho 55. As policies, these notions are poisonous. As tools, they are broken. Command and control are met with hostility by internetworked knowledge workers and generate distrust in internetworked markets.

It is said that the policies are poisonous, it will just become poisonous if there are some people who happens to do something bad about a certain things. When they added some tools, it will become more even worse since it can command and control certain things when they had their hands with it. We are better off if we are not involve in such violent actions, we are not in favor where we can choose freely if we can to be get involved in such situations, because we all have the right to choose, but we have to think very closely and think what will happen in the situation after you have barge into the situations.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is notion?

2. What are tools? 3. What is intranetworked?

Rocky L. Ho 56. These to conversations want to talk to each other. They are speaking the same language. They recognize each other’s voices.

Whenever you really know a person, you will have automatically know who the other person is even without seeing their faces, but hearing at least their voice is important. If you really know someone, without hearing their voice looking at their faces, without touching then, just by looking at their shadows, you will automatically have the idea who that certain person is. But it is not that easy to recognize someone without using the five senses. What can we think of when we don’t use the five senses? Of course there are things which comes thru our minds, example is how can I know who that person is? That example can be agreed by other people too.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is speaking in the same language?

2. What is language? 3. Who recognize other’s voice?

Rocky L. Ho 57. Smart companies will get out of the way and help the inevitable to happen sooner.

A company should help each other and fulfill the company’s mission and vision. If there are problems, they should all help out and solve the problems, so that the problem will be easily solve and will not get worse. They should think carefully what will the effect be, if the risk is too high, they all should consult with the person who is in the highest position in the company, maybe that person is the key to solve the problem. If the problem has gotten worse, it has still chances to solve the problem, do not wait for the company to be bankrupt before doing any actions, because if you really like that company, you will do whatever it takes to protect it.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is a smart company?

2. How do they help? 3. Who should they help?

Rocky L. Ho 58. If willingness to get out of the way is taken as a measure of IQ, then very few companies have yet wised up.

If IQ is being talked or discussed, I can say that there are types of IQ, first is the low IQ where as a person got low scores in the IQ test, and of course the other type is the high IQ, of course we know what high IQ already means, it is the vise-versa of the low IQ. How do we know if we are a high or a low IQ type of person. There is a test which is called the IQ test, there your knowledge will be tested when you want to know what your IQ is. There are optional whether to take the exam or not. There are nothing to be ashamed of if you got a low IQ scores. Because not everyone is perfect and nobody in this world could get perfect in the IQ test, there are just people who are smart and gets high scores in the IQ test.

Integrative Questions:

1. What is willingness? 2. What is IQ 3. What do you mean by wised up?

Rocky L. Ho 59. However subliminally at the moment, millions of people now online perceive companies as little more than quaint legal fictions that are actively preventing these conversations form intersecting.

Doing something what will give catch everyone else’s attention will certainly achieve improvements and guidance on how to improve more. Since we are in the same situations, millions of people are going online to perceive the companies as little more than quaint legal fictions which allows other or some people to actively prevent them from doing conversations privately and they should know when to give a conversation and they have to make it interesting towards other listeners or how to make it look like catchy to the listeners.

Integrative Questions:

1. What is subliminally? 2. What is intersecting? 3. What is conversation?

Rocky L. Ho 60. This is suicidal. Markets want to talk to companies. Nowadays, people are using the internet as their source of happiness. We can do many things by using the internet. Within the given period of time, we can apply and gain knowledge from the internet. It is a best source of information which was donated by millions of people who are living in this world. When using a hyperlink, the text or the whole sentence will be set to bold, underlined words, and the text will turn into the color of blue, that is the time we know that the sentence or the word has already put into the hyperlink mode. If we want to gain respect from other people, we have to give them also the respect that they are expecting by means of abstract authority.

Integrative Questions: 1. What is abstract authority?

2. What is respect? 3. What is an org chart?

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