These students have no pencils, no paper, or standardized texts. Someone must supply important finances and provisions to this school!
Too much delay! The students will be at risk. They need to be learning now.
As the true teacher, I hope that everyone will be able to do a good job.
Then, we must raise funds.
Everyone wants to grow up to be the teacher!
How? Teachers see that students can not learn without important provisions!
Let us consider a list of essential provisions.
1. Textbooks and other learning materials that are necessary for motor development, holistic learning, and student success: --Paper --Pencils --Folders --Glue 2. Teaching Manuals 3. Library Books (some which may be lightly noted in pencil) 4. Sufficient technological resources: --Computers
These students have no computers; they can’t watch this!
-- Computer Accessories
Nobody needs to cry; Nobody needs to be at risk! These students need support!
Promoting Maximum Cognitive Growth Scaffolding
Zone of proximal Development
Inner Speech
Self Speech
Cultural Literacy
The “eternal child” Vygotsky did seek.
Vygotsky’s Transitional Theory
What Methods and Concepts of Vygotskean Theory Work Together to Promote Maximum Cognitive Growth? Let us organize this list in alphabetical order
• Cultural Literacy • Inner Speech •Internalization •Scaffolding • Self Speech • Zone of Proximal Development
Now, take a pencil and write down each component in our list; and, will some one please come to the I will try to be the We must note each chalkboard? teacher at the element in our list, chalkboard.
posing questions that we may infer from our notes,
transmitting concepts towards the crucial tool of language.
I always try to do better.
Cultural Literacy begins through the child’s family
This family is cultivating Ethics and semantics— cultural literacy
Cultural Literacy through the global community
These individuals and students interact to promote global projects.
Inner Speech Inner speech is not the same as self-speech; as I read to myself and solve problems, I engage in inner speech and thought.
Once we have “internalized” this information, we will test ourselves.
Internalization (Santiago-Delefosse & Delefosse, 2002, p. 732)
This language we are “internalizing” as words disappear and give rise to thought.
I am thinking about words. Now I have new thoughts.
Scaffolding The older children who already know how to swim are teaching the younger children to swim.
Here is my chemistry teacher. I hope to learn chemistry very soon.
Self Speech Babies engage in self speech or egocentric dialogue that is not yet distinguishable. They do not yet communicate through developed language.
When someone tries to talk but is somehow too immature to communicate, the individual does engage in self-speech. At this time,
Vygotsky’s “transitional theory” is evident.
Zone of proximal development
Notice the older individual helping the younger ones.
Zone of proximal development I am working with older teachers who allow me to sit in class as I begin to learn the periodic table and important concepts of chemistry
The zone of proximal development is the difference between the child's capacity to solve problems on his/her own, and his/her capacity to solve them with assistance.
Yes, we both are correctly solving and answering these problems
Here is the test. I hope you organized all of your notes.
1. When a family is cultivating Ethics and semantics that may reach the community or global level, one may note: 2. As an individual is engaging in egocentric, indistinguishable dialogue, illustrating immature consciousness towards transition, that individual is engaging in:
A. Zone of proximal development
3. A young student learning to achieve through direct assistance provided by older caregivers, parents, instructors, and peers is benefiting through: 4. As words disappear and give rise to thought, language that one does “internalize” is:
B. Cultural literacy
5. Reflecting the capacity one has to perform through assisted help in contrast to unguided performance is known as:
E. Internalization
6. The development of complex thought toward a higher consciousness, possibly towards meta-cognition is known as:
C. Inner speech D. Scaffolding
F. Self-Speech
Do we understand these concepts? Did we learn the material? I congratulate you On your efforts towards your graduation!
Did we learn the material? Here are the correct answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Vygotsky did seek the “Eternal Child”
Establishing Cultural Literacy Egocentric language develops from a social base that does not disappear. Assisting in the formation of structured thought, it is transformed into internalized language, becoming increasingly complex.
Child development is a progressive process of individualization based on the essence of a given child.
Externalized language is not internalized language that includes sound; rather, it is the product of dynamic transformation. Lev S. Vygotsky, 1934/1986 Santiago-Delefosse & Delefosse, 2002, p. 738
The Three Developmental and Interlocking Functions
2 Egocentric Language (spoken to oneself)
1 Communicative Language Primary form of language, Present throughout Life Considered to be social verbal and non-verbal
Autonomous Function, helping the child to think, develop orientation and awareness Intellectual function; Structure, Transitional Form similar to Internalized Language
Santiago-Delefosse & Delefosse, 2002, p. 732
3 Internalized or Private Language Intimate Dialect Evolutionary Product of Egocentric Language With Syntactic function
We always have more to learn
Ormrod, Ormrod,J.J.E., E.,&&University UniversityofofPhoenix Phoenix(Ed.), (Ed.), (2003). (2003).Lifespan Lifespan development and learning; Human Learning (3rd development and learning; Human Learning (3rded.). ed.). Boston: Boston:Prentice-Hall, Prentice-Hall,Pearson PearsonCustom CustomEducation EducationPublishing. Publishing.
Santiago-Delefosse, Santiago-Delefosse,M. M.J., J.,&&Delefosse, Delefosse,J.J.O. O.(2002). (2002). Spielrein, Piaget and Vygotsky: Three positions Spielrein, Piaget and Vygotsky: Three positionson onchild child thought and language. Theory & Psychology, 12, p. thought and language. Theory & Psychology, 12, p.723723747. 747.Retrieved RetrievedSeptember September11, 11,2007, 2007,from from
Shotter, Shotter,J.J.(2000). (2000).Seeing Seeinghistorically: historically:Goethe Goetheand andVygotsky's Vygotsky's enabling theory-method. Culture and Psychology, 6, p. enabling theory-method. Culture and Psychology, 6, p.233-254 233-254. . Retrieved RetrievedSeptember September11, 11,2007, 2007,from from
Pardon her mask--she is in the Chemistry lab, protecting herself