Themes And Essay For Romeo And Juliet

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  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 25
Thursday, November 13, 2008 Please

be seated and take out your homework, (Holt Reader and Scene Design Worksheet). I will check those assignments for attendance and during our Warm Up today, a Think/Pair/Share activity.

are your thoughts on revenge? Do you think it can be a good thing or a bad thing? Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted revenge? Describe it.



First, think about the question and jot down notes about your answer. (5 minutes) Next, get in pairs and groups of threes with the people who sit beside you and talk about what you wrote down. (5 minutes) Finally, we’ll regroup as a class and share what you came up with together.

Act III, Scenes 2-5 Summary Romeo and Juliet

Act III, Scene 2 The

nurse tells Juliet someone is dead. For some time Juliet thinks that someone is Romeo. The nurse finally explains Tybalt is dead and that Romeo killed him. She tells Juliet Romeo is now banished from Verona.

Act III, Scene 2 (cont.) Juliet

threatens to kill herself, but the nurse comforts her, saying she will go to Friar Laurence’s cell and tell Romeo to come to Juliet’s chamber that evening.

Act III, Scene 3 At

Friar Laurence’s cell, the friar tells Romeo of the prince’s sentence of banishment. When the nurse arrives she reports Juliet is upset. Romeo tries to stab himself. The nurse prevents him.

Act III, Scene 3 (cont.) So,

the friar offers a plan. Romeo will go to Mantua while the friar works to reconcile the feuding families, reveal the secret marriage, and get a pardon from the Prince for Romeo. First Romeo will visit Juliet.

Act III, Scene 4 Paris

visits the Capulet house. Lord Capulet tells him Juliet is upset about Tybalt’s death, but he promises Juliet will marry Paris in three days.

Act III, Scene 5 In

the final scene of Act III, Romeo and Juliet spend the night together. Romeo leaves and the nurse and Lady Capulet come in to tell Juliet she will marry Paris in three days. Juliet refuses to marry Paris, so Lord Capulet gets angry at her. Juliet decides she’ll visit Friar Laurence for help.

Plot Pyramid

Romeo and Juliet

Plot Pyramid Act III: Crisis or Turning Point Tybalt kills Mercutio; Romeo kills Tybalt; Prince banishes Romeo from Verona; Capulet will allow Paris to marry Juliet; Romeo and Juliet spend night together; Juliet refuses Act II: Rising Action Balcony scene: Romeo and Juliet promise to marry; Friar lawrence helps Romeo plan a secret wedding; nurse tells Juliet about the plan; Romeo Act I: Exposition Street fighting between Capulets and Montagues; Romeo loves Rosaline; Juliet to marry Paris; Romeo and Juliet meet at party and fall



Theme 1: LOVE Romeo

and Juliet is the most famous love story in the English literary tradition. Love is naturally the play’s dominant and most important theme. The play focuses on romantic love, specifically the intense passion that springs up at first sight between Romeo and Juliet.

Theme 1: LOVE At

times love is described in the terms of religion, as in the sonnet when Romeo and Juliet first meet.


others it is described as a sort of magic: “Alike bewitchèd by the charm of looks”.


themes of death and violence in Romeo and Juliet are always connected to passion, whether that passion is love or hate. The connection between hate, violence, and death seems obvious. But the connection between love and violence requires further investigation.


and Juliet have thoughts of suicide and a willingness to experience it. In Act III, Scene 3, Romeo brandishes a knife in Friar Lawrence’s cell and threatens to kill himself after he has been banished from Verona and his love. Juliet also pulls a knife in order to take her own life in Friar Lawrence’s presence just three scenes later.


the Prologue to the play, the Chorus states that Romeo and Juliet are “star-crossed”—that is to say that fate or astrology controls them. Take a minute to write down inside your notes whether you believe in fate or not. We’ll share your responses aloud in class.

Astrology: What’s Your Sign? 

Aries March 19th to April 18th  Taurus April 19th to May 19th  Gemini May 20th to June 19th  Cancer June 20th to July 21st  Leo July 22nd to August 21st  Virgo August 22nd to September 21st  Libra September 22nd to October 21st  Scorpio October 22nd to November 20th  Sagittarius November 21st to December 20th  Capricorn December 21st to January 18th  Aquarius January 21st to February 18th

Motif We

can also find motifs within Romeo and Juliet. Motifs are recurring literary devices that can help to develop the play’s major themes. Likewise, in a song, the motif is what you hear repeatedly throughout the song.


monologue on the sun and the moon during the balcony scene metaphorically describes Juliet as the sun. He talks about the “envious moon” and transforming the night into day.  After the lovers’ only night together Romeo is forced to leave for exile in the morning. Juliet, doesn’t want him to leave her room.  So, they both try to pretend that it is still night, and that the light is actually darkness: “More light and light, more dark and dark our woes.”


Romeo and Juliet


3-Paragraph Essay Introductory



introductory paragraph should include the thesis statement.


is where the writer grabs the reader's attention. It tells the reader what the paper is about.

3-Paragraph Essay Body

- Second paragraph This paragraph should include the strongest argument and evidence from the play to support your thesis statement. The subject for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. The rest of the paragraph elaborates your evidence.

3-Paragraph Essay Concluding

– Third paragraph The third paragraph is the summary paragraph. It is important to restate the thesis and the supporting idea in an original and powerful way as this is the last chance the writer has to convince the reader of the validity of the information presented. It should also include a summary and a final statement that gives the

3-Paragraph Essay Your

assignment is to choose one of the three themes or the motif in Romeo and Juliet and write a 3paragraph essay using evidence from the play to show how that theme or motif exists in the play. This assignment is due next Friday, November 21. Write it down in your planner.

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