Theme 2 The History Of Brunei's Ruler

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 3


GROUP 12 RUPAM KASIM (S.M. SULTAN HASSAN) NORULHAJIMAH BINTI HAJI AWG TUAH (S.M.SULTAN SHARIF ALI) MARFIZA BINTI HAJI ARIFFIN (S.M. MASIN) ROSINI HJ MUHAMMAD (S.M.MASIN) Date : Duration : 4 periods Topic : History of Brunei’s ruler Sub-topic: The family tree of the Sultans of Brunei LESSON 1 & 2 (DOUBLE PERIODS)


Aims: Aims: • To know and understand the history and genealogy of the • To know and understand the history and genealogy of the Sultanate of Brunei. Sultanate of Brunei. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • Recap their knowledge on Batu Tersilah • List down at least 5 or 6 name of the Sultan of Brunei • Identify the pictures and achievements of the Sultan

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • Identify the name of Brunei Sultanate and their position • Explain the genealogy of the Brunei Sultanate through a class project

Teaching Materials/aids: • Textbook • Picture of the Brunei Sultan

Teaching Materials/aids: • Textbook • Short test worksheet

• Group worksheet Methodology: Lesson induction/introduction: • Recap students knowledge on Batu Tersilah by showing them the picture of Batu Tersilah and ask them the name of the stone tablet in the picture, what was engraved on the Batu Tersilah

Lesson development/ content: • Explain briefly about Batu Tersilah to the students to understand the genealogy of Brunei Sultanate • Ask the students what they know about the Brunei Sultan’s from the first Sultan to the 29th Sultan of Brunei. Ask the students to list the name of the Sultan’s of Brunei as many as they can and list on the board. Ask the students also the position/ maybe the achievement(s) of the Sultan that they recognize (e.g. Sultan Bolkiah the 5th Sultan of Brunei) • Explain to the students about the chronology of the Brunei Sultanate with reference to the textbook (pp. 30) and picture of some of the Sultan (e.g. Sultan Abdul Momin, Sultan Hashim, SOAS II/III, etc) • After explaining ask the students to read and revise the family tree of the Brunei Sultanate for 5 minutes then stop reading. • Group the students into 5/6 groups (5/6 students in a group) • Give each group 2 worksheets– 1. worksheet with jumble up name of the Brunei Sultanate- 2 family tree with fill in the blanks. • Ask the students in each group to discuss and fill in the answer with the Sultan’s name for a maximum time of 10 minutes.

Lesson development/ content: • Collect the test paper • Give the students the project worksheet and guide them on how to work out their projects on completing the family tree of Brunei Sultanate. Ask the students to do the project individually • Provide the students with all the materials required for their project

Card board, marker pen, colour pen, scissors, glue, colour paper Methodology: Lesson induction/introduction: • Ask the students to close their book and ready for the test • Read out the terms and condition of the test. The test will be conducted for 10 minutes

Lesson closure/ conclusion: • Collect those completed project work and remind other students to complete their project as homework. Evaluation: • Oral question • Written work • Group work Self evaluation: Lesson evaluation:

Then asked one representatives of each group to explain their answer and judge by the teacher in the class. Rewards given to the groups which list out the most on the sultans name.

Lesson closure/ conclusion: • Summaries the lesson and remind the students to read on pp30 for short test next lesson. Evaluation: • Oral question • Group work Self evaluation: Lesson evaluation:

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