Thematicunitleah Larson

  • June 2020
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Thematic Unit Description Paper

Name: Leah Larson Course-Section: TEAC 259-007

I. Unit Context 1. Write a description of the unit theme detailing what the students will be learning. Through this unit first grade students will be exploring the world of mammals. The students will be drawing pictures of mammals and writing factual sentences, they will also be researching the different types of habitats and creating a poster on a chosen habitat, lastly they will be creating a digital story about what they have learned about mammals. This unit will also introduce these first graders to technology. They will be using the Internet to do their research as well as a few computer applications to complete their digital storybook and their picture. 2. What is the target subject area/class? The target area for this unit is for first grade students. The subjects that the unit will be occupying are reading, language arts, and science due to the theme of mammals. 3. How does this unit fit into the whole learning experience of the students? During this unit the students will learn many things that will contribute to their school experience. They will learn how to work in groups and also gain more confidence in using computers. They will learn research techniques that will help them in their future classes. Also, they will be using their creativity to make a digital story of what they learned. 4. What is the setting or situation? Describe the classroom as you see it. Include information on what computers and other equipment are available to the students. In the classroom there are two computers that students are able to use and one teacher computer. There is also a projection screen for the teacher to do demonstrations on. When it is time for the students to begin their research or complete their assignments on the computer, we will be in the computer lab. My class is able to use the computer lab two times a week for one hour. In the computer lab both Macs and PC’s are available for the children to complete their assignments on. The computer will be used in all three of the lessons; the first lesson will use the program Billy Bear 4 Kids which is a site that they can draw, in the second lesson they will be using the Internet to do researching, and in the third lesson they will be creating their digital story by using the website II. Audience 1. General characteristics: Describe the learners, including the size of the group, their age, interests, experiences, and aptitudes. In my classroom, I have 23 students. The demographics of my students are:  10 Caucasian students  9 African American students

4 Hispanic students

Other characteristics of my students are:  2 out of the 23 speak minimal English  10 out of the 23 are visual learners  14 of the students are above the reading level  9 of the students are below the reading level 2. Entry competencies: What specific knowledge and assumptions can you make about them? Remember to describe their computer competence. Most of my students have minimal experience using computers but they do know where the computer lab is located is at in the school. Some students do have computers at home but for the most part all of the students are in the beginning phase of learning how to use one. They do know where the on and off switch is and also know how to type on the keyboard. The students do have a computer class that they attend for thirty minutes twice a week; in this class they learn the basics of computers. The computer teacher and I are working together to prepare them for the technology requirements of this unit. III. State Objectives 1. State Goal The goal of this mammal unit is for first grade students to learn about what a mammal is and the different habitats that they can be found in. Also, this unit will teach them how to conduct research by using the Internet, how to make a poster, and it will also teach them how to give presentations. 2. State Objective 1 (C) Using Billy Bear 4 Kids and a pencil and paper (A) first grade students (B) will draw a picture and write three corresponding factual sentences describing one of the mammals featured in the book Animals Called Mammals by Bobbie Kalman; (D) they will do this in one hour and the three factual sentences will be complete sentences. 3. State Objective 2 (C) Using the National Geographic website provided and materials to make a poster (A) first grade students (B) will research the different types of habitats that mammals live in, as well as create a poster; (D) the poster will include at least six facts and a picture of a mammal habitat. 4. State Objective 3

(A) First grade students (B) will create a digital story of what they have learned about mammals and their habitats (C) using pencil and paper and also the website (D) within one hour; their digital story will include a beginning, a middle, and an end. IV. State Methods 1. Instructional Strategy: Identify the instructional strategies you might use to deliver this unit with. These are as follow: a. Method(s) for objective 1 The teaching methods that will be used for this objective is demonstration and discussion. The method of demonstration will be used because I will be showing them how to use the program Billy Bear 4 Kids as well as reading the book Animals Called Mammals to them. The discussion method will be used because we will be talking about the book and exchanging thoughts and opinions about the book and what a mammal is. b. Method(s) for objective 2 The methods that will be used in this objective are cooperative learning and demonstration. The method of cooperative learning will be used when the students get into their groups to create a poster on the habitats of mammals. Demonstration will be used when I take them to the National Geographic website to help them with their research and also when I show them how to create a poster. c. Method(s) for objective 3 The methods that will be used for this objective are presentation, demonstration, and discussion. Presentation will be used when I show them the digital story that I made. The method of demonstration will be used when I am showing them how to create their own digital story. Websites Being Used:

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