Thematic Unit Description Paper I. Unit Context

  • June 2020
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Thematic Unit Description Paper

Name Matthew Lauritsen Course-Section Teach 259

I. Unit Context 1. Write a description of the unit theme detailing what the students will be learning. Students will dive into the statistical realm of mathematics using bar and line graphs, percentages, and functions while taking a closer look at the wide world of sports. Graphs and simple programs will be created by the students using Microsoft Excel. Students will also be exposed to the capabilities of graphing using TI-83 calculators. 2. What is the target subject area/class? The target subject area for this unit would be for students at or near the 8th grade level. 3. How does this unit fit into the whole learning experience of the students? Studying statistics through the lens of sports provides a wide topic of study where most students can find something they are interested in. By working with TI-83 calculators and Microsoft Excel, students will gain experience and increased comfort level with using technology that will be beneficial to them in future classes. Seeing the math skills that they are learning being used in a real world context will also be beneficial. 4. What is the setting or situation? Describe the classroom as you see it. Include information on what computers and other equipment are available to the students. My vision for this unit takes place both in a classroom and computer lab. The unit requires two days (preferably back to back, but spaced during a week is acceptable) in a computer lab with intranet access and one day in a classroom where all students have access to a TI-83 calculator. Also, an overhead projector with the appropriate hook-up for a TI-83 calculator is needed to show on the projector screen what the instructor’s calculator screen reads.

II. Audience 1. General characteristics: Describe the learners, including the size of the group, their age, interests, experiences, and aptitudes. I see the following as the make up of students in the classroom: 20 students aged 13-15 3 gifted students

5 students with behavior issues 3 minority students 2. Entry competencies: What specific knowledge and assumptions can you make about them? Remember to describe their computer competence. Over half of my students know how to create a bar or line graph on a sheet of graph paper. 5 or fewer students know how to create the same graph on Microsoft Excel though. Everyone has been to the computer lab at least once and knows how to log in. I will have to briefly review how to access the intranet, find programs, and save documents. I don’t expect any of my students to know how to use a TI-83 calculator. III. State Objectives 1. State Goal The goal of this unit is to teach students how to research, evaluate, understand, and display statistical information using Microsoft Excel and TI-83 calculators. Students will learn the basics of making line and bar graphs as well as using a simple formula in Microsoft Excel. Students will also understand how to input data and graph a function using TI-83 calculators. 2. State Objective 1 (A) 8th grade math students (B) will create a line graph and bar graph (C) using Microsoft Excel by researching statistics from (D) Graphs with at least 10 statistical elements will be properly titled, labeled, and turned in before the class period is over. 3. State Objective 2

(C) Using statistics from and a formula created from a Microsoft Excel tutorial, (A) 8th grade students (B) will calculate the winning percentage of a team and shooting percentage for two players. (D) A print out of the students Excel sheets with 100 percent accuracy will be handed in before the end of the class period. 4. State Objective 3 (A) 8th grade math students (B) will input data, graph a function, and answer questions related to the graph (C) using a TI-83 calculator. (D) A worksheet will be expected to be turned in at the end of the class period with 90% accuracy.

IV. State Methods 1. Instructional Strategy: Identify the instructional strategies you might use to deliver this unit with. These are as follow: - Presentation - Demonstration - Tutorial - Cooperative Learning Explain how the methods and media will be used to create the learning environment. a. Method(s) for objective 1 Methods for objective 1 will include demonstration, tutorial, and cooperative learning. With my computer screen projected on to a larger screen, I will walk through the exercise of finding the statistics, putting the data into Excel, and making a bar graph. An online tutorial will be available for them at my site to help them with questions that may come up. At the end of class, students will share an interesting stat they found with the class. b. Method(s) for objective 2 Methods for object 2 will include presentation and tutorial. At the beginning of class, I will teach the mathematics of percentages. Following that brief lecture, students will follow a tutorial from my site. The tutorial will show how to find a statistic on and how to create a formula to display the statistics as percentages on Microsoft Excel. c. Method(s) for objective 3 Methods for objective 3 will include demonstration, tutorial, and cooperative learning. Using my TI-83 calculator projected onto a larger screen, I will demonstrate the process of graphing a function. The worksheet I handout will serve as a tutorial for finding the desired information. Students will work in pairs. (for anticipatory set)

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