
  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 7
The Battle of Discouragement --- Its Cure Last chapter you learned that discouragement may be caused by fear, failure, sin, affliction or lack of assurance. We must now turn from asking “why do I feel discouraged?” to “how can I deal with my discouragement?” Discouragement is like common cold: it is contagious, limits your effectiveness and is difficult to prevent permanently. Even Paul, known for his constant rejoicing became discouraged at times. He testified to this problem when he wrote : We do not want………. so that we despaired even of life. (2 Corinthians 1:8)

Evaluate Your Perspective Towards Life The scriptures reveal how a man’s attitude determines his behavior saying, ‘ for as he thinks within himself, so he is”(Pro. 23:7 NASB). If he thinks that the whole world is against him, he will act defensively. On the other hand, if he thinks that he has the world by its tail, he will act assertively. If he believes deep down that God can really be trusted to meet his needs, then he will make different choices than if he believes he must look out for himself. Remember this premise, consider how basing your perspective on truth can move you from discouragement into hope. THINK MORE ABOUT WHAT GOD CAN DO THAN ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN DO. Remember from last chapter when God told the Israelites to enter the promised land. They sent spies in to the land, saw giants living there, and concluded, “We can’t attack these ….. (Num. 13: 31, 33) The spies imagined the power of the land’s inhabitants, compared themselves in the light of that perception, and so were discouraged. They neglected to look at God’s power. But two of them saw differently, “If the Lord …..(Num. 14:8-9) But the Israelites would not listen because of fear. 1. Read John. 15: 1-5: What resources does Jesus offer the believer to accomplish great works (V4-5) What does it mean to remain or abide in Jesus. See also Phil. 2:12-13.

2. Why does God want you to be fruitful in the things you do? John. 15:8

3. a) Does God stop loving you if you fail at the task he sets before you (Eph 2:8-9) Why? Or Why not? b) What then should your motive for doing good?

4. How can you find out what works to attempt?

5. After applying these methods list two projects you could undertake which would honor God.

6. Explain God’s promise to you if you do not give up? (Gal. 6:9)

Review what god has already done for you. Sometimes we loose our bearings because we do not have a sense of history. It is difficult to know where you should go if you do not know where you have been. Further more, spiritual development is not just the result of precept upon precept, but also experience upon experience as you observe the faithfulness of God. As I view God’s past provisions, I develop greater faith for the future. 7. What did Joshua have his people do to remember God’s faithfulness (Josh. 4:18-24)

8. How can you make reminders for yourselves of God’s provision.

Besides looking to God’s ability and remembering His past faithfulness, you can also remember that God is in control

Remember that god is still in control Circumstances have a way of clouding our thinking. When pressure mount and everything seems to be falling apart, it is difficult to believe that God is still in control. 9. To steady yourself in these moments, look up the following verses, write them out and memorize. Job. 42: 2 Jeremiah 29:11 Daniel 4: 35 God is in control of life’s events. This does not mean that he agrees with everything that happens nor that he causes all things to occur. But it does mean that nothing can be done apart from what he permits. You may wonder why he permits.

Recognize the purpose of problem No one enjoys problems. But they are necessary. 10. Consult the following passages and explain the purposes of hardship in each case. Gen. 37: 2, 18, 27; 45: 4-11

Duet 8: 2, 16 Rom: 5: 3-4

James 1: 2-4 1Pet 1: 6-7

Like the dark clouds of a storm, problems can inspire gloom and despair. Yet when the storm is past all appears refreshed. Even so when times of testing overwhelms you, remember that God is not only using them for your benefit but also will bring you through triumphantly.

Expect god to give you success When we focus on the hopelessness of the situation, discouragement engulfs us. But when we remind ourselves that God is responsible for my success and He alone can bring it to pass, then discouragement flees and peace fills my heart. 11. Galatians 6: 9 promises eternal reward for, “doing good” if we fulfill two conditions. What are they? 12. From 1 Corinthians 3: 6 explain your responsibility in your works of service?

How is your perspective? Do you spend most of your time looking at your weakness or God’s strength? Do you review what God has already done for you? Do you really believe that He is in control and he has the best interest? Are you expecting Him to give you success in tasks which please Him and abandoning those which do not?

Develop A Support System People need people. It is God’s support system for the individual and the family. 13. From the passages below explain how Paul reminded the churches of their responsibility, challenging believers to support one another within the body of Christ.

Rom. 12: 10 Rom. 14:1 Rom 15: 5-6 1Thess 4: 13- 18 1Thess 5: 6-11

14. Describe how you must begin to apply this counsel in your church. Whose help can you get?

Thirdly you can deal discouragement a tremendous blow by adding another weapon ---the gift of yourselves to others.

Give Yourselves To Others If you think of those times when you are most discouraged, you will probably find it is when you are burning up your energy thinking about yourself: “ Why doesn’t anything seem to go my way? why did this happen to me? So try another approach at such times. Give yourself to others. Get involved in others’ lives and you will soon find yourselves thanking God that your problems are not that bad after all. 15. How did Jesus set examples of this attitude? Matt. 4: 23- 24 Matt. 20: 25- 28 16. a) Restate in your own words how Jesus expressed this principle in Luke 9:24

b) Why is this strange truth true? Think about your most deep felt needs and how scripture says they can be met. ( Matt 6:33, Rom. 8: 35, 39, Eph 2:10, Phil 4:19)

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose”. Jim Elliott.

Set worthwhile goals 17. Name the goal setters in the following passages and describe their goals? 1Chro 28:2, 5-6 Nehemiah 1: 1, 2:17 Luke 19:10 Rom 1:5 Rom 8: 28-29

18. What practices are crucial when you set goals and why? Pro 15:22

Pro 16: 2-3 What does it mean to “commit to the lord what ever you do?”

James 4: 13-17

19. List three specific goals that you would like to reach within the next six months.

20 How have the three practices of question 18 affected or not affected and how you set these goals? How will they affect you?

When discouragement knocks at your door, you do not have to invite it in. Now you have four weapons at your disposal. Take hold of the opportunities which are before you and in the thick of the battle remember these words “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid do not be discouraged.” Duet . 31: 8