The Zionist Massacres

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  • Pages: 162

The Zionist Massacres

Committed Against the Palestinian Arab People in the 20th Century [Issued by: The Department of Moral and Political Guidance, the Palestine Liberation Army 2002]




The Index: - Introduction - Preface - The Zionist Massacres from 1937 to 1994. - Notes and Soures - The Zionist Massacres during the First Intifadha and thereafter 8 December 1987 through August 2000 - The Zionist Massacres Perpetrated during the Second Intifadha from 29 September 2000 through 31 July 2001 - Massacres of another kind - References - photos




Introduction by: Major General Mohammed Tareq Al-Khadra [Commander-in-Chief of the Palestine Liberation Army, Chief of Staff]

Terrorism is considered the main pillar on which the Zionist movement rested for occupying Palestine... Since the I 930s, the Zionist invaders considered that Palestine should be emptied of its indigenous population, the Palestinian Arabs, so that they can establish their artificial entity on the land of Palestine without instant or future obstacles. They also considered that the existence of the Palestinian people in Palestine, partially or wholly, represents for them an incurable insomniac headache, and that the best remedy for this headache is to expel the Palestinian Arab people from their lands, country, homes and holy places. Towards this end, the Zionists, based on a well-studied strategy, carried out a great number of abominable massacres against our people. The series of massacres began during the period of the British mandate in Palestine. The British occupiers assisted in the execution and perpetration of these massacres, either by turning a blind eye or by ignoring them through direct or indirect participation therein. The Palestinians were forbidden from acquiring any type of weapons, no matter how simple they were, to deprive them of the possibility of self-defense. The series of massacres in Palestine did not cease with the creation of the Zionist entity. It rather increased in violence and brutality. During that time, the Zionist occupiers perpetrated many grisly massacres against our people, rendering homeless hundreds of thousands of them. The Zionist series of crimes, terror, and massacres has persisted till now. The presence of the Palestinian Arab people on their national soil does not please the Zionists. They continue to uproot our people and expel them in order to vacate Palestine from its Arab population, in order to establish an exclusive racist Zionist entity. The Zionist invaders have for a long time been focusing their main attention on the socalled Jewish "Holocaust", They exaggerated the "massacres" perpetrated against the Jews in Europe. They tried to convince the world that they are weak and that the series of the "Holocaust", or the massacres perpetrated by the West against Jews, gives them the

right to establish a Jewish "homeland" in Palestine. The world was duped by this claim, and many believed the lie of the "holocaust" on which the Zionists conferred much falsehood and exaggeration. The Zionists in the artificial entity are the ones who committed, and continue to commit , the most brutal, inhuman massacres. The world knows a little or nothing about the past and present crimes perpetrated by the Zionist invaders against our Palestinian Arab people and our Arab nation. Therefore, we, the people of Palestine, have the right to talk about the "Palestinian Holocaust" and to draw the attention of the whole world to those hideous massacres perpetrated by the Zionist invaders prior, during and after the creation of the Zionist entity massacres that are continuing till our present day. Hence, the office of the Chief-of-Staff of the Palestine Liberation Army has decided to publish this book, which speaks in figures and dates about most of the massacres perpetrated by the Zionist killers against our Palestinian Arab people, so that Palestine would remain live in the memory, and so that all of us would not forget that we were and are still victims of those massacres and of a great conspiracy against our people and our entire Arab nation. A review of the pages of this book reveals the abominable and inhuman image of the Zionist Movement in all its values, concepts and ideological structure, and its entity, Israel, which is based on racism, fascism and crime. The review confirms the dark, bloody history of this entity, prior, during and after its establishment. It also proves that the Zionist Movement is racist, fascist and terrorist; its ideology is based on all forms of terrorism and on forging and falsifying historical facts. A close look at some of the dubious activities of the Zionist Movement throughout the world shows that it is the source of most evils. The Zionists practice all sorts of terrorism in the world, most notable of which are the following:

1- Intellectual, media and political terrorism: This dangerous terrorism constitutes the very base of falsifying facts, distorting concepts and promoting big lies by claiming that the Zionists have a historical right to Palestine, They forged the Torah, claiming that they are God's chosen people and that God promised them the land of Palestine. They also distort the reality about the people of Palestine and the

Arab nation through their spiteful writings which portray the Arabs and Muslims as being underdeveloped and terrorists. They use some media to turn the facts upside down, to blackmail politicians in the West through concepts that contradict logic, right and humanity. They exploit the sense of guilt or the part of the Europeans in connection with the holocaust in World War II which, in itself, is a misleading lie. They blackmail Europeans in order to force them into adopting stands in support of the Zionist Movement and its entity,Israel, lest they should be branded with anti-Semitism.

2- Economic and financial terrorism: This sort of terrorism backs the former one and supports it through the major monopolies and by manipulating the money markets. The Zionists exert all kinds of material pressure, and impose an economic embargo against anyone who tries to stand in the face of their aggressive and dubious schemes.

3- Colonialist, military and oppressive terrorism: The sort of terrorism represented the prime objective of the Zionist Movement in creating its entity, its expansion and reinforcement. It differs from the former two sorts of terrorism, which are implemented through deceit, plots and intrigues. This one is implemented directly and overtly through inhuman crimes, killing and destruction. The Zionists occupy the land, perpetrate crimes against children, women, and unarmed men. They destroy houses, uproot trees and ruin the infrastructure in order to force the people of Palestine into leaving their homeland. They import from all corners of the world more Zionist settlers who have no right whatsoever to Palestine.

All these evils and various forms of terrorist acts practiced by the Zionist Movement and its neo- Nazi racist entity, including alienating the West against Islam and the Muslims, aim at the establishment of the Greater Israel on the Arab homeland at the expense of the Arab nation and Arab land, as well as at the expense of the Islamic nation. The Zionists are perhaps entertaining the idea of dominating the world.

Thus, we see that the evil of Zionism and its various forms of organized terrorism and its countless inhuman crimes pose a grave threat to mankind as a whole. The entire world must be aware of this disease, and must act to confront it and prevent the spread of its evils. In particular, the Arab and Muslim nations must beware this danger. The people of Palestine are on the first confrontation line resisting the aggression and crimes of this entity. They are not just defending themselves, but are also defending the Arab nation and the Islamic holy places. Therefore, the people of Palestine must be backed and supported. The Arab nation must achieve the minimum limit of effective solidarity by taking a united, strong and coherent stand of dignity and pride in support of the steadfast attitude of Syria towards realizing a true, practical and effective stand in the face of the abominable Zionist cancer. Sooner or later, evil will turn against its proponents, and right will be restored to its owners, but the plotting of Evil will hem in only the initiators thereof.





Terrorism is an abnormal inclination in human behaviour. But it is not so in the Zionist norm, which considers terrorism a pillar on which rests the Zionist system of the individual and "society". If we see the Zionist fingers in the terrorist acts in the world, their thumbprints in Palestine are indelible, and the Zionist crimes will never fall by prescription. The tragedies caused by the Zionist crimes and terrorism against the Palestinian Arab people are so many that they cannot be confined to one book or even a series of books. The history of the Zionist enemy abounds with massacres, known and unknown. It would be rather impossible to monitor all massacres perpetrated by the Zionist invaders against the Palestinian Arab people. The known massacres are innumerable, while the pages of the unknown ones are still folded and their records are still closed. In order to fulfil the objective of usurping the land of Palestine, uprooting and displacing its population, the Zionist terrorist organizations perpetrated a series of heinous massacres of women, children, elderly people and men. The clear aim of massacring the largest number of Palestinians who stand steadfast in their land is to terrorize and frighten the others in order to force them to leave, flee, or seek refuge. Noteworthy in the Zionist policy of force is that the army of the Zionist enemy, even after the declaration of the establishment of Israel as a "state" recognized by many countries of the world, has continued to resort to the same terrorist practices that were pursued by the Zionist gangs - practices that are often distinguished by the acts of criminal thugs, rather than the acts of a regular army of a state that respects itself. Zionist terrorism shall not cease so long as the Zionist entity remains on the land of Palestine and the occupied Arab territories. The massive massacres which the Torah cited in more than one location are but samples used by the Zionist terrorist gangs, then by the Zionist army. The sole aim is to annihilate the Palestinian Arab people and liquidate them through killing, or to force them to leave out of fear of such annihilation. The pioneering leaders of the Zionist Movement, who planned for the creation of the Zionist entity on the land of Palestine, were keen in their writings to highlight the call for resorting to terrorism and mass murder as a mans to fulfil the Zionist objective.

The Zionists, after acquiring the "Balfour Declaration" on 2 November 1917, sought to portray Palestine as a land without a people. In order to realize their claim, they resorted to the practice of killing the Palestinian Arabs, in order to vacate Palestine from its indigenous population, forcing them to leave their homeland. To implement this scheme, the Zionist enemy formed armed terrorist gangs, the most notorious of which were: Stern, Irgun, and the Haganah. These were the gangs that formed later what is called the "Israeli Defense Forces". In addition to the mass massacres perpetrated against the Palestinian Arab people, the Zionist terrorist gangs committed another series of abominable war crimes. Those gangs, and later the "state of the enemy", implemented the policy aimed at the total destruction of Palestinian cities, towns and villages, and the policy of collective deportation of the Palestinian population, the rightful owners of the land. The Zionists destroyed and wiped out 478 Palestinian villages out of a total of 585 villages and conglomerations in the 1948 war and immediately thereafter. Only 107 villages remained. They rendered homeless 780 thousand Palestinians, transforming them into refugees, to whom were added 350 thousand new refugees after the June 1967 aggression. We shall try in this book to monitor many massacres perpetrated by the Zionist invaders during the twentieth century. But we say in advance that the massacres cited herein do not mitigate the dangers and the terrorist, bloody nature of the other massacres, not cited herein, and which are plentiful. The tools of execution vary from one massacre to another, They may be firearms such as rifles, machineguns, pistols, cannons, mines, explosives, explosive charges, hand grenades, time bombs, etc. They may be tanks, planes, gunboats, knives, daggers, axes, cleavers or even bludgeons. Massacre is, however, the ultimate outcome. The number of victims may differ from one massacre to another, more here and less there. It is not the number that counts, be it large or small, because a massacre is not measured by the number of its victims. This is due to the fact that when the Zionist enemy kills three unarmed civilians, this act is certainly considered a massacre, since it is premeditated. Besides, the three victims may be thirty or three hundred if the killers were afforded the chance, but coincidence plays its role here.

Following is an account of the massacres perpetrated by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian Arab people during the twentieth century, before, during and after the creation of the Zionist entity, listed according to their chronological order:




The Zionist Massacres from 1937 to 1994

1- "Al-Quds" Massacre - Late December 1937 A member of "ITZL" Zionist terrorist organization hurled a hand grenade at the vegetable marketplace adjacent to the "Nablus Gate" in Jerusalem. Scores of Arab citizens were either killed or injured.(1) 2 - "Haifa" Massacre - 6 March 1938 Members of the Zionist "ITZL" and "Lehi" terrorist gangs threw a grenade at the "Haifa" market, killing 18 Arabs and injuring 38.(2) 3 - "Haifa" Massacre - 6 July 1938 Terrorists of the "ITZL" Zionist gang exploded two booby-trapped vehicles in "Haifa" market, killing 21 Arabs and injuring 52.(3) 4 - "Al-Quds" Massacre - 13 July 1938 Ten Arabs were killed and 31 others injured in a horrible explosion in the Arab vegetable marketplace in "Old Jerusalem"(4) 5 - "Al-Quds" Massacre - 15 July 1938 A member of "ITZL" terrorist gang hurled a hand grenade in front of a mosque in the city of Jerusalem at the end of the prayers, killing 10 Arabs and injuring 30 others.(5) 6 - "Haifa" Massacre - 25 July 1038 A booby-trapped car placed by "ITZL" Zionist terrorist gang exploded in the Arab market in "Haifa", killing 35 Arabs and injuring 70.(6) 7 - "Haifa" Massacre"- 26 July 1938 A member of "ITZL" gang threw a hand grenade in a market in "Haifa", killing 47 Arabs.(7) 8 - "AI-Quds" Massacre - 26 August 1938 booby-trapped car placed by "ITZL" gang exploded in the market of Arab Jerusalem, killing 34 Arabs and injuring 35.(8) 9 - "Haifa" Massacre - 27 March 1939 "ITZL" gang exploded two grenades in "Haifa", killing 27 Arabs and injuring 39.(9) 10 - "Balad El-Sheikh" Massacre - 12 June 1939 It is a Palestinian Arab village southeast of Haifa. In 1945, it had a population of 4120 and an area of 22l donums. Its land area was 9849 donums.

On 12 June 1939, the "Haganah" Zionist terrorist gangs attacked the village. They kidnapped five of its inhabitants and murdered them.(10) 11 - "Haifa" Massacre - 19 June 1939 The Zionist invaders hurled a hand grenade in a marketplace in "Haifa", killing 9 Arabs and injuring 4.(11) 12 - "Haifa" Massacre - 20 June 1947 Seventy-eight Arabs were killed and 24 others were injured when a bomb exploded in the vegetable market in "Haifa". The bomb was hidden in a camouflaged vegetable box. "ITZL" and "Lehi" gangs had orchestrated the operation.(12) 13 - "Abbasiyya" Massacre - 13 December 1947 Abbasiyya is an Arab village, located 13 kms to the east of the city of "Jaffa". In 1945, it had a population of 5650, and an area of 101 donums. Its land area was 20540 donums. The Massacre: On 13 December 1947, while the British mandate army was still controlling Palestine, the "Irgun" Zionist terrorist gang attacked the village of "Abbasiyya". The 24 attackers were disguised in the uniform of British soldiers. They fired at the village and blasted several homes. They fired at some people who were sitting in front of a café. The killers planted a number of time bombs and explosive charges in some of the houses. Many British soldiers arrived at the village but did not interfere, but they partially encircled the village, allowing the killers an access to flee from the northern side. Seven Arabs were killed and seven others were seriously injured, two of whom died later, including a five-year old child, his 20-year old mother. Five others were injured when the time bombs exploded in the days following the massacre.(13) 14 - Arab AI-Khassas" Massacre - 18 December 1947 Al-Khassas is a Palestinian Arab village located north of "Al-Hula" plain. Its population in 1945 was 470, including the tribe of "Arab Al-Fadl" and its chief "Prince Fa’oor". The Massacre: Following the Partition Resolution passed on 29 November 1947, while five Arab workers were on their way to their jobs, three Zionists of the "Ma’yan Baroch" settlement opened fire at the workers. As a result, one of the Zionist attackers was stabbed with a knife which led to his death. When the commander of the Third "Palmach" battalion which was stationed at "Atleet" area received the news of the killing of the Zionist, his deputy "Moshe Kalman" hurried to the scene of the accident. He ordered "Mola Cohen", the

commander of the "Palmach" to carry out a retaliatory operation against the village, because killing one Jew is considered a sanctioning of Jewish blood". Though the murder charge against the inhabitants of the village was not proven, it was decided to attack "AlKhassas". "Moshe Carmel", commander of the "Labanoni" Brigade delivered an order to the Command of the Third Battalion from the Operations Division of the General Staff to carry out a retaliatory operation aimed at burning homes and killing men of the village. The operation was executed on 18 December 1947 by two units of the brigade. The report of the force commander stated that 12 villagers were killed, including some women and children. However, it appeared later on that all the victims were women and children, because the men had left the village a short while prior to the massacre. Some Jewish sources said that 10 of the village population were killed, including five children, and that some victims were buried under the rubble of their homes.(14) 15 - "Al-Quds" Massacre - 29 December 1947 The "Irgun" Zionist gang threw a barrel full of explosives near "Bab Al-Amood" in "Jerusalem", killing 14 Arabs and injuring 27.(15) l6 - "Al-Quds" Massacre - 30 December 1947 The "Irgun" terrorist gang hurled a bomb from a fast moving car, killing 11 Arabs.(16) l7 - "Balad E1-Sheikh" Massacre - 3 1/12/1947 - 1/1/1948 The Massacre: On New Year eve, a joint force composed of the First Battalion of the "Palmach" and 01’ the "Carmeli" Brigade led by "Chaim Avinoam" attacked the village, killing 60 Arabs. According to the report of the commander of the massacre "Our forces silenced the sources of fire and entered the village. It started its action in the houses. The intense firing made it impossible to avoid women and children". However, the New York Times correspondent said in a report published on 7/1/1948 "On New Year eve, the "Haganah" attacked Balad El-Sheikh, claiming that the attack was in retaliation for the killing of the Jews in the clashess that took place in the "Refinery". The correspondent added: "While a group of the attackers were disguised wearing Arab white headcloth (kufia) were firing from the hills overlooking the village, another much larger group entered the outskirts of the village and attacked several houses with hand grenades and machineguns, killing many unarmed civilians, including children, women and elderly people".

This massacre, in addition to the other acts of violence, had a demoralizing effect on the Arab inhabitants of "Haifa" city. The history of the "Haganah" stated: "A force of 170 elements of the "Palmach" was ordered to encircle Balad El-Sheikh and to cause harm to as many men as possible. The attackers left behind more than 60 persons killed, including a number of women, children and old people". One of the accounts estimated the number of martyrs at 30. The killers destroyed scores of houses in the village.(17) For the sake of facts and history, most of the martyrs were Arab workers of the "Refinery" close to the village. The workers were from different villages who resided in the region of "Hawwasa", which is part of Balad El-Sheilch. Hawwasa was built of tin huts. 18 - "Sheikh Barbak" Massacre – 1947 It is an Arab village of the "Haifa" district. The Masascre: In 1947, the Zionist terrorist gangs attacked the village killing 40 of its population.(18) 19 - "Jaffa" Massacre - 4 January 1948 "Stern" Zionist gang threw a bomb at a crowded square in "Jaffa" killing 15 and injuring 98.(19) 20 - The Massacre of "The Old Government House" in Jaffa On 4 January 1948, the "Irgun" Zionist gang placed a car filled with explosives adjacent to the "Old Government House" in the city of "Jaffa". The blast destroyed the building and its vicinity. Thirty Arabs were killed and others injured. Among the victims were some of the educated youth of Jaffa.(20) 21 - "Semiramis" Massacre - 5 January 1948 The "Haganah" terrorist gang blasted with explosives "Semiramis" hotel situated in the Arab neighborhood of "Qatmoon" in "Jerusalem". The hotel was destroyed on its guests who were all Arabs. Nineteen Arabs were killed and 20 were injured. Following this massacre, the residents of Qatmoon began moving from it due to its vicinity of the Jewish neighborhoods.(21) 22 - "Al-Quds" Massacre - 7 January 1948 The "Irgun" terrorist gang threw a bomb on "Jaffa Gate" in Jerusalem, killing 18 Arabs and injuring 41.(22)

23 - The "Arab Saraya" Massacre - 8 January 1948 The "Arab Saraya" (Arab Government House) is a tall building situated opposite the wellknown "Jaffa City Clock". The building housed the headquarters of the Arab National Committee in Jaffa. The Zionist terrorist gangs placed a booby-trapped car the explosion of which killed 70 Arabs. And wounded scores more. The Zionist Army magazine Pama Haneh, in its issue of 4 January 1978, gave details of this massacre as recounted by its perpetrator "Rahamim Hakmoob".(23) 24 - "Ramleh" Massacre - 15 January 1948 The Zionist terrorists perpetrated a massacre in the town of Ramleh. The killers were from the "Palmach’ soldiers under the command of "Yigal Allon", Yitzhak Rabin" and "David Ben Gurion" of the Ziouist "Haganah" terrorist organization. On that day, members of this terrorist gang threw bombs at one of the Arab houses in the town. This forced the Arab citizens living in the area to flee to nearby "Sarafand" after the Zionist terrorists showered them with bullets.(24) 25 - "Haifa" Massacre - 16 January 1948 Zionist terrorists disguised in the uniforms of British soldiers entered a store near the "Maghrebi Building" located in Salahuddin street in the city of "Haifa" under the pretext of inspection. They placed a time bomb which exploded, destroying the building and its vicinity, killing 31 men, women and children and injuring double that number.(25) 26 - "Yazoor" Massacre - 22 January 1948 Yazoor is a Palestinian Arab village five kms to the southeast of"Jaffa". In 1945, its population was 4030. The Massacre: On 22 January 1948, the operations commander of the "Haganah" Zionist organization issued an order to the commander of the "Palmach, Yigal Allon saying: "You must carry out as quickly as possible and without further orders an operation against the village of Yazoor. The aim is to disturb the village for a long time, by infiltrating into it and scorching some houses. I authorize you to select the method you deem fit". Two hours after the issuance of the order, a group of the "Palmach" attacked a bus near "Yazoor", injuring the driver and some passengers. On the same day, another group attacked a second bus killing and injuring a number of persons. The "Palmach" and the "Jaf’ati" brigade attacks against Yazoor and the Arab vehicles heading for it remained

relentless for twenty continuous days. Other units exploded charges near the houses. On 22 January 1948, the "Haganah" command decided to attack Yazoor and to blast off the ice plant and two adjacent buildings. The planning for the operation was assigned to Yithak Rabin, the operations officer of the "Palmach". The ofifcer in charge of the training section at that time was Brig. "Yitzrael Tal". It was decided to start the attack with the break of dawn. At night, the attacking forces entered Yazoor through the orange groves. The group of "Tal" opened fire on the ice pla?t in thç village, while other groups opened fire and hurled hand grenades at the houses. The group of "Jeshua Nabo" blasted the gate of the "Iskandaroni" building and the ice plant building. The massacre led to the killing of 15 martyrs of Yazoor inhabitants, most of whom were murdered while asleep.(26) 27 - "Haifa" Massacre - 28 January 1948 The Zionist terrorists of "Hadar" neighbourhood overlooking the Arab "Abbas Street" in the city of "Haifa", hurled a barrel filled with explosives. It destroyed the houses over their inhabitants. Twenty Arabs were killed and about 50 were injured.(27) 28 -"Tirat Tulkarm" Massacre - 10 February 1948 Al-Tira is a Palestinian Arab village in the district of "Tulkarm". In 1945, its population counted 3180, and its area was 96 donums, while its land area was 31359 donums. The Zionist invaders occupied it in 1948. The Massacre: On 10 February 1948, a group of Zionist terrorists stopped a number of Arab citizens who were on their way back to "Tirat Tulkarm" and fired on them, killing seven and injuring five others.(28) 29 - "Saasaa" Massacre - 14 February 1948 Saasaa is a Palestinian Arab village 20 kms from the city of Safad. In 1945, it had a population of 1130. The Zionist invaders occupied it on 16 February 1948 while Palestine was still under the British mandate. The Massacre: On the night of 14 February 1948, a force belonging to the third "Palmach" battalion attacked the village of "Saasaa" and destroyed 20 houses over their inhabitants, though the villagers raised the white flags and offered a "sheep" to the army. The massacre resulted in killing around 60 people, most of them were women and children. The Zionist daily Yediot Aharonot published on 14 April 1972 an account by the terrorist

"Moshe Coleman", commander of "Yiftah" brigade, the perpetrator of the massacre. He said: "We proceeded to work on the night of 14 February 1948 in a purely Arab area. The target was 25 kms from our base. I led 68 men armed with light weapons and explosives. We sneaked into the village from the north in order to penetrate it by surprise. We placed 35 explosive charges and withdrew under darkness. A number of women and children were injured as a result of the operation.(29) 30 - "Al-Quds" Massacre - 20 February 1948 The "Lehi" Stern Zionist gang stole a British army vehicle, filled it with explosives then parked it in front of al-Salaam building in Jerusalem. Its explosion killed 14 Arabs and injured 26.(30) 31 - "Haifa" Massacre - 20 February 1948 The Zionist invaders attacked the Arab quarters in the city of Haifa, killing 6 and injuring 36.(31) 32 - "Al-Hussainiyya" Massacre - 13 March 1948 Al-Hussainiyya is an Arab village in the district of "Safad". The Massacre: On 13/3/1948, the ".Haganah" Zionist terrorist gang attacked the village, estroying its houses with explosives, killing 30 of the inhabitants.(32) 33 - "Abu Kabir" Massacre - 31 March 1948 The "Haganah" Zionist gangs attacked the quarter of Abu Kabir" in the city of"Jaffa", destroyed homes and killed the inhabitants who were fleeing for safety.(33) 34 - "Haifa (Jaffa) Train" Massacre - 31 March 1948 The "Haganah" Zionist gang blew up the Jaffa-Haifa Train" while passing near "Nataniya", killing 40 people.(34) 35 - "Cairo-Haifa Train" Massacre - 31 March 1948 The "Stern" Zionist gang planted mines in the "CairoHaifa" express train, killing 40 persons and injuring 60.(35) 36 - A1-Ramleh" Massacre - March 1948 The Zionist terrorists planned this massacre and executed it in March 1948 in the marketplace of AlRamleh town, where 25 Arab citizens were ki1led.(36) 37 - "Deir Yassin" Massacre - 9/10 April 1948

Deir Yassin is an Arab village about 6 kms to the west of "Jerusalem". In 1945, its population counted 610, its area covered 12 donums, and its land area 2857 donums. The Zionist invaders occupicd it on the same day of the massacre. The Massacre: On the morning of Friday, 9 April 1948, the thugs of "Irgun" and "Stern" Zionist terrorist gangs surprised the inhabitants of Deir Yassin and attacked them without any distinction between child, woman or old people. They mutilated the bodies of the victims and threw them in the water well of the village. Most victims were women, children and old people. The British did not dare to send their troops. The massacre was perpetrated according to a scheme orchestrated by the "Jewish Agency", with the knowledge of the "Haganah". The Zionists had in mind a remote objective, and they succeeded in achieving it. They planted fear and terror in all Arab villages, whose people began to flee in panic. The Arab press at the time unintentionally helped in fulfilling the Zionist objective by recounting the gruesome details of the abominable, brutal crime.(37) The force comprised 3000 terrorists, accompanied by armored vehicles.(38) Menachem Begin led the "lrgun" or "ITZL" gang, while Yitzhak Shamir led the "Stern" or Lehi gang. The commander of the attack was "Yehusha Zattler".(39) The commander of the unit that buried the victims was called "Nishrin Shev".(4o) It was also said that the commander of the attack was "Labidot".(41) The massacre lasted for 13 hours, that is, until noon of Saturday, 10 April 1 948.(42) There were conflicting reports about the number of victims. Some reports estimated them at between 87 and 256, others estimated them at 300, and others at over 100. The Red Cross discovered on 10 April the bodies of 254 men, women and children.(43) Twenty-five pregnant women were massacred, as well as 25 children under ten. At least half of the victims were women and children.(44) The methods used in perpetrating the massacre included, inter alia, lining the men against the wall and firing at them.(45) Each time the killers occupied a house, they would blow it up. Whole families were lined against the wall and shot dead with rifles... Young girls were raped...A pregnant woman was butchered first, then they slit open her abdomen with a butcher’s knife... A small girl tried to take the embryo but was shot dead... Some of the "lrgun" gang dismembered the bodies into pieces... The hands and ears of women were cut off or chopped, in order to steal their bracelets, rings or earrings(46)... Limbs of children

were cut...and the killers destroyed a children’s school completely and killed the schoolteacher. Reserve Colonel "Meir Baeel", who was in the ranks of the "Irgun" on the day of the massacre, described what he saw. He said in the Zionist daily Yediot Aharonot on 4 April, 1972: "After the fire stopped, it was noontime, the attackers began clearing up the houses. They took out 25 men and transported them in a truck; and we paraded in the Jewish quarter of "Mahaneh". At the end of the tour, they were brought to the stone quarry between "Gafaat Shaoul" and "Deir Yassin" and were murdered in cold blood.(47) The Deir Yassin massacre accelerated the departure of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, only a few weeks prior to the creation of the Zionist entity on 15 May, 1948.(48) The terrorist "Menachem Begin", leader of the "Irgun" Zionist terrorist gang, which perpetrated the massacre, said: "A wave of indignation swept throughout the Arab countries and the entire world for what they called the ‘Jewish massacres’. This Arab propaganda was meant to distort our reputation, but produced for us much good. Fear pervaded the hearts of the Arabs. The village of ‘Kalonia’, which used to repel the continuous ‘Haganah’ attacks, was deserted by its inhabitants overnight and surrendered without any fight. The inhabitants of ‘Beit Tksa’ fled too; this village and ‘Kalonia’ were overlooking the highway. By falling and with the occupation of ‘Al-Kastal’, the Jewish rorces were able to control the road to Jerusalem ... In many other places, the Arabs were fleeing without clashing with the Jews in any fight. The Deir Yassin legend helped us keep ‘Tiberias’ and occupy ‘Haifa".(49) Listed below are the names of the victims of the DeirYassin massacre whose names were known: (50)

His Age


Name of Martyr


Ismail Shaker Mustaf



Ahmad Hussein Omar Atiyya



Ismail A1-Haj Khalil




Ahmad Hussein Ahmad Jaber



As’ad Radwan



Smail Atiyya



Amena Hussein



Amena Au Mustafa



Amena Al-Kobari



Basema As’ad Radwan



Jabr tawfic Jabr Jaber






Jaber Mustafa Jaber



Husniyya ‘Atiyya



Hulwa Zeidan



Hasan Ali Zeidan



Hasan Yaaoob Muhammad Ali


Farhan 18

Hussein Ismail Muhammad


Sammoor 19

Khalil Mustafa Jaber



Hadra Beituniyya



Hayat Balbissi



Samya Ali Mustafa



Salim Muhammad Ismail



Suad Ismail ‘Atiyya



Saeed Muhammad Ismail ‘Atiyya



Sameeha Ahmad Zahran



Saeed Muhammad Saeed



Sameeh Ahmad Zahran



Sammoor Khalil Ismail



Saeed Moosa Zahran



Shafiq Moosa Mustafa



Sgafiq Shaker Mustafa



Shafia Moosa Mustafa



Subhiyya Radwan



Safiyya Muhammad Eid “A1-Sheikh”



Salhiyya Muhammad Eid



Zarifa Muhammad Ali Khahl



Issa Ahmad Yusuf



Abdul-Rahman Hussein Hamed



Al-Haj Ayesh Khalil



Aziza Ali Mustafa



Abdullah Abdul-Majeed Sammoor



Ali Hasan Ali Zeidan



Ali Muhammad Zahran



Ali Husein Ali



Ali Al-Haj Khalil



Aida Ali Mustafa “Ammoori”



Awni Ismail Atiyya



Ali Abdul-Raheem Hamed



Issa Muhammad Eid



Omar Ahmad Zahran



Omran Muhammad Ismail Atiyya



Aziza Mosleh



Eid A1-Khalil



Ali Hussein Hasan Mosleh



Yusra Musa Mustafa



Yusuf Ahmad Ulayya



Fatima Sammoor



Fatima Muhammad Eid ‘Al-


Malhiyya” 60

Fatima Jum’a Zahran



Fatima Ismail Atiyya



Fathi Jumaa Zahran



Fuad Sheikh Khahl



Faris Dweik



Fiddiyya Ismail Sammoor



Fathiyya Jumaa Zahran



Mahmood Ali Mustafa



Mahmood Muhammad Jooda



Mazyan Ahmad Radwan



Mustafa Ali Zeidan



Muhammad Haj Ayish



Muhammad Mahmood Ismail


Sammoor 73

Muhammad Ali Khalil



Muhammad Ismail Atiyya



Muhammad Mahmood Zahran



Muhammad Moosa Zahran



Maryam Muhammad Atiyya



Moosa Muhammad Ismail Atiyya



Muhammad Mahmood Ismail Atiyya



Mustafa ahmood Mustafa Zeidan



Muhammad Hussein Muhammad


Atiyya 82

Muhammad Khalil Jaber



Muhammad Ali Mustafa



Muhammad Ali Mosleh



Muhammad Jawdat Hamdan



Mahmood Mustafa Jaber



Mansoor Abdul Aziz Sammoor



Muhammad Ali Zahran



Muhammad Moosa Mustafa



Muyassar Moosa Mustafa



Muhammad Saeed jabber



Moosa Ismail Sammoor



Muhammad Ali Mustafa Zeidan



Hajja Najma lsmail



Nazmi Ahmad Zahran



Ruayya Ulayyan “Ahmad Zahran”



Radwan As’ad Radwan



Zeinab Jumaa Zahran



Zeinab Muhammad Atiyya



Ribhi Muhammad Ismail Atiyya



Rasmiyya Moosa Zahran



Zeinab Muhammad Moosa Zahran



Tamam Muhammad Ali Hasan



Tawfik Jaber



Watfa ‘Abd Muhammad Ali Hasan



Sarah A1-Kobariyya



Muhammad Zahran



Ayisha Radwan



Khaldiyya Bid



Jameela Hasan



Zeidan, his wife, father and uncle



Kadriyya Zeidan


38 - "Kalonia" Massacre - 12 April 1948 Kalonia is a Palestinian Arab village, about 7 kms from Jerusalem. Its population was 910 and its area was 72 donums. The Massacre: On 12 April 1948, a force of the Zionist terrorist "Palmach" attacked the village, blew up some houses, killing at least 14 of its inhabitants.(51)

39 - "Lajjoon" Massacre - 13 April 1948 Lajjoon is a Palestinian Arab village of Jenin District. It is about 18 kms from Jenin. In 1940, its population was 1103. The Zionist invaders occupied it in 1948. The Massacre: On 13 April 1948, the "Haganah" Zionist terrorist gang attacked the village, killing 13 persons.(52) 40 - Massacre of "Nasseruddin" - 13/14 April 1948 Nasseruddin is a Palestinian Arab village, 7 kms southwest of the city of Tiberias. Its population was 90 persons. The Massacre: On 13 April 1948, the fighting intensified in Tiberias between the Arabs and the Zionists. The enemy had superiority in both men and equipment. The mujahedin of "Nazareth" and the villages close to Tiberias attempted to come to the rescue of Tiberias. The enemy was controlling the accesses to the city. News spread among the Arab defenders that the rescue was on its way from the nearby villages, via the village of Nasseruddin. The fighters were asked to be cautious and not to fire on the rescue teams. It seems that the news reached the Zionists. The "Irgun" and "Stem" gangs, on the night of 13/14 April 1948, sent a force whose men were wearing Arab apparel. The village inhabitants thought that they were the Arab rescuers coming to defend Tiberias. So, they welcomed the men who, as soon as they entered the village, fired at the "welcomers". Only forty people of Nasseruddin village managed to flee to a neighboring village. Thus, 50 Arabs fell martyrs.(53) The massacre continued from the night of 13/4 till the morning of l4/4/1948.(54) On l2/4/1948,a Zionist force of the "Golani" brigade attacked the same village,as well as the village of "Sheikh Kaddumi", killing 12 persons.(55) 41 - Massacre of "Tiberias" - 19 April 1948 The Zionist terrorist gangs blew up a house in the city of "Tiberias", killing 14 of its inhabitants.(56) 42 - "Haifa" Massacre - 22 April 1948 The Zionist invaders attacked, after midnight, the city of Haifa from "Hadar Al-Carmel". They occupied the houses, streets and public buildings, killing 50 Arabs and injuring 200. The Arabs were taken by surprise. They moved their women and children out to the

seaport area in order to transport them to the city of "Acre". While fleeing, the front Zionist positions attacked them, killing 100 civilians and injuring 200.(57) 43 - "Ain Al-Zeitoon" Massacre - Early May 1948 Ain Al-Zeitoon is a Palestinian Arab village in the district of Safad. Its population was 820. The Massacre: the Jewish woman "Natiba ben Yehuda" recounts in her book Behind Distortions about the massacre that "on 3 or 4 May 1948, around 70 fettered prisoners were executed.(58) 44 - "Safad" Massacre - 13 May 1948 The Zionist terrorist "Haganah" gang massacred around 70 young men in the city of "Safad".(59) We have no details whatsoever about this massacre. 45 - "Abou Shousheh" Massacre - 14 May 1948 Abou Shousheh is a Palestinian Arab village, about five miles southeast of the town of "Ramleh". It had a population of 870, and its area was 24 donums. The Massacre: On 14 May 1948, the Zionist invaders perpetrated in the village an abominable, massacre, killing 60 men, women and children. The massacre ended by deporting all the village inhabitants from their homes, which were then gradually destroyed. On that day, Zionist soldiers from the "Jafaati" Brigade surrounded the village from all directions at dawn. They then showered the village with bullets and mortar bombs, focusing on the northern part, considered strategic by the Arabs. The Zionists managed to enter the village, firing in all directions at anything that moves. The women hid in three caves for a whole week. The heads of many victims were hit with hatchets.6o The women formed a committee of five of them to bury the victims, whose names were documented in a study about the massacre. The study was carried out by researchers at the Beer Zeit University Research Center. Trenches and caves were used as mass graves. This massacre was not known by anybody before.(61) 46 - "Beit Daras" Massacre - 21 May 1948 Beit Daras is a Palestinian Arab village, 46 kms northeast of the city of Gaza. The Massacre: On 21 May 1948, a Zionist force arrived in armored vehicles to the village, and surrounded it to prevent the arrival of any reinforcements. The force began to heavily shell the village with artillery and mortars. The villagers decided to stand steadfast and

defend their homes, regardless of the cost. They asked the women, children and elderly people to leave the village in order to mitigate the losses among the unarmed persons. The deportees moved through the southern part of the village, but were unaware that the village was encircled from all directions. When they reached the outskirts of the village, the Zionists opened fire on them, giving no regard to their being women, children and elderly. They killed a large number of them, in a massacre that was not less brutal than that of Deir Yassin and other massacres. The killers then put fire to the threshing floors and a number of houses, while blowing up others.(62) 47 - "Tantoora" massacre - 22/23 May 1948 Tantoora is a Palestinian Arab village located on the seaside of the Mediterranean, 24 kms to the south of the city of "Haifa". In 1945, it counted a population of 1490. The Massacre: It was perpetrated by the 3rd battalion of the of the "Alexandroni" brigade. The Zionist plan called for attacking the village on two axes : north and south, then a unit of the "Carmeli" brigade was to prevent any rescue to arrive from the side of the small triangle, while a navy boat would prevent the inhabitants from withdrawing from the seaside. Each attacking unit had a road guide from the neighboring "Zakhron Yaaoob" settlement, whose inhabitants knew Tantoora well. The battalion command kept one unit as reserve in case of emergency. Tantoora did not want to start a fight with the "Haganah". But it refused the surrender terms imposed by the "Haganah". So, according to the Zionist norm, Tantoora deserved a violent death punishment.(63) The killers took the men of the village to the village cemetery and made them stand in lines. The Zionist commander asked his troops to select ten of the men, who were led near the cactus trees, where they fired on them. The killers then took the other men to remove the bodies of the first ten, whereupon they fired on them. This method continued unabated. Not far from the village mosque, there was a yard. Around twenty-five young men were lined across the walls of the houses, and behind them girls were lined up. In front of them stood 10 to 12 Zionist soldiers, who simply fired on the young men, killing all of them. Forty to fifty bodies were seen in other parts of the village. They were killed by the same method. A child tried to call his mother to come to his rescue. But the killers opened fire on her.

The bodies of the victims were buried in two mass graves, one for the young men and another for the girls. "Theodor Kats", a member of the "Magill" Kibbutz prepared a university research for obtaining the degree of Master of Arts from "Haifa" university, in which he focused on the Tantoora massacre and unfolded many of its secrets. He emphasized that what happened in Tantoora was a "mass massacre". Kats said that the village was occupied by the 3~I~ Battalion, of the "Alexandroni" Brigade, on the night of 22/23 May 1948. The village was completely occupied within a few hours. But in the early morning hours, the soldiers were engaged in a bloody pursuit in the streets. They concentrated their fire on the village cemetery, where the victims' bodies were buried in a mass grave. At the location of the cemetery, a parking lot was later set up, as a seaside facility for "Dor" settlement on the Mediterranean, south of "Haifa". "Shlomo Amber" was an officer of the battalion which carried out Tantoora massacre. He said in a statement: "I joined the British Army out of conviction that the most important thing the Jews ought to do was to fight the Germans. But we fought in Tantoora". He added: "Under the laws of war approved by the International Community, it is my duty to admit that even the Germans did not kill unarmed prisoners, who used to return safely home during the Second World War. Here in Tantoora, however, they [our soldiers] killed the Arabs". He went on to say: "We engaged in fierce fights face to face; but never perpetrated acts of random killing of this kind. The picture instilled in my mind is that of the men in the cemetery. I saw many people killed there. I left the place when I saw the soldiers kill, kill and kill. Therefore, I did not know how many Arabs were killed".(64) An Arab woman saw the body of her nephew among the victims. He was "Muhammad Awadh Abou Idriss". When she screamed, she was not aware that three of her sons had already been killed in the massacre. They were: "Ahmad Suleiman Al-Salbood", "Khalil Suleiman Al-Salbood", and "Mustafa Suleiman Al-Salbood". When their mother knew of their death, she became demented, but kept saying that they were alive in Egypt and would return. She died while waiting for their return.(65) The victims of the "Tantoora" massacre were 200-250 Arab martyrs.

48 - Massacre of "Ramleh" - June 1948 The major massacre in the town of "Ramleh" was perpetrated in June 1948. The Zionist officers gave the inhabitants of the town the choice of leaving the town or being detained in a collective prison. It was a trick by which the Zionists managed to kill many of the Arab citizens. The killers scattered the bodies on the "Ramleh-Lydda" road. Following the massacre, only 25 families remained in Ramleh.(67) 49 - "Jamzo" Massacre - 9 July 1948 Jamzo is a Palestinian Arab village, 5 kms east of the town of Ramleh. In 1947, it had a population of 1940, and an area of 50 donums. Its land area was 9681 donums. The Massacre: On the morning of 9/7/1948, an enemy force of the Zionist "Yiftah" brigade advanced in two units: one unit moved southward, occupied the village of "Annaba", occupied the village of "Jamzo" shortly thereafter, evicted its inhabitants. The killers fired on them while fleeing, killing 10 persons. Following are the names of nine of them: 1. Hamed 'Abdul-Nabi Al-Far 2. Thiyab Abdul-Hafeez Al-Shayeb 3. Hasan Abdul-Rahim Al-Habesh 4. Abdullah Yahya Abdul-Qader 5. Aref Has an Al-Zaq 6. Abdul Rahman Ahmad Khalil 7. Soubhiyya Ahmad Al-Dabsha 8. Ayisha Abdul-Rahman Muhammad 9. Nazeera Ahmad Khalil Al-Dabsha Abdul-Rahim Hasan Al-Najjar, of the Jamzo village, was one of the mujahideen who carried out several attacks against the Zionist posts. After the eviction in 1948, he lived in the "Northern Shuna" village in Jordan. On 28 May 1948, a Zionist force raided the village in the dark, encircled the residence of AbdulRahim and blew it up, killing three members of the family. The three martyrs were buried in Al-Karama cemetery. Muhammad Abdul-Qader Sirriyya was also an inhabitant of Jamzo. He and his family managed to sneak out of the village and lived in a cave inside a vegetable garden of his own. The Zionists discovered their whereabouts; they encircled the cave, opened fire at the whole family, killing them all.(68)

50 - The two Massacres of "Lydda" - 12 July 1948 On 11 July 1948, a Zionist force entered the town of Lydda, commanded by "Moshe Dayan" who ordered his men to fire at anyone seen on the street. The "Yiftah" forces belonging to "Palmach" Brigade showered the passers-by with bullets, moving from one house to another.(69) Many of the inhabitants gathered in the town mosque and church. Nonetheless, the Zionists fired at them, killing 250 and injuring many.(7o) Lydda witnessed another massacre when the Zionists killed 350 persons when chasing the inhabitants out of the town, forcing them to leave on foot.(71) 51 - "Al-Majdal" Massacre - 17 October 1948 "A1-Majdal" is a Palestinian Arab town, 25 kms north of the city of "Gaza". It had a population of 10900. The Massacre: On 17/10/1948, the Zionist enemy planes attacked the town, killing a large number of its inhabitants, besides some Palestinians who had taken refuge in the north of Majdal and were living in tents.(72) 52 - "Dawaymah" Massacre - 29 October 1948 Al-Dawaymah is a Palestinian Arab village, 42 kms west of the city of Al-Khalil (Hebron). In 1945, it had a population of 3710. The Massacre: At 23.00 hrs on 28/10/48, the 98th Battalion belonging to "Lehi" Zionist terrorist organization perpetrated a horrible massacre against the inhabitants of the village. Details of the massacre were kept secret until they were exposed for the first time by the correspondent of the Zionist newspaper Hadashot during September 1984. The Zionist gangs, led by the terrorist Mosha Dayan attacked the village starting from its western side. Then the armored vehicles were divided into three groups: the first one moved to the north of the village, the second to the south and the third to the west, leaving the eastern side open. Then the attackers began firing and searching the houses one by one, killing anyone found in them, child or adult, man or woman. They then blew up the house of the village head. At 10:30 AM on 29/10/48, the Zionist armored vehicles passed by the "Darawish mosque" in the village, where about 75 old men were preparing to pray. The Zionists machine-gunned all of them. In the afternoon hours, the attackers discovered the large cave "Toor El-Zagh" in which over 35 families were hiding. They opened fire on them killing them all at the cave entrance. At night, some inhabitants sneaked out to their

homes to take some food and clothes. But the Zionist terrorists killed each person caught returning to the village. A total of 580 men, women and children were killed in the massacre.(73) Many victims were from the neighboring villages who had taken refuge in AlDawayimah when the Zionist invaders occupied their villages. Entire families were annihilated, including the family of "Mahmood Al-Amen" and that of "Ibrahim Jawdat AlAmer". The killers forced the prisoners to carry the bodies of the victims and dump them in abandoned wells. In the village marketplace, the Zionist terrorists killed several persons and scorched their bodies. One of the enemy soldiers who perpetrated the massacre described what he saw; saying : "Between 80 and 100 Arabs, men, women, children were killed. The children's heads were broken with batons. There was no house left without killing. An officer ordered placing two old women in one house and blew up the house over their heads". A soldier boasted having raped a woman of the Dawaymeh village then opened fire on her. A woman of the village carrying a baby was used to clean the yard where the soldiers were eating. Finally, they fired on her and her baby, killing both of them.(74) 53 - "Aylaboon" Massacre - 30 October 1948 Aylaboon is a Palestinian Arab village in the district of "Tiberias". Its population counted 550 in 1948. The Massacre: The village fell in the hands of the Zionists on 30/10/1948. It was occupied by the Seventh and Ninth Brigades (Odid), a unit of armored vehicles and an infantry detachment belonging to the "Golani" and "Spiegel" brigades. The Zionists killed 14 young men of the village, including martyr "Muhammad Khaled As'ad" from nearby "Hittin" village, who had taken refuge in Aylaboon on 17 June 1948 after the occupation of his village, Hittin. This martyr was buried in the cemetery of the Zurei Christian family. Thus, Christians and Moslems were joined in the grave with no distinction, exactly as they were in life.(75) 54 - "Al-Hulah" Massacre - 30 October 1948 It is a Palestinian Arab village near at Al-Hulah lake. The Massacre: On 30/10/48, the "Carmeli" company of the Zionist army occupied the village without resistance. The acting company commander was "Shlomo Lehis", who later on became the director general of the Jewish Agency.

"Shlomo" assembled the 70 Arabs who remained in the village in one of the squares. He and another officer killed them all, then blew up the houses. "Shlomo" was tried in court and sentenced to prison. But before starting his prison sentence, he was pardoned by the head of State. 55 - "Al-Deir and Al-Baana" Massacre - 31 October 1948 These are two Palestinian Arab villages, located north of the Acre-Safad highway. The Massacre: At 10:00 AM, on 311 October 1948, a unit of the Zionist army entered the two villages, assembled the inhabitants in a field between the two villages. By the afternoon, the children and old people were totally exhausted and in dire need water. Some young men asked the Zionist soldiers to allow them to bring water from a nearby well, in order to quench the thirst of the children, women and the elderly. Two young men from the village of Deir Al-Assad, namely Sobhi Muhammad Thabbah (23 years) and Ahmad 'Abdullah Au Al-Issa (27 years), and two young men from the village of A1-Baana, namely Au Muhammad A1-Abd (17 years) and Hanna Elias Farhood (25 years) prepared themselves for this mission. They went to fetch the water but never returned. The Zionist murderers opened fire at them and killed them all!!(76) 56 - "Arab Al-Mawassi" Massacre - 2 November 1948 It is a Palestinian Arab tribe, with their houses scattered throughout the districts of Acre, Tiberias and safad. The Massacre: The Zionist occupation forces arrested 16 of the tribe's young men, on charge of collaborating with the "Rescue Army" (Jaysh Al-Inqath). The massacre occurred on 2/11/1948, i.e. three days after the massacre of Ailaboon. Some historians pretended to forget this massacre, nay, neglected it, though it was more abominable than some other massacres. The Zionist occupation forces assembled the 16 young men in the region of "Mamlia", then took them to the lands of "Ailaboon", where they killed them. Their bodies were moved to the "Beit Natef" pit, where they were dumped en masse. Among the martyrs was a man who was hit with several bullets in his body and faked death. His name was "Abou Soodi". After the departure of the killers, a bedouin woman called "Zahiyya AlFawwaz" approached to see what happened. She found "Abou Soodi" still alive. She carried him and treated him until he recovered, whereupon he left Palestine to save his life.

The bodies of the martyrs were moved by Al-Mawassi men to the tribe's cemetery in "Ailaboon". We identified most of the victims of this massacre. They were: 1. Atiyya Hammood Irsheid 2. Ahmad Hasan Nader 3. Bayer Hasan Taha 4. Muqbel Atiyya Irsheid 5. Nayef As'ad 'Aysat 6. Husain Qasem Wahsh 7. Saeed Muhammad Qasem 8. As'ad Muhammad Qasem 9. Muhammad Atiyya Hammood 10. Saleh Yusuf Al-Ramli 11. Husain Ibrahim Hamad 12. Saleh Abdullah Irsheid 13. Khaled Abdo Al-Nadir 14. Muhammad Hussein Al-Nader.(77) 57 - Massacre of "Majd Al-Kuroom" - 5 November 1948 It is a Palestinian Arab village, 18 kms east of the city of Acre. It has a population of 1400 people. The Massacre: On 5/11/1948, a unit of the Zionist army ordered the inhabitants of the village of Majd alKuroom to assemble in the village center. It asked the village headman to collect all the weapons in the village within 25 minutes. The headman said that he knew of no weapon remaining in the village and that the search for the weapons would take over 25 minutes. Immediately, the enemy soldiers executed five young men. While combing the village, they killed two other young men and two women.(78) 58 - Massacre of "Abou Zreiq" – 1948 It is a Palestinian Arab village in the district of "Haifa". Its land area was 64930 donums and it had a population of 550 people. The Massacre: In 1948, the Zionist invaders attacked the village. The inhabitants fled to Marj ibn Amer. During their escape, the soldiers opened fire on them, killing many of them.

Many of the village inhabitants tried to surrender, but they were killed too. Hours later, the Zionist troops killed more of the village people who tried to hide.(79) 59 - "Umm Al-Shoot" Massacre – 1948 It is a Palestinian Arab village in the district of "Haifa". It had a population of 480 people. The Massacre: In 1948, a unit of "ETZL" Zionist terrorist gang searched a convoy of refugees in the village of Umm Al-Shoof. They found a pistol and a rifle. The Zionist executed seven young men chosen haphazard1y.(80) 60 - "Al-Safsaf" Massacre – 1948 It is a Palestinian Arab village in the district of "Safad". It had a population of 910 people. The Massacre: In 1948, the Zionist invaders entered the village. They took 52 men, tied them with a rope, led them to a water well, and fired on them, killing ten. The women appealed for mercy but the invaders raped three of them, including a 14-year girl. They also killed four young women.(81) 61 - "Jeez" Massacre – 1948 Jeez is a Palestinian Arab village. The Massacre: In 1948, the Zionists entered the village, killing thirteen of the inhabitants, including one woman and an infant.(82) 62 - "Wadi Shoobash" Massacre – 1948 "Wadi Shoobash" (the valley of Shoobash) stretches from the town of Jenin and the Jordan River. The Massacre: In 1948, a Zionist terrorist force commanded by "Rahab'am Zeivi" killed all those who were inside a tent belonging to a bedouin in the valley. They were unable to escape.(83) 63 - "Arab Al-Azazmeh" Massacre - 3 September 1950 "Arab Al-Azazmeh" is a Palestinian Arab tribe that resided in south of the district of Beer Al-Sabe' (Beersheba). Their tents were widely scattered, stretching from Beersheba, to "Wadi Araba" and up to the "Sinai" borders. In 1946, the tribe counted 16370 people. The Massacre: On 3/9/1950, the Zionist occupation forces, using armored vehicles, and supported by airplanes, chased 4071 bedouins of the tribe from AlAwja demilitarized zone on the Egyptian borders, and forced them to leave to Sinai desert. They killed 13 persons, including women and children.(84)

64 - "Shurfat" Massacre - 7 February 1951 Shurfat is a Palestinian Arab village southwest of the city of Jerusalem. It is located on top of a high hill. In 1948, it had a population of 2l0 people. The Massacre: At 3:00 AM on 7/2/1951, three vehicles arrived from the occupied part of Jerusalem, stopping at a distance of two miles southwest of the village. The vehicles put off their lights. About thirty Zionists descended from them, and climbed the hill on which the village is located. They surrounded the house of the headman and planted landmines on its walls and on the walls of the adjacent house, then below them on the heads of their occupants. The Zionists withdrew under the protection of their colleagues who were firing at~the village and all its inhabitants, particularly those who were trying to escape from the debris of the demolished houses. The casualties of the massacre were ten martyrs: two men aged (20 and 60 years), three women aged (25, 25 and 50 years) and five children aged (1, 1, 13, 10 and 6 years). There were eight injured, three women and five children aged (12, 10, 6, 1 and 1 years).(85) 65 - "Bethlehem" Massacre - 6 January 1952 On 6/1/1952, the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, according to the Oriental Christian calendar, a Zionist patrol of 30 soldiers, approached a house near Beit Jala, two kilometers from Bethlehem, and blew it up over the heads of its occupants, killing the owner and his wife. Simultaneously, another patrol was approaching a house, one kilometer north of Bethlehem near the Roman Orthodox monastery at St. Elias. The patrol opened fire at the house, then hurled at it several hand grenades, killing the owner, his wife and two of their children, and injuring two other children.(86) 66 - "Beit Jala" Massacre - 11 January 1952 Beit Jala is a Palestinian Arab town, two kilometers from Bethlehem. The Massacre: On 11/1/1952, a Zionist force attacked the town, killing seven civilians, including one man, two women and four children.(87) 67 - "Jerusalem" Massacre - 22 April 1953 On 22/4/1953, the Zionist occupation forces fired on unarmed civilians in an open square in front of "Damascus Gate' in Jerusalem, killing ten people.(88) 68 - "Breij Camp" Massacre - 28 August 1953 Breij Camp is a Palestinian refugee camp in the Gaza Sector.

The Massacre: On 28 August 1953, the Zionist terrorists attacked the camp and hurled hand grenades from the windows of the shacks. They then fired at the refugees who were trying to escape. They killed 20 persons, and injured 62 others.(89) The massacre was perpetrated by Unit 101, led by the terrorist Ariel Sharon, who personally took part in the massacre, together with Zion, a leading Zionist terrorist, and Shlomo Blum. The killers blew up a great number of houses. The Zionist sources admitted killing 20 persons and wounding 20 others.(90) 69 - "Qibya" Massacre - 14/15 October 1953 Qibya is a Palestinian Arab village, 11 kilometers northeast of the town of Lydda. It had a population of 1635. It became part of the District of Ramallah after 1948. The Massacre: At 7.30 PM on 14 October 1953, six hundred Zionist terrorists surrounded the village and isolated it from the rest of the neighboring villages. They then bombarded the village using mortars, mines and grenades. Some of the attackers surrounded the villages of "Shaqba", Badras and Na'alin" to prevent them from coming to the rescue of Qibya. The attackers planted landmines in all the roads leading to the village. The Zionist attack lasted till 4.00 AM on 15/10/1953. The troops forced the residents to stay inside their homes, then blew up the houses over their heads. Fifty-six houses are estimated to have been blown up, together with a mosque, two schools and a water tank. The casualties amounted to 67 killed, including men, women and children, and hundreds wounded. One of the most painful scenes was that of a woman looking at the sky while sitting on top of a pile of debris from which protruded small hands and feet which were the severedmembers of her six children, while the bullet-ridden body of her husband was lying on the road opposite her.Whole families were killed in this blood bath. David Ben Gurion, a former Israeli prime minister, was the one who ordered the perpetration of the massacre, while the terrorist Ariel Sharon, the current Israeli prime minister, led Unit 101 which carried out the attack on the village. Har Zion was one of the men of the unit and was considered a "national hero"!!(91) 70 - "Nahalin" Massacre - 28 March 1954 Nahalin is a Palestinian Arab village of the District of Jerusalem. In the year 1945, it had a population of 620.

The Massacre: On 28/3/1954, a force of Zionist paratroopers attacked the village, killing nine of its inhabitants and injuring 19 others. The terrorist Ariel Sharon commanded the operation.(92) 71 - Deir Ayyoob Massacre - 2 November 1954 Deir Ayyoob is Palestinian Arab village southeast of the town of Ramleh. It had a population of 320. The Massacre: At 10 AM of 2 November 1954, three children of the Arab village of "Yalo" went out to collect firewood. They were one 12-year old boy and two girls, aged ten and eight. Upon arriving close to the village of Deir Ayyoob, 400 meters from the armistice line, some Zionist soldiers surprised them. One of the two girls ran away. The soldiers fired at her hitting her in the thigh; but she continued to run till she reached her village and informed her folks. The children's parents hurried to the scene. They saw 10 Zionist soldiers leading the two children to the bottom of the valley in the south. There, they fired at them, then disappeared behind the armistice line. The folks went after their kids. The boy was found dead while the girl was seriously injured. She was moved to the hospital, but died the following morning.(93) 72 - "Gaza" Massacre - 28 February 1955 At 8.30 PM of 28/2/1955, the Zionist enemy perpetrated a massacre in the city of Gaza. The Palestinian and Egyptian blood mixed in this massacre. A Zionist force had entered the Gaza Water Plant on 14/8/1954, killed its foreman and planted mines in the area before withdrawing. The murderers returned on the evening of 28/2/1955 divided into three groups: one group blew up the water plant, another attacked the Egyptian sites with machineguns, mortars and hand grenades, while the third planted landmines on the roads to prevent any rescue operation. Thirty-nine persons were killed and thirty-three were injured, with the major casualties suffered by the Egyptian troops who were taken by surprise.(94) 73 - "Arab Al-Azazmeh" Massacre - March 1955 Al-Azazmeh is a Palestinian Arab tribe located south of Beersheba District. Its camps stretched between Beersheba, Wadi Araba, and the Sinai borders. In 1946, the tribe had a population of 16370.

The Massacre: In March 1955, the tribe was the victim of a massacre carried out by Unit 101 of the Zionist army, formed by the terrorist Moshe Dayan, and later commanded by the terrorist Ariel Sharon. No details have so far infiltrated about the massacre.(95) 74 - "Gaza" Massacre - 5 April 1956 On 5/4/1956, the Zionist invaders blasted with 120-mm mortars the center of the populated city of Gaza, which also housed a large number of refugees. The enemy artillery also bombarded the villages of "Deir AlBalah", "Absan" and "Khaza'a". The casualties were 60 martyrs, including 27 women, 29 men and four children, and 93 injured, including 32 women, 53 men and 8 children.(96) 75 - "Gaza" Massacre - 15 April 1956 On 15/4/1956, the Zionists blasted Gaza Hospital with artillery. The brutal bombardment killed 13 children, 1 ~ women and 31 men, and injured 82, including 26 children, 25 women and 31 men.(97) 76 - "Qalqilya" Massacre - 10 October 1956 Qalqilya is a Palestinian Arab town, 16 kilometers southwest of the city of Tulkarm. The Massacre: On 10/10/1956, a Zionist force estimated at an infantry battalion and an armored battalion backed by field artillery and ten fighter-planes attacked the town from three directions. The attackers cut the telephone lines and mined some roads. The attack was foiled thanks to the fierce resistance of the town's National Guard and the residents, which astonished the enemy. However, the enemy attackers returned once more following an intensive bombardment, in which fighter-planes took part. The Zionists then entered the town firing haphazardly without distinction. They also blew up some houses over the heads of their occupants. The massacre resulted in 70 martyrs, including many women, children and elderly peop1e.(98) 77 - "Kafr Qassem" Massacre - 29 October 1956 Kafr Kassem is a Palestinian Arab village in the district of Tulkarm. It had a population of 1460; its area was 58 donums, and its land area was 12765 donums. The Massacre: On 29/10/1956, the day the tripartite aggression started against Egypt, the Zionist officer Shmuel Milinki, a commander of a unit of the 'border guards', was ordered to impose a curfew on some villages, including Kafr Qassem. Milinki informed his officers that the war had started and he explained to them the duties assigned to them, namely to

implement the curfew order firmly without any arrests. He told them: "it is desirable to have some of the village inhabitants killed". A detachment of this unit was stationed at the western entrance of the village, while other detachments were deployed around and inside the village. At 4.30 PM, the village headman was summoned to be informed about the curfew order to go into effect at 5.00 PM. He was asked to notify the village inhabitants. The headman replied that some of the villagers work in their fields outside the village, and therefore, the half hour left is not enough to pass the word about the curfew. The unit officer gave his word and that of the government to the headman promising safe passage to all the returning villagers. Few minutes before 5.00 PM, the massacre started from the western side of the village (99). In other words, the massacre started prior to sunset and continued for over seven hours until half hour after midnight. Lieutenant 'Gabriel Dahan' had ordered his men to open fire in order to kill any person who would be outside his home after 5.00 PM, with no distinction between the men, women or children returning to their villages. Killing started in batches. The soldiers ordered the villagers to stand in one line. Corporal "Shalom Ofer" shouted "Mow them down". Entire families were killed, other villagers were killed on their carts, others while on foot. The murderers killed 14 women in one lot. Children and old persons were not spared. The toll of the massacre was 49 martyrs (100). Among the children were eleven boys 112 to 16 years old. Two boys were killed while grazing the sheep with one of their relatives. Three girls 12-14 years old were among those kil1ed.(101) The commanders in charge of this massacre were: - Major Shmuel Milinki: Commander of the unit belonging to the border guards. - Lt. Gabriel Dahan: of the border guards, commander of the detachment that executed the massacre. - Lt. Col. Alof Shadmi, commander of the military brigade in the region. - Corporal Shalom Ofer. He played a major role in killing the villagers who were on their way back to the village. - Tesvi Tsur: The officer in charge of the command of the military center in the region. - David Ben Gurion: The then Zionist Premier and War Minister.

- Moshe Dayan: Chief of Staff of the Zionist army - Shimon Peres: Deputy War Minister The murderers were tried and were "convicted". All were released later, the last one of them being released in 1966. In another trial of one of the infamous murderers, Lt. Col. Alof Shadmi, the "court" ruled that he was guilty of committing a "technical error". The court ruled that he should be reprimanded and be fined one Israeli piaster!! From that day, the "Shadmi piaster" has become proverbial among the Arabs in occupied Palestine.(102) The Zionist daily Haaretz confirmed shortly after the massacre, that the soldiers who perpetrated the massacre were given a 50 percent salary increase.(103) In September 1960, Lt. Gabriel Dahan, the detachment commander, was appointed in charge of Arab affairs in the district of Ramleh.(104) Following is a list of the names of the martyrs of the Kafr Qassem massacre: (105)


Name of Martyr



Ghazi Mahmood Darwish Issa



Uthman Abdullah Issa



Zaghloola Ahmad Issa



Ibrahim ‘Abdul-Hadi Issa



Fatima Mustafa Issa



Saleh Mustafa Ahmad Issa



‘Abd Ahmad lssa



Lateefa Dawood Issa



‘Abd Mahmood lssa



Talal Shaker Issa



Father of 2

An old man who died 11

Abdullah Suleiman Issa


on the following day horrified by the massacre when his

grandson was killed, and his son Shaker and daughter-in-law and granddaughter were injured. 12 13

Fathi Uthman Abdullah Issa Mahmood



12 16


Abdul-Saleem Issa


Father of one


Ata Yaaoob Sarsoor


Father of two


Jum’ a Muhammad Ziad Sarsoor


Son of the martyr Safa Sarsoor (# 17) Mother of Jum’a


Safa Abdullah Sarsoor


Muhammad Ziad Sarsoor(# l6)

18 19

Yusuf Mahmood Isma’il Sarsoor Abdullah Muhammad Ziad Sarsoor

45 14

Father of five Second son of martyr Safa Sarsoor (# 17)


Fatima Dawood Sarsoor


8 months pregnant


Muhanimad Ali Sarsoor


Father of six


Mahmood Saleem Sarsoor



Fatima Saleh Sarsoor



Mahmood Khadr Jaber Sarsoor



Abd Saleem Muhammad Freij



Musa Theeb Freij



Ahmad Muhammad Freij



Jum’a Tawfiq lssa



Hulwa Muhammad Budeir


Father of four


Saleem Ahmad Bashir Budeir



Fatima Muhammad Budeir



Rashia Fayiq Budeir



Abdul-Rahim Saleem Budeir



Abdullah Jaber Budeir



Amina Qassem Taha



Ali Uthman Taha



Zeinab Abdul-Rahman Taha



Jamal Saleem Muhammad Taha

Father of six

Father of four

Father of eight

11 Daughter of martyr


Bakriyya Mahmood Taha



Khameesa Ahmad Amer


Mother of seven


Salah Muhammad Amer


Father of three



Ahmad Muhammad Jawdat Amer Saleh Muhammad Ahmed Amer

Zeinab Taha (# 37)




Salah Salama Amer



Mahmood Abd Jaafar


Father of seven Driver of truck which


ransported the female

Mahmood Habib

workers from Tayyiba to Kafr Qassem A worker from the


village of “Badda”


adjacent to Kafr Qassem


Riyad Raja Hamdan Dawood




51 52

Mahmood Abdul-Ghafer Rayyan Muhammad

Abdul-Rahman Assi








Musa Thiyab Abd Hamad

(in his twenties)

78 - "Khan Younis" Massacre - 3- 5 November 1956 Khan Younis is a Palestinian Arab town in the Gaza district. In 1946, its population counted 12350 persons, and its area was 2302 donums, while its land area was 53820 donums. The Massacre: On 3/11/1956, the town was the scene of a horrible crime perpetrated by the Zionist occupiers in the eastern region, in "Khuza'a", in "Absan" and "Bani Suheila", as well as in the town itself and elsewhere. The toll of the massacre was more than 500 martyrs.(106) The following day, the peak of the killing was in the regions of "Fayyadiyya" and "Qarrara". In the southern part of the town, the Zionist troops ordered the young men to line up and then started firing on them, killing more than 20 of them. In the western part of the town, the Zionists killed 30 people.(107) On 5/11/1956, the massacre reached the "Awassi" and "Tal Zeidan" areas on the seashore. The massacre continued at intervals till 7 March 1957.(108) 79 - "Khan Younis" Refugee camp Massacre - 3 November 1956 On 3/11/1956, the Zionist occupation army attacked the Palestinian refugee camp of Khan Younis and perpetrated a horrible massacre, killing more than 250 civilians.(109) 80 - "Khan Younis Refugee Camp" Massacre - 12 November 1956 Nine days after the first massacre at the refugee camp on 3/11/1956, a unit of the Zionist army perpetrated another massacre in the same camp on 12/11/1956, killing 275 refugees. In the same attack, another 100 refugees fell martyrs.(110)

81 - "Sammou" Massacre - 13/11/1966 Sammou' is a Palestinian Arab village situated 14 kms south of the city of Hebron (AlKhalil). In 1961, it had a population of 3103. The Massacre: On Sunday 13/11/1966, the Zionist troops raided the village and its neighbour "Rafat". The enemy used eighty U.S.-made "Patton" tanks and more than 80 half-track armored vehicles, and 12 planes. The raid lasted four hours, killing 18 and injuring 134 unarmed civilians. Among the martyrs were some Jordanian military personnel. The Zionists blew up 125 homes, 15 huts built of stones, a clinic, a six-room school, a mechanical workshop. The village mosque was also damaged.(111) 82 - "Jerusalem" Massacre - 7 June 1967 On 5 June 1967, and in the two days that followed, the Zionist troops showered Jerusalem and its inhabitants with incendiary bombs, from the air and on the ground, killing 300 civilians, including entire families inside their homes. Others were killed on the roads and in the lanes while attempting to save their lives. Hundreds of residences and shops were destroyed outside and within the city walls. Grave damage was inflicted on the churches, mosques, and hospitals, including, but not limited to, the "Church of Saint Hanna", the "Schmidt College Church", outside Bab AlAmood (the Column Gate), the "Holy Aqsa Mosque", the Minaret of "Bab Al-Asbat", "Augusta Victoria" Hospital on the "Mount of Olives". This hospital was crowded with patients and wounded persons. Then, the Zionist troops looted many buildings, schools, hotels, houses, stores, and stole cars.(112) 83 - "Rafah Refugee Camp" Massacre - June 1967 During the June 1967 aggression, the Zionist occupation troops stormed the camp and killed 23 men, leaving their bodies lying in the street for several days in order to terrorize the refugees in the camp. Finally, the bodies were buried in a mass grave.(113) 84 - "Al-Karama" Massacre - 20 July 1967 On 20/7/1967, the Zionists shelled the Palestinian refugee camp in the Jordanian village of "Al-Karama", killing 14 Palestinian civilians, including an elementary-school teacher and three children, and injuring 28 others.(114)

85 - "Al-Karama" Massacre - 9 February 1968 On 9/2/1968, the Zionists shelled the Palestinian refugee camp of the Jordanian village of "Al-Karama". They killed the UNRWA personnel, as well as 14 civilians and injured 50 others. The refugee shacks and a boys' school were hit.(115) 86 - "Lebanon Refugee Camps" Massacre - 14-16 May 1974 The Zionist aircraft attacked the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon during the period 14-16 May 1974.The toll was 50 civilians killed and 200 injured. The Nabatiyya camp suffered grave damage.(116) 87 - "Sabra and Shatila" Massacre - 16-18 September 1982 Sabra and Shatila are two of a total of 12 Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. The Massacre: On 16/9/1982, the Zionist invaders committed in the two camps a massacre that is considered among the most horrible and abominable mass massacres perpetrated by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian Arab people. The massacre continued for three days until 18/9/1982. Though the direct perpetrators of the massacre were from the Phalangists, its planners, plotters, supervisors and participants in some of its phases were the then commanders of the Zionist occupation army, on top of which were "Ariel Sharon", the current Prime Minster, who was the "Defense Minister", "Raphael Eitan", Chief-of-Staff at the time. At the peak of IsraeliPhalangist war against the Palestinians and the Lebanese National Movement, Phalangist forces estimated at 12 thousand armed men, stormed the two camps. They massacred a large number of their inhabitants, including women, children and old men. The number of martyrs who were either slaughtered or killed with bullets varied according to the sources. Some sources spoke about between 3000 and 3500 while Palestinian sources estimated them at more than twelve thousand Palestinians.(117) The Red Cross mission that was removing the bodies of the victims stated that they recorded only those victims who kept in their pockets identity documents but not those who were unidentified.(118) The murderers took the camps' inhabitants by surprise. They smashed the doors carrying axes and machine guns, killing one family after the other. Concurrently, bulldozers were destroying the houses over the heads of their occupants. Then came the turn of bullets to complete the massacre easily and swiftly.

The Israelis tightened their encirclement of the two camps on the evening of Thursday 16/9/1982. Flares were fired throughout the night of Thursday-Friday 16-17/9/1982. The Israeli artillery unit in Beirut was firing illuminating bombs one after the other every two minutes to illuminate the two camps for the Phalangist militias.(119) More than 150 Zionist tanks and 100 armored vehicles participated in encircling the two camps.(120) Sharon congratulated all the murderers saying: "I congratulate you. You have done an excellent job".(121) Facts have confirmed that this massacre was not born overnight and was in harmony with the Zionist scheme from its start.(122) Many persons were reported missing during the massacre. The French News Agency (AFP) estimated the missing persons at over 2000. They were loaded on trucks and taken to an unknown destination. The New York Times reported that U.S. diplomatic circles feared












It is believed that around 25 percent of the victims were Lebanese and the other 75 percent were Palestinians. 88 - "Ain El-Hilweh Camp" Massacre - 16 May 1983 It is one of the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, close to the Lebanese city of Sidon. The Massacre: On 16/5/1983, the camp was the scene of a Zionist terrorist attack reminiscent of the "Sabra" and "Shatila" massacre. The Zionists instructed their lackey "Hussein Al-Akr", who was in charge of the so-called "Palestinian National Guard" to return to the camp from which he had fled with his men under the pressure of the Palestinian patriotic elements. The Zionist enemy took advantage of the anticipated confrontation with the lackey A1-Akr and his men. The Zionists rushed after them with a force of 1500 troops supported by 150 vehicles, sowing destruction throughout the camp. The Zionist artillery pounded indiscriminately the residential areas and the vegetable marketplace. The massacre continued from midnight till 5 AM, then resumed at 9 AM when the camp residents took out to the streets in a large demonstration. The Zionist soldiers imposed a blockade around the camp which lasted till late afternoon.

Fourteen homes were destroyed on the heads of their occupants; two stores were blown up; 150 persons, including old and young men, women and children were arrested; 15 persons were killed or injured.(124) 89 - Massacre of the "Islamic University Campus" in Al Khalil (Hebron) - 26 July 1983 On 26/7/1983, a group of Zionist settlers, protected by Zionist troops, stormed the campus of the "Islamic University" in Al-Khalil (Hebron), opening fire and hurling hand grenades haphazardly in all directions. Three students were killed and 22 others were injured. The murderers stormed into a study hail while continuing to fire. The three martyrs were: 1. Saadu'ddin Hasan Sabri - 39 years 2. Jamal As'ad Nazzal -29 years 3. Sameeh 'Ammoor - 26 years (125) 90 - "Nahalin" Massacre - 13 April 1989 Nahalin is a Palestinian Arab village in the district of Jerusalem. On 13/4/1989, the Zionist invaders perpetrated a massacre in the village, killing 13 of its inhabitants.(126) 91 - "Uyoon Qara" Massacre - 20 May 1990 On 20/5/1990, a Zionist soldier, using a machinegun, opened fire at a group of Palestinian workers who assembled early morning in the Palestinian village of "Uyoon Qara" near TelAviv, killing seven of them on the spot.(127) 92 - Massacre of "Al-Aqsa Holy Mosque" - 8 October 1990 This hideous crime was orchestrated and plotted by the official Zionist authorities of occupation. On Monday, 8 October 1990, at the time of the noon prayer, large numbers of troops of the Zionist army, the "border guards", the intelligence men, in cooperation with armed Zionist settlers, encircled the city of Jerusalem, including Al-Aqsa Holy Mosque. They stormed the courtyard of the Mosque and perpetrated the largest Zionist crime in Jerusalem. Zionist extremists tried to lay the foundation stone of the alleged third Temple in the courtyard of the Mosque. The inhabitants of Jerusalem rushed to prevent them in defense of the Holy Mosque. They clashed with a gang called "Trustees of the Temple Mount".

Moments later, Zionist army troops, policemen and frontier guards intervened and began firing indiscriminately from all directions at the Arabs. Twenty-one Arabs fell martyrs, over 800 were injured, and 250 were arrested.(128) One hundred Zionist soldiers participated directly in this massacre.(129) Following is a list of the martyrs of this massacre (130):


Name of Martyr


A bullet blew up his head and

Burhanu'ddin ‘Abdul-Rahman 1




brain. He was a resident of Old Jerusalem A bullet pierced his neck and


Ayman Mohieddin Ali Shami


penetrated his back. He was a resident of “Wadi AI-Jawz”



Ibrahim Ali Farhat Adkaidek

Ibrahim Abdul Qader Ibrahim Ghurab


Six bullets in the neck, waist and thighs Two bullets in the chest. He


was a resident of “Wadi AlJawz” Six bullets in the head, chest,


Izzu'ddin Jihad Hamida Al-Yaseen

15 abdomen and thighs. He was a resident of “Old Jerusalem” Five bullets in the chest. He


Majdi ‘Abd Hmeidan Abu Suneina


was a resident of “Old Jerusalem” A bullet in the head. She was


Mariam Hussain Zahran Makhtoob


from “Qibya” village, northwest of Jerusalem


Fawzi saeed Ismail Al-Sheikh


A bullet in the head. He was a resident of “Kharbta” village

of Ramallah District Four bullets in the eye, chest, 9

Nimr Ibrahim Al-Duwaik


abdomen and hand. He was a resident of “Wadi Al-Jawz” Three bullets in the back, and


Ribhi Hussein Al-Ammoori A-Rajji


a fourth in the chest. He was a resident of “Al-Bareed” neighborhood in Jerusalem

Muhammad Aref Yaseen Abu 11


Three bullets in the head, 30

neck and arm. He was from Hebron A bullet penetrated the neck


Fayez Hussein Husni Abu Suneina 18

up to the brain. He was a resident of Aizariyya A bullet in the chest and


Majdi Nazmi Misbah Abu Sbeih


another in the waist. He was from “Ram” town


Abdul-Karim Muhammad Warrad

Several bullets, but where


they hit is unknown. He was a


resident of Jabal AlMukabber” A bullet in the chest and


Jado Muhammad Rajih Zahida


another in the head. He was a resident of “Al-Zaim” neighborhood in “AlToor” Three bullets in the head,


Musa ‘Abdul-Hadi Murshid Suwaiti


waist and back. He was a resident of “Old Jerusalem”


Saleem Ahmad Bedri Al-Khaldi


Adnan Khalaf Shteiwi Janadi


A bullet in the chest

28 Three bullets in the abdomen.

He was a resident of “Tamra” village in “Acre” district. -

She suffered a severe heart attack upon


seeing the horrible scenes.

Najla Saadu'ddin Siyam

She was a resident of “Wadi AlJawz” 20

Yusuf Abu Suneina



Abd Muhammad Miqdad


Preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque

Those responsible for perpetrating this massacre were: - Gwershon Slamon: leader of the Trustees of the Temple Mount Zionist organization. - Arieh Bibi: Commander of the Jerusalem Police Force at the time. - Yitzhaq Rabin: Zionist War Minister at the time - Yitzhak Shamir: Zionist Prime Minister at the time.(131) 93 - Massacre of the “Ibrahimi Mosque” in Hebron - 25 February 1994 No Zionist massacre perpetrated against our people over half a century has been as brutal as the horrible massacre carried out by the Zionist settler “Goldstein” with the support of some other settlers and the Zionist troops of occupation. This massacre was committed against Moslems while performing their prayers in the courtyard of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron. Shrapnels of grenades and bullets pierced the heads, necks and backs of those praying. This horrible crime resulted in killing 21 Arab citizens of the city and injuring hundreds of them (132). The massacre took place at dawn during the holy month of Ramadhan. The prayer performers were then able to kill the murderer, “Goldstein”. The massacre was perpetrated under the view and protection of the Zionist troops of occupation. The Arab citizens clashed with the troops. Scores of Arabs were killed and thousands were injured. The Zionist soldiers closed the gates of the Mosque to prevent the people from escaping and to prevent any outside help from reaching those inside the

Mosque. Some Zionist soldiers and armed settlers rushed into the courtyard and fired at the Arabs, many of whom were killed at the hands of a Zionist officers and soldiers who were inside the courtyard when the massacre took place. The troops even followed the injured people and their rescuers to the hospital doors, killing more of them, as well as during the burial ceremony. Thus, there was not one massacre at the Ibrahimi Mosque on that day, but three consecutive ones. Eyewitnesses said that the Arab citizen Muhammad Atiyya Al-Salaymeh was shot from the back by a Zionist sniper while burying one of the martyrs. Hence, the two martyrs were buried in the same grave. Other eyewitnesses stated that the Arab citizen “Arafat Al-Bayidh” fell martyr when he was shot ten minutes after paying homage to another martyr at the gate of the “National Hospital”.(133) Following are the names of the martyrs of the massacre of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron: (134)


Name of Martyr




Raed Abdul-Muttaleb hasan Natche


Single. He is the eldest of his brothers

2 3 4


Alaa Back Abdul-Halim Taha Abu Suneina Marwan Mutla Hamed Abu Najma Thiyab Abdul-Latif Harbawi Karki

Khaled Khalwi Abu Hussein Abu Suneina




Father of six



Single. The only breadwinner of the family Father of eight The only breadwinner of


Nure'ddin Ibrahim Abdul-Muhtaseb


the family. He had a sick father



Muhammad Kifah Abdul-Ezz Zakariya Maraa Mahmood Sadeq Muhammad Abu Zaanoona




Father of four Father of four, the eldest of


Saber Musa Hosni Katiba Bdeir



Nimr Muhammad Nimr Mujahid


Father of four


Kamal Jamal Abdul-Ghani Qfeisha




Arafat Musa Yusuf Barqan


Father of four


Raji Al-Zein Abdul-Khaleq Ghaith




Waleed Zuheir Mahfooz Abu Hamdiyya




Sufyan Barakat Awf Za’ ida


whom was 7 years old

Single. He was helping his father who was an usherer He was supporting 13


Jamil Ayed Abdul-Fattah Natsha


persons, the youngest of whom was two years old




Abdul-Haq Ibrahim Abdul-Haq Ja’ abari


Suleiman Awwad Ulayyan Ja’abari


Tareq Adnan Muhammad Ashoor Abu


Married.Supporting 13 persons Father of ten, the eldest being ten years old -

Suneina Married. He was


Abdul-Rahim Abdul-Rahman Salama


supporting 11 persons, the eldest being 25 years old


Jabr Aref Abu Hadid Abu Suneina


Eldest son in the family


Hatem Khudr Nimr Fakhoori


Father of a son and a daughter


Salim Idris Falah Idriss


Father of a son and a daughter

24 25

Rami Arafat Ali Rajji Khaled Muhammad Hamza AbdulRahman Al-Karki

11 18



Wael Salah Yaaqoob Muhtasseb


Father of three


Zeidan Hammooda Abdul-Majid Hamed


Father of four


Ahmad Abdullah Muhammad Taha Abu

He was helping his father


who was


supporting a family of twelve

29 30

Talal Muhammad Dawood Mahmood Dandash Atiyya Muhammad Atiyya Salayima

26 33

Ismail Fayez Ismail ufeisha 31

Married and had a pregnant wife Father of five Father of one


daughter. His wife was pregnant Single. He was supporting


Nader Salam Saleh Nahida


his brothers and his blind mother. His father was dead



Ayman Ayoob Muhammad Qawasima

Arafat Mahmood Ahmad Al-Bayed

21 28

Single. He was the only supporter of his family. Father of three daughters

Those responsible for the massacre were: - Reserve Medical Captain "Baroch Goldstein": the terrorist in charge of the perpetrators of the massacre. He was a member of the Zionist "Kach"group and a member of the American Jewish Defense League in New York. - Colonel "Ruben Rafif": Commander of the soldiers in charge of "guarding" the Mosque. - "Ben Benyamin": in charge of the guards at the main entrance of the Mosque.

- "Kobe ben Yusuf': in charge of guarding the eastern entrance of the Mosque. He took part in firing at the Arabs. - "Feef Don": a guard at the eastern entrance of the Mosque. He fired at the prayer performers. - Major "Dob Sattelman": Commander of the Mosque area - Colonel "Maeil Kleigi": Commander of the occupation army in Hebron area. - "Yehud Barak": Then Chief-of-Staff of the Zionist army - "Yitzhak Rabin": Then Prime Minister of the Zionist entity.(135)





Haganah: It is the abbreviated name of the Secret Jewish Military Organization, which operated in Palestine during the British Mandate period. It was founded on 12 June 1920. Its active members within the "Jewish Police force" were around 22 thousand terrorists, armed and trained by the British Army under the command of a Britihs officer called "Charles Wingate". After declaring the establishment of the Zionist entity in 1948, the Haganah formed the backbone of the Zionist army. Itzel or Irgun: This Zionist terrorist organization was formed in 1937 after separating from the Haganah. It became Itzel under the command of "Jabotinsky", the head of the New Zionist Organization. The Itzel commander was "David Razial", who when killed in Iraq, was succeeded by the terrorist "Menachem Begin". In 1948, Itzel was dissolved and its members joined the Zionist army. Lehi or Stern: It is a secret Zionist organization which operated in Palestine during the British mandate. It was founded by the Zionist terrorist "Abraham Stern". Lehi separated from Itzel in 1940, after which it carried the name of its founder "Stern". Lehi "Stern" was dissolved in 1948. Part of its members joined the Workers General Organization, while others joined other extremist Zionist parties. "Yitzhak Shamir" was commander of the Stern operations. Palmach: It is a military organization and was the permanent army of the Haganah or its military wing. Palmach was established in 1941. In 1948, its brigades became the military striking nucleus of the Zionist army. Unit 101: It was a professional terrorist gang and was considered Sharon's private army. Its members were not classified according to their military ranks, but "according to their fighting experience". In January 1954, the Unit was united with the Paratroopers Battalion of the Zionist army at the initiative of "Moshe Dayan". "Ariel Sharon" became the paratroop commander. Among the students of Sharon in Unit 101 was "Raphael Eitan" who was the Chief-of-Staff of the Zionist army during the invasion of Lebanon in 1982.




Notes and Sources

1. Ghazi Al-Saadi - From the Files of Zionist Terrorism in Palestine: Massacres and Practices, 1936-1983 (Amman: Al-Jalil Publishing House, 1985), P. 35. 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid., p p. 34-35. 4. Ibid., p. 53. 5. Ibid., p. 36. 6. Ibid. 7. Ibid. 8. Ibid. 9. Ibid. I 0. Ibid. 11. Ibid. 12.Yaaqoob Iliab, Crimes of Irgun & Lehi , translated by: Ghazi Al-Saadi (Amman: Al-Jalil Publishing House, 1975, p. 241. 13. Jamil Arafat, Al-Ittihad Newspaper, Haifa, 22/12/1999. 14. Jamil Arafat, Al-Ittihad Newspaper, Haifa, 12/4/2000. 15. Palestinian Encyclopedia, General Section, Volume I, p.114. 16. Ibid. 17.Jamil Arafat - "Al-Ittihad" Newspaper, Haifa, 19/4/2000; Palestinian Affairs Journal, April 1974, p. 135, and Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, 14/5/1998. 18. Jawad Al-Hamad, The Palestinian People - Victim of Zionist Terrorism & Massacres 'p. 119. 19. Ghazi Al-Saadi,op.cit., p. 51. 20. Palestinian Encyclopedia, General Section, Vol. I, p. 114; Mustafa Murad Debbagh , Bilaaduna Felasteen, Part 10, Section II , p. 278. 21. Palestinian Encyclopedia , General Section , Vol. I, p. 114; Ghazi Al-Saadi ,op.cit. ,p. 51. 22. Ghazi Al-Saadi ,op.cit. 'p. 51. 23. Ibid. , pp. 48-50.

24. Ibid., p. 64. 25. Palestinian Encyclopedia, op.cit., p. 114. 26. Jamil Arafat - Al-Ittihad Newspaper, Haifa, 12/1/2000. 27. Palestinian Encyclopedia, op. cit., p. 114. 28. Ghazi Al-Saadi, op.cit.,p. 52. 29. Al-Ittihad newspaper, Haifa, 19/5/1992; Who are the Terrorists?, first ed.(Beirut: Palestine Studies Institution, 1973), p. 20; Palestinian Affairs Journal, April 1974, p. 135; Jawad Al-Hamad, op.cit., p. 81; Ghazi Al-Saadi, op.cit., p. 53. 30. Palestinian Encyclopedia, op.cit., pp. 114-115. 3l. Ghazi Al-Saadi, op.cit., p. 53. 32. Palestinian Encyclopedia, p. 115; Who are the Terrorists? ,op.cit., p. 20. 33. Jawad Al-Hamad, op.cit., p. 81 - adapted. 34. Ghazi Al-Saadi, op.cit., p. 54. 35. Ibid. 36. Ibid. ,p. 64. 37. Mustafa Murad Dabbagh, Bilaaduna Falasteen, Part 8, Section II , p. 333. 38. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, 3/5/1998. 39- 40. Ibid. 4l. Jawad Al-Hamad , op.cit. , p. 113. 42. Yaaoob Iliab ,op.cit 'p. 14. 43. Who are the Terrorists? , op.cit. 'p. 20. 44-45. Al-Quds Al-A rabi newspaper, 10-11/4/1998. 46-47. Yaaoob Iliab ,op.cit., pp. 15-17. 48. Al-Quds Al-A rabi newspaper, op.cit. 49. Mustafa Murad Dabbagh - Bilaaduna Falasteen, Part 8, p. 132. 50. Jawad Al-Hamad, op.cit.,pp. 99-100. 51. Who are the Terrorists?,op.cit.,p. 21. 52. Palestinian Encyclopedia, op.cit.,p. 115. 53. Ibid. - adapted. 54. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, 14/5/1998. 55. Al-Ittihad newspaper, Haifa, 19/5/1992.

56. Ghazi Al-Saadi ,op.cit.,p. 62. 57. Who are the Terrorists? ,op.cit.,pp. 21-22. 58. Jamil Arafat - Al-Ittihad newspaper, Haifa, 19/5/1992. 59. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, 3/5/l 998. 60. Jawad Al-Hamad, op.cit.,p. 82. 61. Al-Quds Al-A rabi newspaper, 21/3/1995. 62. Palestinian Encyclopedia, op. cit. 63. Elias Choufani, " Al-Tantoora Massacre in the Historical Context of Judaizing Palestine" ,Palestine Studies Journal, No.43 (S ummer,2000). 64. Al-Qabas newspaper, 22/1/2000. 65. Mustafa Al-Wali, "Eyewitnesses Relate the Events of Tantoora Massacre ,Palestine Studies Journal,No.43 (Summer, 2000). 66. Elias Choufani ,op.cit. 67. Ghazi Al-Saadi ,op.cit., p. 64. 68. Jamil Arafat - Al-Ittihad newspaper, Haifa 22/12/1999. 69. Who are the Terrorists?, op.cit.,pp. 22-23. 70. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, 3/5/1998. 71. Ibid. 72. Mustafa Murad Dabbagh, Bilaaduna Falasteen, Part 1, Section 2, p.155 - adapted. 73. Ghazi Al-Saadi,op. cit.,pp. 64-65. 74. Jamil Arafat, Al-Ittihad newspaper, Haifa, 14/5/1999. 75. Jamil Arafat, Al-Ittihad newspaper, Haifa, 5/4/2000. 76. Al-Ittihad newspaper, Haifa , 31/5/2000. 77. Jamil Arafat, Al-Ittihad newspaper, Haifa, 5/4/2000. 78-79-80-81-82-83. Ibid., 19/5/1992. 84. Who are the Terrorists? , op.cit. , p. 30. 85. Mustafa Murad Dabbagh - Bilaaduna Falasteen , Part 8, Section 2, pp.176-177. 86. Ibid.,p. 443. 87-88-89. Who are the Terrorists? , pp. 34-35. 90. Palestinian Affairs Journal, April 1983,. p. 58.

91. Palestinian Encyclopedia, General Section, Vol. III; Al-Hayat Al-Duwaliyya newspaper, 3/5/1998, and 14/5/1998. 92. Who are the Terrorists? ,op.cit.,p. 35; Palestinian Affairs Journal, April 1983,. p. 59. 93-94. Palestinian Encyclopedia - General Section. 95. Al-Ittihad newspaper, Haifa, 31/5/2000. 96-97. Mustafa Murad Dabbagh - Bilaaduna Felasteen, Part 1 ,Section 1 , p301. 98-99. Palestinian Encyclopedia, General Section Volume III. 100. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, 14/5/l998;Jawad Al-Hamad, op.cit. 'p. 27. 101. Al-Hayat Al-Duwaliyya newspaper, 3/5/1998;Jawad Al- Hamad, op.cit.,p. 29. 102. Sabri Jiryis, The Arabs in Israel ( Beirut, 1973) , pp. 260-26 1. 103. Darwish Nasser, Israeli Fascism, first ed. (Amman: Al-Jalil House, 1990) , p. 42. 104. Who are the Terrorists? ,op.cit.,pp. 37-38. 105. Jawad Al-Hamad, op.cit.,pp. 104-107. 106-107. Al-HayatAl-Jadida newspaper, 4/11/1998. 108. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, 14/5/1998. 109-110. Jawad Al-Hamad, op.cit.,p. 83. 111. Mustafa Murad Dabbagh - Bilaaduna Felasteen , Part 5 , Section 2, pp. 23 1-232. 112. Ibid., Part 10, Section 2, pp.306-307. 113. Ghazi Al-Saadi , op.cit.,p. 263. 114. Who are the Terrorists? , p. 45. 115-116. Ghazi Al-Saadi, op.cit., p. 263. 117. Al-Hayat Al-Duwaliyya newspaper, 3/5/1998. 118. Darwish Nasser, op.cit.,p. 50. 119. Asaad Abdul-Hadi, Sabra and Shatila Massacres, Information and Culture Dept. of the PLO, first ed. ( Damascus, 1983) , pp.16-17. 120. Ibid. , p. 13. 121. Ibid. , p. 22. 122. Ibid. , p. 5. 123. Amnon Kapliuk, Sabra and Shatila, p. 98. 124. Ghazi AI-Saadi, op.cit.,pp. 289-290. 125. Ibid., pp. 2 14-215.

126. Jawad Al-hamad, op.cit.,p. 119. 127. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, 3/5/1998. 128. Ibid. 129-130-131. Jawad Al-hamad, op.cit., pp. 54-55, 107-108, 115. 132. Al-HayatAl-Jadida newspaper, 3/5/1998. 133-134-135. Jawad Al-hamad, op.cit.,pp. 69, 110-111, 115.




The Zionist Massacres during the First Intifadha and Thereafter 8 December 1987 through August 2000

This section contains the massacres perpetrated by the Zionist invaders against our Palestinian Arab people since the very first day of the First Intifadha in 1987, passing through the Nafaq (Tunnel) Intifadha and ending with the Holy AlAqsa Intifadha up to 31 July 2001. The section will show that the Zionist enemy perpetrated against our people a massacre each day, as of 8 December 1987.




8/12/1987 The Zionist murderers killed today four Palestinian Arabs. The martyrs were killed after being deliberately hit by a Zionist truck on the Asqalan road. The martyrs are: 1. Taleb Muhammad Abdullah Abou Zeid (46 years), from Al-Maghazi camp. 2. Issam Muhammad Hammouda (29 years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza 3. Sha’ban Sa’eed Nabhan (26 years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza 4. Kamal Qaddoora Hasan Hammouda (23 years). 9/12/1987 The Zionist invaders killed three Palestinian lads of Jabalia camp / Gaza: 1. Hazem Muhammad Al-Sisi (17 years). 2. Zahed Shihada (17 years). 3. Hasan Afif (17 years). 10/12/1987 The Zionist invaders killed with bullets three of our Palestinian folks: 1. Suheila Nimr As’ad A1-Ka’bi (57 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. 2. Ahmad Abou Khoossa (20 years), from Jabaliya camp / Gaza. 3. Sahar Ahmad Al-Jarmi (17 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. 12/12/1987 Four Palestinians were killed by the Zionist troops: 1. Ibrahim Muhammad Tlei Al-Aklil (17 years), from Balata camp / Nablus.

2. Ali Ismail Musa’ed (11 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. 3. Abdullah Ahmad Fa’oor (14 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. 4. Waheed Ibrahim Abou Salem (10 years), from Khan Younis. 13/12/1987 The Zionist occupation troops killed Ramadhan Yusuf Subh (13 years), from Jabalia/Gaza) during the demonstrations. 14/12/1987 Two Palestinians fell martyrs: 1. Hasan Muhammad Mansoor Jar’oon (24 years), from KhanYounis 2. Younis Jarboo’ (18 years), from Gaza. 15/12/1987 The Zionist troops shot dead eight Palestinians: 1. Talal Ahmad Huweiji (17 years), from Beit Hanoon / Gaza 2. Fouad Isma’il Timraz (15 years), from Deir Al-Balah camp / Gaza 3. Najwa Hasan Abdullah Al-Masri (17 years), from Beit Hanoon / Gaza. She was killed during the demonstrations. 4. Ahmad Nabrissi (15 years), from Gaza. 5. Mahmood Sakhla (18 years), from Gaza. 6. Zaher Salhi (23 years). 7. Ibrahim Ali Duqqa (23 years), from Gaza 8. Khaled Ammar Abou Taqiya (20 years), from Jabalia Camp. 16/12/1987 Four Palestinians from Gaza district fell martyrson this date: 1. Abdul Malek Abdullah Abou Al-Hussayn (17 years), from Khan Younis. 2. Nafeth Yusuf Quteifan (15 years), from Deir Al-Balah. 3. Ibrahim Mahmood Sukheil (20 years), from Jabalia camp. 4. Atwa Yusuf Abou Samhadana (22 years), from Rafah. 18/12/1987 The Zionist invaders killed five Palestinians: 1. Samira Al-Masri (17 years). She died of wounds. 2. Zuheir Al-Sakhla (17 years), from Jabalia.

3. Maysara Batniji (23 years), from Shuja’iyya / Gaza. Killed during the demonstrations. 4. Abdul-Salam Shihada Futeiha (30 years), from Al-Breij camp. Killed during the demonstrations. 5. Husni Sa’aada Mahsiri (85 years), from Al-Bireh. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 21/12/1987 The Zionist invaders killed five Palestinians: 1. Bassem Faysal Sawafta (18 years), from Toubas / Nablus. 2. Nazek Ahmad Sawafta (23 years), from Toubas / Nablus. 3. Khamis Kamal A1-Bakri (20 years). Was hit by a Zionist vehicle during the demonstrations. 4. Yusuf Muhammad Omar Arrawi (35 years), from Jenin. 5. Ra’ed Abdul-Raoof Shihada (18 years), from Al-Shate’ Camp / Gaza. 22/12/1987 The Zionist invaders killed six of our Palestinian people: 1- Muhannad Ali Hasan Al-Ghool (17 years), from Jenin camp. 2- Mahmood Rashed Abou Aziz (17 years), from Jenin camp. 3- Ghassan Mutlaq (20 years), from Jenin. 4- Muhammad Abdul Qader Jadallah (19 years), from the village of Ithna / Hebron. 5- Yusuf Muhammad Yusuf Al-Najjar (25 years), from Rafah / Gaza 6- Khaled Taleb Shaker Hameed (19 years), from Jabalia / Gaza. 30/12/1987 The Zionist troops of occupation killed the youth Mustafa Issa Al-Beik (17 years), from Jabalia /Gaza. He died of his wounds. 2/1/1988 The troops of occupation killed Maryam Rawasheda (75years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza. She died of her wounds. 3/1/1988 The Zionist soldiers killed. two Palestinians, including one child: 1. Haniyya Mahmood Suleiman Ghazawneh (25 years), from Ram village / Jerusalem District.

2. Ra’ad Muhammad Fat’hi Obeid (3 years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 4/1/1988 The Zionist murderers killed the one-year old girl from Jabalia camp /Gaza. She died of tear gas fired by the Zionists. 5/1/1988 The bullets of the Zionist soldiers killed Ali Atef Mahmood Dakhlan (19 years), from Khan Younis. 7/1/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today at the hands of the Zionists: 1. Mazen Ismail Zaki Musallam (15 years), from Maghazi camp. 2. Bassam Khudr Abou Musallam (27 years), from Bani Suheila village / Gaza. 8/1/1988 Two Palestinians were killed by the Zionist troops today: 1. Khaled Ibrahim Awawdeh (22 years), from Breij camp. 2. Naji Hasan Muhammad Al-Haj (42 years), from Qabatiya village / Jenin, The Zionists maimed his body. 9/1/1988 The Zionist troops killed today Maher Salqani (20 years), from Maghazi camp. 10/1/1988 Three Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1. Wujdan Hafez Rajab Faris (35 years), from Khan Younis. She died of tear gas asphyxiation. She was seven months pregnant. 2. Khalil Isamil Abou Looli (53 years). Died of wounds he suffered on 11/12/1987. 3. Touqan Sha’ban Musabbah (35 years), from Shuja’ iyya / Gaza. 11/1/1988 The Zionists killed five of our people: 1. Rabih Hussein Mahmood Ghannam (16 years), from Baytayn village / Ramallah. 2. Amira Ahmad Omar Abou Askar (35 years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza 3. Atef Muhammad Yusuf Khadr (25 years), from Khan Younis.

4. Muhammad Fayyad (65 years), from Khan Younis. Died of wounds he suffered on 18/12/1987. 5. Bassel Khalil Yazoori (22 years), from Rafah. 12/1/1988 Three martyrs fell today at the hands of the Zionist troops: 1. Muhammad Yusuf Yazoori from Rafah camp. 2. Atta Yusuf Mustafa Khadr (25 years), from Khan Younis. 3. Ramadha Yusuf Subh (14 years), from Beit Lahia / Gaza. Died during the demonstrations. 13/1/1988 The Zionists killed seven of our people, including one child: 1. Sami Ali Jumaa (4 months), from Deir Ammar camp / Ramallah. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Lubna Ahmad Suleiman Shweiki (13 years), from Deir Ammar camp / Ramallah. Died during the demonstrations. 3. Ra’ed Suleiman (10 years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza. 4. Ayman Muhammad Atta (20 years), from Al-Tuffah neighborhood / Gaza. Tear gas asphyxiation. 5. Hassan Mustafa Jabr Ma’ali (20 years), from Kafr Ni’ ma / Ramallah. 6. Mustafa Hussein Hirzallah (52 years), from Bayt AlMaa’ camp / Nablus. Tear gas asphyxiation. 7. Omar Ayyash (19 years). Died during the demonstrations. 14/1/1988 The Zionist soldiers killed three of our people: 1. Muhammad Radwan Tabbaza (18 years), from Nusseirat camp. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Naji Hassan Muhammad Ali (45 years), from Qabatiya village / Jenin. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 3. Ahmad Ali Awda Ghazal ‘Ubayyat (45 years), from Bethlehem district. Was killed by the Zionist hordes. 16/1/1988

An infant was among three Palestinians who fell martyrs today: 1. Child of Ibrahim Qasri (40 days), from Am’ari camp. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 2.

Mahmood Ahmad from Kalandia village / Jerusalem district. Died during the

demonstrations. 3. Ali Muhammad Mahmood Dahlan (25 years), from Khan Younis. 17/1/1988 The Zionist occupation troops killed six of our people including two children: 1. Abdul Fattah Rasheed Uwaidha (60 days), from Qalqilya. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Haitham Bassem Shuqair (7 months), from Qalqilya. Gas suffocation. 3. Rabeh Zar’ini (17 years), from Tar’an village / Nazareth district under occupation since 1948. 4. Ibrahim Mahmood Abou NahI (35 years), from Nasr neighborhood / Gaza. 5. Rifqa Afifi from Gaza. 6. Ramna Darwish Atallah Darwish (90 years), from Darj / Gaza. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 18/1/1988 Subhiyya Darwish Hashash, (47 years), Palestinian woman from Balata camp / Nablus was killed by the Zionist troops. 22/1/1988 Fatima Muhammad Walidi, (55 years), old Palestinian woman from Khan Younis died of tear gas asphyxiation. 24/1/1988 Two Palestinian women died of tear gas asphyxiation: 1. Shamiyya Jarrar (90 years), from Al-Seela Harithiyya village /Jenin. 2. Fatima Atta Mousa Salman (30 years), ferom Beit Safafa / Jerusalem. 27/1/1988 The Zionist troops killed today the 13-year old Palestinian lad Ayman Muhammad Farhood from Kharabta village / Ramallah, when they forced him to lower the Palestinian flag from a power pole. He was killed by an electric shock. 28/1/1988 The Zionists killed two Palestinians:

1. Muhammad Ali Hamdan (22 years), from Shaboor / Gaza. 2. Abdul-Raoof Reehan from Jabalya camp / Gaza. 29/1/1988 Hashem Fulaifel, (27 years) Palestinian from Al-Am’ari camp, died of his wounds. 30/1/1988 Jamal Suweisi (17 years), from Gaza was killed by the Zionist troops. 31/1/1988 The Zionist troops killed Ismail Abdul-Atti al-Sharif (17 years), from Bani Naerm village / Hebron. 1/2/1988 The Zionists killed two Palestinians from Anabta village / Tulkarm: 1. Murad Bassem Rafiq A1-Hamadallah (17 years). 2. Mouayyad Ali Sha’ar (23 years). 3/2/1988 Two Palestinians died today: 1. Asmaa Ibrahim Sabbooba (25 years), from Anabta / Tulkarm of wounds she received on 1/2/1988. 2. Ibrahim Mansoor (18 years), from Bal’a / Tulkarm. 6/2/1988 The Zionist troops killed today Intissar Asmaa Abdul-Aleem Al-Sharif (17 years), from AlArroob Camp / Hebron. 7/2/1988 The Zionist occupation troops killed six Palestinians: 1. lyad Dassooqi (10 years), from Barqa / Nablus. 2. Rami Abdul-Rahim ‘Aklook (15 years), from Deir ElBalah. 3. Sheikh Saleh Lubani (52 years), from Qabatiya / Jenin. He died due to brutal beatings at the hands of the Zionist soldiers. 4. Imad Khadr Obeid Sabarneh (22 years), from Beit Ummar/Hebron. 5. Muhammad Ibrahim Salem Shobha (25 years), from Beit Ummar / Hebron. 6. Tayseer Abdullah Jarad (18 years), from Beit Ummar / Hebron.

8/2/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Iyad Muhammad ‘Aql (16 years), from A1-Breij camp. He was murdered immediately after he had been arrested. 2. Abdul Basset Mahmood Abdullah (27 years), from Kafr Qaddoom / Nablus. 9/2/1988 Nabeel Abdul-Lateef Mahmood Abou-Khalil (16 years), from Atteel / Tulkarm was shot dead by the Zkionist soldiers. 10/2/1988 Today’s toll was three martyrs: 1. Khadr Iyas Fouad Tarzi (17 years), from Gaza. He was killed after his detention. 2. Yusuf Ahmad Abou Thara (35 years), from Gaza. He was beaten to death by the Zionist soldiers. 3. Imad Mahmood Hamlawi (20 years), from Maghazi camp. Died of his wounds. 11/2/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Afeef Dardook (60 years), from Nablus. Died of injuries inflicted on him on 9/2/1988. 2. Ahmad Abdullah Sabeel Bakheet (36 years), from Tulkarm camp. He was shot dead. 12/2/1988 Two Palestinians were shot dead today: 1. Basel Tayseer Jeetan (14 years), from Nablus. 2. Bashar Ahmad Al-Masri (17 years), from Nablus. 14/2/1988 Muhammad Jum’a Al-Ra’ei (62 years), Palestinian from Shuja’iyya / Gaza was shot by the Zionist troops. He died of his wounds. 19/2/1988 Three Palestinians were shot dead by the Zionists today: 1. Nasrallah Abdul-Qader Nasrallah (12 years), from Tulkarm camp. 2. Ismail Hasan Halayiqa (22 years), from Hebron. 3. Nabeel Abou Ghoori (25 years), from Al-Shate’ camp.

20/2/1988 Two Palestinians were shot dead by the Zionist troops: 1. Abdullah Atta Abdullah Attaya (20 years), from Kafr Ne 'emah / Ramallah. 2. Fatima Dawajila (17 years), from Beersheba. She was killed in the village of Bani Na’eem / Hebron. 21/2/1988 Three Palestinians were shot dead by the Zionist soldiers: 1. Ragheb Ramez Suleiman Abou Amara (23 years), from Nablus. 2. Kamal Muhammad Faris (24 years), from Deir Ammar Camp / Ramallah. 3. Ahmad Sadeq Abou Saliha (60 years), from Nablus. 23/2/1988 The Zionist invaders killed four of our people, among them two youngsters and one child. They are: 1. Rawda Muhammad Lotfi Najeeb (13 years), from Eastern Baqa / Tulkarm. She was killed by hordes of the Zionist settlers. 2. Mahmood Nu’man Hawshiyya (13 years), from ElYamoon / Jenin. 3. Muhammad Qassem Abou Zeid Kameel (4 years), from Qabatia / Jenin. He was killed at the hands of a collaborator with the Zionist enemy. 4. Atef Abdul Muhsen Fayyadh (30 years), from Khan Younis. 24/2/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Muhammad Mahmood Obeid from Anabta / Tulkarm. 25/2/1988 The Zionists killed three Palestinians, including a youngster: 1. Sami Ghaleb Al-Daya (13 years), from Nablus. 2. Issam As’ad Abou Khalifa (18 years), from Jenin camp. 3. Yusuf Tawfiq Abdullah Zeid Al-Kilani (23 years). He was run over by a Zionist military vehicle. 26/2/1988 The Zionist invaders killed eight Palestinians, including a youngster and two old women:

1. Fadheela Ghandoor (22 years), from Gaza. She was run over by a Zionist military vehicle while on her way back from a hospital where she was being treated for injuries inflicted on her earlier by Zionist bullets. 2. Anwar Al-Mimi (18 years), from Al-Bireh. 3. Anwar Rizq Darwish Umaira Ghuraisi (29 years), from Na’leen / Ramallah. He was kidnapped by Zionist settlers and shot dead. His body was dumped on the RamallahNablus road, and was found two days later. 4. Fouad Ayyoob Sha’rawi (51 years), from Hebron. 5. Hajja Mahmood Abou Allan (60 years), from AlZahiriyya / Hebron. She was run over intentionally by a Zionist vehicle during demonstrations staged in her village. 6. Hasan Muhammad Abou Khairi Al-Jabri (22 years), from Arroob camp / Hebron. Shot dead. 7. Rashiqa Musleh Daraghema (62 years), from Toobas / Nablus. Shot dead. 8. Iyad Ali Ashqar (12 years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza. Shot dead. 27/2/1988 Three Palestinians were shot dead by the Zionists: 1. Bakr Nafeth Abdullah Al-Baw (17 years), from Halhool / Hebron. 2. Majed Muhammad Al-Atrash (18 years), from Haihool / Hebron. 3. Nihad Abdul Ghaffar Yusuf Al-Khumoor (21 years), from Arroob camp. 28/2/1988 Three Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Ra’ed Mahmood Awadh Bargoothi (17 years), from Abood / Ramallah. Shot dead by the Zionist settlers. 2. Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Jum Bargoothi (22 years), from Ramallah. Shot dead by the Zionist settlers. 3. Qindeel Alwan (43 years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza. He died in Ramleh prison while being tortured by the Zionist butchers. 29/2/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Yasser Sawood Abdul-Jabbar Boorini (18 years), from Boorin / Nablus. Shot dead.

2. Ahmad Muhammad Diab Beetawi (30 years), from Jenin camp. Died of wounds he received on 25/2/1988. 1/3/1988 The Zionist soldiers shot dead the Palestinian lad Khalil Jaradat (14 years), from Zababeda / Jenin. 2/3/1988 Abdul-Ghani Taher, (65 years) Palestinian from east Baqa / Tulakrm, died of tear gas asphyxiation. 4/3/1988 The Zionist troops killed three Palestinians, including a child: 1. Khitam Sabri Arram (10 years), from Khan Younis. 2. Bakr Abdul-Lateef Sheibani (17 years), from Arraba / Jenin. 3. Muhammad Ahmad Hasan Salah (18 years), from AlKhadr / Bethlehem. 5/3/1988 Three Palestinians were shot dead by the Zionists: 1. Muhammad Sa’afin (27 years), from Breij camp. 2. Mahel Misbah Hasan Wureidat (28 years), from Zahiriyya / Hebron. 3. Rasem Mud’hi Mahmood Ahmad Khudheirat (30 years), from Zahiriyya / Hebron. 6/3/1988 The Zionists and one of their collaborators killed three Palestinians: 1. Khaled Jamal Al-Aaridha (18 years), from Askar camp / Nablus. 2. Ayman Salim Abdul-Ghani Ajjaq (18 years), from eastern Mazra’a / Ramallah. 3. Husni Muhammad Salamah from Bidya / Tulkarm. Killed by a collaborator with the Zionist enemy. 7/3/1988 The Zionist troops killed four Palestinians, including two infants and one child: 1. Yusuf Yahya Hassooneh (3 months), from Deir ElBalah camp. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Shirin Muhammad Musa Ulayyan (4 months), from Deir El-Balah camp. Tear gas asphyxiation..

3. Muhammad Sameeh A1-Sheikh (11 years), from Beit Najjar / Bethlehem. Tear gas asphyxiation. 4. Salah Abdul-Fattah Naqeeb (35 years), from Askar camp / Nablus. A tear gas bomb fell on his head. 8/3/1988 Two Palestinians, including an infant, fell martyrs today: 1. Basem Khalil Karraz (7 days), from Fawwar camp / Hebron. Tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Khadr Muhammad Hameeda (35 years), from eastern Mazra’a / Ramallah. Shot dead by the Zionist settlers. 9/3/1988 The Zionist soldiers killed six Palestinians, including two infants: 1. Sanaa Sameer Obeid (40 days), from Khan Younis camp. Tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Yusuf Hassoonah (3 months), from Deir El-Balah. Tear gas asphyxiation. 3. Najeh Hassan Hijaz (17 years), from Tarmas’ayya / Ramallah. Shot dead. 4. Muhammad Uthman Faris (18 years), from Salwad / Ramallah. Shot dead. 5. Bassam Ibrahim Baddarin (25 years), from Hebron. Shot dead. 6. Hassan Abdul Halim Titi (92 years), from Nablus. Died of wounds he suffered on 9/1/1988. 10/3/1988 The Zionist settlers lynched at Hutta Gate in Jerusalem the 11-year Palestinian child Khamees Nimr from Jerusalem. 12/3/1988 The Zionist troops of occupation killed today three Palestinians, including an infant and a child: 1. Yahya Mughrabi (2 months), from Gaza. He died of tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Muhammad Hassan Iskafi (a child of unknown age), from Gaza. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 3. Saleh Suleiman Al-Afan from Shu’fat camp. Shot dead. 13/3/1988 Five Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today:

1. Allam Saeed Nasrallah (17 years), from Jenin district. Killed by the Zionist troops three days after his release from detention. 2. Yusuf Ibrahim Ali Abou Obeid (23 years), from Baddo / Ramallah. Died of injuries he suffered on 9/3/1988. 3. Arafat Abdul-Aziz Howeij (22 years), from Am Yabrood / Ramallah. Shot by the Zionists. 4. Yusuf Mahmood Abou nada (25 years), from Rafah. Died of injuries he suffered on 3/3/1988. 5. Salah Saeed Al-Attar (22 years). Died of wounds he suffered on 3/3/1988. 16/3/1988 Five Palestinians, including two youngsters, were shot dead by the Zionist troops: 1. Rana Awadh Qar’awi (13 years), from Bireh / Ramallah. 2. Ashraf Mahmood Ibrahim (15 years), from Nur Shams / tulkarm. 3. Salim al-Yahya 60 years from Tulkarm. Died of his wounds. 4. Hisham Dawood Alloosh (21 years), from Nazlat Issa / Tulkarm. 5.Omar Yaseen Ghanem Hamarsheh (25 years), from Ya’bad / Jenin. 17/3/1988 Three Palestinians were killed today: 1. Jum’a Khalil Toofi (50 years), from Al-Am’ari camp / Ramallah. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Soubhi Abou Sharar (25 years), from Khan Younis camp. Shot by the Zionist troops. 3. Hani Ibrahim Abou Hamam (24 years), from Al-Shate’ camp. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 18/3/1988 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Muhammad Ali Abou Hajar (70 years), from Jabalya camp. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Muhammad Mahmood Suleiman Khaled (19 years), from Ain Bayt-Almaa’ camp. 19/3/1988 Three Palestinians were killed today, including an infant: 1. ‘Ula Omar Abou Sharifa (5 months), from Deir AlBalah camp. Died of tear gas asphyxiation.

2. Nimr Muwafi (45 years), from Qalqilya. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 3. Nameq Ahmad Al-Haj Hussein Milhem (30 years), from Kafr Dan / Jenin. Shot. 20/3/1988 Two Palestinians died today: 1. Muhammad Mahmood Abdul-Rahman Hamed (25 years), from Selwad / Ramallah. Died of injuries he suffered on 4/2/1988. 2. Khaled Muhammad Taher Ahmad (25 years), from Nazlat Issa / Tulkarm. Died of wounds he suffered on 6/3/1988. 21/3/1988 Three Palestinians were killed today: 1. Adel Ahmad Jaber (17 years), from Shaboor Camp / Rafah. Shot. 2. Omar Hassan Abou Marheel (27 years), from Deir ElBalah camp. Shot. 3. Kamila Ahmad Sharaf (55 years), from Breij camp. She died of tear gas asphyxiation. 22/3/1988 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Hikmat Mustafa Omar Daraghmeh (26 years), from Toobas. Shot. 2. Hassan Faris Akmeel (70 years), from Qabatiya / Jenin. Died of gas asphyxiation. 23/3/1988 Mustafa Al-Fardakh (60 years), from Al-Shate’ camp died of gas asphyxiation. 24/3/1988 Two Palestinians were shot dead today by the Zionist troops: 1. Majed Ahmad Sawalmeh (21 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. 2. Muhammad Ali Abou Zirr (18 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. 25/3/1988 Two Palestinians were shot dead today: 1. Khaled Hassan Muraqtan (18 years), from Tarkomia / Hebron. 2. Waleed Abdul-Fattah Hassan Taha Qatatfeh (18 years), from Tarkomia / Hebron. 26/3/1988 Four Palestinians, including one woman, fell martyrs today: 1. Nabila Ali Yaziji (35 years), from Sheikh Radwan / Gaza. Died of gas asphyxiation. 2. Abed Turki Muhammad Saleh (21 years), from Zawata / Nablus. Shot.

3. Majed Hussein Theeb (19 years), from Kafr Thulth / Tulkanm. Shot. 4. Awadh Ibrahim Qassem Qara’ibah (30 years), from Kafr Thulth / Tulkarm. Shot. 27/3/1988 Five Palestinians were shot dead by the Zionist troops: 1. Yasser As’ad Ibrahim Kharbawi (16 years), from Salfit / Nablus. 2. Ghassan Qassem Awadh Nu’eirat (17 years), from Mithlon / Jenin. 3. Omar Mahmood Rabayi’a (30 years), from Mithlon / Jenin. 4. Faheem Mahmood Dawood Nu’eirat (37 years), from Mithlon / Jenin. 5. Hussein Kamel Awdeh (18 years), from Salfit / Nablus. 29/3/1988 Saqr Hassan Qassem (23 years), from Barqa / Nablus was killed today. 30/3/1988 The Zionist troops of occupation shot dead today eleven Palestinians: 1. Suleiman Ahmad Al-Jundi from Yata / Hebnon. 2. Muhammad Faris Al-Zein (17 years), from Yamoon / Jenin. 3. Muhammad Aref Qassem Salah (22 years), from Barqa / Nablus. 4. Wajiha Yusuf Rabee’ (50 years),fnom Deir Abou Mish’al / Ramallah. 5. Abdul-Kanim Muhammad Moosa Taha Halayiqa (25 years), from Shuyookh / Hebnon. 6. Khaled Muhammad Salah (23 years), from Baraq / Nablus. 7. Shaker Muhammad Ali Malsiyya (20 years), from Deir Izigh / Ramallah. 8. Husni Muhammad Shaheen (2 years), from AlYamoon / Jenin. 9. Moosa Azmi (30 years), from Zeita / Tulkarm. 10. Iyad Azmi (21 years), from Zeita / Tulkarm. 11. Maa’roof Mahmood Nu’man (27 years), from Zeita / Tulkarm. 1/4/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs shot by the Zionist troops: 1. Ishaq Nimr Salamiyyaq (18 years), from Ithna / Hebron. 2. Jamal Khalil Tumeizi (20 years), from Ithna / Hebron. 2/4/1988 Six Palestinians were shot dead today by the Zionist troops: 1. Jameel Rushdi Al-Kurdi (55 years), from Gaza.

2. ‘Alaa Ahmad Khamis Al-Kurdi (21 years), from Gaza. 3. Ahmad Khamis Al-Kurdi (41 years), from Gaza. 4. Saleem Khalaf Saleem A1-Sha’er (23 years), from Bethlehem.. 5. Khamis Ahmad Abou Da’noon (41 years), from Deir Sudan / Ramallah. 6. Jihad Mustafa ‘Assi (18 years), from Beit Luqya / Ramallah. 3/4/1988 Four Palestinians were killed today: 1. Maamoon Abdul Rahim Jarad (15 years), from Tulkarm. Shot. 2. Ali Diab Abou Ali (45 years), from Yata / Hebron. 3. Khalil Jabr Jamzawi (18 years), from New Askar camp / Nablus. Eelctrocuted when the Zionist soldiers forced him to climb up an electric pole to bring down a Palestinian flag. 4. Nasser Abdullah Kameel (20 years), from Qabatoya / Jenin. Died of gas asphyxiation. 4/4/1988 Four Palestinians died today: 1. Hamed Abdul-Mahdi Zeidat (18 years), from Bani Naeem / Hebron. Shot. 2. Hamza Ibrahim Abou Shab (20 years), from Bani Suheila / Gaza. Died of injuries he suffered on 30/3/1988. 3. Rajab Ahmad Salibi (80 years), from Ubaidiyya / Bethlehem. Died of injuries he suffered on 30/3/1988. 4. Aref Muhammad Hussein ‘Abdo from Jabal AlMukabber / Jerusalem. Died of burns he suffered when the Zionists threw him inside the oven of the bakery where he was working. 5/4/1988 Is’haq Abou Sha’ban (60 years), from Gaza died of tear gas inhalation he suffered on 30/3/1988. 6/4/1988 Two Palestinians were shot dead by the Zionist troops: I. Moosa Saleh Mahmood Bani Shamsi (20 years), from Beita / Nablus. 2. Hatem Fayez Ahmad Sa’eed Jaber (22 years), from Beita / Nablus. 7/4/1988 The Zionists shot dead today Issam Abdul-Halim, (15 years), from Beita / Nablus.

8/4/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Fat’hi Mahmood Sarhan (20 years), from Al-Shate’camp. Died of injuries he suffered on 6/4/1988. 2. Subhiyya Rasheed Mankoosh (55 years), from AlShate’ camp. Died of gas asphyxiation. 9/4/1988 Yusuf Rabie’ (75 years), from Deir Abou Mish’al / Ramallah died of injuries he suffered on 30/3/1988. His wife had died on 30/3/1988, when she was shot by the Zionist troops. 11/4/1988 Four Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1. Muhammad Kamel Abdul-Qader Yahya (20 years), from Kafr Ra’ei / Jenin. Shot. 2. Jalal Raja Yusuf Abou Hujair (21 years), from Kafr Ra’ei / Jenin. Shot. 3. Fouad Aziz Saleh (18 years), from Kafr Ra’ei / Jenin. Shot. 4. Ibrahim Mahmood Muhammad Al-Ra’ei (28 years), from Qalqilya. He was found hung inside his solitary cell at Eilon prison. 13/4/1988 Three Palestinians died today: 1. Mahmood Hassan (55 years), from Al-Shate’ camp / Gaza. Died of gas asphyxiation. 2. Watfa ‘Abdul-Lateef Farajallah (70 years), from Jabalya camp. She died of poisoning and gas asphyxiation. 3. Souad Ahmad Yusuf (90 years), from Zietoon Quarter / Gaza. She was beaten to death. 14/4/1988 The Zionist troops killed four Palestinians today: 1. Wa’el Hassan Muhammad Taha Nazzal (20 years), from Qalqilya. Shot. 2. Nasser Fahmi Liddawi (22 years), from Nablus. Shot. 3. Badriyya Sadeq Shahin (55 years), from Nablus. 4. Hasan Ahmad Mahmood Qa’ood (22 years), from AlShate’camp / Gaza. Died due to severe beating on the head by the Zionist troops.

16/4/1988 Eighteen Palestinians, including six in their teens, fell martyrs today. They were shot dead by the Zionist troops of occupation: 1. Jamal Al-Jamal (17 years), from Rafah. 2. Muhammad Abou Jazar (17 years), from Rafah. 3. Jamal Hussein Shehada (17 years), fi’om Breij camp. 4. Yasser Al-Sharif (14 years), from breij camp. 5. Nihad Atiyyeh Khutba (17 years), from Selwad / Ramailah. 6. Ayman Abou Amer (17 years), from Khan Younis. 7. Tahseen Al-Booti (18 years). 8. Fayez Abou Draz (25years), from Khan Younis. 9. ‘Atwa Abou ‘Arrar (20 years), from Rafah. 10. Bassam Muhammad Hariri (25 years), from Jenin. 11. Hilmi Ibrahim Abdullah (23 years), from Jenin. 12. Sa’ada Abdullah Qar’awi (40 years), from Jenin camp. 13. Mufeed Muhammad Katkoot (22 years), from Jenin camp. 14. Yahya Mustafa Ibrahim Sawalma (20 years), from Qabatya / Jenin. 15. Hala ‘Awadh ‘Umeira (20 years), from Habla / Tulkarm. 16. Fikri Ibrahim Dughma (22 years), from ‘Absan / Gaza. 17. Eeman Abou Bakr from Khan Younis. 18.‘Abdul-Muhsen Hannoon from Khan Younis. 17/4/1988 Five Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Zeid Tawfiq ‘Amarneh (14 years), from Ya’bad / Jenin. Shot. 2. Ahmad Sa’ adeh (40 years), from Ubaidiyya / Behtlehem. Killed during the demonstrations. 3. Muneer Ismail Tatari from Jabalya camp / Gaza. Shot. 4. ‘Abed Zeid Suleiman from Jenin. Shot. 5. Muhammad Awadh Balbisi (20 years), from Rafah. Shot. 18/4/1988 Four Palestinians, including an infant, were killed today:

1. Jamil Hasan ‘Alqam (7 days), from Shu’fat / Jerusalem. Died of gas asphyxiation. 2. Sbah (Aia) Uthman Sha’ban Totah (30 years), from Gaza. Shot. 3. Aida Abou Zirr (18 years), from Gaza. Shot. 4. Ahmad Moosa Muhammad Zu’rub (30 years), from Rafah. 19/4/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Nizar Muhammad Ahmad Massad from Faqqoo’ah / Jenin. 20/4/1988 Three Palestinians were killed today: I. Isma’il Abou El-Sheikh (18 years), from Qalqilya. Shot. 2. Muhammad Hasan Nassar (24 years), from Nuseirat camp. Died of gas asphyxiation. 3. Muhammad Hussein Nassar (20 years), from Nuseirat camp. Shot. 22/4/1988 Three Palestinians were shot dead today: 1. Muhammad Fayez Abou Ali (25 years), from Bani Suheila / Gaza. Shot. 2. Atiyya Ahmad Atiyya Mansoor (20 years), from Rafah. Died while detained at the police station of Rishon Letzion. 3. Faraj Isma’il Yusuf Farajallah (26 years), from Ithna / Hebron. Shot. 23/4/1988 The Zionist troops killed today Muhammad Mustafa Abou Zeid (20 years), from Qabatiya / Jenin. 24/4/1988 Three Palestinians were shot dead today: 1. Ahmad Hasan Salem Amro (23 years), from Beit Rosh / Hebron. 2. Na’eema Muhammad Ahmad Abdullah Alami (55 years), from Beit Ummar / Hebron. 3. Muhammad Mahmood Khateeb (43 years), from Hebron. Killed during clashes with the troops of occupation. 26/4/1988 The Zionist troops tortured to death in the prison of Kfar Yuna Muhammad Musa Ahmad Hamada Farwa from Selwad / Ramallah.

27/4/1988 Two Palestinians were shot dead today: 1. Areej Isma’il Dawood Al-Deck (15 years), from Kafr Al-Deek / Tulkarm. 2. Mahmood Samhan Abdul-Qader Samhan (54 years), from Ras Karkar / Ramallah. 28/4/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Sirri Hilal Rustum (35 years), from Kafr Malek / Ramallah. Shot. 2. Hasan ‘Abdul-Salaam ‘Amleh (71 years), from Beit Ola / Hebron. Died of injuries he suffered on 23/4/1988 in Al-Aqsa Mosque. 1/5/1988 Two Palestinians were killed today: I. Nidhal Abdul-Lateed Abou Shomar (17 years), from Beit Wazn / Nablus. Electrocuted when he was forced by the Zionist troops to climb up a power pole to bring down the Palestinians flag. 2. Naeem Yusuf Khalil Abou Farha (22 years), from Faqqoo’a / Nablus. Shot. 3/5/1988 Four Palestinians were shot dead today: 1. Omar Muhammad Abdul-Hameed Manasirah (18 years), from Bani Na’eem / Hebron. 2. Nidhal Salem Balloot Manasirah (18 years), from Bani Na’eem / Hebron. 3. Khaled Rifqi Abdul-Qader Umaira from Balata camp / Nablus. 4. Muhammad Hassan Al-Booti from Ain Beit Al-Maa’ camp / Nablus. 4/5/1988 Three Palestinians were killed today: 1. Risq Hussein Muhammad Sabah (17 years), from Jabalya camp / Gaza. Shot. 2. Jamal Mahmood Mad’oon from Jabalya camp / Gaza. Shot. 3. Khaled Hasan Najjar (52 years), from Shate’ camp / Gaza. Died of gas asphyxiation. 5/5/1988 The Zionist settlers shot dead today Jawdat Abdullah Awwad from Tarmas’ aya / Ramallah.

9/5/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Ibrahim Ahmad Hussein Awdah (34 years), from Duheisha camp. 11/5/1988 Abdul-Karim Raja Suleiman (21 years), from Ta’amra / Bethlehem died of injuries he suffered on 30/3/1988. 13/5/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Mahmood Mufleh Abou Zeid (33 years), from Qabatya / Jenin. 15/5/1988 The Zionist settlers killed two Palestinians today: 1. Husni Muhammad Mahsiri (43 years), from Doha / Beit Jala. His body was foubnd in a chicken farm in the settlement of Beit Ba’eer west of Jerusalem. 2. Ibrahim Musallam Abou Aisha Uwaidi (71 years), from Hebron. Died of injuries he suffered at the hands of settlers from Kiryat Arba’ settlement on 10/5/1988 when they crushed his skull with stones. 16/5/1988 Two boys were shot dead today: 1. Alauddin Muhammad Saleh Thabet (15 years), from Azmoot / Nablus. 2. Jihad Bassam Absi (15 years), from Jabalya camp / Gaza. 18/5/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Majdi Mahmood Yusuf Hilal (16 years), from Abween / Ramallah. 20/5/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Wisam Mahmood Isam’il Manaserah (15 years), from Wadi Fookeen / Bethlehem. 21/5/1988 Two Palestinian women were killed today: 1. Fatima Abdul-Rahman (26 years), from Abween / Ramallah. She died of injuries she suffered on 11/5/1988. 2. Kawthar Khaled Muhammad Mer’ei (23 years), from Tulkarm camp. Shot dead.

22/5/1988 The Zionist troops of occupation shot dead two Palestinians: 1. Muhammad Saleh Mahmood Al-Addan (38 years), from Deir El-Ghusoon / Tulkarm. 2. Hajja Shamsa Abdullah Al-Qadah (65 years), from Deir E1-Ghusoon / Tulkarm. 23/5/1988 Adnan Rasheed Badrasn (35 years), from Deir ElGhusoon / Tulkarm. He died of shotgun wounds. 25/5/1988 Sheikh Sa’adi Muhammad Shahri Loulou (57 years), from Breij camp, was shot dead. 26/5/1988 Iyad Abdullah Ibrahim Zayed Shana’a (18 years), from Qalqilya, died of injuries he suffered at the hands of the Zionist troops three months earlier. 27/5/1988 The Zionist troops killed a girl and a boy: 1. Dinah Muneer Sawafiri (3 years), from Zeitoon quarter / Gaza. Died of gas asphyxiation. 2. Ameen Rajab Abou Raddaha (14 years), from Jalazon camp. Died of injuries. 28/5/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead ln’aam Rafiq Tawfiq Hamdan (35 years), from Jaba’/ Jenin. 2/6/1988 Majdi Ribhi Abou-Safaqa (12 years), from Tulkarm, was killed when barrel fell on his head from a military checkpoint which the Zionist troops erected in one of the city’s lanes. 3/6/1988 The Zionists shot dead Mustafa Ahmad Halayiqa (20 years), from Shuyookh / Hebron. 4/6/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Imad Issa Halayiqa froth Shuyookh / Hebron. Died of injuries he suffered on 3/6/1988. 2. Muhammad Issa Ghanem (26 years), from Deir Izigh / Ramallah. Shot dead. 6/6/1988 Zakia Ismail Masari’a (41 years), from Nuseirat camp.She died of injuries she suffered on 4/6/1988, when the Zionist troops opened fire at her.

8/6/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Hussein Jum’a Abou Jalala (19 years), from Jabalya camp / Gaza. He was severely beaten by the Zionist troops with rifle butts and clubs. 2. Abdullah Mubarak Khalaf (25 years), from Aizariyya / Jerusalem. He died of injuries her suffered a week ago. 9/6/1988 Three Palestinians, including an infant, joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1. Muhammad Anwar Abou Kharma (2 days), from Nablus. Died of gas asphyxiation. 2. Imad Hasan Hawwari (17 years), from Sabastya / Nablus. Shot dead. 3. Ruhi Muhammad Abdul-Hameed Lahalya (45 years), from Sa’eer / Hebron. Shot dead. 11/6/1988 The Zionists killed two boys of our people: 1. Ahmad Tawfiq Sha’lan (11 years), from Duheisha camp / Bethlehem. His body was found in a water well close to Duheisha camp. He had been kidnapped by the Zionist settlers two days before discovering his body. 2. Sa’ed Muhammad Hayek (16 years), from Ain Al-Sultan camp / Jericho. Shot dead. 12/6/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Bassem Issa Sabbagh (21 years), from Jenin camp. 13/6/1988 The Zionist troops killed two Palestinians, including an infant: 1. Maysaa Muhammad Jamal Hawwareen (40 days), from Duheisha camp / Bethlehem. Died of gas asphyxiation. 2. Theeb Mahmood Muhamamd Hussein (43 years), from Abween / Ramallah. Shot dead. 15/6/1988 The Zionists killed Nidhal Ibrahim Abou Hasan (21 years), from Batteer / Bethlehem. 16/6/1988 An infant from Khan Younis, son of Mazen Shehada Abou Jahsh, from Jenin camp, died of gas asphyxiation.

17/6/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Ahmad Awdeh Muleitat (24 years), from Beit Fooreek / Nablus. 18/6/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Raed Khaled Haj Yusuf (17 years), from Khan Younis. 19/6/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Muayyad Hussein Hasan Ashtiyeh (21 years), from Salem / Nablus. 20/6/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Nasser Suleiman Dweidar (25 years), from Jericho. 21/6/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Sultan Abou Jawdat (23 years), from Lydda, the Palestinian town occupied in 1948. 22/6/1988 The Zionist invaders killed two Palestinians today: 1. Tal’at Khalil Zaqqoot (16 years), from Rafah camp. He was shot dead. 2. Nassar Shareef Nassar Salamah (25 years), from Beit Leed / Tulkarm. He was kidnapped by Zionist settlers and his body was dumped on the Tel-Aviv shore. 29/6/1988 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Ibrahim Ghassan ‘Arnaki (15 years), from AlTayyiba / Ramallah. Shot dead. 2. Iyad Sami Al-Jreidi (25 years), from Khan Younis. Died of his injuries. 30/6/1988 Three Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Tawfiq Ja’afar Malalha (75 years), from Qabatya / Jenin. Died of gas asphyxiation. 2. Muhammad Khaled Shu’eilo (36 years), from Nablus. Died of gas asphyxiation. 3. Arafat Ahmad Awda Hunein (18 years), from Beit Fooreek / Nablus. Died of injuries he suffered on 29/6/1988. 1/7/1988 Fatima Yusuf Sahweel (24 years), from Ramallah, died today of injuries she suffered earlier.

2/7/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Nael Muhammad Yusuf Khamayseh (17 years), from Zbouba / Jenin. 4/7/1988 Mahmood Thiyab Ghandoor (13 years), from Gaza,was beaten to death by the Zionist troops. 7/7/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today ‘Abdul-Qader Muhammad Dhababat (22 years), from Tobas. 9/7/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Fayeq Suleiman Hussein (25 years), from Jabalya camp / Gaza. 10/7/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Zuhdi Mansoor Omar Zreiqi (17 years), from Askar camp / Nablus. 11/7/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today: 1. Hasan Ahmad Jaber ‘Adas ( (17 years), from Anabta / Tulkarm. 2. Faris Rashid ‘Anabtawi (17 years), from Nablus. 13/7/1988 Two Palestinians youngsters joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1. Sameer Ibrahim Al-Sayeh (16 years), from Nablus, died of injuries he suffered at the hands of the Zionist troops. 2. Amjad Theeb Mustafa Khawaja (17 years), from Na’leen / Ramallah, died of wounds he suffered on 10/7/1988. 14/7/1988 The Zionists troops shot dead today Bashir Ibrahim AlAmmoor (21 years), from Khan Younis. 15/7/1988 A Zionist settler driving a truck fatally hit Musa Omar Mahmood (54 years), in the village of Broqin / Nablus.

17/7/1988 1. The Zionist troops shot dead Maazooz Abdul-Rahman Hijazi Yameen (22 years), from Jeet / Nablus. 2. Saber Faris Namnam from Al-Shate’ camp / Gaza, died of his injuries. 18/7/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Edmon (Simon) Elias Issa Ghanem (17 years), from Beit Sahoor was killed, when a Zionist soldier threw a piece of marble on his head from the top of a building used by the Zionist troops as a military observation point. 2. Jamal Jawdat ‘Abdul-Karim Qaddoomi (29 years), from Ain Beit el-Maa’ camp / Nablus, was shot dead near Fari’a camp. 19/7/1988 The Zionist troopas shot dead Nidhal Fouad Rabdhi (17 years), from Beit Hanina / Jerusalem. 20/7/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead three Palestinians: 1. Bassam Fouad Araabi (15 years), from Jenin. 2. Hisham Khaled Tawfiq Zeid (26 years), from Kfeira / Jenin. 3. Zaki Ali Mahmood Abdul-Hafez Khalayqa (23 years), from Hebron. 21/7/1988 Three Palestinians were shot dead today: 1. Muhannad Ahmad Taher Saif (17 years), from ‘Ar’Ara / Haifa. He was killed while in the village of Thannaba / Tulkarm. 2. Maher Sheikh Muhammad Abou Ghazala (24 years), from Nablus. 3. Husam Mufdhi Ahmad Abdul-Azizi (19 years), from Nablus. 23/7/1988 Subhiyya Thiyab Yusuf Sheikh Hasan, (85 years) lady from Salfit / Nablus died of injuries she suffered on 28/12/1987, when the Zionist bullets hit her. 24/7/1988 Five Palestinians, including an infant, were killed today: 1. Thaer Adnan Badr (one month), from Jabalya camp. Died of gas asphyxiation.

2. Yasser Muhammad Saba’na (17 years), from Qabaya / Jenin. Shot dead. 3. Jiryis Yusuf Qanqar (40 years), from Beit Jala. Shot dead. 4. Muhammad Sa’eed Khaled Kittana (27 years), from AlNazla Al-Sharqiyya / Tulkarm. His body was found in a water tank west of his village. 5. The wife of Asmar Abou Taweel (65 years), from Qabatya/Jenin. 25/7/1988 In Anabta / Tulkarm, Riyadh Awda Mahmood Khattab (28 years), from Kafr Labad / Tulkarm, was deliberately run over by a Zionist vehicle. 26/7/1988 Hani Adel Turk (37 years), from Gaza, died of injuries he suffered on 25/7/1988. 29/7/1988 Abdul-Fattah Yusuf Ulayyan (24 years), from Deir Abou Dha’eef, died of injuries he suffered earlier. 30/7/1988 Sa’ada Ali Mahrnood Jabr (55 years), from Zar’een / Jenin, died of injuries she suffered when she was beaten by the Zionist troops who stormed her house in search of one of her sons. 1/8/1988 Nidhal Yusuf Amer, a 7-month old baby boy from Khan Younis, died of gas asphyxiation. 2/8/1988. The Zionist troops shot dead Alauddin Adeeb Al-Aghbar (18 years), from Nablus. 5/8/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Uqab Jamil Ghaleb Musa (15 years), from Kifl Haris / Tulkarm. Shot dead. 2. Jalal Ismail Abou Khadija (24 years), from Ramallah. Died of injuries he suffered three days earlier. 6/8/1988 Nidhal Abdul-Hakim Al-Jalil Bouzieh (16 years), from Kifl Haris / Tulkarrn died of his injuries.

9/8/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Hussein Abdul-Rahim Hasan Suwayy (14 years), from Qalqilya. 10/8/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Ahmad Faleh Ali Daraghmeh (17 years), from Toobas. 11/8/1988 Two Palestinians died today: I. Khalil Mustafa Abadleh (40 years), from Khan Younis. He died of bums he suffered when the Zionist invaders set fire to a hut in which he was sleeping in (Ur Yehuda), near Tel-Aviv, on 10/8/1988. 2. Riyadh Suleiman Abou Mindeel (23 years), from Maghazi camp. Shot dead. 12/8/1988 Two Palestinians died today: 1. Hisham Jamil Miqdad (23 years), from El-Shate’camp. He was severely beaten by the Zionist troops. 2. Saeed Ismail ‘Abed (22 years), from Rafah. He died of burns he suffered when the Zionist troops set fire to a hut in which he was sleeping in (Ur Yehuda), near Tel-Aviv, on 10/8/1 988. 14/8/1988 Four Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1.Yusuf Khaled Muhammad Ali Damaj (12 years), from Jenin camp. Shot dead. 2. Jamal Muhammad Musa Awdeh (22 years), from Tulkarm camp. Shot dead. 3. Muhammad Hamad Abou Rizq (20 years), from Shaboora camp / Khan Younis. Shot dead. 4. Atta Yusuf Ahmad Ayyad (21 years), from Qalandya camp / Jerusalem. Died of tortures inflicted on him in the Zionists at Zahiriyya prison, where he had been detained for two months. 15/8/1988 Naseem Ibrahim ‘Abed (27 years), from Maghazi camp, died of bums he suffered when the Zionists set fire to the hut in which he was sleeping on 10/8/1988.

16/8/1988 The Zionist troops killed three Palestinians today: 1. Bassam Ibrahim Ali Sammoodi (27 years), from Alyamoon / Jenin. Shot dead in Ansar-3 detention camp in the Negev. 2. As’ad Jabr Shawwa (25 years). Shot in Ansar-3 detention camp in Negev. 3. Bishr Nabeel Mustafa Ibdah (18 years), from Beit Hanina / Jerusalem. He was killed in Maskobiyya detention camp in Jerusalem. 17/8/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Rasha Hazem Ibrahim Arqawi, a 7-year old girl from Jenin, while she was standing on the balcony of her home. 20/8/1988 Sa’ud Hasan Islayyem Abdullah Bani Awdeh (22 years), from Tammoon / Nablus, died of injuries he received on 18/8/ 1988. 21/8/1988 Three Palestinians died today: 1. Raja Muhammad Radhwan Sawafta (17 years), from Toobas / Nablus. Shot dead. 2. Na’el Hammad (18 years), from Breij camp / Gaza. Shot dead. 3. Maysara Ahmad Muhammad Abou Matar (25 years), from Sheikh Radwan (Gaza). The Zionist police informed his folks that his body was in Abou Kabir morgue, in Jaffa. 22/8/1988 Today, Zionist troops shot dead Ahmad Muhammad Hussein Shaghnoobi (22 years), from Askar camp / Nablus. 23/8/1988 Khalil Yusuf Ba’alousha (42 years), from Jabalya camp died of tear-gas asphyxiation 24/8/1988 Three Palestinians fell martyrs today: I. ' Alaa Abul-Ghool (13 years), from Al-Shate’ camp. He died of tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Muhammad Khaled Mahmood Shuqeir (31 years), from Tulkarm. His body was found mutilated near a Zionist settlement close to Tulkarm. 3. Hani Shami (60 years), from Jabalya camp. He was severely beaten at the hands of the Zionist troops three hours after he had been arrested.

26/8/1988 Two Palestinians were murdered today: 1. Ayman Izzat Abdul-Aziz Bamin (14 years), from Tall / Nablus. He died of injuries he suffered on 16/8/1988. 2. Maryam Ishaq Khoori (65 years), from Abood / Ramallah. She was intentionally run over by a Zionist military vehicle. 31/8/1988 Three Palestinians were shot dead by the Zionist troops today: 1. Minawi Muneer Ali Arabshi (17 years), from Rimal quarter / Gaza. 2. Ayman Ahmad Najjar (16 years), from Rafah. 3. Louay Fakhri Yusuf (22 years), from Deir Ghassana / Ramallah. 4/9/1988 Abdul-Karim Mahmood Al-’Abdi (22 years), from Rafah, died of injuries he suffered on 3/9/1988. 7/9/1988 Two Palestinians, including a child, were killed today: 1. Muhammad Sharif Mahmood Al-Azza (2 years), from Ramallah District. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 2. Abdul-Karim Mahmood Barood, from Rafah. Died of his injuries. 8/9/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Muhammad Ahmad Abou Salah (36 years), from Seelat AlHarithiyya / Jenin. 11/9/1988 Two Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1. Ali Ahmad Abdul-Hameed Dababseh (22 years), from Shuja’iyya quarter / Gaza. He died of injuries he suffered two days earlier. 2. Salah Mustafa Kassab (22 years), from Shuja’iyya quarter / Gaza. A Zionist military vehicle ran over him several times intentionally. 15/9/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Rami Khalil Hassan Abou Samra (11 years), from Gaza.

17/9/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead two Palestinians: 1. Imad Hasan Arqawi (18 years), from Jenin. 2. Munjed Ismail Sarhan Daraghma (26 years), from Laban Sharqiyya / Nablus. 19/9/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Imad Ismail Abou Thurayya (18 years), from Gaza. He died of injuries he suffered on 15/9/1988, at the hands of the Zionist troops. 2. Muhammad Tayih Abdullah Atta (52 years), from Tulkarm camp. He died of tear gas asphyxiation. 22/9/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead two Palestinians: 1. Hani Awdeh Abou Madyan (18 years), from Breij camp / Gaza. 2. Inad Ahmad Mustafa (43 years), from Mazara’a Sharqiyya / Ramallah. He held U.S. nationality. 22/9/1988 Naheel Na’eem Tookhi (12 years), from Am’ari camp / Ramallah, died of injuries he suffered on 19/9/1988. 26/9/1988 Three Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1. Jihad Muhammad Zeino (12 years), from Gaza. Shot dead. 2. Nasser Ahmad Mousa Al-Jundi (22 years), from Noor Shams camp / Tulkarm. Died of injuries he suffered on 25/8/1988. He passed away at Al-Hussein Medical City in Amman / Jordan, where he was receiving treatment. 3. Jamal Ibrahim Matar Shuqeirat (19 years), from AlMukabber Mount / Jerusalem. Shot dead. 27/9/1988 Six Palestinians were added to the convoy of martyrdom today: 1. Usama Muhammad Ahmad Barbaka (17 years), from Khan Younis camp. Shot dead. 2. Ayman Abou Sharar (17 years), from Nuseirat camp / Gaza. Shot dead.

3. Nabeel Muhammad Yusuf Al-Jamal (21 years), from Beit Booreek / Ramallah. Shot dead. 4. Husam Mukhtar Mahmood Gharbawi (20 years), from Gaza. Shot dead. 5. Dawlat Dawood Al-Masri (18 years), from Jabalya camp. She died of tear gas asphyxiation. She was in her sixth month of pregnancy. 6. Nasser Jamal Abou Thabet (22 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. Died in Ramleh prison of injuries he suffered several months before. 30/9/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Muhammad Zein Muhammad Ghazi Al-Karki (18 years), from Hebron. He died of injuiries inflicted on him by Zionist settelrs who beat him, then tied him to the front of a military Jeep and was left bleeding till he passed away. 2. Kayed Hasan Abdul Aziz Salah (42 years), from Hebron. Shot by the leader of the Zionist settlers gangs, the racist terrorist rabbi Moshe Levinger who fired three bullets on the victim. 5/10/1988 Nizam Nasser Abou Hweila (44 years), from Balata camp / Nablus, died of injuries he suffered on 26/9/1988. 6/10/1988 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Adnan Ahmad Khanfa (33 years), from Nablus. Shot by the Zionist troops who tied his hands while bleeding until he passed away. 2. Abd Abdullah Hasan Kolak (56 years), from Khan Younis. He passed away of a heart attack he suffered in a Zionist jail. 7/10/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead four of our people today: 1. Nidhal Ali Khalil Najjar (15 years), from Nablus. 2. Sameer Muhammad Amin Bahlool (26 years), from Nablus. 3. Ali Izze'ddin Al-Sa’eh (20 years), from Nablus. 4. Ahmad Mahmood Sa’eed Mash’harawi (21 years), from Nablus.

8/10/1988 Two Palestinians died today: I. Ahmad Muhammad Salim Zeid El-Kilani (22 years), from Ya’bad / Jenin. Shot dead. 2. Muhammad Fawzi Abdul-Qader Khaled Al-’Askari (24 years), from Ain Beit El-Ma’a camp / Nablus. He died of injuries he suffered on 26/9/1988. 9/10/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead four of our people: 1. Fadhl Ibrahim Shehada Najjar (20 years), from Yata / Hebron. 2. Husni Hasan Rashid (20 years), from Yata / Hebron. 3. Kamal Muhammad Hasan Sareeh (23 years), from Yata / Hebron. 4. Usama Soubhi Ahmad Abou Dhahi (20 years), from Rafah. Shot dead inside a bus at a crossing in Rafah. 11/10/1988 Nazem Jum’a Abou Jawdat (17 years), from Duheisha amp / Bethlehem, died of injuries he suffered two weeks earlier at the hands of the Zionist troops. 13/10/1988 The Zionist troops of occupation killed today Mahmood Ahmad Suleiman Abou Khadr (19 years), from Jdeida / Jenin. 14/10/1988 Two Palestinians died today: 1. Ahmad Yaaqoob Mustafa Al-A’raj (19 years), from Qibya / Ramallah. He died from injuries he suffered on 4/10/1988. 2. Omar ‘Abd Yusuf Al-Assi (22 years), from Kafr Maalek / Ramallah. Shot dead. 15/10/1988 A Zionist policeman shot dead three members of a Palestinian family in the village of Jaljooliya / Tulkarm: 1. Leila Ahmad Saddah (38 years). 2. Her son (11 years). 3. Her older son (18 years).

16/10/1988 Usama Wasfi Shalabi (18 years), from Atteel / Tulkarm, died of injuries he suffered on 10/10/1 988. 18/10/1988 The Zionist troops of occupation shot dead two Palestinians, including a child: 1. Dhiya Jihad Fayez Haj Muhammad (5 years), from Nablus. 2. Khaled Abdul-Wahhab Tabbila (18 years), from Nablus. 19/10/1988 A Zionist military vehicle deliberately killed three Palestinians while they were riding a car belonging to the Education Department in Hebron: 1. Ismail Rajab Abou Rajab (48 years). 2. Salem Mousa Saeed Naji ‘Amr (45 years). 3. Jawad Uthman Sadeq ‘Amr (45 years). 21/10/1988 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Fatima Haj Shehada Abou El-Rub (50 years), from Qabatya / Jenin. She was shot dead. 2. Ibrahim Yasser “Yusuf’” Muhammad Mutawwar (22 years), from Sa’eer / Hebron. He was tortured to death in “Zahiriyya” prison. 24/10/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead in the chest Abdul-Mun’im Yusuf Shaheen Shaheen (17 years), from Faari ‘a camp. 25/10/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead the girl Manal Sammoor (15 years), from Al-Shate’ camp. 27/10/1988 Three Palestinians, including a baby and a child, were killed today: 1. Ziad Thabet (16 years), from Nuseirat camp. 2. Nisreen Jihad Nawajiha (3 years), from Khan Younis. Died of tear gas asphyxiation. 3. Musa Muhammad Musa Jheim (4 months), from Tulkarm camp. Died of gas asphyxiation.

29/10/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Bassel Mustafa Amer Halabi (17 years), from Rujeeb / Nablus. 30/10/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Iyad Bishara Abou-Sa’adi (19 years), from Beit Sahoor / Jerusalem. 2/11/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today Jalal ‘Abdul-Qader Nabawi (23 years), from Qalqilya. 6/11/1988 The Zionists killed two more Palestinians: 1. Mujahid Ahmad Abdul-Karim (18 years), from Yassid / Nablus. Shot dead. 2. Amr Abdul-Qadr Abou-Aisha (21 years), from Hebron. He was kidnapped by Zionist settlers while injured.They dumped his body on the outskirts of the village. 7/11/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead today two Palestinians: 1. Esmat Jamil Mahmood (16 years), from Salem / Nablus. 2. Ahmad Hussein Abdullah Bishara (17 years), from Tammoon / Nablus. 9/11/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Usama Ahmad Abou Ghneima, a four-year old child from Gaza. Two bullets hit him. 10/11/1988 Usama Ismail A1-A’araj (16 years), from Rafah, died of injuries he suffered two days earlier at the hands of the Zionist troops. 13/11/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Allam Muhammad Hussein Hantooli (27 years), from Alyamoon / Jenin. 14/11/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Sabri Abdul-Aziz Arandas (21 years), from Khan Younis. 16/11/1988 Tareq Ataya Abou Samhadana (25 years), from Rafah died of injuries he had suffered earlier.

20/11/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead two Palestinians: 1. Yusuf Muhammad Ahmad Abdullah (22 years), from Baqat al-Hatab / Nablus. 2. Yusuf Subhi Shalabi (20 years), from Baqat alHatab / Nablus. 23/11/1988 Two Palestinians shot earlier by the Zionist troops died of their wounds: 1. Ammar Muheeb Hamayel (13 years), from Beta / Nablus. 2. Mahmood ‘Amr Marwan Salim ‘Amr al-Quneiri from Ya’bad / Jenin. 24/11/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Nawal Abou Thurayya, a 40-year old lady from Al-Shale’ camp. 27/11/1988 Fareed Muhammad al-Ghari (16 years), from Nuseirat camp, died of injuries he suffered on 25/11/1988. 1/12/1988 The Zionist troops shot dead Sami Khalil Harash (16 years), from Quffein / Tulkarm. 3/12/1988 Two Palestinian boys died today: 1. Hamed Muhammad Hamed Abdul-Qader (14 years), from Beit Fooreek / Nablus, was shot dead. 2. Tareq Muhammad Badrasawi (15 years), from Shuja’iyya quarter / Gaza. He died of shot wounds he suffered on 29/11/1988. 4/12/1988 Ibrahim Dawood Abdullah (48 years), from Alyamoon / Jenin, died of tear gas asphyxiation. 6/12/1988 The Zionist troops shot in the head today Asmaa’ Suleiman Muhammad Abou ‘Ayyad, a 15-year old girl from Al-Shate’ camp.(1)

May 1990 The Zionist terrorist Ami Buber killed seven and injured fifteen Palestinian workers in the settlement of Rishon Lezion.(2) August 1990 The Zionist terrorist Nahshoon Fulles opened fire at passengers on the Hebron road, killing one pregnant Palestinian woman and injuring two other citizens.(3) Morning of 24/9/1996 The inhabitants of Jerusalem woke up to find out that the Zionist enemy was in the process of opening a tunnel under the western fence of Al-Aqsa Holy Mosque.(4) The Palestinian Arab masses rose to confront the occupation. Demonstrations and confrontations continued, during which the Zionist forces of occupation perpetrated several massacres. Following are the names of the martyrs:(5) 1. Ahmad Najjar (22 years), from Gaza. 2. Amjad Abou ‘Arbeed (22 years), from Gaza. 3. Iyad Mahmood Atallah Tureifi (22 years), from Ramallah. 4. Eehab Abdul-Wahed (24 years), from Gaza. 5. Bassel Na’eem (25 years), from Gaza. 6. Tamam Ahmad Mas’ood Nawwara (34 years), from Mazra’a Qibliyya / Ramallah. 7. Jalal Ibrahim ‘Ayesh (20 years), from AlTirah / Ramallah. 8. Jihad Al-Abd Rashed Samhan (28 years), from Ras Karkar / Ramallah. 9. Hazem Saqr (18 years), from Gaza. 10. Khalil Khalil Nseir (22 years), from Gaza. 11. Ra’ed Ulayyan Jabr (20 years), from Gaza. 12. Rajeh Barood (43 years), from Gaza. 13. Rizq Suleiman Hawajiri (30 years), from Gaza. 14. Rashad Abvou Tuha (18 years), from Gaza. 15. Shahda Muhammad Wahdan (27 years), from Gaza. 16. Abdul-Hameed Saleh Hammad (33 years), from Gaza. 17. Issam Muhammad Abou Alwan (25 years), from the Gaza strip.

18. Issam Ali Tafesh (22 years), from the Gaza strip. 19. 'Alaa Usama Sharab (20 years), from Gaza. 20. Omar Musa Salem (19 years), from Gaza. 21. Fayez Mash’hoor Farhan (22 years), from Ain Misbah / Ramallah. 22. Fareed Zahi As’ad Safadi (26 years), from Nablus. 23. Fawzi Muhammad Jumhoor (20 years), from Beit ‘Annan / Ramallah. 24. Qassem Suleiman Buheisi (16 years), from Gaza. 25. Qusay Muhammad ‘Ukasha (30 years), from Gaza strip. 26. Mazen Abou ‘Ahoor (22 years), from the West Bank. 27. Muhammad Hasan Bayyoomi (6 years), from Gaza. 28. Muhammad Abdul-Karim Astal (15 years), from Gaza. 29. Muhammad Abdullah Ahmad Hamed (20 years), from Selwad / Ramallah. 30. Muhammad Fat’hi Hasaballah (20 years), from Gaza. 31. Mu’taz Musa Taha Rafati (22 years), from Rafat / Ramallah. 32. Musa Nasser Abou Nusseir (28 years), from Gaza. 33. Noora Musa Sa’ad (13 years), from Gaza strip. 34. Hani Jalal Musa (18 years), from Gaza. 35. Yasser Omar Mahmood Hamdan (20 years), from Kobar / Ramallah. 36. Yusuf Mahmood Bsheiti (25 years), from Gaza strip. 37. Ibrahim Abou Ghannam (19 years). Killed in Jerusalem. 38. Ayman Yahya Idkeidek (25 years). Killed in Jerusalem. 39. Jawad Bazlameet. Killed in Jerusalem. 40. Firas ‘Awajineh (20 years). Killed in Jericho. 41. Fadi ‘Atiyya (19 years). Killed in Jericho. 42. Ziad Izzu'ddin Al-Sharif (36 years). Killed in Jericho. 43. Imad Salem (30 years), from Yatta / Hebron. 44. Wisam Fareed Al-Masri. Died of wounds he suffered in Nablus. 45. Ameen Muhammad Barbakh (18 years). Died of wounds he suffered in Khan Younis. 46. Mansoor Suleiman Hammooda Shawamreh from Dora / Hebron. 47. Ra’ed Ibrahim Sharaka (15 years), from Jalazon camp / Ramallah. 48. Ashraf Khaled Shehada Al-Ashram (28 years), from Gaza.

49. Muneer Yusuf Jumhoor (23 years), from Beit ‘Annan / Ramallah. 50. ‘Abdul-Jabbar Muhammad ‘Awadh Hassan (20 years), from Deir Abou Mish’al / Ramallah. 51. Ayman ‘Abdul-Majeed Awwad Haniyya (20 years), from Ramallah. 52. Ra’ afat Rateb Hushiyyeh (18 years), from Qatna / Ramallah. 53. ‘Abd Mahmood ‘Abd Al-Hajja (20 years), from Bethlehem. 54. Muhammad Fat’hi Ibrahim Abou Sroor (23 years), from Bethlehem. 55. ‘Abdul Fattah ‘Abdul Majid Hamada, from Selwad / Ramallah. 56. Jawad ‘Abdul-Halim Hijazi (21 years), from Jerusalem. 57. Ibrahim Ali Abou Ghannam (19 years), from Jerusalem. 58. Hunein Qassem Al-Haroob (4 months), from Shu' fat camp / Jerusalem. 59. Muhammad Ribhi Sarahneh (18 months), from beit Ula / Hebron. 60. Tamer Muhammad Abdul-Karim Al-Masri (11 years), from beit Hanoon / Gaza. 61. Muhammad Sa’eed Shalayel (26 years), from Jabalya / Gaza. 62. Mu’taz Jaradaat from Sa’eer / Hebron. 63. Abdullah Qaraqe’ (19 years), from Snajal / Ramallah. 64. Hilmi Shoosha (10 years), from Hoosan / Bethlehem. A Zionist settler intercepted the child in the village of Hoosan, while he was returning home with his mates from school. The settler began hitting and kicking the child on the head with a rifle butt until he died. The settler then trampled on the head of the dead child. June 1997 The Zionist police of the so-called Border Guards killed two brothers in cold blood: 1. Dawood Shweiki (28 years). 2. Muhammad Shweiki (18 years), from Al-Amood quarter / Jerusalem.(6) The Zionist troops killed Ismail Abou Samra (52 years), from .Khan Younis.(7) Since the outset of 1997 until early May of the same year, the Zionist troops and settlers killed sixteen Palestinians: 1. Ahmad Sami Shreiteh (25 years), from Yatta / Hebron. 2. Lafi Rafe’ Lafi Dharaghmeh (14 years), of Tulkarm. Killed when a landmine planted by the Zionsts exploded.

3. Yasser Abdul-Nabi Ismail (21 years), from Tulkarm. Died of injuries he suffered during the Tunnel Intifadha. 4. Riyadh Muhammad Jawdat Adwan (42 years), from Rafah camp. He died due to irnroper medical treatment he received while detained in Beersheba prison. 5. Muhammad Abdul-Aziz Abou Helou (57 years), from Hazma / Jerusalem. 6. Musa Abdul-Qader Muhammad Ghneimat (28 years), from Sooreef / Hebron. 7. Abdullah Khalil Abdullah Salah (20 years), from beit Sahoor / Jerusalem. 8. Haitham Joseph Abdullah Mansoor (20 years), from Kafr Qleil / Nablus. 9. Kamel Sidqi Al-Zaru (17 years), from Hebron. 10. Anwar Ahmad Shibrawi (20 years), from Jabalya / Gaza. 11. Abdullah Ramadhan Mad’hoon (18 years), from Khan Younis. 12. Isam Rashad Arafa (22 years), from Hebron. Killed by the Zionst settlers. 13. Nader Abdul-Khaleq Saeed (24 years), from Hebron. 14. Yaaqoob Fahmi Joolani (18 years), from Hebron. 15. Isam Muhammad Rasheed ‘Aqabneh (18 years), from Kharas/Hebron. 16. Mansoor Taha Sayyed Ahmad (18 years), from Hebron.(8) 2/7/1997 The Zionist troops shot dead in the ehart Maher AbdulMun’em Al-’Assar, from Deir ElBalah / Gaza.(9) 10/3/1998 The Zionist troops killed three Palestinians while they were in a pickup carrying workers on their way back to the West Bank from the Zionist entity. The massacre took place at a Zionist military checkpoint on the outskirts of the village of Tarqoomiyya / Hebron.(10) We were able to identify two of the three martyrs. They are: 1. Muhammad Shehada Sharawneh (28 years). Hit with ten bullets!! 2. Adnan Jibril Khalil Abou Zeid Sharha (35 years). Shot with exploding bullets which fragmentize the internal tissues of the body.(11) 13/5/1998 Zionist aircraft attacked, at dawn in several sorties, a medical and administrative site belonging to Fath Al-Intifadha in the plain of Ta’leel, near Shtaura in Lebanon. Ten members of the movement were killed and more than 25 were injured. All casualties were

medical nurses, pharmacist aides, first aid personnel and regular employees. The site was non-military. The martyrs were: 1. Muhammad Mahmood Ghatasha. 2. Mahmood Nayef Saleh. 3. Mahmood Yusuf ‘Ajoori. 4. Castro Ibrahim Heebi. 5. Hassan Muhammad Jum’a. 6. Abdullah Salah. 7. Sa’ad Muhammad. 8. Ahmad ‘Abdul-’AaI. 9. Jaber Sayegh. 10. Kamel Salim.(12) 14/5/1998 On the fiftieth anniversary of the tragedy of 1948, the Zionist troops shot dead nine Palestinians and injured 220 others in the West Bank and Gaza strip.(13) 17/6/1998 Three Zionist settler bandits, to entertain themselves, hit to death the Palestinian citizen Abdul-Majeed Khaled Abou Tazkiya.(14) September 1998 The Zionist intelligence service killed two Palestinian brothers, and injured one hundred others in Al-Bireh.(15) The two martyrs are: 1. Imad Awadallah. 2. Adel Awadallah. 8/10/1998 The Zionist troops shot dead Amjad Jamal Natsheh (21 years), from Hebron, and injured twenty others.(16) 11/10/1998 The Zionist soldiers killed two Palestinians and injured 100 others in the West Bank.(17)

7/1/1999 A Zionist soldier shot dead Badr 1-laidar Qawasmi in the central vegetable marketplace in Hebron.(18) 28/2/1999 A Zionist settler driving a vehicle deliberately killed Muhammad Baddarin, a child from Sammoo’/ Hebron.(19) August 2000 During this month, the Zionist forces of occupation killed three Palestinians in the West Bank: I. Mahmood As’ad Al-Zaar, from Sardar / Ramallah. Shot dead. 2. Mu’een Muhammad Talahmeh, from A1-Khalil (Hebron). Killed by exploding devices. 3. Nassar Ka’abneh, from Farroosh / Beit Dajan. Killed by exploding devices.(20)




The Zionist Massacres Perpetrated during the Second Intifadha

from 29 September 2000 through 31 July 2001




29/9/2000 On the second day of A1-Aqsa Intifadha, the Zionist occupation troops fired on the Palestinians while performing prayers in the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque, killing nine of them: 1. Bilal Affana (26 years), from Abou Dees / Jerusalem. 2. Haytham Iskafi (45 years), from Jerusalem. 3. Nizar Shweiki (18 years), from Selwan / Jerusalem. 4. Usama Jadda (23 years), from Old Jerusalem. 5. Muhammad Yahya Faraj (17 years), from Ramallah. 6. Nael Yassinin (20 years), from Northern Assira / Nablus. 7. Imad Ashwa (19 years), from Nablus. 8. Muhammad Jihad Abdul-Razzaq (17 years), from Nablus. 9. Muhammad Umeira (20 years), from Nablus. 30/9/2000 The Zionists troops killed eleven Palestinians, including three youngsters: 1. Mahmood Anbara (20 years), from Zarqa / Jordan. He was killed by a Zionist sniper. 2. Nizar Abda (16 years), from Deir Ammar / Ramallah. He was killed by a Zionist sniper. The martyr was a firsdt aid man. He was killed while on duty. 3. Zakariya Keilani (22 years), from Siris. Shot in the chest by a sniper: 4. Maher Obeid (22 years). He was a first aid helper. He was shot with a dumdum bullet. 5. Muhammad Al-Durra (12 years). The Zionist soldiers shot him while in the laps of his father. 6. Bassam Bilbisi (45 years), from Shujaiya quarter in Gaza. He was a first aid man. He was killed by a sniper. 7. Muhammad Al-’Utla (25 years), from the National Security Force in Gaza. Shot in the head.

8. Muhammad Al-Qalaq (23 years), from Tulkarm camp. He was a first aid man. Shot dead by a Zionist sniper. 9. Khaled Bazyan (14 years), from Nablus. Shot in the abdomen by a Zionist sniper. 10. Iyad Al-Khashash (18 years), from Nablus. He was shot and left bleeding until he passed away. 11. Amjad Daraghmeh (22 years), from Toubas / Nablus. Shot in the chest. 1/10/2000 Twelve Palestinians, including a baby, were killed by the Zionist troops of occupation: 1. Amri Muhammad Jabbarin (24 years), from Umm AlFahm. Shot dead while taking part in a demonstration. 2. Muhammad Dawood (14 years), from Al-Bireh. Shot by a sniper. 3. Samer Tabanja (12 years), from Nablus. Several bullets fired from a Zionist helicopter hit him. He fell dead near Joseph’s Tomb. 4. Sarah Hassan (18 months), from Talfit / Nablus. Shot by a Zionist settler. 5. Muhammad Radhi Al-Hamas (15 years), from Rafah. 6. Salah Al-Faqeeh (25 years), from Ramallah. Shot by a sniper of the Zionist army. 7. Sami Taramsi (20 years), from Sheikh Radwan quarter / Gaza. A bullet hit his lung. 8. Imad Anani (29 years), from Al-Am’ari camp. Killed by a Zionist army sniper. 9. Husam Bakhit (18 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. Shot in the chest. 10. Jihad ‘Alool (22 years), from Nablus. Machine-gunned by a Zionist sniper. 11. Mustafa Ramadhan (26 years), from Tall / Nablus. Shot in the chest. 12. Ibrahim Raja Hamzat (18 years), from Gaza. He was a colonel in the Palestinian Police Force. 2/10/2000 The Zionist soldiers and policemen killed 15 of our people today: 1. Ahmad lbrahim Abou Siyam (18 years), from Mu’awiya / Jenin. Was killed by a sniper of the Zionist police. 2. Rami Ghurra (22 years), from the Muthallath area. Was killed by a sniper of the Zionist police. 3. Hatem Najjar (27 years), from Khan Younis. Was shot in the lung in Jericho by a dumdum bullet.

4. Imad Ghazi Nabeeh (20 years), from Gaza. Shot in the chest and died following a chest hemorrhage. 5. Salah Abou Qunais (20 years), from Breij. He was from the Palestinian General Intelligence. Shot in the heart. 6. Ibrahim Barahmeh (27 years). A Jordanian citizen who was killed in Jericho. Shot in the head. 7. Wa’el Qattawi (14 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. Killed near Joseph’s Tomb. Shot in the head. 8. Muhammad Sajda (17 years), from Aqbat Jabr camp near Jericho. Shot in the abdomen. 9. Musleh Abou Jarad (17 years), from Deir Al-Balah. Shot in the head by a sniper of the Zionist army. 10. Ahmad Fayyadh (Muhammad Al-Masri), (25 years), from Gaza. Killed in Ramallah by a sniper of the Zionist army. 11. Imad Ghanayem from Sikheen / Acre. Shot in the head by a sniper of the Zionist police. 12. Walid Abou Saleh (21 years), from Sikheen / Acre. Shot in the head by a sniper of the Zionist police. 13. Alaa Nassar (18 years), from the village of Arrabat Al-Batoof / Acre. Shot in the eye. 14. Aseel Asla (26 years), from the village of Arrabat Al-Batoof / Acre. Shot in the neck by a sniper of the Zionist police. 15. Iyad Lawabneh (20 years), from Nazareth. Shot in the heart by a sniper of the Zionist police. 3/10/2000 The Zionist murderers of the Zionist police and army killed eight of our people: 1. Husam Al-Hamshari (16 years), from Tulkarm. Shot in the head. 2. Muhammad Zaamra (17 years), from Halhool / Hebron. Shot in the head. 3. Ammar Rifaei (17 years), from Maghazi camp. Shot in the head. 4. Fahmi Abou Ammooneh (28 years), from Nuseirat camp / Gaza. Shot in the head. 5. Khadra Abou Salamah (57 years), from Faqqouah / Jenin. Died due to gas suffocation. 6. Omar Muhammad Suleiman (20 years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza. Shot in the head.

7. Ramez Bushnaq (25 years), from Kafr Manda / Nazareth, 8. Ahmad Nabrisi (21 years), from Askar / Nablus. Shot in the head. 4/10/2000 The Zionist troops of occupation killed eleven Palestinians, including a child: 1. Muhammad Abou Assi (9 years), from Khan Younis. Shot in the back while taking part in the funeral of a martyr. 2. Sharif Ashoor (22 years), from Sawahira / Jerusalem. 3. Fawzi Sawahira (22 years), from Sawahira / Jerusalem. 4. Muhammad Amwasi (53 years), from Bitunia / Ramallah. 5. Ismail Shahsda (27 years), from Rimal quarter / Gaza. Shot by a sniper of the Zionist army. 6. 'Alaa Bargouthi (24 years), from Abood / Ramallah. Killed at the northern entrance of the town of Al-Bireh after being shot in the lung. 7. Muhannad Naeema (24 years), from Deir AlGhusoon / Tulkarm. Shot in the chest. 8. Mahmood Mas’ad (24 years), from Jenin. Shot in the head. 9. Ayman A1-Lawh (21 years), from Gaza. Shot in the back while taking part in the funeral of a martyr. 10. Muhammad Khamayisa (18 years), from Kafr Kanna / Nazareth. Died of his wounds. 11. Arafat Al-Atrash (18 years), from Hebron. Shot in the head. 5/10/2000 Three Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Salamah Ziyadat (20 years), from Aqabat Jabr / Jericho. Shot in the kidneys. 2. Mahmood Sbeiteh (26 years), from Gaza. Shot in the head while taking part in the funeral of a martyr in Gaza. 3. Mustafa Fararjeh (22 years), from Bethlehem. Shot in the chest. 6/10/2000 Fifteen Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrdom today: 1. Majdi Musulmani (15 years), from Beit Hanina / Jerusalem. Shot in the head. 2. Muhammad Tammam (17 years), from Tulkarm. Shot in the heart. 3. Marwan Shamlakh (23 years), from Sheikh Ajleen. Shot in the heart while taking part in the funeral of a martyr in Gaza.

4. Louay Muqayyad (20 years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza. Shot in the ehad while taking part in the funeral of martyr in Gaza. 5. Wajed Abou Awwad (21 years), from Khan Younis. Shot in the chest and abdomen while taking part in the funeral of a martyr in Gaza. 6. Rashad Najjar (22 years), from Maghazi camp. Shot in the head while taking part in the funeral of a martyr in Gaza. 7. Saleh Riyati (18 years), from Rafah. Died of a head injury inflicted on him when he was shot in the head on 2/10/2000. 8. Dhiyaa Issa (19 years), from Salem / Nablus. Shot in the chest on the road to Alan Moreh settlement. 9. Iyad Ishtieh (23 years), from Salem / Nablus. Shot in the back near Joseph’s Tomb. 10. Zouheir Drabieh (24 years), from Jabalieh / Gaza. Shot in the head. 7/10/2000 Today’s toll was five martyrs of our Palestinian people: 1. Muhammad Awwad (23 years), from Deir AlHatab / Nablus. Died of wounds he received on 2/10/2000 near the Zionist settlement of Alan Moreh. 2. Hisham Muqbel (43 years), from Tuffa quarter / Gaza. Shot when taking part in a funeral of a martyr in Gaza. 3. Usama Abdul-Karim (18 years), from Baq’a in Jordan. 4. Hasan Abdul-Latif Hassanein (30 years), from Burj AlBarajneh. Shot in the head by the Zionist troops at the Lebanese borders. 5. Shadi Al-Anas, from Shatila camp / Beirut. Shot in the heart at the Lebanese borders. 8/10/2000 Six Palestinians fell martyrs today. They are: 1. Yusuf Khalaf (17 years), from A1-Breij / Gaza. Died of wounds he received on 2/10/2000. 2. Fahd Abou Bakr (23 yeasrs), from Bidya / Nablus. He was shot in the back and neck. 3. Abdul-Hamid A1-Taye’ (18 years), from Eastern Mazra’a / Ramallah. Died of wounds he received on 5/10/2000. 4. Omar Akkawi (42 years), from Nazareth. Shot in the neck as a result of the clashes with the Zionist troops in Nazareth.

5. Wisam Yazbek Al-Tarifi (26 years), from Nazareth. Shot by the Zionist troops in the Nazareth clashes. 6. Muhammad Hasan Farraj (19 years), from Umm AlFahm / Jenin. 9/10/2000 The Zionist invaders killed two of our people: 1. Ali Sweidan (25 years), from Azzoon / Qalqilya. He was found shot in the head in a field of his village. 2. Issam Hammad (39 years), from the village of Umm Safa / Ramallah. He was tortured to death by gangs of Zionist settlers and his body was found near the settlement of Bsagot close to al-Bireh. 11/10/2000 Today’s toll was seven Palestinians martyrs 1. Sami Abou Jazar (13 years), from Rafah. Shot in the head. 2. Sami Hasan Salmi Balawneh (17 years), from Tulkarm camp. Shot in the heart and abdomen. 3. Muhammad Adwan (39 years), from Kafl Hareth / Nablus. A Zionist settler hit him with his car. 4. Karam Qanan (22 years), from Khan Younis. Shot in the heart. 5. Muhammad Mutlaq (22 years), from Jamma’een / Nablus. Shot in the heart. 6. Khalil Badr (25 years), from Beit Dukko / Jerusalem. Was killed while taking part in the funeral of a martyr. 7. Nazeer Nayef Haj Hassan (23 years), from Salfit / Nablus. 13/10/2000 The Zionist soldiers killed two of our people today: 1. Mansoor Ahmad (24 years), from Hebron. Shot in the abdomen. 2. Shadi Al-Wadi (21 years), from Fawar camp. Shot in the chest and head. 15/10/2000 Two Palestinians, including a child, fell martyrs today: 1. Alaa’ Abdul-Aziz (10 years), from Nablus. 2. Ra’ed Hammooda (30 years). Died of wounds he received on 10/10/2000.

16/10/2000 The Zionist soldiers killed two Palestinians today: 1. Muayyad Jwareesh (13 years), from Aida camp. Was shot in the head near Bilal ibn Rabah mosque. 2. Misbah Abou Ateeq (29 years), from Beit Lahia / Gaza. Was shot in the head in Rafah. 17/10/2000 The Zionist troops and settlers killed three Palestinians today: 1. Fareed Nasasira (28 years), from Beit Fureek. The settlers killed him while picking olives. He was shot in the head and abdomen. 2. Muhammad Dakheel (26 years), from Nablus. Died of wounds he received on 8/10/2000. 3. Nabeel Sa’eed Khater (42 years), from Gaza. Shot in the chest at the Eretz barricade. 18/10/2000 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Ibrahim Al-’Alali (25 years), from Beit Ummar / Hebron. Died of head wounds he received on l2/10/2000. 2. Musa ‘Eid Shehada, from Jabalia / Gaza. Died of tear-gas suffocation. 19/10/2000 The Zionist savage settlers killed Zahi ‘Aaridha (35 years), from Askar camp / Nablus. He was shot in the chest. 20/10/2000 The Zionist soldiers shot dead today ten of our Palestinian people: 1. 'Alaa Bani Nimra (15 years), from Salfit / Nablus. He was shot in the chest at a checkpoint in northern Salfit. 2. Muhammad Adel Abou Tahoon (16 years), from Tulkarm. Was shot in the neck and chest at the southeastern entrance of Tulkarm. 3. Samer ‘Uwaissi (16 years), from Qalqilya. Shot in the chest at the southern entrance of the town. 4. Tha’er Muhammad Ali I’med (20 years), from AlAm’ari camp. Shot in the head at the northern entrance of Bireh.

5. Adnan Duwaikat (21 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. Shot in the head near the checkpoint of Kafr Qleil. 6. Nidhal Abou Shaqra (22 years), from Jenin. Shot in the head. 7. Firas Zeid Keilani (26 years), from Toobas. Shot dead near the checkpoint of Kafr Qleil. 8. Amjad Abou Issa (22 years), from Kafr Qleil. Shot in the heart near Kafr Qleil checkpoint. 9. Issa Fa’oor (32 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. Shot in the heart near Kafr Qleil checkpoint. 10. Hassan Haroon Mahameed (24 years), from Bethlehem. 21/10/2000 The Zionist occupiers killed five Palestinians today: 1. Isma’il Najjar (13 years), from Gaza. 2. Majed Hawamdeh (15 years), from Sammoo’ / Hebron. Was shot in the neck north of El-Bireh. 3. Omar Biheissi (16 years), from Deir Al-Balah / Gaza. Shot in the heart near Kfar Daroom settlement. 4. Fayez Al-Qaimari (30 years), from Hebron. Shot in the head while sitting on the sidewalk. 5. Tareq Hantooli (22 years), from Seelat Al-Dhahr / Jenin. Shot in the back. 22/10/2000 The Zionist troops killed four Palestinians today, including two youngsters: 1.Wa’el Nasheet (13 years), from Jabalia camp / Gaza. Shot in the head at Eretz checkpoint. 2. Salah Najrni (14 years), from Maghazi. Shot in the heart bear Kfar Daroom. 3. Na’el Zama’ira (25 years), from Halhool / Hebron. Shot in the chest near Halhool. 4. Imad Hawamda (23 years), from Sammoo’ / Hebron. Shot in the heart after taking part in the funeral of martyr Majed Hawamda. 23/10/2000 Four Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Ashraf Habayeb (15 years), from Askar / Nablus. Died of head wounds he received on 16/10/2000.

2. Sa’eed Tanboor (17 years), from Nablus. Died of head wounds he received on 20/10/2000. 3. Nada Surooji (53 years), from Tulkarm camp. Died of a heart attack when the Zionist police chased her near a checkpoint west of Tulkarm. 4. Abdul-Aziz Abou Isneineh (55 years), from Hebron. Was killed when the Zionist tanks shelled his house. Four of his children were injured. 24/10/2000 Three Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Iyad Sha’ath (13 years), from Khan Younis. Died of a head injury he received on 2 1/10/2000. 2. Nidhal Dbeiki (16 years), from Daraj quarter / Gaza. Shot in the abdomen at Eretz checkpoint. 3. Nimr Mer’ei (22 years), from Kafr Dan / Jenin. Shot at Halja in the chest with a dumdum bullet. 26/10/2000 Three Palestinians, including a youngster, fell martyrs today: 1. 'Alaa Jawabira (14 years), from Arroob camp. Died of a head injury he received on 6/10/2000. 2. Ahmad Abdul-Qadir Sbeinati (63 years), from Hebron. 3. Nabeel Al-’Ar’eer (24 years), from Shuja’iyya quarter in Gaza. Was killed by an explosive charge. 27/10/2000 The Zionist soldiers killed four Palestinians today: 1. Basheer Shalwit (15 years), from Qalqilya. Shot in the abdomen during clashes in the town. 2. Ghassan ‘Awayiqa (26 years), from Ramallah. Shot in the chest at A1-Bireh. 3. Ahmad Qassem (25 years), from Tulkarm. Shot in the chest. 4. Jaber Mish’al (23 years), from Al-Shate’ camp / Gaza. Shot in the chest at Eretz checkpoint.

28/10/2000 The Palestinian journalist Aziz Yusuf Al-Natj (22 years), from Bethlehem, passed away in Jordan of injuries inflicted on him earlier when a charge exploded in the Palestinian Security headquarters. 29/10/2000 Ten Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Husni Najjar (16 years), from Rafah. Shot in the head. 2. Hadi Ameen Dhbaya (16 years), from Jenin camp. Shot in the head by a sniper of the Zionist army. 3. Bilal Abou Saleh (22 years), from Ya’bad / Jenin. Shot in the head with a 500 machine gun. 4. Hilal Abou Saleh (18 years), from Ya’bad / Jenin. Brother of the preceding martyr. Shot in the head too. 5. Riyadh Yusuf Awwad (26 years), from Beit Jala. 6. Fadi Rabayi’a (22 years), from Jenin camp. Died of head injury he received on 26/10/2000. 7. Shadi Shooli (22 years), from northern Assira / Nablus. Shot in the chest on the NablusJerusalem road. 8. Sameer Ulaiwa (31 years), from Gaza. Shot in the chest and abdomen at Mintar checkpoint. 9. Esmat Al-Saber (34 years), from Nablus. Shot in the heart on the Nablus-Jerusalem road. 10. Abdul Raheem Bisharat (32 years), from Beit Dajan. 31/10/2000 The Zionist troops killed five Palestinians today: 1. Shadi Awdeh (16 years), from Zeitoon quarter / Gaza. Shot in the head at Mintar checkpoint. 2. Thaer Shalash Nibali (17 years), from Jalazoon camp / Ramallah. Shot in the badomen north of Bireh. 3. Hazem Abou Daff (22 years), from Zeitoon quarter / Gaza. Shot in the head at Mintar checkpoint.

4. Muhammad Halas (23 years), from Shujaiyya quarter / Gaza. Shot in the chest at Mintar checkpoint. 5. Mahmood Abul Kheir (20 years), from Shuja’iyya quarter / Gaza. Shot in the chest at Mintar checkpoint. 1/11/2000 Seven Palestinians fell martyrs today, including three youngsters: I. Ahmad Abou Tayeh (14 years), from Al-Shate’ camp / Gaza. Shot in the head at Mintar checkpoint. 2. Muhammad Hajjaj (15 years), from Shuja’iyya quarter / Gaza. Shot in head at Mintar checkpoint. 3. Ibrahim Umar Rizq (15 years), from Al-Shate’ camp / Gaza. Shot in the head at Mintar checkpoint. 4. Salim Matariyya (24 years), from Al-Khadr village / Bethlehem. Died of head injury he received on 31/10/2000. 5. Muhammad Al-Huroob (27 years), from Deir Samet / Hebron. He was a member of the National Security forces. Shot in the heart. 6. Wa’el Ghneim (28 years), from Al-Khadr / Bethlehem. Shot in the chest from a Zionist helicopter. 7. Marwan Assaf (21 years), from Wadi Foukin. Shot in the abdomen from a Zionist helicopter. 2/11/2000 The Zionist soldiers and special forces killed two Palestinians: 1. Khaled Rizq Al-Khatib (17 years), from Hazma / Jerusalem. Shot in the neck and chest. 2. Ali Obeid (21 years), from Al-Shate’ camp / Gaza. Died of abdomen wounds he received the previous day. 3/11/2000 Four Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1. Yazan Halayqeh (15 years), from Hebron. Shot in the head in the village of A1-Khadr / Bethlehem. 2. Rami Ahmad Abdul-Fattah (15 years), from Hazma / Jerusalem. Shot in Hazma in the heart.

3. Mahmood Al-Saeed (19 years), from Hazma / Jerusalem. Shot in Hazma in the chest. 4. Nahedh Al-Lawh (211 years), from Deir El-Balah. Shot in the chest in Tulkarm. 4/11/2000 Hind Queider, a 23- day old baby girl from Hebron died of tear gas suffocation at the hands of the Zionists. 5/11/2000 Three Palestinians were killed to day: 1. Wajdi Allam Hattab (15 years), from Tulkarm. Shot in the heart on his heart on 28/10/2000. 2. Muhammad Nawwaf Ta’aban (17 years), from Deir El-Balah. Shot in the chest by dumdum bullet at AlMintar crossing. 3. Muhammad Al-Jazzar (19 years), from Rafah. He died in Morocco where he was being treated for a head injury he suffered on 28/10/2000. 7/11/2000 Four Palestinians, including a child, were killed today: 1. Ahmad Al-Khafash (7 years), from Salfit / Nablus. He was run over by a vehicle belonging to the Zionist settlers on the road to a settlement. 2. Ibrahim Qassas (16 years), from Khan Younis. Died of head injuries he suffered on 3/11/2000. 3. Abdullah Amarneh (24 years), from Duhaisha camp / Bethlehem. Shot in the chest in Dawha quarter / Bethlehem. 4. Saeed Abou Khatla (24 years), from Rafah. Died of injuries in his abdomen he suffered on 3/11/2000. 8/11/2000 Seven Palestinians were killed today at the hands of the Zionist troops: 1. Faris Owdeh (14 years), from Zeitoon quarter / Gaza. Shot in the neck at Mintar crossing. 2. Ra’ed Dawood (14 years), from Haris / Nablus. Shot in the abdomen, 3. Muhammad Abou Ghali (16 years), from Khan Younis. Shot dead in his chest at Tuffah checkpoint in Gaza. 4. Khaled Abou Zahra (18 years), from Tulkarm.

5. Khalil Abou Sa’ad (18 years), from Jabalial camp / Gaza. Shot dead in the heart at Mintar crossing. 6. Muhammad Nimr Muhanna (24 years), from Shuja’iyya quarter / Gaza. Died of injuries he suffered in his abdomen on 7/11/2000. 7. Muhammad Abdullah Deiriyya, from Nablus. Killed by a Zionist sniper. 9/11/2000 Four Palestinians fell martyrs today: I. Kamel Mahmood Sharrab (18 years), from Khan Younis. A bullet pierced his heart from the back while taking part in the funeral of martyr Muhammad Abou Ghali. 2. Hussein Ubayyat (37 years), from AlTaamira / Bethlehem. Killed by a rocket fired on his vehicle from an aircraft. 3. Rahma Shaheen (51 years), from Beit Sahoor / Jerusalem. She was killed by the same rocket that killed Hussein Ubayyat. 4. Aziza Jubran (56 years), from Beit Sahoor / Jerussalem. She was killed by the same rocket thatr killed Hussein Ubayyat. 10/11/2000 Today’s toll was five martyrs: 1. Usama Azzooqa (15 years), from Jenin. Shot in the head and abdomen at Al-Jalama checkpoint. 2. Usama Jerjawi (17 years), from Daraj quarter / Gaza. Shot in the chest at Mintar crossing. 3. Ra’ed Al-Muhtasib (22 years), Shot in the back by machinegun during the shelling of Hebron. 4. Muhammad Ali Hamed (23 years), from Jabaliya camp / Gaza. Shot in the face at Beit Hanoon / Gaza crossing. 5. Iyad Fahmawi (25 years), from Jenin. A dumdum bullet hit his heart at Al-Jalama checkpoint. 11/11/2000 Nine Palestinians were killed today: 1. Basel Hussein Abou Qamar (15 years), from Jabaliya camp / Gaza. Shot in the heart by a Zionist sniper.

2. Musa Ibrahim Al-Dibs (16 years), from Gaza. Shot in the heart. 3. Ayman Salah Wadi (19 years), from Gaza. 4. Muntherr Hamdi Yassin (22 years), from Gaza. His body was showered with bullets at the Matahen crossing. 5. Muhammad Yaseen Madhoon (24 years), from AlShate’ camp / Gaza. Killed at Matahen crossing. 6. lJsama Khalil Bawwab (28 years), from Al-Bireh. Killed by a Zionist “Lau” rocket. 7. Majed Radwan Al-Jaru (23 years), from Jalazon / Ramallah. Killed with a Zionist “Lau” rocket. 8. Hani Abdullah Marzooqi (38 years), from Jenin. Died of injuries he suffered on 9/11/2000. 9. Muneeb Muhammad Abou Minshar (19 years), from Hebron. 12/11/2000 The Zionist troops of occupation shot dead at Eretz crossing Mahmood Nafeth Abou Naji (18 years), from Sheikh Radwan. quarter / Gaza. Two bullets hit his chest. 13/11/2000 Four Palestinians were killed today: 1. Yahya Nayef Abou Shimaleh (17 years), from Khan Younis. 2. Muhammad Nasser Tawil (18 years), from Khan Younis. 3. Ahmad Hassan Dahlan (18 years), from Khan Younis. Died of a head injury he suffered on 11/11/2000. 4. Tawfiq Ahmad Saleh Ju’aidi (32 years), from Qalqilya. Killed at the Qalqilya crossing. 14/11/2000 Four Palestinians were killed at the hands of the Zionist troops and the settler gangs: 1. Saber Idriss Baraysheh (15 years), from Al-Bireh. Shot in the heart at Al-Bireh northern entrance. 2. Mustafa Mahmood Ulayyan (50 years), from Askar / Nablus. Killed by the Zionist settlers when they dumped a rock on his vehicle near the settlement of Kawkab Al-Sabah close to Al-Bireh. 3. Ra’ed Abou Shaqfeh (23 years), from Rafah. Shot dead in the abdomen.

4. Jamal Ibrahim ‘Alwan (34 years), from Shuja’iyya quarter / Gaza. Shot in the head at Mintar crossing. 15/11/2000 Today, the Zionist army and police killed eleven Palestinians: 1. Khalil Abdul-Nasser Atallah (10 years), from Nablus. 2. Muhammad Khater Al-Ajla (13 years), from Shuja’iyya quarter / Gaza. Shot in the head at Mintar crossing. 3. Nasser Muhammad Sharafi (15 years), from Gaza. Shot in the head at Mintar crossing. 4. Jaddou’ Manee’ Abul-Kabbash (16 years), from Sammou / Hebron. Shot in the chest. 5. Ibrahim Abdul-Ra'oof Ju’eidi (15 years), from Qalqilya. Shot in the chest. 6. Ahmad Sameer Bassal (17 years), from Tal alHawa / Gaza. Shot in the heart at Mintar crossing. 7. Fathi Awdeh Salem Obeid (23 years), from Tulkarm camp. Shot in the chest. 8. Samer Khairi Khadr (29 years), from Kafr Rumman / Tulkarm. Shot in the chest by a policeman. 9. Abdul-Hafez Muhammad Azoof (20 years), from Jericho. Shot in the chest. 10. Ahmad Saeed Ahmad Sha’ban (18 years), from Jalama camp / Jenin. Shot in the abdomen. 11. Muhammad Obeid (22 years), from Gaza. 16/11/2000 The Zionist troops of occupation killed four Palestinians and a German physician: 1. Jihad Abou Shahma (12 years), from Khan Younis. Shot in the head with a dumdum bullet. 2. Harry Fischer (68 years), from Germany. He was residing in Bethlehem. Hit with a rocket fired by the Zionists. 3. Samer Muhammad Hassan Khaddoor (18 years), from Al-Fawwar camp. Shot in the chest. The killers refused to have him rescued. 4. Yusuf Suleiman Abou Awwad (25 years), from Beit Ummar / Hebron. He was executed by the Zionist soldiers directly with a shot in the head. 5. Samara Nimr Abdullah Nimr (32 years), from Qalqilya. Died of his wounds.

17/11/2000 Six Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Muhammad Abdul-Jalil Abou Rayyan (14 years), from Halhool / Hebron. Shot in the head. 2. Rami Imad Yaseen (17 years), from Zeitoon quarter / Gaza. Shot in the abdomen at Mintar crossing with a dumdum bullet. 3. Hamza ‘Abdul-Mu’ti Abou Shukheidem (22 years), from Hebron. Shot in the head and abdomen with dumdum bullets. 4. Muhammad Zeid Sammoor (37 years), from Qalqilya. Shot in the chest. 5. Haseed Muhammad Saqr Farwan (45 years), from Jericho. He was a lieutenant colonel in the Palestinian Police Force. Shot in the head. 6. Khaled Salama (35 years), from Jericho. He was a first lieutenant in the Palestinian Police Force. Shot in the chest. 19/11/2000 The Zionist troops killed two Palestinians today: 1. Abdul-Rahman Zeid Dahshan (14 years), from Gaza. Shot in the heart at Mintar crossing. 2. Nasser Najjar, from Khan Younis. Tear gas suffocation. 20/11/2000 The Zionist troops killed four Palestinians today: 1. Ibrahim Hassan Uthman (16 years), from Rafah. Shot in the heart. 2. Abdullah Mahmood Al-Farrar (21 years), from Khan Younis. Shot in the heart. 3. Ra’fat Muheeb Jawda (22 years), from Zwata / Nablus. 4. Hamed Qatati (65 years), from Rafah. Tear gas suffocation. 21/11/2000 Six Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Yasser Taleb Bantiti (16 years), from Tulkarm. 2. Ahmad Shbeir (18 years), from Nusseirat. Killed in the Zionist shelling. A shrapnel hit his head. 3. Muhammad Lotfi Massad (22 years), from Barqin. Shot in the chest with a 500 machinegun.

4. Hammad Uthman Sumeiri (27 years), from Qarrara. His body was showered with bullets. 5. Muhammad Suleiman Abou Samra Abou Obeid (32 years), from Deir El-Balah. 6. Hussein Muhammad Mustafa Barad’iyya (35 years), from Sooreef / Hebron. Shot in the heart. 22/11/2000 Six Palestinians were killed today at the hands of the Zionist army of occupation: 1. Ibrahim Hassan Muqannan (15 years), from Khan Younis. Died of injuries he suffered when the Zionists blew up his car two days earlier. 2. Jamal Abdul-Qader Abdul-Razzaq (30 years), from Rafah. Ambushed at a crossing and shot with heavy machine guns. 3. Awni Ismail Dhuheir (38 years), from Rafah. Ambushed at a crossing and shot with heavy machine guns. 4. Na’el Shihada Liddawi (21 years), from Rafah. Ambushed at a crossing and shot with heavy machine guns. 5. Sami Nasser Abou Laban (27 years), from Khan Younis. Ambushed at a crossing and shot with heavy machine guns. 6. Najeeb Muhammad Mahmood Qishta (47 years), from Rafah. A rocket hit his head. 23/11/2000 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today, including a little girl: 1. Maram Imad Hassooneh (3 years), from Bireh. 2. Ibrahim Bani Awdeh (34 years), from Tammoon / Nablus. Shot in the head. 24/11/2000 Seven Palestinians were killed today: 1. Aysar Muhammad Hassis (14 years), from Rafah. 2. Ghassan Majed Musallam Qar’an (20 years), from Qalqilya. 3. Firas Thiyab Abou Hatab (27 years), from Jenin. Died of a heart injury he suffered days earlier. 4. Ziyad Khalil Abou Jazar (22 years), from Rafah. Shot throughout his body. 5. Majdi Ali Abed, from Shuja’iyya quarte / Gaza. Died of wounds he suffered on 17/11/2000.

6. Sami Adel Nader Amer (32 years), from Kafr Qalil / Nablus. Killed with his sister when the Zionists shelled their house. 7. Nahed Adel Nader Amer (26 years), from Kafr Qalil / Nablus. Killed with her brother when the Zionists shelled their house. 25/11/2000 The Zionists killed four of our Palestinian people today: 1. Tayseer Hammad Abul-Marah (13 years), from Khan Younis camp. Hit with a Zionist rocket. 2. Abdul-Mun’em Izzu'ddin (17 years), from Arraba / Jenin. Shot in the head. 3. Amjad Azmi Abbadi Husseiniyya (21 years), from Jenin camp. Shot in the chest at Jalama crossing. 4. Fouad Adnan Duweikat (27 years), from Balata camp / Nablus. Shot in the back on the Nablus-Jerusalem street. 26/11/2000 The Zionist troops shot at Mintar crossing As’ad Khalil Shamoobi (20 years), from Gaza. 27/11/2000 Seven Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Zakariyya Al-Khor (17 years), from Qalqilya. Died of wounds he suffered on 20/11/2000 at Mintar crossing. 2. Ziad Salmi (17 years), from Qalqilya. Ambushed by the Zionist troops. Shot throughout his body. 3. Mahdi Qassem Jabr (16 years), from Qalqilya. Ambushed by the Zionists. Shot throughout his body. 4. Qusay Zahran (22 years), from Qalqilya. Ambushed by the Zionist troops. Shot throughout his body. 5. Mahmood Yusuf Al-Adl (28 years), from Qalqilya. Ambushed by the Zionist troops. Shot throughout his body. 6. Muhammad Adwan (20 years), from Qalqilya. Ambushed by the Zionist troops. Shot throughout his body. 7. Waleed Hassan Ja’afira (34 years), from Hebron.

28/11/2000 Three Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1. Karam Al-Kurd (15 years), from Rafah. Died of head injuries he suffered on 2 1/10/2000 when he was shot in the head at Salahuddin Gate. 2. Imad Adib Al-Daya (19 years), from Al-Shate’ camp / Gaza. Shot in the head at AlMintat crossing. 3. Ibrahim Abdul-Jabbar Kahle (24 years), from Rammoon / Ramallah. He was chased by the Zionist soldiers for a long distance. He suffered a heart attack and passed away. 1/12/2000 Four Palestinians, including two lads, were killed today: 1. Muhammad Saleh Al-Arja (12 years), from Rafah. Shot in the neck. 2. Medhat Muhammad Jadallah (14 years), from Gaza. Died of injuries he suffered on 28/11/2000 at Mintar crossing. 3. Yaseen Muhammad Shehada (23 years), from Qalandia. Shot in the back. 4. Hamza Nadi Hassis (27 years), from Sammou’ / Hebron. Shot in the heart. 2/12/2000 The Zionist troops killed three Palestinians today: 1. Nayef Muhammad Abou Dawood (42 years), from Hebron. The Zionist soldiers stormed his house and attacked him. 2. Shehada Ja’afari (27 years), from El-Bireh. Shot in the neck at the northern entrance of his town. 3. Shadi Nasser Abou ‘Arbeed, from Beit Hanoon / Gaza. Shot in the chest at Eretz crossing. 4/12/2000 Uwaydh Al-Salmi (28 years), from Gaza was shot dead near Netsarim settlement. 5/12/2000 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: I .Ramzi Adel Bayatleh (15 years), from Ramallah. Shot in one eye. 2. ‘Abdul-Qader Omar Abou-Laban (21 years), from Duheisha camp / Bethlehem. Shot in the chest.

6/12/2000 Subhi Ahmad Abou Na’na’ (22 years), from Rafah died of tear gas suffocation. 7/12/2000 Three Palestinians died today: 1. Nizar Mahmood ‘Abda (15 years), from Ramallah. 2. Zouheir Mustafa Hattab (18 years), from Shuja’ iya quarter / Gaza. Died in a hospital in Jordan where he was being treated for injuries he received in the head at Mintar crossing. 3. Muhammad Jawdat Abou ‘Assi (37 years), from Gaza. Killed near Beit Hanoon. 8/12/2000 The Zionist troops and gangs of settlers killed eight of our people today: 1. Mu’taz Azmi Teilakh (16 years), from Duheisha camp / Bethlehem. Shot in the head near Qubbat Raheel traffic circle. 2. Ammar Saleem Al-Mashna (16 years), from Lower Beit ‘Oor. He was living in Shu’fat camp / Jerusalem. Shot in the head in Jerusalem. 3. Mahmood Abdullah Yahya (17 years), from Kafr Ra’ei. He was in the Palestinian police force. Killed during a Zionist rocket attack on Jenin. 4. ‘Alaa Abdul-Lateef Abou Jaber (17 years), from AlMughir. He was in the Palestinian police force. Killed during a Zionist rocket attack on Jenin. 5. Muhannad Abou Shannoof (3 1 years), from Barqin. He was a lieutenant in the Palestinian police force. Killed during a Zionist rocket attack on Jenin. 6. Ziad Abou Subh (34 years), from Kafr Ra’ei. He was a captain in the Palestinian police force. Killed during a Zionist rocket attack on Jenin. 7. Muhammad Ratweb Taleb (21 years), from Jenin. Killed during a Zionist rocket attack on his town. 8. Hassan Ali Shaheen (20 years), from Betunia / Ramallah. Gangs of Zionist settlers kidnapped him and killed him with a sharp instrument. His body was found in Jerusalem. 9/12/2000 The Zionist troops killed Salim Muhammad Al-Hamayida (12 years), from Rafah at Salahuddin Gate. Shot in the head. 10/12/2000 Two Palestinians were killed today by the Zionist troops:

1. Mahmood Yusuf Al-Mughrabi (25 years), from Duheisha / Bethlehem. Shot in the head near Jilo settlement. Despite his injury, he was killed by the Special Units of the Zionist army. 2. Hikmat Hanini (18 years), from Beit Fooreek / Nablus. 11/12/2000 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Ahmad Ali Qawasmeh (14 years), from Hebron. Executed by the Zionist troops. 2. Anwar Hamran (22 years), from Nablus. Shot throughout the body. 12/12/2000 The Zionist troops killed Yusuf Ahmad Abou Swayy (28 years), from Bethlehem. Shot in the head. 13/12/2000 Seven Palestinians fell martyrs today. Five of them were identified: 1. Mahdi Muhammad Akkileh (37 years), from Khan Younis. He was a member of the Palestinian National Security Force (PNSF). Shot in the abdomen. 2. Muhammad Jamal Abul-’Ula (25 years), from Rafah. He was a member of the PNSF. 3. Jabr Muhammad Al-Sabe’ (32 years), from Beit Hanoon / Gaza. He was a member of the PNSF. Shot in the head. 4. Ahmad Isma’il Mutair (30 years), from Rafah. He was a member of the PNSF. Shot in the head. 5. Abbas Uthman Al-’Uwairi (26 years), from Al-Zawiya Gate / Hebron. Three bullets pierced his chest. 14/12/2000 The Zionist troops of occupation killed Hani Hussein Abou Bakr (31 years), from Rafah near Kitzufim settlement. He was shot ten times. 15/12/2000 Six Palestinians were killed today by the Zionist troops: 1. Abdul-Mu’een Hassan Ibrahim (13 years), from Tal / Nablus. Several shots hit his body. 2. Muhammad Farooq Dawood (1.7 years), from Haris / Nablus. Shot in the chest. 3. Saeed Ibrahim Kharoof (35 years) from Nablus. Shot in the head. 4. Muhammad Lotfi Al-Noori (22 years), from Tal / Nablus. Several bullets hit his body.

5. Nihad Hantash (28 years), from Baqat AlHatab / Ramallah. He was a member of the PNSF. Shot in the neck. He was left bleeding till he passed away. 6. Nure'ddin Muhammad Abou Safi (12 years), from AlShate’ camp / Gaza. Was shot in the chest at Beit Hanoon / Gaza checkpoint. 16/12/2000 Two Palestinians died today: 1. Muhammad Abdul-Ghani Ma’ali (68 years), from Ajjah / Jenin. Died of a chest injury he suffered on 15/12/2000. 2. Khaled Walid Al-Awadi (25 years), from Ramallah. Was shot several times at the town’s southern entrance checkpoint. 17/12/2000 Four Palestinians were killed today: 1. Muhammad Hamed Abdul-Razzaq Shalash (18 years), from Shaqba / Ramallah. Shot in the head. 2. Iyad Mahmood Abou Dawood (27 years), from Rafah. Shot several times near Salahuddin Gate. 3. Samih Abdul-Karim MaIa’ibi (28 years), from Qalandiya camp. Killed with an explosive charge. 4. Ahmad Abdul-Jalil Qassas (38 years), from Rafah. Shot near Salahuddin Gate. 18/12/2000 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Abdul-Mu’ti Sab’awi (55 years), from Rafah. He was a brigadier in the PNSF and deputy commander of the Police Force. 2. Rasheed Haroon Abul-Hassan (24 years), from Tulkarm. Was kidnapped by the Zionist troops on 15/12/2000 and was shot several times throughout his body. 20/12/2000 Four Palestinians were killed today: 1. Nidhal Abou ‘Awn (28 years), fnom Gaza. He was a first lieutenant in the Palestinian Civil Defense (PCD). The Zionist troops fired at the PCD vehicle in which he was riding. Several bullets hit him.

2. Ref 'at Faisal Abou Marzooq, from Gaza. He was a member of the PCD. Killed when the Zionist troops fined at the PCD vehicle in which he was riding. 3. Suleiman Marzooq Zu’rub, from Gaza camp. Killed near the Egyptian borders. 4. Hani Yusuf Al-Soofi, from Rafah camp. Shot in the head at Eretz crossing. 21/12/2000 The Zionist troops and settler gangs killed four Palestinians: 1. Rasheed Barhoom (24 years), from Rafah. Killed by the Zionist settlers. 2.‘Aahid ‘Ayyad Mreish (18 years), from Gaza. Shot in the chest at Mintar crossing. 3. Ahmad Jamil Jawad (48 years), from Tulkanm. 4. Awwad Zalloom (25 years), from Rafah. 22/12/2000 The Zionist troops and settler bandits killed thnee Palestinians: 1. Arafat Mish’al Jabbarin (17 years), from Su’eir / Hebnon. Died of a head injury he suffered earlier. 2. Najib Muhammad ‘Ubeido, from Hebron. Killed by the Zionist gangs at Beit Hajay near Hebron. 3. Salam ‘Ayesh Sawarka (52 years). Shot several times in the body. 23/12/2000 Mahmood Mteini (17 years), from Qalandiya camp died of head injuries he suffered in the head on 20/12/2000. 24/12/2000 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Nidhal Hussein Abou ‘Awn (30 years), from Rafah. He was a fireman. Died of injuries suffered a week earlier. 2. Abdullah Qanan (30 years), from Deir Al-Balah / Gaza. Died of injuries he suffered on 20/12/2000. 25/12/2000 The Zionist settler gangs stabbed and strangled Sarhan Aou Rumeila (31 years). 29/12/2000 Mahmood ‘Ali Nusseir (22 years), from Beit Hanoon / Gaza, was killed today when he was hit with a tank shell.

30/12/2000 Suleiman Salim, from Deir Ghassana, was killed today. 31/12/2000 The Zionist invaders murdered today Dr. Thabet Thabet (49 years), from Tulkarm. He was a member of Fatah Movement in Tulkarm. Several shots pierced his body. 1/1/2001 The Zionist troops of occupation killed five Palestinians, including two children: 1. Abdul-Rahman Khaled (4 years), from Nablus. Shot in the neck. 2. Mu’ath Abou Wahdan (10 years), from Hebron. Killed when two shell shrapnels hit his head. 3. Tareq Ibrahim A1-Qat’o (30 years), from Tulkarm. Lieutenant in the PNSF. His body was mutilated. 4. Mu’taz Muhammad Sa’eed Srooji (37 years), from Tulkarm. Lieutenant in the PNSF. He was killed and mutilated. 5. Tahreer Suleiman Rizq (22 years), from Hazma / Jerusalem. Shot in the head. 2/1/2001 The Zionist troops of occupation killed the Palestinian Saber Awadh Khadr (52 years), from Jabaliya / Gaza while working in his farm. 5/1/2001 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Muhammad Abou Hassira (37 years), from Gaza. Shot several times at Eretz checkpoint while handcuffed. 2. Areej Saber Jabali (19 years), from Hebron. She was killed with gunfire by a Zionist settler at Beit Hajay settlement. 6/1/2001 The Zionist settlers stabbed with knives at Rahovot settlement a Palestinian citizen, from Tireh village near Haifa. 7/1/2001 The Zionist troops of occupation killed in the heart today Fatima Jalal Abou Hubeish (20 years). She was shot in the heart. 8/1/2001

Two Palestinians were killed by the Zionists today: 1. Muhammad Ahmad Abou Soof (37 years), from Haris / Nablus. Zionist settlers shot him and refused to have him rescued. 2. Abdul-Hameed Ahmad Kharrooti (34 years), from Mighrafa / Gaza. Shot in the chest and heart near Netsarim settlement. 9/1/2001 The Zionist troops and settlers killed three Palestinians: 1. Abdul-Hameed Khanfar (27 years), from Seelat AlDhahr / Jenin. Shot in the chest. 2. Ibrahim Abou Mughaiseb (70 years), from Deir ElBalah. Hit with several bullets. 3. The Zionist settlers tortured and killed a Palestinian bedouin, from Laqi / Negev. 11/1/2001 Muhammad Saeed Ghanem Hannoon (75 years), from Seelat A1-Dhahr died due to tear gas asphyxiation. 12/1/2001 The Zionist troops killed Shaker Faisal Hassona (23 years), from Hebron. Shot in the head. His body was trailed along on the ground. 13/1/2001 Two of the sons of our people were martyred today.They were: 1. Omar Farouq Mohammed Khaled Al-Zein (10 years), from Ramallah. He was hit in the head with a bullet a week ago. 2. Maddi Aahed Shehada Shteitah (22 years), from Nablus. A bullet hit him in the chest. 17/1/2001 Two Palestinians were killed today by the Zionist troops and settlers: 1. Waleed Khalil Awadhi (37 years), from Gaza. He was kidnapped by Zionist settlers of Netsarim settlement, tortured and shot in the head. 2. Hisham Makki (54 years), from Gaza. He was the General Coordinator of the Palestine Broadcasting Station. Shot in the heart. 21/1/2001 Muhammad Al-Sharif (15 years), was shot dead in the heart at Mintan crossing-point.

24/1/2001 Ayisha Nassar (29 years), from Al-Janiya / Ramallah, died when the Zionist troops refused to have her rescued after suffering a heart attack. 25/1/2001 Three Palestinians were killed today: 1. Safwat Issam Kishta (16 years), from Rafah. Killed when settlers shot him from Dekalin settlement. 2. Khalil Sameer Sindi (24 years), from Rafah. Executed with gunfire by the Zionist troops near Salahuddin Gate. 3. Ahmad Zouheir Ghandoor (27 years), from Ramallah. 28/1/2001 The Zionist troops killed Hasan Suleiman Dharaghima (66 years), from Ramallah. 29/1/2001 The Zionist soldiers killed Muhammad Nafeth Musa (21 years), from Khan Younis camp. He was shot in the abdomen with a 500 cal. machinegun at Shuhada crossing-point. 30/1/2001 The Zionist troops killed Falah Saleh Ayyash (67 years), from Salfit / Nablus. 31/1/2001 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Ismail Ahmad Atlabani (48 years), from Gaza. Shot on the road to Netsarim settlement. 2. Saber Abou Dhaher (38 years), from Maghazi camp / Gaza. Killed at Mintar crossing. 1/2/2001 The Zionist troops killed two Palestinians today: 1. Ahmad Muhaisen (22 years), from Gaza. Killed at Mintar crossing. 2. Abdullah Mahmood Abou Kirsh (21 years), from Gaza. Shot in the head. 4/2/2001 The Zionist troops of occupation killed Shadi Kahloot, from Gaza. 8/2/2001 The Zionist troops killed Khadra Rajaa Shteiwi, (65 years), from Qalqilya. 9/2/2001 The Zionists killed two Palestinian chaps today:

1. Ayman Abou Howli (15 years), from Beersheba. 2. Samer Bahtiti (16 years), from Gaza. Shot in the head. 10/2/2001 The Zionist troops killed Baraa Kamal Abou Samra, a 22-month old baby girl, from A1Bireh. 12/2/2001 The Zionist troops killed two Palestinians: 1. Atef Nabulsi (35 years), from Rafat / Ramallah. He was shot in the abdomen while in his car. 2. Ziad Abou Suway (20 years), from Artass / Bethlehem. He was a Lt. Colonel in the Palestinian Force 17. Shot several times. 13/2/2001 The Zionist troops killed two Palestinians: 1. Bilal Ramadhan (14 years), from Gaza. Shot in the heart. 2. Mas’ood ‘Abbad (47 years), from Gaza. Hit by a plane rocket at Mintar crossing. 14/2/2001 ‘Ayed Abou Harb (24 years), from Noon Shams / Tulkarm was coming from Egypt and after a long wait at Rafah crossing-point, he was killed by the Zionist troops. 16/2/2001 Nine Palestinians, fell martyrs today.Seven of them were identified: 1. Nasser Al-Hasanat (23 years), from Gaza. He was a member of the Palestinian General Intelligence Service. The Zionist troops fired 25 shots on him. 2. Anwar Mustafa Mer’ei (33 years), from Qarawat Bani Hassan. He was beaten to death by the Zionist troops. 3. Issam Rashad Tawil (29 years), from Hebron. He was shot with a 500 cal. machinegun. 4. Shaker Suleiman Manassira (29 years), from Bani Na’eem / Hebron. He was shot with a 500 cal. machinegun on the Sammoo’-Beersheba road. 5. Muhammad Khadr Ismail Hawamdeh (26 years), from Sammoo’ / Hebron. He was intentionally run over by a Zionist military vehicle. 6. Khaled ‘Ali ‘Aql (33 years), from Gaza. Shot in the abdomen at Netsarim crossing.

7. ‘Abdul-Rahman Jum’a. Shot at Kafriyat checkpoint and he was denied medical treatment. 17/2/2001 Muhammad Ali Zuhairi (65 years), from Jenin joined the convoy of martyrs today. 18/2/2001 The Zionist troops of occupation shot dead today Ahmad Farajallah (31 yeans), from Hebron, while he working on his farm. 19/2/2001 Mahmood Al-Madani (25 years), from Balata camp / Nablus was killed today at the hands of the Zionist troops who fired five shots at him from a machinegun. 21/2/2001 Usama Ibrahim al-Qurba (18 years), from Beit Jala was burnt to death when the Zionist troops shelled his house. 23/2/2001 The Zionist tnoops killed today two Palestinians: 1. Talal Hassan Abou Uwaidha (16 years), from Rafah. 2. Raed Mahmood Hussein Musa (21 years), fnom AlKhadr / Bethlehem. He was shot in the chest. 25/2/2001 The Zionists killed Muhammad Al-Jallad (45 years), from Tulkarm. They shot him in the chest while he was inside his car. 26/2/2001 The Zionist troops and gangs of settlers killed four Palestinians today: 1. Husam Ali Al-Disi (17 years), from Qalandya camp / Ramallah. Shot in the head. 2. Nada Haj As’ad (54 years), from Beit Fooreek / Nablus. She died at the checkpoint when the Zionists denied her medical treament. 3. Ma’zooza Rimawi, died near Halmish settlement while on her way to the hospital. The settlers refused to let her reach the hospital. 4. Maryam As’ad Abdul-Jabbar (55 years), from Nablus.

27/2/2001 The Zionist troops killed two Palestinians today: 1. Imadu'ddin Muhammad Khair (15 years), from Attara / Ramallah. Shot in the heart. 2. Na’eem Ahmad Badareen (53 years), from Al-Bireh. He was hit by a shell fired from a tank. 2/3/2001 Five Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Ubayy Darraj (9 years), from El-Bireh. Shot in the back. 2. Muhammad Halas (13 years), from Gaza. Died of his wounds. 3. Mustafa Hamdan Abdul-Qader Ramlawi (42 years), from Al-Breij camp. He was retarded. He was killed with cold blood at Mintar crossing. 4. Abdul-Karim Issa Abou-Usba, from Qalandya / Ramallah. Shot several times in the head. His face was totally disfigured. 3/3/2001 Three Palestinians were killed today: 1. Maher Shafiq Mahmood Awdeh, from Hawwara / Nablus. 2. Ahmad Hassan Alama, from Quraiwet / Nablus. 3. Aida Fteiha (46 years), from El-Bireh. Shot in the chest. 4/3/2001 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Bahr Adawi, from Nablus. 2. Ahmad Abdullah. He was killed by personnel of the Special Units of the Zionist army. 5/3/2001 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Usama Ibrahim ‘Eid Na’na’iyya (21 years), from Jenin camp. Shot in the head and was left bleeding. 2. Uthman Al-Bi’awi (23 years), from Hebron. 10/3/2001 The Zionist troops killed Ziad Sa’adi ‘Ayyad (25 years), from Zeitoon quarter / Gaza. A shell hit his head at Mintar crossing-point.

13/3/2001 Abdul-Qader Muhammad Ibrahim (28 years), from Ramallah was fatally shot in the chest. 15/3/2001 Three Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrdom today: 1. Murtaja Omar (17 years). Shot in the head. 2. Ahmad Salem Nabr (18 years), from Shuja’iyya quarter / Gaza. Shot in the heart. 3. Ameera Khadr Abou Seif (48 years), from Faqqou’a / Jenin. Died when the Zionists refused to have her transported to the hospital. 16/3/2001 The Zionist troops, killed today Muhammad Jum’a Abou ‘Awn (20 years), from Gaza. Shot at Mintar crossing-point. 17/3/2001 The Zionist settlers, killed the child Muhammad Nassar (10 years), from Al-Barid quarter in Jerusalem. They beat him to death. His body was found near a Zionist settlement. 21/3/2001 The Zionist troops refused to have the child Abdul-Fattah Jawhar Al-Baqi (4 years), from Khan Younis to be taken to Egypt for medical treatment, resulting in his death. 22/3/2001 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Kamel Saleh Al-Jamal (29 years), from Al-Shate’ camp / Gaza. He was a lieutenant in Force 17. Killed by gun shell. 2. Hassan Mahmood Assaf (25 years), from Jenin. 23/3/2001 The Zionists killed two Palestinians today: 1, Usama Hasan Isleem (25 years). He was a sergeant in the Palestinian Police Force. Shot in the heart near Kfar Daroom settlement. 2. Jabri Ahmad Hanatsheh (40 years), from Dora / Hebron. The Zionist settlers smashed his head near Halmish settlement.

24/3/2001 The Zionist troops killed today Khaled Badawi (21 years), from Arroob camp. He was shot several times. 26/3/2001 The Zionist troops, killed tow Palestinians, including a child: I. Ibrahim Salah (5 years), from Jericho. His body was found riveted with bullets inside a car in Jericho. 2. Shukri Yazoori (30 years), from Jericho. His body was found riveted with bullets inside a car in Jericho. 27/3/2001 The Zionists troops of occupation killed the child Mahmood Isma’il Darawish (11 years), from Dor / Hebron. Shot several times. 28/3/2001 The Zionist troops, killed a nine-year old boy, from Brazil camp at Rafah. His name could not be identified. They also killed two other Palestinians: I. Akram Al-Hindi, from Ramallah. Died folowing a Zionist air raid. 2. Khairiyya Khalil Mustafa (70 years), from Jenin. She died of tear gas asphyxiation. 29/3/2001 The Zionist troops shot dead four Palestinians: 1. Mahmood Khaled Abou Shehada (15 years), from Gaza. Shot in the heart. 2. Muhammad Salman Abou Shamla (18 years), from Gaza. Shot in the heart. 3. Husam Ghanem A1-Karnaz (23 years), from Gaza. He was from the Preventive Security unit. Shot in the heart. 4. Suad Ibrahim ‘Utaiwi (49 years), from Ramallah. A bullet pierced her brain. 30/3/2001 In the Land Day confrontations, the Zionist troops killed six Palestinians: 1. Ahmad Abou Maraheel (16 days). Shot in the head. 2. Sha’ban Saeed Salloum (31 years). Shot in the head. 3. Ghazi ‘Ayesh Al-Zamel (16 years), from Nablus. Shot in the head.

4. Khaled Nakhleh (28 years), from Ramallah. Shot in the abdomen. 5. Muhammad Al-Wawi (19 years), from Ramallah. Died of his injuries. 6. Murad Sharay’a, from Nablus. 31/3/2001 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Waheed Nasri Al-Deek (54 years), from Ramallah. Died of injuries he suffered due to the Zionist shelling of the city of Hebron. 2. Rajab Mujahed (20 years), from Jerusalem. 1/4/2001 Louay Tamimi (11 years), from Deir Nizam / Ramallah, died of injuries he suffered a week earlier. 2/4/2001 A rocket fired from a Zionist aircraft killed Muhammad Abdul-Al (26 years), from Rafah. 5/4/2001 The Zionist troops killed two Palestinians today: 1. Ahmad Mahmood Al-Attar (15 years), from Nuseiat / Gaza. Shot in the chest at Shuhada crossing. 2. lyad Hardan (30 years), from Arraba / Jenin. Killed by an explosive charge. 7/4/2001 Muhammad Hureibat (68 years), from Beit Awwa / Hebron, was killed today at the hands of the so-called Border Guards. He was beaten to death while working on his farm. 8/4/2001 Hani Abou Rizq (25 years), from Younis, died of his injuries. He was a worker at Khan Younis hospital. 9/4/2001 The Zionist troops, killed Tayseer ‘Ammoori (35 years), from Beitounia / Ramallah. A bullet hit his chest during the shelling of the city of Ramallah. 10/4/2001 Two Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1.Wael Khuwaiter (20 years), from Gaza. He was a physician in the rank of lieutenant. A rocket hit him during the Zionist shelling of the city of Gaza.

2. Mu’taz Muhammad Subh (18 years), from Jenin. Died of head injuries he suffered a week earlier. 11/4/2001 Two Palestinians were killed toay: 1. Mahmood Khalil Barakat Abou-Dan (15 years), from Al-Shate’ camp / Gaza. He died of head injuries he suffered near Al-Mintar crossing. 2. Elias ‘Eid (50 years). He was a major in the Palestinian Police Force. 12/4/2001 The Zionist troops of occupation killed three Palestinians: 1. Shawkat Al-Alami (14 years), from Beit Ummar / Hebron. Hit with a shell. 2. Haez Rushdi Khalil Subh (35 years), from Khan Younis. The Zionist troops opened fire on his car and he was hit in the abdomen. 3. Fadi Atallah ‘Amer (23 years), from Qalqilya. 13/4/2001 Issa Mustafa Abou Sammoor (30 years), from Beit Jala was killed today. 14/4/2001 Muhammad Yaseen Nassar (24 years), from Zeitoon quarter / Gaza was murdered by the Zionist troops when they blew up his house. 17/4/2001 Five Palestinians were killed today: 1. Hamza Khadr Obeid (15 years), from Gaza. Shot in the heart at (Carny) crossing. 2. Rami Mousa Ghareeb (17 years), from AlKhadr / Bethlehem. A shrapnel hit him in the chest when the Zionist troops shelled Bethlehem. 3. Muhammad Ramadan Al-Masri (15 years), from Gaza. He was from the PNSF. He was hit by a shrapnel of a shell fired from a tank. 4. Basel Rafiq Zahran (19 years), from ‘Alar / Tulkarm. Shot in the head. 5. Bara’ Jalal Al-Sha’er, from Rafah. Shot in the head near the Egyptian borders. 22/4/2001 Madhi Khalil Madhi (25 years), from Khan Younis Camp died of injuries he suffered a week earlier when he was hit by a rocket.

23/4/2001 Muhannad Nizar Muhareb (11 years), from Al-Amal quarter / Khan Younis was killed today. 24/4/2001 The Zionist troops shot dead today two of our people: 1. Iyad Abdul-Rahim Al-Harsh (24 years), from Qalqilya. Shot in the chest. 2. Yusuf Hussein Abou-Hamda (40 years), from Al-Shate’ Camp / Gaza. He was shot in the chest in Ramallah. 25/4/2001 The Zionist army killed today foun Palestinians by exploding a charge remotely from an aircraft: 1. Ramadhan Isma’il Azzam (33 years), from Rafah. He was an officer in the PNSF. 2. Sameen Sabri Zu’rub (34 years), from Rafah. 3. Sa’adi Muhammad Dabbas (54 years), from Rafah. 4. Yaseen Hamdan Dabbas (22 years), from Rafah. 26/4/2001 Three Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1. Fat’hi Sheikh Al-’Abd (12 years), from Brazil camp / Rafah due to an explosion. Mutilated body. 2. Ibrahim Abou ‘Uwaila (20 years), from Khan Younis camp. He died of injuries he suffered on 17/4/2001. 3. ‘Atef Abou-Wahdan (40 years), from Breij camp. Machinegun bullets hit him while working on his farm. 27/4/2001 The Zionist tnoops opened fire on a car killing Imad Hasan Qaraqe’ (34 years), from Bethlehem and injuring his son and brother. 30/4/2001 The Zionists blew up a car in a house killing six people, including two children: 1. Shaheer Barakat (8 years). 2. Malak Barakat (3 years).

3. Hamdi Salim Al-Mad’hoon (18 years), from Gaza. 4. Wa’el Abou Muhsen (20 years), from Gaza. 5. Muhammad Abdul-Karim Abou-Khaled (18 years), from Gaza. 6. Hasan Al-Qadhi (27 years). 1/5/2001 The Zionist troops of occupation shot in the chest today Muhammad Musa Abou Jazar (57 years), from Brazil camp / Rafah. He was a captain in the Palestinian Police Force. 2/5/2001 Muhammad ‘Aql (17 years), from Rafah was shot dead in the chest. 4/5/2001 Hisham Al-Mamlook (18 years), from Gaza was shot in the head at Mintar crossing. 5/5/2001 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Ahmad Khalil (36 years), from Artas / Jerusalem. The Zionist troops of occupation murdered him. Twenty bullets pierced his body. 2. Obeid Abou ‘Ureiban (57 years), from Nuseirat. He was first lieutenant in the Palestinian Police. He died of injuries he suffered during the Zionist shelling on 28/4/2001. 6/5/2001 Muhammad ‘Ubayyat (45 years), from Al-Khadr / Bethlehem was shot dead in the chest. 7/5/2001 The Zionist troops killed four Palestinians, including an infant: 1. Eeman Hajjo (4 months), from Khan Younis camp. Killed during the Zionist shelling of the camp. 2. Hussein Khadr Abou-Tammam (45 years), from Tulkarm. Killed during the Zionist shelling of the city. 3. Murad Harwash (30 years), from Hebron. He was a policeman. 4. Mahmood Muhammad Hureibat (53 years), from Hebron. 10/5/2001 Khadr Khadr Jundiyya (27 years), from Rafah died of nervous breakdown and heart attack during the severe Zionist shelling of the city.

11/5/2001 Three Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Husam Fawwaz Tafesh (18 years), from Gaza. Shot in the head at Al-Mintar crossing. 2. Haytham Da’oor from Gaza. Died of injuries he suffered tow days eariler. 3. Kifah Khaled Zu’rub (18 years), from Gaza. Rabid dogs let loose by the Zionist settlers attacked him. 12/5/2001 Three Palestinians were killed today: I. Mu’tassem Sabbagh (25 years), from Jenin. Murdered by the Zionist army by a rocket fired from an aircraft. 2. ‘Alaa Jaloodi (21 years), from Jenin. A Palestinian policeman killed with a rocket fired from an aircraft. 3. Suleiman ‘Arouq (45 years), from Maghazi camp. Killed during a shelling by Zionist helicopters. 14/5/2001 The Zionist troops shot dead in Beitunia / Ramallah five Palestinian policemen. They also killed another ordinary citizen: 1. Ahmad Zaqqoot (27 years), from Nuseirat / Gaza. He was a first lieutenant. 2. Salah Abou ‘Amra (32 years), from Rafah. He was a staff sergeant. 3. Muhammad Abou Dawood (20 years), from Al-Breij camp. He was a policeman. 4. Ahmad Abou Mustafa (20 years), from Al-Breij camp. He was a policeman. 5. Muhammad Al-Khalidi (18 years), from Al-Breij camp. He was a policeman. 6. Muhammad Yusuf Al-Qassas (26 years), from Qarrara / Gaza. Shot dead at the Matahen crossing. 15/5/2001 Five Palestinians were killed today: 1. Muhammad Jihad Abou Qassem (17 years), from Jabalya camp / Gaza. Shot at Beit Hanoon crossing. 2. Arafat Talal Abou Kweik (29 years), from Gaza. Shot at Beit Hanoon crossing. 3. ‘Abdul-Hakim Al-Mana’ima (35 years), from Maghazi camp. A rocket killed him.

4. Burhan Faheem Shakhshir (22 years), from Ramallah. Shot in the head. 5. ‘Abdul-Jawad Khalil Shihada (18 years), from Nasr quarter / Gaza. He was from the Palestinian Intelligence Service. Shot in the head. 16/5/2001 The Zionist troops killed Muhammad Hasan Salim (14 years), from Al-Breij camp. He was shot in the chest and pelvis. 18/5/2001 The Zionist, using US-made F-15 aircraft, shelled the cities of Tulkarm, Nablus and Ramallah. The toll was thirteen Palestinian martyrs: I. Nabeel Issam Isma’il (22 years), from Deir AlGhusoon / Tulkarm. 2. Rami Izzat Yaseen (25 years), from Nablus. 3. Isma’il Abou Rafee’ (21 years), from Gaza. 4. Nasri nasser Hasan (22 years), from Nablus. 5. Ayman Khalil Ma’roof, from Nablus. 6. Fadi Ahmad Hamed, from Nablus. 7. Mu’taz Najeh Khateeb (27 years), from Booreen / Nablus. 8. Faris Ahrnad from Nablus. 9. Khaled Uqab Subeih (21 years), from Nablus. 10. Wa’el Abdul-Karim Abou Khadr (29 years), from Nablus. 11. Rif'at Rabayi’a (28 years), from Jenin. 12. Wa’el Khadr Ma’ali, from Nablus. 13. Ahmad Sadeq Al-Khadr, from Nablus. 19/5/2001 Four Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Muhannad Bani Audeh (22 years), from Nablus. Killed during the shelling carried out by Zionist F-I 6 planes. 2. Humam Salim ‘Abdul-Haq (20 years), from Nablus. Shot in the head following the funeral of the martyrs killed by F-16 planes.

3. Fawwaz Issa Al-Damj (22 years), from Seelat AlDhahr / Jenin. A lieutenant in the Palestinian Police. Was killed when the Zionist troops stormed the Police station at Seelat Al-Dhahr. 4. Tayseer ‘Awwad ‘Ar’eer (30 years). Shot in the head near Al-Mintar crossing while working on his land. 20/5/2001 The Zionist troops, killed Yusuf Ibrahim Aziz, from Nablus. He was shot at the southern entrance of Nablus. 21/5/2001 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Muhammad Abou-Khoussa (48 years), from Breij camp. Shot while working in his farm. 2. Ahmad Al-Ajmi (27 years), from Breij camp. Killed while working in his farm. 24/5/2001 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Shadi Siam (20 years), from Yibna camp / Rafah. He was mute and deaf Shot with several bullets. 2. ‘Alaa’ ‘Adel Al-Booji (18 years), from Rafah. Shot near Rafah Yam settlement. 25/5/2001 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. ‘Azzam Muzher (25 years), from Balata / Nablus. His car was blown up. 2. Muhammad Ahmad Majd (22 years), from Qalqilya. 29/5/20001 The Zionists killed three Palestinians today: 1. Ahmad Hleila (20 years), from Uqbat Jabr camp. The murderers let loose the dogs to attack him then shot him. 2. ‘Abdullah ‘Ali Al-’Asar (21 years), from Gaza. 3. Isma’il ‘Ashoor (19 years), from Gaza. 31/5/2001 Three Palestinians joined the convoy of martyrs today: 1. Khalil ‘Affana (12 years), from Gaza. Died of injuries he suffered a month earlier as a result of an explosion.

2. Ahmad Saleh Abul-Helou (17 years), from Hazma / Jerusalem. Shot in the head. 3. Bakr Jum’a Saleh Ziadat (22 years), from Jenin. 3/6/2001 Three Palestinians were killed today: I. Ziad Mahmood Abou ‘Eid (22 years), from Deir Dabwan / Ramallah. He was killed by the Zionist settlers. 2. ‘Ayed Mahmood Abou ‘Eid (38 years), from Deir Dabwan / Ramallah. Shot in the chest by the Zionist settlers. 3. Mazen Al-Golani (34 years), from ‘Anata / Jerusalem. Died from injuries he suffered a month earlier when the Zionist settlers shot him in the chest. 7/6/2001 Two Palestinians were martyred today: 1. Khaled Tantawi (17 years), from Gaza. Killed by the Zionist settlers. 2 Ashraf Bardaweel (27 years), from Tulkarm. Died of injuries he suffered on 5/6/2001 in the explosion of a land mine under his car. 10/6/2001 Five Palestinians, including three of the same family, fell martyrs today: 1. Hikmat Malalheh (17 years), from Nuseirat camp / Gaza. Killed during a Zionist shelling from Netsarim settlement. 2. Nasrat Malalheh (65 years), from Nuseirat camp / Gaza. She was killed during a Zionist shelling from Netsarim settlement. 3. Salima Malalha (35 years), from Nuseirat camp / Gaza. 4. Muhammad ‘Abdul-Rahman Al-Kurd (17 years), from Gaza. Died of a chest injury he suffered on 4/6/2001. 5. Sabri Ameen Mahmood ‘Awadh (44 years), from AlRa’s / Tulkarm. Died when the Zionist soldiers denied him access to the hospital for treatment.(21) 13/6/2001 ‘Awni Al-Haddad (42 years), from Hebron died on injuries he suffered when he was shot by a Zionist settler while passing in a pickup near Anatooth setlement northeast of Jerusalem (22).

17/6/2001 Ali Murad Abou Shawish (12 years), was shot by a Zionist soldier in the chest during the confrontations in Al-Amal quarter / Khan Younis (23). 20/6/2001 Jamal Nafe’, from northwest of Ramallh was shot by the Zionist troops (24). 24/6/2001 Usama Fat’hi Jarayra (29 years), was killed due to an explosion in a public telephone booth (25). 1/7/2001 Six Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Ahmad Muhammad Yaseen (15 years). He died of injuries he suffered on 29/6/2001 at Al-Mintar crossing (26). 2. Mahmood Mousa Suleiman. Killed near Jenin. 3. Jamal Dhiafallah. Killed near Jenin. 4. Muhammad Ahmad Bisharat. He was a member of the Islamic Jihad Movement. He was killed when rocket shells hit the car he was riding in with two others. 5. Sameh Deeb (as in 4 above). 6. As in 4 above, but could not be identified, since his body was totally burnt. (27) 4/7/2001 Murad Jameel Al-Masri, died in a Jordanian hospital where he was being treated for injuries he had suffered in Khan Younis four months earlier (28). 7/7/2001 Khalil Al-Mughrabi (11 years), was shot dead by Zionist troops (29). 11/7/2001 Three Palestinians fell martyrs today: I. Rasmiyya Jawdat Jabreen (40 years), from Zahiriyya / Hebron. She was killed when the Zionit soldiers opened fire on the taxi in which she was riding when the driver was trying to avoid the barricades set up by the Zionist army (30). 2. Firyal Muhammad Id’eibes. The Zionist soldiers held her while she was in labor for two hours at a checkpoint. Thus, she delivered at the checkpoint. At Al-Shifa’ medical center in Toobas / Nablus, the infant was found dead and the mother was in a very critical condition

(31). 3. Muhammad Khalifa (49 years). He died when the Zionist soldiers refused to have him moved from his village (Faqqou’ah), to Jenin hospital to be treated for a heart attack (32). 17/7/2001 The Zionist helicopters killed four Palestinians from Bethlehem, three of whom were from the same family, while the fourth was the son-in-law: 1. Taha Al-Arooj (40 years), (the son-in-law). 2. Omar Sa’adeh (45 years). 3. Muhammad Sa’adeh (29 years). 4. Is’haq Sa’adeh (55 years) (33). 19/7/2001 Zionist killers from the terrorist organization of the Zionist settlers calling itself the “Security Committee on the Roads” committed a massacre against three members of Al-Tumeizi family while on their way back to their township Ithna / Hebron from a wedding party. The martyrs were: 1. Dhiyaa Marwan Al-Tumeizi (3 months). 2. Muhammad Hilmi Al-Tumeizi (23 years). 3. Muhammad Salama Al-Tumeizi (20 years). They were all shot in the head, chest and other parts of the body (34). 21/7/2001 Two Palestinians were killed today: 1. Raja’ei Abou Rajab (35 years). Killed in Hebron as a result of a rocket attack against the offices of the Palestinian Authority (35). 2. Yahya Al-Dayeh. He was killed in a Zionist shelling of Mifraq area near Netsarim settlement south of Gaza (36). 23/7/2001 Two Palestinians fell martyrs today: 1. Rif ' at Nahhal (15 years). Died of injuries he suffered when the Zionist troops opened fire at a group of young men at Salahuddin Gate in Rafah. A 500 cal. bullet hit his heart (37).

2. Mustafa Yaseen (28 years). He was a member of the Islamic Jihad Movement. A Zionist unit of the so-called Border Guards stormed his house near Jenin and killed him (38). 25/7/2001 Salah Darwaza (39 years), a member of Hamas was killed when the Zionist troops fired four rockets at his car near Al‘Ayn camp / Nablus (39). 30/7/2001 The Zionist troops, killed six members of thePalestinian Military Intelligence Service: 1. ‘Abdul-Rahman Ishteiwi (28 years), from Al-Fare’a camp / Nablus. 2. Maher Jawayra (27 years). 3. Hikmat Abul Habal (31 years). 4. Muneer Abou Rashed (22 years). 5. Ameen Balatiyya (22 years). 6. Muhammad Balatiyya (22 years) (40). 31/7/2001 The Zionist troops of occupation perpetrated a heinous massacre in Nablus. They shelled a residential building in the city. An apartment in the building housed an information bureau for Hamas. Eight Palestinians were killed: 1. Jamal Mansoor (41 years). He was a Hamas leader in Nablus. 2. Jamal Salim (42 years). He was a Hamas leader in Nablus. 3. Muhammad Al-Bishawi. 4. Omar Mansoor. 5. ‘Uthman Qatnani. 6. Faheem Dawabsheh. 7. Ashraf ‘Abdul-Mun’em (a child), who was near the building, and his brother. 8. Bilal ‘Abdul-Mun’em (a child), who was near the building (41). There are fourteen martyrs whom we could not know when and where they were killed: 1. Marwan Al-Ghamri. 2. ‘Alaa Addas (17 years), from Ramallah. 3. Ra’ed Abou Ammoneh (27 years), from Hebron. 4. Yusuf Subhi Noor, from Gaza. 5. Mhadi Abou Shadouh (45 years), from Bethlehem.

6. Yusuf ‘Abdul-Qader Hasan (14 years), from Hebron. 7. Jamal Sa’eed Farhan (16 years), from Hebron. 8. Fadi Muhammad Salamah (21 years), from Hebron. 9. Khalil Barood (25 years), from Tulkarm. 10. Faraj Farajallah, from Heberon. Killed at the outset of the Intifadha. He is the brother of martyr Ahmad Farajallah. 11. Khaled Ghannam. The Zionist troops tied hisd hands then executed him. 12. Khalil Shahtit (30 years), from Hebron. 13. Jameel Qassem Al-Turk (46 years), from Salfit / Nablus. Killed by the Zionist settlers. 14. Bajis ‘Abdul-Hameed Sulaymiyya, from Hebron. Killed by the Zionist settlers.




Massacres of another kind

Prior, during, and after the establishment of the Zionist entity, the Zionist invaders have perpetrated massacres of another kind, which also bear an abominable face and a latent Zionist hatred. As if killing innocent citizens were not enough, the Zionist enemy went far beyond that by stealing the land, dredging it, destroying it, uprooting trees, demolishing towns, villages, blowing up buildings and houses, and wiping out anything that has to do with the Palestinian people. In short, the Zionist enemy is incessantly striving to kill the homeland, to kill Palestine. It is well known that the Zionist invaders have occupied the major part of Palestine in 1948. They then occupied the rest of it in the June 1967 aggression. The onslaught against the Palestinian land has never stopped. The main concern of the Zionists is to kill all what is associated with the Palestinian people. In 1948 and immediately thereafter, the Zionists destroyed more than 400 Palestinian villages. They evicted by force the majority of the Palestinian people from their homeland. They seized their land, villages and possessions. They have continued to steal the Palestinian land in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. They are dredging agricultural lands. Such practices are no less dangerous than other heinous crimes perpetrated every day in the Palestinian territories. Vast areas of agricultural lands have been dredged, destroyed or confiscated. A large part of the lands that are being dredged is planted with different kinds of fruit trees looked after by present and past Palestinian generations. Everyone realizes the moral value of trees, let alone the material value. Trees are dear to the Palestinian people, particularly the olive tree, which is blessed. The Zionist enemy and settlers, realizing this fact, are concentrating on uprooting Palestinian trees in general, and olive trees in particular. Besides, the encircling roads which the Zionist authorities are constructing in various Palestinian areas are a major danger to our people. These roads aim to isolate the Palestinian communities and conglomerations from each other. They lead to the loss of large additional tracts of Palestinian land.

Another fact not to be forgotten is that the house lies deep in the conscience of the Palestinian people and has a high regard and esteem. The~house symbolizes many things. It symbolizes stability, happiness and family unity. The threat to this house by an outsider means a threat to the family’s stability, happiness and unity. Our Palestinian people inside Palestine, particularly in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, are always threatened by the destruction of their homes by Zionist aircraft, guns, tanks and bulldozers. Thus, many Palestinians are threatened with the loss of their homes, and with being buried under their rubble. This is what has been happening for a long time and continues to happen today. We shall try to cite some examples and samples of the abominable massacres perpetrated by the Zionist arniy and the Zionist settlers against the Palestinian land, against the Palestinian holy places, against the trees and homes. Such acts, in our view, cause extreme pain that is no less than the pain felt by the loss of our dear and loved ones. The homeland is man himself in the first place. Former UN Secretary General, Dt. Kurt Waldheim, once said in a report that, following the June 1967 aggression, the Zionist occupation troops destroyed twenty-four thousand homes belonging to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip alone (42).

Since 1967 up to mid-July 1999 The Zionist authorities demolished around 2140 homes in Jerusalem alone (43). Between 1967 and 1974 They demolished 4425 Palestinian houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem) (44). In 1985 They demolished seven touses in the town of Lydda, occupied since 1948 (45). During 1987 They demolished 103 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem) (46). Since 1987 through the end of 1999 They demolished 2650 houses in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem (47). During 1988 They demolished 393 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem).

During 1989 They demolished 431 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem). During 1990 They demolished 102 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem). During 1991 They demolished 227 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem). During 1992 They demolished 148 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem). During 1993 They demolished 63 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem). During 1994 They demolished 1 20 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem). During 1995 They demolished 112 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem). During 1996 They demolished 140 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem). During 1997 They demolished 233 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem).(48) On 28 August 1997 The bulldozers of the Zionist authorities of occupation, under the protection of large units of Zionist troops estimated at around 600 men, demolished a Palestinian camp in the village of Froosh Beit Dajan, near Jericho. The said camp had been set up in 1955. The Zionist troops refused to allow the camp inhabitants to take their belongings.(49) During 1999 The Zionist authorities of occupation demolished 99 houses in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem) (50). In that same year, they demolished 36 houses in Jerusalem, 8 houses in the village of Al-Isawiyya near Jerusalem, 7 houses in Sawahra and Al-Mukabber Mount near Jerusalem, 5 houses in Beit Hanina near Jerusalem, 4 houses in Hitta Gate inside the Old City of Jerusalem (51). In the same year, the Zionist Municipality of Awamert rendered a decision to demolish a mosque in the village of Al Walja / Bethlehem (52). Moreover, the bulldozers of the Zionist

enemy demolished part of the Latin Monastery in the village of Artass near Jerusalem. The Zionist authorities also seized about 30 donums of the lands of the Monastery (53). In that same year, the Zionist bulldozers removed one of the prominent historical landmarks on the Olive Mount in Jerusalem. That was Al-Shihabi Palace that was considered a masterpiece of Arab architecture (54). Up to May 2001 The Zionist authorities demolished 108 artesian wells in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (55). They also destroyed 392 water ponds, 3802 meters of drinking water pipes, and killed about 1000 heads of cattle (56). Since the beginning of the blessed Al-Aqsa Intifadha on 28/9/2000 up to 15 May 2001, the Zionist army troops demolished 400 houses, 39 mosques and 12 churches (57).




Following are samples of the Zionist onslaught against our trees

June 1997 They destroyed around nine hundred 12-year old olive trees in the area of She’ab Aalem of the lands belonging to the village of Tarqomia / Hebron (58). October 1998 Close to the olive picking season, the bulldozers of the Zionist authorities uprooted 185 fruitful olive trees of the lands of the village of Qaryoot / Nablus (59). 1 January 1999 The bulldozers uprooted 30 olive trees from the lands of the village of Deir AIHatab/Nablus. On the same day, gangs of settlers from the settlement of Tis’har uprooted tends of fruitful trees of the lands of Booreen / Nablus (60). 3 January 1999 The Zionist settlers uprooted 120 olive trees from the lands of the village of Jalood/Nablus (61). 13 January 1999 The Zionist authorities of occupation uprooted more than 100 fruit trees from the lands of the village of ‘Aabood / Ramallah (62). February 1999 The Zionist army uprooted around 500 olive trees from the lands of the village of Yatma / Nablus (63). 13 February 1999 Gangs of Zionist settlers uprooted hundreds of olive saplings from the lands of the villages of Freidees, Beit Ta’amar and Za’atara. They destroyed the fences erected by the Palestinians to protect their lands (64). 14 February 1999 The settlers of the Zionist settlement of Allon Moreh uprooted thousands of olive trees from the lands of the village of Deir El-Hatab / Nablus (65). 15 February 1999 The Zionist troops uprooted more than 500 olive trees from the lands of the village of Beit Dajan / Nablus (66).

May 1999 During this month, the Zionist settlers encroached upon the lands of the village of Eastern ‘Aana in Jenin District. They uporooted more than 550 fruitful almond and olive trees, 10 to 40 years old. Then, the settlers of Gahneem settlement sprayed the remaining trees with toxic and scalding substances (67). In the lands of the village of Kafr Qaddoom / Nablus, the settlers of the Qaddomim settlement which was set up on the lands of that village cut 200 Palestinian olive trees, planted since more than twenty years. They also destroyesd around 200 fruitful olive trees in the township of Taqqou’/ Hebron (68). July 1999 The Zionist invaders uprooted over 500 olive trees in the West Bank, more than 400 of them in Nablus district alone (69). 1 August 1999 The Zionist gangs of the settlement Itamar cut 15- olive trees belonging to a Palestinian family in Beit Fooreek / Nablus (70). 9 August 1999 The Zionist settlers uprooted 50 olive trees from the lands of the village of Jaalood / Nablus (71). 28 August 1999 The Zionist settlers set fire to 500 olive trees belonging to Palestinian families in the village of Shufa / Tulkarm (72). 19 September 1999 The Zionist bulldozers uprooted 150 olive trees from the lands of the village of Kafr Qaddoom / Nablus (73). 13 October 1999 Bands of Zionist settlers, backed by a large number of Zionist occupation troops, uprooted more than 300 olive trees from the lands of the village of A1-Zawiya / Nablus (74). 17 October 1999 The settlers of Elon Moreh cut more than 400 olive trees owned by the Nader AbdulRahman, a Palestinian citizen of the village of Deir EI-Hatab / Nablus (75).

6 December 1999 The Zionist troops uprooted 300 olive trees from the lands of the village of Deir Balloot / Nablus (76). 21 December 1999 The settlers of Shivot Rachel uprooted 200 fully-grown olive trees from the lands of the nearby village of AlMugheer / Ramallah (77). During the year 1999 the Zionist troops of occupation uprooted around 3129 fruit trees in Hebron area (78). 12 January 2000 The excavators of the Zionist authorities uprooted 30 olive trees from the lands of the village of ‘Aabood / Ramallah (79). 13 January 2000 The Zionist settlers of Eli Zahaf cut hundreds of olive trees belonging to the village of Deir Balloot / Nablus (80). 22 January 2000 The bulldozers of the Zionist authorities uprooted 50 olive trees from the lands of Kafr Qaddoom / Nablus (81). During the month of January 2000 The Zionist settlers uprooted 500 guava saplings two hours after they had been planted in Khan Younis. Other settlers destroyed hundreds of beehives in the area of Bathan and Qaari’a, north of Nablus. Furthermore, settlers poisoned 110 beehives in the same region and uprooted 200 citrus saplings in Salfit / Nablus (82). 11 February 2000 Gangs of the Zionist settlement of Maden uprooted 100 olive trees from the lands of the neighboring village of Khillat AlRub’ (83). August 2000 The Zionist invaders uprooted around 500 fruit trees in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, including 150 trees in the Nablus area, 200 in Salfit / Nablus, 70 in Qalqilya, and 50 in Gaza (84).

In general, during the current Intifadha up to 15 May 2001, the Zionist troops of occupation and gangs of settlers uprooted a total of 280 thousand fruit trees (85), olive trees comprising the major part thereof.





1. Information about the martyrs from 8/12/1987 through 6/12/1988 was extracted from the Jordanian daily Al-Rat of 8/12/1988. 2-3. Tishreen daily of 11/1/1997. 4. Al-Quds daily of 25/9/1996. 5. Al-Quds daily of 26/9/1996, 27/9, 28/9, 29/9, 1/10 - and 2/10/1996. As-Safir daily of 3/10/1996. Al-Anwar daily of 23/10/1996. Tishreen daily of 11/1/1997. 6-7. As-Safir daily of 7/6/1997. 8. Al-Rai daily of 5/5/1997 and Tishreen daily of 9/4/1997. 9. Al-Thawra daily of 3/7/1997. 10. Al-Rai daily of 11/3/1998. 11. Al-Rat daily of 12/3/1998. 12. As-Safir daily of 14/5/1998. 13. Al-Nahar daily of 15/5/1998. 14. Al-Diyar daily of 18/6/1 998. 15. Al-Baath daily of 13/9/1998. 16. Al-Thawra daily of 9/10/1998. 17. Al-Thawra daily of 12/10/1998. 18. Nida'Al-Watan daily of 18/2/1999. 19. Nida'Al-Watan daily of 23/2/1999. 20. Al-Rat daily of 14/9/2000. 21.The information about the martyrs of the blessed Aqsa Intifadha up to 10/6/2001 was extracted from Al-Hurriya daily Nos. 831 to 838, 841 to 843, and Nos. 849, 852 and 855. 22. Al-Hayat daily of 15/6/2001. 23. As-Safir daily of 18/6/2001. 24. As-Safir daily of 21/6/2001. 25. Al-Hayat daily of 25/6/2001. 26-27. As-Safir daily of 2/7/2001. 28. As-Safir daily of 7/7/2001. 29. As-Safir daily of 9/7/2001.

30-31-32. Al-Thawra daily of 12/7/2001. 33. Al-Hayat daily of 18/7/2001. 34. Al-Hayat daily of 2 1/7/2001. 35. Al-Hayat daily of 22/7/2001. 36. As-Safir daily of 23/7/2001. 37. Al-Thawra daily of 24/7/2001. 38. As-Safir daily of 24/7/2001. 39. Al-Baath daily of 26/7/2001. 40. Al-Hayat daily of 3 1/7/2001. 41. As-Safir daily of 1/8/2001. 42. Al-Baath daily of 7/11/2001. 43. Al-Dustoor daily of 24/8/2001. 44. Al-Usbu 'Al-Arabi daily of 8/5/2000. 45. Al-Rai Al- 'Am daily of 19/5/1985. 46. Al-Usbu 'Al-Arabi daily of 8/5/2000. 47. Al-Rai daily of 23/1/2000. 48. Al-Usbu' Al-Arabi daily of 8/5/2000. 49. As-Safir daily of 29/8/1997. 50-51. Al-Usbu 'Al-Arabi daily of 8/5/2000. 52. Nida' Al-Watan daily of 18/2/1999. 53. Nida 'Al-Watan daily of 23/2/1999. 54. Al-Usbu' Al-Arabi daily of 8/5/2000. 55-56-57. Al-Hurriya daily of 10-16/6/2001. 58. Tishreen daily of 29/6/1997. 59. Al-Dustoor daily of 30/10/1998. 60-61-62. Nida 'Al-Watan daily of 18/2/1999. 63. Al-Dustoor daily of 19/2/1999. 64-65-66. Nida 'Al- Watan daily of 23/2/1999. 67. Al-Dustoor daily of 13/7/1999. 68. Al-Dustoor daily of 20/8/1999. 69. Al-Dustoor daily of 24/8/1999.

70-71-72-73-74-75-76-77. Al-Ahram daily of 12/5/2000. 78. Al-Dustoor daily of 9/2/2000. 79-80-81. Al-Ahram daily of 12/5/2000. 82. Al-Rai daily of 14/2/2000. 83. Al-Ahram daily of 12/5/2000. 84. Al-Rai daily of 14/9/2000.




The Zionist Massacres Photos Of The Zionist Massacres [ Palestinian Holocaust ]

[Note: The Following Contains Some Bloody Photos....]




The End

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