The Whole Program

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 947
  • Pages: 7
The Whole Program---Again Here is the entire program, including everything we've learned so far: package lights; public interface Luminous { public abstract void turnOn(); public abstract void turnOff(); } package lights; import lights.Luminous; public class Lamp extends Object implements Luminous { /* Define a lamp that can turn on and off, report its state, report its state changes, have a wattage, have and report a name, and make sure it's off on creation. The class itself remembers the maximum possible wattage of any lamp and the default wattage of each lamp. */ //this lamp is either on or off private boolean lampIsOn; //this lamp may have a name private String name; //this lamp has a wattage private int wattage; //all lamps have a maximum possible wattage public final static int MAXIMUM_WATTAGE = 500; //all lamps have a default wattage public final static int DEFAULT_WATTAGE = 60; public Lamp() { /* Set this lamp's initial state as being a lamp.DEFAULT_WATTAGE-watt lamp in the off position. Give this lamp a generic name. */ lampIsOn = false; wattage = Lamp.DEFAULT_WATTAGE;

name = "Lamp"; } public Lamp(int wattage) { /* Set this lamp's initial state as being in the off position. Set this lamp's wattage to the given wattage. Do not let any lamp have a wattage higher than Lamp.MAXIMUM_WATTAGE. Give this lamp a generic name. */ lampIsOn = false; if (wattage > Lamp.MAXIMUM_WATTAGE) this.wattage = Lamp.MAXIMUM_WATTAGE; else this.wattage = wattage; name = "Lamp"; } public void turnOn() { /* Turn this lamp on. */ lampIsOn = true; reportState(); } public void turnOff() { /* Turn this lamp off. */ lampIsOn = false; reportState(); } public boolean isOn() { /* Report whether this lamp is on or off. */ return lampIsOn; } public void reportState() { /* Report this lamp's status.

*/ if (this.isOn()) { System.out.println(this.getName() + " is on"); System.out.println("My wattage is: " + wattage); } else System.out.println(this.getName() + " is off"); } public void setName(String name) { /* Name this lamp. */ = name; } public String getName() { /* Report this lamp's name. */ return name; } public String toString() { /* Report this lamp's type and name. */


return "Lamp[" + this.getName() + "]"; }

package lights; import lights.Lamp; public class DimmerControlledLamp extends Lamp { /* Define a type of Lamp that can brighten and darken in stages, and compare its brightness with another lamp. */ //this lamp has a certain brightness, if it's on private int brightness; //maximum initial brightness for each dimmer-controlled lamp public final static int INITIAL_BRIGHTNESS = 3;

public DimmerControlledLamp() { /* Initialize this lamp's superclass portion, then initialize this lamp's brightness. */ super(); this.setBrightness(0); } public DimmerControlledLamp(int wattage) { /* Initialize this lamp's superclass portion, then initialize this lamp's brightness. */ super(wattage); this.setBrightness(0); } public void turnOn() { /* Turn this lamp on gradually until it is at DimmerControlledLamp.INITIAL_BRIGHTNESS. This method overrides the same method in the superclass. */ this.setBrightness(1); brighten(DimmerControlledLamp.INITIAL_BRIGHTNESS - 1); } public void turnOff() { /* Turn this lamp off gradually. This method overrides the same method in the superclass. */ darken(this.getBrightness()); } public boolean isOn() { /* Report whether this lamp is on. This method overrides the same method in the superclass. */ return (this.getBrightness() > 0); }

public void brighten() { /* If this lamp is on, make it brighter. */ if (this.isOn()) this.setBrightness(this.getBrightness() + 1); reportState(); } public void darken() { /* If this lamp is on, make it darker. */ if (this.isOn()) this.setBrightness(this.getBrightness() - 1); reportState(); } public void brighten(int brightnessIncrease) { /* Make this lamp brighter in steps. */ for (int index = 1; index <= brightnessIncrease; index++) brighten(); } public void darken(int brightnessDecrease) { /* Make this lamp darker in steps. */ for (int index = 1; index <= brightnessDecrease; index++) darken(); } protected void setBrightness(int brightness) { /* Let another lamp, any lamps of extended classes, or any objects in this package set this lamp's brightness. */ this.brightness = brightness; } protected int getBrightness() {

/* Report this lamp's brightness to another lamp, to any lamps of extended classes, or to any objects in this package. */ return brightness; } public boolean isBrighterThan(DimmerControlledLamp lamp) { /* Report whether this lamp is brighter than the given lamp. */ return (this.getBrightness() > lamp.getBrightness()); } public void reportState() { /* Report this lamp's status. This method overrides the same method in the superclass. */ if (this.isOn()) { System.out.println(this.getName() + " is on"); System.out.println("My brightness is: " + this.getBrightness()); } else System.out.println(this.getName() + " is off"); } public String toString() { /* Report this lamp's type and name. This method overrides the same method in the superclass. */


return "DimmerControlledLamp[" + this.getName() + "]"; }

import lights.Luminous; import lights.Lamp; import lights.DimmerControlledLamp; public class FiddleWithLights { /*

Create some lights and fiddle with them. */ public final static int NUMBER_OF_LAMPS = 2; public final static int NUMBER_OF_LIGHTS = 2; public static void main(String[] parameters) { //create an array of lamps reference variables Lamp[] lampArray; lampArray = new Lamp[FiddleWithLights.NUMBER_OF_LAMPS]; //create a 100-watt lamp lampArray[0] = new Lamp(100); lampArray[0].setName("Lamp number 0"); //for every other Lamp reference variable in the array, //create a new DimmerControlledLamp and name it for (int index = 1; index < lampArray.length; index++) { lampArray[index] = new DimmerControlledLamp(); lampArray[index].setName("Lamp number " + index); } //switch each lamp on and off for (int index = 0; index < lampArray.length; index++) { System.out.println(lampArray[index]); lampArray[index].turnOn(); lampArray[index].turnOff(); System.out.println(); } //create an array of Luminous reference variables Luminous[] lightsArray; lightsArray = new Luminous[FiddleWithLights.NUMBER_OF_LIGHTS]; //create some Luminous objects lightsArray[0] = new Lamp(); lightsArray[1] = new DimmerControlledLamp();


//switch each light on and off for (int index = 0; index < lightsArray.length; index++) { System.out.println(lightsArray[index]); lightsArray[index].turnOn(); lightsArray[index].turnOff(); System.out.println(); } }

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