The Water Community Of Practitioners In India

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  • Words: 957
  • Pages: 17

Water Community

The Water Community of Practitioners in India Visioning Workshop “Turning Knowledge into Development Effectiveness” 13-14 March 2007

Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Community Active Communities of Practice Decentralization Environment: Water & Environmental Sanitation Food & Nutrition Security Gender Health: Maternal & Child Health AIDS Poverty: Work & Education Employment

Poverty: Microfinance ICT for Development Getting organized for launching in the future:

Disaster Management Environment: Sustainable Environment

Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Community Membership Profile – Subscribers Dec)

Total Subscribers, all Communities end-December 2006



5815 6151 5558 5171






4000 2811


3425 3548 3165 2853

2464 2238



1389 1218


1221 1207 1184


1739 1519 1142

1000 132 198

680 510


Apr 05 May 0 5 J un 05 Jul 05 Aug 0 5 Sep 0 5 Oct 05 Nov 0 5 Dec 0 5 Jan 06 Feb 0 6 Mar 0 6 Apr 06 May 0 6 Jun 06 J ul 06 Aug 0 6 Sep 0 6 Oct 06 Nov 0 6 Dec 0 6


Subscriptions by Community end-December 2006




0 MCH WES Gen Food AIDS Decn Ed Emp MFin ICTD

As of 31 Dec: 7,332 subcribers to one or more Community (12,400 subscriptions)

Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Community Membership Profiles – Balance



Members by Organization Type, all Communities, end-December 2006

UN/Others 28%

Institutes 18%

Members by Region, all Communities, end-December 2006

Gov't 16%

South 23%

NGO/CBOs 38%

West 12%

East 10%

Delhi 27% North 20%

Outside India 8%

Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Community Communities of Practice: Total CRs Consolidated Reply postings per month 25



18 16

15 10



20 17


17 13




11 10

5 2

Ma y0 5 Ju ne 0 Ju 5 ly 05 Au g0 5 Se pt 05 Oc t0 No 5 v0 5 De c0 5 Ja n0 Fe 6 b0 6 Ma r0 6 Ap r0 Ma 6 y0 6 Ju ne 0 Ju 6 ly 0 Au 6 g0 6 Se pt 06 Oc t0 No 6 v0 De 6 c0 6


10 9



•Total Consolidated Replies as of end December: 276 •Average Water Community Workshop 13-14 March numberVisioning of contributors per CR:2007 18

Water Community

Workshop Objectives 1. Strengthen the Community: Network and connect 2. Identify opportunities to take the Community’s agenda forward 3. Demonstrate and encourage knowledge sharing Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Community Solution Exchange “Services” 1. Query service Question 2. eConsultation Draft plan/ policy/ programme 3. eDiscussion Priority topic 4. Action Group e-Discussion


Consolidated Reply

“For Comments”

Feedback for consideration



Action research; Action Group pilot; (or Query) assignment strategy; Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007 proposal

Water Community

Agenda (Today)  Inaguration; Introduction; Agenda (9:30-11:00)  Plenary: Three Key Challenges (11:15-12:15)  Breakaway Sessions: Three Responses .


 Presentation: Three Action Plans (4:00-4:30) 

Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Community

Agenda for Wednesday  “Knowledge Mela” (Face-to-face Solution Exchange )  Walk Around


 Discussion (9:45-11:15)  Presentation (11:15-12:15)

 Feedback; Conclusions; Wrap-up (12:15-1:00). Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Community Taking the Community’s Agenda Forward:  The process for today: 

Three “convenors” lead

Plenary: Present challenges – 11:15-12:15

Breakaway sessions: Identify Action Plan – 12:15-3:45, incl. lunch

Presentation; plenary discussions – 4:00-5:00

Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Community Taking the Community’s Agenda Forward: Define Action Plans in 3 strategic areas:  Groundwater management by Communities  Roof-top Rainwater Harvesting for Schools  Scaling up sanitation coverage in India  A programme/project proposal; a study; action research; situational assessment etc.  Completed and presented within 20 weeks: – E-discussion (6wks); “Action Group” (14wks)

 Carried forward by a “convenor” Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Community

Agenda for Wednesday  “Knowledge Mela” (Face-to-face Solution Exchange )  Walk Around


 Discussion (9:45-11:15)  Presentation (11:15-12:15)

 Feedback; Conclusions; Wrap-up (12:15-1:00). Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Community The Knowledge Mela “Solution Exchange — Face-to-Face”

The Walk Around (9:00-9:45)

Network; Meet the Resource Persons; learn about what’s happening


Conservanc y

? ??

Water Conflicts

?? ?

? ??

Community Harvesting


? ??

?? ?



Write down some Queries to bring to the Discussion Tables

? ??

?? ?

? ??

?? ? PIM

?? ?

Research Priorities

Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Literacy

Water Community The Knowledge Mela “Solution Exchange — Face-to-Face” II. The Discussion Tables       

(9:45-11:15) Ten Resource Persons chair ten Discussion Tables Go to your first table. You have 45 minutes Facilitator reads all Queries. Agree on first one to reply Chair leads the “Face-to-face Solution Exchange” – max. 15 minutes Go to next question etc. 45 Minute signal – Go to Second Table Repeat the process

Water Conflicts

Conservanc y Watershed

?? ?

? ??

? ??

Community Harvesting


? ??

?? ? ?? ?



? ??


?? ? ?? ?

Research Priorities

Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

? ?? Water Literacy

Water Community The Knowledge Mela “Solution Exchange — Face-to-Face” I.

The Presentation (11:15-12:15)

Each Resource Person presents in 5 minutes: – What were the insights from my table?

Water Conflicts

Conservanc y Watershed

Community Harvesting



EcoSan Ecosystems

Research Priorities

Water Community Visioning Workshop 13-14 March 2007

Water Literacy

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