The Watcher

  • November 2019
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What is the New World Order? Initiating the NWO The Masonic influence The Illuminati Communism and the Illuminati Lenin and the Illuminati The Illuminati manipulates the West Bible prophecy and the Illuminati The American Dollar Gun abolition and the NWO Religion and the NWO Underground Bases and the NWO Population reduction in the NWO Protect Children form the NWO NWO Conditions children through TV and Toys Other Web sites worth visiting

New World Order The New World Order is just what it says, it is a new way in which governments will function within each country but instead of each country being an individual, the world as a whole will become one country and be run by one government with absolute authority. This 'government' which to some seems fantasy already exists in the form of a powerful banking community. It has done for some years now and is growing in power each year. What proof is there that it exists? In 1991, at the beginning of the Gulf war, US President George Bush broadcast to the world "This is an historic moment, I am hopeful the fighting will not go on for long. We have in the last year made great progress in ending the long era of conflict and cold war. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations A NEW WORLD ORDER where the rule of law governs the conduct of the NATIONS". When the Gulf war ended America began what has become a passionate crusade to get involved within every nations fight for peace and to solve the Arab/Israeli question. A worth while endeavour you say, why should we knock it? Indeed, world peace is a good and commendable goal to strive towards, but one must ask, at what cost to the world. If the Devil said he would rid the world of war if you would only put me as you King, would you? Well the backers of the New World Order have said YES to that question, and it is to that end to



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which they are passionately striving. The History of the NWO After WW1 the victorious allied powers decided to set up the 'League of Nations', all the countries working together to rid the world of war. It failed as it did not have the financial backing it needed, which could influence the right people and places. After WW11 the United Nations was set up to do exactly the same thing as the League did, this time with its HQ in New York and the financial backing already based its powers began to take root and mature. America was the right country at the right time to fuel such an ambitious plan. It had been groomed and protected and now the Devil is using America like a network of arteries to spread the disease around the world. Prophetically we had the introduction of Aids as the powers grew and yet it went unnoticed. A disease which attacks the defence system of each person rendering him/her open to attack from the smallest bug, and given the 'tag' Aids. The NOW is doing the same thing attacking each country at its heart, the financial system, rendering it powerless and like a company or organisation, ripe for take over. It too had been given various tags all with 'Aid' in mind. Military AID, medical AID and financial AID. Unfortunately for this virus there is no cure.

The masons have an estimated world wide membership of 6 million, and that is a conservative estimate. It is the largest and oldest secret society, and its roots although lost in the depths of time and interpretation, do go back to the ancient mysteries of Egypt and Babylon. 13 US presidents and numerous British politicians not to mention members of the Royal family have all been Free Masons. It has been said that every leader and head of state, in the official photograph at Israeli Prime Minister Rabin's funeral was a Mason! The History of masonry Free Masonry is taken from the religious mysteries of Egypt and Babylon, it has unparalleled similarities with the religions of this era not to be connected. The free Masons were said to be the Master Builders and priests who belonged to secret orders and lodges. These groups held the key tothe elaborate buildings and the mathermatics they used to erect such giant wonders with seemingly effortless ease. It is said the Egyptian priests and Master Masons during the decline of Egypt, were thrown out and they, gathering all the secret teachings and occult knowledge wandered through Europe and the world passing on their knowledge only to people who would further their goals and religion. These priests were the original Gypsies (E-gyp-t-sies). Their goal for a New World dashed, by the rise of the populations anger at being left to go hungry and poor, led them to other countries. Even back then America was the destination for the setting up of the New Land or World. We are finding out now that Egyptians actually travelled to America and traded with the Indians. Atlantis is said to have been situated on the Americas, a lavish city of Egyptian origin based around a pyramid shaped university and seat of learning. It is from this connection that the native South American Indians believed unconnected fascination with pyramids arose. Masonry flourished in France and Germany around 1750 and 1800 led on by certain personalities who



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appeared to lend glamour and distinction to the craft. Comte de. St. Germain and Comte Cagliostro being two of them. Benjamin Franklin visited the Court of France in his capacity as American Ambassador and was introduced to Masonry, studying it while he was posted in France. The Basics of their belief. The actual theology of freemasonry was encapsulated in 1889 by one of its leaders, Albert Pike (chosen to lead the Illuminati in the US), when he wrote that; "Lucifer, god of light and god of good is struggling for humanity against ADONAY (the God of the Bible, the father of Jesus Christ), the god of darkness and evil" And Pike also recorded the ultimate goal of freemasonry ; "the world will soon come to us for its sovereigns and pontiffs. We shall constitute the equilibrium of the universe and the rulers over the masters of the world." If you want to find out why you should not be a Mason and a Christian have a look at, it will give you a lot of information. Some Masonic Lodge Badges


The Illuminati is the real driving force behind the rise of the freemasons and the setting up of the New World Order. On May 1st 1776 Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian who was immersed in the occult, with the reputation of a human devil, founded the 'Order of the Illuminati' (a date which appears on the American Dollar). The word Illuminati or enlightened one has always been used to describe those people with special supernatural knowledge or those guided by Lucifer and his teachings. He joined the free masons and brought with him his teachings and secret knowledge of the occult, thus sealing the masons into the realms of Lucifarianism forever. Goals of the New Society. The Illuminati had several goals all designed to work towards the one goal of putting Lucifer in his so-called rightful position as god. They were to be achieved by placing initiates in key policy making positions ands financial institutions in Europe and America. Also; The abolition of Monarchy and national sovereignty, the abolition of private property and inheritance and the abolition of normal family life and of religion.



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Communism and the Illuminati

The Illuminati first through Robespierre, and Babeuf steered the French revolution of 1789-94, which brought in a reign of terror and threatened to topple the whole of Europe. It was their philosophy implemented at the time that a few years later would become the bible for the communist movement. In 1847 the Illuminati formed the Communist League and Marx was commissioned to write the Communist manifesto in 1848. Then in 1859 the Illuminati launched a campaign for International Communism in New York. The Communists were not meant to be the New World Order but a de-stabilising influence on the world and an opposition to any free thinking country that may grow in power. Its goals were that of the occult but it was a working model of the strategies which were to be implemented in the New World Order, abolishment of sovereignty, monarchy, family values and religion. It was an oppressive regime, which leaned towards a secular ideology. It was not only meant to draw people away from free thought and God but in the long run persuade the free world that finance was needed and a national coalition, to fight this red enemy. Either way the Illuminati won.

Lenin and the Illuminati

Lenin, a student of Marx and a Russian revolutionary, was in exile in Switzerland when the 1917 February revolution deposed the Tsar. Who was going to control Russia now? The Illuminati sent Lenin across war-torn europe in a sealed train and financed his successful October revolution with Millions of dollars. The same international bankers also poured inverstment into the new government. In this way the first Communist state was established. Interseting isn't it that communist labour day the world over is May 1st, the day the Illuminati was founded

The West and the Illuminati



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Nearly 2 hundred years ago the founder of the Rothchild banking empire said "Give me control over a nations economy, and I care not who writes the laws". Throughout the 19th century the International bankers succeeded in gaining control of central banks in most European nations. Nationalisation is a cosmetic front. Then in 1913 the American Federal reserve system was founded, which contrary to popular belief is not a government run bank but another privately held bank, run by the International conspirators. The Illuminati over the years has been steadily bringing to life the Lucifarian doctrine of world control by infiltration of influential bodies, through the artificial control of food, energy, finance and international trade. Setting up groups and nations against one another, all controlled financially by them. They make and devise wars to suit political and financial settlements, bringing in and taking out leaders as they see fit. We wonder sometimes when policies we are assured will be put in place, when each part gets into power are slow to materialise. This is because the international bankers have their own policy and this takes precedence over the parties. Contracts have been signed when money was borrowed from the central banking fund set up by the world bankers to get countries tied into contracts for just such an occasion. Markets are made and lost to manipulate the flow of money from one source to another. We are given the illusion we are self governing when in fact we are tied to the world bank like a mortgage.

The Bible forsees the Illuminati Prophetically the seat of this New World Order will not be in New York, but Europe. The vision given in Daniel of the image with 10 toes of clay and iron has usually been interpreted as referring to 10 European nations, especially after the Treaty of Rome was signed by six nations in 1957 to form the European community. This is difficult to picture now as we have passed 10 members and the number is increasing. However studying the teachings of the New Age movement under freemasonry, it reveals that another organisation called THE CLUB OF ROME was formed as recently as April 1968, with the clear blueprint to establish a world government by dividing the world into 10 regions. Most of the directives for planning the world bank and government are coming form this group. The 10 divisions of the world which are referred to as 'kingdoms' are more likely to be the fulfilment of Daniel 2:31-45 and 7:19-28 also revelation 13 and 17:12-14. The kingdoms appointed by the club are;

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

North America Europe Japan Australia Russia South America North Africa and the Middle East, including Israel Central ans Southern Africa India and Malaysia China

A little sign that passed relatively unnoticed which confirms the thought of the powers is the commemorative stamp issued at the second European elections. The scene is taken from a Greek Myth the 'Rape of Europe' and shows a woman, Eurpoa riding a beast. If this was not a sign allowed by God then it was a clear and



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brazen attempt of the Devil to rub our noses into the events unfolding right beneath our feet.

The Biblical reference to this Greek myth can be found in Revelation 17:3,7-17. In the Bible the Woman is described as a scarlet clothed woman, a whore sitting on a beast. She is the religious/political system by which the Anti-Christ and thus the Devil comes to power in the world. The Woman in the bible clearly rapes not only Europe but the world.

American Dollar The dollar is one of the most widely accepted forms of currency in the world, and as such the perfect vehicle to carry the message of the New World Order. If you examine the ,dollar you will see on the reverse are two seals, one of which depicts an egyptian scene. The designs have changed over the years from the original die from 1782. However the masonic influence has not. On closer inspection of the modern seals we can see yet further symbolismwithin the two designs.

Web Sites Of Interest - Parascope is a large site dedicated to the wierd and wonderful. It has many interesting pages, and quite alot of information on the New World Order, although it they don't take Christian stand point. Still worth a visit.

parascope's economics page Another page showing the economic structure of the NWO. The F.B.I on Armageddon An FBI report on the Millennium and Armageddon. Contains some information worth reading.

The Watcher (USA) Excellent site for Biblical based Prophecy and conspiracy. The Links page All links we like and the list is growing.. J Whitley site NWO Intelegence Update . A site with personal but informative information on the NWO.



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Religion and the New World Order Along with a new government will come the new religion. It will have sweeping powers among governments as it will encompass all religions under one roof. This to a Christian is scripturally wrong. Although God asks for tolerance of different peoples, He does not with false religions and techings. This 'oneness' of religious beliefs is not only unworkable but unGodly. The reason all religions will be accepted under one roof is purley one of control. Ultimately one person will be in power, pulling all the purse strings and controlling the places and times of worship. Anyone falling outside the universal belief will be classed as an outsider a rebel and against the common good of man. Who then will take control of this United Faith? and how will they go about policing this religion? Simply the leader will e picked from an existing religion which, in the mind of people, already is the head of the church. He will not only be chosen for his popularity but also for his potential financial control. The world leaders controling the New World Order are financially based to control all governments, and linked to these is the Vatican. The Pope heads an organisation which is financially linked to most major governments. There infulence over certain countries is undeniable and the way in which the Pope is viewed is always one of overseer and not dictitorial.

Click on the logo to go to extracts from the Vatican's web site, describing this logo and the plans for a unification of religions The base for this Universal Faith will be Rome and like the Catholic church of old it will rule with alsolute authority. The Spanish inquisition and plunder of the Aztecs will be all to apparent in the new leadership. This religious union headed by Rome is even prophicied in the Bible. The power of Rome is described as 'The Mystery Babylon'. A religious and political power which will change the face of the world in the not to distant future.

Initiating the NWO Bringing in the New World Order is not something that can be done overnight, it takes time and planning, and it is this time element which causes people to disbelieve. The fact that a group within a country can plan over a 50 year period seem totaly incomprehensible to some. Yet the NWO has been in the planning stage for hundreds of years. The thing people forget is that an idea can be passed on through generations and built on



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during each generation. If it couldn't then we would not have mobile phones, jet engines or space craft. All these have been developed from the first instance some one thought about the idea. The NWO is no different, but it does carry more weight than the above examples because its implimentation would mean control of the world. This idea of world domination is not new and many have tried throughout the centuries. So the idea of the NWO as an ongoing plan is not an alien one the problem is believeing all this could be going on under our noses by people we 'trust' as baing incharge of a country. Alexander the Great ,

Genghis Khan the Romans was limited by technology and the resilience of man, they could only use force and their own limitations to conquer. More upto date contenders such as Hitler used technology but still encorporated it with aggression, forgetting the resilience of mankind and the will to be free. What of the Modern would be's, they are now using ultra modern technology combined with the resourses of government controled servises such as MI5, CIA, FBI and a host of covert organisations dedicated to the 'security' of a country or member states. The subtle conqueror The plan has not been one of aggressive takeover but of subtle control and re-programming. The instigators have learnt that although mankind would feirsly defend their individual freedom, as a group they would over time come to accept certain limitations for 'their own good'. This protective control has been achieved in a world of growing violence and unease concerning our environment. We have handed certain rights over to the authorities on the understanding that 'they' will take the responsibility for our well being and do something where we couldn't. It is not a new concept, if you look at children the world over they put all their trust in the parent, believeing that the parent knows best, and wouldn't want to knowingly hurt the child. And yet every day we see abusses of that trust. this is the same concept but on a larger scale, ad given the level of technology we are currently at, it will not become any easier to initiate. The key to the NWO is controling all aspects of someones life, without seeming to control that person. Let me explain. You have to bring about a situation where by the person willingly hands the reins of their life over to you. This is achieved by controling everything around that person so a level of apathy sets in a feeling of hopelesness, but without making them feel threatened by the loss of self control.

Key factors of control z z z z z z

Transportation and Movement Food and Water Communication Finance (Personal and Corporate) The Power Grid (Electricity,Gas etc) Forms of Retaliation (The Law and Weapons)

This might seem like a tall order, to control all these aspects of our life but as we look deeper you will see they are already there. All the items in the list are in some way interlinked with each other and therefore control of the majority is the key. The rest will follow. The main point of control is MONEY for without it you can buy food or pay your phone, water or electric bills. You wouldn't be able to buy fuel so a car would be useless. An attempt is being made by the World Bank to get rid of money altogether, something which you think will never happen. However it could happen overnight given the right circumstances. A move towards a single currency will be an advantage to the abolition of cash but it is by no means a necessity. Plans have been drawn up to move over to a smart card system, in the event of a financial crash,and as in Germany at the end of the war everyone will be issued with new currency (The card). If you look at the providers of energy, the power stations and gas companies you will notice that they are all being bought and sold with relative ease. As long as the customer gets what they are paying for no one really bothers with the politics of the sale. On deeper examination you will see thet foreign investment is growing in each



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countries service industry. No longer can you say that your local gas company is British owned, or the electric company you have been with is the same one you have now. Britain privatised these companies not for public benefit but for corporate control. There are not too many companies in the world today who can say are at the top of the corporate 'Food chain'. At present in the business world 'take overs' and 'merges' are common place, small profitable businesses are melting into one conglomorate. Eventually we will have the situation where there are a select few who own all the top companies and will be able to dictate to the consumer. It will also have the knock on effect that if the government bring in new laws concerning buying of goods they will have the certainty of getting total coverage of all retail outlets. An important form of control is the ability to stop the people travelling where they want to. In times of crisis if the government can hold people in one place or confine people to an area they can carry on regardless of public opinion. Already the laws have been changed as regards to 'travellers', but the implications go much further as a motorbike rally found out when it was deemed unlawfull. The local authorities tried the new law and it worked, saying a large event was going to draw the wrong sort of people. The wrong 'sort' were law abiding bikers who meet up every year. New laws are generally sneeked through on minority groups but have the result of being used more wide spread. The road system is something which is free and potentially damaging to a government who wants to curb the movement of people. The government is takling this problem in two ways, firstly it is trying to remove as many cars from the road as possible, making it almost impossible for the poorer person to afford to drive. Increase in petrol and road taxes and new rules regarding the MOT (the yearly test for vehicles) will push people onto public transport, which is easily controlled by legislation. The second method of control is to monitor all movement via CAMERAS and tracking devices or methods like toll roads. If you cant stop them travelling then at least make sure you know where they are at all times. Probably not as obvious is FORMS OF RETALIATION, which basically means ways in which you fight the system. In the west we use the Law to combat any form of infringement on our civil liberties, which is in disarray. At present theLAW gives the criminal more rights than the victim, the processing of criminals is slow and flawed by technicalities. In general people are getting disalusioned and want to see a radical change, a move to the 'olden days' of punishment. This is what the NWO wants, a move on the part of the public to ask the government to act. And act it will, to protect the people, laws will become more restrictive, while dealing with the criminal in the way in which the public has asked for. It will be seen as an acceptable trade, freedom for justice. There is a growing concern among politicians that the number of FIREARMS in public hands is a threat to their future plans. Military coups or civil wars are becoming more common as the noose of control extends around the world. The west has combatted this by changing the Law to remove or try to remove the guns from the public domain. In Britain and Australia it was relatively easy, after the slaying of innocent's. In America it is not so easy and the 'right to bear arms' is being fought religiously by the American gun owners. However the government WILL win in the end and it will be due soley to PUBLIC demand.


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