The War On Opium And The Invasion Of Afghanistan, How It Affects Society

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The Opium War and Afghanistan

The War on Opium, and the War in Afghanistan; how it affects society. By David G. Caban, MBA


The Opium War and Afghanistan


Abstract The purpose of this research is too explained that the real reason behind the War on Terror is not only targeting certain militia groups; such as, Al Quida, hunting down Osama Bin Laden, and other related terrorist groups, but rather society. There tends to be a similarity between these two variables the War on Terror, and the War on Drugs, which solely targets society more extensively, and selected cartels, or groups, rather than the drug itself. This tends to be a problematic issue that has posed within society for several centuries. The War on Terror has similarity to the War on Drugs. The War on Terror has targeted the human populations, as did the War on Drugs and Poverty. This was a result of secret political corporate agenda withheld from the public. There are certain corrupt governmental and banking institutions for several centuries that have been involved in the machinery of money laundry to SUPPORT both organized crime syndicates and political party members involved with opium trading. This research will focus on three central elements the historical relation between the opium wars during the early nineteenth century, and the present day War on Terrorism. Secondly, is the cultivation of society that includes taxation of the opium trade, and conflict trade. Lastly, is the byproduct of the drug trade, which is economic devastation of societies both within the past and present day that leads into genocidal activities?

The Opium War and Afghanistan

Table of Contents I. II. III. IV.

Title Abstract Table of Contents Statement of the problem

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Historical roots a. Britain, Japan, and China relation with opium trade b. The correlation in Afghanistan c. Rational Choice Political & Corporate Agenda a. Taxation b. Who’s stemming to gain c. Conflict Trading Cultivating Society a. How opium affects the common man and society b. Creating the Addict c. Genocide d. Recommendation, further studies, and conclusion e. Reference

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Statement of the Problem Disinformation that was communicated through the mainstream media regarding the War on Terror was NOT at all about “terror”, but rather, too reinstitutes the poppy industry in Afghanistan. This is just one of the justifiable reasons for the existing conflict in Afghanistan, however, such issue was either withheld or refrained from the public (Polya, 2005).

Historical Roots Britain, Japan, and China relation to the opium trade The relation between opium trades for the beneficial of economics is nothing new, but rather, a trade that was practice for centuries. Opium trade between Britain and Japan had always served a purpose, such as, benefiting the economical political means that was instituted through both corporate and governmental agendas. One such practice was through British Merchants that traded with China because Britain utilized such practice to smuggled Opium from India, in exchanged for cheap labor, and other Chinese commodities, and resources that benefited the British Community (Hanes & Sanello, 2003). However; when the Chinese officials attempted to prohibit, or restricts the opium trade the British military responded by expanding the open markets that created the ideology of cheap labor (Marez, 2004). Cheap labor was utilized through trading of

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human resources by smuggling humans to either Britain, and-or other nations for the means of trading (Marez, 2004). The ensuing practices of Chinese workers benefited the British trade markets by exploiting labor with the intent to increase in profits, revenue through the opium and other drug trade (Marez, 2004). Eventually, the British were able to benefit immensely, through the process called commodity converging by instituting both labor with opium (Marez, 2004). Therefore, capitalist from other societies tend to adopt similar ideological practices instituted by the British, to view Chinese Labors with opium as a single commodity (Marez, 2004). Opium, which is a drug that is widely used for several different medical means; such as, cough suppressant, pain reliever, diarrhea control and mental treatment (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, pg. 7). Opium was also known as the mystery, or wonder drug (Inaba & Cohen, 2004). However, it benefited both the government and corporate means through illegal drug trade that was infiltrated through the trading process, which included organized crime elements that penetrated societal. Resulting, it has generated billions of dollars that not only benefited white-collar criminal elements (undetected political/corporate crime) that where involved, but also, the segment population that benefited through habitual addiction (Inaba & Cohen, 2004; Polya, 2005). In relation to the War on Terror is to attract the attention away from the exploitation of gaining, controlling the revenue obtain through the cultural trading practices of opium trade, too the heinous war of information intended to pursued the vast majority that the War on Terror is a war between extreme religious political groups. In other words, what the media displays is the information of troop fighting, and not the real

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reason for the existing conflict. For example, throughout history war has to be funded to produce material for the war machine, or secret political corporate agenda; such as, weaponry, supplies and manpower to institute the production of conflict. The Revolutionary War was financed through alcohol and tobacco trading, as well as, government sponsored lottery ticket, because currency at the time did not had as much value (Inaba & Cohen, 2004). Also, Japan benefited from opium trade with Britain, and China, which benefited both the imperialism and military infrastructure of Japan. The opium trade also stimulated their economy, which theoretically benefits nowadayseconomical societies (Barkan, 2001; Thorn, 2002). Opium was first introduced to Japan, as Chinese herbal medication (Opium in Japan Website, 2005). It was used as painkillers, and during this epoch there were no restriction to the cultivation or trading of opium in China. During this period of time it was no different to nowadays methods of trading practices. Through normal practices of trading with Japan, Japan would export their goods, and import opium as a trade commodity, or goods for the intended purposes of medication (Opium in Japan Website, 2005). However, this drug became favorable to the citizenry of Japan. As a result, Japan experience a good segment of its population became addicted to this drug (Opium in Japan Website, 2005). From medically prescribed drug opium became a recreational use that was favorable accepted by the society of Japan, as well as, becoming socially accepted from other local Asian markets (Opium in Japan Website, 2005). The central ideology behind Japan’s import of the opium drug was simply economic reasons. It benefited both the governmental, and corporate elites, not the just

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the addict. It was either Japan profited from the import of the drug, which was sold to the public through illegal merchant trading from China (Brook & Tadashi, 2000). In regards to any practices of suppression of the opium trade from the Japan’s consideration throughout history was ever mentioned (Brook & Tadashi, 2000). However, it is suggested for further research, because little is mentioned on the ground that Japan recommending opium eradication (Brooks & Tadashi, 2000). Throughout Japan’s imperialism both the citizenry of Japan, as well as, the imperial government itself controlled legal system drug trade. Through the vast economic rewards both parts of society benefited, however, Japan was concern for the problematic issues with their citizens that were addicted to the drug (Brook & Tadashi, 2000). In relation to Afghanistan the conduct of war shifts away from the attention of reality, by focusing on the elements of war, and not exploitation. Such as, stealing mineral resources, natural gas, opium (drug trade), and other types of minerals resources that both governmental, and corporations would stem to gain (McCoy, 2004). Also, opium has always been associated with oil and marijuana, which is known culturally in Afghanistan and other neighboring countries as a reward for obtaining either opium drug, oil, or synthetic fibers (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, pg. 7; Thorn, 2002). Marijuana was known as the price reward for attaining such resources (Inaba & Cohen, 2004). The correlation in Afghanistan In relation to the current opium trade in Afghanistan there stems a correlation between both western, as well as, eastern society’s influential with both the opium and drug trade. During the opium war between Britain, Japan, and China it benefited all three

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societies similar to Afghanistan opium trade, which is currently occurring as well as benefiting globally. The opium drug itself was exported from India, which imported to China in exchange for Tea, silver and other different commodities, but mostly tea (Brook & Tadashi, 2000). It benefited the British and Japan imperialist economies, as well as, society’s remedy of illnesses, and disease from the use of the drug (Brook & Tadashi, 2000). This similiarization has been, and is currently occurring now, in Afghanistan. Especially, during the era of eradication, this succeeded during the former Taliban that was removed during the early 2002. The cultivation of the poppy was so devastated between the years of 1996 through 2001 that a twelve member team from the United Nation Drug Control doubted that Afghanistan would ever again cultivated opium (Marez, 2004). Therefore, photos were taken which revealed the vast territory of Afghanistan that showed fields of wheat, not opium, however; just a year prior those same fields were populated with no wheat, but the blood red opium field (Marez, 2004). Soon after the eradicating farmers replanted wheat in place of the poppy seeds (Afghanistan, opium, and the Taliban Website, 2008). The poppy fields may have decreased during this period, but it was not all eradicated because it still was imminently process for international trade, which benefited both the Afghanistan and global economy. There was an important agenda for the continual trading of opium in Afghanistan, pertaining to certain sources, which could not allow two important factors; first, is the eradication, which could potentially cease the trading, and secondly, is the overall

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production of cocaine and morphine that is process from the opium drug. This similarity occurred during the Britain response just prior to the opium war in fact, this is what launched the opium war (Afghanistan, opium, and the Taliban Website, 2008). Japan, also did not wish to fluctuate with the eradicating, because it would impose economic harm with the imperialist, as well as imposing a harmful relation between Japan, and China. Therefore, Britain under desperate measures had to respond through military means that became the ultimate instrument demanding the Chinese Government to reconsider its decision on eradicating the opium trade. The similiarization with the United States, and other neighboring countries within the region responded to the invasion of Afghanistan, which instigated the ideological concept of intensifying the opium trade, and the reinstituting of its entity (Afghanistan, opium, and the Taliban Website, 2005). Therefore, the opium satellites, which needed to be controlled by the United States, must be undermined (Marez, 2004). According to the United Nation Officials that when the manufacture, or plants that operated in Afghanistan, which process the opium would produced the milky substance from the poppy flower, that would convert into heroin. Back in 1999 produced and sold more of the heroin product to both Great Britain, and the North America more than the opium trade that occurred during the era of the Golden Triangle (Afghanistan, opium, and the Taliban Website, 2005). And, during the periods of the opium war which occurred during the early nineteenth century. The Pharmaceutical Corporation that embraces the opium trade through illegal trading is well known in the business market. However; such corporations share the similar commonality that existed prior to the opium war of the early nineteenth century

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such as; the British trading company that was stationed In India that would export the opium to China, and the investments that was provided by the British banking, which was legally authorized by the Queen of England during the early Nineteenth Century, because it was an economical goal. But, the three organizations mentioned which where corrupt businesses like the Chinese merchants, the intelligent community, and certain corrupt governmental officials benefit that have earned from the earlier drug trade share the commonality. In other words, between all three eras, countries (political corruptness), business, and intelligent agency that were involved in the earlier drug trading are the same generalized organizations (Afghanistan, opium, and the Taliban Website, 2008; Macionis, 2000). The central interest is the economical interest that would stimulate not only the Afghanistan Economy, but also the world economy (Afghanistan, opium, and the Taliban Website, 2005; Perkins, 2004). Similar practices also exist within the human trafficking, which is known as such as modern day slavery (Salvation Army Website (2008). In conflict trading will elaborate more on this topic. This practice is a part of the free trade rule, however, the practical application is a social learning behavior development (Barkan, 2001). Individual may learn such concept through enlist process in the agency, organization, corporations and certain government affiliated organization; such as, policing, DEA, and the military (Barkan, 2001). It is considered as a social learning behavior, which is a paramount to white-collar criminality discussed in the differential association theory (Bartol, 2002, pg. 129).

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Rational Choice The reasoning for rational choice is to justify why either the individual, and-or society would conform to acts of deviance, and-or criminality. Rational choice is a theoretical concept that explains why certain deviant choices, such as, criminal behavior are considered, but is determine as justifiable. There are eight elements that classify the theory of human behavior, for example, the human being is an actor. It would perceive to obtain the satisfactory desire through rational means, which includes calculating the means. In other words, weighing out the option by determining the level of offense to the value that one has already attained (Macionis, 2000). For instance; the precept to the opium war in 1839 the Chinese Government declared the drug, opium to be a harmful drug, because of the ramification that had affected society (Marez, 2004). Therefore, to reform society, theoretically it was suggested for a sociological change that would impact society (Macionis, 2000). The declaration Britain responded with military means along with both Japan, and the Chinese Merchants, and corrupts political officials that had illicit in the trade (Tadashi & Brooks, 2000). Therefore, the rational of imposing the opium eradication developed an international rule, which justified Britain military response that threatened China to continue the trading (Tadashi & Brooks, 2000). This culminated for the wealthy corporation and governmental elites that were involved too incurred a vast wealth, which not only benefited the wealthy of those who gain wealth from the trade, but provided a vast wealth of economic opportunity of the surrounding states (Liska & Messner, 2003; Marez, 2004). However; the violation of human rights, which is parallel to the laws of nature when Britain suggested to China that

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Chinese labor would be equivalent to the opium product as one commodity intensify the Chinese Government to pursue the trade (Marez, 2004). Therefore, the violation of human dignity through such justifiable criminal actions of government thought this would be rationale choice for economic purposes (Marez, 2004). The habitual criminal nature and weighing out the options is considered rational choice. However, knowingly that it would benefit economically the laws of humanity, which in similarity to the laws of nature was violated to justify the means of profitability (Liska & Messner, 2003, pg. 37). Similarity, with Afghanistan the United Nations was fully aware of the Taliban eradication of the opium population, production, and distribution to local merchants was not benefiting the common citizenry, rather it benefited both the former Taliban regime, as well as its economy (Thorn, 2002). Since the removal of the former Taliban Government certain members of that society within Afghanistan stem to gain, such as; certain farmers, landowners, as well as local warlords that now control the regions. In addition, political members within the new Taliban Regime put back into power by the evading forces. As a result, the influx of the opium export from Afghanistan, however, prior to the invasion of Afghanistan the opium export since 2002 has been at it’s highest. Political and corporate agenda To determine the relation between both government and corporate involvement with other societies that grow and cultivate, harvest the production of both cocaine and heroin, in addition, to morphine is to closely examine the political corporate economic interest with specific state, such as, Nigeria, Sudan and Afghanistan (Marez, 2004). As

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well as, focusing on trade relation with the current struggle; such as, genocidal activities, human trafficking and drug trading. There are two variables that has always related these two variables, which are called politics and corporation; such as, the banking system, pharmaceutical companies, warlords, defense contractors like; Halliburton, Carlyle Group, political organization, and the opium drug itself, which is a practice that is cross-cultural, which is a generational genetic composition which is a social learning process or behavriol (Macionis, 2000). In other words; earlier societal were successful in such practice therefore; it can become potentially successful to today’s standards, because it involves medication that sole purpose is to treat, and help cure society (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, pg. 4). If certain medication can control pain, as a reliever those who have wealth would want to have the control (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, pg. 4). This would developed the ideological concept too control the drug for several different purposes, or agenda (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, pg. 4). The key word is control, which is to control the flow of the commodities such as; opium, oil, other raw resources that is designed to benefit each state globally, which is the central ideology behind globalization (Van Der Veen, 2003; Wang, 2003). Government and businesses has worked, and would continue too work interchangeable, through means of obtaining wealth through the concept of governmental legislative branches too instigate newer laws that would allow the opportunity too acquire wealth (Inaba & Cohen, 2004). As cited by Inaba & Cohen (2004), mentioned, “governments and business have been involved cultivating, manufacturing, distributing, taxing, and prohibiting drugs” (p. 4).

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Government and corporation cohesively control the economy that can create poverty, economic hardship, jobless; too where the citizenry could potentially become addicts (McCoy, 1972). Therefore; by instituting laws that would benefit corporation importing opium from other countries, such as, Afghanistan, and other neighboring countries, as well as opposing laws that would punish the offender whether it is within the United States or in countries that grow the poppy plant. For example, the prior Taliban Government that was removed controlled the poppy fields and trade. Also, eradicating the poppy population, which intensify the poverty rate within the Afghanistan, therefore; by legally removing the prior Taliban government, so that the United States can control the opium trade, and not the Government of Afghanistan (Goodhand, 2004). After the invasion of Afghanistan the poppy fields were replanted, cultivated, and harvest, sold both domestic and internationally than its prior history (Goodhand, 2004). Also, this created the influx of addicts both within the Country of Afghanistan, as well as within the Western countries (Goodhand, 2004). Opium, and drug trade is the key to control both the mind and social behavior of societal, and this has been practical for several centuries (Inaba & Cohen, 2004). This is the reason why drug trading is very important to both government and corporation, such as, the banking industry, pharmaceutical companies, retailing, to mention a few (Inaba & Cohen, 2004; Thorn, 2002; Cooper, 2004). For example; laws enacted that would allow the medical profession to prescribed medication to known addicts; this channel of infiltration penetrated society too control the state of mind (Inaba & Cohen, 2004).

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The overall concept for the War in Afghanistan as well as conflicts in the Middle East would produce social and psychological, and physiological ramification that would stem to benefit the banking and corporations by implementing certain services. Such as, rehabilitating centers, prescribed certain medication some for experimental usage, which would culminate the profitability of corporation of gaining higher revenue.

Taxation Taxation is a governmental system that provides the means for both financial gain, as well as, developing a financial strategy that would provide economic advantage to domestics and foreign governments and its citizenry (Van Der Veen, 2003). In relation to the drug trade governments would consider employing newer strategies, which could benefit states interest, as well as, society rest. Rest, is through the means of both mind and social control of its citizenry from wars, and civil unrest (Van Der Veen, 2003). The system employs a governmental rule that allows the government to utilize the benefit on the drug trade through the means of taxing the trade. However, it would use the benefit of the drug trade, which is money to be used for state financing (Van Der Veen, 2003). For example; in the late 1990’s the United States placed an embargo against the State of Afghanistan, which would prevent other societies to trade with Afghanistan but, the Taliban Government during that time period was able to utilized its drug trade to other nations through international markets to subsidize its economy (Van Der Veen, 2003).

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The Taliban Government gained total control of the drug and opium trade, as well as, regional domination that was INITIALLY controlled, by the Taliban Government (Van Der Veen, 2003). The government societies in both domestic and internationally operated under the political constitution of the United States, which incorporated international laws that each state must adhere. However, through economical means it can decide to extend the rule, by employing taxation from the illegal drug trade, which would benefit states economy. In addition, government and corporate earnings, which would benefit through both the illicit drug trading, and conflict trading that would coerce certain states to accept drug trade in exchange for non-military goods. Such as, copper, zinc, and other resources for technological advancement benefiting modern societies to avoid civil unrest (Cooper, 2002; Van Der Veen, 2003). For example, Nigeria, which would trade minerals, such as, zinc, copper, and other related resources for technological development in exchange for opium trading (Van Der Veen, 2003). The power to rule is too extract the earnings from the resources or commodities involved in trading, such as, drug opium trade and other commodities (Van Der Veen, 2003). Also, the power to rule is the power to tax the drug trade, because it would be utilized to create a powerful state by building a military strength, which would defend itself from either civil unrest, and-or a foreign invasion (Van Der Veen, 2003).

Who stemming to gain The forces involved in the illicit drug trade are several different local and international government, and corporations that have the power to rule, and the power to

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tax the illicit drug trade. Constituting the means to institute laws, which would control its citizenry, both mind and social control (Van Der Veen, 2003). The instituting of laws that enforces the taxation of the drug trade is in similarity to governments that would borrow loans from international banking, such as, International Monetary Funds (IMF) and the World Bank, which develops the causal affect for inflation (Van Der Veen, 2003). The elements that gain from the drug trading are as follow: 1. The drug cartels 2. Dealers on the streets 3. The addicts 4. Other crime organization 5. Pharmaceutical companies 6. Doctors, who are educated by the pharmaceutical companies how to prescribe the drug to their patients. In addition, to hospital institutions, which are, the aim for government, corporations, and the banking system would rely on benefiting from the illicit drug trade (Van Der Veen, 2003). In other words, supporting terrorism is not just supporting a local dealer that supplies society or certain militia groups, but is supporting the clandestine operation that involves, government, banking institutions, and corporations (Thorn, 2002; Van Der Veen, 2003). Therefore, laws have been passed, which would allow doctors to prescribed medication to their client, patients without the medical practioner evaluation of their clients (Van Der Veen, 2003). Medical practioner are encouraged by both

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pharmaceutical, medical institution to reach a certain quota to sell certain drugs, and-or narcotics for profitability (Van Der Veen, 2003). This practice is nothing new it is a generational practicum, which existed for centuries. For example, in the United States the government in the past would earn thirtyfive percent tax from both the alcohol, and tobacco earnings from the industry (Van Der Veen, 2003). Therefore, under that same theory, this would be utilized from the opium trade. The taxation that is extracted from the drug trading stimulates the economy, it creates states, and wars (Van Der Veen, 2003). The ideology behind the drug trade is the mechanism that can extract natural resources from other societies to gain and benefit, which is used to trade to other societies that would gain through COERCIVE means to avoid civil unrest (Van Der Veen, 2003).

Conflict trading Conflict trading is played while the process of trading is practical during a state collapse (Cooper, 2002). The types of commodity that are traded internationally are considered non-military goods (Cooper, 2002). Non-military goods that are traded are timber, copper, oil, diamonds and drugs (Cooper, 2002). These commodities are traded with intended banking and business financial means that would stimulate any economy. For example, the Afghanistan trading on non-military goods, such as, opium trading, oil, would be utilized to finance Afghanistan, and-or the Gulf War, which is Iraq (Thorn, 2002). Similarity during the Golden Triangle Era, which existed during the Vietnam Campaign period that was finance for the war effort, as well as opening the western

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corridor of drug infiltration into Great Britain, and the United States, North America (Cooper, 2002; McCoy, 1976; Thorn, 2002). Normal trading occurs when trading of commodities that may include trading of military goods without state collapse, and-or not involve with any conflict, such as, civil wars or conflict with other states (Cooper, 2002). However, war probability have certain preference to drug trading, such as, to maintain peace either within the region and-or other states. Foreign countries within the Continent of Africa would agree in exchange for drug trading for raw materials, because it would be utilize for technological advances. Technological advances is obtaining the necessary resources; such as, copper, zinc, and raw materials that would produce, manufacture computers; mobile phones, microwaves that would be marketable to western markets (Cooper, 2002). States, such as, Nigeria would accept the avoidance of civil wars, social unrest of conflict with neighboring nations, therefore; such ideological trading concept would be considered, because it would not only provide social rest, but would benefit the world economy (Cooper, 2002). This is the consequences of globalization, which creates the ideology of suppressing military aids to foreign states, but would coerce other states (countries) to agree with the opium trade from Afghanistan (Cooper, 2002). Therefore, these countries that are deprived the economic gratitude would have to incurred the option, by pursuing both local and global economics of the open trading of their resources in order to receive the necessary financial aide that would benefit their economics to their society (Cooper, 2002). Similarity interaction occurred during the late 1970’s when the Central Intelligent

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Agency (CIA) utilized American Tax dollar to institute the military campaign called the freedom fighters (Cooper, 2002). Drug trade practices gained in the opium trading had affected society throughout the Middle East, western societies, which created the addict (Cooper, 2002). Both within the past earlier opium trading between nations, such as, Great Britain and China was the result of war when China (Chinese Government) refused the import and export of opium trading with Great Britain. The opium, cocaine, heroin addicts of that period increases immensely, because opium trading BENEFITED in the stimulation their (Great Britain, China and India) economy (Cooper, 2002).

Cultivating society Cultivating society is to control the flow of the economy of not just one particular society, but rather several. In Afghanistan the former Taliban Government controlled the opium trading, which became their milestone in stimulating their economy. However; it deprived society because poor peasants and farmers could only grow, cultivate, and harvest wheat, nothing more and only certain warlords would be allow the cultivation of the opium crop (Trout, 1997). The opium trading included the planting, cultivating, and harvesting the crop opium brought about great rewards. For example, the typical everyday farmer today would earn well over $6,000.00 a month in U.S. Dollars, in contrast what they would have earned in the past through wheat. Harvesting wheat would only provide $750.00 in U.S dollars a month therefore; under the new Taliban Government this segment of society is gaining immensely from the opium trading. And, not just the militant groups,

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or the warlords that since 2002 had became members of the NEW Taliban Regime in Afghanistan (Thorn, 2002). The ideology centering to grow, cultivates, and harvests opium rather than the nutritional product, such as, wheat, which would benefit society. Because of the fact, it benefits economically for both domestic, and international. Although, it posses a threat to the human species throughout society (Trout, 1997). How the opium drug affects the common man and society The affects that society has on the opium drug is that once injected into the system it would travel through down the esophagus into the stomach walls, and through the small intestines into the bloodstream (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, pg. 142-143). Once the opium drug reaches the bloodstream it would eventually lead into the brain, which houses the central nervous system (CNS) (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, pg. 144). Depending upon how the opium drug was injected would vary on how soon, or quick it would the reach either the brain and-or the central nervous system (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, pg. 144). If the opium drug was taken orally, which was the first process in history it would take anywhere between 20-30 minutes to reach the central nervous system. If it were taken through the process of smoking it would reach the brain much sooner, because it would require the user to inhale the opium drug for a longer duration period, therefore, it would reach the central nervous system at a faster rate between 7-10 minutes. However, it would affect other physiological aspects of the individual, or society, also potentially developing potential psychological and social ramifications. The individual can develop embryonic carcinoma, which is lung cancer, as well as other potential cancerous diseases. If starting to intake the opium drug at an early age, it would potentially shorten the

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individual’s lifespan, because of the affect that the drug could do to the physical and physiological components of the human body (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, 146). The practice of taking the opium drug is very addicting, because opium is a healing, but potently very addicting (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, pg. 6). The psychoanalytic affect of the drug has led individual, and society to innovate different methods to stimulate a quicker high such as; intravenously (IV), which has develop a far more dangerous disease known as HIV abbreviated for Human immunodeficiency Virus, AKA AIDS. This disease has been one of the more potent diseases to mankind that has affected society. The HIV Virus is potent to reduce the immune system by controlling the development of its resistance such as white-blood cells, as well as other chemicals in the human body to fight-off illnesses and diseases (Inaba & Cohen, 2004, pg. 354). The opium drug can be excreted from other types of drugs, or stimulants that produces often a quicker high, and-or pleasurable enjoyment for an occasion that is fatal. Such as; designer drugs (ecstasy, and other design stimulants), cocaine, heroin which are popular stimulants that not only produces a quicker high, but is more expensive, as well as is addictive. Therefore; society has developed other types of stimulants, such as, New Heroin, or White China, which are chemical stimulants to replace either the heroin, or cocaine that derives from the opium plant (Inaba & Cohen, 2004). Laws have been implemented that would allow certain medical practioner to develop new drugs to control known heroin addicts, but has been devastating because these known drug addicts overdose on such experimental drug. Does this constitute as a genocidal? The exposure of opium to society can shorten societal lifespan. Is this the idea that centers on population control? Governmental influencing society regarding “war on

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drugs” is it intended to commit horrific acts of genocide for the sake of economic means? This sort of practices is nothing new, but has been an historical practice for centuries. The idea is too extract economic gain from society, which is what globalization is centers on so, it can develop a better economical strategy that would benefit globalist, and not any one society (Trout, 1997). One such atrocity committed in Afghanistan that when a family owes for trading, but cannot pay the debt owed to drug traders, warlords, and if daughters were negotiable the trade would accept the daughters as payment. In other words, the daughters are sold within the human trafficking markets, which is also a vehicle utilized for drug transport from both Afghanistan, and other neighboring societies (Trout, 1997). Creating the addict During the opium trading from early nineteenth century to current nowadays, opium is a drug that is very addicting, and it has affected society for generations (Trout, 1997). It has provided more harm to society than the intended use of curing illnesses, and diseases. It induces the psychoanalytic mind and social environment of the victim, which culminates the affects of their physiological and psychological, as well as, sociological aspects of both the individuality and-or societal (Trout, 1997). For example, seldom an opiate addict can live beyond fifty-years, however, heavy smokers has a life expectancy of five years (Trout, 1997). Is this the intended means of exterminating society, especially within Afghanistan, as well as other societies? This is a common practice of several powerful elements, such as; crime syndicates, corrupt governmental officials, and clandestine operation, which aim on society, and not the drug, which is a reflection on how too

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impact society for centuries for the simple means called economics. In other words, by controlling the global economy, while considering opium as a trade commodity, it would be an imperative goal to intensify more opium, and-or drug addicts that would stimulate the economy (Goodhand, 2004). Therefore, what would be the life expectancy of over millions Asians, and other members of society that are addicted to the opium drug? Which is an example of genocidal activity in Middle Eastern Regions. This is an example of genocidal activity is obtaining the knowledge (act of knowingly) of the endangerment the opium drug can have on any individual, and the serious affects it can impose on society (Goodhand, 2004). Obvious, as it is today, is the continuum influx of the opium drug trading within international markets. Increasing opium drug production would only provide vast economical rewards, but continuously benefiting the users. As a result, it can potentially curtail their life expectancy. In contrary to the pharmaceutical corporations, banking industry, as well as, other corporate interest that would gain vast economic rewards (Trout, 1997). This was the artistry of the early British relation with India. India was an already established society, which at the time acquired a relatively stable economy (Trout, 1997). It had the leading cloth manufacturer plant, as well as other commodities, which were sold in exchange for economical purposes of stabilities. Through the British intervention during the industrial revolution the British government, as well as its corporate interest discovered opportunities to lure India, and other societies into an economical hardship by coercing into global trading (Trout, 1997). The society of India suffered tremendous financial travesty, which developed depression, sickness and death. This practice of ideology was for the intended purpose of

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controlling India main resources of soil to grow, cultivate, and harvest the greatest destruction to man-opium. Genocide Genocide by definition is an act of killing society, however, it is also, by destroying the livelihood of society whether by race or social status. Historically, the relation between India, and Britain during the early nineteenth century both the British Government and corporate interest insisted on dominating the East Indies economy. Therefore, by destroying the economical infrastructure of India and forbidding any economic assistance that would enhances any development that would benefit society. The East India Company was a British corporation, which was developed as a product during the Venetian takeover of England during the early16th Century (Trout, 1997). This company was also known as a “Levant Company”, which is an organization govern by the Vatican, as well as a fusion of both the relation between Turkey and Venice organization in 1592 (Trout, 1997). Its aim was too formed the East India Company which will be employed by the British Government Monarchy that would developed a perpetual charter for the monopoly of trade with the West Indies (Trout, 1997). This mechanism began the spin-off or pilot to control the economical infrastructure of other societies, especially; during the era of the industrial revolution, such as, India, China, and other related countries within the Southeast Asia regions (Trout, 1997). Once it establishes certain governmental connections within India, it began too developed trading, and it was limited during the early phases in areas of both Calcutta, and Bombay (Trout, 1997). Soon afterwards it began trading with Bengal,

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India, which later intensifies with military intervention, because Britain wanted too imposed colonization within the region (Trout, 1997). This eventually led into a disaster of society in Bengal that lead into the killings of thousands of citizens within this particular region. As a result, it became the major headquarters, and theme of the East India Company (Trout, 1997). The goal of the East India Company was to captivate the India economy, as well as other economical statuses of local societies, therefore, to do so the British would instigate threats, which lead into hostile acts. And once the British occupied territory the British would impose harsh taxes for the citizenry of the region to pay (Trout, 1997). Once the territory was captures it lead into colonization, which became the initial phases of genocidal activities that the British Army imposed on the citizenry of India (Trout, 1997). As a result, it lead to the deaths of perhaps of millions of Indian's in India during this period. Eventually, the British took control of the economical infrastructure of India, by imposing harsh taxes, slavery and forbidding any economical development. During the sociological changes it lead into massive unemployment, starvation and the deaths of millions, which is an act of genocidal activity imposed by the British (Trout, 1997). In relation to Afghanistan it was country that was previously governed by the former Soviet Union (Bonosky, 2002). During the late 1970's the United States and Britain wanted to gain control of the region because of communist aggression within the region, and the potential resources that would stem to benefit capitalistic interest (Bonosky, 2002). Therefore, the Central Intelligent Agency through American Taxpayer dollar would develop a militaristic army known as the “freedom fighters” to invade Afghanistan (Bonosky, 2002). As a result, it led into the development of the Taliban, Al

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Quida, and Majahideen, which was led by a CIA asset known as Osama Bin Laden. And, other militia groups, and warlords, who are currently governmental officials that ensure the stability of the opium trading continue to this day with international markets (Trout, 1997). These organizations has had notoriety for human rights violation against women, and children, as well as, prevented educational and infrastructure developments that would have benefited society. Instead, it has utilized its citizenry to grow, cultivate, and harvest the opium crop, which benefits criminal activity in not just only within the region, but also globally (Trout, 1997). If the citizens of Afghanistan refused to either work in the opium industry, enlist with militia organization, or human trading then they would stem the likelihood of starvation, killed, or remain in poverty (Trout, 1997). Iterate, the Afghanistan society would be deprived the economical means for development too survive such acts is considered genocidal; because it is also controlled through governmental means called both the former Taliban, and NOW the NEW Taliban established by the same governmental powers that relieve the old Taliban Regime. In addition, the United States implemented continues “war” within the region that provides financial benefit for the criminality elements within the Afghanistan region, such as, well-known corporations (defense and oil industries) and international crime organization (Trout, 1997).

Conclusion Opium trading has been a problematic issue throughout history. It has provided the benefit that society needed to help cure illnesses, disease, and typical ailments; such as, cough suppressants and medication. Historically, Britain, Japan, and China had long stemmed too gain from such trading. The relation of this trade has been equivalent with trading of normal commodity, such as; tea, silver, coffee, zinc, copper, and other raw materials that would benefit other societies for several different mean. However, war and

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the lives of millions had perished in lieu to the opium trade, which is considered genocidal. When the former China emperor realized the affect that the opium product has imposed on society suggested banning the opium trade through the process called eradication. The result was devastating because the Queen of Britain, and the western societies who thought likewise such suggestion, or orders from another society would not be taken lightly. Instead, would suffer severe military intervention leading into conflicting relation, or reaction, which caused the lives of innocent of millions of men women and children. Especially, within the society of India when the East India Company of Britain, which monopolized the West Indies Economy committed several acts of aggression that caused the deaths of millions of Indian’s throughout India. Early globalization was center on the selfish means of wealthy development nations, such as, Britain, United States, and certain corruptible government officials within China, and other neighboring countries, which also benefited in the opium trading. The historical relation that Britain had with both China, and Japan, it became a hazardous lesson that future generations would learn to adapt. For example, Afghanistan is now the world’s leading opium supplier, which provides 80 percent of the world’s opium trade. Prior and during the opium wars India supplied the world’s opium trade. Within a country that stemmed the highest poverty rate and one of the highest human rights violations it still produces more heroins in value over billions of U.S. dollars. The war in Afghanistan was not much targeting certain militia groups, such as, Al Quida, and Osama Bin Laden, and other related militia groups. Instead, the war is more of a façade for the continual business practices of providing the world’s greatest opium

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trade since the inception of society. What would this produce? It would produce more populated addict, as well as less funding to cure the worse depravity known to man, which is poverty, addictions and AIDS. Recommendation for future study on this topic is to allow the eradication of the opium trade, by allowing other means to utilized for trading, such as, trading other commodities, which would benefit society and too focus on the best interest of society. Similarity, to the best interest of the child, and-or the concept of no child left behind, therefore, if the opium drug is potent to humanity, it should be banned from societal reach. However, laws should be implanted holding corporations, and governmental officials accountable for white-collar criminality. Also, further research on this matter should focus on two variables, such as, the relation between the opium drug, and whose hand controls this trading.

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