The Wages Of Sin

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 3,376
  • Pages: 7
The Wages of Sin By Kirsty James Copyright 2000-03-21 All rights reserved

God, we were broke! Being hard up was nothing new of course. We'd been there a hundred times before. Trying to eke out the meagre contents of the broken down, noisy, flatulent monster that passed as a fridge, was nothing new to me. I could have written a best selling cookbook on '100 ways to cook fresh air,' and probably knew more ways of serving baked beans than any woman in history. I'd often speculated that if the fat cats at Heinz knew about my accomplishments with their life saving product, then that big blue 57 on the can would have to be reversed. 'Heinz 75 varieties' I chuckled to myself. It has a certain ring about it. Almost as quickly as it had started, the chuckle died in my throat, to be replaced by a series of deep, soul wracking sobs, as the reality of the situation finally hit home. It was only the fourteenth of the month and we were already out of money. I had no idea how I was going to work my magic this time. No money! No food! How the hell could I send Bob off to work with nothing in his belly? I looked down through tear misted eyes to discover that I had been ironing his favourite shirt for the last ten minutes. Somehow, it made everything seem ten times worse. If only! Those two small words were the most hated in my whole vocabulary. If only I hadn't been struck down with a bout of severe agoraphobia that prevented me from leaving the house, getting a job, and contributing towards the relief of our current financial predicament. If only Bob hadn't gone soft and coughed up his worthless brother's fine, when he had been done for drink driving. If only Bob's company would finally give him the supervisors position that they had been dangling in front of him for the last year. It seemed that our lives were held in stasis, revolving inexorably around those two hateful words. As I wrenched myself back to the present, throwing off the dark cloud of depression that had settled over me, I remembered the couple of quid that I had stashed away in my top drawer the week before last. The new tights would have to wait. At least we would eat tonight! I glanced at the clock. An hour to go before Bob got home. Grabbing a pencil and a sheet of paper from the mantle-shelf, I scribbled a quick shopping list. Jason, Peg's son from next door, was my lifeline. Without so much as one word of complaint, he would willingly run any errand that I requested. I think he must have a bit of a crush on me, but since he's only eleven, I don't envisage taking advantage of his attentions. From the open door I watched Jason scampering down the path with my note, and our last two quid, clutched protectively in his right hand. He'd be about half an hour, he had told me, as he wanted to pop into one of his friends houses, to borrow the latest electronic offering from Nintendo. Something to do with how many aliens you can kill in the shortest possible time. At least, that's what I think he'd been talking about. It's all double Dutch to me. One thing I do know is that if the earth ever gets

threatened by alien invaders, then I hope that they put Jason in charge of our defence forces. The boy is a natural! I sometimes get a picture in my mind of top level brainstorming sessions in the boardroom of Nintendo's HQ, with the words 'GET JASON' emblazoned on the walls. They're wasting their time! Jason is alien proof! I watched as the world's 'great white hope' disappeared round the corner, and then turned to go and lug my ironing up to the airing cupboard. I was just placing the last of Bob's shirts onto the tidy pile that rested on the wooden slats, when the seed of an idea that had sown itself in the hidden recesses of my mind earlier, suddenly germinated. The truth of the matter is that it didn't so much germinate, as hurtle upwards and burst into violent bloom. I reviewed it quickly, before giants started clambering down it, and small boys named Jack came running up the path intent on chopping it down. If I was going to have to tell Bob that the meagre amount of housekeeping money that he'd been able to give me at the start of the month, had finally run out. Then I was going to do it in style. I would make sure that, for this evening anyway; he would not go hungry for anything. Striding, in a determined manner, into our bedroom, I sat down on the bed, reached down, and pulled open the bottom drawer of the dresser. Perhaps I should have mentioned before, although it wouldn't have been very seemly when young Jason the alien killer was around, but my Bob has a fetish. It's not what you would call a bad fetish, or even a very original fetish really. He simply likes to watch me dressed up as a typical English schoolgirl. Although I am in my late twenties, I have always been told that I look years younger. My petite five foot two inch frame has always turned heads. When I put my long blonde hair up into bunches; however, I still have trouble getting into 18 rated films. The only give-away are my breasts. Squeezed into my Wonderbra, the way Bob likes to see them, I look like the perfect role model for the film, Pamela Anderson meets Baby Spice! (That last line was just for you Charlie!) Over the last couple of years, we have collected, via second-hand shops I hasten to add, all the necessary accoutrements to fulfil my man's fantasy. It was these garments that I pulled out of the open drawer and laid on the bed beside me. Slipping out of my clothes I popped into the bathroom, donned my shower cap, and had a quick shower in order to wash off the days grime. Normally I love the feeling when I whip the showerhead off its holder and aim it between my legs, today however; the shower was purely functional. The fun would have to wait till my man got home. I shivered in anticipation. Our financial problems had been getting to Bob recently. His sex drive had run out of gas. He had been running on an empty tank for nearly two months now. 'Time for a top-up baby.' I chuckled to myself. Patting myself dry on the way, I headed back into the bedroom. I did a little twirl as I passed the full-length mirror on the wardrobe. 'Implants?' I said aloud as I watched the reflection of my full breasts bouncing perkily, 'who needs them? Eat your heart out Pamela!' I love the feel of my Wonderbra caressing my breasts; love the way it persuades them to form the deep V of my cleavage. More to the point, I knew that Bob loved it too. Tonight was going to be a night to remember. Suddenly I remembered that Jason the

destroyer was due back at any second. I slipped on my white silk thong, betting to myself that not too many English schoolgirls went to classes with their bare asses almost hanging out of their skirts. Good job really! Bob would have spent his entire days hanging round school gates! I pulled on the plain white cotton blouse, making sure that the second and third buttons were undone, just the way he liked it, so that my cleavage was on full display but it looked accidental. A loose knot finished off the yellow and green tie, just before I pulled the tiny green pleated skirt up over my hips. I was already starting to feel horny and had to seriously restrain myself from letting my fingers head north for a little dabble as I hitched the white socks up my slender calves. Black patent leather, low heeled, pumps completed the outfit. As I brushed my hair and pulled it into two, golden blonde, bunches, I knew that I looked very sexy. Sort of innocent and wanton in one exciting little package. Poor old Bob didn't stand a chance. Ding-Dong! Jason the magnificent was back! I slipped on my long housecoat, knowing that if I answered the door dressed as I was, poor Jason would probably never reach twelve. A sobering thought that one! I pictured Jason reeling up the path, hands clutching his chest, as hoards of aliens watched from the dark side of the moon, rubbing their feelers together in glee. Gossard & Co had a lot to answer for! Jason came and went without any problems. The Earth was safe! I carried the pathetic ingredients of Bob's Last Supper through to the kitchen, and was just about to attack the King Edwards with my trusty peeler, when I heard a car crunching its way up our pebble drive. Bob was early. He was never early! Something had happened! He'd been fired; had an accident; caught mumps; a million thoughts crossed my mind as I threw off the ugly quilted housecoat and raced back to the front door, and flung it open. Hey! Where's the fire! A deep masculine voice chuckled, as its owner placed his hands on my shoulders to prevent me from running straight into him. 'What's happened?' I gasped, ' Is it Bob? Has he....' 'Whoa...whoa...whoa! The voice's owner interrupted, 'Bob's fine! He just asked me to drop in and tell you that he's been called over to Head Office and that he's going to be a couple of hours late. That's all!' I felt my legs start to give way and, without thinking, slumped into this stranger's arms out of sheer relief. 'You must be the delectable Julie, that I've heard so much about,' the deep voice rumbled through the chest that my head was pressed against, 'and from what I've seen so far, Bob wasn't exaggerating!' 'Exaggerating about what?' I asked, pulling away from his encircling arms and taking a pace backwards. 'Who are you anyway? Why has Bob had to go to Head Office?' 'Can I take one question at a time please?' The stranger replied with a twinkle in his eye. 'And my name is Joe by the way.' 'Sorry!' I answered with a sheepish grin on my face, as I realised how I must be coming across. ' Please. Come inside and tell me what's going on.' I studied Joe with interest as he walked past me and into the lounge. Now! I'm not trying to make any excuses for my behaviour, but you do have to remember that I hadn't had any sex for nearly two months, and this guy was gorgeous. Joe was about six two, broad shoulders, narrow hips, and eyes so blue that it looked as though you

could swim in them. I felt several distinct flutters floating around in the general area of my groin as I watched him lower his long, sexy, body down onto the sofa. 'Sorry about the state of the place, I've been doing the ironing.' 'And I thought it was a surfboard!' Joe replied with a laugh as he nodded towards the ironing board. I found myself laughing with him. It felt good. It wasn't till I bent down to unplug the iron, and heard a sharp intake of breath from behind me, that I remembered how I was dressed. Joe had just been given an eyeful of my bare arse. I felt a perverse pleasure at his reaction, and have to admit that I stood back up very slowly. As I turned round to face him, I watched his eyes lock onto the cleavage that was on display through the open buttons of my blouse. He knew that I was watching, but made no attempt to look away. I found his obvious appraisal very erotic. Those flutters were becoming more insistent. 'Why has Joe had to go to Head Office?' I asked as I stared down into his eyes. 'Something to do with his promotion, I think.' 'Oh wow! It's come through at last!' I shrieked in glee. 'It obviously means a lot to you.' 'You don't know how much.' I babbled pleasurably. Then, suddenly, I was telling this total stranger all about our financial crises, and how they had affected our lives. It felt good to let all that pent up frustration out. 'Of course, things probably won't improve till the end of next month, at the earliest.' I finished lamely, realising that my elation had been a bit premature. 'I could help.' 'How?' I asked. 'I'll give you fifty quid to take that blouse and skirt off.' 'What?' 'I said, I'll give you fifty quid to take that blouse and skirt off.' 'I know what you said,' I replied, 'I just couldn't believe that you said it.' 'Why not?' he replied totally shamelessly, 'you know that I find you attractive, you've known since I came to the door.' I couldn't deny that. 'Bob won't be home for a couple of hours. 'You're broke! I'm not!' I watched as he ticked his points off on his fingers. ' And you're very pleasing to look at! It's a simple business transaction! Couldn't be any simpler really,' he added. ' The way I see it, the arrangement would suit both of our needs.' I stood there, just staring down at him, for what seemed a lifetime. On the one hand, I wanted to slap him round the face and order him out of my house, on the other, the fridge was empty, and I wouldn't be showing any more than I would on any beach. 'Fifty quid?' I queried, 'just to take my blouse and skirt off?' 'A bit of a dance while you do it would help,' he replied, holding his right hand out towards me. I looked at the five crisp ten pound notes that he held between his thumb and forefinger, and made my decision. 'No one must ever know about this.' I said as I took the money and laid it on the mantle-shelf on my way over to the record layer. 'That goes without saying.' Joe agreed as he made himself more comfortable on the sofa. 'I'm not going to tell a soul.' For some reason, I believed him. As the first notes of Joe Cocker's great song, 'You can keep your hat on,' drifted out of the speakers, I began to move. I stared into his eyes, my gaze unwavering, as I swayed in time to the sexy beat of the music. Slowly I removed my tie, moving over towards

him I leant over and draped it round his neck. He tried to make a grab for me, but I was too quick for him. Next, I pulled the blouse out of the waistband of my skirt and started to undo the buttons from the bottom upwards. When all the buttons were undone, I turned my back on him and slid it off my shoulders. I heard him gasp again as I turned back and he saw my full breasts nestling in their lacy cups. The music was reaching its climax. I unbuttoned the waistband of my skirt, and as the tune came to its end I let the skirt fall to the floor and stood there facing him in just my thong and bra. 'Play it again,' he said huskily, 'and there's another fifty if you take your bra off!' By this time, I was really enjoying the effect that I was having on him. The bulge of his erection, clearly showing through the thin material of his trousers, acted like a magnet to my eyes, and confirmed the fact that my sex appeal was still intact, despite Bob's recent lack of interest. I took the proffered money. My bra came off almost as soon as the music restarted. I watched Joe move his hand down to his lap and start to rub his cock through the material as his eyes glued themselves to my swaying breasts. His breathing got louder as I ran my hands over my nipples and he watched me tease them till they stood out proudly from the surrounding flesh. It came as no surprise when he hoarsely breathed one word. 'Panties.' Another fifty pounds joined the growing pile just before I peeled the thong away from my body and allowed my fingers, at last, to caress the outer lips of my soaking slit. I watched, in fascination, as Joe raised his body and slid his trousers and pants down past his knees. His erect cock, much bigger than Bob's, swayed and twitched as he slicked his right hand up and down the shaft. Completely carried away by this time, I slid down onto my knees in front of him, slipped two fingers deeply into my streaming pussy, and started to finger fuck myself towards my rapidly approaching orgasm. Joe's hand was now flying up and down the thickly veined shaft only inches away, in front of me. Unable to resist the temptation any longer, I leaned forwards and engulfed the end in my hot mouth. Incredible feelings raced through my body as I hurtled down the orgasmic trail, while Joe's huge cock slid in and out of my mouth. 'Fuck me!' he whispered urgently. 'Please fuck me! A hundred quid! It's all I've got left!' I needed no second bidding. I jumped to my feet and climbed up onto his lap so that I was facing him, my knees either side of his legs. Raising myself up, I positioned his thick cock into the tight entrance of my slippery passage, then sat down with a single fluid movement. We both gasped as his big cock rocketed into my body and I started to lever myself up and down its impressive length. There was no way that either of us were going to last very long, we had both been on the brink even before we started fucking. With a roar of pure pleasure, Joe lifted his hips off the sofa as his cock pulsed and he shot his seed deep into my welcoming body. I heard myself shouting. 'Yes! Yes! Yes!' as bolts of orgasmic electricity flashed and flared through my nervous system. I had never experienced anything like it. My legs were still trembling long after Joe had gone and we had both agreed that although we had enjoyed our selves, it must never happen again and no one should ever find out about it. I couldn't stop counting the money though. Two hundred and fifty quid for having the time of my life. I couldn't believe it. I hadn't given any

thought to how I was going to explain it, or indeed, if I was going to explain it at all. Maybe it would be better to carry on as normal, letting Bob think that I was making do on what he had given me. I still hadn't decided when he turned up. 'Hello girl!' he shouted as he came in through the door. 'What a bloody day I've had! Get your glad rags on, I'm taking you out for a meal.' 'How can we afford to do that?' I asked. 'Did Joe pop round?' 'Yes,' I replied, 'he seemed like a nice guy.' 'He told you about my promotion?' 'Yeah! I got really excited!' I tried to keep the smile from showing on my face as I told him that. 'And what about the other?' Bob asked. 'Other?' 'Yeah! The two hundred and fifty quid that me brother paid me back today. I gave it to Joe to pass onto you. Don't tell me he forgot it?' 'No!' I replied, feeling myself go cold, 'it's on the mantle-shelf in the lounge.'

The Wages of Sin By Kirsty James Copyright 2000-03-22 All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any format without the written permission of the author. [email protected]

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