The Unspoken Truth Prelude To Chapter 8

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  • Pages: 3
Prelude to Chapter 8 “So I am the only one left,” a man’s voice said. It was black everywhere, and there was silence. Only his sound echoed through the nothingness to no end. “I must say, you have been very lucky to have survived an encounter of all my colleagues, even destroy them. This is something I have never seen before. Bravo,” he congratulated and I can hear clapping noises. He doesn’t sound like my imposter, though. I opened my eyes. In front of me was a yellow silhouette of a person. “Good morning, my friend,” he said. I looked around, and all I can still see is nothing but blackness, except for the yellow shade that emanates from him. “Who are you?” I asked. “Who am I? Yoshio, do you notice that your question is, sorry to say, stupid?” He asked back. “I am the last of the even that you already defeated.” “So that means you’re Pride, then?” I asked. “Well, what do you think?” He asked again. “Ok…well, what do you want?” I demanded. This was strange; from what I could understand, there was an interval between the sins to appear. But why suddenly he came up to me when yesterday I had just defeated Envy? “I can tell you why. I came earlier, even instantly, because the beginning of you end is about to begin,” he pronounced. The whole area now seems to be shaking. “Hey, how come? That’s not fair! At least give me some more time!” I demanded. “Well, bad luck, my boy, I guess life can sometimes be unfair. Guards,” he said as he disappeared. I looked around in panic. There was nowhere to go, nowhere safe. In front of me, I can see a big figure emerging from the eternal shadows. As I t got closer, I was so astonished, I couldn’t even move. What I see is a humongous, metallic gold dragon. It had 2 heads, each with 6 crowns, and their eyes are a blazing crimson. Their teeth are dripped in blood, their 6 wings, located in their back, with metallic scale-like feathers, flapped furiously, and its tail, in the shape of a scorpion’s tail, is swinging madly. But that’s not what’s important. What’s more important, is that in their chest, someone is imprisoned in a tube, sleeping. And I couldn’t who believe who was there. “Y-Y-Y-Yuki!!!” I shouted at her. But of course, she didn’t reply. “What’s going on? Why is she there?” I was shocked because she was involved as well. Why did I care, one may ask? Although we were just friends, I love her. “Hey, you two headed bastards! Release her, now!” I furiously demanded. My fists were blue because of the anger I’m trying to hold. “Get through us before you can get through her…”They both spoke with a strong, eerie resonance. I half-noticed that out of my blue, clenched, fist, a large broadsword suddenly appeared in yellow sparkles. The blade wide at the base until it gets narrow to the end. It had untranslatable inscriptions that were engraved in it. Its silver luster gave a metallic look, and the handle of the sword was made of soft leather for a firm grip. It was mysteriously very light to use, as if it had no weight at all. Perhaps it was made out of

mithril, the legendary metal that only exists in fantasies. Strong as a dragon’s scales, but light as a feather, they all said. I guess they were true, after all. “We stand to no one when protecting our master,” one dragon head said. “To death be with you!” He roared as they both let out a devastating howl. “And death be to the two of you airheads!” I screamed as I lunged on them. It was fairly hard to damage them, because, in gaming terms, they seemed to have a high defense, its layers of scales as hard as steel. They were dangerous in every part, starting from the heads alone that can bite, while one can breathe out poison gas and the other one a breath of decay. Each of the wings, as I examined in detail, had lots of spike missiles that are ready to be launched at me simply by flapping when I got close to it. The scorpion’s tail was also a problem, since only the gods know what will happen if I got stung. And it was only until a couple of minutes later that I discovered that I was flying like I was in Wrath’s world. “Try and go through our scales if you can, boy!” One dragon taunted as his long neck twisted around when I was at their back. The spike missiles launched of me; almost a hundred in number, I guess, but I had blocked some of them with my sword. As they clanged and fell into the infinite darkness below, I rushed to their necks and tried to slash them. There was, at best, a small, light cut. “Shoot, this isn’t enough!” I cursed as I continued to search for their weak spot. I had tried to circle around the dragon as a whole, and when I thought their weakness was in their chest, I had to risk getting Yuki hurt, and it was futile anyway because it was also protected by steel scales. I tried to hammer my way through one section of the dragon’s body until some of the scales eventually broke, but as I was about to strike it, the scales regenerated itself instantly. I was backed away by the force of the dragon’s head butt moments later. Abruptly it did something unusual. The dragon had exposed their chest so that I could see the entrapped Yuki clearly. “Yuki…” I murmured in anxiety, fearing at what’s going to happen next. Her tube in which she was imprisoned in had been slowly filled with black gas. I can see her coughing in tears. With each second passing by, the gas had started to envelop all of the tube. “This can serve as an hourglass,” One head of the dragon said to the other. “It is,” he replied. “I wonder what his reaction is going to be. It must be a pitiful sight for him, “he remarked as he let out a roaring laugh. “We’ll find out who’s gonna laugh last, son-of-a—“I said with apoplectic, malevolent anger, as I wasted no time in saying the last word. Just as they were still laughing, one head realized that his voice chords have been destroyed by me through slashing his neck. This time, my assault had completely torn apart the scales, perhaps because it was fueled with uncontrollable anger at that time. When the other head realizes that his twin’s neck has been cut apart and was spilling out dark, slime-like blood from it, he couldn’t make another move to attack me because by that time, I had already cut away his neck too. Still infuriated, I proceeded to quickly cut off the rest of their body parts that might harm me; their wings and their scorpion tail. All of the areas also spilled out the same type of dark blood.

The dragon was about to fall. I flew to where Yuki had been imprisoned and destroyed the tube she was in using my bare hands. Although it had hurt and blood flowed in my knuckles, I don’t care, as long as I can make her safe. The black smoke escaped from the tube, it the smell was voracious, disgusting, and damaging. I cleared the smoke by fanning my hands, and cot hold of her body. I carried her by the back as I flew away from the dragon that, a few minutes later, finally sank down as the eternal darkness swallowed it whole until it was gone. Yuki was still unconscious, the tears from her eyes still flowing. She wore such a pretty white dress. “Yuki! Yuki! Are you alright? Yuki!” I tried to call her, hoping that she could wake up. Instead, she coughed even harder. “Yuki! Oh, please wake up, by the gods!” I tried to nudge her arms but she still didn’t respond. I examined her face for a while, as innocent and beautiful as it always was the first time I saw her. I remember that day, when I was in 9-A to have a chat with Naoki Akimoto, a good friend of mine outside of my class, when she came by and noticed me. “Hey! Are you new here?” she innocently asked, interrupting my conversation. “Huh? Uh, no…actually, I’m from 9-E,” I replied. “ Oooh, that’s why I don’t know you…My name’s Yuki. What’s yours?” “…It’s Yoshio. Nice to meet you,” I said, smiling as I reached out for a handshake. “Nice to meet you too!” she said, but she was using both of her hands to do a handshake. “Well, se e you around,” she said as she caught up with Kiritani, her friend, to lunch. After watching her go for a while, I turned to Naoki with a glare. “Uh….is the something wrong?” Naoki asked, looking confused and a bit scared. I grasped both of his shoulders. “Does she have a boyfriend yet?” I asked, locking my eyes with his. “Uh….100% no,” he muttered. “Good, “I said as I head back to my class. From that day on, I tried to use almost every lunch time I can have to meet with her. Although I had a crush on her by her face and how she acted at first, there was more than just a crush feeling for her. Day by day, as we became friends with each other, it finally grew into love for her. It’s kind of strange, you know, how a light feeling for someone became strong slowly but surely. She was still crying, even though she didn’t wake up. It took me some time to finally make a decision. “ May the gods forgive me if I did something wrong,” I said. Then, I slowly bent down my head and kissed her in the lips. “It’s soft… and warm…” I felt kind of guilty when I did it, when I had realized that she may not be the one for me, but I had to do it. Not long after I continued to kiss her for a little while, the blackness had evaporated. Before my eyes were enveloped by the light, I can see her wake up. I woke up. And I found myself kissing the wall. “Too bad, they were my favorite pets,” the same voice that I heard when I first had the….dream. “Well, all that’s left is me, isn’t it….hmhm, this is going to be exciting,” were his final words after he was gone….for a while.

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