The Unseen Government Of The Uk

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  • Pages: 35

Structure of Government No.1

THE UNSEEN GOVERNMENT OF THE UK FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE In 2003, the parliamentary Select Committee on Public Administration criticised the Government’s inadequate approach to mapping Britain’s public bodies.1 Its report highlighted the failure of successive administrations to provide a clear picture of the true size and cost of this unseen layer of government. Five years on, the Government has yet to address this problem. Among the Committee’s priority recommendations was for a list to be published annually, registering each public body, its costs and its responsibilities, accompanied by a clear explanation of the bewildering variety of organisations which fall under the term “public body” (often referred to as “quangos”).2 This paper – the first in a new ‘Structure of Government’ series from the TaxPayers’ Alliance – attempts to do what government has far failed to do, providing people with a comprehensive picture of Britain’s “unseen government”. Using the legal definition of “subsidiary” – as stated in the Companies Act of 2006 – government in the UK controlled at least 2,063 subsidiary bodies in 2006-07, if not many more. 3 This number includes the 469 Local Authorities, 432 plus NHS Trusts, and the 1,162 quangos and agencies which are the focus of this report. It does not include the hundreds of police forces, fire services and other subsidiary spending bodies in the UK, or the 36 EU agencies with responsibilities in the United Kingdom.

Quangos and Agencies Local Authorities NHS Trusts and Boards4 Total




TaxPayer Funding, £million

1,162 469 432 2,063

714,430 2,927,000 1,478,559 5,119,989

63,518 92,490 101,400 257,408

House of Commons Public Administration Committee, June 2003, Government by

Appointment: Opening up the Patronage State 2

Ibid – p.61 (paragraph 38) Companies Act 2006: Part 37, Section 1159, p.56 4 The stated figures reflect funding spent on health by the Westminster parliament and grant-in-aid given to NHS Boards by the Scottish Executive. Staff figures reflect total employed by NHS Trusts and Boards in England and Scotland. Current data for Wales and Ireland is unavailable. 3

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This paper deals with those 1,162 Quangos and Agencies identified as subsidiaries of the governments in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland at 31 March 2007. The key findings of the report were:  That no government office keeps a complete, public record of the UK’s public bodies. This is our attempt to provide an authoritative, comprehensive list.  In 2006-07, taxpayers funded 1,162 public bodies, at a cost of nearly £64 billion.  This is equivalent to £2,550 per household in the UK.5  Over 700,000 people in the UK work within this layer of quasigovernment.  While the number of Executive Non-Departmental Public Bodies - the classic “quango” - has fallen since 1997, from 1,128 to 827, the cost of these has soared from some £19 billion in 1997 to £31 billion in 2007, a growth in real terms of 50%.6 This reflects three consistent trends: firstly, the merging of multiple smaller quangos into super-quangos; secondly the creep of government into every aspect of British life; and thirdly, the ever increasing willingness of ministers to farm out the responsibilities of investment, regulation and provision of services.  Government definitions of public bodies exclude massive swathes of ‘unseen’ government. The accountability of these bodies is even more suspect as a result. Our definition is broader, and captures a true picture of Britain’s public bodies’ landscape.  The organisation of British government is difficult to comprehend. Political and financial lines of responsibility are so divorced that it is often difficult to ascertain where responsibility lies, or to whom anyone is accountable. With no coherent structure, duplication of responsibilities is endemic: for example, five bodies monitor the water industries of the UK.  Government itself does not know the true and size and cost of government. The few official documents concerned with Britain’s public bodies are out of date and often inaccurate. The Cabinet Office, 5

National Statistics: Households in UK - The Cabinet Office definition of public body covers only Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPB’s); Cabinet Office Public Bodies Directory 1998; Cabinet Office Public Bodies 6

Directory 2007

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whose responsibility it is to monitor and regulate public bodies, applies a very limited definition of public body, and fails completely to provide the public with clear information on the size and cost of the public bodies. Ben Farrugia, a Policy Analyst at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “Government in the UK is now so large, diverse and complex that it is impossible for anyone to manage effectively, let alone by Ministers

with no prior experience of management and little in-depth understanding of the work carried out by their departments. Government today tries to do too much, and consequently fails; the structure of government needs to change if we hope to see better value and significant improvements in our public services.”

Further details This list offers a comprehensive picture of British government at 31 March 2007, the most recent date for which data is available. Unlike previous efforts, this list captures all those organisations over which the governments in Westminster, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Stormont has effective control; the subsidiaries of representative government. The term “effective control” refers to the fact that while these bodies may not be directly managed or controlled by a Minister, they are effectively controlled by departments or assemblies via financial instruments, or powers of appointment over their executive management boards. In other words, this list includes all bodies which take, or have access to, taxpayers’ money, all those where the Chief Executive is selected by a Minister, and all those over which a Minister is politically responsible. None of them, however, is run by an elected politician. The list thus captures:  All quangos: the eponymous ‘Quasi-Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisations’ covers a wide range of bodies, including Executive NonDepartmental Public Bodies (NDPB’s), Advisory NDPB’s, Tribunal NDPB’s, Levy Boards and Independent Monitoring Boards.  Public Corporations: such as Royal Mail, the BBC and Remploy.7


Remploy is an example of sensible policy – a public, for-profit company designed to provide employment opportunities to those with disabilities.

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 Executive Agencies: the ‘delivery agents’ of departments, often responsible for the provision or regulation of a service, such as the Courts Service.  Investment Funds: private equity funds wholly or partly owned by a UK government.  Non-Ministerial departments: these are neither departments of state – none possess a minister, nor have a place in cabinet – nor executive agencies, but are rather a combination of the two. Headed by a Chief Executive, funded directly by Parliament, but represented by a selected minister of state, most are regulatory – Ofwat, Ofgem – but some are more proactive – Serious Fraud Office, Food Standard Agency.

Wider Context: UK Government - impossible to manage Over the past hundred years Britain has witnessed a relentless increase in the size of government. Politicians have steadily taken responsibility and authority away from civil society, establishing a presence in every aspect of British life. Government today spends 45.1 per cent of Britain’s GDP, employees nearly 20 per cent of the UK workforce and regulates or provides almost every service available to UK citizens.8 

Too large: Government employs just under 6 million people and has an annual expenditure of almost £600 billion.9 Twenty senior ministers and around 500,000 civil servants oversee 1,162 public bodies, 365 NHS Trusts, 469 Local Authorities, 60 police forces (140,500 officers) and countless other local and regional spending bodies. No-one could effectively manage such an organisation, and as such British government suffers from terrible inefficiencies, waste, and ultimately depreciation in the quality of services provided.

Too diverse: Effective management requires an in-depth knowledge of the sector in which the organisation operates, its customers and processes. Yet the breadth of government today makes this impossible. No Minister, or anyone else, could have sufficient knowledge to agree the vision, objectives, plans and budgets for any department of government; their interests are just too diverse. For example, the predecessor to today’s Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR), the Department of Trade


OECD Economic Outlook No.81, May 2007 Budget 2008, March 2008; Office for National Statistics, 2007, Public Sector Employment Q4 8

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and Industry, in 2006-07 managed an expenditure of £23 billion, 244,000 staff (there are only four FTSE companies larger) and 68 subsidiary public bodies – advising on everything from employment, architectural design to chemical weapons, not to mention the activities of two major British corporations, Royal Mail and Remploy. Astonishingly, the DTI still only constituted a small unit of government, accounting for only 3% of total staff and 4% of total expenditure. 

Government provides monopoly services: Free from the threat of customer loss or bankruptcy, monopolies remove the basic tools of management – the need to innovate, improve and reduce costs. The services government provides – education and health in particular – exist as monopolies, presenting the majority of tax payers with little choice and ever sinking standards.

Judged on the outcomes – Failing public services The inadequacies of our current structure of government are clear when the quality of services is considered. 

Education: Four out of ten pupils in state education now leave school without the minimum standards in English and Maths that the QCA deems necessary for ‘Life, Learning and Work’.10 After 11 years of schooling, at a total cost of £75,000, the state system fails to provide individuals with the means necessary to succeed, trapping them in poverty and dependency. Year on year, British educational standards falls in comparison to other wealthy countries.

Healthcare: The standard of care provided by the National Health Service is now ranked 16 in a comparison of 19 peer countries.11 In 2004 alone, 17,157 deaths amenable to healthcare occurred in the NHS, which would have been avoided in Britain matched the performance of European peers.12 Levels of hospital-acquired infections are among the highest in Europe and waiting times continue to force people abroad for treatment.

Welfare: The complex system of tax credits, allowances and income support has created a welfare trap, while at the same time necessitating a large and costly bureaucracy to administer it.


GCSE attempts and achievement in selected subjects of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4, Department for Education and Skills, October 2006

11 12

Nolte, Ellen, 2008, Measuring the Health of Nations, Commonwealth Fund Matthew Sinclair, 2007, Wasting Lives: A Statistical Analysis of Deaths Amenable to


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Nothing but fundamental structural reform can reverse the trend of declining standards in our public services. Government is poorly designed to deliver the services which people deserve, and after a decade of spending, money alone is clearly not the answer. The principles of reform To give the public a higher quality and wider choice of services at a greatly reduced cost, and most importantly, return control over their lives. 

Politicians, advised by a small, informed team of civil servants, should set high level policy. This is the area where they can make a real contribution, freeing them from day to day management responsibilities.

Civil society, employing experienced management, should execute that policy.

The first step towards reform must be a proper assessment of the true size and cost of Government. The TaxPayers’ Alliance’s ‘Structure of Government’ series will attempted to do this, beginning here with a comprehensive guide to Britain’s unseen state. Sources and Methodology 1. Unseen Government has been compiled over the past year, through a combination of careful investigation, extensive auditing of public accounts and multiple Freedom of Information requests. 2. Building on work begun by the Economic Research Council13, and through correspondence with government departments, we have established a fair picture of the public bodies in existence at 31 March 2007. Freedom of Information requests for staff, funding and expenditure details were then sent to all the Departments of Westminster, the Welsh Assembly and Northern Irish Executive. Requests were not sent to the Scottish Executive, as a sufficient public bodies directory is already maintained and available. 3. Analysis of over 500 Annual Accounts and Financial Statements provided the majority of the information shown below. 4. Staff figures reflect ‘Total Staff’ numbers, as shown in the annual accounts. Where these were not available, total full time equivalents have been used.


Quango Database - Economic Research Council -

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5. Funding figures reflect direct government funding to the organisation. In many cases this is shown in the accounts as ‘grant-in-aid’. In other cases, funding is shown as either ‘Financing’, ‘Grants from government’, ‘Parliamentary Funding’ or ‘Monies drawn down from Parliament’. While these do not represent an entirely consistent form, they are the best possible guide to the government’s financial contribution. 6. Expenditure figures reflect the gross expenditure of the organisation. However, as not all bodies define gross expenditure within their accounts, ‘net expenditure’, ‘total expenditure’ and ‘gross operating cost’ has sometimes been used. As far as possible however, gross expenditure has been calculated and displayed. 7. Those Non-Ministerial Departments (NMD’s) not possessing any quangos or agencies of their own have been included under the Ministerial Department which accounts for its activities in parliament. As such, they are considered as more akin to Executive Agencies than Departments. NMD’s which do sponsor bodies of their own – such as the Food Standards Agency – are shown in the list as Departments of their own, and consequently their own spending and staff numbers are not reflected in total figures. For full information on NMD’s, please make enquires at the numbers provided below. 8. Any errors within the list are our responsibility. However, errors are not necessarily our own; available data on public bodies is often out of date, and frequently inaccurate. Considering the lack of clarity in this area, omissions are inevitable. If there is a quango or agency missing from the list, please let us know. 9. Within the list: ~ = ‘no information available’. Accounts have not been published, departments gave no information * = 2005-06 data has been used. n/a = Not applicable. For instance, the body was dormant.

To discuss the research, please contact: Ben Farrugia Policy Analyst, The TaxPayers’ Alliance [email protected], 07980 589 905

43 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9JA 0845 330 9554 (office hours)  07795 084 113 (media – 24 hours)


Appendix A

UK Government Subsidiary Bodies, at 31 March 2007 Bodies


Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million









Treasury Solicitor's Department




Non Ministerial Departments

9,017 8,384 257 376

684.8 602.5 37.7 44.6

715.8 638.2 36.8 40.8




701 0 701

0.0 ~ 0.0

338.8 ~ 338.8

14 ~ 4 5 3 ~ 1 1 ~

1.1 ~ 0.4 0.6 0.1 ~ ~ ~ ~

1.1 ~ 0.4 0.6 0.1 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

28 28 ~ ~

34.3 34.3 ~ ~

34.0 34.0 ~ ~

775 514 261

33.0 30.5 2.5

60.8 31.4 29.3

Total Attorney General’s Office

Crown Prosecution Service * Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office * Serious Fraud Office

Cabinet Office


Communications Advertising, Advisory Committee on Central Office of Information

Personnel Business Appointments, Advisory Committee on Civil Service Appeal Board Committee on, House of Lords Appointment Commission Main Honours Advisory Committee Security Commission Security Vetting Appeals Panel Senior Salaries Review Body

Regulation Better Regulation Commission

Third Sector Capacitybuilders UK Ltd Commission for the Compact Futurebuilders Advisory Panel

Non Ministerial Departments Charity Commission for England and Wales National School of Government 8



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million















Standards for the Planning Inspectorate, Advisory Panel on the Architects Registration Board Building Regulations Advisory Committee Planning Inspectorate

0 18 0 810

0.0 0.0 0.0 48.4

0.0 2.4 0.0 58.2

421 193 56 2 0 170

31.1 19.1 1.5 0.2 0.3 10.0

45.1 19.6 14.9 0.0 ~ 10.5

309 20 289

19.8 2.0 17.7

25.2 2.0 23.2

838 551 34 19 12

1,667.7 1,644.1 0.0 1.2 1.4

27.5 2.0 2.3 1.1 1.4

87 135 0

10.2 10.8 0.0

10.9 9.8 0.0

117 0 117

11.8 0.1 11.8

11.7 0.0 11.7

261 164

716.9 628.0

615.9 555.0

26 9 28 34

49.3 6.5 17.8 15.3

15.8 11.2 18.5 15.3

1,461 1,410 51

0.0 0.0 0.0

118.3 109.7 8.7

Communities and Local Government Audit Local Authorities and the NHS in England and Wales, Audit Commission for

Social Racial Equality, Commission for Community Development Foundation National Community Forum Women's National Commission Equal Opportunities Commission

Fire Service Firebuy Fire Services College

Housing Housing Corporation Independent Housing Ombudsman Ltd LEASE (The Leasehold Advisory Service) National Housing & Planning Advice Unit Rent Assessment Panel / Resident Property Tribunal Valuation Tribunal Service Valuation Tribunals

Local Government Beacon Councils, Advisory Panel on Standards Board for England

Regional Development English Partnerships London Thames Gateway Development Corporation Stonebridge Housing Action Trust Thurrock Development Corporation West Northants Development Corporation

Other Ordnance Survey Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre 9



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million


2,927,000 2,927,000

92,490.0 92,490.0

145,569.0 145,569.0





7 6 1 0

1.3 1.2 ~ 0.1

0.9 0.8 ~ 0.0

Information, Records & Archives




National Records and Archives, Advisory Committee on Public Record, Advisory Council on Historic Manuscripts, Advisory Council on Information Commissioner, Office of the National Archive

1 ~ ~ 243 578

~ ~ ~ 5.1 33.1

~ ~ ~ 17.3 38.1

32,268 19,986

1,122.3 704.8

2,348.1 1,508.3







~ ~ ~ ~ 15 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 51 ~ 28 109 32

~ 0.1 ~ ~ 1.2 ~ ~ ~ 0.4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8.5 6.1 112.8

~ 0.1 ~ ~ 1.1 ~ ~ ~ 0.4 ~ ~ ~ 4.0 ~ 9.2 8.0 102.6

n/a 406 8,593 3,048

~ 1.7 ~ 286.8

~ 21.5 378.2 314.5

Local Government

- Figures not in totals

Local Authorities x 469

Constitutional Affairs Electoral Boundary Commission for England Boundary Commission for Scotland Boundary Commission for Wales

Law & The Courts HM Courts Service Justices of the Peace in Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside, Advisory Committee on (x17) General Commissioners of Income Tax, Advisory Committee on (x73) Justices of the Peace in England and Wales, Advisory Committee on (x86) Public Sector Information, Advisory Panel on Civil Justice Council Civil Procedure Rule Committee Council on Tribunals Courts Board (x42) Criminal Procedure Rule Committee Crown Court Rules Committee Family Justice Council Family Procedure Rule Committee Insolvency Rules Committee Land Registration Rules Committee Law Commission Legal Services Consultative Panel Strategic Investment Board Judicial Appointments Commission Legal Services Commission General Commissioners of Income Tax Tribunals (x350) Public Guardianship Office HM Land Registry Tribunals Service 10


Culture, Media and Sport



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million




1,215 872 266 1

483.6 426.5 0.0 5.0

999.7 602.3 339.7 6.3

2 3

0.0 0.1

0.0 0.0

0 71 ~

0.0 52.0 ~

0.0 51.4 ~

2,836 0 0 35

175.8 ~ ~ 4.3

268.5 ~ ~ 5.9

102 1,937 654 7 101

10.1 141.3 0.0 0.0 20.0

11.9 175.3 46.0 0.4 29.0

2,024 0 2,011 ~

110.3 ~ 102.6 ~

127.5 ~ 119.8 ~




1,148 1,103 45

9.2 ~ 9.2

88.4 76.9 11.4

8,197 1,034 35 97 665 405 116 453 407 593 829 212 932 189 25 1,150

308.5 38.7 1.5 3.9 20.6 7.9 3.9 24.0 17.0 21.2 36.7 7.0 41.5 7.8 ~ 34.1

545.6 62.3 1.9 5.0 42.1 24.5 6.2 30.4 20.6 30.0 69.4 14.2 74.8 10.5 ~ 87.4

Art Arts Council England Heritage Lottery Fund National Heritage Memorial Fund Export of Works of Art, Reviewing Committee on the * Treasure Valuation Committee * Government Art Collection, Advisory Committee on the Museums', Libraries and Archives Council Spoliation Advisory Panel

Historic Sites and Buildings Historic Wreck Sites, Advisory Committee on National Historic Ships, Advisory Committee on Churches Conservation Trust Architecture and the Built Environment, Commission for English Heritage Historic Royal Palaces Theatres Trust & Theatres Charitable Trust Royal Parks Agency

Libraries Libraries, Advisory Council on British Library Legal Deposit Advisory Panel Public Lending Right and Public Lending Right Advisory Committee

Lottery Big Lottery Fund (BIG) National Lottery Commission

Museums British Museum Geffrye Museum * Horniman Public Museum and Public Park Trust Imperial War Museum Museum of London Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester National Gallery National Maritime Museum National Museum Liverpool National Museum of Science and Industry National Portrait Gallery Natural History Museum * Royal Armouries Museums Sir John Soane's Museum Tate Gallery 11



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million

Victoria and Albert Museum Wallace Collection

960 95

39.1 3.5

61.2 5.3


154 152 2

52.7 52.7 0.0

347.9 192.9 155.0

41 4 4 20 ~ ~ ~ 4 9

0.9 0.2 0.2 0.2 ~ ~ ~ 0.2 ~

1.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 ~ ~ ~ 0.3 ~

5,306 175 158 2 4,775 113 83

174.3 18.7 ~ ~ ~ 102.5 53.1

606.7 14.4 111.0 ~ 134.5 257.1 89.7

24,044 23,037 917

291.0 264.1 ~

5,334.2 4,353.4 922.9

~ 90

~ 26.9

~ 57.9

463 0 463

49.9 ~ 49.9

70.9 ~ 70.9

117 15

1.6 1.6

22.1 1.6




Olympic Delivery Authority Olympic Lottery Distributor

Regional Development Culture East Midlands Culture North East Culture South East Culture South West Culture West Midlands Culture North West Living East Yorkshire Cultural

Sport Gambling Commission Horserace Betting Levy Board Horserace Betting Levy Tribunal Horserace Totalisator Board (TOTE) Sport England UK Sport

Media BBC Channel 4 Sianel Pedwar Cymra (S4C) - Welsh Fourth Channel Authority UK Film Council

Tourism England Marketing Advisory Board VisitBritain

Other Football Licensing Authority Science, Technology and the Arts, National Endowment for 12





Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million




6,393 0 ~ ~ 0

427.7 0.0 0.1 ~ 0.0

546.2 0.0 0.1 ~ 0.0

~ ~ 0 2,359 357 510 1,032 1,679 456 ~

~ ~ 0.0 138.3 11.7 16.1 50.9 81.6 129.0 ~

~ ~ 0.0 218.1 13.1 18.3 50.5 110.8 135.3 ~

207 34 88 ~ 23 39 23

14.9 0.6 5.3 6.8 0.7 0.9 0.6

24.0 2.2 5.7 11.5 1.3 2.1 1.1

3,452 0 0 3,452

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

345.9 0.0 0.0 345.9

20,291 0 0 0 199 4,742 4,831 5,530 2,298 2,691

8,428.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.6 184.9 1,222.4 7,012.8 0.0 ~

3,363.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.9 319.7 1,500.0 1,400.3 132.1 ~

10,774 23 7,981 1,708 1,062

391.0 0.0 325.7 65.4 0.0

598.7 2.0 355.4 163.1 78.2

Armed Forces Personnel Conscientious Objectors, Advisory Committee on Medical Countermeasures, Advisory Group on Armed Forces Pay Review Body War Pensions, Central Advisory Committee on Military Corrective Training Centers, Independent Board of Visitors for National Employer Advisory Board War Pensions Committee (x13) Defence Medical, Education and Training Agency Defence Vetting Agency Defence Bills Agency People, Pay and Pensions Agency Service Children's Education Armed Forces Personnel Administration Agency Veterans Agency

Museum Fleet Air Arm Museum National Army Museum Royal Air Force Museum Royal Marines Museum Royal Naval Museum Royal Naval Submarine Museum

Research Defence Scientific Advisory Council Nuclear Research Advisory Council Defence Science and Technology Laboratory

Sites & Equipment Animal Welfare Advisory Committee Defence Nuclear Safety Committee Review Board for Government Contracts Defence Analytical Services Agency Defence Storage and Distribution Agency Defence Communication Services Agency Defence Procurement Agency Army Base Repair Organization (ABRO) Defence Aviation Repair Agency (DARA)

Other Oil and Pipelines Agency Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency MET Office UK Hydrographic Office 13


Education and Skills



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million




20 20

3.4 3.4

3.0 3.0




1,240 4 1,236

7,051.5 6,983.3 0.4 67.8

7,021.3 6,945.0 0.4 75.9







5,520 217 1,399

10,521.5 21.7 0.0

11,357.1 24.7 287.2

~ 40 3,741

~ 4.6 10,328.1

~ 7.3 10,869.9

~ 123

93.1 73.9

93.1 74.9




262 201 235 90 565 27 ~ 308

30.3 0.6 91.8 10.2 144.0 7.0 ~ 729.5

33.7 18.6 90.6 13.2 154.6 7.1 ~ 737.3

2,238 2,238

193.1 193.1

193.9 193.9

Child Health and Welfare Children's Commissioner, Office of the Teenage Pregnancy, Independent Advisory Group on

Higher Education Higher Education Funding Council for England Fair Access, Office for Student Loans Company Ltd

Legal Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service

Skills & Adult Learning Adult Learning Inspectorate Construction Industry Training Board Engineering Construction Industry Training Board Investors in People UK Learning and Skills Council Quality Improvement Agency for Life Long Learning Sector Skills Development Agency

Teaching & Schools British Educational Communications and Technology Agency General Teaching Council for England National College for School Leadership Partnerships for Schools Qualifications and Curriculum Authority School Food Trust School Teachers Review Body Training and Development Agency for Schools

Non-Ministerial Department Standards in Education, Office for (OFSTED) 14


Environment, Food and Rural Affairs



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million




2,389 ~ ~ ~

109.5 ~ ~ ~

201.8 ~ ~ ~




~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~

5 49 236 n/a n/a 22 ~ 70 16 2 ~ 359 50 ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1,427 152

0.3 0.0 0.0 ~ ~ 1.1 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.1 ~ 2.2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 96.4 8.2

~ 6.5 10.8 ~ ~ 1.7 0.4 11.2 6.3 ~ ~ 37.4 7.5 ~ 1.4 ~ ~ ~ 109.7 8.8

20,429 ~ ~ 1,963 ~ 127

1,079.9 ~ ~ 57.1 3.8 85.6

2,149.6 ~ ~ 189.3 4.7 87.2




5 1 142 13,114 136 ~ 1 ~

0.0 0.0 43.2 603.6 5.2 ~ 0.0 ~

~ ~ 74.5 1,064.6 9.7 ~ ~ 232.9

Agriculture Organic Standards, Advisory Committee on Packaging, Advisory Committee on Pesticides, Advisory Committee on Releases into the Environment, Advisory Committee on Agricultural Dwelling House Advisory Committees (x18) Agricultural Land Tribunals Agricultural Wages Board Agricultural Wages Committee for England (x15) Animal Health and Welfare Strategy England Implementation Group * British Potato Council British Wool Marketing Board Agricultural Valuation, Committee on (dormant) Dairy Produce Quota Tribunal (dormant) English Farming and Food Partnership Farm Animal Welfare Council Home Grown Cereals Authority Horticultural Development Council Independent Agricultural Appeals Panel * Cattle TB, Independent Scientific Group on Meat and Livestock Commission Milk Development Council National Fallen Stock Company National Non-Food Crops Centre Plant Varieties and Seeds Tribunal Veterinary Products Committee * Veterinary Residues Committee State Veterinary Agency Veterinary Medicines Directorate

Environment Hazardous Substances, Advisory Committee on Air Quality Expert Group British Waterways Broads Authority Carbon Trust Products and Processes for Use in Public Water Supply, Committee on * Radioactive Waste Management, Committee on * Darwin Advisory Committee * Energy Savings Trust Environment Agency Environmental Campaigns Envirowise Air Quality Standards, Expert Group on * Inland Waterways Advisory Council 15


Joint Nature Conservation Committee National Forest Company Natural England Pesticides Residues Committee * Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee * Waste and Resource Action Program Zoos Forum * Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Government Decontamination Service Marine and Fisheries Agency Pesticides Safety Directorate

Food Covent Garden Marketing Authority Food from Britain Sea Fish Industry Authority

National Parks Dartmoor NPA Exmoor NPA Lake District NPA New Forest NPA North York Moors NPA Northumberland NPA Peak District NPA Yorkshire Dales NPA

Research Science Advisory Council * Central Science Laboratory Veterinary Laboratories Agency

Rural Affairs Commission for Rural Communities Commons Commissioners * Gangmasters Licensing Authority Sustainable Development Commission Rural Payments Agency

Water Supply Water, Consumer Council for Cryptosporidium in Water Supplies, Expert Group on

Non-Ministerial Department Water Service, Office of


Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million

123 26 2,323 1 717

6.8 3.4 204.4 0.1 25.2

9.0 4.5 233.2 ~ 41.6

7 216 2

0.2 ~ 0.1

~ 73.8 ~

533 24 156 810

38.9 2.0 ~ ~

41.3 2.2 22.9 58.2

190 46 40 104

6.0 ~ 6.0 0.0

33.4 12.8 8.8 11.7

0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

32.1 3.2 3.5 4.5 4.0 4.9 2.9 4.3 4.8

58.4 5.5 5.3 10.4 3.9 7.3 4.3 14.3 7.4

1,917 4 680 1,233

33.9 0.3 33.7 0.0

155.4 ~ 44.5 110.9

4,648 84 1 44 52 4,467

2,068.7 8.6 0.0 2.2 2.9 2,055.0

3,293.6 9.3 ~ 2.9 3.8 3,277.6

81 81

7.0 7.0

5.8 5.8




188 188

0.3 0.3

11.5 11.5 16



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million













0 0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0




~ 1,478

~ 33.0

~ 91.3








Government Hospitality Advisory Committee for the Purchase of Wine




9,778 1,736

441.7 239.5

797.1 230.9

5 7,925 7 3 13 24 65

0.3 195.3 0.3 2.3 4.1 0.0 0.0

0.5 549.7 1.0 2.3 4.3 0.0 8.4

1,194 8 3 1,183

25.5 0.0 0.0 25.5

133.3 0.0 0.0 133.2




~ 290 965

~ 0.0 23.1

~ 15.1 37.3

Export Credit Guarantee


Export Guarantees Advisory Council

Food Standards Agency


Animal Feedstuffs, Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes, Advisory Committee on Research, Advisory Committee on Microbiological Safety of Food, Advisory Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment, Committee on Meat Hygiene Service

Foreign and Commonwealth Office


Education BBC World British Association for Central and Eastern Europe * British Council Great Britain-China Centre Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission Westminster Foundation for Democracy Wilton Park Academic Council Wilton Park

Foreign Office Personnel Diplomatic Service Appeal Board Foreign Compensation Commission FCO Service

Forestry Commission (Great Britain/ England)


Regional Advisory Committees England (x9) Forest Research Forest Enterprise 17





Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million
















230 6,110

29.1 43.4

28.7 438.6

831 332 0

11.0 27.7 0.0

80.2 28.5 0.0


14.8 ~

36.8 ~









~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~

Audit Healthcare Commission (Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection) Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts

Equipment, Medicines & Resources National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) NHS Blood and Transplant Authority Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency Plasma Resources UK Ltd

Expert Advice Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee Registration of Homoeopathic Medicines, Advisory Board on Borderline Substances, Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards, Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens, Advisory Committee on Hepatitis, Advisory Group on British Pharmacopoeia Commission Human Medicines, Commission on Carcinogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment, Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment, Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment, Committee on Medical Effects of Air Pollutants, Committee on Safety of Devices, Committee on the Aids, Expert Advisory Group on Gene Therapy Advisory Committee Genetics and Insurance Committee Herbal Medicines Advisory Committee Human Genetics Commission Sexual Health and HIV, Independent Advisory Group on Independent Reconfiguration Panel Borderline Products, Independent Review Panel for Advertising of Medicines, Independent Review Panel for the Vaccination and Immunisation, Joint Committee on National Joint Registry Steering Committee Nutrition, Scientific Advisory Committee on

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

~ ~


0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~

~ ~





~ ~

~ ~

0 0 0 0 0 18



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million

0 0 3 82 42 313

~ ~

~ ~

~ 1.8 0.9 12.0

0.7 7.1 2.8 26.1

1,009 0

23.4 0.0

1,462.8 0.0




0 42

0.0 4.7

0.0 6.5

51 176 740

2.9 2.5 13.3

3.9 1,197.9 254.5

7,056 0

376.2 0.0

655.1 0.0

114 2,335 12 301 3,248 354 42 299 351

28.0 79.7 2.0 10.1 143.5 36.9 5.0 30.6 40.4

28.3 164.4 2.3 89.9 252.7 40.9 5.8 32.5 38.3




166 2,722 175 62

10.4 124.9 69.0 7.7

13.7 598.1 56.0 0.0

1,540,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

95,100.0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Antimicrobial Resistance, Specialist Advisory Committee on Standing Dental Advisory Committee Alcohol Education and Research Council Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority Human Tissue Authority National Biological Board

NHS Personnel Doctors and Dentists Review Body Nurses and Other Health Professions Review Body Pharmacy Postgraduate Education, Steering Committee on Appointments Commission Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board NHS Litigation Authority NHS Professionals

Patient Welfare Patient Information Advisory Group Patient and Public Involvement in Health, Commission for Social Care Inspection, Commission for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence, Council for General Social Care Council Health Protection Agency Health and Social Care Information Centre Mental Health Act Commission National Patient Safety Agency The Information Centre

Other National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse NHS Business Services Authority NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement Social Care Institute for Excellence

NHS Trusts – figures not in totals NHS Direct Primary Care Trusts (x302) Strategic Health Authorities (x10) Acute Trusts (75) Foundation Trusts (x92) Ambulance Trusts (x13) Care Trusts (around 10) Mental Health Trusts

418 19


HM Revenue and Customs


Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million










7,877 0 ~ 94 471 4,285 2,431

679.4 0.2 ~ 6.7 221.0 423.4 2.4

902.6 0.0 ~ 7.4 156.5 432.7 211.8

~ 219 377

~ 16.0 9.8

~ 15.1 79.0










65 ~ 3,619

4.3 ~ 89.8

4.4 ~ 336.2

415 ~ ~ 415 0 ~

30.6 ~ ~ 30.6 0.0 ~

34.5 ~ ~ 34.5 0.0 ~

47,337 ~ ~ 0 12 83 232

2,729.9 0.1 ~ 0.0 1.0 6.6 439.5

2,690.3 0.1 ~ 0.0 1.0 8.6 445.4

0 47,010

0.0 2,282.7

0.0 2,235.3

0 0 ~

0.0 0.0 ~

1.6 0.0 1.6


Valuation Office

Home Office


Crime Misuse of Drugs, Advisory Council on Victims Advisory Panel Criminal Cases Review Commission Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority Serious Organised Crime Agency Forensic Science Service Ltd Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel (Part of the Tribunal Service) Asset Recovery Agency Criminal Records Bureau

Immigration Naturalisation and Integration, Advisory Board on Immigration and Nationality Directorate Complaints Audit Committee Immigration Services Commissioner, Office of the Asylum Support Adjudicators Identity and Passport Service

Police Police Advisory Board for England and Wales Police Negotiating Board Independent Police Complaints Commission Police Appeals Tribunals Police Arbitration Tribunal

Prisons Correctional Services Accreditation Panel Prison Service Pay Review Body Sentencing Advisory Panel Sentencing Guidelines Council Parole Board Youth Justice Board for England and Wales Independent Monitoring Boards of Prisons, Immigration Removal Centres and Immigration Holding Rooms (x145) HM Prison Service

Surveillance Technical Advisory Board Surveillance Commissioners, Office of 20


Other Animal Procedures Committee Country Information, Advisory Panel on Security Industry Authority Investigatory Powers Tribunal

International Development


Education Advisory Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK

Other Crown Agents Holding and Realisation Board CDC Group

Northern Ireland Court Service


Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission * Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission Advisory Committees on General Commissioners of Income Tax (x2) Advisory Committees on Justices of the Peace (x8)

Northern Ireland Office


Community Relations Equality Commission for Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Northern Ireland Parades Commission for Northern Ireland Compensation Agency for Northern Ireland

Electoral Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland

Legal Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland, Office of Chief Inspector of Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel for Northern Ireland Youth Justice Agency, Northern Ireland


Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million

96 0 0 92 4

4.1 ~ 0.1 4.0 ~

24.5 0.0 0.0 24.4 0.1













6,785 ~ 6,785

0.0 0.0 0.0

137.5 ~ 137.5




16 ~

1.0 ~

1.0 ~










248 130 19 11 88

54.4 7.1 1.5 1.3 44.5

38.9 7.1 1.4 1.7 28.6

3 3

0.2 0.2

0.2 0.2







9 399

0.6 19.3

0.7 24.3 21



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million




~ ~ ~ 62

~ ~ 1.8 7.9

~ ~ ~ 8.0




140 192

8.7 2.1

8.5 9.4

2,517 366 ~ 2,151

146.7 15.2 ~ 131.5

154.3 17.7 ~ 136.6





Military Complaints Procedures, Independent Assessor for




Prime Minister’s Office




Crown Estate







207,683 1 0 ~ 151 17 ~ 76 1 0 789 204,438 8 1 1 1,247 953

110.8 0.0 0.0 ~ 17.2 4.0 ~ 6.0 ~ 0.0 82.7 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 ~

9,278.0 0.1 9.5 0.8 21.6 3.6 ~ 8.3 ~ 0.0 125.2 8,985.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 69.5 53.4




94 1

9.7 0.0

9.2 0.0




Police Police Service Recruitment Vetting, Independent Assessor for Police Oversight Commissioner, Office of Police Fund, Northern Ireland Policing Board, Northern Ireland Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross Foundation * Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, Office of the Forensic Science Agency, Northern Ireland

Prisons Probation Board for Northern Ireland Independent Monitoring Board (x3) Prison Service, Northern Ireland

Trade and Industry Business & Industry British Hallmarking Council British Shipbuilders Competition Appeal Tribunal Competition Commission Competition Service Copyright Tribunal Design Council Ethnic Minority Business Forum Insolvency Practitioners' Tribunal Communications, Office of (OFCOM) Royal Mail SITPRO (Simplifying International Trade) Small Business Council Small Business Investment Taskforce Companies House UK Intellectual Property Office


Consumer Protection Consumer Council for Postal Services (Postwatch) Fuel Poverty Advisory Group Gas and Electricity Consumer Council (Energywatch)




Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million

5 69

0.0 3.5

1.1 6.2




799 789 0 9 1

50.0 48.3 0.7 0.9 0.0

52.3 50.7 0.7 0.9 0.0




1 17,859 808 161 705 ~ ~ 1 2,228

0.0 0.0 6.9 12.0 1,108.0 ~ ~ 0.0 333.2

0.0 797.0 44.2 39.6 7,249.0 ~ ~ 0.0 369.3

2,749 327 247 223 3 402 446 ~ 370 303 428

1,707.2 211.7 160.9 136.8 0.0 369.0 246.0 ~ 136.9 159.9 286.0

2,114.1 284.9 188.2 149.0 0.0 462.5 306.0 ~ 195.4 188.6 339.5

9,860 102

2,630.4 98.9

2,839.7 98.6




1,742 ~ 122

208.2 ~ 140.5

215.1 ~ 160.1

344 4,234 2,689 335 1

637.1 503.5 340.6 324.5 0.0

659.2 597.7 373.3 337.6 0.0





UK Chemical Weapons Convention National Authority Advisory Committee National Weights and Measures Laboratory

1 46

0.0 0.0

0.0 3.6

Hearing Aid Council National Consumer Council Persons Hearing Consumer Credit Licensing Appeals

Employment Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service Central Arbitration Committee Low Pay Commission Union Modernisation Fund Supervisory Board

Energy Carbon Abatement Technologies, Advisory Committee on British Nuclear Fuels PLC Civil Nuclear Police Authority Coal Authority Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Nuclear Liabilities Fund Renewables Advisory Board Sustainable Energy Policy Advisory Board UK Atomic Energy Authority

Regional Development Advantage West Midlands East Midlands Development Agency East of England Development Agency Industrial Development Advisory Board North West Development Agency ONE North East Regional Industrial Development Boards (x7) South East England Development Agency South West England Development Agency Yorkshire Forward

Research Arts and Humanities Research Council Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Council for Central Laboratory of Research Councils Council for Science and Technology Economic and Social Research Council Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Medical Research Council Natural Environment Research Council Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council Technology Strategy Board 23



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million

1,075 683 306 61 25

175.2 73.9 6.0 0.0 95.3

218.1 74.5 39.1 8.8 95.8




959 959

0.0 0.0

174.8 174.8

43 ~ 43

5.3 ~ 5.3

5.3 ~ 5.3

28 27 1

0.1 0.0 0.1

31.3 31.2 0.1




~ ~ 3,507

~ ~ 2,264.6

~ ~ 5,166.3

1,782 272 331 1,179

0.0 0.0 0.0 ~

46.7 18.7 28.0 ~

12,162 6,487 2,653 307 2,578 137

30.9 30.9 ~ 0.0 ~ ~

851.1 488.0 149.5 18.9 184.9 9.9

3,170 3,170 ~

2.9 1.1 1.8

197.6 195.9 1.7

379 379

0.0 0.0

29.2 29.2

Non-Ministerial Departments Fair Trading, Office of (OFT) Gas and Electricity Markets, Office of (OFGEM) Postal Services Commission (POSTCOM) UK Trade and Investment



Aviation Civil Aviation Authority

Passengers Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee Passenger Focus

Rail BRB (Residuary) Ltd Rail Heritage Committee

Road Standing Advisory Committee for Trunk Road Assessment Traffic Commissioners (x8) Highways Agency

Sea Northern Lighthouse Board Trinity House Lighthouse Service Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Vehicle Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) Driving Standards Agency (DSA) Government Car and Dispatch Agency Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA)

Other British Transport Police Authority Integrated Transport, Commission for

Non-Ministerial Department Rail Regulation, Office of 24



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million




2,887 143 2,659 85

166.6 157.6 ~ 9.0

490.5 180.4 295.8 14.3

5,335 290 11 4,173 861

151.0 0.0 1.4 149.6 0.0

430.0 65.8 1.4 244.2 118.6

Non-Ministerial Department




Reduction of the National Debt, Commission for the Public Works Loan Board

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~




7,585 3 3 209 4 145 7,221

371.5 0.1 ~ 21.0 0.4 216.2 133.8

517.1 ~ ~ 21.7 0.0 199.7 295.8

70,111 33 36 70,042

3,361.5 2.1 2.7 3,356.7

4,627.8 ~ 1.7 4,626.1

13,864 99 7 37 325 34 13,362

183.1 10.0 ~ ~ 34.4 2.7 135.9

842.7 13.2 ~ 2.1 31.9 2.7 792.8

20,196 5 11,040 6,318 2,146 687

668.5 0.4 400.4 216.5 46.6 4.5

1,023.2 0.0 522.9 306.9 157.6 35.8

3,697 16 3,675 6

232.6 0.9 231.6 0.1

293.8 0.9 292.9 0.0



Economic Regulation National Savings and Investments Financial Services Authority UK Debt Management Office

Other OGCBuying Solutions Statistics Commission Office for National Statistics Royal Mint

Work and Pensions


Disability Disability Employment Advisory Committee Disability Living Allowance Advisory Board Disability Rights Commission Equality 2025 Independent Living Funds Remploy Ltd

Employment National Employment Panel National Employment Panel Ltd JobCentre Plus

Pensions Pension Protection Fund Pension Protection Fund Ombudsman Pensions Ombudsman The Pensions Regulator The Pensions Advisory Service Pension Service

Welfare Social Security Advisory Committee Child Support Agency Disability and Carers Service Insolvency Service Rent Service

Workplace Health and Safety Commission Health and Safety Executive Industrial Injuries Advisory Council



Scottish Executive



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million




1,200 84 471

57.8 8.5 25.3

72.5 11.4 23.0

583 6 ~ 3 ~ 53

17.4 ~ 1.7 0.3 ~ 3.4

30.7 0.5 1.7 0.3 ~ 3.8

~ ~

1.2 ~

1.2 ~

217 28 0 170 19

3.5 3.5 0.0 ~ 0.0

21.1 3.6 0.0 11.1 6.4

97 97

62.5 62.5

57.4 57.4

71 30 11 30

4.3 1.7 0.9 1.7

4.5 1.8 0.9 1.8

5,414 564 2,720 626 1,200 304

606.2 100.4 426.9 3.3 51.7 23.9

782.2 113.1 513.9 45.6 83.4 26.3

450 10 440

867.1 4.4 862.6

947.3 4.5 942.8

2 2

0.2 0.2

0.2 0.2

0 ~

0.0 ~

0.0 ~

1,205 27 1,178 n/a

35.3 1.7 33.6 ~

65.8 1.7 64.1 ~

Adult and Child Welfare Social Services Council, Scottish Scottish Children's Reporter Administration Regulation of Care, Commission for the (Care Commission) Additional Support Needs Tribunal for Scotland Children’s Panel (x32) Private Rented Housing Services Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland Social Work Inspection Agency Children and Young People in Scotland, Commissioner for Public Services Ombudsman, Scottish

Agriculture Crofters Commission Agricultural Wages Board, Scottish Agricultural Science Agency, Scottish Quality Meat Scotland

Art Scottish Arts Council

Building Building Standards Advisory Committee Architecture and Design Scotland Building Standards Agency, Scottish

Business & Industry Highlands and Islands Enterprise Scottish Enterprise Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd David MacBrayne Limited Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd

Community Development Bord na Gaidhling Communities Scotland

Disability Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland

Energy Fisheries (Electricity) Committee

Environment Deer Commission for Scotland Environment Protection Agency Sustainable Development Commission 26


Financial Accounts Commission for Scotland Risk Management Authority Accountant in Bankruptcy Public Audit, Scottish Commission for Audit Scotland

Fire HM Fire Service Inspectorate for Scotland

Fisheries Fisheries Research Services Fisheries Protection Agency, Scottish

Higher Education Further and Higher Education Funding Council University for Industry, Scotland Student Awards Agency for Scotland

Historic Sites, Buildings & Estates Historic Environment Advisory Council for Scotland Natural Heritage, Scottish Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Historic Scotland

Information, Records & Archives Records Advisory Council National Archives of Scotland General Register Office for Scotland Registers of Scotland Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Information Commissioner, Scottish Court of Lord Lyon Office of the Queens Printer for Scotland

Legal Justices of the Peace Advisory Committee (x32) Law Commission, Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission Legal Aid Board Lands Tribunal for Scotland Parole Board for Scotland Charity Appeals Panel, Scottish Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland Courts Service, Scottish Charity Regulator, Office of the Legal Services Ombudsman Inspectorate of Prosecution


Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million

547 279 18 127 n/a 123

22.5 6.1 1.2 7.1 ~ 8.1

62.3 24.9 0.9 11.5 ~ 24.9

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

628 321 307

45.1 21.2 23.9

46.6 25.5 21.1

365 129 81 155

1,721.3 1,714.2 ~ 7.1

1,795.2 1,786.4 ~ 8.8




~ 725

0.1 86.6

0.1 70.6

99 222 991

3.9 10.6 41.6

4.8 10.6 67.1

1,508 n/a 168 257 1,058 1 24 ~ ~

18.5 ~ 11.6 6.8 0.0 0.1 ~ ~ ~

84.4 ~ 10.6 12.8 59.4 0.1 1.4 ~ ~

2,723 0 21 14 306 3 0 3 0 1,143 1,226 7 ~

210.0 0.0 1.5 1.3 149.0 1.6 1.1 0.2 0.0 52.5 2.4 0.4 ~

252.9 0.0 1.5 1.2 172.2 0.4 1.0 ~ 0.0 73.4 2.8 0.4 ~ 27



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million

284 284

14.8 14.8

15.4 15.4

4 ~

0.4 ~

0.4 ~




46 46

3.0 3.0

4.4 4.4

718 432 286

34.9 23.7 11.2

43.4 27.6 15.8

74 74

4.4 4.4

5.4 5.4




11,267 ~ 3,973 750 1,351 ~ 623 ~ 224

988.7 ~ 169.5 38.3 56.8 ~ 356.4 22.6 15.0

1,084.0 ~ 174.8 54.8 55.1 ~ 345.9 22.4 15.0

3,582 64 700

292.0 4.0 34.1

377.5 3.8 34.7

2 2

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

213 213

9.1 9.1

8.8 8.8





Public Appointments in Scotland, Commissioner for Standards Commission for Scotland

5 ~

0.4 ~

0.4 ~

278 4 ~ 274 ~

36.3 0.0 14.5 21.7 ~

36.7 ~ 14.9 21.7 ~

Libraries National Library of Scotland

Local Government Local Authorities Remuneration Committee Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland

Media Scottish Screen

Museums & Galleries National Museums of Scotland National Galleries of Scotland

National Parks Cairngorms National Park Authority Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority

NHS in Scotland Distinction Awards, Advisory Committee on Scottish Ambulance Service Board National Waiting Times Centre Board NHS 24 NHS Boards (14) NHS Education Scotland NHS Health Scotland NHS Quality Improvement Scotland NHS National Services Scotland (formerly Common Services Agency) Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland State Hospitals Board for Scotland

Passengers Public Transport Users Committee for Scotland

Pensions Public Pensions Agency, Scottish

Police Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland Police College, Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency, Scottish HM Inspectorate of Constabulary 28



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million

4,145 4,137 3 5

293.4 292.9 0.1 0.4

265.1 264.8 ~ 0.4




~ ~

~ ~

~ ~





Advisory Committee on Sites of Special Scientific Interest Macaulay Institute Moredun Research Institute Rowett Research Institute Agricultural College, Scottish Crop Research Institute, Scottish

0 ~ ~ ~ 770 ~

0.0 ~ ~ ~ 20.7 ~

0.0 ~ ~ ~ 43.8 ~

~ ~ n/a

29.7 29.7 ~

~ ~ ~

1,198 51 180 762 205

37.2 0.0 5.5 18.3 13.4

105.0 3.6 22.1 64.2 15.1

798 798

45.2 45.2

66.6 66.6

270 270 ~

1,366.5 1,366.5 ~

1,756.9 1,756.9 ~

3,633 18 3,587 n/a 28

2.8 2.8 ~ ~ 0.0

653.3 5.0 647.6 ~ 0.7

Prisons Prison Service, Scottish Prison Complaints Commissioner HM Prisons Inspectorate Visiting Committees for Scottish Penal Complaints

Regional Development Industrial Development Advisory Board

Sport sportscotland Institute of Sport, Scottish

Teaching & Schools General Teaching Council for Scotland Learning and Teaching Scotland Qualifications Authority, Scottish HM Inspectorate of Education

Tourism VisitScotland

Transport Transport Scotland Roadworks Commissioner, Scottish

Water Water Industry Commission for Scotland Scottish Water Drinking Water Quality Regulator Waterwatch Scotland 29



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million




0 0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

Community Development




North South Body - Special EU Programmes Body




672 348 324

0.0 ~ ~

28.3 15.5 12.8

396 1 395

7.1 0.0 7.1

6.7 0.0 6.7

239 1 238

0.0 0.0 ~

0.0 0.0 ~

1 1

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

Northern Ireland Executive


Building Building Regulations Advisory Committee

Financial Valuation and Lands Agency Rates Collection Agency

Information, Records & Archives Statistics Advisory Committee Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency

Legal Law Reform Advisory Committee Land Registers of Northern Ireland

Personnel Civil Service Appeal Board 30



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million




58 58

8.7 8.7

9.2 9.2

99 99

27.3 27.3

40.1 40.1

76 76

13.3 13.3

13.6 13.6

1,166 1,166

48.6 48.6

79.6 79.6

72 72

3.6 3.6

10.5 10.5

40 19 0 0

511.2 1.3 0.0 0.0

518.1 2.1 0.0 0.3

0 0 ~ ~

0.0 0.0 ~ ~

0.0 0.1 ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~



1.2 514.3

Higher Education Funding Council for Wales

52 52

433.5 433.5

449.0 449.0

Historic Sites, Buildings & Estates




Royal Commission for the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Wales




19 0 0 19

1.1 0.0 0.0 1.1

1.1 0.0 0.1 1.0

282 282

11.8 11.8

12.2 12.2

5 5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

Welsh Assembly


Adult and Child Welfare Care Council for Wales

Art Arts Council of Wales

Community Development Welsh Language Board

Environment Environment Agency Wales

Financial Finance Wales

Health Wales Centre for Health Advisory Panel on Substance Misuse All Wales Medicines Strategy Group Welsh Committee for the Professional Development of Pharmacists Dental Committee, Welsh Medical Committee, Welsh Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Committee, Welsh Optometric Committee, Welsh Pharmaceutical Committee, Welsh Scientific Advisory Committee, Welsh Therapies Advisory Committee, Welsh Mental Health Review Tribunal Health Commission Wales (Specialist Services)

Higher Education

Legal Registered Inspectors Appeals Tribunal (Wales) Residential Property Tribunal Valuation Tribunals (Wales) (x6)

Libraries National Library of Wales

Local Government Local Government Boundary Commission 31



Funding £ million

Expenditure £ million

627 627

24.9 24.9

26.7 26.7

0 0

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

501 501

44.7 44.7

47.4 47.4

0 0 0 0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

209 209

23.4 23.4

25.3 25.3




Museums & Galleries National Museum of Wales

Regional Development Industrial Development Advisory Board, Welsh

Rural Affairs Countryside Council for Wales Agricultural Dwelling House Advisory Committee (x6) (Dormant) Agricultural Wages Committee (x6) (Dormant) Independent Appeal Panel for Farmers Agricultural Land Tribunal

Sport Sports Council for Wales

Total UK subsidiary bodies

1,162 32

Appendix B

FTSE 100 Companies for comparative purposes, by number of staff

Group 4 Securicor Compass Group HSBC Holdings Tesco Unilever Anglo American Sainsbury's Royal Bank of Scotland Barclays Royal Dutch Shell BT Group Glaxosmithkline British American Tobacco BP Associated British Foods WPP Group BAE Systems Wolseley Marks & Spencer FirstGroup Camellia Rentokil Initial Astrazeneca SabMiller Vodaphone Next Standard Chartered Aviva Lloyds TSB Group HBOS Old Mutual Wm Morrison Supermarkets British Airways MITIE Group Mitchells & Butlers Logica Serco DSG International Rolls-Royce GKN PLC Rio Tinto Mondi Centrica BHP Billiton Arriva Whitbread Carillion Woolworths Kesa


Turnover £million

440,128 361,327 322,282 318,283 189,000 162,000 148,000 142,600 134,900 108,000 106,200 103,401 97,431 97,000 84,636 79,352 79,000 78,948 75,871 74,233 73,059 70,834 67,900 66,949 66,343 62,314 59,205 59,000 58,078 57,884 53,152 51,502 48,070 44,866 42,741 40,483 40,086 38,596 37,300 36,117 35,245 34,000 33,933 33,861 32,435 31,703 31,576 30,209 29,581

4,490 9,895 137,892 42,641 40,187 25,470 17,151 49,526 39,668 355,782 20,223 22,716 10,018 284,365 6,800 6,186 14,309 16,221 8,588 3,709 161 2,203 29,559 14,862 31,104 3,284 21,506 40,900 22,081 42,373 14,630 12,969 8,492 1,229 1,894 3,073 2,811 7,930 7,435 3,616 29,700 5,751 16,342 39,498 2,001 1,411 3,331 2,737 4,501 33

Home Retail Group Pearson Smiths Group Balfour Beatty Xstrata Invensys Wincanton Debenhams Capita Group Punch Taverns Go-Ahead Group Rexam Lonmin Southern Cross Healthcare Thomas Cook Diageo AMEC Carphone Warehouse National Grid Rank Group Greggs Interserve United Utilities Daily Mail / General Trust Signet Group Northern Foods Reuters W H Smith Pendragon Savills The Davis Service Group Atkins Travis Perkins IMI Taylor Nelson Sofres Imperial Tobacco Ladbrokes John Menzies Yell Group Cable & Wireless Scottish & Newcastle Aegis Group Sage Group Cookson Group British Sky Broadcasting William Hill HMV Group Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Experian Group Scottish and Southern Energy Severn Trent Total

29,468 29,283 29,068 28,862 28,198 27,793 27,270 26,490 25,584 24,939 24,378 24,200 24,122 22,361 22,101 22,086 21,479 19,810 19,712 19,002 18,974 18,386 16,868 16,839 16,836 16,721 16,302 16,227 16,192 15,844 15,618 14,891 14,866 14,738 14,542 14,221 14,083 13,978 13,898 13,851 13,652 13,566 13,531 13,357 13,087 13,000 12,977 12,862

5,607 4,162 2,161 6,466 28,542 2,562 1,933 1,774 2,073 1,705 1,827 3,611 1,941 732 9,439 7,481 2,356 3,991 8,695 534 586 1,738 2,323 2,235 3,519 889 2,605 1,299 5,060 651 822 1,264 3,187 1,599 1,068 3,280 1,235 1,541 2,075 3,348 2,988 8,230 1,158 1,620 4,551 940 1,895 670

12,628 12,472

3,481 11,867




1,670,015 34

For media enquires, please contact: Mark Wallace Campaign Director, The TaxPayers' Alliance [email protected]; 07736 009 548 To discuss the research, please contact: Ben Farrugia Policy Analyst, The TaxPayers’ Alliance [email protected], 07980 589 905 35

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