The Unique Creation Of Allah

  • November 2019
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THE UNIQUE CREATION OF ALLAH: PROPHET MOHAMMED (PBUH) PHASE ONE: The Best of the Creations is God (Allah) realized humans. The first of the Creations, the best from best of the Creations and the best among the God realized humans is Prophet Hazarat Mohammed (Pbuh). He is the founder of the leading religion of the religions, Islam. When Allah was alone, nothing was there except Allah. No space, no time, no boundary, no air, no gas, no matter, no sky, no earth, no creations was present except Allah. Allah is self existent, eternal who cannot get the death and who is ever lasting. He was alone. He wanted that he should be recognized and for that he created all of these creations. The first thing of his creations is Noor-e-Mohammadi, the light of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). From this light, Allah has created everything known and unknown to us. Allah created the Paradise, the Hell, the seven skies and Earth and everything. He created Adam (AS) from Clay, angels from light and Iblis-the cursed Satan from fire who was from jinn. The jinn are created from the fire. All were living in the paradise happily. Bibi Hawwa (Eva) was created from one of the chest bone of Adam to accompany him. The Iblis was a teacher of the angels in paradise for he worshiped Allah for 24 billion years! This was the event before Adam was created. Then after some years, Allah wanted to create Adam(AS). So, he ordered the angels to bring clay from the earth and make a statue of Adam(AS). The angels made a statue of Adam(AS). The statue was not live then. Allah then breathed in the statue so it became alive. The breath of Allah is known as the ruh (soul). This is the reason when this soul (ruh) is taken out, we the humans go die and the mortal body is lost in the clay from which it is made. It is important to note that after Adam(AS) was breathed in and was made alive, Allah the almighty ordered all the angels and their teacher to bow down in front of Adam (AS). So, all the angels prostrated before Adam (AS) except their teacher Iblis. The Iblis was made Satan for not obeying Allah’s order. Satan argued that he was made from fire and Adam (AS) was made from clay so he was better than Adam (AS). The first event of envy in the creation was made by Satan against the Prophet Adam (AS). This resulted in vanishing of all his previous worship of Allah for 24 billion years! This is the guidance for all believers that the insult of Prophets and Saints of Allah may wipe out all virtues earned by good deeds. In quran, there are verses which advise the believers that they should not talk loudly while talking to the holy Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) otherwise; all the virtues earned by good deeds will be wiped out to a zero! To talk loudly in front of Prophet is considered as an insult! Think about those who use unpleasant words about Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh)! While Adam(AS) was breathed in by Allah, the breath (soul/ruh) came out of the statue complaining that there was darkness in it so it did not like to live in. So, Allah put the

light of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in the statue and then put the ruh in it and the Adam (AS) became alive. Adam(AS) and Bibi Hawwa (AS) were living happily in the paradise. The cursed Satan was expelled from Paradise. Allah wished that Adam would be made his deputy on the earth. The angels told Allah that they were obedient to him and Adam(AS) and his children would quarrel each other so the deputy should be from angels. Then Allah told “I know what you do not know” and taught Adam all knowledge and then tested the angels who were defeated by Adam (AS) in the knowledge test. The angels told “we only know what have been taught by you” The angels did not argue like the Satan. The angels surrendered to the almighty Allah. So they retained their status. The main reason why Adam(AS) was made deputy of Allah was that he had light of Mohammed (Pbuh) within, and he was the bearer of Allah’s amaanat. An amaanat is something which Allah gave him to preserve with him. That was a treasure of Allah. The Adam(AS) was the bearer of the treasure of Allah. Allah had asked all his creations to hold this treasure (amaanat) but all the creations except Adam (AS) expressed their inability to withstand that amaanat. So, Allah was very pleased that Adam(AS) took that amaanat. The Saints and divine knowledge people revealed that this amaanat was an extreme love of Allah., the fire of love of Allah. Adam (AS) and Bibi Hawwa(AS) were allowed to move freely anywhere in the paradise except to go near one specified tree. The Satan somehow entered the paradise through trick and tempted and forced Adam (AS) to commit mistake to eat the fruit of that denied tree. The Adam(AS) and Bibi Hawwa (AS) ate fruit of denied tree. The almighty Allah became angry and ordered that he and bibi Hawwa (AS) had to descend from paradise and had to live on the earth for some specified time. Hence, we all the children(humans) of Adam (AS) and bibi Hawwa(AS), have to live on this earth for a specified time, called as a worldly life. And in fact, Allah had already made him his deputy on the earth and hence the mistake had to be occurred by Adam (AS) so that it might become a cause for his descending on the earth. Adam(AS) was descended in Srilanka and bibi Hawwa(AS) in Makkah in Arabia. They met each other after 300 years. Their forgiveness on the earth was accepted after 300 years when Adam(AS) asked for forgiveness with the intercession in the name of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) whose name was written in the skies of paradise besides the name of Allah. So, Adam(AS) thought that the name who had been kept with the name of Allah must be very dearer to Allah, so he asked for forgiveness with the name of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Allah immediately forgave Adam (AS) and replied that if he had asked forgiveness with the name of Mohammed (Pbuh), he would have been forgiven 300 years ago and he would have not wept for 300 years! This implies how dearer our Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to Allah almighty is! Now since the time of Adam (AS) to Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), there arrived 124000 prophets on the earth. The last Prophet on the earth is Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). In fact the light of Prophet Mohammed was created first among the all creations of Allah. So, Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) is called as the first and the last Prophet among the creations.

Even Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) told his companions that while Adam (AS) was being prepared from clay, he was an observer! PHASE TWO: Allah created all souls (ruh) by his order. When Allah desired to create anything, he spoke “Kun” (be) and the thing appeared into existence immediately. Such is his power. So, by his order he created all creations including the souls of all the humans visiting this worldly earth. To all the souls, he asked a question “Am I not your rabb (creator/guardian)” On hearing, all the souls(ruh) divided into four groups of the souls. (1)Group one: The souls who testified and answered by tongue and heart. These souls will take birth on the earth as a Muslim and die as a Muslim (2)Group two: The souls who testified and answered by tongue but not by heart: These souls will take birth on the earth as a Muslim but die as a disbeliever (3)Group three: The souls who testified and answered not by tongue but by heart: These souls will take birth on the earth as a disbeliever but will die as a Muslim (4)Group four: The souls who did not testify and did not answer by tongue or by heart: these souls will take birth as a disbeliever and will die as a disbeliever From among the Group one, all the souls were gathered and from them the souls who were to be declared as prophets were separated. These were gathered. These were the groups of the souls of the prophets. From these souls, one soul was taken by Allah with him. This was the soul of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). By pointing this soul, Allah asked the group of souls of the prophets like this “I want to give you the prophet hood but you have to give me covenant that in whose time this Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) will arrive, he shall have to respect him, obey him and assist him to spread my message. Are you ready for this?” Every soul replied positively and they were entrusted with the prophet hood. The Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) was made the leader of all the Prophets. So, from this we can understand how dearer the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to almighty Allah is! The prophets arrived on this earth one after the other. They conveyed message of Allah. The earth was purified by the Prophets. After the demise of the Prophet, the earth slowly and slowly corrupted and the sins of the people of the earth increased due to influence of the Satan whose mission is to misguide the humans. Every prophet on the earth was waiting during his period on this earth for Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to obey him according to the covenant made in front of Allah in the world of souls. All the Prophets arrived on the earth and went but the Prophet for whom they waited arrived on this earth as a final and last prophet (Prophet Mohammed Pbuh). So, they requested Allah that how they could obey great Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) whereas the Great Prophet was arrived

after their earthly world time was over. Then Allah told that a time would come when you all would be called to obey. And indeed, that marvelous time arrived during the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) ‘s journey to heaven and further, physically, during his earthly world life. During this journey, all the Prophets were ordered to gather in the Al Aqsa Mosque in the Jerusalem where Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) lead the prayer (salaat) and all the Prophets obeyed him, congratulated him for his great journey to meet physically to almighty Allah. During the journey, the Prophet visited all heavens, saw hell fire, seven skies, and their creations and finally met the almighty Allah with his eyes. In quran, it is written in surah Al Nazam “And your Sahib(Prophet Mohammed Pbuh) saw the Glow of Allah in such a way that the eye could not twinkle!” The journey from Makkah to Jerusalem (Mosque al Aqsa) has been described in Surah Bani Israil in quran. All the Prophets were gathered in Al Aqsa mosque so that they can fulfill the covenant made to obey the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). So, our Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) is a leader of all the prophets. PHASE THREE: Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) took birth in Makkah in the family of Bani Hasham. His father’s name was Abdullah and Mother’s name was Amenah. He became an orphan at the child age. His grandfather Abdul Muttalib took the responsibility to bring him up. But after few years his grandfather took veil from this material world. Now the responsibility came on his uncle Abu Talib who was a father of hazarat Ali(RA), a son in law of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Abu Talib was uncle of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Prophet Mohammed toured Syria, Iraq, Iran for the purpose of trade. He married a wealthy widow woman named Bibi Khadijah(RA) on her request. At the time of marriage the age of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) was 25 years and Bibi Khadijah’s age was 40 years. Bibi Khadijah took veil after three years of declaration of Prophet hood. Bibi khadijah used to take Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to various divine knowledge people to solve unknown problem something like possession of the jinn if any, due to the fact that the prophet’s body was being trained by Jibrael (AS) so that it can withstand the tremendous pressure to be developed during divine revealation of quranic verses later on, during that time, the Prophet’s body used to shiver and lot of perspiration used to release. The prophet was used to see a person who was appearing but not speaking. He was Jibrael (AS) but yet to confirm. So, during the initial stages, it was unaware for the common public that it occurred due to revelation to come, everybody insisted to visit divine people of that time to solve the problem. But one very pious leader of that time in Christian faith advised Bibi Khadijah that it seemed that an angel Jibrael was used to appear to her husband and to verify it she was advised to open her head hairs and to inquire her husband whether the person was still appeared. If the person disappeared, it would be none other but angel Jibrael (AS). This is the reason why head scarf is essential for women. Even Jibrael (AS) never come near open hair headed woman. Some years passed like this and the body was fully trained to withstand the reception of quranic verses. The quranic revelation started. In quran, in surah Hashr it is written “if these quranic verses descended on the mountains, it would break up into sand particles!” Such

verses were taken by our prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) and for that hazarat Jibrael(AS) was appearing to train the Prophet’s body. Before such spirituality is demonstrated physically, the prophet used to go in the cave of the mountains near the city of Makkah. He used to pray a lot. He used to engross in the remembrance of Allah. He performed meditation and other prayers. He was the prophet by birth but the declaration of prophet hood was awaited as it depended on the will of Allah. He had practiced all the spiritual stations to control the self. He prayed salaat-ema’koos in which one had to tie ones legs on a branch of the tree near the well whose branch projected on the well. By this way one had to hang oneself in the well with upside down. This is a greatest mujahida. So many great friends of Allah did this prayer. This prayer lasts long up to 40 days, six months and so on according to the requirement when the desired result is obtained. The prayers of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) are beyond human imagination. Once upon a time, Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) asked hazarat Jibrael(AS) about his age. Hazarat jibrael(AS) replied that in the sky one star used to appear once in every 70 billion years and he had seen that star 70 billion times. From that, one can understand the age of Hazarat jibrael (AS). Prophet told hazarat Jibrael(AS) “would you recognize that star if brought in front of you?” Hazarat Jibrael replied “yes, sure, I would recognize it” Hazarat Mohammed (Pbuh) told jibrael to see staringly at his (prophet’s) forehead. Soon hazarat Jibrael spoke “Subhanallah, I bear witness, that star is shining on your forehead!” Hazarat Mohammed (Pbuh) smiled and told, you were able to see that star when my head was not in the prostration, and you could not able to see it when my forehead was in the prostration of Allah! So, our beloved prophet was performing prayers in such away in the world of souls. And why not, when Satan did prayers for 24 billion years then undoubtedly, our prophet is the leader of the prophets, and hence such a big prayer can be entrusted to him so that no one can be superior to Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in Allah’s creation to perform prayers for Allah almighty. The Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) was so near to Allah and so dearer to Allah that the Prophet told his companions that no one could recognize his reality except Allah. The same Prophet told in front of disbelievers that he was like a simple human! The same prophet told in front of beloved companions and believers “Don’t copy me, My rabb is feeding me” This statement was made by Prophet when his companions copied him to do fasting continuously without eating and drinking in the evening or at the time of dawn. The Companions became weak and could not attend mosque after some time. On inquiry, the Prophet came to know that they copied him. Then he replied that he was fed by his rabb! But nobody knew him eating or saw him drinking! Such is a food from Allah. In quran, it is written in Surah Aaley Imran verse number 169 “Do not imagine as dead for those who are killed in the way of Allah, but they are alive and they are provided food from your rabb” Many people have witnessed that the martyrs body remain in tact as if just buried when their grave are opened for some reason. Some martyrs bodies were found after several months of their martyrdom in the communal riots in India and people witnessed their bodies in tact without any sign of decomposition! Almighty Allah gives

food to such bodies. When martyr has such a dignity, the Prophet is a leader of such martyr; one can imagine the dignity of prophet. PHASE FOUR: The Prophet of Islam hazarat Mohammed (Pbuh) informed the believers that at the time of death of every person, believer or disbeliever, would be asked three questions. See, our prophet’s knowledge! No science could be able to find that questions would be asked at the time of death. Not only that, which questions would be asked that also our beloved prophet knew! He informed that following three questions would be asked to every person at the time of death. The time of death is just final few moments when the soul(ruh) is extracted from the body by angel Israel(AS). This is called as questioning in the grave. The questions are: (1)Who is your rabb (creator); (2)What is your religion and (3)What do you know about this man? And if the dead person’s death is as a believer (Muslim), the person will reply like this: (1) Who is your rabb? Answer : Allah is my rabb (2) What is your religion? Answer: Islam (3) What do you know about this man? Answer: This is our holy beloved Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) upon whom I want to sacrifice my soul and upon him uncounted salam and durud be showered on behalf of me From these questions, the first question identifies the person whether he/she is believer or disbeliever. The second question is for identifying the person for his faith. The correct faith will be marked only if the person had a faith in the last prophet of his time. In this way, if during the period between Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh)’s declaration of prophet hood and prophet Jesus(As)’s declaration of prophet hood a person died and if he replied that his religion was a faith of a Christian then his faith would be recorded as a correct faith. After the declaration of Prophet hood of Mohammed (Pbuh), every body’s answer must be Islam as a religion to pass in the second question. The third question is asked about the self of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) which identifies the true aqidah in Islam. By adopting Islam if some one says that Prophet Mohammed(Pbuh) is a human, he or she will reply the same at the time of death due to his or her inability to recognize the reality of Prophet. And thus he or she will fail in third and last question at the death time. Our prophet has been termed as a man in asking a third question in the grave. This is the only time; our prophet has been termed as a man in asking a question by the angels in the grave. The reason is that this is a test in the grave. If the word “prophet” was used in the grave, the faulty akidah people and disbelievers would recognize the prophet and the test would not become a test. To pass and get paradise, one has to pass all three questions. Regarding third question, the believer will recognize prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) even if the believer would be from previous nations like Jews or Christian. As the person is believer, he would recognize Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) from the light of his prophet as prophet Mohammed is a leader of all the prophets. So, we must consider the time of removal of soul from our body as a death time and the place where the soul departs from the body of a person is a grave place. This is the reason that the prophets graves are made where their souls departs. As for example, if

some person died in a plane crash or some died in a boat accident in sea during which their bodies would not be available. So, what about their graves? Graves and the world of graves are a reality. So, in fact the place from where the soul departs is a grave place and the questioning of grave occurs at the time of just removal of the soul. The believers’ souls are easily removed like a hair from the oil whereas the disbelievers get tremendous woes at that time. Allah almighty created all the creations including jinn and humans so that he can be worshiped and recognized. Allah showed ways through prophets and saints for guidance. To recognize Prophets and saints, he bestowed upon them the divine powers through which they demonstrated the power and performed miracles to stir the believer souls. The world of the graves is the time between the death of the person and the judgment day (qayaamat day). So, our Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) has been kept as a reference by Allah for entire creations as all creations are created from his light. This is the reason Prophets prophet hood were given due to their covenant to obey Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in the world of souls and the virtues of the believers earned by them due to good deeds remained safe for not talking loudly in front of the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in this worldly life! The person passed in the questioning of the grave if he recognized Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in the grave! So, in summary, Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) was created by Allah first in his creation and who was made the leader of all the souls in the world of souls, and made leader in this physical world in such a way that virtues (good deeds)of the person remained safe if the person respected and loved holy prophet (Pbuh) and earned paradise by passing third and final question of recognition to Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in the grave!

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