The Things They Carried

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 573
  • Pages: 6

ABOUT It i s a story dedi cated to a pl atoon of ameri can sold i ers fighti ng Vietnam. Showing that they carried mal ari a tabl ets, l ove letters, z8 pou nd mi ne d et ect ors, dop e, bi bl es,guns, and each other.

PURPOSE The purpose of the book accordi ng to O' Bri en, was not only physi cal  thi ngs l i ke weap ons, tal i smans, medical gear, and water but al so, and more i mp ortant , su ch things as fear, love of each other, l ov e of l ife, and a drive to keep in other al i ve d u ri ng w ars . A nd , to s how that wars weren't al l j ust about ki l li ng. There i s a l ot more to i t than that.

STRATEGY The strategy of the book is to s how how great he blends together the ficti on and non-fi cti on part s of the Vi etnam war and make i t feel l i ke i t actu al ly happened.And, if the sol di ers had mad e i t home alive, they carried the nightmari s h i mages of the w ar t hey were once in.

EFFECT ON THE AUDIENCE  People real l y l i ked how thri ll ing and l ively the book seemed to them. Some even s ay that this book i s as good as any pi ece of li teratu re can even get ! ! !

"This book has something that other books don't. The writing, the people, the words, the lack of words, a comma here or a period there. Every page is so magnificently done with a finesse of heartache, dark comedy, and raw, pure, genuineness that I've never experienced in any film or text. It's addicting yet painful to read which makes the experienced of reading it all the more powerful."

"This book just grabs you and won't let go. When you're finished with it it won't be finished with you. I was in the Air Force during the war - C141 cargo transport. I was never stationed in Vietnam but flying in and out several times a month. In with things needed to fight a war. Everything from soldiers to mop buckets. Out with the results. Air Evacs full of wounded, or cargo of 140 coffins filled with human remains. First book I've read in years that I didn't want to put down, but I was glad when it ended."

"This book is amazing! I do not read war stories. For the most part I only read epic or space fiction books. Anyhow Tim O'Brien and his amazing way to write totally changed that. If you want normal length chapters, with normal flow of ideas and a organized story structure, do not read this book. If you are ready to get your head spinning with one sentence paragraphs and stories that jump all over the place and even repeat or contradict themselves, go for it, it is totally worth it".

SUM IT UP Thi s book always keeps you eng aged and ex ci ti ng . S o I gi ve i t a 9/10  and would recommend thi s book t o almost anybody.

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