The Sword Of The Dales. ( G..

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The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Fantasy RPGs » Defenders of the Dalelands. » The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Oct 10, 2008, 4:36am Evening has set in Shadow Dale and you have all headed to the Inn for a drink and perhaps a meal. Laughing and singing can be heard from within the inn as you approach. Lanterns pour yellow pools of light around the three-story building, illuminating the structure's stone and plank construction. A wooden sign, hanging from a metal rod above the main doors, proudly proclaims this establishment to be The Old Skull Inn. Inside, the taproom is alive with activity. Most of the tables are filled with customers, and barmaids wind between them, carrying trays of steaming food. In one corner an older woman plucks a lyre and softly croons an ancient ballad. A few patrons sit nearby, trying in vain to hear the concert. You recognize some of the people here; several merchants sitting near the door raise their mugs in friendly greeting as you enter. You've seen others during your walks through town, and you suspect a few are adventurers like yourselves;no doubt looking for some spark of excitement or hint of mystery to set them on their way. An empty table in the southeast corner looks large enough to accommodate your entire group. One of the employees waves you over to the table and calls out that he'll be there in a few minutes to take your orders. You and your group settle comfortably in the large wooden chairs and wait. Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by ragarmagnus on Oct 26, 2008, 6:23am As Ragar Magnus approaches the Old Skull Inn, where he had been told adventurers gathered to swap stories and discover new explorations and such to venture forth towards, an apprehension fills his stomach. He can see that the group going in looks mostly like seasoned warrior and experienced adventurers. How would he blend in, he, a farmboy with dreams of becoming a great fighter hero? Well, gotta start somewhere, he thinks to himself, walks in, and tries to mingle with the group, who sits at a table in the southwest corner... Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by dngnmstrbailey on Oct 26, 2008, 8:56am It's a busy night tonight, Sean notes as he walks in the door. He waves at the few people he knows and looks around for an empty table. Seeing the waitress wave him to a rather large table in the SW corner, he makes his way over to it, giving her a smile and a wave. There is already someone there, a man in scale armor. But it isn't unusual to share a table with a stranger here, especially when it was so crowded. As he sits, Sean hangs his crossbow from it's sling across the back of his chair. Looking over at the man he is to share the table with, he extends his hand in greeting. "Hi there, I'm Sean. Pleased to be meeting you. " Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by dungeoneer on Oct 26, 2008, 9:34am Racala walks into the Inn, looking around, "Crowded tonight, easy pickings, perhaps" She waves at those recognizes, smiles and winks at any attractive Men who catch her eye. Seeing the space at the table, she sits down, looking at the people there already, "Evening Gents," friendly smile on her face. Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by gunnerhauklund on Oct 26, 2008, 9:39am "OY! You canna come in 'ere wit no shirt on!" Bitterbranch Zzoul, or 'Furious', as the slavers had moniker-ed him, looked around a moment before realizing the bartender was talking to him. He decided that he certainly did stand out. He was dressed in only leather breeches and traveling boots. He wore more in ornamentation than he did in clothing. Bead-work encircled his neck and wrists and snaked through his long shaggy brown hair. Tattoos covered his arms, back and face. His longbow was slung over his shoulder and he carried his arrows on his hip in a crude quiver. "Like an orc at a halfling wedding." his spirit voice chided him. "Put your cloak on, you are embarrassing us both." The tattooed and golden skinned elf pulled the garment from a sack hanging over his shoulder and draped it over himself. He looked to the bartender for approval and the barkeep merely nodded and gestured to the table in the corner. "That must be the spot." He said aloud to his spirit friend. "Let's see if they have any of that ale. I've grown quite fond of it lately." "To fond of it, if you ask me." The spirit wolf muttered back. Furious ignored the sarcasm and walked toward the table. He knew that no else could see his companion. In fact, it was reasonable to assume that the invisible animal existed only in his brain. But it did not matter, the animal he had come to know as Bran was his guide. And as such, it deserved total respect and that meant he would speak to the wolf aloud. Even if meant he looked crazy. Or, crazier as the case might be. He greeted those that were already seated and pulled out a chair. Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by anodyzed on Oct 26, 2008, 11:56am Crossing the crowded inn to his group's table, Vorath greets a few of those he knows from town, the merchant, a few of the townspeople, and some of the worshipers of Pelor. Not that he didn't stand out in his armor emblazoned with the symbol of Pelor, but many knew him for his charitable works in the town, healings and such.

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Finally arriving at the table, he carefully takes a seat with his back to the wall. Greeting the others, he asks whats on the menu tonight, deciding if he wanted a full meal or just some light pickings. When the server comes, Vorath orders a pint of ale and a bowl of vennison stew, with bread. Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by gunnerhauklund on Oct 26, 2008, 2:13pm Furious smiled at the newcomer. "I have heard of your god, Pelor, friend." he grinned naively. "Tavern-keep, ales for me and my friends!" He produced a gold coin from his fish-skin pouch and threw it to the man at the bar. "I don't have change for this," the tap-master grumbled, catching the coin. He started to toss it back to the wild looking elf but Furious put up his hand. "Just be sure are cups are never empty, my friend." He looked down at the floor by his feet. "I have at least ten more like it, what are you worried about?" Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by noozoo on Oct 26, 2008, 10:03pm Qaz sat alone at a small table in the Old Skull. He looked lonely sitting there, wolfing down his stew and staring into his ale. He was an elf, with a plain elven face on a muscular frame. He seemed to be a traveler, for he had a lot of gear with him, including light leather armor, a small shield, a long bow, and a thin, curved blade. After he'd lost the group of dangerous looking thugs, he was relieved to find Shadow Dale just around the corner. And the Old Skull looked like a decent place, though way too crowded and noisy for his tastes. After eating his meal and almost getting into a brawl with the jerks at the table next to him, he was about to leave. But the jerks decided to leave instead, so Qaz figured he's stick around a bit longer. Now some more interesting folks started sitting at the next table, including a tattooed elf and a friendly looking female elf. They didn't seem to know each other, so Qaz assumed they were there for some higher purpose. This made him curious. He moved his chair a bit closer and tried to listen, and maybe make eye contact with either of the elves. Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by dungeoneer on Oct 26, 2008, 10:30pm Racala noticing Qaz making eye contact, smiles, {In Elven} Join us, if you do not mind the others. They harbor no ill will towards us Racala will order some fresh vegetables, and stew, along with a wine, preferably, a elven wine Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by gunnerhauklund on Oct 26, 2008, 10:56pm TO RACALA IN ELVEN: "Your elven has a funny buzz to it, but it is beautiful to hear. The gutteral speak of these humans is like mud in my ears." Then is almost the same breath he seems to speak to someone else. "Don't be a fool. I don't have an accent, it is her." Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by noozoo on Oct 27, 2008, 8:05am Qaz replies in Elvish, "Thanks." He moves over to the larger table, bringing his ale and all his stuff. Then in Common, continues, "My name is Qaz [ooc: pronounced 'Kazz']. You all meeting here for something in particular? Or is this just a random act of the Fates?" Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by dngnmstrbailey on Oct 27, 2008, 7:35pm Sean turns to Vorath. "Forgive me, but I am unfamiliar with Pelor. (OOC:What does the emblem look like?) Though I venerate each diety in it's own time and place, I have chosen Mystra as my patron." When the waitress comes over to take their orders, he also orders stew and small beer. Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by gryffydd65 on Oct 27, 2008, 8:06pm Warwick carefully enters the tavern, the dusty light shading the inhabitants, the sound of voices in merriment, Surely this must be the place he thought to himself. As he looked carefully he noticed a strange assortment of fellow travelers. He slowly walked over to the table. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I am Warwick Paladin of Clangeddin Silverbeard, May I join you?, for I believe I have arrived at the right place at the right time, you do believe in what has been shown to you right?" Warwick asked with a glint of knowledge in his eyes. Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by anodyzed on Oct 27, 2008, 8:11pm

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Pelor is the god of Sun. We call him "the shining one" He is the creator of many good things, a supporter of those in need, and an adversary of all that is evil. His clerics spread his word, and he is often worshipped by humans, among them many rangers and bards." His symbol is the Sun. I will talk to you more of his power and protection if you are curious. I do not push him on those who are not so inclined, but he will help all who are good destroy evil. Vorath looks almost rapt as he praises Pelor. Then after a few moments he seems back in the moment. Taking another drink of his pint, Vorath toasts, To the vanquishment of evil!~ Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by dungeoneer on Oct 27, 2008, 10:36pm Racala hearing the name "Mystra" turns to Sean. I follow Mystra also. My Grandmother said I was blessed by her. I'm not so sure about that, she gave me this tattoo. My Grandmother, that is, not Mystra turns to the newcomer. Raises an eyebrow, What is it that you believe we have been shown, Sir Dwarf? Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by noozoo on Oct 27, 2008, 10:44pm "Greetings, Warwick! Tell me, do you believe in fate? Because I've been wondering about that subject lately." Qaz seem a bit drunk. "What fate brought me here, and why?" Re: The Sword of the Dales Post by gunnerhauklund on Oct 27, 2008, 10:50pm "If I may interject, Qaz. But the Fates are everything. No one of us control our destinies. Our lives are pre-ordained and have been since time unrememborable. Those of us who fight fate, are the most susceptible to it's whims. Those of us who accpept our fate live our lives as a grand story to be read to the final page." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Oct 28, 2008, 1:45am It takes Turko, the waiter and cook at the Old Skull, about five to ten minutes before he gets to the group at the large table. When he finally arrives, he promptly points out tonight's specials. He has only good things to say about everything on the menu. Pheasant roasted with with special herbs until the flavor dances upon the surface. Watercress salad so crisp you'd think it was grown in the bowl just for you. vegetable soup made with only the freshest homegrown ingredients. After taking everyone's order,he disappears through a door on the far wall of the room. Owner Jhaele Silvermane is tending the bar. She moves from table to table, refilling mugs and taking orders. Those that are being observant notice that she disappears into the kitchen frequently. A few moments later she emerges, Turko in her wake. Only then does he make his rounds. Apparently, it's a constant battle for Jhaele to keep orders coming out of the kitchen, since Turko seems to be too preoccupied with improving his latest culinary masterpieces to bother with serving customers. A man stands at the bar, apparently comfortable with the surrounding chaos. Those familiar with Shadowdale know that this is Durman Hilesta, the Skull's resident carpenter and bouncer. In case of trouble, he'll be the first to approach the offending parties. Other Skull employees include Bardag Shutlu (stablemaster) and Dora Leen and Sasha Baddja (chambermaids). Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by kavik on Oct 28, 2008, 2:29am Being relatively new in town, and in search of a warm fire and a warm meal, the Old Skull looks as inviting as one could ask for. Finding an empty table seems neigh impossible, so the slim, dark newcomer weaves through the crowd to an empty chair in the southeast corner of the room, gesturing for a drink from the nearest waitress. With a slight smile, and a questioning look, he indicates his desire to join the small group already at the table. "Greetings all, is this seat taken?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Oct 28, 2008, 5:31am Trandoc had been enjoying winning at darts for a while when a table in the back caught his attention. Tossing his remaining darts at the board and forgetting his winnings he heads over to the interesting table with wide eyes. Speaking to himself, those at the table hear, "Ooo Ooo, bunches of elves," as the hobbit takes in the elves at the table. Then noticing the tattoos a, "Ooo Ooo, funny skin inky things," as he moves over to Bitterbranch and traces a tatoo with his finger. His attention then shifts to the dwarf and he moves over and feels his beard and then then his own head hair before saying, "Ooo Ooo, mine is scratchier." Looking at the Pelor priest his eyes get big and he just says, "Ooo Ooo, Sunny." Seeming to catch a whiff of something he mutters, "Ooo Ooo, pigs," as he moves quickly away from Ragar. His attention then moves to the food as it comes out of the kitchen. With rapt adoration you hear him whisper as he sniffs the aroma, "Mmmm, now Turko is a cook." The word cook is said with reverence and awe. Then standing on a stool he waves at Turko as he calls, "Looks like you've outdone yourself Friend Turko. It smells heavenly." As he stuffs more food than you can imagine into his small mouth he asks, "Name's Bumblebee. Don't believe I know you. You guys look like you're up to somthing. Are you?" Description: Bumblebee is a hobbit with black, wiry hair. He stands just over 3' tall. He is dressed in a strange fashion with a black and yellow striped shirt, black pants, and a yellow cloak. He has a bandolier with several daggers in it and a sling tucked into his belt. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Oct 28, 2008, 2:11pm

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Well, according to my Grandmother, my Fate is certainly pre ordained. turning to look at the Halfling. Eat slower, take time to enjoy the flavors, the feeling of the food in your mouth Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Oct 28, 2008, 3:09pm Qaz: "You never know how it feels to have THAT much food in your mouth until you try it! Urrrp! I always thought fate was a burden one carried between significant stops along the way. But then I realized, that was Freight!" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Oct 28, 2008, 11:42pm A tall, middle-aged human male with wire-framed glasses enters the inn. He is well built and healthy, with shaggy hair and a short goatee. A satchel bulging with scrolls and parchments is flung over his left shoulder. Strapped securely over his right shoulder is a sword sheathed in a tooled leather scabbard. The man's eyes dart intently around the room, obviously looking for something or someone. Abruptly, his gaze falls upon your table, and a smile crosses his face. Making his way across the room in confident strides, he approaches your group. When he reaches you, he says;"Greetings, adventurers. I bring you news of an urgent matter that requires immediate attention." His voice is deep and clear, and for a moment his words don't register. Then it begins to sink in: This could be an opportunity for a real assignment. Glancing about the room and noting the stares that followed him to your table, he quietly continues, "May I have a seat so we can discuss this further" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Oct 29, 2008, 12:00am Ralcala looks at the Man, Yes, please, sit down and let us speak more about this. smiles at him. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Oct 29, 2008, 5:29am Qaz blinks. "Are you Fate?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Oct 29, 2008, 4:45pm Bumblebee will follow the man over to where he sits down and quickly responds, "Discussing is good. What happened to the rest of your beard?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Oct 29, 2008, 6:33pm "We have been shown that with diversity we can over come any obstacle, and evil has always been the greatest obstacle I have ever known." Warwick said with a smile on his face, well if you can see through his thick mustache and beard. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Oct 29, 2008, 7:56pm Sean has thus far sat back and watched as events unfold. Even though not a stranger to the "ol' skull" he feels out of place with how everything seems to be going so fast. When his small beer and stew arrive, he hoists his mug to his lips. Just before he drinks he murmurs "May Tymora bless this group. M' thinks that we're to need her smilin' upon us." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Oct 29, 2008, 9:58pm Vorath hear's Sean's prayer before his meal, and smiles. After he's finished, Vorath comments I think we might all need some powerful smiles upon us. But for all that has been said so far, nothings really been said. And Vorath partakes of his own meal after a silent prayer to Pelor. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gunnerhauklund on Oct 29, 2008, 11:36pm ALOUD: Aye, perhaps a prayer is for the best. Fenmarel Mestarine, please watch over us, although I'm sure you do not care. It is enough for me that you take interest. Guide our individual paths and the any we may take together. And cheer up. Furious smirks and drains his mug. Barkeep, why is my ale jar empty!? He looks at his feet again, NO! YOU'RE DRUNK! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Oct 30, 2008, 3:20pm Warwick watched the curious human with his sword and scrolls, this could be what he was expecting, he wished his God would come out and tell him directly in his visions but like most gods, the old Silverbeard was elusive in that department. "Speak

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away, for we are hungry for our meal and the opportunity to serve one's duty." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Oct 30, 2008, 5:14pm Wow, nearly as many gods as we have people. If diversity is good, then we be good. Never heard of Fenmantle or Pelor, they're not from around here are they?", asks the hobbit. Before anyone can respond he turns to the man with the goatee and asks, "Ooo Ooo, what's with all the paper? Thought you were going to tell us something?" [ooc] Not pushing for a DM post, just playing Bumblebee Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gunnerhauklund on Oct 30, 2008, 6:50pm OOC: I THINK PELOR IS CALLED LATHANDER IN THE REALMS BTW. TO BUMBLEBEE: "Fenmantle is the god of outcasts, I think you would like him." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by quazi on Oct 30, 2008, 7:09pm As you talk you may notice the young red haired girl who has been standing quietly near the fire, as though she didn't want to be noticed. She is however more concerned with the staff not noticing her than the patrons, with exception of the patrons at the table next to yours. She is neither a very good thief, nor an ambitious one. She is concentrating so hard on not being seen by those at that table and the staff that she doesn't realize that she is acting in your full view as she takes a crust of bread from a plate and then moves toward the door... [GM: +1 for slight of hand for the target table and staff] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Oct 30, 2008, 8:31pm

Ralcala will watch the red haired Thief for a moment, then put her head down briefly, mumbling Good luck before turning back to the Man with Glasses and and scrolls. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Oct 30, 2008, 9:29pm The man pushes aside the empty dishes on the table with a sweep of his hand. Removing the satchel from his back, he props it against the table leg. He then pulls out a fistful of papers and spreads them out on the table. In one smooth motion he unstraps the sword from his back and lays it before your group. You study the stranger intently. His clothing is of good quality and fits his muscular frame well. He smells faintly of ink, which is puzzling. When you catch a glimpse of his hands you notice they are smooth, with no sign of the callouses or injuries that would mark him as a fighter or farmer. The only other clues to the man’s work are the dark ink smudges on his fine, tapered fingers. As soon as the barmaid spies your new companion, she rushes toward the table with a cup brimming with mead. “Compliments of the Old Skull, Lhaeo. We hardly ever see you anymore,” the older woman comments. “It’s always a pleasure to sip Skull mead, Jhaele,” he says with a contented smile. “But bill me for it. My absence from your fine tavern hardly justifies free drinks.” Jhaele smiles warmly before heading off to attend to other customers. Lhaeo takes a long pull of the mead, then turns to face your group. “As you overheard, I am Lhaeo, scribe to Elminster of Shadowdale. Before I get into the specifics of the mission I referred to, perhaps you can tell me a little about yourselves?” spot check [dice=20+2][rand=702355940716757188251582224778847410813786426128092362250633602] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Oct 31, 2008, 1:53am Bumblebee looks anxious for a moment when Bitterbranch tells him that Fenmantle is the god of Outcasts and responds, "Ooo Ooo, Bumblebee isn't an outcast and doesn't want to be." After settling down a bit as he figures out Bitterbranch may not have been trying to make him an outcast and that his response might be seen as a negative one towards a god he will say, "No disrespect to your outcast god, but I like Yondalla just fine." Following Red to the door with a pheasant drumstick and a half finished mug of ale, he will hand them to the girl and tell her all quiet like, "The pheasant is much better than the bread and the ale helps wash them down pleasantly." With a wave to Red he heads to the kitchen to check in with Turko and see if he is working on anything interesting and to help with suggestions, both on anything he is working on and on what he'd like to see him attempt next (although chimera

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flambeaux might be hard to come by). He collects another mug of ale and whatever food is warm on his way back to the table. Bumblebee gets back to the table in time to hear Lhaeo's request for the group to tell him a little about themselves. Looking around and not seeing anyone immediately stepping forward he will tell Lhaeo, "I can only tell you a little about ourselves, we just met tonight you see. One of us works with pigs. One of us likes crusts of bread. One of us talks to his feet, I think to the piggy that went to market. One of us has a full beard. Ooo Ooo, you never did tell us about what happened to the rest of your beard." Taking a bite and a drink it suddenly occurs to Bumblebee that the man probably had wanted each person at the table to tell about themselves and not the party as a whole, which he hadn't finished in any event since he got distracted by the whole beard issue. He pipes up again, "Nice to meetcha Lhaeo, I'm called Bumblebee. I'm an explorer and pretty good with knives," said as he runs his hands over his dagger bandolier and then sticks his hand out to shake with Lhaeo. wandererwanderer Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Oct 31, 2008, 5:57am Qaz holds out his hand to shake. "Qaz, scout. Isn't Elminster a famous wizard or something?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by quazi on Oct 31, 2008, 10:00am [image] "Red" quietly joins the table, sitting her ale on the very edge of the table, as though she is trying not to take up much space and still some how remain unnoticed. She seems to be trying to restrain herself from wolfing down her food, and not entirely succeeding. She is also not entirely succeeding in not being curious about the scroll, stealing glances at it between attacks on the drumstick. She gives a thankful look to the hobbit as he returns, but otherwise remains silent. She cringes at his "crusts of bread" comment. Description: 5'3 ft. Straight red hair tied in the back. Green eyes, not that she makes eye contact very often. Very slight in build. Wearing old commoner's clothes and a very old backpack. She is barefoot. She is wearing a leather tong with a folk charm of some sort with a feather and a small metal symbol that looks like a horn.... TO Bumblebee:...a cornucopia you probably notice. [OCC but see below, this detail may need to be reconned]

[OCC: I think many of us are jumbling FR and Greyhawk pantheons. I'm not a "setting purest" myself, so it doesn't bother me. It may be a problem if the GM wants to have some cosmology elements to the plot, or wants to run things strictly FR. If it is a problem then it is a simple one to fix as we can just edit our posts to change the deities. If it is not a problem, then I actually prefer having a smorgesborg of gods and conflicting theologies to be confused about, sort of like the real world.] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Oct 31, 2008, 3:11pm "I am Warwick, Paladin of Clangeddin Silverbeard, I have just recently arrived here, and I am committed to good and all that it stands for," Warwick replied with a big smile on his face as he held a tall pint frothing with foam on it. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Oct 31, 2008, 5:54pm And I am Vorath, cleric of Pelor, god of the Sun. While I was raised in this area, it is time for me to strike out on my own, not stay tied to my origins. The tall human takes another swig of his pint and looks around the group for the next one to introduce himself. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Oct 31, 2008, 6:45pm According to my Grandmother, I am blessed by Mystra for a great destiny shrugs, She gave me this tattoo, because of her beliefs. Told me it was my link to the Umbra. holds up her left arm. Racala has long coppery red hair, green eyes, tan skin. stands about 4' 7". On her left arm, beginning on the back of her hand, is a leafy vine tattoo, that goes around her wrist and arm, over her shoulder, and around her left breast, very intricately drawn. I hail from a small village near Silvery Moon. I have been fending for myself for awhile, seeking an exciting, and hopefully, long lasting, career in being an Adventurer Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Oct 31, 2008, 7:50pm I am Sean Aelfmann. I grew up on a farm not to far from here, where I was raised by my grandparents and mother. Once I reached my teens, I went off to study with my fathers people in the forests of Cormanthor.

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gunnerhauklund on Nov 1, 2008, 10:24am My tribe called me Bitter-branch. The slavers called me Furious. Most folks around here still call me that. I cannot return to my jungle village until I achieve spiritual perfection. Unfortunately, I do not know how to obtain that, but beating people senseless seems to help. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by quazi on Nov 1, 2008, 12:06pm As she finishes the last bit of flesh on the drumstick and the final crumb of the crust, "Red" realizes that everyone else has spoken.... She glances around uncertainly, looks ready to bolt from the table, but then blurts "I'm a healer...........I'll come along if you feed me." She then half-reaches for someone's half-eaten salad and looks towards the men in armor for a sign of acceptance or rejection of her offer.... Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 1, 2008, 12:19pm Bumblebee will pipe up from where he stands peering closely at Lhaeo's goatee, "Ooo Ooo, Red, if you can heal I'll be sure you eat. May not be as good as Turko's grub, but better than crusts to my way of thinking. If this good man tells us what he wants we may find we will want some healing." [ooc] And here I thought she was a thief. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 1, 2008, 12:56pm Qaz hails the barmaid. "More vegetables for... " He turns to 'Red'. "What's your name? Would you like some spirits too?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 1, 2008, 1:55pm Vorath greets her, Hello "healer", and welcome to our group. Healing is a noble endeavor, and one I'm sure many a combatant wished was near. Would you prefer us to call you 'healer' or do you have a name you're willing to share with us. A smile on Vorath's face tries to be welcoming. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by quazi on Nov 1, 2008, 5:12pm "I'm Jenni.....what kind of spirits? she replies, looking confused. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 1, 2008, 7:09pm "Spirits of the living! Ale, wine, or something stronger." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 1, 2008, 11:09pm Hehe, feed Jenni the Healer, we may need your healing at some point. Welcome to our group. Have some vegetables offers her some of the food she has, smiling Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 2, 2008, 9:23am To Bumblebee Lheo says, "My beard grows in patchy on the sides so I wear it like this." Then in response to Qaz's question he adds, " Yes, Elminster is a very famous archmage. He lives here, in Shadowdale." The inn has all but cleared out now. Jhaele and Turko move quietly about the room, clearing the last few tables. Lhaeo, now on his second glass of mead, tips his head back and takes a deep drink. He then leans in close and begins his tale. What I am about to tell you must go no further than this room, he begins.The Zhentarim will undoubtedly learn of this story soon enough, but there is no reason to give to them what they should uncover themselves. Do I have your word? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 2, 2008, 12:09pm A tired looking youth suddenly opens the door. he looks around the emptying inn and sighs with relief, he hates crowds. He spies a group in the corner and longs for human company, something he hasn't had for a week. Shifting a greatsword slung on his back, he approaches the company. In broken Common he says "excuse me, but I haven't talked to people in a great while. May I sit hear, so I may hear speach again?" Pulling up a chair he sits at the edge of the table, visibly uncomfortable and when approached by a waitress, requests simply bread and water. Then he sits back and listens to the (intentionally or not) intimidating party.

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The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 2, 2008, 12:14pm I promise not to make it easy to get whatever we talk about out of me. When in the company of others. turns to look at the newcomer. Welcome, looks like Fate, or, whatever, has drawn another to us. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 2, 2008, 12:29pm I am honored to be spoken to at this wise council, but I know not of Fate. If I was meant to be here, I was guided by the Spirit of my father's father, who has protected me since the day I was cast from my tribe. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 2, 2008, 3:51pm Bumblebee will tell Lhaeo, "I tried to grow a beard once. Didn't work. Just grew my hair long and wrapped it around front. Boy were people surprised to see a bearded hobbit. As I would pass people they were doing double takes to get a look at the beard. That was fun." Bumblebee frowns when asked to keep this secret and all you get from him is a mumbled, "Me not so good with secrets. Me try not to give nuthin away." Immediately after his muttered response his face brightens and he skips/bounces over to the new person who just sat down looking at the sword on his back. He then asks, "Ooo Ooo, that's a big sword. Bet its heavy. Can I hold it? Ooo Ooo, you going on big secret mission with us?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by quazi on Nov 2, 2008, 3:52pm Having eaten her fill (and having slipped several biscuits and 1/2 a pheasant into her bag), Jenni is happy to follow these people. After all, she reasons, 1/2 of them seem to be outcasts or runaways, and the other 1/2 is willing to travel with them. I shan't stand out too much. She meets the eyes of the Scribe and nods. The she starts to wonder What is a zentarum? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 2, 2008, 5:23pm To Lhaeo's question, Qaz nods once when he looks at him. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Nov 2, 2008, 5:42pm At the mention of the Zhentarim, Sean gets a bad look on his face. "The Zhent's 'ell get nothing from me but a missile up the back side." It is hard to miss the venom in his voice when talking about the Zhentarim. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 2, 2008, 5:55pm Without saying anything, Vorath continues to listen, himself wondering who these Zhentarim are that Sean would be so vehement. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by kavik on Nov 2, 2008, 10:32pm Kavik stays silent as well. He knows the danger associated with the Zents well enough, and is still considering his desire to find out first hand. He thinksOn one hand, anything beats the bordum of MORE training excercises. On the other hand, I wonder if the short one ever shuts up? A few preachies, no big deal, can handle that. Whats this? A redhead? NOW things are looking interesting! Im in. A slight grin, a shrug of the shoulders, and a barely perceptible nod confirm the scribes question. After all...anything is better than more training excercises! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 3, 2008, 12:59pm “Three weeks ago a group of warriors led by Randal Morn, rightful ruler of Daggerdale, was attacked as they left the crypt of Shraevyn, a longdead wizard. “Some among you may have heard of Shraevyn, the weapons-mage, in your studies. He was a good wizard who served the Dales back in the late 900’s. By all reports, he was wise and just, and he is credited with creating some of the most unique and powerful magical items of the era. “According to popular legend, Shraevyn created a powerful long sword, known as the Sword of the Dales, just before his death. This weapon was rumored to have a variety of special powers. No one remembers exactly what the sword could do, but in my research I'’ve managed to uncover a few of its reported properties. “First, the sword can part chains and manacles when its wielder speaks the word merrydale. It also enables its wielder to

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breathe underwater while holding it. Other than those two powers, I have little else to offer you." Taking another sip of his mead, the scribe continues his tale, interrupted only by the light swish of a broom and the clinking of clean mugs being stacked at the bar by Turko. "Randal must have believed that possession of this sword would put him in a better position to free Dagger Falls from the hands of the Zhentarim, for he led the adventuring group into the tomb himself. According to Ariton, a loyal servant and the lone survivor of the expedition, Randal successfully freed the sword from a horde of undead that were within Shraevyn's tomb. The group was ambushed as they left the crypt by a Zhent force of mages who had somehow learned of Randal's expedition. They nearly defeated the free Dalesmen, but Randal, wielding the Sword of the Dales, crushed them and their magical creations with minor injuries to his party. What happened next was totally unexpected and ultimately fatal for the group. Although it happened quickly, Ariton was able to provide some useful information. Undead, mostly skeletons but a few ghouls and zombies as well, rose from the earth. The Dalesman watched in horror as his doomed friends fell before the onslaught. He also caught a glimpse of an odd emerald light that struck Randal to the ground. Ariton insists that Randal was still breathing but unable to move after this attack. Smart enough to realize he could not fight all of the undead alone, Ariton managed to escape undetected and flee to Elminster’s tower for assistance. He gave me a sword, not the Sword of the Dales but an enchanted blade nonetheless,that he recovered from the tomb in return for a meal and some healing potions. He has since returned to Daggerdale to inform the freemen of what transpired. Clasping his hands before him, Lhaeo leans in and sets his gaze upon each of you in turn. The Realms needs heroes, right here and right now. I ask you to go and rescue Randal Morn. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 3, 2008, 1:02pm To Lhaeo: " I would rather die than betray a trust, and I will bravely follow any leader in the pursuit of good, and if such a leader is lacking, I would fight the evil myself." To the small, hyperactive halfling "I think my sword's burden is too great for you, although if you wish you may examine it at a later date. in a whisper to whoever is closest " who are the zhentarim?" (OOC: I don't really not know what's going on, but my character came in late and he isn't up to date. You don't need to give him a briefing of everything that has been going on, just let him catch up with time) Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 3, 2008, 2:55pm Qaz grimaces. "Undead. One of the worse kinds of evil, if you ask me. Just the thought of disturbing the dead and raising their bones makes me feel sick. But it's a worthwhile cause if this Randal Morn is a true and good ruler. And if the Sword is still out there. So did these Zhentarim all perish, or were the ones controlling the undead still alive? And where is this crypt you speak of?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 3, 2008, 6:22pm Vorath speaks slowly but in no uncertain manner, very deliberately, Undead are an abomination. I will help end this blight upon the land. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 3, 2008, 6:23pm Bumblebee smiles at getting to see the sword at a later date and grasps the pommel for a moment. His hand looks exceeding small against the hilt and his smile gets bigger before his attention moves back to Lhaeo. He asks, "Ooo Ooo, if there was only one survivor and Randal Morn wasn't it, how can we rescue him? You want us to bring back his body, or is he a zombie and you want us to lure it back?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Nov 3, 2008, 6:53pm With iron in his voice, Sean answers, "The Zhentarim are the military arm of the Black Network. They worship Bane and Cyric. It is their aim to spread their evil over all of Faerun and for their gods to reign supreme. They have been trying to conquer the Dalelands for decades. Elminster, the Knights of Mythdrannor and other such groups have fought them for just as long." "And I'll will join any group bent to their destruction." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Nov 3, 2008, 7:14pm "It is my sworn duty to uphold good and strike fear into evil, you have my sword oath that I will do everything in my power to rescue this fine man." Warwick said with a determined face. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 3, 2008, 11:17pm "I'll go on this, quest. I also am not very familiar with the Zhents. But, will do what I can to help foil their evil plots" Racala says, trying to be as diplomatic as she can muster. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Post by kavik on Nov 3, 2008, 11:59pm Kavik is barely able to suppress the inward groan...'zents AND undead? This just keeps getting better!' 'Still, the company seems nice enough. The short ones kinda funny, a couple of good looking ladies, a few strong arms...hmmm... they might have a decent chance...with my help, of corse.' And ANYTHING is better than more training, he would never return to the temple until he could do so as a full fledged member of the brotherhood. Still, one doesn't get to that status by making unwise decisions. To Leho: "I hate to be the pragmatic one of the group, and with all due respect and all that, but do you really expect us to go charging into the thick of Zent agents and the undead with no more than old pappies' sword and a few magic tricks? I'm no veteran soldier, but Ive enough wits to know that neither is anyone else at this table--no offense (looking at each person)-I guess my concern is twofold, one- why us, here, now...and two- whats in it for us? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 4, 2008, 12:27am Racala flashes a quick smile and a wink at Kavik after he makes his statement, and turns to look at Lhaeo, waiting for the Scribe's reply. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by quazi on Nov 4, 2008, 2:38pm Fighting! Undead! Evil soldiers worshiping evil gods! Jenni is thinking of slipping out of this...but then looks at the empty bowls in front of her and thinks of the food in her bag...I said I would follow if they fed me, and I did eat their food though.... but they are starting to argue, maybe we won't go... Jenni stays silent and starts to wish that she hadn't stuffed herself. All this excitement is starting to make her full stomach flipflop. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 4, 2008, 3:03pm with a mix of disgust and bewilderment Adon asks Kavik " Is that all that matters to you? profit? I would gladly give my life to defend those in need of defense and to strike my share at evil!"pointing to warwick and vorath "You! would you not also place the victory of good above your own individual lives?"Adon's face is alight with his righteous fury, and he is consumed by his love of goodness. (OOC:nothing against you Kavik, I'm just playing Adon. blame my enthusiasm, not me, if your insulted) Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 4, 2008, 3:22pm "But his other point is a good one." Qaz pipes up. "We have one Priest, right. Is that enough? And do we need magical weapons to fight these things? Aren't there more priests around? I'm happy to fight, but if we can't affect them, what good will it do? I'm sure wise Lhaeo knows some of these answers...." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 4, 2008, 5:43pm When Sean tells the group that he will join any group bent on the Zhentarim's destruction because they worship a pair of gods, Bumblebee looks a bit confused and he mumbles softly, "I thought we just said god diversification was a good thing?" As he's still trying to figure out Sean's comments Bumblebee is delighted to hear Kavik's question about what's in it for us. Nodding enthusiastically he will tug on Lhaeo's sleeve and suggest, "Ooo Ooo, maybe Turko can go with us to cook, or we can find out what the special herbs are that he uses on his roasted pheasant?" When Adon talks about giving our lives for good, Bumblebee shakes his head in negation as enthusiastically as he shook it in agreement earlier at Kavik's question while saying, "Me not want to die for good or any other reason!" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 4, 2008, 11:39pm As if in reply to kavik, Lhaeo speaks again. “"I can offer you this magical sword and a few potions if you are willing to accept this dangerous quest. In addition, you will be granted some land in the Shadowdale area when you return Randal Morn to his people alive. Do you have any questions?”" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 5, 2008, 12:36am I dont want to cast doubts on us, but, what if he is no longer alive? Racala asks, purposely avoiding making eye contact with anyone, she asks the question, lokking down at the table. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gunnerhauklund on Nov 5, 2008, 8:31am Furious finally speaks after listening intently these many minutes. "I am pursuaded to help you. I have no love for the Black Network and if they are in leauge with walking corpses, then they have a reckoning due. I am convinced that I was meant to be here and it is my fate to help you." He looks around the table. "You all may divide any rewards amongst yourselves in this endeavor. I have no need of weapons

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or armor and tracts of land will only tie me down and keep me from my true path. " Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 6, 2008, 12:31am Lhaeo replied to Racala," When last seen Randel was still alive, apparently breathing but unable to move. The force of undead that decimated his party could easily have killed him then and there but instead choose to drag him in the tomb. It appears they wish him alive, for what reason, I am unsure." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 6, 2008, 12:42pm "When do we start?" says Qaz. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 6, 2008, 2:22pm Vorath suggests, Why don't we get a good nights sleep and head out first thing in the morning, right after a healthy breakfast? The cleric looks around to see if any nod in agreement. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 6, 2008, 2:40pm

Adon looks at Vorath and questions "I do not presume to be wiser than a priest, but should we not first study our enemy so as to better be prepared? although I am willing to die for good, i would much rather kill for it." forgottenrealms Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gunnerhauklund on Nov 6, 2008, 3:02pm "Agreed. There is a saying in my village: So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will fight without danger in battles." "We have gotten to know one another, but we must first learn about our enemies."forgottenrealms Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 6, 2008, 3:30pm My Grandmother used to say, Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, hehe. Never was quite sure what that meant. Ahem, I think we should at least, get a good nights rest before setting out. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Nov 7, 2008, 3:25pm "It is agreed, we must get some rest and study our enemy, but if our enemy is undead, then they will not be be the ones we must study but the ones who control the undead. I don't believe these undead are the brains behind this, but controlled by a greater evil. " Warwick said with the most serious voice he had used all night. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 7, 2008, 5:46pm Bumblebee's attention wanders as the others discuss options and just as suddenly returns when the cleric mentions breakfast. With an eager nod he opines, "Ooo Ooo, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's always good to start off a new adventure with a full belly." After contemplating breakfast for a while, he does offer, "I do know a little about undead if you have questions. Don't know nuthin about what might be controlling them." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 7, 2008, 6:23pm After the conversation dies down again Lheo speaks again, "I would strongly recommend that you travel the Northride to where it joins the Tethyamar trail", he says. "This path is frequented by traders and other businessmen, and the patrols keep this route relatively free of monsters and other undesirables. That doesn't mean you are immune to danger, however. As the old saying goes, a wary traveler sees the light of a new day." Sliding the sword out of its sheath and holding it up with his left hand, the scribe picks up a table knife with his right hand and points to some of the runes near the hilt. "This blade is only lightly enchanted,(OOC: eg +1 ) but it should prove beneficial in combat. You must decide amongst yourselves who will wield it." He returns it to the table and continues. "Hopefully, both the Sword of the Dales and Randal Morn are still within the tomb. It is imperative that you get to Randal before the Zhents regroup and go after him in force." The scribe rummages in his satchel for a moment, then carefully pulls three vials from the bag and sets them on the table. "These are potions of healing. They should aid you in times of great need. One can restore a common person near death to full strength." Lhaeo's hand disappears once again into his bag and pulls out a bone scroll case. He places the case alongside the vials. "This contains a map of the area, as well as the location of Shraevyn's tomb. By Ariton's reports, a landslide uncovered the crypt in a

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valley known as the Giant's Craw. You should have little problem finding it. I'm always looking for books and other references, and I'm afraid our library is lacking in materials about Shraevyn. I'd gladly pay you a fair price for any books, scrolls, or notes that you find. If you do not have horses, I will provide adequate mounts. I will also see to it that you are fully provisioned with all necessities for your journey. Speed is of the essence in this matter, the longer we wait, the greater the risk of further Zhent involvement. You may each pick up a land grant at Elminster's tower after you successfully rescue Randal Morn." OOC: Post script, healing potions= potions of cure light wounds. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 7, 2008, 7:05pm Vorath comments, Blades are not my forte', so someone more suited to them will have to take it. I much prefer the Mace. And as I have my own means of curing wounds, I would think others should carry the potions so as to have them available should they be cut off from my aid. I will though take your offer of a good mount, though I am not well trained in handling animals, so something well trained would be appreciated. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Nov 7, 2008, 7:34pm "The long sword is not my weapon of choice either, how ever, I believe I could hold on to a vial for the party's sake and a well trained warpony would do nicely." Warwick replied to the group. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 7, 2008, 7:56pm I'll take the long sword, if no one else wants it Ralcala says, reaching for the hilt of the sword. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 7, 2008, 8:20pm Bumblebee reaches for the bone tube and opens it to look at the map. Looking up at the others he will say quetly, "I'd like to hang onto the map. I like maps and know many of the landmarks. Ooo Ooo, plenty of provisions please. Saphire can carry lots of food." Bumblebee will also make arrangements with Turko to get some extra food of the Turko quality. Never hurts to have plenty of food and good food is the best food. [ooc] If he has any questions about landmarks or markings on the map, he will ask them now of Lhaeo. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 8, 2008, 10:44am A longsword is too small for my taste, i will take no claim to it. as for the potions, i would like to believe wrestling with a wolf every week for two years has made me strong enough to resist a blade or arrow for a short time a mount would be appreciated though. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by quazi on Nov 8, 2008, 4:31pm "I can hold the potions." offers Jenni. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 9, 2008, 3:30am OOC: Posted the map that was in the scroll case in the maps & Pics thread. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 9, 2008, 7:56am "Uhhmmm, Mr. Lhaeo? I'm not seeing any crypt marked on the map," says Bumblebee as he pores over the map. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 9, 2008, 8:35am Looks like the the Hungry Healer can have the potions, hehe turns to Lheao. I also would like a horse. trained for riding, at least. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Nov 9, 2008, 1:51pm Sean nods his head, "Most of what we need to see to will be supplies, I think. We could get them from trader Weregund. I know I'll need some trail rations and some more arrows." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 10, 2008, 1:11am Lheao points to a spot on the map, " See that little mound, west of the Tethymyr Trail ( Spelling ? ) marked Giants Craw vally. It is there. the vally is not a large one, and the tomb was uncovered by a recent landslide. it shouldn't be difficult to find. " To

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the rest he says, " I will see to your mounts on my way back to the tower tonight, they will be ready for you tomorrow. Just check in with the stable hand. I will also speak to Weregund about getting you some sort of discount. If that is all, then I bid you a good night and a safe and fruitful journey." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by kavik on Nov 10, 2008, 3:28am (ooc: Sorry guys, was outa town. No offense taken


To Leho: "After thinking considerably, I will accept this quest, both for the good of the dales AND the good of myself." --Wink and smile To Party: "The sword will be of critical use to us in this endeavor I believe, and it should be wielded by someone more familiar with its use than I. I WOULD like to put my name in the hat for the land title, since no one seems interested in it. Now, how bout some deserts and another drink or 3 tonight before we think about breakfast tomorrow? Waitress!!" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by kavik on Nov 10, 2008, 3:33am ooc: Just re-read, we each get a land grant, so scratch that part. Im still in, and up to speed now. Sorry again! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 12, 2008, 1:26am The night passes uneventfully and those who stayed at the inn awaken to the most delicious smells wafting up the stairs to your rooms. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 12, 2008, 10:36am Vorath will spend some time in prayer to Pelor, requesting favor and spells. When that is complete, he'll attend the breakfast. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 12, 2008, 12:39pm Adon sleeps in the inn, and when he wakes up (ooc: or is it awakens?) he dresses and descends to eat, being careful to mutter several incantations to ward off bad spirits that may be wafting around his food Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 12, 2008, 1:43pm Racala having had a few drinks last night, gets up slowly, combs her hair, washes up, gets dressed, and comes down for breakfast. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Nov 12, 2008, 3:24pm Warwick oils his falchion and his armor before descending down for breakfast, once down he looks for a friendly face and proceeds to order breakfast. "Three eggs and some bacon if you please, miss, and some juice if it is not much trouble." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 12, 2008, 8:56pm Bumblebee spent a restless night thinking about his final breakfast with Turko's fine cooking and wakes early with a rumbling belly. Packing his equipment carefully, he begins to hear stirrings in the kitchen. Bringing his equipment downstairs he sets it by the table the group ate at last night and goes into the kitchen to talk to Turko. Helping the cook by handing him utensils and ingredients as necessary, Bumblebee enjoys the sounds, smells, and quick tastes of Turko's cooking. When the meal is nearly ready Bumblebee will tell Turko that he will be leaving for a while and that he will miss Turko and his cooking. Hurrying out to the table he is ready to dig in as soon as the food is served. He doesn't limit himself to just his portion and several of those who arrive late will find a rather meagre breakfast in store for them. After a very satisfying meal and a huge burp for such a little individual, Bumblebee will ask, "Are you all ready to head for Daggerdale?" Ready or not, Bumblebee will head out the door and head towards Daggerdale. He wonders if this Lhaeo knows what privations he's asking Bumblebee to endure. He doubts if he'll find a decent inn or meal before he returns to the Skull Inn. Just the thought of the hunger he can already feel gnawing at his belly makes his feet move faster so he can return all the quicker. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Nov 12, 2008, 9:08pm Not being used to staying in towns, Sean elects to return to the forest for the night. Once dawn arrives, he makes his way to the Shrine of mystra and meditates there for awhile after making a small faith offering. That this is done, he returns to the Old Skull to meet with his new companions and get a bite of breakfast. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by quazi on Nov 13, 2008, 1:03am

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Jenni eats her breakfast, and then goes out to the porch with a biscuit. After a few minutes a friend joins her. A crow lands on her head and starts eating the biscuit. Noticing the stares of the others, she shrugs and explains "He's a friend", as if that explains everything. She seems ready to go. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 13, 2008, 10:55pm Qaz eats with the others and savors the meal as he may not be eating so well for a while. At the weaponmakers he'll buy a war hammer, as arrows, rapier and dagger just won't do against skeletons. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 15, 2008, 1:09am OOC: Has everyone gotten all the extra equipment they wish ? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 15, 2008, 7:58am [ooc] Bumblebee has; extra food and Turko food. He'll load Saphire up with most of his stuff. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 15, 2008, 12:31pm ooc: no, I load up on food for another week (do we have to pay for this? meaning, should i take 3.5 gp off my character sheet?) and I also buy a greatclub, to deal with any skeletons I may encounter (should I take off 5 gp for this as well?) Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 15, 2008, 12:36pm Ralcala wants to buy a Hammer to help fight skeletons. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Nov 15, 2008, 9:17pm Sean needs to pick-up a weeks trail rations, 10 more crossbow bolts and 3 flasks of lantern oil. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 15, 2008, 11:52pm You go to the local merchant and find Lheo has made arrangements for your supplies, as long as it is normal gear. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 16, 2008, 12:29am Vorath will pick up another week's iron rations, and another quiver of crossbow bolts (20).

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 17, 2008, 12:31am Once you have gathered all your extra supplies you head to the stables and find the mounts Lheo had said he would leave for you. They aren't exceptional, nor are they poor. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 17, 2008, 12:49am Vorath will look his mount over carefully, pack his supplies and mount up, ready to follow whoever is going to lead this foray. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 17, 2008, 10:13am Adon apraises the horse with a quick glance, and loads the beast up for travel he leads it out to the road in the direction of adventure, and joins Vorath waiting for everyone else. he shows intrest in the holy symbols worn by his companion Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Nov 17, 2008, 3:23pm Warwick gathers up a sturdy club, and a weeks worth of rations, he then mounts his pony, waiting for the rest of the defenders to mount up. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Nov 17, 2008, 7:42pm

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Sean will accompany the rest of the group as they go to the stables. He walks up to the horse that he has chosen for himself and introduces himself to it. Gently petting the animal, he continues talking to it softly in elven. As he speaks to it, he saddles it and gets it ready to ride. Checking the tack, he'll look in the sadle bags for any grain for the horse. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 17, 2008, 7:59pm Ralcala will go to the stable, when she sees that the others are there. Walking up to a horse, she gently pets it. "Hi there, Horse, you and me are gonna go places. Hope your ready." gives the Horse a light pat, puts a blanket on it, hefts the saddle up, ties it, leads the horse outside, gets on it. I'm ready to go starts to follow those that are leaving. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 18, 2008, 12:35am Qaz is happy to have a new warhammer and a horse. He'll quietly get ready with the others and wait, hanging around near the forest. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by kavik on Nov 18, 2008, 2:48pm (OOC: Heard this one yet? I was outta town for a few days...sorry guys!) Kavik arrives late and haggard looking, and without a word begins methodicly saddeling his horse. As the party sets out, he says to the horse "Just follow them for now skeeter, and take it easy, my head is killing me, will ya?" The horse nickers as if in response. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 18, 2008, 6:04pm Bumblebee will pick up Saphire and check out the riding dog Lhaeo provided. Patting it on the head and neck Bumblebee will make it comfortable with him. Seeing the others are saddled and ready, he will take Saphire's reins and head on down the path, whistling "The Tavern Keeper's Daughter" merrily as he goes. I won't be able to post until Sunday at the earliest, so please NPC Bumblebee as necessary. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 19, 2008, 1:39am

On the Road to the Tomb As you set out,you pass numerous travelers on the Northride. Most are citizens of Shadowdale who are going about their business. For the most part, you are ignored by these people. Not too long after you begin your journey, you encounter the caravan. A long procession of carts, wagons, and horses approaches from the southeast. As the distance between your two groups shortens, you see a band of riders gallop forward on horseback. The six men approach cautiously, glancing nervously toward the woods on either side of them. They are dressed in some sort of livery, but you can’t make out the devices on their tabards. One rider, apparently the leader, breaks away from the group and rides forward. You see that he is a human clad in plate mail, and a sheathed long sword hangs from his belt. His shield arm is wrapped with strips of bloodied rags. A makeshift sling made of leather straps supports the injury. “Hail, and well met,” he begins, managing a weak smile. “I am Commander Scott Harikon. We guide the House-Merchants of Arabel northward to Shadowdale and beyond. We seek safe passage past your noble band, and would sell you any equipment you might need. What say you?” Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 19, 2008, 9:37am OOC: I don't understand. I thought we were moving NW then North up the road? This caravan is moving in the same direction as us, right? Are they moving faster than us on horseback? What am I not seeing? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Nov 19, 2008, 2:37pm "We have no spare weapons or supllies, and you can ride past us if you like, but we are heading in the same direction and surely you would benefit from our company," Warwick replied as his pony trotted close to the leader. gryffydd65 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 19, 2008, 2:57pm "You appear injured. You can come with us until your destination is reached." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 19, 2008, 3:46pm Vorath will temporarily withhold any comments or offer of aid until he's more sure of their intentions (and possible alignment).

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Sense Motive [dice=20+3][rand=696387108685274148128475901516443764148214102615619454168784156622] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 19, 2008, 3:53pm Ralcala will just shrug, smile at the leader, and ride along with the others. Also trying a Sense Motive [dice=20][rand=3166004309537319696834716572101311116240088167867058350360302779625] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 20, 2008, 12:47am

You're actually going southwest, then north. I traced the route in red. Vorath and Racala get the feeling that the commander is just as suspicious of them as they are of him. From what he is doing you would guess he is trying to keep the group engaged until the caravan can pass. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 20, 2008, 9:40am Qaz moves his horse off to the side to give room to let them pass. He'll stay at the back of the group. After they pass, he will keep an eye on them. He'll ensure there are still the same number of riders (six) after they pass. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 21, 2008, 6:53pm The caravan passes without any incidence. After it has made it's way past you the six riders depart. Three take up a station behind the caravan, three spur their horses and head towards the front of it. Farther up the road you see a small stone structure at the junction of the Tethyamar Trail and the Northride. When you reach the granite building, you see that it appears well maintained. Its thatched roof looks new, and a faint odor of fresh hay confirms this. A large opening faces southeast. Twenty feet from the eastern wall of the hut grows a tall, young oak, its branches shading the building completely. Colorful flowers are planted all around, and their scents clash to create an almost sickly sweet odor that wafts through the air. The effect, however, is oddly soothing. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 21, 2008, 7:01pm Ralcala will use her skills in Alchemy & Herbalism to try to identify the odor and its effects. Craft (Alchemy) [dice=20+1] Profession(Herbalist) [dice=20+1] [rand=347014024662663569426739504410524148450546123355199589866850351] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 22, 2008, 2:55am It is simply the mingling together of the scents of the various flowers that grow here. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 22, 2008, 10:36pm Qaz rides around the building to the wide opening, giving it at least 30 feet distance. Can he see anything inside? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 22, 2008, 11:44pm The building is empty save for a table, a few chairs, some cots, and a cooking pit. Over the door you see this symbol carved.

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 23, 2008, 10:48am Adon follows Qaz arround, but is slightly less cautious. he rides up directly to the door and looks in. what can he see from closer that Qaz doesn't? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 23, 2008, 1:40pm [ooc] What time is it? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 23, 2008, 11:57pm Quote:

Adon follows Qaz arround, but is slightly less cautious. he rides up directly to the door and looks in. what can he see from closer that Qaz doesn't? Adon sees nothing other than what has already been mentioned Quote:

[ooc] What time is it? It is starting to get into the afternoon, say 2p Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 24, 2008, 12:23am Anyone have any idea what that gauntlet is doing there, above the door? pointing to it. INT Check [dice=20][rand=877556034768014539622964376717415070894771425125894370346322118] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 24, 2008, 12:28am Vorath answers he does not recognize the symbol. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 24, 2008, 9:10am Does anyone recognize the symbol? Does it look familiar to anyone? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Nov 24, 2008, 6:13pm Sean guides his horse around to the front of the house where the emblem is. After seeing it, he answers, " Sure, I recognize it. It's the symbol for the god Torm. Many fighters and Paladins worship him. He leads the fight against evil, especially the gods

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Cyric and Bane, which he especially hates." "Anyplace that has that emblem is probably dedicated to him or is guarded by his followers." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 25, 2008, 8:17am "I do not know much of gods, but one of good would surely not hold back his hospitality from the likes of us. am I correct?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 25, 2008, 8:21am Bumblebee will ride his dog into the building and take a look around. Riding back out he will step off his mount and smell the flowers and enjoy their colors and fragrances. Plucking one and placing it in his hair at the top of his head, he will remount before telling the group, "Probably a shelter for a group of their road guards, although it might be a safe resting place for travellers along the road. I suggest we move on. There are several good camping spots further along the road and we'll want to set up early. Lots of beasties in the woods, most of them walk on two legs, so we'll want to be set up before nightfall. We should be at the crypt tomorrow." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 25, 2008, 8:35am Qaz says quietly, "Good advice, dogrider. No offense, but the flower was more comely where it was." He smiles. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 25, 2008, 2:45pm I think it looks nice on you, Bumblebee, hehe, dont mind what he said. Ralcala says, looking around, but, not entering the building. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Nov 25, 2008, 7:59pm Sean dismounts from his horse and walks up to where the emblem is carved over the door. Putting his hand on the emblem, he says, "Your blessings Torm, for we go to fight evil ." Then he gets back on his horse and re-joins the group. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by kavik on Nov 26, 2008, 2:33pm Kavik will dismount and enter the building. He wants to be sure that not only is it empty, but that nothing is amiss. He is specifically looking for signs of a struggle, or anything that would identify the occupants and their current location, and, discreetly, anything of value. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Nov 26, 2008, 3:51pm Warwick dismounts after being told it is a house of worship, he quickly says a prayer himself to Clangeddin_Silverbeard, "May we find those in need, helped, for to mine for gold one needs many tools." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 26, 2008, 11:58pm Nov 26, 2008, 2:33pm, kavik wrote:

Kavik will dismount and enter the building. He wants to be sure that not only is it empty, but that nothing is amiss. He is specifically looking for signs of a struggle, or anything that would identify the occupants and their current location, and, discreetly, anything of value. Upon entering the building the first thing kavik notices is that despite the temperature outside the building seems perfectly comfortable. Upon looking around kavik notices no sign of permanent habitation. There is a fire pit, but no cooking utensils. There are cots, but no bed linens. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 27, 2008, 9:11am OOC: Who is carrying the magic sword. Racala?

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 27, 2008, 9:26am Adon mumurs a short prayer to the spirit of his gradfather, asking for guidance when in question and strength in combat ooc: yeah, she has it Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 28, 2008, 11:00pm OOC: is everyone finished at the building ? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 28, 2008, 11:28pm Vorath is. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Nov 29, 2008, 8:30am Qaz is waiting for someone to find something, or for everyone get back on their horses. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 29, 2008, 9:37am Bumblebee is ready to head down the road, hoping a bee doesn't decide to like his flower. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Nov 29, 2008, 11:27am adon is done Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Nov 29, 2008, 8:41pm Let's boogie, woogie. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Nov 30, 2008, 12:17am And we thought this route would be faster, you wearily determine as yet another prickly bush pulls at your clothes. Rocks, underbrush, and fallen trees hide the trail from time to time, and in some places the path vanishes completely. All in all, though, you predict that your group will probably make the Giant’s Craw in about 12 hours. To the west, you see th setting sun and the vast Spiderhaunt Wood stretching as far as the eye can see. The small remnant of Cormanthor that surrounds Shadowdale is visible to the east, growing closer as the trail continues northward. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Nov 30, 2008, 1:54am Vorath asks, Do you think we should press on in the darkness, or perhaps camp for the night and get a start with the dawn? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Nov 30, 2008, 12:00pm I would suggest camping for the night myself. Ralcala says, as she looks around, and watches the setting sun. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Nov 30, 2008, 1:11pm Sean agrees, "It's about time that we find a good place to camp. I'm sure the animals are tired as well. " Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Nov 30, 2008, 5:58pm "Ooo, Ooo," says Bumblebee, "night time is not a good time to be running about in these woods. There's a good camping place nearby, let me show you." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 1, 2008, 1:48pm "lead the way little bee, the horses are tired, and we cannot fight the undead if we are as well." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by quazi on Dec 2, 2008, 11:17am Jenni has been spending the trip mostly on her horse. To the amusement of some, she has been decorating it, placing diasy chains of flowers around its neck and braiding herbs into the mane and tail. She is still barefoot. Apparently it didn't occure to her to ask for shoes when equipment was offered. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 2, 2008, 1:19pm

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Qaz, upon seeing that Red has no boots, will offer her his extra pair at some point during the first day. He's about 5' 2" and 110 lbs, so they may fit her. I'm assuming she's a human.... Is that right? He says, "You need them, Red, to survive out here. You can get some of your own boots the next time we find a cobbler." What else does she have in the way of clothing, armor, weapons and provisions? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 4, 2008, 12:23am OOC: Are you going to post watches, if so, who will be on which watch. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 4, 2008, 12:40am Vorath offers to stand the first watch with anyone else. We should probably put two on each watch, and make sure one of the two is of the weapon wielding style, don't you think? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 4, 2008, 6:31am Qaz agrees, and he'll offer to take the second watch. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 4, 2008, 11:24am "I'll take first watch with Vorath" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Dec 4, 2008, 2:29pm "I'll take second watch with Qaz" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Dec 4, 2008, 6:26pm Looks like last watch for Bumblebee, at least we should have a good breakfast ready. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Dec 4, 2008, 9:14pm Sean offers to stand guard with Bumble Bee Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 4, 2008, 10:53pm So far the watch list is ( If I have something wrong give me heads up


1'st watch Adon Vorath

2'nd Watch Qaz Racala

3'rd watch Bumblebee Sean Warwick

A few people haven't posted their preference Yet so will give them a little more time to post then move on. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Dec 6, 2008, 3:14pm Warwick will take last watch as well.

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 8, 2008, 2:45pm In the interests of getting to sleep, I propose: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Adon (Human Barbarian) and Vorath (Human Cleric) Qaz (Elf Ranger) and Racala (Elf Rogue) Sean (Half-Elf Sorcerer), Warwick (Dwarf Paladin) Bumblebee (Halfling Ranger), Furious (Wild Elf Monk), Jenni (Human Rogue?) Ragnar (Human Fighter), Kavik (Human Swordsage)

This puts the Humans at the beginning and end, where there may be more daylight. Bumblebee originally suggested he would take the last watch, but the earlier list had him at third. Maybe he could join the 4th watch instead (where I have put him), that way there'd be a ranger in that watch. And during the 5th watch he could prepare breakfast (I would normally expect dried meat, dried fruit, flat bread, water, and a splash of wine, but if he's going to fry up some eggs I won't complain!). Do we have all 11 of those listed in the party? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 8, 2008, 3:25pm "it's a good arrangement, but the little bee (ooc: i hope you don't mind me calling you that) needs to sleep too, and you can't expect him to be awake for twice as long as us. anyway, i think that we should set up camp first and deal with supper before watches and breakfast." Adon begins unpacking his bedroll etc. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 8, 2008, 10:10pm "Yeah, if he wants to go back to sleep, I'm okay with that too. " Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 9, 2008, 1:18am Dec 8, 2008, 2:45pm, noozoo wrote:

In the interests of getting to sleep, I propose: 1. Adon (Human Barbarian) and Vorath (Human Cleric) 2. Qaz (Elf Ranger) and Racala (Elf Rogue) 3. Sean (Half-Elf Sorcerer), Warwick (Dwarf Paladin) 4. Bumblebee (Halfling Ranger), Furious (Wild Elf Monk), Jenni (Human Rogue?) 5. Ragnar (Human Fighter), Kavik (Human Swordsage) This puts the Humans at the beginning and end, where there may be more daylight. Bumblebee originally suggested he would take the last watch, but the earlier list had him at third. Maybe he could join the 4th watch instead (where I have put him), that way there'd be a ranger in that watch. And during the 5th watch he could prepare breakfast (I would normally expect dried meat, dried fruit, flat bread, water, and a splash of wine, but if he's going to fry up some eggs I won't complain!). Do we have all 11 of those listed in the party?

OOG:I'm not sure all of these are still with us. it has been quite some time since some of them posted, I think. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 9, 2008, 9:04am Maybe they're already asleep Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 11, 2008, 2:04am OOG: I'm gonna do a roll call to see who is still with the game then we can work the watch schedule out from there and move along again, sound good ? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Dec 11, 2008, 8:11am

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Ralcala is still here Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 11, 2008, 10:05am Qaz too. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 11, 2008, 12:46pm Vorath is here as well. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by gryffydd65 on Dec 11, 2008, 2:59pm warwick here Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 11, 2008, 4:01pm Adon present Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Dec 11, 2008, 7:34pm As the party gets ready for the night, Sean will care for his horse, rubbing it down, feeding and hobbling it. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Dec 11, 2008, 7:35pm As the party gets ready for the night, Sean will care for his horse, rubbing it down, feeding and hobbling it. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Dec 13, 2008, 3:37pm [ooc] Back from a short break. [ic] Bumblebee is around and will spend some time as camp is set up moving around outside camp. Immediately outside camp he will make sure there are no easy means of approaching camp unbeknowst to the party. Where there are clear lanes of egress he will place leaves and sticks to rattle at any approach, where he can he will balance logs and/or rocks to slide/fall if someone brushes up against them, etc. Further out he will place snares. He will play with his dog mount when he returns and will curl up with it when they go to sleep for the evening. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Dec 13, 2008, 3:49pm Ralcala will settle down, trying to be careful where she walks, as Bumblebee sets up his traps, and be watchful of the others, as the party settles down for the night. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 13, 2008, 5:01pm After the evening meal, Vorath will see to his bedroll, making sure its ready for him after his watch. Also noting where those who will be relieveing him are bedded, Vorath will take his place near the fire, watching and listening as the others hunker down for the night. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 14, 2008, 1:23pm The evening meal is finished and everyone hunkers down for the night. First watch goes by uneventfully. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 14, 2008, 10:52pm Uh-oh. Qaz (2nd watch) is alert! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 14, 2008, 11:36pm Moonlight plays across the landscape, and the clouds overhead create patches of moving darkness all around. The terrain is littered with trees and rocks, giving the appearance of a ghost town. You hear one of Bumblebee's devices go off. Spinning around, you see six three-foot-tall creatures with rusty brown skin and ratlike tails facing the camp. Their clawed hands clutch javelins, and their bodies move in preparation to hurl their weapons toward you. More glittering red eyes stare out from all

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around the camp. Suddenly the air is filled with doglike yowls as they surge forward. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Dec 14, 2008, 11:47pm Ralcala draws her magic sword, and shouts, Everyone up now!! Init Roll [dice=20+4] [rand=58979604642567628534463000895414676381062473560938426379410906724] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 15, 2008, 12:32am Unless an awake character makes some sort of significant noise or something (which has been done) to wake up the rest of the party nobody will wake up until something that would wake you happens ( eg combat. weapons banging on shields etc. although it does say that kobolds are making barking noises.) Once awoke the people sleeping can stand up and attack on their turn, but standing uses up your movement. If, for some reason, you decide to lay there and attempt to attack anyone that is in range. You attack at a -4 and suffer a -4 penalty to AC vs melee attacks but gain a +4 bonus against ranged attacks . The prone people may not use any ranged weapon save a crossbow until they stand up. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 15, 2008, 9:31am Qaz will fire his bow or use his rapier, depending on how far away they are. And yell "Kobold attack!" If there's anyone prone and being attacked in melee, he'll attempt to stand in front of that person. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 15, 2008, 1:33pm as soon as he comes to his senses, Adon gets out of his bedroll move action) and draws his sword, sizing up the situation. ooc: I'm not wearing my armor. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 15, 2008, 3:14pm Vorath will awaken with a start at the sound of the shouting. He will stand and draw his Heavy Mace, looking for the attackers. anodyzed Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Dec 15, 2008, 4:08pm Bumblebee will stand and quickly begin to hide. He will move silently next round to approach the missile throwing rats. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Dec 15, 2008, 10:33pm Awakened abruptly, Sean curses like a mule skinner. Standing up from his bedroll, he casts the spell, "Burning Hands" toward the closest grouping of these creatures that he sees at first glance. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 16, 2008, 12:05am Dooh, forgot to add roll for init. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 16, 2008, 12:32am Vorath Initiative [dice=20+6][rand=510580111040808258066791168093160383740936847237886198955499921] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 16, 2008, 6:52am [dice=20+2] here's my init[rand=8022046577029471892897920732247244017364993562546960911734916101] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 16, 2008, 9:02am Qaz initiative: [dice=20+4] Qaz was on watch, during which he would normally have his bow out and ready. [rand=96436965232715011607542098499834579600620642304424763175817206502] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 17, 2008, 12:10am

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Kobold init. [dice=20+1][rand=9913105225900124665540575427218271442963087342789802798697617617] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 17, 2008, 12:18am Initiative order Qaz=23 Kobolds=21 Adon=18 Vorath=17 Racala=16 Sean=8 Bumblebee=4 Qaz go Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 17, 2008, 1:01am Shoot the most dangerous looking one... [dice=20+5] [rand=90932362247258420021300134249031544799135648645460607285303855314851] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 17, 2008, 1:02am Damage: [dice=8] I guess we should roll them both together, in the interests of time?[rand=98379786638543016907480391673744402299691922962674509252975694835] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Dec 17, 2008, 10:18pm Initiative roll [dice=20][dice=20+2][rand=393725226482166450710381654579615475125921609286686847016754495339] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 17, 2008, 11:55pm Qaz quickly sizes up the kobolds letting fly an arrow at the most dangerous seeming one. The arrow strikes mid chest felling the Kobold where he stands. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 18, 2008, 8:34pm The 5 Kobolds who were with the slain one move to attack, the others hang back for. Seemingly as if to gage the strength of their enemy. OOG the attacks will go in order of init ( eg first attack on Qaz etc. ) [dice=20+1] [dice=20+1] [dice=20+1] [dice=20+1] [dice=20+1] One hits Racala for [dice=6] Sean also gets hit for [dice=6] NOTE: those who are hit subtract 1 from the damage die roll above die roll Adon your turn[rand=522862464363842972168294304042364398171988070884419134414774625] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 19, 2008, 1:17am I charge the closest kobold to me and try to slice it in two [dice=20+5] damage... [dice=6][dice=6+4] oh, wait. i charged so unless the kobold is too close, my attack is 1d20+7[rand=327498613337207751112985137151065291793077830976992871424592667242] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 19, 2008, 10:39am

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((IF I understood correctly the sequence)) Vorath spends this first round getting up and preparing to combat his foe. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 19, 2008, 11:00am Qaz will switch to his rapier. Sorry, I'm new to 3rd Ed and I am not at home, so I don't have easy access to the PHB. Do I draw my rapier as my move action next round? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Dec 19, 2008, 12:43pm OOC Yes, Drawing a weapon, unless you have quick Draw Feat, is a move action. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 19, 2008, 12:48pm Dec 19, 2008, 10:39am, anodyzed wrote:

((IF I understood correctly the sequence)) Vorath spends this first round getting up and preparing to combat his foe. You can get up and attack, just not move since getting up uses up your movement. The kobolds closed to attack, jabbing with their spears. So, anyone who was attacked has a kobold close enough to them to attack. Which would be Qaz, Adon, Vorath, Racala, and Sean. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 19, 2008, 4:57pm Dec 19, 2008, 10:39am, anodyzed wrote:

((IF I understood correctly the sequence)) Vorath spends this first round getting up and preparing to combat his foe.

Vorath's Attack, [dice=20+1] Vorath's Damage [dice=d8+1] [rand=573036908262815177873370917972078083118959754093003955275576134731] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 19, 2008, 4:59pm ((Dunno why that damage didn't work, but just in case 13 hits:)) [dice=8+1] [rand=492079991730914589756982591952526341147988409831830877548230097] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 19, 2008, 5:59pm Dec 19, 2008, 4:59pm, anodyzed wrote:

((Dunno why that damage didn't work, but just in case 13 hits:)) [dice=8+1]

If you just use the BBcode instead of the button you have to use [dice=# of sides+mod] for instance dice=20+4 you used [dice=d8+1] ( don't put the d in )[rand=393072081329184366949797508480382268276100023237654197635178125235]

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Dec 19, 2008, 10:17pm Racala will try to break the spear(Sunder) Attack Roll [dice=20+1] Damage Roll [dice=8+1][rand=6156758411302594560181894861019359915371342238835775968257389168] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Dec 19, 2008, 10:17pm Sean, cringing from the pain of the arrow that hit him, casts "Burning Hands" at the closest kobold and it's closest mates. [dice=4][rand=15768626599060187162372944509231061785322189500643822677846732123813] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 20, 2008, 1:52am Adon and Vorath miss their targets. OOG: Racala, you get an additional +4 to your sunder attempt because you are M size and the Kobald is a S size creature ( giving you an 18 ). The Kobold, however also gets a +4 because he using a two handed weapon ( spear ) [dice=20+5] IG: Racala hits the Kobolds spear but not Hard enough to affect it. A cone of flame shoots forth from Sean's hands catching two of the Kobalds causing the cry out as it scorches their skin. Bumblebee, are you going to do anything this round. [rand=101338804271123963480813004185079372727565586449244409884221915785] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Dec 20, 2008, 6:31pm Bumblebee planned to stand, hide, and if possible move silently this round to the kobolds who were throwing missile weapons this round. He was not planning on attacking this round. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 20, 2008, 11:40pm Qaz, your turn then. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 21, 2008, 2:38am Okay, I guess the initiative order remains for the whole combat? Qaz will try to see what the kobolds who were hanging back are doing. And he'll attack the next dangerous looking attacker with his rapier To Hit: [dice=20+5][rand=231798097324838974378247969903429393859079582128465437514132680912] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 21, 2008, 2:39am I assume that's a miss? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 22, 2008, 1:33am OOG:Yes I recycle init every round during a combat, I wouldn't if this were a table top but doing it this way helps speed thing up in pbp I've found. I usually post that in the " rules' area but it looks like I forgot to this time. I'm very sorry about that. Reposting init so I have it on this page Initiative order Qaz=23 Kobolds=21 Adon=18 Vorath=17 Racala=16 Sean=8 Bumblebee=4 IG: Qaz attacks the next meanest looking Kobold with his rapier, and misses

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The Kobolds attack again [dice=20+1] [dice=20+1] [dice=20+1] [dice=20+1] [dice=20+1]

Sean gets hit again! for[dice=6] four more points of damage. Adon, your up![rand=305488540975591874413354047630458466025579602072645795292822467] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 22, 2008, 2:45am I attack the kobold near me [dice=20+5] [dice=6][dice=6+4] if i kill it, i move to flank the one attacking sean if i miss i dont move[rand=5905152722664728926599257502154974607391577086758858970496495546] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 22, 2008, 10:26am Vorath will swing his Heavy Mace at the Kobold. [dice=20+1] Damage if that hits: [dice=8+1] [rand=591630569461869358052548499049880769342841515869834888734642533015] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 22, 2008, 12:31pm Adon takes a swing at one of the Kobolds and it crumples to the ground in a bloody heap then Vorath attacks the one in front of him narrowly missing it. Racala, your turn. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Dec 22, 2008, 9:39pm Racala will attack the Kobold that attacked Her [dice=20+1] Damage [dice=8+1][rand=0398752868333319751730564763366074077526917054435314320944710130345] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 22, 2008, 11:26pm Racala takes a mighty swing at the Kobold who attacked her. Missing her target she becomes overbalanced and almost falls. Sean, your turn. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 23, 2008, 3:41am ooc: if you attack, remember to add 2 for the flank Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Dec 23, 2008, 9:20pm Sean is gravely wounded and has lapst into un-consiousness. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 24, 2008, 2:38am Dec 23, 2008, 9:20pm, dngnmstrbailey wrote:

Sean is gravely wounded and has lapst into un-consiousness.

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Sorry, I had you at only down 5 of 6 HP. Bumblebee your turn, make your hide ad move rolls. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Dec 24, 2008, 5:38pm Seeing Sean go down, Bumblebee decides he had better help there rather than with those in back. He'll toss a dagger at the kobold that dropped Sean (if he can, not sure where everyone is at). Bumblebee's attack [dice=20+5] Bumblebee's damage [dice=4][rand=6968290624064197604701136803682882148333350661537028881169066486] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 24, 2008, 6:57pm Next attack, Qaz attacks the nearest kobold: [dice=20+5] And if that hits, it does [dice=8+2] damage. [rand=85979898622815027041797102116868043215570565721455388756054495165] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 25, 2008, 12:00am Assuming Bumblebee and Qaz hit, I'll charge the next Kobold if possible. [dice=20+5] addtwo for the charge if it worked [dice=6][dice=6+4][rand=065143922896177488856583617790654242300233900149126037098635697037] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 25, 2008, 12:45am Bumblee and Qaz both drop kobolds with their attacks. before Adon can make his charge the rest of the kobolds, seeing their allies now droping like flies and only one of their opponents down, flee. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 25, 2008, 2:18am Qaz picks up his bow. Can he get a shot off at any of the fleeing ones? If not, he'll begin searching around the encampment to make sure there are no "stragglers". This is assuming someone is taking care of Sean. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 25, 2008, 11:01am Vorath makes an Attack of Opportunity against theone on him as it turns to flee: [dice=20+1] Damage [dice=8+1]][rand=403053810048054171219027420137392902053584353543313302676615731768] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 25, 2008, 5:24pm Dec 25, 2008, 2:18am, noozoo wrote:

Qaz picks up his bow. Can he get a shot off at any of the fleeing ones? If not, he'll begin searching around the encampment to make sure there are no "stragglers". This is assuming someone is taking care of Sean. Everyone may get an attack off on the fleeing Kobolds. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Dec 25, 2008, 9:12pm Bumblebee will launch another dagger at one to keep it moving. Bumblebee's attack [dice=20+5] Bumblebee's damage [dice=4][rand=34764144069851743257513669076047830115723788409495262742688493898437] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Post by noozoo on Dec 26, 2008, 2:19am Qaz AOO with his rapier: [dice=20+5] Damage: [dice=8+2] After that, he picks up his bow and loads it; if he can still see more kobolds within range, he'll shoot! [rand=482470781431882695104521422815467222344661410167429571533828201] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 26, 2008, 2:53am Adon takes a slice of a kobold in range [dice=20+5] [dice=6][dice=6+4] if he can pull out his bow and get a shot off before the kobolds are too far away, he does so [dice=20+3] [dice=6][rand=031575180793487429015887623124797115268242282544568471906041985546] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 26, 2008, 8:25am Qaz and Adon manage to drop two more of the fleeing Kobolds as they run away. OOG: who was carrying the healing potions, was it red? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 27, 2008, 2:27am I would carry it if no one objects. There are advantages to having it on someone fast and stealthy... Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 27, 2008, 11:32am take em, doesn't matter who has the potions, as long as one goes down Sean's throat before he dies... I put my bow away, and go with my sword check around the camp site for any suprises. I also check the bodies of the pnes Qaz and I picked off as they fled for loot. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 27, 2008, 12:24pm Dec 27, 2008, 11:32am, ninjaguineapig wrote:

take em, doesn't matter who has the potions, as long as one goes down Sean's throat before he dies... I put my bow away, and go with my sword check around the camp site for any suprises. I also check the bodies of the pnes Qaz and I picked off as they fled for loot. On the bodies Adon finds a total of 8cp, 11sp, and a gem Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 28, 2008, 2:43am If no one has any healing spells for Sean, Qaz'll try to feed him some potion. "How much should I give him, anybody know?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 28, 2008, 2:54am one should be enough to keep him alive, but Vorath is a cleric, shouldn't he have cure light wounds or something? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 28, 2008, 11:57am Dec 28, 2008, 2:43am, noozoo wrote:

If no one has any healing spells for Sean, Qaz'll try to feed him some potion. "How much should I give him, anybody know?" Vorath speaks up, now that Combat is over. Let me see if I can't help him before you use the potion. Kneeling over the half elf, the Cleric Pelor lays on hands as he casts Cure Light Wounds:[dice=8+2]

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[rand=621461298125156236828926992167725428799270813159724393239194299] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 28, 2008, 3:30pm

forgot to mention this before: i show the coins i found on the kobolds to everyone but i keep the gem to myself (i might give it up later, after all, it was my kill). i also check the bodies of the other kobolds Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 29, 2008, 12:46am OOG:Sean should be at or near full HP now, correct ? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Dec 29, 2008, 5:41am [ooc] Just a note, the money and gem came off all the kobolds per the GMs message. I'm not sure how you could determine the one you killed was the one carrying the gem from the post

. Bumblebee wouldn't care in any event.

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Dec 29, 2008, 12:22pm ooc: I think the money and gem were from the one i picked off as they were running away. if that is incorect, i show all the loot to the party Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Dec 29, 2008, 8:25pm OOC: Yeah, that but up to full (if I read the code right). BIC: As Voraths healing spell takes effect, a warm washes over Sean. Gasping at the cool feeling, Sean looks up to see what was happening. Looking up, "Thanks, Vorath. Everything okay?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 29, 2008, 11:39pm Dec 29, 2008, 8:25pm, dngnmstrbailey wrote:

As Voraths healing spell takes effect, a warm washes over Sean. Gasping at the cool feeling, Sean looks up to see what was happening. Looking up, "Thanks, Vorath. Everything okay?" Vorath smiles at the question, It is now. You should thank Pelor for the healing, and your armor for the protection that kept the wound from being fatal. Vorath asks if anyone else needs healing. I have the ability a couple more times. If no one else is in dire straights, I think Sean might need a second application. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 29, 2008, 11:56pm Adon wrote: Dec 27, 2008, 11:32am, ninjaguineapig wrote:

take em, doesn't matter who has the potions, as long as one goes down Sean's throat before he dies... I put my bow away, and go with my sword check around the camp site for any suprises. I also check the bodies of the pnes Qaz and I picked off as they fled for loot. To which I replied: Dec 27, 2008, 12:24pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

On the bodies Adon finds a total of 8cp, 11sp, and a gem

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The bodies from the main fight have not been checked yet. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 30, 2008, 2:40am Qaz and the others will check the bodies of the rest of the kobolds, keeping all their weapons in a pile in the camp. Qaz will also keep an eye out for other kobolds returning or lingering around, bow in hand and loaded. I guess we'll leave the bodies outside the camp, and try to get rid of them tomorrow? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Dec 31, 2008, 12:19pm Each of the bodies has a spear and a sling, ( with 20 sling bullets ) also on the bodies you find 20cp and 12sp. The rest of the night goes by uneventfully. In the morning, as you are eating breakfast and preparing to leave, you hear something in the woods beside the road, again. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Dec 31, 2008, 12:49pm What do we hear? Qaz will move quietly to outside our camp and hide, looking to see if he can see what it is... Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Dec 31, 2008, 5:21pm Feeling much better with the healing, a couple of hours of sleep, and a hot meal, Sean will move closer to the road to be ready. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Dec 31, 2008, 6:49pm Bumblebee will disappear into the woods and moving quietly approach whatever is making the noise, dagger drawn. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Dec 31, 2008, 9:18pm Ralcala will stand, draw her sword, and look in the direction of the sound. Here we go again. Prepare yourselves. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Dec 31, 2008, 9:32pm Vorath will also draw his Heavy Mace and stand to meet whatever comes. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 1, 2009, 12:47am A halfling, accompanied by a wolf comes walking out of the woods into the road near your camp. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 1, 2009, 3:22am It was still early as Milo and Smoke made their way along the road. Moving through the woods would have been safer, but much slower and from what he had been told, getting to the tomb and scouting out the area was the most important thing. He was not concerned as Smoke would smell danger long before even his keen halfling ear could hear it. There would be plenty of time to melt into the forest should it be necessary. Smoke came to a halt, his nose raised to sniff the air. There was some thing, or some one about. Milo grasped his spear. Fight or flee might be his only options here, so far from civilization. He was confident that Smoke could delay almost any pursuers, allowing Milo to melt into the underbrush, but he hated to call on his friend to do so. For the moment he chose to hold his ground and see what might have his companion concerned.24 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 1, 2009, 3:38am Qaz has his bow out, arrow knocked. "It's only a wolf. Oh, and a halfling." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Jan 1, 2009, 9:10am When Bumblebee sees it is a fellow halfling he will come bounding out of the woods with a smile on his face. As he comes up to the halfling and wolf he will be bouncing with excitement as he says, "Oo Oo, nice to meetcha. Names Bumblebee. Been runnin with some big folk for a day now and it'd be nice to see someone who isn't quite so grim as them." Moving over to the wold and rubbing it behind the ears, obviously not worried about being bitten by the wild creature, he continues, "Oo Oo, a wolfie. Nice big wolfie too. I like him ... and you. Wanna come meet my dog ... oh, and the big folk too?"27

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 1, 2009, 8:34pm Milo looked at the other halfling as he bounced around them. It was sometimes difficult to understand what he was saying, but his intent seemed friendly enough. The fact that Smoke chose not to bite this stranger was in itself a testament to his trustworthiness. It appeared this halfling used his nickname for identification. Most hin, as his people called themselves, had three names. There was the first name, in his case, Milo. There was the family or clan name, his was Furryfoot. The final name was a nickname that usually came from others. He had never been very comfortable with his. For as long as he could remember he had been interested in plants and the earth. Most hin were lovers of comfort, like food and drink. They worked the earth when necessary, but only then. Since it seemed to others that Milo was constantly dirty, they had come to call him Smudge, for the dirt they found on his hands and face. Try as he might he could not see this name as the badge of honor most nicknames were. It appeared Bumblebee had certainly been apply named. "Hello Bumblebee. My name is Milo and this is my companion Smoke. I will be happy to meet your big folk. I can not remain long, for I have something important to do. Please lead the way."26 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Jan 2, 2009, 8:16pm Seeing these two newcomers, and Bumble Bees' greeting, Sean relaxs. Shaking his head with a grin, "Holy Tymora, Look after us as we go along our path." As he says this, Sean flips a silver piece into the air. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Jan 2, 2009, 8:37pm Vorath will relax, seeing the camaraderie between the newcomer halfling and Bumblebee, but keep a wary eye on the wolf. Vorath Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Jan 2, 2009, 8:43pm Ralcala will lower her sword, relaxing, Welcome. I hope your friend likes us all Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 2, 2009, 8:46pm Do any of you have anything you wish to do before you head out again? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Jan 2, 2009, 11:28pm [ooc] Probably better explain what we're about and get Milo introduced and on board. [ic] Bumblebee will take Milo and Smoke over to his dog and introduce them, "Milo, Smoke, this is Wolfie. He's a good riding dog and lots of fun." With a general wave at the rest of the group he says, "These are the big folk I was telling you about. We're on a secret mission to save the Dales and get some sword or something. I'm leading them to the crypt. Oo, Oo, I bet there are loads of undead there. That should prove interesting." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 3, 2009, 1:19am With a general wave at the rest of the group he says, "These are the big folk I was telling you about. We're on a secret mission to save the Dales and get some sword or something. I'm leading them to the crypt. Oo, Oo, I bet there are loads of undead there. That should prove interesting." "A crypt you say? It would not happened to be in a valley known as the Giant's Craw would it? Several animals and forest friends that passed through our grove have told us of such an opening in the earth. They mentioned the ones who smell of death, yet move. I am on my way to investigate, for there is little nature abhors more than undead. Perhaps you would be willing to travel with me? It would be a much safer trip that way."28 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 3, 2009, 2:42am Qaz emerges from his hiding place and introduces himself to the newcomer. "You're welcome to join our group. As you probably saw, we've already had a run-in with some kobolds, and I'm sure you can help us avoid them or maybe fight them, if there are more around. I'm Qaz, a woodsman, and I also consider myself a protector of the forest..." Qaz also goes up to the wolf and tries to befriend it. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 3, 2009, 4:11pm Qaz also goes up to the wolf and tries to befriend it. Smoke, while he does not do anything hostile moves away from Qaz and closer to Milo. "I am sorry, but Smoke is not very friendly. As a creature of the wild he is distrustful of humans."

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The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Milo leaned his spear forward just a bit. " I am not very strong so I prefer to use magic and command Smoke when we are faced with an enemy rather than fight directly. It appears you have several strong fighters though, so I do not believe that should be a problem."2929 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 5, 2009, 9:10am Qaz nods. "It's good for wild creatures to stay that way. Becoming too familiar with two-footed folks can be dangerous for them sometimes. In any case, it seems we are on a similar quest. One more skilled hand, and a paw too, will be handy. I think we need to get moving..." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jan 5, 2009, 11:25am Adon groans inwardly at the prospect of another halfling along, but sees the wolf as a good omen, the creatures are sacred powers to his tribe. He follows the halflings advice not to get to close, not that he would approach a holy creature anyway. To milo, in his halting common "Welcome, little one, we could use another pair of hands on our journey,as well as the great beast which has graced you and us with its presence" ooc:could someone roleplay for Adon for like a week? I won't be able to post Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 5, 2009, 1:57pm Qaz will select two good spears and put them on his horse before leaving. OOC: I can play Adon if you (and the DM) like. Unless someone else would like to... Send some pointers re: Strengths, weaknesses, goals my way: [email protected]. OOC part II: I have a list of all the characters supposedly going on this mission, but several haven't posted in a while (Ragar, Warwick, Kavik, Furious, Red/Jenni). Should we assume they left? Anybody still here? Without these, we have a pretty balanced party, with a Barbarian, two Rangers, a Cleric, a Druid (right Milo?), a Sorcerer and a Rogue. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 6, 2009, 12:45am I have been assuming that they have droped myself, for one reason or another. it is Ok with me if you play Adon if it is Ok with ninjaguineapig. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jan 6, 2009, 3:40am I think dungeoneer will be playing for me, thanks anyway Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by salvatoria on Jan 6, 2009, 10:21am So the sheets from the game we were playing before Christmas are invalid? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 7, 2009, 12:28am Jan 6, 2009, 10:21am, salvatoria wrote:

So the sheets from the game we were playing before Christmas are invalid? No, ninjaguinepig is going to be away and is asking someone to play his character for him. The other people being discussed have not posted in quite some time and we are just wondering about their status, whether they are still actually with the game or have lost interest for some reason or another. Otherwise everyone still has the same characters, and sheets of course. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 7, 2009, 12:48am OOG: Now to get this back on track. IG: Once everyone has introduced themselves to the new halfling and breakfast has been made and consumed you begin back down your trail. A couple of hours down the road the narrow trail opens up slightly, revealing a small campsite. A large rock lies on the opposite end of the camp, flanked by a huge tree stump. You see a crude lean-to built against one tree, and a fire ring lies directly in front of the structure. The coals are cold, the fire is dead, and the camp is still. Inside the lean-to a figure rests inside a bedroll, unmoving as you approach. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 7, 2009, 8:47am

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The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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OOC: But.... who is Salvatoria? IC: How large a rock are we talking here? And how huge a tree stump? Qaz scans the surrounding forest, and look up and down the path we're on, looking for anything unusual. Then he will dismount, get out his bow and knock an arrow. "Someone want to check out the corpse?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Jan 7, 2009, 10:35am Vorath will check the body. If indeed a corpse, a few words for the departed to help him on his way. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Jan 7, 2009, 8:51pm Sean, still on his horse, will be ready with a quick spell should the corpse proof alive (or undead). Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 7, 2009, 10:06pm Milo looked at the group, before they broke camp. "I do not want to slow you down, but I have no horse. Perhaps I might ride with one of you? Smoke should have no problem keeping up."31 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 7, 2009, 10:07pm The rock is a small boulder, say 5' wide. the stump is the remains of a very old tree. Vorath finds the remains of a Half-Elf in the sleeping bag, beside him lie a scimitar (sheathed), a dagger, a diary , a quill pen and inkwell , and a jug of spirits (threequarters full). Before Vorath can make an announcement about his discovery Qaz sees two creatures "appear" and start moving towards the encampment. They look like this.

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 8, 2009, 10:38am

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Qaz yells: "Look" and points to them. How big are they and how are they moving? (they look like they should be swimming!) How far away are they? He calls out to them, "Greetings!" He keeps his bow at the ready. OOC: I remember the picture from the 1st Ed. MM, but I can't remember what they're called. I don't remember ever encountering them, actually. That would be one of a very few from that book. To Milo, earlier: "I like to be able to shoot from my horse when necessary, so I'd rather someone else took you if possible. Racala, you're the lightest horse rider. Can you take him?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 8, 2009, 2:24pm Jan 8, 2009, 10:38am, noozoo wrote:

Qaz yells: "Look" and points to them. How big are they and how are they moving? (they look like they should be swimming!) How far away are they? He calls out to them, "Greetings!" He keeps his bow at the ready. OOC: I remember the picture from the 1st Ed. MM, but I can't remember what they're called. I don't remember ever encountering them, actually. That would be one of a very few from that book. To Milo, earlier: "I like to be able to shoot from my horse when necessary, so I'd rather someone else took you if possible. Racala, you're the lightest horse rider. Can you take him?" They are about 3' long and appear to be "swimming" through the air. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Jan 8, 2009, 5:32pm Seeing the half eaten body and the toothy mouths of these creatures, Bumblebee doesn't take a lot of time to figure things out, he just begins tossing daggers. Bumblebee's initiative [dice=20+3] Bumblebee's attack [dice=20+5] Bumblebee's damage [dice=4][rand=378766345970188155940300414110555767973766352478421829686535763926] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 8, 2009, 8:58pm Seeing Bumblebee attack, Qaz lets loose an arrow too, at a different one. Init: [dice=20+4] To Hit: [dice=20+5] Damage: [dice=8] [rand=999603979755193344095568638294942142247967422008547616052255034447] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Jan 8, 2009, 9:04pm Body in a sleeping bag? Huh? What just happened, we were breaking camp, what's this about bodies in sleeping bags? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 8, 2009, 9:07pm That's just too much. If I was lucky before, now I get two 20's and an 8 on a d8! I'm never that lucky! Is this dice server really random???

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If so, that's a potential critical.... So let's see what I get here: Critical to hit roll: [dice=20+5] Damage is x3, so two more d8s: [dice=8][dice=8] [rand=10558191966265445153245963156223060494309756904847278645574115217] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 8, 2009, 9:08pm Jan 8, 2009, 9:04pm, dngnmstrbailey wrote:

Body in a sleeping bag? Huh? What just happened, we were breaking camp, what's this about bodies in sleeping bags? Read page 20... Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 8, 2009, 10:01pm Both Bumblebee's and Qaz's attacks hit the creatures which now start to move purposefully towards them. creatures init:[dice=20+8] Initiative order thus far Qaz: 24 creatures: 12 Bumblebee:11 Anyone else care to get in this ? If so roll init.[rand=153907908836591672364797615532851277303438990251344844295410424917] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Jan 8, 2009, 10:09pm Ralcala draws her new Magic Sword, and prepares to attack the creatures as they seem to be attacking us. [dice=20+4][rand=0270417710992648662613010430864533532577328759288739396461756155814] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Jan 8, 2009, 10:35pm Vorath's initiative [dice=20+6][rand=11449835433238009875666971050667446143079468407681560176359721569] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 9, 2009, 9:08pm Milo intiative [dice=20+2][rand=8040333847782819590245612573799162900313317082399790101423473158] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Jan 9, 2009, 10:05pm Initiative roll [dice=20+2][rand=894247444829487332891972723402019459853157170928720047730468796] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 9, 2009, 11:44pm

Modified init order Qaz: 24 Sean:20 Milo:18 creatures & Adon: 12 Bumblebee:11 Vorath:9 Ralcala:6 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Jan 9, 2009, 11:55pm Posting for Adon

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INIT ROLL [dice=20+2] [rand=4875597546975269688596801904382489871693541533757406053754370843] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 11, 2009, 12:26am Qaz, your up. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 11, 2009, 8:41am Qaz, Shooting again: [dice=20+5] Damage: [dice=8] [rand=7267397558316588315081950277090158234077272936740137181989848614] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Jan 11, 2009, 4:56pm (OOC: The creature are called "Thought Eaters", though I don't remember specifics and my 1st ed manuals are in a storage shed.) BIC: When the creatures get within range (25 ft.), Sean will cast the spell 'Ray of Frost'. (A ranged touch attack roll) [dice=20+2][rand=6867768393705582595042098438992467270252782849686659902653688399] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 11, 2009, 11:58pm The one Qaz is attacking looks very wounded but is still up, Sean hits with his spell ( roll damage). Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Jan 12, 2009, 8:11pm damage roll 1d3 [dice=3][rand=6751623443291115422222534995681474196428904293289350996428405442] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 13, 2009, 12:34am Doing two points of damage with his spell to the creature Qaz had been attacking, Sean renders it unconscious. Milo, your turn. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 13, 2009, 10:09am Milo commanded Smoke to run up and attack. He then readied his spear. [dice=20+3] [dice=6+1][rand=1129620685057826607457892403500188135647302465852882119032201093115] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 13, 2009, 9:16pm Smoke lunged at the creature but missed Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 14, 2009, 9:12am OOC: does anyone else have problem loading images from these pages? I get over half the buttons on this page appearing as little boxes with question marks. Is the server having problems? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Jan 14, 2009, 3:02pm OOC I am not having any problems, using the latest Internet Explorer Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Jan 14, 2009, 8:19pm yeah, I'm having trouble too. Dice rolls on my comp read "Rand" and then a long string of numbers. Of course, my comp is so old that I can't load I E 6. so I figure it's just mt comp. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 15, 2009, 12:14am

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OOG: noozoo, is it better for you now ? The die roller is a hack I use, ( it's not standard on proboards ), so it may not work for all browsers Qaz: 24 Sean:20 Milo:18 creatures & Adon: 12 Bumblebee:11 Vorath:9 Ralcala:6 IG: Milo are you going to attack with your spear this round ? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 15, 2009, 9:50pm OOC: Milo are you going to attack with your spear this round ? I was under the impression that this guy was too far away. If the creature is in reach I will poke it. If it requires me to thrown the spear I will not. To Hit [dice=20] Damage [dice=6-1][rand=044377130685662736786003839833824759485939876997178115356775337095] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jan 18, 2009, 9:44am ooc: I'm back! dungeoneer, thanks for babysitting Adon. IG: Adon snaps into action and draws his sword with a roar. he charges the creature, and if possible, flanks it with Smoke. [dice=20+7] [dice=6][dice=6+4] if Adon flanks, add 2 to the attack roll[rand=241590090030130438151146030786807812230653831966144441075635608185] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 18, 2009, 11:18pm Both Milo and Adon miss. The creature attacks [dice=7] Adon [dice=20+4] and misses! Bumblebee, your up[rand=421416700708808107214015503357507177630097445527167987676142935412] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Jan 19, 2009, 7:47am [ooc] I assume since they are floating in the air that Bumblebee can get a clear shot. If not, he will move forward to melee with the creatures. Bumblebee's attack roll [dice=20+5] Bumblebee's damage roll [dice=4] [rand=6359169700460532663250625772342582033373999488894127717512791728] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 19, 2009, 11:37pm Bumble bee hits the creature and it falls out of the air also. After a while both creatures " dissolve" leaving no trace behind. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jan 20, 2009, 12:44pm Adon grimly sheathes his sword, slightly disappointed at not killing the things himself. "What were those things?" he asks, disgust heavy in his voice Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 20, 2009, 1:11pm Qaz answers, "I have no idea. They looked kind of sickly. But no trace of them remaining!"

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He goes over to the stump and rock and searches around, rapier out and ready for more of these things. Then, if no one else does, he goes over to the body and looks around for anything unusual. He will use his rapier to poke around, remove the blanket, etc, and if there's nothing strange around, he'll pick up the book. How old do the remains appear? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 20, 2009, 3:23pm Milo said, "There might be more so we should be on guard. Smoke and I will search the area." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Jan 20, 2009, 5:21pm Bumblebee will follow after Milo and Smoke. He's not very interested in disturbing a body that's been lying around for a bit and he doesn't want Milo out on his own, subject to attack. As they search the area, Bumblebee will look for tracks to see if he can determine when the man got here and from which direction he came. He is uncharacteristically quiet. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Jan 20, 2009, 6:56pm Sean will go over and join Kaz in examining the remains. Concentrating, he casts the spell "Detect magic". Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 21, 2009, 12:01am Behind the rock and stump Qaz finds a dead horse with the saddlebags still on it. Sean detects no magic. Bumblebee, make a survival check Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 21, 2009, 8:07am How long dead, the horse (and the corpse)? Qaz very carefully searches the saddlebags. Anything else on the horse? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 21, 2009, 2:01pm The saddle bags contain 14 days worth of iron rations, two wineskins of decent ale, and a small bag containing 35 gp. Neither the corpse, or the horse have been dead very long Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jan 21, 2009, 3:22pm Adon hurries after the halflings, he's never seen such cute little creatures before, and he would hate if anything bad happened to them, with these strange abominations about, they would need something slightly bigger than a spear, a dagger and a set of teeth to keep them alive. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 21, 2009, 3:36pm After the Kobold encounter I set up a thread for experiance awards, it is located here. You can bookmark it by hitting the button that says bookmark on the upper left corner of the thread. Also make sure to go to you profile and click bookmarks>manage bookmarks and check to see that you have e-mail notification set for the thread. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Jan 21, 2009, 4:39pm Bumblebee's survival check [dice=20+5][rand=3300157665780448233602069107333981130583899314788436456958782352] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 21, 2009, 6:37pm Bumblebee be can't tell which way the ill fated camper came from. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 21, 2009, 8:51pm Qaz will try the same thing. [dice=20+1] and +2 more if tracks are from a human. [rand=89874390559270981888283304870128663775197276845576974113103933632] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Jan 21, 2009, 9:27pm

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Ralcala will keep watch for any more toothy flying platypuses

, or other creatures.

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 22, 2009, 12:14am Qaz figures the half elf came from the direction of Dagger Falls Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 23, 2009, 9:02am Qaz: "He probably just camped down for the night and these.... things... got him. I guess we should bury him." Qaz first scans the perimeter of the clearing for hidden people/creatures. (Spot check [dice=20+6] ) Then he double checks that the half elf is really dead, and looks in the diary to see if there's any information about him. What language is it written in? [rand=84981777006760248872681767679751316253883298486472790190726518631] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 23, 2009, 9:13am Jan 23, 2009, 9:02am, noozoo wrote:

Qaz: (Spot check .... )

Note that's +2 if there's a clumsy human hiding. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 24, 2009, 12:37am Qaz sees nothing else lurking about. The diary is written in common and gives a mundane description of his journey from Dagger Falls Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Jan 24, 2009, 8:12am Bumblebee will help to bury the man and then say, "This place gives me the willies, let's continue to the cairn. It can't be any worse, can it?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 24, 2009, 2:49pm Qaz: "It'll probably be worse!" One question: were there wounds on the bodies of the half-elf and horse? If so, what kind? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 25, 2009, 12:13am No, there were no wounds. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 25, 2009, 1:05pm Unless anyone objects or would rather do it, Qaz will take the journal to read, hoping to find out who this was, what Elven clan he (half) came from, and especially to learn what he encountered on his way here. Qaz will read it when we take breaks etc., though right now he will quickly scan the last entries to see what this poor soul ran across just before his last encounter. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 26, 2009, 12:39am The final journal entry details him making camp and getting ready ready to bed down for the night, it mentions something about him keeping a "mind blank" up. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 26, 2009, 9:41am

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Qaz: "Does anyone know what a Mind Blank is? I guess either these toothy disappearing things got him via some kind of mind spell, or it was something else. I think we're moving ahead, but keep your eyes open for more of them." Qaz will read more of the journal later, in reverse order to reflect the order of our own journey. OC: I know what these were, but Qaz wouldn't. But we do have a few clues, like the Mind Blank comment, and the bodies with no wounds... Hopefully we leave all this behind for now. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 26, 2009, 11:53pm After traveling for several more hours a low roar of water becomes louder as you near a stone bridge. You correctly deduce that this is the mighty Ashaba river, churning about 50 feet below the bridge and making its way south. The rush of water below the bridge is dizzying. A weather-worn sign proclaims this to be Serpentsbridge. You wonder at the odd name, because the bridge appears completely normal. As you approach however, you begin to notice that the stone is not as smooth as that of other bridges. Ridges, almost like the writhing bodies of thousands of snakes, line both sides of the span. Is it your imagination, or do they seem to move? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Jan 27, 2009, 12:14am Ralcala will get off her horse. Hold up, I've had some experience with these kind of things She approaches the bridge on foot, looking around the edge, where it meets the ground, and the bridge itself. Rubbing her eyes as she examines it, looking for any symbols, runes, and/or traps Search Check [dice=20+6][rand=19207779733828893272681737732059461535769117894899388708292878478] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 27, 2009, 8:36am How far to the other side? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 27, 2009, 12:17pm Jan 26, 2009, 11:53pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

As you approach however, you begin to notice that the stone is not as smooth as that of other bridges. Ridges, almost like the writhing bodies of thousands of snakes, line both sides of the span. Is it your imagination, or do they seem to move? OOC: I've been in a temple like that. It was a "Snake Temple" in Malaysia, and there were real and carved snakes all over. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 27, 2009, 3:19pm Qaz will also try a Spot check to spot any real snakes or creatures hidden on the bridge. [dice=20+6] [rand=259246510919183515611104760318995758378288242965906389643484726548] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 27, 2009, 4:50pm Both Qaz and Racala see nothing save extremely detailed but weathered carvings. The river is wide and deep and fast enough that if you do not use the bridge here you will have to find a suitable crossing elsewhere. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jan 28, 2009, 8:42am Qaz says "So, has anybody heard of this bridge? If not, I guess we should cross it. Wait, I'll check the journal." Qaz checks the journal to see if the Half-elf mentioned crossing this bridge. Did he have a name? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jan 29, 2009, 1:46am IC: The Journal mentions the writer crossing a very creepy looking snake bridge OOC: outside of dead half-elf he didn't have one but suppose we should give him one.

How about Aeron

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Jan 29, 2009, 2:02am Milo turned to the group. "I have no knowledge of this bridge, but I can have Smoke go forward to use his senses if you feel it might help." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Feb 1, 2009, 8:12am Bumblebee doesn't see anything to be afraid of, just some carved snakes, so he trots across on dogback. He will wave to the group when he makes it across. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 1, 2009, 1:18pm Bumblebee makes it across in fine fashion. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Feb 1, 2009, 1:56pm Adon hefts his sword in its scabbard and moves across quickly but carefully with his hand on the hilt.

ooc: I'm gone for a week and you move on without even letting me fiddle with the stuff at the elf's campsite. about that, I still really can't post, my mom confiscated my laptop until I up my grades and my family computer's blocker doesn't let this site through. right now I'm babysitting and using that computer. Anyway, I need someone to roleplay for me until my mom sees fit as to return my computer Elminster, can you do it? if not hoist in on whoever is willing. if anyone needs details, email me, I'm unconcealing my mail for the time being for this purpose. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Feb 1, 2009, 5:31pm Vorath will move across the vile span. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Feb 1, 2009, 8:26pm Ralcala will walk across the bridge, carefully, watching for anything moving towards her Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 1, 2009, 8:28pm Qaz will cross the bridge on his horse. OOC: I will run Adon if you want, but I have never run a 3rd ed barbarian before, so if you want someone else to do it I understand. Regarding moving on with you not posting for a week, I have to say a week seems way too long to wait for people to do what they want to do, unless we know otherwise that they're tied up or something. Then again, it hasn't really been discussed. What's a reasonable time to expect people to post within? I'm online a lot, so it's easy for me to post every day, or two days at most, most of the time. But I know not everyone is in the same situation.

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 2, 2009, 5:11am A woman comes walking out of the woods nearby. As she steps into the light, you see she is human and looks quite able to defend herself with her sword across her back and her longbow in her left hand and wearing scale mail. She stands fairly tall for a woman - 5'8" - and has brown flowing hair. She looks around a bit then she sees you at the bridge and walks towards you. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 2, 2009, 8:33am Which side of the bridge is she on? If she's on the north side, Qaz will ride over to the others already there and greet her with caution. If she's on the south side, he'll stop in the middle of the bridge and watch the greeting. Then, thinking twice, he'll continue across and watch from there. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Feb 2, 2009, 2:59pm Having waited for most of the group to cross Milo held Smoke to his side, waiting for the stranger to approach. He clutched his spear, but did his best to remain non-threatening.

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Feb 2, 2009, 6:16pm OOC If Racala is approaching the Woman across the bridge, She will stop and watch her, or, she will turn around, stop, and watch. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 2, 2009, 8:48pm The woman is on the north side of the bridge. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Feb 2, 2009, 9:14pm Vorath will greet the stranger. Hail stranger! How do you come to be in these wilds alone? Are ye travelling with no one else? Even with a sword and a bow, these can be dangerous grounds!. I am Vorath, a Cleric of Pelor. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 2, 2009, 9:21pm The woman stops at a distance, but within normal speaking range. "Greetings. I'm...Ayame." She seems confused as she looks each of you in the eye. "I don't remember why I was in the woods. I woke up a while ago and found this bow and sword next to me, but I also discovered my memory missing. All I do remember is my name." She runs her right hand through her hair and that's when you all see a large ornate triangle tattoo on the back of her hand. She tries to smile, "I guess I'm some kind of fighter assuming I know how to use these weapons. May I travel with you?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Feb 2, 2009, 10:05pm Sean wil follow the rest of the party. Reserving judgement, he watches quietly while the strange, but attractive, woman introduces herself. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Feb 2, 2009, 10:30pm Sure, you can travel with us. We are just a bunch of folks thrown together by fate, destiny, whatever. shrugs, smiles. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Feb 2, 2009, 11:17pm Vorath waves her to come forward. Sure lass, you can join us. You say you don't recall more than your name? Curious indeed. We might have an extra mount, can you ride? If not, you can ride double with me, or we can swap out so the horse doesn't get overly fatigued. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 2, 2009, 11:34pm "I can try to ride if you have a spare horse." Ayame looks around and smiles, "Thanks for letting me come along. I just hope my memory comes back to me soon. I'll try to be as useful as I can." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 3, 2009, 9:25am Qaz speaks up: "Welcome Ayame. We've got to keep moving, but when we stop we can test out your archer skills and greatsword, um, effectiveness. That may jog your memory - if you've used those weapons in the past in real life and death situations... well those kinds of things tend to stick in your head." OOC: Is it pronounced Ah-Ya'-May, or some other way? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 3, 2009, 9:32am Ayame (pronounced Amy) either gets on a horse behind someone or rides the spare. "By all means, let's keep moving." She looks to Qaz, "I would like that. I need something - anything - to help my memory. Where are you guys headed? And why?" Ayame hopes she is not being too pushy by asking her questions. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Feb 3, 2009, 10:29am As Vorath looks over the group he realizes they have brought no spare horses, so he offers Ayame a stirrup and a hand up to ride behind him. We're not moving so fast it will over tire the horse, I think, but I can assure you it wouldn't be wise to try to walk at this pace though. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Feb 3, 2009, 11:18am

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Milo and Smoke, his wolf companion, cross the bridge to join the others. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Milo Furryfoot at your service." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Feb 3, 2009, 5:38pm "Oo, oo" exclaims the first hobbit across the bridge, "I bet Thandros would love that idea for his next play. Woman loses memory, wakes up in woods, kills unsuspecting adventuring group. He could call it La Femme Ayame or something. I wonder if I could play me?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 3, 2009, 6:20pm Qaz: I don't know, it looks like it would be pretty tiring to play you! I think I'd like to play Smoke. He'd be the hero, after all. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 3, 2009, 6:26pm "Ayame, we're going northwest from here to fight some undead. Not a pleasant prospect, unless maybe you have experience with that? I don't suppose you'd know... If that doesn't suit you you could stay on the Tethyamar Trail and continue northward to Dagger Falls. Or, actually, I believe Castle Daggerdale is not far east from here." Qaz points east. "That's much closer, but I don't know how welcoming they are there." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Feb 4, 2009, 4:01pm Bumblebee chuckles for a moment before saying, "I think Smoke would be insulted. He's definitely better looking than you." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 4, 2009, 7:39pm

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 4, 2009, 8:40pm Ayame smiles at Qaz, "I'll travel with you and we'll see what happens. I would be just as lost and confused alone as with you." She smiles sheepishly, "No offense meant." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 4, 2009, 9:27pm Young Qaz says shyly, "Well, if you can handle that sword and bow, you should be fine I guess." Then, to everyone, "Should we get moving?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Feb 5, 2009, 3:36am Yes, lets keep moving. Hopefully, if something happens, you will be able to defend yourself adequately, Ayame. Ralcala says, as she nudges her horse to go faster. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 5, 2009, 7:26am You travel along the trail perhaps about 20 minutes further when you find a horse grazing alongside the trail, fully tacked for riding. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 5, 2009, 8:04am "This is strange." Ayame looks around, "Where is the rider?" She looks around again then gets down from behind Vorath. "I guess it could be mine." She walks over to the horse and searches it's saddle bags. "Hello. What's this?" She pulls out an arrow from the saddle bag then one from her quiver and examines the fletching. "They're the same. I guess this horse is mine. She puts both arrows back in her quiver and turns back to the others. "Let's keep going then." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 5, 2009, 8:38am Feb 5, 2009, 7:26am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

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You travel along the trail perhaps about 20 minutes further when you find a horse grazing alongside the trail, fully tacked for riding. Qaz wishes for a magical bow of undead slaying and a +7 rapier. And wings for his horse.

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Feb 5, 2009, 1:41pm Vorath says aloud, Look Ayame, for all we know, that might well be your horse... If we can't find another rider hereabouts that claims it, I do believe you should use it. In fact, approach the horse and see if it seems to recognize you. That might let us know if indeed it IS yours. And if so, perhaps there's something in the tack that would give you more information about yourself! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Feb 5, 2009, 4:52pm Bumblebee will drop down and take a look around for tracks. He'll follow them back to a body, or where we found Ayame if he can. [dice=20+5][rand=668934706393324996322441665123395147365800682934654130140684854] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Feb 6, 2009, 5:21pm Ralcala will look around for anyone else that might lay claim to the horse Spot Check [dice=20+2][rand=883417113882056641970481033920093172063105464226549902244557133617] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 6, 2009, 10:33pm Qaz suggests, "Maybe she was chasing a troll through the forest, got thrown from her horse, hit her head, and the horse - and troll - ran off." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Feb 7, 2009, 2:28pm Sean is listening in on the speculation as to what may have happened to the young lady. "Perhaps some action by the creature affected her memory?" he suggests. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 8, 2009, 5:31am Pulling another item from the saddlebag, "Does this mean anything to anyone?" She holds up an amulet of Mystra (ooc: she doesn't know/remember who this amulet symbolizes). "Perhaps it is of the owner of the horse?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Feb 8, 2009, 8:09pm When Sean sees the amulet, he perks up, "That's the holy symbol of Mystra, Goddess of Magic. My patron diety. Or you perhaps a mage or cleric of Mystra?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 9, 2009, 3:21am Ayame pauses to consider Sean's question. Finally she shakes her head, "I don't know. Nothing is sparking my memory, but I don't think mages or clerics learn the weapons that I have. Of course, I very well could be and that these weapons of mine are a mistake." She shakes her head again and sighs in frustration. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 9, 2009, 8:53am Feb 9, 2009, 3:21am, bookwormsub wrote:

Ayame pauses to consider Sean's question. Finally she shakes her head, "I don't know. Nothing is sparking my memory, but I don't think mages or clerics learn the weapons that I have. Of course, I very well could be and that these weapons of mine are a mistake." She shakes her head again and sighs in frustration.

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Qaz suggests: "Take out your bow and take a shot at that dead tree over there." If she does so, Qaz watches her technique and he should be able to tell if she's trained in the bow. It's a long bow, right?

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Feb 9, 2009, 2:00pm Milo moved over to the horse, careful to leave Smoke farther away, not to spook the new animal. He reached into the saddle bag. "I would think if our mystery horse carried a cleric there would be more religious items in this bag. Especially a cleric of the goddess of magic." Setting the bag back down, Milo moved back towards Smoke. He wanted to be certain that Smoke stayed comfortable as the group grew. Neither of them were use to new people. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 10, 2009, 3:23am [dice=20] Ayame nods at Qaz's suggestion and takes aim on the dead log he pointed out. She relaxes then fires. [rand=0347324605598654500439145554342423997930189970671025056784167234241] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 10, 2009, 8:49am Qaz ignores the bad shot and the squaak of a wild fowl being woken up by an arrow, and focuses on the bow technique. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 10, 2009, 11:39pm Ayame seems as well trained with the weapon as any other "person" of arms. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 11, 2009, 2:35pm Did bumblebee find any tracks? "I wonder if there were two of you on the horse?" Is there anything on the horse that indicates who or how many were riding it? Qaz will also try to help looking for tracks, maybe where Bumblebee hasn't got to yet. [dice=20+1] (Add +2 if there are human tracks) [rand=4808217543177306717122858110815287838764024432748610696520563215017] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 12, 2009, 3:02am Qaz finds tracks but can't really make any sense of them. The stuff in the horses saddlebags would not have supported more than one person very long. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 12, 2009, 6:32am Do the tracks lead anywhere? Qaz will ask Bumblebee for help. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Feb 12, 2009, 8:03pm Bumblebee will gladly help Qaz follow the tracks. [ooc] He rolled a 19, shown in one of the previous posts. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 13, 2009, 1:28am Two riders came from the direction of Daggerdale. Right about here it looks like they caught up with each other. There was some sort of skirmish, which ended in one of them being dismounted. The one that was dismounted wound up going off in the direction that you found Ayame Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Post by wanderer on Feb 13, 2009, 5:51am Bumblebee will pass that information on to the rest of the party. Can he tell which direction the mounted rider headed? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 13, 2009, 6:02am Back in the direction of Dagger Falls. ( To correct myself I meant to say Dagger Falls in the previous post, as the other end of this trail.


Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Feb 13, 2009, 6:09am ooc=thanks for RPing me ic=After Adon snaps out of the strange quiet that overcame him for a few days, he walks over to greet the new member of the team. "I am Adon" he says haltingly "I am...pleased to meet you" ooc= Elminster, unless this is a prewritten adventure, could you throw in something about Adon's tribe, or maybe we meet a few of his tribemates? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 15, 2009, 6:35pm As Ayame frowns at her bad shot, she notices Adon walking up to her. "Thank you." She continues to frown at the news of the rider and the scuffle. "Hm. It seems I need to be going to Dagger Falls. d**n I wish I could remember something!" She retrieves her arrow and then walks back to "her" horse. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 17, 2009, 12:36am OOG: If everyone is done here, I'll move the game along. If not, just let me know. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Feb 17, 2009, 4:41pm Bumblebee has no further plans at this location. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 18, 2009, 2:30am You travel roughly two more hours and the woods begin to open out into a plain. A small stand of tall trees nestles in the middle of these plains. In the distance to the west, the mighty Desertsmouth Mountains cast a blue shadow over most of the area. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 18, 2009, 9:11am As we travel, we keep an eye out for paths or trails leading to the Northwest or West. Does anyone know if there are any main paths leading in that direction? What does Qaz know about the area we are headed? If a Knowledge (Geography) check would help: [dice=20+1] [rand=2229674812406301541445895610377198116784794256091880210058297962] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Feb 18, 2009, 12:46pm Adon is awed by the mountains. Being a man of the plains, he has never seen anything so big. As they come into view, he ceases any small talk he may have been engaged in, and gets off his horse, leading it, trying to make himself as small as possible against these fearsome signs of the Great One's power. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Feb 20, 2009, 12:45am Ralcala looks towards the mountains as the forst falls away, I hope we dont have climb those. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 20, 2009, 6:32am Ayame looks across the plains, glad for the openness for her to see possible enemies, but also wishing for a bit more cover for themselves to help fight those same enemies. She also has to stare at the mountains, "Such wonders of nature and the gods. Incredible." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 21, 2009, 12:11am Any rangers please make a knowledge nature check. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Feb 21, 2009, 12:10pm Bumblebee's Knowledge Nature [dice=20+6][rand=597498987486142928896720997422725228029620671098447889706993938745] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 22, 2009, 12:23am Bumblebee notices notices that there are no signs of animals in this area. This animal-free zone seems to extend for quite some distance every direction Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 22, 2009, 12:39am I may be too late, but in case I can find something else that Bumblebee didn't, here's my nature knowledge roll: [dice=20+1] No animals is as unnatural as I can imagine. Must be the undead. Qaz asks Milo how smoke is doing. [rand=718731934387065378894324363099375728794067255498915523407104549] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Feb 22, 2009, 9:23am "We are nearing the path that leads to the Cairn. Undead are likely in the area, prepare yourselves", says the small hobbit as he moves to the top of a nearby rise to get a better sense of the immediate surroundings. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Feb 22, 2009, 11:16am Milo turns to Qaz. "He seems a bit ill at ease, but that might just be from traveling in such a large group. He is not use to traveling with much more than me and one or two others." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Feb 22, 2009, 3:06pm Sean looks around at the terrain, with the hills around. Even though raised in a small, mostly 1/2 elf, village near Shadowdale, this is still new to him. Thinking about needing herbs to cast a "Find Familiar" spell, he will keep an eye out for those. When not looking around for undead. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Feb 22, 2009, 8:30pm Undead are scarey things, anyone know if they can be affected by non enchanted weapons? Racala says, looking around the area. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 22, 2009, 8:31pm How do we prepare for this? I have no idea... Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 23, 2009, 1:17am Climbing the tree Bumblebee notices that a number of birds are flying above and around the trees ahead. As he watches, a small flock breaks away and soars toward the party. As the distance between you diminishes, he begins to realize that these are not ordinary birds. He begins to make out the creature's’ batlike wings and rusty red colorings. Long beaks and clawed legs jut from their slim bodies. There are 14 of them. [dice=10][dice=10][dice=10]

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[rand=4708763788382512560944592409527562387241302242615803173114626295] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 23, 2009, 8:48am "Um, Bumblebee, those birds are flying kind of funny. Towards us." Qaz grabs his bow and knocks an arrow. He says in Elvish "Bows and arrows, friends!" "Cur ar Pilinor, mellonea!" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Feb 23, 2009, 6:57pm "Ooh, ooh, undead birds," exclaims Bumblebee as he drops out of the tree and readies a dagger to throw. He quickly rethinks his first thought and with disappointment in his voice he changes his mind, "Ooh, ooh, not undead. Blood drinkers." Bumblebee's initiative [dice=20+3][rand=7392021670593981350521356222737177305360660225697205786111448524] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Feb 23, 2009, 7:31pm initiative roll[dice=20+2] When these creatures come into range, Sean will cast "Burning Hands" [rand=05984880400378795467032063394836944095157071807163385636768844305] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 23, 2009, 7:53pm [dice=20] Initiative roll Ayame quickly gets off her horse and notches an arrow. She will shoot as soon as one comes in range. [rand=25738389853322763696883022622388988211074359256847928580219923493] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Feb 23, 2009, 9:15pm Racala will draw her Short bow, nock an arrow and aim at one of the "Birds" Blood drinkers you say?, what are we, attractors of odd creatures? First flying web footed things, now these odd birds. Whats next? Init Roll [dice=20+4][rand=16186451610890456806334402496638694093050002325228021732659394816]

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 23, 2009, 10:11pm Everyone roll initiative and we'll get that list together, Bird things [dice=20+4] You have one round before the creatures are actually in Melee range so those with missile weapons get a freebie round, go ahead and role for that also. [rand=7521216748013192758068847512780353731729221287226083057894302408] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Feb 23, 2009, 11:25pm Vorath Initiative [dice=20+6] Vorath will dismount and ready his light crossbow. [rand=151566827777297694067371926622223319872813122695333595700494577607] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Feb 24, 2009, 3:31am I already rolled for initiative, but here is my roll to attack. Attack: [dice=20] Damage (if successful): [dice=8][rand=82609652088010949501969194756746300104257548818941988434538406] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 24, 2009, 8:23am Qaz, initiative: [dice=20+4] Attack: [dice=20+5] Damage: [dice=8]

[rand=092238354496657852500247471034527165926524437963967270975271239877] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Feb 24, 2009, 10:46am Vorath's first shot with his crossbow: Attack [dice=20+2] Damage [dice=8][rand=677008842879500684941230162770013550595367818252799895358247312] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 24, 2009, 3:11pm Init order creatures=19 Bumblebee & milo=18 Vorath=10 Racala=8 Qaz=7 Ayame=6 Sean=4 Both Ayame and Qaz severely wound one of the creatures while Vorath knocks one out of the air. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 24, 2009, 4:11pm I don't suppose we could get another shot off? How fast does Qaz figure they're moving, and how far away are they at the end of the round?

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Post by wanderer on Feb 24, 2009, 5:12pm Bumblebee's attack roll [dice=20+5] Bumblebee's damage [dice=4][rand=16187835959540175745373889159623297674983563183282172164460180152] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Feb 24, 2009, 8:31pm attack roll [dice=20] dmg roll [dice=4][rand=035536560349879565400053750465915460457506657952084839001976664443033] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 25, 2009, 6:34am The creatures are moving at 40 and will be in Meelle range at the beginning of next round. Sean's and Bumblebee's attacks miss. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Feb 25, 2009, 3:19pm We still need attacks from Adon, Milo and Racala, right? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 25, 2009, 11:58pm Yes, I don't think I have init rolls from Adon and Milo yet either. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Feb 26, 2009, 10:21pm Milo and Smoke have the same initiative modifier [dice=20+2] [rand=8338576571817267963732149856282877690855431327806930618395190052] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Feb 26, 2009, 10:27pm Milo let fly with a sling stone. Smoke waited till the strange birds came within melee range. [dice=20+4] [dice=3][rand=608805742384556828497578451878796461244940041237957358303729890006] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Feb 26, 2009, 11:19pm Racala took aim with her Shortbow and shot at one of the "Birds" Attack [dice=20+4] Damage [dice=6][rand=6055408834522047072830625400376273498715994579027002972215779253] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Feb 27, 2009, 12:37am Milo hits one of the strange creatures with his sling. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Mar 2, 2009, 10:15am Seeing that the strange birds will be in melee range soon, Milo drops his sling and readies his spear. Smoke can be heard voicing a growl deep in his throat. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 2, 2009, 8:56pm OOG: Was waiting around a bit to see if anyone who was missing would post, here we go. IG: The strange bird attack! first, who gets the extra birdie

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[dice=6] Milo. Two attack Bunblebee: [dice=20+7][dice=20+7] One attacks Milo:[dice=20+7] two attack Vorath:[dice=20+7][dice=20+7] Two attack Racala:[dice=20+7][dice=20+7] Two attack Qaz:[dice=20+7][dice=20+7] Two attack Ayame:[dice=20+7][dice=20+7] Two attack Sean:[dice=20+7][dice=20+7] [rand=2785159191089020585516360331084053207340313396830320978006672429106] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 2, 2009, 9:40pm Two hit Bumblebee One hits Vorath One hits Racala One hits Qaz one hits Ayame One hits Sean Everyone that was hit make a grapple check for each time you were hit. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 2, 2009, 10:54pm Vorath Grapple Check: [dice=20+1] [rand=840540429920898872785696701421933883623539961491631242088774621335] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Mar 2, 2009, 11:27pm Ralcala Grapple Check [dice=20][rand=91367644812115072463704578706123578045694018746791422945838661609] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Mar 3, 2009, 5:54am Bumblebee's grapple checks [dice=20][dice=20] You'll need to subtract 3 from each roll[rand=7960175982970610032486654063280107475392582004664324980365432891344] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 3, 2009, 9:00am I'm not sure exactly what this is for. Are we grabbing them? Anyways, assuming I get my +3 as the PHB says: Grapple check:[dice=20+3] [rand=2269812407903373242962363362312317864623274654157799466997385025] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 3, 2009, 10:42am I think they're grappling US! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Mar 3, 2009, 5:32pm [dice=20] Grapple check (plus unknown amount) [rand=43211388052167377081921346102832862313153679540642734657198684465185] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Mar 3, 2009, 7:20pm Seans grapple roll

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[dice=20+1][rand=49898754149671453239482020272872374754143588599442602192581791521] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 3, 2009, 11:51pm The creatures fly at you and try to embed their needle like beak, ( the to hit roll ), then they try to grab on with their legs, ( the grapple check ). Bumblebee [dice=20][dice=20] vorath [dice=20] Racala [dice=20] Qaz [dice=20] Ayame [dice=20] Sean[dice=20]

only one of the little buggers managed to attach themselves, to Ayame. Your actions. [rand=58050915590740617797474562383857616356846934751806584465742275036] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 4, 2009, 11:18am Qaz attacks the nearest with his rapier. Attack: [dice=20+5] Damage: [dice=6+2] [rand=5829538544639945180608301656320757042625360190876004713044967502] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Mar 4, 2009, 4:59pm I assume they are flying around looking to grab on next round. Bumblebee will toss a dagger at one, his attack [dice=20+5] Damage if needed [dice=4][rand=147846590663209565331391872355957335055573493345709186673004311] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Mar 4, 2009, 10:26pm Sean will cast "Acid Splash" and aim for the little bugger that bit him [dice=20+2][rand=046805938218824788211372736880811660346409854340113637763475233017] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 4, 2009, 10:57pm Vorath will swing at the vermin with his Heavy Mace. [dice=20+1] Damage if it hits [dice=8+1] [rand=66025713259153136940477770512717836196233052574962971242074863] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 5, 2009, 5:40am Init order creatures=19 Bumblebee & milo=18 Vorath=10 Racala=8

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Qaz=7 Ayame=6 Sean=4 Results, so far Bumblebee: throws a dagger, but misses To Hit:9 Milo hits, dropping another of the strange creatures. but smoke misses Milo to hit:17 Dam:4 Vorath: Swings his heavy mace, just missing the vermin To hit:15 Racala: Stabs at the one on her, killing it To Hit:17 Damage:2 Qaz hits one,killing it. To hit:17 Damage:7 Sean: casts acid splash, but misses. To hit: 4 I still need attacks or actions from Raccala, Milo, and Ayame PS: yes Raccala, I did see your bow hit, and did note it on my encounter sheet, just missed actually posting it. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Mar 5, 2009, 3:29pm Ralcala will attack with a dagger on the one that attacked her [dice=20] [dice=4][rand=8169242342061368002164746806111450509238190266856153833085056149358] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Mar 7, 2009, 5:07am Ayame drops her bow and grabs hold of the creature and tries to pull it off her. Opposed grapple check [dice=20] plus strength bonus [rand=90472597442832914971943451818731056113745829713078323329895461005] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 7, 2009, 12:30pm Mar 7, 2009, 5:07am, bookwormsub wrote:

Ayame drops her bow and grabs hold of the creature and tries to pull it off her. Opposed grapple check plus strength bonus

[dice=20] Ayame managed to pull the thing off her. [rand=810210199621553723412822791185783945724861084543748685327175932214] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Mar 8, 2009, 10:22am Milo attempts to spear the flying creature near him as Smoke attacks it as well, doing his best to bring down the creature that is attacking his halfling companion. Milo to Hit [dice=20]

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damage [dice=6] -1 Smoke to Hit [dice=20+3] damage [dice=6+1][rand=864760811322834581367461083476288661167829984708752461204306004] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Mar 8, 2009, 8:15pm Ayame draws her great sword and begins to swing at the creatures. Attack: [dice=20+4] Damage: [dice=12+3][rand=9389470139225443755010160121808474191925244629757421124369946115] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Mar 8, 2009, 8:24pm If Ralcala managed to pull the Stirge off, she will attack with her Rapier [dice=20] [dice=6][rand=359581584360728144928579435941453458793471653485709763859004291714] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 9, 2009, 10:39pm There are 10 of the creatures left now. The extras will attack [dice=7][dice=7][dice=7] Bumblebee, Qaz, and Vorath. Two attack Bumblebee [dice=20+7][dice=20+7] One attacks Milo [dice=20+7] Two attack Vorath [dice=20+7][dice=20+7] One attacks Racala [dice=20+7] Two attack Qaz [dice=20+7][dice=20+7] One attacks Ayame [dice=20+7] One attacks Sean [dice=20+7] Bumblebee is missed Milo gets hit, the thing begins to try to grip ahold with it's legs. Vorath gets hit once and the little sucker is trying to dig into him also. Racala also has one trying to get a grip on her. Both of the ones attacking Qaz miss. One is trying to dig into Ayame again. Sean gets missed.

OK, grapple checks everyone that got hit, again. [rand=0740183660172510903431920534072064385917372928977328150456452792205] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 9, 2009, 11:00pm Vorath grapple Check

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[dice=20+1] [rand=22803839475059107454855780248028647079312757649244178084159864571] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Mar 9, 2009, 11:06pm Ralcala will try to pull it off of her [dice=20][rand=666181125177208736711824444143154282631907994339572937245927366187] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 10, 2009, 5:48am Qaz will chop at one again with his rapier: [dice=20+5] Damage: [dice=6+2] [rand=14893913292326033792514933040365662338530365377664617093300912529] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Mar 10, 2009, 4:39pm Bumblebee will throw a dagger at one of those attacking him. Bumblebee's attack [dice=20+5] Bumblebee's damage [dice=4][rand=013924793931631984516033798721448264682878217476453193666233106779] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Mar 11, 2009, 6:53pm Ayame tries to pull the creature off her, this time without dropping her sword. "Blasted blood suckers!" [dice=20+3][rand=24373870415834842450088969285552435986399162441623415425528028835] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Mar 11, 2009, 7:45pm Sean will go over to Atame and help her try to get the strige off her. Grapple check [dice=20+1][rand=294865721584230485763304327380570076418487742311865928449488082619] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 12, 2009, 10:26pm Grapple checks Vorath [dice=20] Racala [dice=20] Ayame [dice=20] One manages to embed itself on Vorath and Ayame while Ralcala evades her bloodsucker. Ralcala's attack with her rapier misses, as does Qaz's and Bumblebee's attacks. Ayame, do you still wish to attack this round, perhaps the one that is on you, or, do you wish to try to pull it off ? What is everyone else doing for an action this round ? OOG: Sorry I've been so slow with this round, I've been laid up with some sort of bug.[rand=6290900697426585804462107684829436700503550287396029573650503092] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 13, 2009, 9:30am Vorath will attempt attack the thing with his Mace. [dice=20+1] [rand=1507687185839402532948334818735403065031843532001875832744422755016] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 13, 2009, 9:50am Qaz will try to do non-lethal damage to one of the attached ones, whichever is closer.

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But... Whose turn is it to attack? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 13, 2009, 11:49am It's the player's turn, Ralcala and Ayame had already posted their actions, so i used them. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 13, 2009, 12:30pm Okay then, Qaz attacks one of the attached ones, non-lethal damage (don't want to chop off an arm!): To hit: [dice=20+1] (+1 instead of +5) Damage: [dice=6+2] [rand=471260943915694951720700701698660977511804853565999842539951205254] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Mar 13, 2009, 3:11pm Bumblebee will toss another dagger and then hold on to his last dagger for hand to hand. Dagger throw [dice=20+5] Dagger damage [dice=4][rand=701518315583899660860710595868370084587936659690776581180677422729] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 15, 2009, 4:08pm Vorath and Qaz's attacks miss while Bumbblebee hits one of the flying creatures for a small amount of damage with his dagger. Ayame manages to kill the attached to her with her sword. OOG: I still need Milo's and smoke's attacks for this round. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on Mar 15, 2009, 6:47pm Doing the best he could to concentrate he stabbed at the stirge with his spear while Smoke snapped at the same one. Milo Attack and Damage [dice=20] [dice=6] -1 Smoke Attack and Damage [dice=20+3] [dice=6+1] [rand=83892606162307512293566042164865794886881031277817554628611592804] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 15, 2009, 11:22pm Milo and smoke take out another of the flying bloodsuckers together. OOG:Ok guys, if those of you who have characters on mythweavers could put your ACs in your sigs or something then we could go ahead and carry this on without mythweavers. I don't want to give much away but we are so close to that dang tomb now I don't want to slow down. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 16, 2009, 9:29am Vorath AC18 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 16, 2009, 12:03pm Mar 15, 2009, 11:22pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

Milo and smoke take out another of the flying bloodsuckers together.

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OOG:Ok guys, if those of you who have characters on mythweavers could put your ACs in your sigs or something then we could go ahead and carry this on without mythweavers. I don't want to give much away but we are so close to that dang tomb now I don't want to slow down.

How many are left? Qaz: AC17 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 16, 2009, 10:27pm There are eight left Init order creatures=19 Bumblebee & milo=18 Vorath=10 Racala=8 Qaz=7 Ayame=6 Sean=4 The little bloodsuckers come in for another attack Bumblebee [dice=20+7] Milo [dice=20+7] Smoke [dice=20+7] Vorath [dice=20+7] Racala [dice=20+7] Qaz [dice=20+7] Ayame [dice=20+7] Sean [dice=20+7] Milo, smoke, Vorath, and Sean have been hit this round. I will need grapple checks from them. Also everyone go ahead and make your attacks for this round or declare actions. OOG: by the way Mythweavers is already back up [rand=278610062241529738925808879141915029521865545693471806073249372514] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 16, 2009, 11:31pm Vorath Grapple Check [dice=20+1] [rand=8407253907956842571998584277472520813821775044767774800823198629] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 17, 2009, 8:28am Qaz attacks the one on him, who rolled a 1! Attack: [dice=20+5] Damage:[dice=6+2] [rand=22879920480772853389184883330017337070298006292433549912344198674] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Mar 17, 2009, 5:39pm Once again, Sean is going to cast burning hands on the nearest flying critter. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 18, 2009, 4:26pm grapple check for Vorath's bloodsucker [dice=20] Sean roll damage for burning hands. Now, lets get the rest of those actions in. [rand=03603150278752265931188183321312150882346364127489200222526368191] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Mar 18, 2009, 4:45pm Dmg roll from Seans spell [dice=4] [rand=803667276633449723214494397866526818619382749598417771334998606] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 18, 2009, 7:38pm What was the result of Vorath's grapple check? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 18, 2009, 10:24pm Mar 18, 2009, 7:38pm, anodyzed wrote:

What was the result of Vorath's grapple check? Vorath won, critter got a 2 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 18, 2009, 10:59pm Vorath will attack the critter with his Heavy Mace [dice=20+1] Damage if it hits [dice=8+1][rand=693796322815119792477516319936259953893260901950860549692590662] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 20, 2009, 1:13am Qaz & Vorath both miss, Sean does 4 points of damage to one with his burning hands spell, dropping it. I think I still need attacks from Bunblebee, Ralqala, and Ayame Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Mar 20, 2009, 7:40am ooc:sorry for disappearing. I'm having some trouble. Adon suddenly wakes up, roars his challenge and draws his sword, attacking one of the bugs init [dice=20+2] attack [dice=20+5] damage [dice=6][dice=6+4][rand=07710826810438628158393289193255622211055768450316110994318317762] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Mar 20, 2009, 4:33pm Bumblebee will move to hand to hand combat while maneuvering to get to his thrown daggers. He will try to attack the one he hit before if it is in range, otherwise he will help those with a beastie on them. Bumblebee's attack [dice=20+1] Bumblebee's damage [dice=4][rand=3637868152509828359419080593921560136851863882557761862593507133904] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Mar 21, 2009, 7:02am Ayame makes a mental note to thank Sean later and swings her greatsword at any bloodsuckers nearby. "Damn mosquitoes from the abyss!"

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Attack: [dice=20+4] Damage: [dice=12+3][rand=56668921960779255036559496552949056879389810227897819354212885266] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Mar 21, 2009, 11:31am ooc: Ayame's greatsword damage is 2d6, not 1d12 Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Mar 21, 2009, 7:08pm Ralcala will take a swing at a stirge [dice=20+1] Damage [dice=8][rand=027208851599204275029309173510068453771123387256617709166419101531725] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 22, 2009, 8:02am creatures=19 Bumblebee & milo=18 Vorath=10 Racala=8 Qaz=7 Ayame=6 Sean=4 Adon and Ayame slice a couple of the stirges in half reducing the number to five. Stirge attacks Bumblebee [dice=20+7] Ralcala [dice=20+7] Qaz [dice=20+7] Ayame [dice=20+7] Sean [dice=20+7] The "Mosquitos from hell" score hits on Bumbblebee and Ralcala so I will need grapple checks from them.[rand=97422016046893573382578201861637392694410975989456789085647007596] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Mar 22, 2009, 8:32am Bumblebee's grapple (I don't think I need to subtract 4 for size) [dice=20+1][rand=4325776138917016307287856271864768259778939554736240243292243744902] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Mar 22, 2009, 12:15pm Ayame once again swings her greatsword, hoping to have the same luck as her last hit. Attack [dice=20+4] Damage [dice=6] [dice=6+3][rand=5189137776444807405507100197709753163730320583836321249424958770557] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 22, 2009, 12:44pm Vorath will attack one of the bugs still in the air. [dice=20+1] Damage if it hits [dice=8+1][rand=5182263306530813733503765936438469874208652571384405093262183041] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Mar 22, 2009, 1:52pm

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Adon lets out a fierce battle cry in his own rough language (not going into rage) "Tamutu Ch'laot!" and charges another one of the little devils [dice=20+7] [dice=6][dice=6+4][rand=3172198449450868340828109236353546681045753550757082515447782146] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Mar 22, 2009, 7:55pm Ralcala will try attack it if she can, or grapple it, if needed. Attack [dice=20+1] Damage [dice=8] Grapple [dice=20][rand=15656209044357419740421618046968553750780248758832790680271821787] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 23, 2009, 9:24pm Grapple checks ( stirge) Bumbblebee [dice=20] Ralcala [dice=20] Ayame, Vorath, Adon, and Ralcala all miss with their attacks. Still need attacks/actions from Sean and Qaz ( Unless I missed the posts.


Bumbblebee, Ralcala, need grapple checks from you again. [rand=98429409809448912816987897277864714930737456300814041700979217187] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Mar 23, 2009, 11:51pm Ralcala Grapple Check [dice=20][rand=289672922509215562569914118966618698123366352231599165536872562578] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 24, 2009, 6:15am Qaz attacks: [dice=20+5] Dam: [dice=6+2] [rand=165218994952738298356494633480906760537031106650834588776156306267] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Mar 24, 2009, 2:40pm Bumblebee's grapple [dice=20+1][rand=8198185347590654692085510730919449509375297304066398282213642062] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 24, 2009, 2:48pm Mar 23, 2009, 11:51pm, dungeoneer wrote:

Ralcala Grapple Check

Grapple check [dice=20] Qaz's attack also misses[rand=660985948041499802983595661494775650004931413903246658264123266392] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 24, 2009, 2:49pm

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Mar 24, 2009, 2:40pm, wanderer wrote:

Bumblebee's grapple [dice=20+1] Grapple check for Bumblebee [dice=20][rand=469019207994484680593513086596926299109563881548420043270079033] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Mar 24, 2009, 8:48pm Sean will cast "ray of Frost" at the nearest flying creature.[dice=20+1] [rand=0921691253458167889782987571655775105040487222899191692043968472] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Mar 26, 2009, 4:55pm Ayame curses then swings again at the flying bugs. "Hold still you bastards." Attack [dice=20+4] Damage [dice=6] [dice=6+3] [rand=2635544790735409390556272269901640255085214773455038441735157654802] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 28, 2009, 12:47am Sean's attack misses ( rolled a 4 ) And Raqala now has one of the stirges attached to her. It's their turn to go. The one attached to Ralcala takes a nice healthy sip doing [dice=4] CON damage One attacks Sean [dice=20+7] One attacks Qaz [dice=20+7] One attacks Vorath [dice=20+7] One attacks Bunbblebee [dice=20+7] Looks like I'll need grapple checks from everyone above. [rand=949678705073735150266542902012017717914813899189003631446173131] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Mar 28, 2009, 6:50am Bumblebee's grapple [dice=20+1][rand=531413506291207179298350289261024682324288510316747066792916119526] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 28, 2009, 8:00am Qaz's grapple check: [dice=20+2] assuming I get Str bonus... [rand=470531635452061922520072525367149485911005176604970633823890239] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Mar 28, 2009, 10:13am Vorath's Grapple [dice=20+1][rand=19472367111135247190369067615105358468212384144290809077489999015] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Mar 28, 2009, 7:29pm Ralcala's Grapple [dice=20][rand=95902001182823377376368917623473766684751526208338507465234240506] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Mar 29, 2009, 11:58am

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Bumbblebee [dice=20] Qaz [dice=20] Vorath [dice=20] Bumblebee Make another grapple check. The on Ralcala, now having a full belly, detaches and flies off. [rand=7004791560656639251676691700273960220067755256779817527362134113045] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 29, 2009, 10:04pm If we can attack, here's mine: Attack: [dice=20+4] Damage: [dice=6+2] [rand=9603401510976255085736353415995843444349681958556974604396848008] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Mar 29, 2009, 10:08pm Critical roll: [dice=20+4] and (potentially) additional damage: [dice=6+2] [rand=504011949524283429243563604541123547213535290211413775211898609996] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Mar 31, 2009, 3:21pm Bumblebee's further grapple with the giant mosquito [dice=20+1][rand=3403069730844945634392980720723797194188448615997877511078553203] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 1, 2009, 4:05am Mar 31, 2009, 3:21pm, wanderer wrote:

Bumblebee's further grapple with the giant mosquito [dice=20+1] [dice=20] Bumblebee has a bloodsucker attached ! everyone else take your actions now.[rand=65563537080106591626879062128648916452930737620608292201756677852] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Apr 1, 2009, 9:34am Vorath will swing at the flying one that keeps attacking him. Attack [dice=20+1] Damage if it hits [dice=8+1][rand=4048092922502998131451569065450449283777521310072712764254704406] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 1, 2009, 9:09pm Should I reroll my attack? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 1, 2009, 11:34pm No, I'll keep it. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 3, 2009, 4:13am If any of the bugs are still in the air, Adon takes a swing at one "Ya B'nei Zo'not!"[dice=20+5][dice=6][dice=6+4] If none are still flying, he runs to help bumblebee get the thing off. [dice=20+3]ooc=Grapple is d20+Str, right? if it's also BAB add one to the roll[rand=09828848277439028827283280261910266550285296512716334996501619026] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Apr 4, 2009, 9:51am

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Ayame again attacks the flying beasts, trying not to hit her friends in the process. Attack [dice=20+4] Damage [dice=6] [dice=6+3][rand=137675695312135306798993716905355484870657451231379818286461062616] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 4, 2009, 9:44pm Init order repost creatures=19 Bumblebee & milo=18 Vorath=10 Racala=8 Qaz=7 Ayame=6 Sean=4 I still need actions/attacks from Bumblebee,milo,Racala,Sean. If I've missed your post just give me heads up. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Apr 5, 2009, 7:43am Bumblebee will stab the bloodsucker on him. Bumblebee's attack [dice=20+1] Bumblebee's damage [dice=4][rand=5480231344376186848378885695245802052337072957549639793443755779373] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 5, 2009, 9:03am Sean will cast the spell "Magic Missile" and target the closest of the creature. [dice=20] [rand=2625500193009422455711248958108462098688653035941640011736155268063] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Apr 5, 2009, 7:57pm If Ralcala does not have one on her, she will attack a flying one [dice=20+1] [dice=8+1][rand=60061752626448021168230891034393696938568813515354662943443757054] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 6, 2009, 5:32pm Bumblebee Attacks the one attached to him, but misses. Vorath Also attacks, and misses. Racala Attacks one of the flying critters, but misses. Qaz Attacks and kills one of the stirges. Ayame Misses her attack Sean Magic Missile automatically hits, so role damage.

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Adon Misses his attack on one of the flying Stirges Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 6, 2009, 7:56pm (oops! sorry about that) [dice=4+1][rand=895200116557654311581585529794253201513004006258224715687191751778] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 7, 2009, 1:19am Adon swings again![dice=20+5] [dice=6][dice=6+4][rand=55271679206538671034432296020356789259256641058657600525468521121] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 7, 2009, 1:20am Sean kills a Stirge with his spell ! doing 5hp damage the Stirge on Bumblebee drains [dice=4] con worth of blood The other one attacks Adon [dice=20+7] But misses. Adon's Attack hits killing a stirge. The one on Bunble bee, having drank it's fill will detach and fly off. If someone has a missle attack or wants to take a swing at it they can, otherwise, that's all the stirges. Those who took Con damage will regain it at the rate of 1 point per day (or double that if the character gets complete bed rest)[rand=92436581431739037963064836651984994674308268495328936811458384715] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 7, 2009, 7:40am Qaz will take out his bow and shoot the bloated stirge. Attack: [dice=20+5] assuming it's within range (100'), or minuses as appropriate. Damage: [dice=8]

[rand=80708090146072219887471108231694468033767770975837320418048184365] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 7, 2009, 7:41am ... and he'll keep shooting. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Apr 7, 2009, 9:37am Looking at the wounds of his comrades, Vorath will say, These are the times when being a healer is the hardest, when my limited powers cannot bring health. It will take some days before you are well again, I wish I could do more. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Apr 7, 2009, 4:28pm Ayame puts her sword away and picks up her bow, firing at the stirge. Attack: [dice=20+5] Damage: [dice=8][rand=24446850134570075653658170164636773004861683336649098634977990403] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 7, 2009, 5:56pm Sean stands shakily, watching the last of the stirges fly off. Wiping sweat off his brow, he says, "I hope we'll not be having any other surprises for a while. I've used most of my spells for today and I'm exhausted." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Apr 7, 2009, 6:20pm Vorath suggests, Then perhaps we would best find a place to camp for the night, try to get some rest and allow those

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drained by those beasts to recuperate a bit before we press on? As I wasn't hurt, I'm willing to stand a longer watch so those who were hurt can rest uninterrupted. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 7, 2009, 7:47pm Can we get any more shots at the thing? I don't want the disgusting creature to go and multiply! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 7, 2009, 10:04pm Apr 7, 2009, 7:47pm, noozoo wrote:

Can we get any more shots at the thing? I don't want the disgusting creature to go and multiply! They move at 40 flying so you could get a couple shots off before it moves beyond 100' Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 7, 2009, 10:56pm Okay, second shot: [dice=20+5][dice=8][rand=581208689372948493547285780237438022388540028822027326819968396] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 8, 2009, 12:35am "I agree with Vorath. I, for one, am... uninjured" Adon stumbles over the long word in common. "I can hunt the rest of the creatures, I am... fastest. that is the word, no? I can get them, but some of us are hurt. hey should stay and rest. Will any come with me to find the nest?" Adon seems agitated and eager to get on with the hunt. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Apr 8, 2009, 6:50am Ayame takes another shot at the bloated stirge Attack [dice=20+5] Damage [dice=8][rand=202625746531605261884112967972870824824516586186843332302540439318] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 8, 2009, 7:47am Apr 8, 2009, 12:35am, ninjaguineapig wrote:

"I agree with Vorath. I, for one, am... uninjured" Adon stumbles over the long word in common. "I can hunt the rest of the creatures, I am... fastest. that is the word, no? I can get them, but some of us are hurt. hey should stay and rest. Will any come with me to find the nest?" Adon seems agitated and eager to get on with the hunt. Qaz says, while shooting the last one until it's dead or beyond 200 feet, "In this unnatural and unknown land I think we ought to stay together, no? Especially with some of us reeling from blood loss." Once the last beast is dead or gone, Qaz will use his Heal skill to aid those who lost blood. [you might get 2 points back after 8 hours of rest]. If we set up camp (Qaz will help Bumblebee find the best spot), Qaz will look through the Half-Elf's journal to see if this area is in here, and if there's anything about the land in the direction we're going. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 8, 2009, 8:14am OOC: Did Qaz get hit by a Stirge? I wrote down that I took 3 damage, but looking through the posts I can't find it. I might have mistakenly taken the next attack or grapple attempt (stirge rolled a 3) as damage. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 8, 2009, 11:31pm Apr 8, 2009, 8:14am, noozoo wrote:

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OOC: Did Qaz get hit by a Stirge? I wrote down that I took 3 damage, but looking through the posts I can't find it. I might have mistakenly taken the next attack or grapple attempt (stirge rolled a 3) as damage. The only people I think who got hit where Bumblebee and Ralcala. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 9, 2009, 12:49pm Adon looks in wonder as Qaz reads the journal. "What are these symbols and pictures, can you understand them?" ooc: barbarians are illiterate Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Apr 9, 2009, 2:24pm Bumblebee will recover his daggers and look around the area they find themselves in. He will tell the group in general, "We are close to the cairn. If you move to follow the bloodsuckers just be aware there are more and worse creatures nearby." Bumblebee will find a place to rest until the morrow and our trip to the cairn. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Apr 9, 2009, 4:02pm When Bumblebee has found a suitable campsite for the group, Vorath will set about making a fire and setting up a watch to guard those resting. OOC: GM, do you need my spell list in advance? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Apr 9, 2009, 8:01pm Ayame stays quiet for a while, listening to all the advise given. "I know I really don't have a say, as I am new and don't know my way around, but I think we should stay together however tempting it is to follow those blasted creatures. If we are in undead lands, then the last thing we want to do is split up." She watches the others reading the book, "What is that book you are reading? Anything interesting?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Apr 9, 2009, 8:08pm I vote for resting, and some healing, please, thanks, sits down, watching for more of the darn birds. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 9, 2009, 8:21pm Qaz will reply to Adon and Ayame.. "Yes, each little symbol represents a sound, and you put them together to make words. It's one of the most powerful things the civilized lands have over your, um, non-reading lands. This is the journal of a half-elf traveller we found dead, not long before we found you. I never thought there might be a connection between you two, but if those flying platypus things we killed near him somehow got to you, maybe they erased some of your memories. Someone said those things could eat your mind? I don't know. Anyways, I'm just looking for anything he may have written about this place, or the cairn." OOC: DM, do you want me (or you) to make a heal check for Bumblebee and Racala? Qaz will of course work with any others who have healing skill (Vorath?) - as Qaz's are fairly basic. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Apr 9, 2009, 9:35pm OOC: At this level, there is nothing Vorath can do for Con damage... only physical wounds. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 9, 2009, 10:30pm The Journal mentions a tree, full of strange birds. The traveler avoided it. Qaz, go ahead and make healing checks. Vorath, if you would, yes, I would rather have spell lists. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 9, 2009, 10:37pm Vorath has a Heal skill. That can double the speed of healing lost Con and other abilities. Your skill is much higher than Qaz's... Anyways, here's my skill check: [dice=20+2]

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[rand=80627433746121823649111480917781608720025001093745477629431290552] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Apr 9, 2009, 11:13pm Vorath's prepared spells for this day: 0 level - DC 13 Light Create Water Detect Magic 1 Level - DC 14 Cure Light Wounds Protection from Evil Bless Bless Vorath Heal Checks on the two Wounded Bumblebee [dice=20+6] Ralcala [dice=20+6][rand=2918897483851230592452195998862459803943614903419888783279983613] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 10, 2009, 2:02am Adon nods ambiguously at Qaz's explanation. "I will guard first, as I am not hurt. Now we should make camp. You should sleep, little bee." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Apr 10, 2009, 7:20am Ayame asks Qaz, "May I look at the book? Maybe I'll remember something that is written there. It can't hurt anyway. Is it written in Common?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 10, 2009, 8:17pm Sean pipes up, "I'll take the next guard after Adon." After this, Sean will look for a good place to build a fire, and for firewood." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Apr 10, 2009, 9:34pm And Vorath will volunteer for the last watch. That early morning is a good time for me to pray to Pelor for my spells for the day. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 10, 2009, 10:09pm Qaz' heal check is successful. Go ahead and work a watch schedule out. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 10, 2009, 10:23pm Don't forget to check the XP thread Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 10, 2009, 11:26pm Qaz says to Ayame, "Of course you can read it. I have to attend to the injured anyways. And yes, it's written in Common. I hope it helps you." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Apr 11, 2009, 8:08am Ayame takes the book and begins at the beginning, simply scanning the pages quickly and reading random sections until something catches her eye. Without looking up from the book, "I'll take whatever shift is needed. It doesn't matter to me." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Apr 11, 2009, 8:14am

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From his curled up position under the nearest tree, Bumblebee mumbles sleepily, "Yes, sleep does sound very nice." His breathing soon lengthens and he quietly sleeps until woken to take a watch or continue to the cairn. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 11, 2009, 8:17pm So how's this: Adon Sean Ayame Qaz Vorath 2 hrs each Btw, what time of day is it? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Apr 11, 2009, 9:59pm Apr 11, 2009, 8:17pm, noozoo wrote:

So how's this: Adon Sean Ayame Qaz Vorath 2 hrs each Btw, what time of day is it?

Works for Vorath. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 11, 2009, 10:33pm It is early evening, about 4 or 5 PM Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 11, 2009, 10:52pm Then more like 3 hours each would take us to about 7am. The extra time each of us spends not sleeping would be spent reading, healing, whatever. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 12, 2009, 12:55am we don't need to really set a watch until darkness, say, 8 pm. from 8, 2 hours each will carry us to 6 am. everyone watching will still get 8 hours of sleep, and we can get an early start. that leaves us with 3-4 hours until 8, during which we can set up camp, tend to the injured, finish reading the journal and scout the vicinity for monsters. Adon will scout, since he can't read or heal. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 12, 2009, 8:47am Sean will ready his crossbow. Speaking to the group, "I'm going to look around to see if I can bag a rabbit or squirrel or two." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Apr 12, 2009, 3:06pm Qaz responds to Adon, "About the watch - makes sense to me. Are you going to go hunting with Sean? Though, with the lack of animal life around here, you might find the only game is Stirge."

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 13, 2009, 12:24am "Well then, we'll find stirge. it is better that we find it than it finds us, no? there is a... saying in my tribe:... If the hunter stops following the trail of his prey, it is his trail that will be followed by his predators. We may not find prey, but we may find those who would kill us." Adon gets his shortbow and quiver, hanging them on his shoulder above his scabbard, but not so he can't get his sword (ooc: like how link's shield is over his sword but the hilt is still sticking out) "Let us go." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 13, 2009, 10:59am Sean and Adon find no game but, asQaz had predicted, they do find several stirge roosting in a tree. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 13, 2009, 11:53pm well, then, we kill them!(or die trying) how many are there? (now may be a good time for the rage I've been saving) Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 14, 2009, 12:43am There are [dice=12] Stirge init [dice=20+4][rand=3171371922367437526988784933015075217946015671412038502228522093731] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 14, 2009, 5:33am init [dice=20+2] Adon looks at the disgusting creatures with hate in his eyes. As they rise out of their nest to drain him and Sean of their blood, Adon roars and goes into rage!(finally) he also draws his greatsword and puts himself in front of the vulnerable sorcerer. ooc: I found a nice feat i want in the masters of the wild class guidebook. can I retroactively switch power attack(which I have not yet used) for extra rage?(can rage 2 more times per day) [rand=0613251157273431164585729853190968544631966998051218437479253668194] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 14, 2009, 10:53pm The stirges fly out of the tree after Adon [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] Adon needs to make three grapple checks. grapple checks for stirges [dice=20] [dice=20] [dice=20][rand=435973336135177865445541187204819969338941983828337981171191665] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 15, 2009, 1:48pm Ok: so the three of the stirges attached to Adon, following which he enters rage, so he gets +4 to str and con, and -2 to ac, that's an extra 2 on my grapple checks! ATTACK! [dice=20+5][dice=20+5][dice=20+5] can the stirges keep adon from drawing a light weapon? if they can't, he draws one (a light weapon, I think a handaxe, let me check...) edit: Adon has a dagger, not a handaxe, but since I beat all of them in the grapple check, does it mean I pinned them, or that they didn't hold on to me and I can now draw my greatsword and crush them?[rand=51983216752378582714512053384748238471619111147454369380454450663] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 15, 2009, 11:02pm It means they were unable to attach and are now buzzing about waiting to be squashed like flies. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 16, 2009, 7:28pm

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With the plethora of targets, Sean takes a shot at one of the flying stirges. [dice=20+2] [rand=39883904282122173919020234899354786009096739581867597649275358062] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 17, 2009, 1:41am Sean's attack misses (11) Adon need your attack rolls. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 17, 2009, 4:29am With mad fury in his eyes, Adon draws his greatsword and swings at one of the puny stirges. [dice=20+6] [dice=6+7][dice=6][rand=10497082235835797046968031354277960334811724652818206196099051325976] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 18, 2009, 12:30am Unbelievably, Adon Misses The stirges attack again [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] Grapple checks, if needed [dice=20] [dice=20] [dice=20] [dice=20] Only the last two hit Adon, so only the bottom two grapple checks apply[rand=2064543018635153275279798145404353723295280093917862582177179545] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 18, 2009, 12:53pm Grapple checks... [dice=20+5] [dice=20+5] [dice=20+5] only one is attached... is it adon's turn or sean?[rand=109412190832431142687667850965550552407936065879077801960918046166] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 19, 2009, 2:23am Both of you can take your attacks since the stirges go first anyway. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 19, 2009, 9:49am Adon tries to escape the grapple [dice=20+5] if he succeeds, he attacks with his greatsword [dice=20+6][dice=6][dice=6+7] If he fails, Adon drops his greatsword and attempts to draw his dagger [dice=20+5] and attacks [dice=20+5][dice=4+5][rand=458887964102517534352235497458597583956594313864252136282491205712] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 20, 2009, 1:35am OOC to Adon: Only the last two of the stirges managed to hit you and you won the grapple checks so none are attached to you. I assume you would like to go with great sword.


IC: Adon hits one of the stirges this time, splattering stige parts everywhere. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 20, 2009, 9:06am OOC: Haha! rage is awesome!

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 20, 2009, 7:42pm Cursing, Sean drops his crossbow Sean once again goes to magic, casting "Ray of Frost" at the closest stirge. [dice=20+2] [rand=8206829765986048870363683904357692227302052012159299122604384713] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 20, 2009, 7:46pm Damage from spell [dice=3][rand=351564979068178462238814192858648922359117483245558416384383138] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 20, 2009, 11:03pm Sean hits the stirge with his spell giving it a touch of frostbite. The stirges come swarming around Adon Again. [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] Only one hits him though grapple check [dice=20] [rand=30093166423700163282125981934729652981378730732807763481746996481] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 21, 2009, 5:31am grapple check [dice=20+5] If the stirge holds on, Adon attempts to break free [dice=20+5] If it doesn't, Adon takes another swing with his greatsword [dice=20+6][dice=6][dice=6+7] Edit: 100th post! I'm a full member now![rand=70490854705413395316679503028133861457633761120846242693189732886] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 21, 2009, 7:22pm "Hey Adon, I think we need to get the heck outta here." Stooping to pick up his crossbow and draws his dagger. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 22, 2009, 3:17am Adon hears Sean saying something, but what exactly he said doesn't register in the barbarian's clouded mind. "Chaiav Laharog!" He shouts in his native tongue. ooc: His rage ends in two rounds, he'll listen then Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 22, 2009, 8:45pm Not understanding what the big man said, Sean refuses to escape without him. Staying out of his way, Sean kneels and re-arms his crossbow. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 23, 2009, 2:07am Adon takes out another of the blood suckers as they swoop in again. [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] Both of them hit Adon Grapple checks [dice=20] [dice=20][rand=86820603082474483152745886138136375388370470393972921930965287114] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 23, 2009, 8:59am grapples [dice=20+5] [dice=20+5]

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If Adon escapes... Attack! [dice=20+6][dice=6][dice=6+7][rand=8030737730796493614118650255867156043466277517023856899919784451] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 27, 2009, 12:37am Adon misses this attack. And the stirges come around again [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] grapple checks, if neede [dice=20] [dice=20] Adon was only hit by one so we sill only use the bottom grapple check. [rand=379678094892673747999518713032646870449911871968560102280607115] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Apr 27, 2009, 8:16pm Sean watches Adon, wondering at such furiousity in combat. With his crossbow re-armed, Sean looks around, not wanting something more lethal to sneak up on them while they are distracted. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 29, 2009, 12:32pm ooc: guess what? Apparently, I can add my BAB to grapple checks! i've not been adding 1 the whole time! another mistake I made: rage lasts 3+ improved Con modifier rounds. my improved con mod is +5 so i have 8 rounds of rage! I still have 2 rounds left!(again!) grapple check: [dice=20+6] attack roll+ damage [dice=20+6][dice=6][dice=6+7] Adon tears off the stirge and takes a cut at it.[rand=42565390924107827348249909584802588256815900725536174964491378598] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 29, 2009, 11:44pm Adon misses again and the stirges swing in for another attack [dice=20+7] [dice=20+7] grapple checks if needed [dice=20] [dice=20] The first one hits him ( so the first grapple check is the one to beat ).[rand=403900444583936049605741504548543637952778312687342410373264831425] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Apr 30, 2009, 9:14am As Adon's wild attack misses the tiny bugs, the barbarian screams a wordless roar in fury. When the bug attaches itself to him again, Adon grabs it, and tears the thing off. [dice=20+6] Immediately, he follows up with another mighty swing from his greatsword [dice=20+7][dice=6][dice=6+7] and shreds the annoying little thing. "Tamoot!" he roars[rand=244204202549824568808072512205662091863963065258579731473532494038] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Apr 30, 2009, 10:09pm Adon kills another stirge. The last one, wounded by Sean's spell earlier, flies off. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 1, 2009, 9:52am The rest of the party hears the sound of battle. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 1, 2009, 10:00am

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<> Qaz stands up and looks, listens, smells the air. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on May 1, 2009, 10:29am Hearing the sounds of another battle Milo hurries in the direction of the fight with Smoke following him. By the time he gets there, it appears the fight is over. "Wow, my apologies," he says. "I think in the future we might want to travel in slightly larger groups." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 1, 2009, 1:04pm OC: I was assuming we heard the fighting sounds afterwards, and that it was a different fight. Is that right, or is it Sean and Adon battling stirges? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 1, 2009, 11:22pm OOG: It's the stirges, I'm trying to pull this back together. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on May 2, 2009, 7:04am Bumblebee sleeps through the combat from the night before, the first stirge battle took more out of him than he had thought. Waking up fairly refreshed he makes a circuit outside camp looking for small game and any tracks. The game he plans to cook up for the party to eat. The tracks he's wanting to check to be sure no major surprises lie in wait for the party, or are watching the party. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on May 2, 2009, 1:26pm Ayame jumps up at the sounds of the fight and, carrying the book and her sword on her back, she runs after Milo to see if she is needed. "Is everyone ok?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on May 2, 2009, 6:40pm Ralcala also sleeps through the sounds of the fight, unless strongly roused. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 4, 2009, 11:26pm Those who arrive on the scene of the fight, make a spot check, oh and those already there also. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 5, 2009, 9:27am I think we have Sean and Adon, plus Milo and Ayame joined them. Back at the camp we have Bumblebee and Racala sleeping, with Qaz and Vorath looking after them. Is that right? As Milo and Ayame leave, Qaz tells them "Yell HELP if you really need us to help you. I don't want leave these two here alone." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on May 5, 2009, 3:51pm [ooc] Sounds correct Qaz. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on May 5, 2009, 4:13pm May 5, 2009, 3:51pm, wanderer wrote:

[ooc] Sounds correct Qaz. Agreed, Vorath.

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on May 6, 2009, 8:24pm Ayame's spot check [dice=20] Plus whatever her modifier might be....[rand=772357255280132932287122949757523888507146495468029800739610864] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 7, 2009, 11:25pm Ayame sees something glimmering under the tree the stirges apparently came from. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on May 9, 2009, 6:12pm "Hello. What's this?" Ayame walks over to the tree and picks up whatever the shiny thing is if possible. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 9, 2009, 9:43pm Ayame finds, scattered under the tree, 215gp, a sculpture of a green dragon with the inscription "Emerash the Bold" on the base, 2 potions, a ring, and a set of bracers. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on May 10, 2009, 11:12am Still keyed from the fight with the stirges, Ayames movement draws Seans eye. As object after object is drawn out, He marvels aloud, "I wonder who hid this treasure and didn't get back to it?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on May 11, 2009, 5:56pm Milo moved over to under the tree. "Perhaps these things were knocked out of the stirge nest during the combat. The statue seems a bit out of place, but other than that these things are small enough to have been gathered by the stirges." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on May 11, 2009, 6:30pm "That's wierd," Sean pipes in, "I've heard of ravens collecting treasure, and Bower birds, but they generally collect random oblects, not pairs or sets. Maybe somebody stashed their treasure here and hasn't got back to it. Or maybe they can't get back for it." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on May 12, 2009, 8:35am Ayame gathers all the items and gold and puts them in her belt pouch. Whatever doesn't fit goes into her backpack. "I'll look at these things later at camp." Turning back to the others, "Shall we return now?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 13, 2009, 12:07am The return to camp is uneventful. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 13, 2009, 7:42am Qaz is glad to see everyone back alive. "How did it go? Anyone injured?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on May 13, 2009, 9:44am Vorath will add, I was beginning to get worried as well. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 15, 2009, 5:50am Adon comes back wordlessly with bags under his eyes and his sword held loose in one hand. As soon as they reach the relative safety of the camp, he collapses onto the ground and, before anyone starts worrying, begins snoring loudly Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on May 15, 2009, 8:49pm Sean follows Adons example and finds a "quiet" spot and flops down to sleep for a while. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 15, 2009, 9:39pm

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"Look, dear, the kids must have had fun hunting stirgies. They're so tired they just passed right out. And I made their favorite dinner, rations and water!" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 15, 2009, 10:33pm The rest of the night also passes uneventfully. The sun rises on a bright, clear, Dalelands day. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on May 16, 2009, 12:08am Upon rising, and after his morning ablutions, Vorath will pray to Pelor for his spells before breaking his fast. OOC: you want the list PM'd to you? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on May 16, 2009, 6:19am Bumblebee feels bright and refreshed on the morrow. Returning to camp with a pair of squirrels he proceeds to make the group a breakfast of squirrel meat and biscuits. Not a feast, but definitely better than rations again. After restoring his spices in his pack he saddles up his dog and calls out chipperly, "Time to go make the acquaintance of some really neat undead." He then leads the group to the cairn. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 16, 2009, 12:23pm ooc-rage causes fatigue, i was just Rping it Waking up stiff but refreshed, Adon clambers off the man shaped dent in the grass. "What happened? I remember we found some stirges and then I don't know what happened. (ooc- Adon cannot remember what happens during rage) Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by shdwrnnr on May 16, 2009, 3:28pm As the group finished up, a small raven winged in from the sky and landed on Milo's shoulder. It appeared to whisper something in his ear before flying off. Milo turned to the group. "My apologies, but I have been called back to the grove. I must take my leave. Good luck on your travels." With that and a wave of his hand, Milo and Smoke took their leave of the group. (OOC: I hate it when people drop out and don't tell anybody. Peace out!) Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 16, 2009, 10:40pm May 16, 2009, 3:28pm, shdwrnnr wrote:

As the group finished up, a small raven winged in from the sky and landed on Milo's shoulder. It appeared to whisper something in his ear before flying off. Milo turned to the group. "My apologies, but I have been called back to the grove. I must take my leave. Good luck on your travels." With that and a wave of his hand, Milo and Smoke took their leave of the group. (OOC: I hate it when people drop out and don't tell anybody. Peace out!) Sorry to see you go. Now on with Business. After waking an eating you travel for about an hour and arrive at the edge of the vally that the cairn lies in. Squatting at the edge of the pastoral valley, you see a huge block of ebony basalt, obviously out of place in this quiet setting. The surface of the stone glows and shimmers with a wispy violet radiance that flows over its dark shell. As you get closer, you see that there have been a few attempts to break pieces off the rock, as black chunks litter the ground nearby. Those pieces do not glow; they seem almost dead next to the living vibrance of the mother stone. If a trail once led down into this valley, it has long since vanished. Scrub pines and large deposits of loose, black shale are all that you can see. Still, you determine that traversing the valley should prove to be little trouble. The slope is gentle, the stopping places are many, and the bottom of the valley is only about a hundred feet below you. With a sigh, you prepare for the trip down. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Post by anodyzed on May 16, 2009, 11:09pm Vorath will mentally prepare to traverse the shale, warning the others , Shale doesn't pack, so its 'loose' all the time, watch your footing. It can be dangerous. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 17, 2009, 7:14am Adon shrugs, and says "Everything is dangerous. You just need to be careful and you will be safe." With that, he takes a sip of his water and leads the way down into the valley, ready to grab his small axe. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 17, 2009, 8:09am Qaz follows, scanning the area as he goes. How large is the big black stone? Is it like a house, or a hill, or a room? "So, you guys had a fight but were too tired to tell us about it. Was it more stirges, or something else?" he asks to Adon, Sean and Ayame. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 17, 2009, 12:10pm "Just stirges, I think, I don't remember anything beyond the two of us (Ayame wasn't with us, if she was it would have been a lot easier)finding a bunch, and then them lying dead at my feet" At the mention of stirges, Adon instinctively pulls out his axe, dramatically flipping it out of its strap and catching it. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on May 17, 2009, 12:32pm Vorath agrees with Adon, I don't like them either, they're abominations to nature. Its good they were killed, but I think was lucky the two weren't more seriously hurt, going off alone like that. As he speaks, Vorath watches his footing going down the slate scrabble toward the valley floor. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on May 17, 2009, 2:22pm Ayame nods her agreement, but then adds, "When I got there, I found several things scattered at the base of the tree. I still have them. Let's see...I found about 200 gold, an emerald dragon statue with the inscription 'Emerash the Bold', 2 potions, a ring and a set of bracers." She copies the others, trying to keep her footing sure on the way down. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on May 17, 2009, 2:39pm "I don't know if any of that stuff is magical, but I could check it later." Sean says. "I can't identify it, but we'll know if it's magical or not." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on May 17, 2009, 3:16pm Vorath adds, As can I. But since some of those items might be helpful to someone in the group, we should probably do that when we have a chance to stop, maybe at the next meal rest. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on May 17, 2009, 6:06pm "Agreed. It would be very helpful to know that information. I hope they are useful to someone." Ayame says as she carefully heads to the valley floor. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on May 17, 2009, 9:18pm Ralcala is quiet as she travels, looking around, trying to be careful going down the hill. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 17, 2009, 9:21pm ooc= how much xp do Sean and I get for the stirges? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 18, 2009, 1:15am Dooh

I'll get on that, thanks for reminding me.

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on May 18, 2009, 4:44am Before heading down into the valley, Bumblebee will scout along the lip to see if anyone or thing has proceeded them into the

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valley. If so, he'll try to determine what and how many. He also suggests that the party stretch out on their descent so that if one person falls they don't take the others with them. Bumblebee will have fun on his descent (unless he found recent signs of someone heading down on his scouting trip). He'll jump onto loose rocks and ride them down a ways before hopping onto another loose rock. He does his hopping and riding away from the party and the cairn so as not to bring too much attention to them or him (hopefully), also makes it hard for anyone to stop him having his fun (other than the mountainside). Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 18, 2009, 7:27am "Good idea, Bumblebee." Qaz will scan the valley for anything else. Also, can you tell me how big that rock is, approximately? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 18, 2009, 11:47pm The stone is about 5 ft. long by 5 ft. high by 6 ft. deep. Bunblebee, make a search check Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on May 19, 2009, 12:59pm Bumblebee's search check [dice=20+4][rand=6353965300941071493551827912347641599670108344291054458369862666] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 19, 2009, 10:48pm Bumblebee finds some horse tracks going down into the valley. It looks like possibly two sets. One a single rider and after him a group of six riders Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on May 20, 2009, 4:12pm Bumblebee will tell the others about his find, "Looks like one person on horseback beat us to the cairn. Oo, Oo it looks like six riders were following the first. Bet they're up to no good. We'd best be careful." Once we get to the floor of the valley, Bumblebee will suggest the others remain where they are as he scouts out the area. He will do his best to hide and follow the tracks until he sees something to report to the group. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 20, 2009, 7:41pm Qaz scans the valley one more time, looking for horses or anything else alive or interesting. Spot check: [dice=20+6] [rand=07524712081067264581344575854018352171713067218669662011410109699] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on May 20, 2009, 10:21pm Ralcala looks around, draws her Magical Sword. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 20, 2009, 10:43pm no wonder that no one found the tomb before now, you think to yourself. It would never have been discovered had it not been for a landslide that revealed the main entrance. From the looks of the deep mounds of fresh shale and broken (but still living) trees that litter the escarpment, you determine that the disaster was fairly recent. As you squint against the sun, you finally spy a hole,obviously the tomb entrance, at the top of the pile. Just as you make it to the valley floor, Qaz spies a band of riders surrounding a lone rider. The leader of the band, a human dressed in Zhentil Keep colors, abruptly turns around on his horse. It's obvious that they didn't expect you to be here, and for a moment everyone is surprised. The riders hold still and stare at your group in bemusement. Two unarmored men in robes, riding in the back of what you assume to be a Zhent patrol, eye you suspiciously. Then one of them appears to goad the leader on with some muttered commands. That rouses the patrol, and you hear the other robed figure cry, "Don't just look at them, kill them!",as he smacks his staff across the lead horse’s rump. As the four armored riders charge you, the robed men disappear from atop their horses. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on May 20, 2009, 11:58pm Vorath will begin to cast Bless. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 21, 2009, 7:23am

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Taking his time, Adon will dismount(we were riding, remember?), slides his pack off his back, put away his axe, and draw his sword, holding it ready in a defensive position. He starts muttering in his language "Chla'ot... Ani Ertzach Etchem"(transilation: Scum... I will murder you), and he seems to be getting a bit larger as his eyes turn glassy(rage). Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 21, 2009, 8:05am How far away are they when they start their charge? Qaz will fire his bow into the leader as soon as they are within 500 feet, and keep firing until they are one round away. Initiative? [dice=20+4] [rand=7148101639468223793540779268369160710844118148093493097412865609] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 21, 2009, 8:06am sorry, forgot init.[dice=20+2][rand=071175663040297433681867851235156694887278603821319875824128268887] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on May 21, 2009, 9:57am Vorath Initiative [dice=20+6] [rand=97159710558947628155724262177849995242287132713521245889083942981] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on May 21, 2009, 1:34pm Bumblebee isn't ready for a head on fight with armored and mounted foes. Looking around and seeing the trees in the escarpment, he bails off his dog and moves to the escarpment either to hide or gain a position not easily accessible to armored opponents where he can cast his daggers or rocks at opponents. He figures his riding dog is smarter than us and will get out of the way of the combatants rather quickly. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on May 21, 2009, 7:45pm Sean dismounts, grabbing his crossbow in the process. Once on foot, he will fire at the center rider.[dice=20+2] [rand=59530799691034921038632524949376629095576664849115909742375257099] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 21, 2009, 9:48pm ooc:You're a friggin sorcerer! use magic! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on May 21, 2009, 10:04pm Ralcala dismounts, holding the sword, looking around, Ware those that vanished Init Roll[dice=20+4][rand=08407708144471687246170668160266720987569981517124629366100044515947] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 22, 2009, 1:59am Zhent init [dice=20][rand=291466735895642164953370063017836984867630141970007870442745400164] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on May 22, 2009, 2:52am Ayame also quickly gets off her horse and draws her greatsword, taking a 5-foot step away from her horse. Initiative [dice=20+3][rand=4390428387181538684323661397957643716236312704147209383547160465] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on May 22, 2009, 6:17am Bumblebee's initiative [dice=20+3][rand=04175212784349402582021151828252182742771197402183481052950619113]

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on May 22, 2009, 8:06am Without a moments hesitance, the Lone Rider spins himself around his saddle and to the ground. While he does his spinning dismount, he grabs the rope attatched to the side of his saddle and using the momentum of the spin his rope with grappling hook attached seems to just appear in his hands and spinning above his head. With a shout in some language you do not immediately know, he launches his grappling hook at the nearest departing rider. Attack roll.....(not sure what kind of +'s I would add to it, so I just did the dice roll) [dice=20] ooc= Hi everyone! I'll be joining your game from here on out![rand=18527338261273857800050341810169349114673677112787432973702867256] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on May 22, 2009, 8:09am Lone Rider's Initiative [dice=20][rand=6187235183756764817026333061471165722912103253259478047623414769] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 22, 2009, 9:28am Welcome Tim! Very welcome at this point in time! I thought I posted this already, but either I forgot to send it, or it didn't take. I don't know how many arrows, if any, Qaz gets shot off and at what ranges, but when they are close enough he'll grab a spear off his horse and set it to receive the charge. If they don't charge, he'll just throw it hard at the nearest attacker and then draw his rapier. Please let me know how many (if any) bow shots I can take before they get within 100 feet. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on May 22, 2009, 7:10pm Once Sean fires his crossbow, he slings it from his saddle horn. Turning towards the oncoming riders, HE WAITS FOR THEM TO COME WITHIN RANGE OF HIS SPELLS. (crossbows have farther range than the spells I am capable of using) Once they are at about 18ft, Sean casts burning hands, not at the riders, but at the feet of the horses, hoping to frighten them, making them rear and buck, thereby throwing their riders. initiative roll [dice=20][rand=399873765741881937488218587619659950580201360722786904406680941] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 22, 2009, 11:57pm Init order Vorath:25 Qaz:19 Lone Rider:13 Ayame:12 Sean:9 Ralcala & The Zhent:7 Bumblebee:5 Adon:4 I made a , cough, map of the situation. As some of you may have guessed by now, I'm using an old mod. map of this valley in it, so I did my best. I tried to use the standard 1 square= 5' scale

There isn't a

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 23, 2009, 7:49am

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So they're less than 150 feet away when we spot them. Qaz will take one shot and then set his spear. Shot at 130 feet or so: [dice=20+3] Damage: [dice=8] [rand=76564967073500164497012950014323004498895956203341513717803196050227] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on May 23, 2009, 10:39am Since the description of the shale slope seemed hazardous enough, I figured Vorath would be walking his mount down that area rather than riding, so he has no need to dismount first. Vorath's Bless spell will be his first round action. Everyone is +1 to hit as a result. He will then move to the right to use the nearest tree as cover from the approaching riders. (riding up a shale covered hill ought to be a challenge to them in itself!) Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 23, 2009, 11:32am

Vorath casts bless, giving everyone a +1 to hit Qaz fires an arrow, hitting one of the Zhent, he falls from his mount, but he's still up Druss misses with his attack

Ride check for wounded Zhent [dice=20] Ayame, your up [rand=02293714173564431796810793515454471200451648990545907799892691501986] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 23, 2009, 12:30pm I forgot to add +2 to my damage roll. That is, assuming the Zhentleman who fell of the horse is one of Qaz's favored enemy, a human. Probably an evil one too, though that doesn't give me me any more plusses.. Even so, I assume he's still up, maybe sitting on his butt or something.

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 23, 2009, 1:38pm zhentleman? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on May 23, 2009, 8:55pm With such a range to the attacking party, Sean decides that he can get in another shot from his crossbow before they are close enough for his spells. Sean gets his crossbow, readies and then fires it at the oncoming riders. [dice=20+3] Damage roll [dice=8][rand=715423948766443526963341690432696111522517340815868092258092088113] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 23, 2009, 9:17pm May 23, 2009, 1:38pm, ninjaguineapig wrote:


Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 23, 2009, 11:22pm May 23, 2009, 12:30pm, noozoo wrote:

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The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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I forgot to add +2 to my damage roll. That is, assuming the Zhentleman who fell of the horse is one of Qaz's favored enemy, a human. Probably an evil one too, though that doesn't give me me any more plusses.. Even so, I assume he's still up, maybe sitting on his butt or something.

Yup, he is human. Added damage duly noted. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 24, 2009, 3:11am As soon as the first rider comes within 65 feet (yes, adon can charge that far), he charges them and cuts at the rider. attack [dice=20+9] damage [dice=6][dice=6+7] ooc:come on! a 2? how could I miss with a +9 bonus? [rand=0430287426492747747904439325034757287103824631429375435914468692] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on May 24, 2009, 8:02pm Ralcala will swing at any Zents that get close to her [dice=20] [dice=8][rand=02401961772770156870312782114469253056024301362181822780622889426] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on May 25, 2009, 4:13am When the riders come into range, she will try to avoid hitting the horse and go for the rider. Attack [dice=20+5] Damage [dice=6] [dice=6+3][rand=098681217144106276214666885968688936779652852710911832263794666897] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 25, 2009, 11:21pm OK here is what I have so far for first round actions Vorath casts bless, giving everyone a +1 to hit, seeks cover Qaz fires an arrow, hitting one of the Zhent, he falls from his mount, but he's still up Druss misses with his attack Ayame, waiting untill they are in melee range. Sean fires his crossbow, missing Ralcala, waiting until they are in melee range. Zhent charging. One is knocked from mount, will have to recover next round. Bumblebee, going for cover. Adon, charges back, attacks, is astounded by his miss.

The Zhent, at least the ones still on horses, will be on you next round. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 26, 2009, 5:33am ooc-did my miss include the bonus for bless? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 26, 2009, 7:49am Qaz pulls out a spear and sets it to receive a charge.

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The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Roll to hit? [dice=20+4] [rand=9996716736350209043901065830141306455337775871157653894324693828821] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 26, 2009, 7:53am A natural 20 will do just fine. Roll for critical: [dice=20+4] [rand=695215298095718493336237734183672158690949436277205845760274678469] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 26, 2009, 7:57am So I've got a spear with a critical if the opponent's AC is 18 or less. And it does double damage if they are charging. From looking at the rules, it looks like I get my modifiers on each roll... Base Spear damage: [dice=8+4] Extra charge damage. Thanks for running into my spear, please come again: [dice=8+4] Critical (spear is x3) extra damage: [dice=8+4] [dice=8+4] Is that right? [rand=83894244674593214497567294165492138454017695039519680105708539486] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 26, 2009, 8:12am

Is that



Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 26, 2009, 12:17pm Well, he was kinda dead just after the charge damage. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 26, 2009, 1:27pm you actually triple the whole thing. because of double from the charge, you have 2d8+8, and triple that for 6d8+24, a minimum 30 damage. wow... Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 26, 2009, 1:45pm Actually, I missed an extra strength bonus for using a weapon two-handed. Should have been 46! Qaz leaves the spear as it is, sticking out of the ground with a human on the end of it. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 26, 2009, 2:46pm May 26, 2009, 1:27pm, ninjaguineapig wrote:

you actually triple the whole thing. because of double from the charge, you have 2d8+8, and triple that for 6d8+24, a minimum 30 damage. wow... OOC: From the PHB: "A critical hit means that you roll your damage more than once, with all your usual bonuses, and add the rolls together."

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The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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In 3.5 they have been pretty clear that for multiplying damage, they really mean adding it. I don't know why they didn't just write it that way...

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 26, 2009, 9:20pm ooc- you roll your damage more than once, but the extra charge damage is part of the base damage for the critical hit. it's 2d8*3+(Str bonus+ favored enemy bonus)*6 Adon swings around back at the group, and charges again, eyes full of fury going for the first zhent he can reach(he charges towards the closest one he can while still charging) attack [dice=20+9] damage [dice=6][dice=6+7][rand=8277265582804936095094570742243780031697090119548312141035828191] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 26, 2009, 10:41pm May 26, 2009, 5:33am, ninjaguineapig wrote:

ooc-did my miss include the bonus for bless? Yup Ok, need actions from Vorath: Druss: Ayame Ralcala Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on May 27, 2009, 4:07am Ayame uses her greatsword against the closest mounted soldier, intent on making their threat an empty one. Attack [dice=20+4] Damage [dice=6] [dice=6+3][rand=1042019306867546539188790811919316183911972372396873394613775683769] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on May 27, 2009, 9:24am Vorath will attack an approaching enemy with his light crossbow. [dice=20+3] Damage [dice=8] [rand=269073256196458832980568366002318661502620034030039747300650012515] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on May 27, 2009, 3:26pm Druss is going to just drop the end of the rope he was holding and charge the Zhent who fell off his horse. Assuming that the rider is close enough for Druss to get to and also assuming that he is able to "draw" his weapon while he charges, Druss will attempt to kill the Zhent. (Not sure if I can "draw" a weapon, charge, and still attack or not) If he can't draw a weapon, then Druss will just use his bare hands to attack. [dice=20]+7 attack roll[rand=97487747526730575357921205327758291919503226585338512714042240834] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on May 27, 2009, 3:51pm Woot for a natural 20!!!!!! Gonna need a little help here figureing out what that will equate to as far as damage, and if the +7 to attack is correct. For attack bonuses I would get: +1 from Base attack bonus being lvl 1 +5 from having a STR of 20

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The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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+1 from Bless and that's it right? My weapon is a Greataxe which is 1d12 damage and x3 crit, so a normal damage roll would be 1d12 + 7 (5 x 1.5 = 7.5 and we always round down) so does that mean my damage is 3d12 +21? if so, then here are my rolls [dice=12+7] [dice=12+7] [dice=12+7] Hope I did that correctly! And I'm not sure what my damage bonus' would be for here's hoping I get to use the greataxe!![rand=50841052798851455668014604640266678742710670405617333653780756925] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 27, 2009, 4:03pm May 27, 2009, 3:26pm, tim5844 wrote:

Druss will just use his bare hands to attack. That is awesome! To roll d20+7 just do it like |dice=20+7|. [rand=881716477684676625659152725711465275528697762638335879253272432834] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on May 27, 2009, 9:29pm I just realized that I never rolled to confirm the crit........forgot that this isn't 4e D&D! [dice=20+7] Roll to confirm crit!!![rand=96248449083716370545128267639741292451249339324701494681447214935] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 28, 2009, 12:22am If you were using a weapon with a threat of 19-20, you would have an instant kill threat! (getting a crit on a crit conformation roll gives another attack roll for instant kill) Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on May 28, 2009, 3:29am Ralcala will attack a Zhent that came close to her, or move to attack one Attack Roll [dice=20] Damage Roll [dice=8][rand=46872364268414030874802136046254396591616695013666763156191474842] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 28, 2009, 8:31am Racala, you have bonuses, don't you? The magic sword and the Bless, at least? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on May 28, 2009, 9:12pm OOC that would make a +2 bonus, sorry forgot those, not enough this time, will try to remember them next round, Thanks. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 29, 2009, 12:33am

Vorath fires his crossbow at one of the charging Zhent, but misses Qaz impales on on his spear. Druss cleaves the Zhent that fell of his horse in half with his axe Ayame misses with her sword attack. Sean hits one of the riders with his crossbow Ralcala misses with her attack

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The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Zhent ride check [dice=20] Two of the Zhent make it through, one attacks Qaz, the other attacks Ralcala rider 1 [dice=20+5] damage, if needed [dice=8+1]

rider 2 [dice=20+4] damage, if needed [dice=8] Ralcala takes 4 points of damage.

Need an action from Bumblebee. Adon, slays a Zhent [rand=70383932219520226346557519447993218589539060612311012802287673651] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 29, 2009, 12:53am OK, There were die rolls in the above post, but they seem to have disappeared now Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 29, 2009, 8:56am I see them. It was a 7 to hit me and a 21 to hit Racala. I'm confused by that last one, because I thought there were four soldiers and two robed guys (who disappeared). Three soldiers have been taken down already, so why are there two left? Did we miscount, or did Adon get one of the robed ones? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 29, 2009, 2:24pm round one Qaz fires an arrow, hitting one of the Zhent, he falls from his mount, but he's still up ( he was just unhorsed and wounded ) So at the end of round one 3 are still on horses charging at you, one is wounded and on the ground getting to his feet Round two Qaz impales one on his spear. Druss cleaves the Zhent that fell off his horse in half with his axe By the Zhent's turn the one on the ground is slain by Druss and Qaz has impaled one on his spear. Then, the two remaining Zhent, one who has been wounded by Sean, take their turn. By the end of the round Adon will have killed another, but he goes last, after the Zhent. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on May 29, 2009, 2:58pm Druss will charge the remaining Zhent that charged the group if it is still alive when it's his turn. Attack roll for charge: [dice=20+7] Damage Roll if needed [dice=12+7] If the Zhent is dead by the time it's Druss' turn, then he will start trying to find the two who disappeared. Search check [dice=20][rand=441067609597671660353563152958711366108093346383463245486944353587] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 29, 2009, 3:01pm

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I get it now.. Are we waiting for Bumblebee, or can we start the next round? As soon as Qaz sees Adon drop another one (was it the one who attacked me, or Racala? And which has a bolt sticking out of him?) he will shout, "Let's take him alive!" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on May 30, 2009, 10:32am [ooc] I don't think we're waiting on Bumblebee. He moved to cover the first round. The second round he'll move to cut off the escape of the remaining Zhent, but he's towards the end of the round with his initiative. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on May 30, 2009, 12:04pm Unless restrained or otherwise calmed down, if the Zhent is still alive and kicking (and un-taken alive) Adon will charge him and acquaintance the Zhent with the sharp end of his sword. (I really got to think up a name for it. suggestions?) attack [dice=20+9] damage [dice=6][dice=6+7][rand=27336687851587668315328015485148164373391789863884552219110563722] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 30, 2009, 1:42pm

OC: You barbarians have to do what you have to do. I don't have a problem with it even if I'd rather do it my way. But we should stick to initiative order, I think. Vorath is first, then Qaz. IC: Qaz punches the last one standing, trying to knock him out. To Hit: [dice=20+6] Nonlethal Damage: [dice=3+4] [rand=37825818522833295827392307110131038365387590602046507943288888782] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on May 30, 2009, 3:00pm Sorry, that should be a 13, not a 14 to hit. I forgot about my buckler penalty when using Weapon Finesse, again. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on May 30, 2009, 4:38pm Vorath will attemp subdual damage with his Heavy Mace. Attack [dice=20+1] Damage [dice=8+1] [rand=187839154349249723275474513941863792521959676457015555625224482728] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on May 30, 2009, 11:31pm Round 3 actions, anyone who hasn't declared them yet Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on May 31, 2009, 12:50pm Sean re-slings hi crossbow from his saddle horn. With combat swirling around him, he sees no enemy combatants not already engaged, so he gathers the parties horses and looks around for the horseman that disappeared. Most likely wizards or clerics, they pose a threat until they are located. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on May 31, 2009, 3:44pm Ayame will also stay where she is, defending herself if attacked, but otherwise will be looking around to see if she sees the

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robed men. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 1, 2009, 3:37pm May 30, 2009, 11:31pm, Elminster Aumar wrote:

Round 3 actions, anyone who hasn't declared them yet OC: I think we're waiting for Racala and Bumblebee for round 3. We're not specifically waiting for the Zhent to act, though he may want to drop to his knees and beg for his life if he values it. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 1, 2009, 9:08pm If he does that, Adon will be able to behead him! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 1, 2009, 9:16pm Jun 1, 2009, 9:08pm, ninjaguineapig wrote:

If he does that, Adon will be able to behead him! I was thinking he could do it just as you were swinging, and he would duck! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on Jun 1, 2009, 9:26pm While he would duck under his swing if he timed it right like you want him too......he would be putting himself right in the way for me to steal that beheading!!!! Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Jun 1, 2009, 9:28pm Ralcala takes a swing at a Zhent, if possible [dice=20+2] [dice=8][rand=43909564484803151132033751031257815804636809080597781979148268525] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 1, 2009, 9:40pm Jun 1, 2009, 9:26pm, tim5844 wrote:

While he would duck under his swing if he timed it right like you want him too......he would be putting himself right in the way for me to steal that beheading!!!! then I might behead you. and that would be...unfortunate. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on Jun 1, 2009, 10:05pm Jun 1, 2009, 9:40pm, ninjaguineapig wrote:

Jun 1, 2009, 9:26pm, tim5844 wrote: While he would duck under his swing if he timed it right like you want him too......he would be putting himself right in the way for me to steal that beheading!!!! then I might behead you. and that would be...unfortunate. It would be quite unfortunate for you to try, but would you really try beheading something that looks like it is made out of stone? Earth Genasi Barbarian's FTW!!!! =) Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread )

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Post by Elminster Aumar on Jun 1, 2009, 11:20pm Druss took out the last remaining Zhent. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 2, 2009, 5:45am As the last of the Zhents fall, Adon's eyes and body slowly return to normal. He sheathes his sword and wipes the spittle off his face. Hand on his head in agony, he asks "What happened?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 2, 2009, 7:19am Qaz replies: "It's not over. There are two wizards about. Let's find them. Any sign of them, anyone?" He goes over to where they were surrounding the new, earthy looking guy, and looks for human tracks among the hoof tracks.. (they were human, right?) Survival check - for tracks: [dice=20+3] [rand=501514106523245650763915386050943288562346715488870308671612293] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 2, 2009, 11:11am Adon sits back against a tree, face in his hands, clearly in pain. "Will someone tell me why we're surrounded by dead soldiers?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Jun 2, 2009, 7:16pm Vorath cautions Adon, You're going to need to control that rage, at least to the point it doesn't blank your memory of what put you into it. We were attacked by four riders and there are still a couple casters lurking about, invisible perhaps. Don't let down your guard just yet. The Bless will last a bit longer, it doesn't conclude immediately when combat ends. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 2, 2009, 9:39pm Nodding in affirmative, Adon stands up, balancing himself against the tree, and draws his sword again. "I don't think that a pair of spellcasters would leave their soldier escort to fight alone. Chances are they went to get reinforcements. We should attack while they are still unorganized!" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jun 2, 2009, 10:51pm Qaz finds only hoofprints, no sign of the casters Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 3, 2009, 4:46am What about the robed figures' horses? Are they still around? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jun 3, 2009, 4:56am Yes, the horses are still there. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 3, 2009, 8:36am Qaz takes the reins of the horses and leads them back to the group, pretending he doesn't suspect their riders are still there (which he does). He watches the ground for tracks or signs of them as he goes, keeping an eye on the ground next to the horses, lest an invisible rider decides to jump off. "Any sign of them??" he asks the group. Then motions Adon and the new guy over to the side of the horses he's on, saying "Some nice horses here"; and as they come over he moves to the opposite side, watching the horses and the ground beside them the whole time. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on Jun 3, 2009, 8:47am After slaying the last Zhent, Druss looks at the group around him and says, "Well met travelers, my name is Druss, and might I say that your timing is impecable. I don't know where the 2 riders who disappeared went, but they probably haven't gone far. Be on your guard." With that said, Druss will begin to search for the 2 missing Zhent.

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Seeing Qaz wave him over, Druss moves to the side of the horses while he continues to look for any signs of the Zhent. When he finally does reach the sides of the horses, thinking that the riders might still be upon their horses, Druss makes a sideways slash with his axe so that he doesn't hit the horse, or poor Qaz standing near. [dice=20] Search Check to find the Zhent [dice=20+7] Attack Roll on Invisible Zhent[rand=96040428701289582427996462971019445260536903839055576878549612185] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 3, 2009, 9:10am Heh heh, I like this guy. He reads my mind. And don't worry, Qaz is just over 5 feet tall. Qaz has been watching for them. In case a Spot check helps: [dice=20+8] (includes +2 for Humans) [rand=69152456824667755126589350402355409867997746914611059175292029977] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 3, 2009, 10:08am Qaz says to the large new fellow, as he walks over, "Greetings, Druss. I think your timing was as good as ours, though I was hoping to keep that last one alive for questioning." Also, a Listen Check for the sneaky wizardses: [dice=20+8][rand=5701752100139856807347194757312556165279285050939457172732800245] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 3, 2009, 10:21am Not understanding, Adon's sword is low, the tip in the ground, as he holds it with one hand. "We should get going!" He says, a bit agitated, "We have an advantage now! Why waste it?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Jun 3, 2009, 10:52am Vorath hears Adon and agrees, I think Adon is correct. While they may lay in wait for us, I doubt those robed ones are willing to take us on as a group. More likely they're hurrying to warn their comrades of our approach. Let us hurry to not give them time to prepare for us. With that, Vorath will remount and prepare to move ahead. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 3, 2009, 11:42am If they (or their torsos) are not on their horses, I agree we should go. "But given that we have some potential magic items, plus that we have some defeated Zhents here, should we not do that magic detection thing so that we can make best use of what we've got? Sean, those bracers might be those ones that can magically protect you - don't you want to find that out?" While talking Qaz will retrieve his lucky spear and also take a longsword and scabbard off one of the dead foes, if they have one. Does he notice anything else of interest on them? Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on Jun 3, 2009, 12:07pm Jun 3, 2009, 10:08am, noozoo wrote:

Qaz says to the large new fellow, as he walks over, "Greetings, Druss. I think your timing was as good as ours, though I was hoping to keep that last one alive for questioning." "Ahhhh," says Druss, "I doubt he would have had much to say. Nonetheless, should we encounter more, I'll try and keep one alive, but if they make me angry......lest one of the gods themselves intervene, I doubt it will be done." "If no one can find any trace of the two casters, then let us find a good camping spot. I may not have much on me, and you probably wouldn't like my cooking.......but the least I can do is hunt for our food for the night and let one of you prepare it for your help with those foul men." [dice=20+2] Survival Check for hunting good food for everyone OOC: I'm thinking that camping would give you guys a chance to identify what magic items you guys already aquired as well as give my character a chance to meet the entire party. Remember he doesn't know where you guys were going, and you guys don't know where he was going. So it might be a little weird for him to just be like "ok, I'll start following this random group of

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adventurer's now". Atleast from an RP standpoint anyways. [rand=8252859028280965620342445449359539953359892167146647226082260005] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 3, 2009, 1:40pm OOC: I'm not sure what time of day it is. I assumed it was mid-morning or so. IC: "Druss, you won't find any food around here. Have you noticed there's not so much as a bird? The reason is over there." Qaz points to the obsidian block. "It's some kind of undead crypt or something. Members of our group keep leaving - would you like to help us out? I'm sure your axe will find some meat to cleave, though it may not be fresh - it might be zombie-ish in nature. I don't know if nature is the right word, but you get my meaning?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 3, 2009, 1:44pm Grateful that an "elder of the tribe"(Vorath, Adon is kinda young, and even though he is a prince, he generally follows the advice of those smarter than him), Adon sheathes his sword and hops back on his horse, pulling out his axe as he prepares to move foward. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on Jun 3, 2009, 2:15pm Jun 3, 2009, 1:40pm, noozoo wrote:

OOC: I'm not sure what time of day it is. I assumed it was mid-morning or so.

IC: "Druss, you won't find any food around here. Have you noticed there's not so much as a bird? The reason is over there." Qaz points to the obsidian block. "It's some kind of undead crypt or something. Members of our group keep leaving - would you like to help us out? I'm sure your axe will find some meat to cleave, though it may not be fresh - it might be zombie-ish in nature. I don't know if nature is the right word, but you get my meaning?" "Hmmmm.....well, I was actually on my way to check out the wierd looking stone when the Zhent approached me, so if that is where you all were heading anyways.....then I would be more than happy to lend my axe to your group. Just don't jump in front of it if you hear me say something in a language you don't understand. Unlike your little one over there I do remember what happens when I rage. I just lack the ability to stop it and would hate to mourn the loss of new friends." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Jun 3, 2009, 4:23pm Bumblebee is glad to have more big people to get in the way of the bad guys. He's also terribly disappointed that the new guy can't cook. Bumblebee isn't a bad cook, but he prefers great cooks. Deciding the party will take a while to sort themselves out and not liking the idea of two mages possibly running around, Bumblebee will take a scout around the valley, paying particular attention to the area around the cave where the new guy and the Zhent first met. He will search for tracks all around. Bumblebee's Survival (track) [dice=20+5] Bumblebee's Hide [dice=20+11][rand=0684251539566814712942929788872832271942652213231317469771876918083] Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dungeoneer on Jun 3, 2009, 8:59pm Ralcala heads towards the entrance, with the sword out. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jun 3, 2009, 9:09pm Jun 3, 2009, 11:42am, noozoo wrote:

If they (or their torsos) are not on their horses, I agree we should go.

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"But given that we have some potential magic items, plus that we have some defeated Zhents here, should we not do that magic detection thing so that we can make best use of what we've got? Sean, those bracers might be those ones that can magically protect you - don't you want to find that out?" While talking Qaz will retrieve his lucky spear and also take a longsword and scabbard off one of the dead foes, if they have one. Does he notice anything else of interest on them? Each of the Zhents is wearing a suit of chainmail, the leader's seems unusually fine, and is carrying a crossbow, and longsword ( once again, one of the longswords seems to be of unusual craftsmanship ). Two are carrying daggers, one of which is carved with a spider striking on the hilt. Qaz also finds a ring on one of the soldier's fingers. Each soldier carries three days rations and a purse containing 50gp. There is no sign of the two missing Zhent, they seem to have just "vanished into thin air" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 3, 2009, 9:35pm Jun 3, 2009, 2:15pm, tim5844 wrote:

"Hmmmm.....well, I was actually on my way to check out the wierd looking stone when the Zhent approached me, so if that is where you all were heading anyways.....then I would be more than happy to lend my axe to your group. Just don't jump in front of it if you hear me say something in a language you don't understand. Unlike your little one over there I do remember what happens when I rage. I just lack the ability to stop it and would hate to mourn the loss of new friends." Adon grins. "Don't worry. If I can stop a charging bull, I cans stop you." He rides off down the hill, then looks back. "What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 3, 2009, 10:09pm Qaz takes the high quality longsword in its sheath, and inspects the good armor. "Anybody want a really good suit of chain mail?" He takes the ring and looks at it closely. "There's a ring here to check too, Sean". He takes the spider dagger. And he takes the gold and gives everyone 25gp. "We also have longswords, another dagger, crossbows and bolts for them." He'll keep an eye on Bumblebee while he does his searching. "Sean, can you do magic detection on the ring, the dagger, and the stuff from the stirges, while I cover the bodies? Also, this longsword and dagger if you can" He'll find a spot in the loose rock where there is a depression. He'll put the bodies in there, minus what he and others have removed from them. Then he'll cover them with rocks and try to hide the result so that it looks natural (like the rest of the valley). "There's weapons and armor here - this is valuable stuff that we should take back when we go back to Shadow Dale. Plus we have extra horses. What are we going to do with them?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Jun 3, 2009, 10:46pm Vorath looks at the Chain Mail and at his own more worn Scale Mail. Do you think it would fit me? Looks to be of better quality than what I'm wearing right now. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Jun 3, 2009, 10:49pm Vorath also suggests the group use the extra horses as pack animals for anything they need to haul back to town to sell. If I trade to that ChainMail, then my own old Scale Mail can go in the party 'treasury' for sale later. Vorath takes a quiver of the crossbow bolts for his own light crossbow.

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on Jun 4, 2009, 8:05am "If no one objects, I'll take a set of chainmail from one of the Zhents" says Druss. "This old chain shirt has seen better days anyways." After changeing into the suit of chainmail, Druss goes and retrieves his rope with the grappling hook, places it back on his saddle for easy access and mounts his horse. "Shall we get goin then?" says Druss. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 4, 2009, 8:53am Realizing that his companions were more interested in loot than righteousness, Adon sighs and dismounts. (ooc-just realized, Adon has scale mail, means his speed is 30, not 40... oops) he turns to Vorath and says "No offense, your holy-ness, but I think that I need strong armor more than you do" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by dngnmstrbailey on Jun 4, 2009, 5:55pm Sean takes the bracers and puts them on. "I'm really going to have to learn how to identify magical stuff. Do these things work when wearing armor?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Jun 4, 2009, 8:14pm Vorath sighs, Don't call me holy-ness, please. Vorath works fine, I even respond to hey-you sometimes. Now, there are four of these guys, were they all wearing chainmail? How many of us need better armor? Chainmail is a step up for me. Vorath casts Detect Magic, and starts to look over the 'loot' the group has collected so far. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Jun 4, 2009, 8:56pm Ayame watches all of the group in silence. Finally she smiles at Druss, "Greetings to you. I'm Ayame and I'm new to this group also. Just met them yesterday, as a matter of fact." She looks around again then back to the newcomer, "I don't like that the magic users got away. Slippery devils, they are. I too am traveling with this group until...well, until my memory returns. By the way, have you ever seen anything like this symbol?" She holds out her hand to Druss, but it is easily seen by everyone nearby. It is a large triangle tattoo on the back of her right hand filled in with a (possibly) celtic design. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 4, 2009, 9:57pm Jun 4, 2009, 8:14pm, anodyzed wrote:

Vorath casts Detect Magic, and starts to look over the 'loot' the group has collected so far.

Qaz will show him the sword, the dagger and the ring from the Zhent.

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 5, 2009, 12:30am [ooc to bookwormsub:Have you decided what the symbol means yourself?, cause if you haven't, one of us can recognize it and, well, you know, RP! ] Adon grins at Vorath and then peel the chainmail off a corpse. He takes off his scalemail and sticks the pieces into a pack. Then he puts on the chain and walks around a bit to get used to the weight Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jun 5, 2009, 4:01am Jun 4, 2009, 9:57pm, noozoo wrote:

Jun 4, 2009, 8:14pm, anodyzed wrote:

Vorath casts Detect Magic, and starts to look over the 'loot' the

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group has collected so far.

Qaz will show him the sword, the dagger and the ring from the Zhent.

The sword, ring, and dagger all radiate magic, as well as the better suit of armor. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 5, 2009, 4:32am [ooc- OK, now I seriously want that armor. But I'll settle for anything magical, actually. You might(if your mean) be able to trick Adon into thinking something mundane is magical.] Adon, in his 'new' armor, draws his dagger and starts whitling away on a piece of wood, waiting for everyone else to finish with their treasure. "Just make sure to leave something magic for me" he says distractedly, caught up in the block of wood. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 5, 2009, 5:49am Jun 5, 2009, 4:01am, Elminster Aumar wrote:

The sword, ring, and dagger all radiate magic, as well as the better suit of armor. What about the stuff from the stirges?

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Jun 5, 2009, 6:50am Jun 5, 2009, 5:49am, noozoo wrote:

Jun 5, 2009, 4:01am, Elminster Aumar wrote: The sword, ring, and dagger all radiate magic, as well as the better suit of armor.

What about the stuff from the stirges?

The ring, the potions, ( no surprise there ), and the bracers all give off magical radiation. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on Jun 5, 2009, 7:05am Druss hops down off his horse to look at Ayame's hand, but the symbol means nothing to him. Druss says to Ayame, "I have been to many places and seen many things, but I have never seen this symbol before. If it is the key to regaining your memory then I wish you luck in figureing it out." Druss will lead his horse to a nearby tree where he will sit down and meditate. OOC:Yes my barbarian meditates, he's an Earth Genasi....patient, calm, and collected......I don't know if I ever described him to you guys, but he is unusually Earth Genasi. While most Earth Genasi only have 1 or two traits that make them stand out......Druss has many. He has Earth like skin, eyes like black pits, he sweats mud instead of water, he has very large hands and feet, and he has a metallic sheen to his hair. He kind of looks like the gods took stone out of the mountain, carved out his body, and gave life to him. But all in all, he's a nice guy.......just don't make him mad.

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Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 5, 2009, 8:37am OOC: At the start of this, Lhaeo gave us three healing potions. Qaz has one. Who has the other two? IC: "We almost have enough magic items to go around. Racala has the sword from Lhao. I'll take the new sword if no-one else wants it. I think Ayame should get the Zhent ring because it was on a soldier, and Vorath could try the ring from the stirges. Sean's already trying on the bracers - want me to attack you Sean? ;-) Adon will make good use of the chainmail since he'll always be at the front in a battle. And Bumblebee, I'm not sure about the dagger; it has a spider on it; but you might be able to use it, right? But it could have some poison or something, so please don't use it for chopping vegetables. That leaves the two new potions from the stirges, and Druss. Druss has just joined us but has proven his worth in battle, so maybe he could have the potions for now, and, assuming everything is good, he could be next up for a permanent item."

"I'm interested in being fair but also increasing our group's effectiveness. That's what I based all this on, but of course we should all agree on it, so let's hear what others think...."

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by tim5844 on Jun 5, 2009, 8:48am OOC: Druss is fine with not having any of the magical stuff. He took a set of the chainmail off one of the Zhent he killed. I'm assuming that he took one that was not magical or of "fine" quality as it was put. The Chainmail was an upgrade from the chain shirt he was wearing and being a Barbarian, he usually goes by the "you keep what you kill" philosophy, but since he's with a group now and not on his own, he'll definitely be happy with whatever makes the group stronger as a hole. IC: "Thanks for the offer of the potions, but I fear I cannot except them. It would dishonor my tribe to take things I did not help earn. This suit of chainmail and a fair share of any coins left on their bodies will be plenty for me." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 5, 2009, 8:53am "I think it's safe to tell these guys our mission, right? I don't think Ayame has heard this either. And we saw Druss killing Zhents already. The rightful ruler of Daggerdale, Randal Morn, was in those Crypts retrieving the 'Sword of the Dales', a powerful item indeed. His group was attacked by Zhent mages first, which they defeated, but then they were taken by undead, skeletons, zombies and ghouls apparently. Everyone died except Randal Morn, who was paralyzed by a green ray of something; and one other survivor, who told this tale. It's thought that Randal Morn is still alive, and we're to retrieve him and the Sword of the Dales. All who return will be granted land. I'm not sure I want the land, unless it's in a forest, but at least it may be worth something." Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Jun 5, 2009, 9:09am IC: Adon turns towards the Genasi, "You will do yourself no dishonor in taking that which will strengthen us all. You have proved yourself in combat, aiding strangers to yourself, and that alone has earned you the respect of the Mor'dim." OOC: A pair of barbarians talking about honor, what has the world come to? IC: In response to Qaz, Adon says "I have no small amout of influence among my people. In addition to what noble Qaz has said, in thanks to you for aiding me in my quest, I can ensure you a boon from the Plains Folk." Noticeable is the strength of Adon's speaking; his skills in common have improved since the fateful night in the inn, and his voice is powerful and commanding as he mentions his tribe. OOC:for those of you who have forgotten, Adon is a prince, although he has not told anyone of that yet. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by anodyzed on Jun 5, 2009, 9:23am Vorath nods at the offer of the ring. Until it is identified, it is merely an ornament, but I will carry it if you all prefer. Since no one else wants another of the 'inferior' chainmails, I'll take one of those as well. I'm more concerned with protection than baubles. But as you have said, there seems to be aplenty at this time. Vorath will strip off his scale armor and don a suit of the chainmail from one of the Zhents.

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Post by dungeoneer on Jun 5, 2009, 2:57pm OOC In all fairness, Ralcala is planning on keeping the magic sword she has. In her mind, the former owner is dead/undead and therefore wont need it. She is willing to accept anything offered to her. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Jun 5, 2009, 11:21pm Jun 5, 2009, 8:48am, tim5844 wrote:

IC: "Thanks for the offer of the potions, but I fear I cannot except them. It would dishonor my tribe to take things I did not help earn. This suit of chainmail and a fair share of any coins left on their bodies will be plenty for me." Qaz says to Druss, "Would you take this sword instead? It was on one of the Zhentarim."

Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by Elminster Aumar on Yesterday at 2:04am Note: The ring from the stirges is reddish iron Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Yesterday at 2:41am OOC: I have not decided what my tattoo means. I am leaving it up to the DM. Also, was Ayame given any of the items? It's ok if not, I'm just a bit confused with the posts. Thanks. She still has her little dragon statue. hehe Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by wanderer on Yesterday at 7:11am When Bumblebee returns from his scout he will tell the others what he found, especially any tracks around the entrance to the cave. When offered the spider dagger he will exclaim, "Oo, oo what a nifty dagger. I should have brought more, but I've never needed more than three before." Bumblebee will also snag the nonmagical dagger if no one else has done so. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Yesterday at 3:13pm

Qaz suggested she get the magical ring from the Zhent soldier. Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by noozoo on Yesterday at 3:20pm Of course, it's all up for discussion. If you don't want the ring, I'll try it out. You could have the two potions or maybe the sword? We could vote, or try Thief, Cleric, Wizard (like paper, rock scissors). Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by bookwormsub on Today at 2:19am OOC: I'll take the zhent soldier's ring. Ayame takes the zhent soldier's ring and looks at it carefully. [OOC: Anything written on the inside or outside the ring?] "Is anyone able to identify what type of magic this ring has?" Re: The Sword of the Dales. ( game thread ) Post by ninjaguineapig on Today at 8:11am "Why bother with spells? Just wear it, and its purpose will be revealed to you at the right time." Annoyed, Adon slips off the chainmail he just put on, and wears the enchanted one. "Any more objections? I don't want to take off my armor one more time, it isn't very comfortable." Satisfied, he gathers his things and hops on his horse, whom he spontaneously decides to name Ra'am. "Are we ready to go?" he asks in an irritated tone, "We've already lost any surprise we may have had against them(bad grammar is adon, not me), and now they are probably completely fortified inside the tomb. OOC: In case any of you are wondering, I'm not making up Adon's native language. It's Hebrew. For example, Ra'am means thunder.

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