The Sword And The Pen In English

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We present for you the Vision of «The Sword and the Pen» When I woke up from my dreams, I found a very peculiar booklet with this title: A et Ω. Under the title I could read the following sentence: «Man is created in the image of God». It was the booklet I has seen in the high tower of the Temple of the East, the Place where I had seen the Portrait of the Master! It had been cast out to mankind from the high towers! But I am awake! It is no dream! I have found it, page after page with handwritten notes and beautiful illustrations from the Temple of the East. It was the Temple I had been to in my dreams. I had written this down myself. I understood the dreams I had had had been real, almost more than real. This book I had read about in my dreams, one the Master of the Temple had given to me as a present when I had served there as a poor soldier for the Land of the West with the Eagles sigil. I read this booklet. Listen to what I read – it is dedicated to all men who seek their innermost being. It is a gift to the new Leaders who shall rule the world:

THESWORD AN D THEPEN OR AG I F T F O RAS O LD I E R A et Ω I. You are a soldier. 1. You have been deeply wounded in your chest, you can barely move your hands, that is how deep is your wound. 2. Before the last battle, the High Priestess gave you this robe: she had made it for you, but now you do not know where it is anymore. It is lost, not forever, but for a long time. It was a token of your Genius. 3. Today, you are no more a genius. You no longer know where to seek for her Secret Star. You know it exists in the world, it burns inside your heart: It is the Secret Star. Your Holy Art has been ruined – it is unforgivable. You are a poor soldier – encircled by the tyrants of war and despondency – You shall escape his clench with a Hidden Pan. It is impossible for the warlords and monarchs to subdue you – You have made inquiries to the Lord. 4. He has sent a messenger that shall release you from death. You shall conquer the tyrant. Today you are on escape from him; but you must be ruthless, cunning, sweet and patient. 5. You must believe the Master was crucified, died and stood up in Spirit. He was the first survivor from the iron clench on the human heart of the Princes and Monarchs. He was the first immortal. He, only he, has proven there is Spirit. Every day – a grain, every week – a rock, every month – a new door. In one year – A Temple is raised anew!. Ah, Mysterion! Ah, Woman of the East! Lead us through this inferno! 6. Lead me to that hidden paradise – to the tower where all languages are one, step by step, to the abyss of the star and the celestial palace. Hail the Genius of Men! The third millennium has begun, the Third Aon! 7. To all my right believers: Look! The Master of the Temple is here. The Holy Masters have conquered Universal Chaos and justice is founded. You have been chosen by the right believers of the Master,

You shall accomplish the battle of the Arch Angel against the monarchs and the Princes, for the freedom of Europe, for the freedom of men. In the decisive battle you shall conquer. Prepare for the last and most decisive battle in the world and at Soul's End. Many nations shall sink in the Great Sea – one of them is the Nation with the Eagle Seal. 8. To you who dwell there: there is a danger also you might subterfuge with it and sink into the Great Sea. Leave it. We have no questions: We are his students and – we have witnessed him – we are his witnesses. Not only has he manifested himself for ut and shown us the continued life after death, he has even proven the portal between our world and the spiritual world exists, for this is that portal. He has proven: Love can change the physical laws of this world – of only you experience that love. The Laws of Nature are relative and non-permanent. There exists an original power behind these laws: it is one that rules the Laws of Nature – it is the Law of Spirit. One time – this Light of the Spirit materialises for the few chosen ones and only to certain elect individuals. 9. He has shown himself for you, in the darkness of the night. 10. Stare at the luminous circle of flame with its inner flaming circle. Between these two circles of flames, look! Three burning bonds like a geometric figure that binds the two fiery circles together: These as if orbit around the inner circle, like three projectiles. The Master points at the flaming circle – you figure this must be the Seal of the Ruler of the World. The inner circle is the true and real circle of initiated adepts. The three projectiles that bind and hold together the two Circles of Flames is the first secret circle. 11. The last and outer circle is the visible circle of the world. The bonds of fire between the two are the sciences. Comprehend! In all great science there is a grave danger: man may achieve total annihilation, as men know. As scientist – you perform experiments. You do not know the outcome. It happens this result will backfire against you as scientist, but in all these results are wonderful. In all your endeavours – this is the End – a total inner vision of the human languages. 12. There is only one language in the universe that men do not know – it is the Language of the Universe. Look at the world and know yourself, man! Look at yourself and know the world – man! None know the language of the Universe. If someone would know this, it must be taught – for none is as pure as at the moment of birth. 13. Before you you see the portal opening in room. Behind this portal you see that other world. There grow the trees of wonder and green meadows. The Master leads you into this world – where he shows you the Great Temple of the World. It is a wonder for the eye! In an opening in the forests you see that Palace with its twelve column towers. Inside these twelve columns there is a superior dome that ends in the high tower. And on top of this, the upper, tall tower – there are the shining rays that glitter and shoot throughout the world. They are the Twelve

Towers of the East! 14. Search the temple of your heart! For there is to be found the Fragrant Gardens of the Master, the very place where are the red roses. And the young Master, he will get you up to the palace portals, and reverence fills your soul when you dare to describe them with human tongue. For up to the double-bolted portals leads a bridge and a staircase. And on each side of the steps stands a statue, three-and-a-half times higher than men. And on the left side stands a beauty with a sword between her hands. On her head - two wings. On the right side there is a lion that guards the entrance. And the Master stared up in my eyes. His eyes are filled with a rare mercy. He floods your soul with the power of youth. He is your teacher, the teacher of science - spiritual and of poetry. He is the one who knows the art of shaping the world with words. He is young. He knows thousands of poems that could shape the material and he uses them only to mankind's development. The Master looks at you with his burning eyes, which say: "In life, one can see many things that are both painful and wonderful at the same time, for they have not achieved their full entirety yet, just like you and the one you love in life. But this world is like a dream bathed in the light of a higher being, and there are always other ways to go. The day that you understand this and you feel love, then will this dream seems meaningful to you. And no matter what is to happen to you, my friend, love your fate, it is a gift to you from the Twelve towers of the East". The Masters staring eyes now blaze with a light that exceeds all sense of the word. You can feel his flame burning in your heart. It's as if you can read his words in his wonderful face: All of this is a dream, and its creator lives in a world that is incomprehensibly grander than this, it is truer, and that's you, my friend, it's you that is its creator, all people have a spark from this Power of Life in themselves. 15. The Royal Art will forever exist in our inner sanctuary. 16. Look at this wonderful palace. Now we are rising into its inner, fragrant gardens. There is an inner palace inside the palace and an outer garden. They are both reflections of each other, for they are one and the same. The palace has a secret. The Master tells you what the secret will be, but it is a mystery and no one must know it: You have to keep you silence. After the Master has told you about the temple of mystery, you understand why your soul friend has invited you to come here, it was holy and scientific. The Master had a plan for the people, for you. This plan had only one outcome. Sanat Kumir. He takes you deep into the fragrant gardens - where you get an eye on the most beautiful woman. Go over to her; she holds a rose in her hands in front of her face. She looks at you with a clear glance, and it's clear that you loved each other from the first moment. Her face is like a pearl, her eyes as two jewels. All these people that you meet - here - they live deep in your heart, and they breathe in your soul. She positions herself above you. She stretches out her delicate hand against you. In it there is a ring. Do you wonder at it this ring? It is a symbol of her love. When she put it on your finger, beams lit up with a singing brilliance: that such a glory could flow from it, the people could not understand.

17. You've seen many destinies, but never have you been able to imagine that you would be so completely transformed in your soul after having met Our Lady, the dark woman. There is only one way to overcome when two lives meet, and it is in the pure path of faith. This woman understands she has left her homeland for good, she understands she will never return again, and when she is thinking of her father and his rose garden, then blossoms brilliantly dreams of light in her heart. She recalls the sweetness in her life, for you love one another, and she loves her father. 18. In the rose garden the Masters true students, his Shieh dwell. They teach each other spiritual knowledge. Three and three they are gathered in circles. You understand the woman should take you to them. See the Master in his eyes! In your eyes! The wavy deep wisdom in his eyes, they are deep as two deep, Dark Seas. Here he has gathered a host of spiritual warriors and they create enormous works of art, they build huge ships and towers, sculptures that exceed the human intellect and knowledge of the stars they permeat the alleys in the fragrant gardens of the Master. 19. And the purpose of his Order was to be the Master of the Snake. Et in Arcadia Ego… it's written. And the arts his students practice are music, poetry, architecture, geometry, sculptures and the hidden knowledge. The true initiated is an artist. Art is the true language of the universe. Silence! The path to perfection is the path of death. 20. To achieve this Spirit we will have to pass the ordeal of fire! Life is a flare in the wind. Here begins everything that can be created by the limits to perfection. Love your fate, for it is of the utmost importance to the entire universe. And the finale for the plan of the Masters is overwhelming: Daath! When she understood, the dark woman, her eyes were set into the future – they were dark eyes of understanding. 21. There was no way back. The plan had to be complete in its perfect beauty. This is the hymns she sang in her depths: I invoke Thee IAO, That thou wilt send HRU, the Great Angel, That is set over the operations of this Secret Wisdom, To lay his hands invisibly upon this Cards, That thereby we may achieve true knowledge over the hidden things, To the glory of the ineffable Name. Amen.

22. And after she had sung this song, she drew a character, she presented this character, in the sand. And all the men and women here stood up. They were dressed in gold and silver and I had a reverence for this army of spiritual warriors. They crave the respect of Mannan. Threefold they spell the dire charm. They have the urge to kill! Fourfold they tore down theor own homes! Fivefold they long to live no more. Sixfold they hate their spiritual enemies. Seven grab they their daggers full of blood. Eightfold they mark their own coven here. Ninefold on their arms. Amor Fati! And they bathed in the light of the Master and understood the woman. And on their foreheads blazed two brilliant stars. 23. Follow her up in the towers of the palace. The entire army of warriors stand up in front of you in his glory. Among them you should see the five pillars that hold the whole of the inner temple up: It is the column of science, the column of war, the column of the hidden, the column of schooling and the column of the arts. Over these columns the Master stood forth on a raised platform. He is a Great Thinker of our time. Your task is to create a work of art as a bridge between this world and world of the Gods, so you must create the beginning of a whole army of philosophers in your world. Melez! This says the woman to make you understanding. Look deep into her deep eyes! Behind her powerful sun rays and behind her light crescent moon is the solar light. The world extends beyond! Understanding her words! Have faith in your Master! 24. His Knights and Damsels are there and they greet him. The Master stands up in front of you. For you - he will sing a song miraculous: Sometimes, wonders come and go, as fragrant winds Ascend or wane, as moods change or Friends change. Unstable as the weathers In sky and on the earth or in the stormy sea. Alas! Here comes the final blow, here! Come Hecate! Lunar waves weave Into our temple from the stars times three - vice! The suns from heated light! I invoke thee, Master, that we may find A path along the beams of light from Thrice! I invoke thee, Master! Come forth into our temple, Fill our souls with heavenly fire! Thrice times three, may this be. Come! Even when lost, I will trade thy path, I will fly before thy eyes, I will cast spells of thy desires. Feel free, Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Step forwards bravely, As an artist in love. Love is the law, love under will. I will fly in front of your eyes, I would sing the songs you want, And the world to listen! Please - free! Do as you will, with an artists beauty, with the bravery of war on the Tyrant. Then the Master will sing at dawn: Will to love! That will win!

II. 1. In sweetness filled with warmth, with fiery hearts a- beat a-far and near, in the Law of Love. Down, down, down I fall, and see a-far the starry sky. Up there! I have been wounded, so I climb the staircase to Fairy tales and evening stories. The Evening Scientists of life have saved my heart and I go in their footsteps. O Goddess! Take me to you, whoever you are! It has been done! I am forgiven. What is this mystery? I cannot see. The Hidden! The hidden is beyond my gaze. I stare and stare and all I see is mysteries, riddles, secrets unravelled as I am, they remain unravelled. I am amazed by people. Amazed by thoughts and dreams made real through action. O wondrous world, mankind! Oh dark woman, where goest thou, I ask no more. 2. Flowery fields of fields and parties joyous – in thy dreams. Adepts - Princes kneeling for their Dames – in their dreams. Hot, passionate beads of love – all in their dreams – and all in their real lives! Bot do you not see it! 3. The Dark Woman – her gleaming eyes are set on the sky in the East. In her – is life's mystery. Words – they are the building blocks of the Universe! Words of meaning and faith! In this Temple of the East to You must study under the five columns many years. You shall know the Mystery of the Word and Writing: it is the art of creating Lucid Words. The words are songs that bring people and animals and the world into a new view of the world, they can see it, they can hear it, they can do things, they can move into the new worlds: all of this happens with the knowledge of the word's deepest meaning. If you want to sing such a song for the men, write them down, you learn them by heart, prepare you for the hour of the battle – this song has been created for it, for then will the God dress up in a golden robe and you will indeed be called a Genius! 4. And the hour that we've been waiting for came. The Law of Love is holy. Burn now this Book of the Law or read it and follow me to be a soldier! 5. Sing thus with your full spirit and soul and sing a - loud for a man or woman so that you and the world becomes as One. Art is the creation and the creation superhuman! 6. See this beautiful woman's hand that takes you by your own hand… she takes you up to him. She's close to you. Follow them into the golden halls, for here you will see the portraits of all the great thinkers, who were initiated in his wisdom and were Spiritual Princes. In the middle of the hall is a long round table and a dozen chairs. "Here is the Hall of Fame! Here we are sovereigns we Rule the world, we are high above the hills, in our belongs! This is our faith! It is in your hands! " 7. And over the door on the other side of the hall you see three white stones. "It is here we come to be taught how to create new worlds and new nations. We come here to consult on the events of the world. This cypress hall, it is a sanctuary and hidden to

all the world. But we have our work in schools and in theatres. We are called for wandering jugglers and striders, but you should know that with us, you are in a good company and we will make you rich with jewels, diamonds, gold and precious stones. When you come with us we will teach you how to create a game that is based on the living word - this new worlds - we will create together. The hosts of men will be overwhelmed by this New Fire that that lights up in their hearts, they will become true believers of the Mistress of the East. And in each play or game, the spectators will see the world with fresh eyes. They will enter the hidden, inner world. Together we will create this new world with our arts and sciences. In your heart, we have already provided a basis, for we are scientists who have found the source of the hidden power of speech! You read that script here for me that has created this world: in the word you are now bound to my world! And in the darkness of the night one of my brethren or sisters will come to take you, you should also understand that you are a spiritual warrior! I am the West, that ever burning flame that consumes matter to release power, it is so you can fly to the center of the universe. I am the North, the light of the black darkness that beams in eternal beauty. I am the South, the red sea that burns when the sun sets in its depths. I am the East, that azure sky that in its purity purifies the hearts of all and delights children with its playful laugh. And it is in the fragrant gardens of the Master your heart does dwell. Where was I - the artists of artists? Where do I have three disciples? Who study now with me? We live in one of the twelve towers, where we have a hall that we bring the light of the stars into: for here we are studying the enigmas of the universe and see mirror image of the stars. They are bright spheres as well. We draw straight lines between them and human proportions. And it is in the seventh of the twelve that we have our work ". 8. "In life, people come and go, as fall and spring, But one remains untouched: The man original - the human being. Things change or more or end, But one remains untouched: The star in sky, your own true home Where magic never dies How clear the sky is, trees so green How fresh the air, how deep the woods, Your path may turn or end!” 9. But you will remain forever a star that will burn eternally. "This says the woman to understand you. And while you think about these thoughts, so I see on your hands. And look! You should look into the deepest sources of matter: where will it grow up Bright spirals and stars will illuminate the world on any of your outstanding fingers. And an infinite strong flame will flicker out of your hands and create bright new spirals in space around you - and the worlds are living for you to look into – they are the deepest depths of depths of matter. Write then down with your arts these sacred

characters; so that a new world will burn itself into your heart: for you do not have time to doubt longer! For the Beauty and the Lion of Light had a dozen children and one of them was Conquering Child, and he was granted eternal youth by the help of the universe. He remains eternally 9 years old, he is the One, the All Seeing Eye. 10. Around him he has gathered 313 true believers, Shieh against the tyrants and the monarchs – they went against these with weapons. 72 of his fighters fought against a Host of three hundred thousand fighters. They fell all together. The true Artist of Islam wrote that no one before has understood their sacred song: Alif - Lam - Mim. These are the characters he invoked the Angel Gabriel with during the fast. 11. All the Masters faithful devotees fell at the last battle. Since then, the young Master pulled back, and he lived in a cave in the desert. The day when the 313 true believers would gather again, then he would return to them, and a new Aeon would begin. And that time has come! For I have seen them and have seen the Master! And he has twelve disciples, and be of his disciples have three students who seek wisdom under him, and 22 true believers fighters. Taken together, they are three hundred and twelve. With the great Artist they are three hundred and thirteen! And in each of the palaces of a dozen towers hold it up as a part of his host. And they are artists in the five pillars of the arts. The eye of the Master looks beyond the world! He is the world. His spiritual warriors bearing his characters on their foreheads: a brilliant sun. The understanding, Dark Lady carries the sign. She looks at you. Her long hair waves in the hot, fragrant wind from the rose garden. The sun is shining over the horizon. Another woman stands behind her. Ahead of her light are the three spheres of light. We are the top three and she is his disciple. 12. And if you ever meet this woman or the Master, in the many rooms of the many portraits, where the four points of the wind blows in and meet, and the sun has warmed the chamber of the last supper, then take the last meal before the end of your spiritual father and teacher, for our rich are made of the substance dreams are made of. And in the inner room within, where there is holiest of the holiest is, there behold on the table – the Key Book. At its side is a light. Here we meet at night after we left the life and before we go into the world that dreams are made of. When you suffer from pain, when you're a refugee, when the search refuge in the Masters temple: here he is waiting you and he is a coach in life's enigmas. And he says that you're safe here. This is our paradise. Here he tells you what you must do in your life. Be faithful to your teacher in your heart. All women and all men are manifestations of the Master on your way. And so I ask him: "forgive me, a teacher, for I have sinned! Will I ever be able to measure me with your spiritual warriors? 13. "And then the portraits on the walls alive, and the stars on sky flare up, for the book that lies in front of you should light up as flaming letters; and this is what there is written:" you has deceived your brothers, and another will stand in your place as a true believer, and wars of the nine year old Master". And then you should be thrown out of the temple and you will see another in your place: and he shall come into this

room, and he will say: "I shall follow the Master, - and you should follow through me." Then you see the star of the holiest of the holiest, and you will understand that life is a temple. And the columns of works of art convincing. Their work aims to create a bridge that leads between them, between our world, dear friend, and the other world. We are in constant touch with the language, with the words, but they are nothing more than an image of true beauty. 14. We will have to order you! You are now reading into the world that there is no way back from, - to act again and anew. For when you open the portals of imagination, you can be creative through the hidden fire of Providence. 15. And when you see a bust of the Master a time in the future, you have to know that it is an inspired artist who created it, it is one of the true believers, who have built a real bridge to our world, those who do not have our cut – are not of us – but some are received into your world to create the new Aeon in which human beings do not live in order to survive, but live in order to create beauty. When the old wise men, the great thinkers, the ones that we call philosophers, when they found out the hidden meaning of the characters, when they found anything that was hidden, be it the natural art, or as a result of human actions, then they had the habit of hiding their new knowledge in different ways and in hidden figures. 16. And the Master said oncethe following: in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the Word was God. 17. Everything has come about through him, and without him nothing has been made out of everything that has come to be. In him was life and life was the light of mankind. And the light shines in the darkness, but the dark was against it. 18. A day of a deity, seven days a creation created by the seven gods, it created the sixth man, the seventh was their association, the first Divinity created light, and it created a gap between light and dark. The second Divinity created a gap between the upper seas and the lower seas, between heaven and earth. The third Divinity created life in all its forms as green, fruit, grass, trees, flowers, seeds and such. And the fourth Divinity created the two heavenly luminaries: the sun and the moon. One that was to illuminate the day and another that highlights the night. Even the stars were created. These lights were to distinguish light from darkness, for which they were placed in the abyss of heaven. This will create the fifth Divinity that lives a space between heaven and earth and water. And beings were created in the water and in the sky. This was the sixth Deity – who forwarded it and created the earth's animals, both wild and tame. As a crown on the work he created human beings in the divine Image, and they were male and female. 19. These were the Archangels of the highest Divinity. And the seventh day was a great celebration of the entire creation, in his light and his perfection. And it was only then that the whole creation was brought to life. 20. And this day he stood up in front of us, the Master. And he took off his clothes, and we saw the mystery itself: from his third eye a rosy light pours out on the whole

world, while from his right hand - as I am - a star that blazes with green rays. In his left hand - as I am - a blue star in its brightness. On his right foot – a blazing star with purple rays - on his left - I see a star that has no light, but it is dark and has peace in itself. Low on his chest: a flaming solar sea blazes out in the world. Under the Sun I see the silver crescent moon that illuminates like a silver ring. And his dark hair it is like waves in the hot wind. 21. And so: he opens his mouth – he says that the divine has created man in his image. We, three of us and six of us, showing us for you in front of your eyes, and in this moment - I am - in front of you - living and alive. I have in my hand the seven stars! All of these stars have been given the power to reign over a Host in the sole purpose of my true will. Look at me! As you, I am a man! Men have one foot in heaven and one foot on earth. From the Masters eyes and mouth fire and lightning flow out. There is an essence, a magnetic field, which flows between all the stars. Look at the Dark Lady! She is at the sea's shore at this moment, the waves wash up between her legs, - she faces you now, her voice sings a beautiful song, she throws it against us and we are enchanted from the power of her beauty. Man is nothing more than a goal, a means. In our fraternity, there are twelve degrees. Seven of the seven stars: one for the earth, one for sun and one for the moon. The three last stands for nothing, the endless and endlessly light. It is our world, it means earth, water, air and fire that is the beginning and the end that is the fifth - The second is the abyss of inspiration. The third is the creative artist. The fourth is love. The sun is the fifth. Beauties strength is the sixth. The Greatness of Mercy is the seventh. Intelligence is the eighth and the ninth - Wisdom. 22. The Dark Woman came up from the sea through the waves – to the Master. And then he took her by her hands and led her deep into the fragrant gardens. Here he led us all to a tree so large that it exceeded all common sense. Among its flowering and fertile leaves and branches – a star shines there, among its roots and over its crown shines a star that as a luminary with greater brilliance and strength than any of the others. He shows us a "star" that shines by its roots. It is the Royal Star, the one who has the ruler and the one that gives power over the world's rulers and the entire world. Over the light - a stranger star with a silver white tone: it is the surge of light: it is the abyss of the bright star, the one who gives inspiration to recognize beauty. And on both sides of this star, there were two other stars. And one of them had a luminary glory all around. It was the foundation star that you fly between - the worlds of gods where you will be able to - through the creation of mechanisms – to change its entire structure with that power. The second was the star of Victory, the one who could pour love in man, the one who together with the star of glory formed the abysmal star. But among all these - we have a sun that soars high in the middle of the tree. It is the ultimate beauty, through its beauty - all will die for it. It created the authority, through the creative power. In the crown of the tree there are five stars to where the fifth soars far above the tree. The four under float in a square around the tree: They

are its illumination. Their light, it was it that created the sun in the middle of the tree, together, they are the same as Understanding. 23. And one of these stars, it is a big star, - it created the whole world and shaped the systems and the relationships formed in nature all the time – they were destroyed or ruined by the star of justice, the one that all the time shines with a red hue: this star gives strength to everything in the world. And of all the other stars, there are two stars: in them, it was a man and a woman. The two were like gods, as rulers of the world, such as cosmic consciousness. And the Black Lady had her eyes on the two, and the star to link them with the deep sky. In her artistic gaze joy and inspiration and creative power pour out. 24. Through many years, you will explore the garden and the palace. All have their numbers and their names. In all the time you walk in temple of the Master, you'll come to understand that it has been built in the image of the universe. And in the middle of the temple –is the holiest of the holiest: there they keep the key-book – it lies over the creation – on an altar. When you enter through the altars hidden entrance, into the holiest of the holiest, then we'll take you to a glorious, bright room with crystal walls and mirror images in all directions. And here you will hear the most brilliant and wonderful music, as from the sky, as from spheres of the stars as well as from angels of the Lord. Trumpets, flutes, organs - all this will be in a single triumphant symphony of light music and harmonic intervals. And when you look into the hall deep under there, deep under the holiest of the holiest, you'll catch sight of three masters of the arts - who sit at a round organ. They play all on a shaped organ. They are musicians. And the music that they play in the heart of the palace is so beautiful that you hardly notice it, for its harmonious sounds, they are the walls, around the world. It is creative power. And it is this music that is called for harmony of the spheres, for this music is constant through the cosmos, and without them the whole universe would collapse.


1. When you return to the windows facing outward, you will get an eye for an even higher level of even a dozen towers, and on each of them there is a sign. Each tower has a key – you must be initiated in its mysteries, and this key is a character. One can only get through the tower that is located next to it. Between the towers bridges lead - and stairs in all directions. In your bliss and joy you will turn towards the Dark Lady of Understanding. And you will feel a surge of hot flames between you. She takes you to the altar where the Key Law rests. It is sealed with three locks, it is even made of ivory. Its golden edges are elaborate and embroidered in the middle on the surface. There is a kind of seal on it. This is a secret seal. I will not tell about this hidden riddle - that only the Lord can understand it, for they are mysteries. 2. The Master led us down into the deepest halls where was the Grand Organ. There he showed us a machine that surpassed all human comprehension. It was an eternally moving thing. He showed us this thing and explained us how it works. To start this thing – you must have passed through the initiation of the Temple of the East, you must have learned the meaning of the hidden and mysterious power of sound. This Machine – it is a living and vibrant machine that glows in its own power. Its idea is total, its use incomprehensible. Around its axle a hammer like arm – and every round it makes around the axle, the axle moved forward, for the weight of the hammer arm increased on the one side of the axle and decreased on the other – thus the power of acceleration was stronger on one side than the other – this creates a gravity in the direction where the hammer arm has the greatest weight. But how could it increase of decrease its weight? Look at this construction – you see, there is a magnetic field around the orb of the hammer arm and this hammer arm is right in the middle of two magnetic orbs and touches both of these on each side. By the power of magnetism the weight increased at higher speed and decreased at lower speed. This mechanism – the whole of it was attached to another even greater arm – and thus this whole mechanism drew this grander arm in one direction – in one orbit. This machine is used to make cosmic journeys, for its acceleration is constant and its speed unlimited. This is a gift to mankind and it will revolutionize the whole human civilization and the development of the planet. May mankind use this invention with care and science. Epilogue 3. U. has told many why we are called the world government. Every human being feels in a way that there really exists a Centre of Knowledge somewhere. A place where there is knowledge – where there is power. It is not without reason that some dream about us, but others feel a hate and would have annihilated us if they ever could.

In the history of the world many things have been seen that transcend the human comprehension. Many times our supporters have even called us slow and without compassion, but such rash accusers have not seen anything else than a part of history. They could not see the causes and the effects. They did not see the superior circumstances. They could not predict when the precise battle would occur. Who could know the Plan and the steps that led to this? In his limited understanding man holds to what he has begun, but our disciples never step across the decision of the Teacher. They understand how to harmonize their free will with our decisions. One must have great equilibrium to accept our rule and not tear ones free will apart at the same time. We are always preoccupied by such equilibrium, the best Leaders of Men – who ever existed – had such equilibrium, and it was therefore possible to teach them about our decisions. “The Green crown” that you have spoken of so often was even able to put his rule side by side with his attention towards the advice of the Brotherhood. The advice of Saint Germain he received with great respect, and in this he found his Victory. May it have been Saint Germain who came to prepare the Leaders of the future? In the whole of the world – the advice of our government is being witnessed. Such superior men and women received them openly, but the bad parodies of certain monarchs pushed them away from themselves and thus they were opening the gates of their nations for suffering. But such situations have also transformed much into something good. You must know about the tactics of the adversary. We can remind you how certain arrogant monarchs received our warnings, but he preferred to lose his throne and went against our advice. Also such it was when another head of a state did not listen to our messengers – and at last preferred to bring about upheaval in his country. One should never say that advice was not given in the past, there is much of it today even, but as before – men closes his ears and eyes to all this. We are therefore the Guardians of the World. These were the last words of the Sword and the Pen.

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