The Structure Of An Academic Essay

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 545
  • Pages: 4
The structure of an academic essay !There are 3 MAIN TYPES of ESSAY: a)DESCRIPTIVE essay (focuses on the description of an object/character/event/place). b)REFLEXIVE essay (focuses on a PSYCOLOGICAL INTROSPECTION on a THEME of general interest expressing opinions and thoughts on that topic). c)ARGUMENTATIVE essay (focuses on EXPRESSING AGREEMENT or DISAGREEMENT sustain by objective arguments, on a given topic/quotation).

!Structuring an essay -an academic essay is divided into 3 PARTS: 1)INTRODUCTION gives a GENERAL VIEW that is meant to introduce the THEME/TOPIC of the essay or it only presents the INTENTION of the writer on the ideas to follow. 2)CONTENT/THE BODY OF THE ESSAY represents a DETAILED PRESENTATION of opinions, arguments, examples to sustain the topic should consist of 2 or more paragraphs (each paragraph should introduce a new idea). 3)CONCLUSION represents a FINAL IDEA on the aspects presented above that restates the topic in introduction.

!Linking words or expressions *INTRODUCING THE TOPIC: -The topic/theme of the book/fragment/chapter is… -The book/fragment/chapter is about/speaks about/deals with/argues on/brings forward…

-The author/writer presents/introduces/focuses on/expresses/narrates… *CHANGING THE TOPIC: -Now, I want to speak/consider/argue… -Moving on the other/second aspect/idea/issue… -Moreover (mai mult decat atat) -Furthermore (mai departe, in plus) *REFFERING TO A CERTAIN ASPECT: -As far as…is concerned… -Concerning this aspect… -Regarding… -As regards… *POINTING SIGNIFICANCE/IMPORTANCE: -Specific adjectives/epithets: -great importance: significant, key-, outstanding, crucial/historic/ memorable, major, brilliant, (N) breakthrough (eveniment fara precedent, revolutionary). -less importance: insignificant, of a lesser importance, minor. *SEQUENCING IDEAS: -To show the beginning of a list of ex/arguments/ideas: -These come as follows:… -These are the following:… -(such) as:… -First of all/Firstly/First/In the first place… -Second of all/Secondly/Second/In the second place… -Third of all/Thirdly/Third/In the third place… -At least/In the end/Finally/Final/In the last place… *Last but not the least *EXPRESSING OPINIONS: -in my opinion… -as far as I’m concerned/I know… -as for me… -if you ask me, I would say that… -according to my knowledge/belief -I think/consider/(strongly) believe… -Personally, I…

*EMPHASIZING A POINT/IDEA: -Generally/In general… -As a rule… -As far as…is concerned… *EXPRESSING CERTAINTY: -Beyound any doubt/the shadow of a doubt… -There is no doubt that… -It is doubtless… *It is certain that… *GIVING EXAMPLES: -for example/instance… -let’s take as an example… -like… -namely… -I want to exemplify by… *CONTRASTING AND COMPARING: -compare/If comparing… -let’s take as a comparison… -in comparison with/comparing with… -by contrast… -on the contrary… -on the one hand…on the other hand… -as opposed to… -yet/however/nevertheless… -in spite of this/V-ing/despite this… -unlike… *CONCLUDING: -in conclusion,… -to conclude with,… -to end with,… -to sum up,.. -all in all,… -on the whole,… -in brief/short,… -Briefly/Shortly,…

*EXPRESSIONS(noun, adjective, verb+ preposition): a fi responsabil pentru = to be responsible for a fi cauza a = to be the cause of a provoca ceva = to bring along/about a da nastere la = to give birth to/to give rise to a suscita(interes)/a trezi = to arouse(the interest) a reiesi din ceva = to come out of a se datora cuiva/a ceva = to be due to a fi rezultatul a ceva = to be the result of a rezulta din ceva = to result from a rezulta in ceva = to result in *MARKERS: multumita/datorita = thanks to/due to din cauza a = because of de aceea, de aici = that’s why, hence/therefore pe de alta parte/de fapt = whereas

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