The Story Of Slb

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,041
  • Pages: 15
The story of Sad 23 days ago Lonely Boy Hey you! Yes you! We met earlier, you said we could be friends! Remember? [I get it...She pretends not to know me in front of her friends...] OHHH sorry! Wrong person ^_^ ....

V_V [There she is again...She's alone!] Sad Lonely Boy: Hey! Claire! How are you? We have maths next right!? Claire: Yeah... SLB: We get to sit together ^_^ Claire: Erm...I talked to the teacher and i'm going to be sitting with my boyfriend... SLB: Oh...Really? Claire: Yeah =) It's Derek, you know, captain of the basketball team? SLB: Oh...Him.... Claire: yeah ^_^ Oh, and thanks for not talking to me yesterday, imagine if i was seen talking to you! *Sad Lonely Boy goes to the toilets and cuts himself* *SLB wipes away the blood, atends maths, then swiftly arrives at the cafeteria. All he gets is a muffin..He doesn't feel hungry...He pokes a knfe into like a flag, and thinks "Muffinblade...Nice ring to that." [Hmm I wonder if anyone I know is around...?] *SLB glances around and sees a couple of nerds, and one cool kid sat in shades eating an apple.* [Wow...I wish I was cool like Compushwa...Maybe Claire wouldn't be embarrased to talk to me anymore...] *SLB attends the last period, then slowly walks home in the rain, only to get beaten by

his father...* *SLB walks through the entrance to his school...Broken and bruised." Claire: Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me in maths, Derek is a jerk and you always have time to lend an ear ^_^ SLB: Erm sure...Well actually, that sounds great ^_^ I've had such a horrible week, when I got home lastnight my dad hit-Claire: Sorry I gotta go =D *SLB walks towards maths 15 minutes later...* SLB: Hey claire! I was wondering if i could tell you something a little personal... *As SLB sits down, Derek pours a bucket of paint all over him frm the row behind.* Derek: Hahahaha don't ever try to touch MY girlfriend or I'll show you what it's really like to be covered in red paint XDXD SLB: That doesn't even make...Uh screw you you porky bastard! *SLB runs out the door, and yet again, goes to cut himself.* *SLB, with the janitors help, cleaned himself of paint and borrowed a spare set of clothes* Claire: Hey! HEY! Kid! SLB: You don't even know my name do you...? Claire: I'm not here for that kid, I just wanted to say i'm sorry abo-SLB: Look at these cuts! LOOK AT THEM! THIS BLOOD WAS SPILLED FOR YOU! I LIKE YOU SO MUCH, I CUT MYSELF! Claire: are a lot more creepy on the inside...You could be a freakin serial killer! *Derek arrives at the scene* Derek: Come on Claire, leave the kid alone, I think thats enough for one day. I can't wait for tomorrow xD Claire: Uhm...Yeah le's go... *SLB bursts into tears in the middle of the hall, within everyones view, before leaving for home, again...* *When SLB got home, he had to go with his dad to the hospital...He was due for check up.*

Doctor: Uhm...How are things at home boy? SLB: Great, me and dad are always playing baseball and having a great time =D It's a great way to try to forget education for a while y'know? and mom is great to talk to about personal things, everyhting is simply amazing at home! Doctor: ....Are you sure? You seem to have a big handprint on your back... SLB: Whoa!!! Hey, that was just Jack! He's my best chool buddy out of all my friends! We were playing back slaps xD it's pretty fun! Doctor: Mmmhmm. *The doctor takes a few moments to take a closer look at him.* *the doctor walks outside to talk to SLB dad, while SLB listens closely.* Doctor: It seems your son has...Severe Mental Trauma...He believes his mother is still alive... SLB Dad: I told you not to tell the doctors anything about home, you little--Hell, I don't een know what to say to you. I'll just show you what you get for disobeying me. SLB: Dad...No...PLEASE! *SLB gets another beating...He later sneaks into the basement...* Mom, I never see you anymore...Since Dad tied you up in here V_V *A bunch of hours later, he gets ready for school and swiftly leaves the hellhole he calls home.* [I wonder if i'll still make it on time, even though I missed the bus =/ ] *SLB Rushes towards school, where many people are gathered.* [Hmm? Those two are talking about something...] Boy 1: Yeah, he made a great discovery upon the origins of the sun, or something weird like that... Boy 2: I hear people call him Solar, which is kinda corny...But he is the best at giving figures about anything to do with the sun! [hmm...interesting indeed. But I have more pressing matters to attend to I guess...Wow, I'm starting to sound like a freaking rich kid.] *SLB changes his song on his IPod to some MCR, and gets moving, to Maths. Dammit having Maths first period everyday =/ * Claire: Hey, are you sitting next to me again? I want to make up fo--

SLB: Stuff it, slut. Claire: Wow, where did you get those balls from!? [ I don't actually know...Wow, I must be growing up or something =/ ] Teacher: Hey, quiet kid, go sit next to him, at the back. [Hmm, he's that Solar guy...Aw great, i'm gonna get a load of BS stuffed down my throat...] Solar: hey dude. SLB: Hey... [This is gonna be a hell of an hour...] [I'm glad that's over...] *SLB heads over to gym...BASKETBALL.* [I know i'll get picked last but, hell with it. I'm in the mood to blow off some steam anyway.] *about halfway through the game, SLB decides to go for a shot, against Derek. Maybe this will show him up, and when Claire wants SLB, he will turn her down, no matter how much it hurts, to show the pain he has felt for years...* [okay, go for the jump....And...] As he goes for the shot, SLB gets punched straight in the face by Derek! Derek proceeds to literally throw him into the solid wall...Knockin SLB unconscious. Derek: Hmm...Maybe I overdid it a little.... [Where am i...What...OW....that hurts....Wait I remember!] *SLB was laying in a bed i the medical room. Sat next to him was Solar, next to the apple eating guy...Compushwa.... SLB: I'm sick of that bastard! *They both turn towards SLB and both smile.* SLB: What are you two doing here? Compushwa: Well, I was told to drag your motionless ass down here, and cant be bothered to walk back up =/ Solar: I was in the vicinity, and just decided to pop in ^_^ I mean, i'm not gonna leave my maths buddy am I?

[ Oh lawd...] Compushwa: anyway, my sister is having a party. She wanted me to invite you. SLB: Erm...Who? Compushwa: Damn, you're not too bright are you...Sal? Sally? You know! the girl you sat next to in maths for like...a year? SLB: Oh, her....Okay, i'll be there! Solar: If you get better, look at you! You're a mess... [I'll be there...I'm sick of letting my life go to waste...and i'm gonna show Derrek a lesson tomorrow.] *SLB Goes home to find his mother lying in a pool of blood in the living room.* Dad: Clear this up boy. SLB: What...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU SICK BASTARD!? Dad: You clean this filth up now, or you will find yourself IN THE SAME POSITION YOU INSOLENT KID! [ It's amazing how a day can go from good to bad...] Dad: Quit dawdling! [ I swear to god he'll get whats coming to him...] Dad: Are you listening to me!? [ Even if i have to do it myself...] Dad: ARRRRGH! *Dad grabs SLB arm so hard, it snaps very loudly, then he storms off.* *fighting through the excrutiating pain, he cleans the mess up...* *SLB Takes some anti depressants, not that they even touch the sides anymore...Then heads off towards the basement...* [Mom...You say you love that man, but how...? No way is he even a silhouette of what you seemed to see in him...Look where your passion got you. Now i'm all alone in this world. I'm going to my first party, that should prove to be interesting, huh?] *After pronouncing the last "H", SLB begins to cry.* [I told you we should of got help...But it's okay. I still got to spend time with you.

But...I'm truly scared of this man. He is my worst nightmare, and he likes to remind me of that everyday...] *SLB takes a minute to control himself...* I don't know what to do...Should I find help now, or continue obeying your wishes...? I...I miss you... .... *silence, and then he bandages his arm up with some materials left down in the basement.* [there are a hell of a lot of people here...] *SLB arrived at the house where the party was. He was very worried, as it's his first, and well, he's been through a lot.* [Well, here goes...] *SLB rings the doorbell* Compushwa: Hey dude! Glad you could make it ^_^ SLB: Yeah, um...Is there anywhere I can just sit down and maybe drink? Compushwa: Yeah sure dude, I think Sal is over in the lounge too, playing Pokemon V.2 xD [Hmm...I don't think i've heard of that game...Aw well.] *SLB finds his way to the lounge and sits down, next to Sal. * Sal: OH! You came! SLB: You...Wanted me to come this badly? Sal: Well uh...No I wasn't desperate for you to come or anything...Just you are a cool guy y'know? [Me, cool...Okay then...] *After a few hours of talking and playing Pokemon V.2 together Sal makes a little proposal for SLB. Sal: Say uhm..HIC! How about we y'know...Go upstairs xD SLB: Uhm...Okay sure... [Is this really happening...!]

*After a night filled with passionate drunken love, SLB returns home, happier than he's ever been in his life.* [Boring Sunday...weekend is finally over, now for school =/ ] *SLB goes to school like normal, and bumps into a certain girl at the entrance.* Sal: I was hoping to catch you before you went in! SLB: Oh yeah? Why? [wow i've never noticed how amazing she is...] Sal: Well I talked to the teacher, and reluctantly-[And her boobs! When did they get that big! Wow, i've actually tapped that...] Sal: So instead of Solar, you can-[Man...Forget Claire, look at Sal! I've been chasing the wrong girl it seems...] Sal: That should be fun huh? [How did I do her with this screwed up arm?] Sal: Is something wrong? [It must of damaged it more, if anything...] Sal: Um...Hello? *SLB kisses her softly on her lips, and holds her hand, walking towards maths. Not a single word needed to be spoken. Then they sat down at their seats and Derek walked over.* Derek: So this is your new girl, huh? XD looks like a pretty nice rack right there. [That bastard...] SLB: Don't talk about her like that. Sal: Leave it, it will only cause you trouble... Derek: Yeah kid, just leave it, you don't wanna get in over your head now, do you? [The teacher isn't here...It's now or never...Even if I am a limb down....] *SLB stood up, and flipped the desk into Derek using his good arm. It made Derek move back slightly, and SLB took this moment to headbutt him, straight in the face, knocking him down to the floor!*

[Serves you right, you lump of crap...] *The teacher walks in, and demands Solar to take Derek to the med room. everyone looks at SLB with a newfound respect, making him feel warm...He takes Sal's hand and smiles.* [This is gonna come back to me tenfold, but right now I couldn't care less.] *After class, the couple decide to walk home together rather than take the bus.* Sal: Hey, i've noticed you zone out sometimes, thinking about stuff. SLB: Yeah, I do that xD Sal: We should name these moments something, so when you zone out I can just say that word, and you will come straight back! SLB: Well...When I was younger I had a dog called Dimentio. It was foreign xD Sal: Okay, works for me =D So now you can stop having these "Dimentio" moments XD" [god this woman is crazy sometimes...Hey i'm doing it...Now I feel weird talking to myself...Hmm...she probably knows and she'll talk to me in a second. Well, so long Dimentio.] Sal: dime-SLB: I'm way ahead of ya! [I've really lightened up lately, I havent cut myself in...Ages!] Sal: How about dinner at mine tonight? My brother will be there, and you two are friends right? [ Friends....Yeah....] SLB: That sounds awesome! *Later that night* Sal: My parents are out, and my bro is sleeping out...Wanna go to my room...? [ I love this girl, even more than i loved you Dimentio.] [School again...Happiness and sadness seem to come in bursts nowadays...] SLB: Maths...The lesson my life revolves around, and the only lesson i pay attention to =/ Sad really... Sal: Hmm...You are starting to sound very...Poetic =D

[Yeah well, she doesnt know the half of it....] Sal: Hey! don't make me say it, I know you're better than that! *she grabs SLB's arm, and the sleeve pulls up, revealing his scars...* Sal: what...What are these!? *So SLB explains how he was very emo, and used to cut himself over stupid things. He said how he has changed a lot more, and luckily she understood...* Sal: Well, You're different now, and...And that's what counts right? [Of course it is...But i'll always be insecure about a hell of a lot...] *Maths class, Claire and Derek walk through the door. Derek has a purple face and Claire seems very sad for some reason. SLB tries not to make eye contact, he knows it is the wiser choice right now* [well, this is awfully boring...] Compushwa: Hey, kid, Solar wants to talk to you about someting important. SLB: Erm...okay, thanks buddy. Compushwa: No problem ^_^. *He walks away with an apple in his hand, as usual. What a strange person he is. SLB heads to Solars study.* Solar: hey, you came. I know about your problem with Derek. [Hmm, I don't like where this is going...] Solar: Well, this may be a little forward, but...We are gonna severely injure him. You in? SLB: Um..Sure? what's the plan? Solar: Well, it's common knowledge what time the sun is at it's peak. And tomorrow is apparently going to be a perfectly clear day. I have some specialised glass that i've made into the same shape and size of Dereks car window. So when the sun shines down on it, it will reflect back into his eyes. Solar: Compushwa is going to mess with his wheels, so he will spin out of control shortly after. If all goes well, he will be out of your life, for a good while. SLB: Solar, I love you! Solar: I'll take that as a yeah, then >_> *The day of the big plan...Talking to Claire.*

SLB: So, Claire, how are you doing lately? Claire: Well, actually I wanted to tell you about something. I'm really worr-SLB: Yeah that sounds great hope you suffer. Derek: Oh hey kid. You are gonna enjoy later. I'm gonna pay you back. Hard. SLB: You would love me hard, woudn't you?. [Heh, freakin pwnt.] *SLB finds Sal, and they go to lunch together.* [Hmm...If she had any idea what her brother was doing for me...] Sal: And I got Dissidia, it's really really-[ and Solar...I thought he was just some random nerd...But he's now an invaluable friend.] Sal: Already finished it as Cloud, obviously! SLB: Yeah, that sounds great ^_^ Compushwa: Hey, I need to talk to you. In private. [hmm...something wrong maybe? Maybe I would know if I wasn't doing this stupid "Dimentio crap. Dammit now she's making it stick =/] compushwa: The thing is, *He throws an apple core at his sisters head* compushwa: I need you to get her away from the school. If she finds out... SLB: Don't worry, i'll take her to the park. good luck. Compushwa: and stop strutting around like you own the place, it doesn't suit you. By the way, what's in your lunch? SLB: Umm...some chocolate, an apple,-Compushwa: apple, great, thanks, bye, etc. Sal: He jacked your apple! SLB: I jacked his sister.... Sal: WHAT!?

SLB: Damn...Thinking out loud... *at the park, there are a few gorgeous brown trees, and lots of grass. They sit under a tree and start talking...* SLB: you know, I was just a sad, lonely boy before I met you...I guess what I want to say is...I'm so glad I found you. Sal: I spent years trying to get you to notice me....And thanks to my brother, you did...i owe him =D Talking about owing people...You haven't been home in weeks. You can't keep sleeping at mine, your dad will be so lonely. SLB: Yeah...Erm...I guess I can stay there for a night or so <_< Sal: Hmph, okay, make sure you do. SLB: Sal....I....I love you. Sal: wow. That was unexpected! Well, I love you too! *Meanwhile, In Dereks Car* Derek: So, you wanna play around now or after a meal...? Claire...After. Derek: okay, fine have it your way >_> *Derek takes his hands out of her bra and starts up the engine. He begins to drive.* derek: Something seems a little odd...Probably just your fat ass. Claire: .... Derek: what now? Claire: I don think I love...Hell I don't think I so much as LIKE you. Maybe instead of chasing boys myself I should give the boys chasing me a chance... Derek: what the hell are you sayi-*As derek started to speak, the sun shone right in his eyes, and he tried to get control of the steering. He drifted right down a mountain path, leading to their deaths in a pile of jagged rocks. Blood was everywhere.*

Compushwa: I ******* love apples. Solar: Well I ******* love the sun, but we should talk about something else.

*Sal and SLB walked out of school at the end of the day. apparently, according to the authorities, two of the pupils died in a horrific car accident. Further investigation may be taken so we can find out if it was intentional. But in the meantime...* Sal: So, you go home and slep there for once, okay? SLB: Okay...Sure thing. Sal: Remember, I love you. *they make out for a few minutes then are interrupted by Solar and Compushwa.* Compushwa: Couldnt help overhearing you dude, but i'm haing a party tonight. My birthday party, SAL! Sal: oops, forgot bro...sorry? Solar: It's fine now right? come on Compushwa, we have to get back before people start turning up at your house! Compushwa: Your'e invited kid, besides you might get yet anoter girl from it xD SLB: Um...Yeah haha.... Sal: It's okay to laugh. SLB: PFFFT good I thought i was gonna explode...And not in that way you two! Compushwa: xD okay, well anything you need before we roll? SLB: Better pop in at my house, I gotta change =/ Solar: And away we go. *they arrive at SLB house after a while of walking.* [Crap dads back from work already? They better wait outside, Dimentio.] SLB: guys, wait outside okay? Compushwa: But it freezing out here, stupid wind. we'll just wait in the hall okay? [well...I guess it ca't be that bad =/ besides i've got friends with me, he wouldn't do anything... *Everybody steps inside...And SLB can't find his father =/ So he walks down into the basement...* [is dad here...?] Dad: So you're here, at last.

SLB: Sorry, I just came to pick u-Dad: How many peole are involved? [What...?] SB: What are you talking about? Dad: How many people have you told? The only reason you would be gone that long is if you have told the cops...I bet they are with you! SLB: No! My friends are wi-[crap. I shouldnt of said that.] Dad: So people are here! I expected this. So much. You think i'm stupid. All I have to do is set this oil on fire, and those red barrels go boom, and bye bye goes the cellar, and after about 2 minutes, the rest of the house. Nobody will make it out alive. [They can still use the door...] Dad they can't get out either...hehehe...I latched it from the outside, once you come in you wont get out. Dad: I'm not going to jail...I'd rather we all die here. [He really is insane...but i'm not as afraid anymore...] SLB: No matter what you do, you will die. I'd be happy with that, except im not about to let my friends go with us! about 2 months ago you would of said that, and i would willingly sacrifice myself to kill you. But i've changed. A lot. *He thought of his mothers corpse, cleaning the blood from the carpet with tablecloth....The hatred he has for this man..." [ I can stop him! ] *He ran at his father, and punched the match he had "badly" hidden next to him! The match glided through the ai into a lone barrel! BOOOOOOOOM! It shook the very foundations of the house!* [Please take that as a sign you guys and get out through a window...] *Little did he know, te oil had lit, and exploded another barrel! Now the cellar was caving in! Compushwa: Hey! Dude we need to get out of here! SLB: Kind of busy, if these barrels go off we are dead! killing Derek will have been for nothing!

Solar: Not if we stop this insane bastard! SLB: guys, you gotta get out of here! Sal: No way, we are staying with you! [ for god sake....] Compushwa casually strolled up towards SLB's Dad, and threw him down near some barrels. Compushwa: Get Sal the hell out of here, Solar! Solar: but...fine! *unfortunately a slab of stone fell on him, trapping him in a corner.* Solar: Dammit...It's no use! [ Damn...The fire is almost at the barrels...But it will kill us all! ] SLB: Dammit, Solar is there any way out of there!? Solar: Don't worry about me, keep going! fin a way out, this man will burn alive! Compushwa: Hell of a Birthday...Iting you the hell out of there, Solar! [ I'll take him down...] *But it was too late...the fire reached the barrels. Sal was blown into the same corner SLB was, Compushwa was blown through the wall, and Solar was trapped even more, the debris created a fence around him...* SLB: Compushwa! Are you okay!? Compushwa: Im fine! I'm coming back to-*The hole covered over in the new wood and stones, blocking all entry and exit. Solar was stuck, Sal seemed to be pierced into the floor by a long sharp rock into the floor, and will inevitably die from blood loss without treatment...SLB: Was fine, and had free movement. There was no exit, and the house was falling through...* Fumes were everywhere, from the barrels. Solar was right next to a cloud, and was incapacitated. Sal: Go! find a way out... SLB: No way! i'm getting you outta here, or staying with you till the very end! [oh my god...this is my fault...We could of been at a party instead of dying...] *He thought of his mother, his new friends, his enemies, and everything that made

him...him. All the conflicts seemed meaningless now.... Sal: I love you so much...I don't want to leave you... SLB: You arent going anywhere! stay here with me! Sal: But I feel like...Like im rising and--Uhhh....owch.... SLB: Don;t talk! it's going to be...Going to be fine... *He glanced at his fathers charred corpse and clenched his fists...*

About an hour later, the fire brigade never came. Compushwa didnt make it in time...Solar died from the fumes....Sal died from blood loss...And with no way out, SLB Was all alone...Once again. Except now, instead o being alone with enemies...He was alone with corpses.

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