The State Of Css In An Ie7 World

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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 556
  • Pages: 4
The Gorilla Awakes! The State of CSS in an IE7 World An Event Apart Chicago 28 August 2007

Much With the Uptake !...on January 8th "2007#, we had the 100 mi$ionth IE7 insta$ation. However, even more important than insta$ations is usage. According to WebSideStory %the company we use to measure browser usage&, as of this week, over 25' of a$ visitors to websites in the US (ere using IE7, making IE7 the second most used browser a)er IE6.* !Tony Chor IE Group Program Manager 12 January 2007

Advances in Standards •

Fixed positioning

• min-width, max-width • min-height, max-height

• • •

Attribute selectors Child selector Adjacent sibling selector

• :first-child

• • • •

Chained classes and pseudo"classes Arbitrary"element :hover Full background-attachment:


Alpha channel in PNG images

• abbr tag

They Fixed fixed! div#footer {

Children of Elements body > div {

position: fixed;

border: 1px solid red;

bottom: 0;


left: 0; right: 0;

body > div > div {

padding: 0.5em 1em; background: white; border-top: 1px solid gray; } body { padding-bottom: 5em; }

border: 1px dotted red; }

First Children #ericmeyer > *:first-child { cuteness: 110%;

Attribute Selectors • CSS2.1

} #ericmeyer:first-child { pedantics: xx-large;









} td:first-child {

• CSS3

background: yellow; }

Form Styling input[type="text"] {







Visual Link Typing a[href$=".pdf"] {

width: 85%;

padding-right: 18px;

border: 1px solid #555;

background: url(/pix/pdf-icon.gif)

border-width: 0 0 1px; }

100% 50% no-repeat; }

input[value="required"] {

a[title*="(PDF"] {

color: red;

padding-right: 18px;

font-weight: bold;

background: url(/pix/pdf-icon.gif)


100% 50% no-repeat; }

Secure Link Styling a[href^="https"] {

Selecting Table Cells th[scope="col"] {

padding-right: 18px;

border-top: 1px solid black;

background: url(/pix/lock-icon.gif) 100% 50% no-repeat; }

border-bottom: 1px solid black; } th[scope="row"] { border-right: 1px solid black; } th[scope="row"] + td { padding-left: 0.75em; }

Highlighting Images by Type img[src$=".gif"] {

Sample Diagnostics div[id] {

border: 3px solid red; }

border: 1px dotted red; }

img[src$=".jpg"] { border: 3px solid lime;

img {


border: 5px solid red; } img[alt] { border-style: none !important; }

What About IE6? • Dean Edwards% IE7 script!

Dead Bugs Peekaboo bug

List item whitespace bug

Guillotine bug

Border chaos

Duplicate character bug

Text highlighting under a top border

Duplicate indent

#No Scroll$ bug

3"pixel text jog

Disappearing list background

Creeping text bug


Double &oat margin bug

Dotted border style

Bottom margin bug on hover

XML prolog triggering quirks mode

IE/Win line"height bug

Viewport scrollbar outside HTML borders

Quirky percentages in IE

Dead Parsing Bugs

New and Old Parsing Bugs

* html



* + html





p/**/#example !important

@import url() media;

Phantom Elementitis • Old school 'IE6"( * html #example {...}

• New school 'IE7( *+html #example {...}

Better Balance • CSS"wise, IE7 is on par with other current browsers

It has its quirks!but then, what browser doesn+t?

• Enhancing IE6 with the IE7 script brings it nicely up to date

• Hacking will still be necessary 'whatever form your hacking takes(

What the Hack...? • Now what do we do? •

* html #example {height: 0;} /* IE6 */ *+html #example {min-height: 0;} /* IE7 */

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