The Secrets Of The Kingdom Of God

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 527
  • Pages: 3
THE SECRETS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD He answered and said into them, because it is given unto you to know the mysteries (secrets) of the Kingdom of Heaven. But to them it is not given. Matthew 13: 11 Introduction During Jesus earthly ministry, He used a unique teaching method “parables” to reveal other spiritual truths about the Kingdom. What is a Parable? The actual meaning of the word parable is “to lay beside to compare”.  A story which uses an example from the natural world to illustrate a spiritual truth.  An earthly story with a heavenly meaning. The Subject of the Parables. The main subject of the parables of Jesus was the Kingdom of God. Matthew 13: 35 Matthew 10: 10-11 Mark 4:10-12 Examples: Mark 4: 30, Luke 13: 18, Luke 13: 20 Why Parables? (Matthew 13: 10-11) (Luke 8: 10) •

Knowledge of the spiritual truths of the Kingdom was given to the disciples because they had spiritual minds. Those without spiritual minds heard the parables and failed to understand them because spiritual truths can only be understood by a spiritual mind. (I Corinthians 2: 14)

Those with spiritual minds understand the kingdom principles revealed in parables. Those with Carnal, sinful minds cannot understand them.

Jesus used parables to conceal these great spiritual principles from unbelievers. (Mark 4:12)

(Mark 4:21-22) •

A “spiritual minded” man is one who has been born again spiritually.

Parables of the Kingdom Parables concerning the offer of the Kingdom •

The following parables concern the offer made by Jesus of the Kingdom of God.

 The Patched Garment Matthew 9: 16 Mark 2: 21 Luke 5: 36  The Wine Bottles Matthew 9: 17 Mark 2:22 Luke 5: 37 •

These two parables taught that Jesus offered a Kingdom that was new and unique. It could not be confined to the old patterns of religious traditions.

It is not possible to understand the Kingdom of God by trying to fit it into old thought patterns and lifestyle.

 The Good Shepard. John 10:1-16 •

King Jesus is compared to a Shepard. He would lead his sheep out of religious bondage and bring them into the liberty of His Kingdom. His sheep would know His voice and respond to His offer of the Kingdom.

 The Wedding Banquet Matthew 22: 1-14  The Great Banquet Luke 14: 16-24 •

Through this parable, Jesus invited the present Generation to enter the Kingdom. The original announcement was sent to a special group of people, the nation of Israel not all those chosen responded, so another invitation was extended to the Gentile nation.

 The Two Builders. Matthew 7: 24-27 •

In this parable Jesus taught the Kingdom was built on Him. He compared Himself to be a rock which a person may build their life. A house on such a secure foundation will stand through every storm. Jesus offered men and women the opportunity to build their lives on eternal foundation of the Kingdom of God.

 The Two Gates. Matthew 7: 13-14 Luke 13:24-28 •

Only one gate leads to the Kingdom: The gate is Jesus Christ

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