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  • Pages: 40
The Secret Of The Scientist


The Secret Of The Scientist

Prologue Barely escaping from those hooded man in a dark alleyway. He can’t catch his breath now due to his exhaustion and tired of running away for two hours–he thinks. Now, he’s out of luck. His body were pinned down to the corner of the dark alley that’s full of trash cans plus it’s heavy breathing, that he’s sure in any minute they’ll find him and sucked it’s essence from his body. A two hooded men appeared from nowhere. Their face cannot be seen but their glassy red eyes were visible to the man’s naked eye. The man whose being chased, dragged suddenly neared to them. It’s heavy breathing came more heavily, and it’s heart thumping rapidly inside his chest. The man’s face was now full of dirt as the two hooded man drag him more nearer to them. He can feel now the pang of heat and pain that’s attacking his heart. This man named Dr. McCoy. He worked for some underground science laboratory used for experimenting. Dr. McCoy knew what this two hooded man wants, why he’s being chased away. “Your time is up, Dr. McCoy," one of the hooded man said in his heavy voice that made the hair of Dr. McCoy stand at the back. “Unless if you’ll tell us where it is and we’ll let you live.” Another hooded man laughed insultingly, “do you think he’ll tell us where it is? After he let us chase him up from here!?” he shouted and Dr. McCoy did not expect this to happen, he felt his heart being hold by the most hottest object he’d ever laid in and Dr. McCoy crumpled to the cold floor clutching tightly his chest and he felt it was squeezed by the hot arm. “You see what’s going to happen if you’ll remain quiet?” the hooded man who spoke first a while ago, “you’re lucky Dr. McCoy, you have no family.” “I don’t–” But before Dr. McCoy could finish his thought he felt another a pang of pain stabbed directly at his chest, the pain traveled faster up to his head and felt his brain like it’s being melted. “Tell us, now!” one of them shouted angrily. “You’re loosing our patience!” then Dr. McCoy did see this coming, whole of his body is now drowned in magma. “Please” plead Dr. McCoy, but the two hooded man just laugh hysterically and one of them raised his right hand and muttered something that made Dr. McCoy scream in agony and the last time he felt, is the heat that’s flowing inside his stomach straight to his head and Dr. McCoy move no more as the veins in his heart erupted painfully.


The Secret Of The Scientist The two hooded man reach the dead body of Dr. McCoy and check it’s face. His body were now as cold as ice and turned into colored gray. One of them leaned over to suck Dr. McCoy’s essence, and a blue orb came out to the doctor’s mouth and he claimed it on his own. “Poor bloke” muttered one of them. “If only he said to us where it is and we’ll let him alive. Tim?” he called to the man who sucked Dr. McCoy’s. Tim laughed and look him in an awed, “if he’d tell us where it is, still, I’ll kill him. I won’t let him get out of here alive, he’s going to try and stop us to let near from it.” He said and fix himself, “come on now, Paul, master may need us there now.” Paul shrugged, “but, what if he really don’t know where it is?” “He knows, and we’ll find out here.” He tap his throat and smile wickedly. The two men vanished unknowingly and leave no mark or evidences what’s the cause of Dr. McCoy’s death.



The Secret Of The Scientist

“Come on Ryle!” Ethan said, “basketball.” Ryle shook his head. "No, I’m not in a mood.” “Another street gangs beaten up isn’t?” Ethan said and shoot his last account to the ring and walk towards Ryle. “Or is it about your dad?” Ryle nod his head when he heard Ethan said about his dad. It’s been thirteen years when he left Ryle and his mom. Leave no traces on where to find him, and one day they just found his body in a deserted alleyway, hang his mouth open and colored with ash gray. The most terrible is that, his heart were missing. “They’d think he’s freak?” Ethan said in audible voice. “Freak or what, he’s still my father. He’s just working in science laboratory for the better money, and now, what we found is that his dead body,” he replied. "What’s happening now?” Ethan shrugged. "We don’t know. But what’s happening now is a very crucial crime. Imagine, no man can ever do that to ripped it’s hearts. No man.” Ethan whispered the last word. “I reckon the government is on the move now. They’re calling them now the “body organs snatcher”. My dad said that the previous snatcher that captured were now in custody for questioning.” Ethan’s dad is working for the government, and today’s number one problem of the government is this crucial crime that’s spreading around the world. That’s the reason why Ethan got his news and updates. And mostly, Mr. Leviste had made a promise to Ryle that he’ll be the first to know of who killed his dad. Ryle stood up from his seat, “I need to go and buy some drinks from that store” Ryle pointed out to the store named, Angela and Angelo’s department store, “want some?” Ethan nodded “yeah, sure.” Without further ado, Ryle sprinted outside the gym and jog toward the store. He collected two plastic bottle of water and some snacks. When Ryle’s on the counter, the news catch his attention on the small TV that’s standing behind the counter. “The Head of Science Laboratory has found by the cop lying lifeless on the floor on it’s own office. They’d studied what’s the cause of it’s death and said that the same as his people, Dr. Orlando’s heart were ripped and based on the investigators, he’s the one who received the most painful death than the others.” The reporter said. “They found out that it’s bones were broken down to his toes up to his skull. It’s eyes were also missing. Dr. Orlando’s family–”


The Secret Of The Scientist Ryle didn’t finish the newscaster and got himself outside the store. Good thing, the counter is finished wrapping his foods. He didn’t jog back to the gym, worried he’s going to collapse mid way due to the things that’s bugging inside Ryle’s mind. “What took you so long to come back?” Ethan said, looking worried, “as I’ve seen here, the store didn’t got more people.” Ryle hesitated first on whether to tell Ethan what he’d just heard and Ryle’s sure that his dad has now called him. But base on Ethan’s expression, seems like he didn’t know, so, Ryle decided to just spill it off. “Dr. Orlando is dead.” He said plainly and clearly, not wanting to make him say it again. But Ethan is busy for packing his things and looks like he didn’t hear such thing. Ethan look up with his brow furrowed, “what?” But before could Ryle shout at him Ethan’s phone rang. “It’s dad.” He pick it up and held to his ear, “dad?” Minutes has passed, Ethan muttered something, “crap.” Then he put down the phone and made a look on his face. “Dr. Orlando’s dead. And dad asked me if I’m with you to tell you what had happened.” He said, clutching his bag behind it’s back, “and he tell me to have a favor with you.” Ryle was surprised, “what is it?” “Can I stay to your house just this night? My dad’s worried, and he can’t make it home for tonight. And he did not want me to be alone in the house, especially that five of whom people were found dead just today.” He responded. Ryle nodded with anticipation, “of course!” Ethan smiled, “it’s settled then. Come on, it’s nearly night fall.” When they got to Ryle’s house, Ryle’s mom were on the kitchen, cooking for dinner. When she got the two boys approaching for her, she’s the one who throw her arms around his son’s neck and hugged him tightly, the same as she did to Ethan. “I’d expect that two of you were hungry?” she said while putting the bacon, sunny side up egg and hotdog to the plate. “Yeah” Ryle and Ethan chorused each other, “mom, Ethan may spend his night here in our house.” “Of course! Ethan’s always welcome here.” She snapped. “Great! We’re just going to fix our bed and get change.” Ryle excused their selves and walk downstairs.


The Secret Of The Scientist “I think today is a “killing day” you know?” Ethan said when they dropped their things on Ryle’s bed. “Five was murdered and ripped their hearts apart and worst, snatching their eyes. They’re merciless.” Ryle sighed, “if you say so.” “And look!” Ryle was never interested in news if not on his father’s case, but because Ethan pulled him to take a glance on his phone, he obeyed. “The news editor said here: Why scientists? That’s odd isn’t it?” Ethan look down to Rile with bewilderment. “I don’t understand. Enlighten me.” Said Ryle shyly. “Well, it’s weird. As you notice all of the death events, scientists involved. As for today, five scientists were killed. Mr. Rey, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Si, Mr. Ty and Mr. Orlando. Dead, both five of them was found inside their houses and offices.” Ethan snapped and look again at his phone, “Mr. Rey and Mr. Thompson were retired scientists during the 19s. It’s been a long time since we’ve heard their name again before their failure that almost destroyed our city due to their invention of an explosive device, no one knows what kind of device that is, but we’re expecting that whatever it is, they’re dangerous. When the year 2000, 30th of November, Mr. Si and Mr. Ty, tried to perfect another device but then again, they’d failed. And Mr. Orlando now is well-known as the head of the science laboratory is also dead. The question is: Why them? Why scientists? That question still remain as mystery to be solve. My guess is that, something’s funny is going on here.” Ethan stopped reading and wrinkles begin to show up on his forehead. “He’s right. I think those snatchers were up to something. Something’s important that they’d need to find.” The idea began to sink in to Ryle’s mind. “What do you want to point out? Like a chest of gold or something?” he asked. “Seems like it. Something’s worth it. Something’s valuable.” Ethan printed out with a curious face. But then again, Ryle’s mind began to shake, “could you please stop that. I can’t bear it anymore” Ryle sighed. “Arggh, I’m an idiot! I’m not like my dad! I didn’t earn his brain!” Ryle continue to scold himself until they found themselves sitting on a chair. “So, how’s your game?” Mrs. Jordan snapped for the both of them as they still remain quiet when dessert has served. “it’s a prac mom.” Ryle cleared out and spooned on his ice cream. “Okay then, practice! So, how was it?” she asked. Ryle waited for Ethan to answer for him, as Ethan is only the one who practiced himself for the tryouts on Monday for the selection for their intrams. Ethan seemed also to notice that Ryle’s waiting to answer for him and he speak out, “Uhm, Mrs. Jordan, Ryle didn’t practice for today because of his headache a while ago.”


The Secret Of The Scientist Ethan notice as the panic in Mrs. Jordan’s face raised, so he prevented it to happen, “but don’t worry Mrs. Jordan! He’s fine now, he did take some medicine back from the gym.” “Yeah mom, I’m fine.” Ryle secured her with a joyous face. “if you say so.” She shrugged and scope another ice cream from the container. As the night had come. Both Ryle and Ethan are now on pajamas but still awake. Ryle’s still thinking that odd question that Ethan mention a while ago: Why scientists? That question remain unsolved. Ryle heard a clicking of Ethan’s keyboard that’s still busy seeking answers. “Are you still up for it?” Ryle asked him. “What do you mean?” Ethan fired back. “I’m just chatting with my dad.” Ryle chuckled, “that’s very odd of yours. Your dad don’t open his account during this night. It’s midnight you know, I reckon he’s still busy investigating what’s happening today. Spill!” Ethan sighed, giving up. “All right. I’m seeking for answers.” “How can you seek answers if the cops don’t have a lead?” Ryle question him with curiosity. “That’s why I’m ‘seeking’.” Ethan said jokingly, “I’m searching about their laboratory. It’s history. I’m reckon that question has a meaning, maybe those previous scientists has invented something, something those snatchers want to steal.” “yeah, like you said, something valuable.” But after Rile’s answer, Ethan didn’t speak up. Rile averted his eyes to him whose eyes narrowed. Seems like he’s reading something. “What is it?” he asked. Ethan didn’t look at him but speak to him, “come.” Ryle got up from his bed and help Ethan read. It’s title said: THE HISTORY AND MYSTERY OF SCIENCE LABORATORY “Well, that’s pretty funny, rhyming words.” Ryle chuckled but Ethan grimaced at him. “Shut up and just read.” Ethan replied. The said Science Laboratory was founded during the 19s by the greatest scientist of the 18s named, Dr. Gilbert Madrigal. He won all the Nobel Prizes during the 18s, including his profession in Chemistry, which he got exactly seven Nobel Prizes in Chemistry (see the link here). After his succession, he began to build his own underground laboratory. There’s


The Secret Of The Scientist a rumor that Dr. Madrigal designed his own lab because he has an experiences of being an architect (but skipped it at the age of 25 and focus on Chemistry.) After the building and the success during the 19s, he started to experiment and build some robots. But the luck of Dr. Madrigal is out, he was diagnosed as tuberculosis and passed away during 1930, 25th of August. He’s soon to be discovered were left away and died as Dr. Madrigal did. His robots lead to nothingness, disassembled and hid at the Secret Chamber of the lab (but no one knows where it is.) The said Secret Chamber of the lab, cannot be found on Dr. Madrigal’s blueprint. It’s said that he build this secretly that no one can ever be seen. That’s the reason why they called it now as “The Mystery Laboratory”. But aside from that, another rumor that spread the entire city, one of Dr. Madrigal’s experiment, has succeeded. Various scientists and investigators had studied the entire laboratory just to find the said “he succeeded”. But here’s the rub: what type of succession did Dr. Madrigal invented? What lies behind the said, Secret Chamber? Is this the reason why this crime is happening? Is that “thing” is valuable, just to make this crime critical?

“Well?” Ryle asked. “Well? Don’t you get it, do you? It means that the true motive of the snatchers is inside the Secret Chamber!” Ethan said, joyfully, “that’s why the snatchers were killing those scientists just to know what’s inside that Chamber and of course, to know how to find it.” “If they can find out the Secret Chamber, I reckon there’s a password in it.” Ryle replied. “You’re right, and those snatchers were killing merciless because the scientists don’t want them know.” “Of course you lunatic! The scientists don’t want them to know, ‘coz they don’t know where’s their motive, isn’t it?” “Yeah, I guess so. Whatever that’s hidden inside that Secret Chamber, it’s very valuable. You can’t kill an innocent if that’s not important.” Then a sudden question flash inside Ryle’s mind. “do you reckon that my dad did know about this?” he asked. “I don’t know.” Ethan shook his head. “If he did know about the Secret Chamber, do you think he’ll spill all of that to those snatchers?” “I know Mr. Jordan for years, he’s a good man. He just want everything to be fine. And if he did really know about this, no offense, but I’m sure, he don’t want to get on the wrong hands of what’s hidden inside of the Chamber, he would rather choose to die, than to betray Dr. Madrigal.”


The Secret Of The Scientist A question popped in Ryle’s mind, is his father trying to be a noble? Ryle’s reviewing that one if he mention that to Ethan but he didn’t. No, Ryle thought, his father didn’t know such thing. Ryle nodded, “you’re right. He doesn’t want to be a noble, he just want everything to be fine.”


In the next morning, Ryle and Ethan busied themselves to practice and hoping that they’re going to chose for playing for the upcoming sports fest. Ethan is positive that they would make it up for the choosing. “Besides, the old captain is now graduated, so the tenth grade will need a new cap. for the basketball team. And I’m positive that Johnson will be the new captain and I’ll be able to talk to him to choose us for the team.” Ethan and Ryle’s another friend is Johnson, during their seventh grade, Johnson receives the Rookie Of The Year Award. Johnson is a better player and not a dirty player either. He respects his opponents and Rylee has seen that for years. “Don’t use our friendship just to chose us, you tosspot.” Ryle printed to him. “If we’re going to chose then be it, if not, well, better luck next time.” “It’s okay to you if not chosen because you’re so good in academics, but you know me Ryle. I’m no good at you, this is my only chance to boost up my grades.” Ethan replied. “You’re doing too well in academics, it’s just that, you need focus. Besides, your grade in Math is not that bad.” “Thanks for comforting me Ryle. But really, I need this. This is where do I excel.” Ethan said primly. “Well, if that’s what you think. I’m just right here, I’ll cheer you up.” At the start of Monday, the classes began on English class. Mr. Olivario, the English teacher wants everyone to make a sonnet poem with the Petrarchan Pattern and Ryle and Ethan were amongst the students. “I’ll give you only twenty minutes to finish your poem.” Mr. Olivario spoke as he began to pace around the room. “Remember, use only the Petrarchan Pattern. If anyone use a different pattern, you will eat your own paper.” Ryle saw whole of the class swallowed hard. “Begin.” The class began scrabbling to a piece of paper, taking down notes. The whole room was filled by the noise of the scratch of ball pen to the paper. Ryle also did the same, as obvious, he don’t want to eat his own paper.


The Secret Of The Scientist “Always and Forever” By: Riley John A. Jordan “I love you always and forever” That line sent shiver down to my spine But your feelings cannot be refine For someone you’ve loved, always and forever Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Until Ryle made it up at the end. Twenty minutes passed when Mr. Olivario rang the bell that lying at the top on the front table. Whole class gasped, Ethan gasp the most as he only need two lines to finish his poem. “That’s it, I’m done.” He mumbled. Ten minutes remaining for the next class, and surely, Ethan can’t survive because Mr. Olivario is now reviewing one by one of everyone’s one whole sheet of paper. “If he’s going to make me eat my paper, I’m going to hate him for the rest of my life.” Ethan said in an audible voice, just enough to Ryle to hear. “And what if he’s not?” Ryle fired back. “Well, I’ll play better for today’s choosing and I’ll make sure, this year’s team will be champion.” He accounted. “I don’t think that’s a good reason” Rile replied, grinning. But to Ethan’s luck, Mr. Olivario exempted him because it was just two lines. Ethan’s face seems like the world is rejoicing like he is the hero. “That was close.” He sighed while they’re walking for their next class just before their tryout. The computer lab were as cold as the mall, the cold was grasping Ryle’s entire body. Ethan, that was sitting beside him is hugging himself, seems like he can feel what Ryle can feel. “Remind me next time, I’ll bring my winter coat.” Ryle’s brow furrowed, “where did you get exactly your ‘winter coat’?” Ethan look at him, confuse, “your my best friend, you dimwit! And you didn’t know such thing that every vacation me and my dad were going out to Spain?” “Well, you didn’t tell me that it’s wintering there every time you’re visiting. How should I know?” Ryle fired back. Ethan was taken aback to what his friend had said, “ows? Really? What didn’t I think about that?” Ryle poke Ethan’s head and smiled, “how can you tell me, when you’re busy enjoying yourself.”


The Secret Of The Scientist “Well–” Ethan didn’t finish his thought when their teacher, Ms. Campbell, emerge somewhere. “She’s always like that” Ethan murmured, “do you think she’s some kind of wizard or something? You know, Apparate and Disapparate herself?” Ryle chuckled, “you lunatic! She’s just from there.” Ryle pointed out to their back that lead to the next room that only a door separating them. “Oh!” Ms. Campbell positioned herself to the front to attract their attention, whose busied with their cellphones. “One more day that I caught you using your cellphones, say goodbye in advance because I swear to you that you will meet them after your graduation!” she snapped to the whole class. Headphones, cellphones, suddenly went gone. “One more thing” Ms. Campbell said and started to pacing inside the room, “starting today, I’ll be the one less to talk, and you’ll be more to talk. You know what does that mean, it means, I’ll give you the topic and in one day of preparation, REPORT! Do. You. Understand?” she said with finality. “Yes ma’am.” The whole class said in chorused. “Good” Ms. Campbell said in soft voice, “now, I want you to open your PCs and make me a short essay about the crimes that spreading in our city. Thirty minutes would be enough finish it, and send it to my email.” Ryle and Ethan move their hands and open the MS Word. At first, the thought of writing an essay about this crime, made Rile’s mind agonized in pain. It’s just the same like he’s writing the death of his father and how to conclude, on how to stop this crime, without any lead of police or governments. How can they stop this one if any piece of lead they can’t contain? Now that’s another general idea that Rile needs to include on his essays. Ryle took a deep breath and encode the title: “ENDLESS CRIME”


“‘How can they stop this if any piece of lead they can’t contain?’” Ethan muttered under his breath when computer class is over. Ryle made a face, “huh?” Ethan look at him intently, “really, Ryle? You don’t trust them?” he asked lividly. “Until now, they don’t have a lead–” Ethan cut him mid air. “They’re trying their best–” Ryle break in Ethan’s thought. “Or maybe they’re NOT trying their best!” he spat out.


The Secret Of The Scientist “So you’re not trusting my dad!?” Ethan fired back, fuming mad. It struck Ryle with this, he never thought this would be like this. With a simple question, it drove them into this. Ryle step back. Trying to make a sound, but it feels like his tongue were knot tightly. “He’s trying his best to give justice, not just to your dad, but for everyone!” “I’m sorry–” Ethan shook his head, looking disappointed, “sorry your face.” He said then turn his back on him without glancing on Ryle, Ethan kicked the trash can that resides outside the door and it made the class inside the room distracted. Ryle can’t blame Ethan of what he’d just acted today. Ryle mocked his self inside of his mind, what the hell that question appear inside his mind. And he didn’t even think of what will be his friend reaction, if he’ll be reading his essay. Curse you Ryle! It seems like the word, ‘best friend’ is now over for the two of them. After Ryle’s classes, he went home alone. He was just uncomfortable of walking alone due to Ethan’s absence, that back from the old times, Ethan’s beside him and they’re walking together on going home. They’re stopping in every store they may encounter that made them excited, just like their favorite ice cream shop, and many more food stores. Ryle got home and slump down on his bed. Ryle sighed heavily and suited himself with some home clothes. Now, he didn’t bother himself in grade ten tryout for the sports fest. Besides, Ryle decided that he just want Ethan to give some time for himself to cool down, and he admits that he can’t make it out for the choosing, because Ryle didn’t trained well, aside from that, Ryle is sure that Ethan made it up for being a member of basketball team, it’s his dream though. Ryle just stay on his bed pondering some other things to busied himself, until the six of evening came down. Ryle’s sure that his mom were on the kitchen, cooking their dinner. Ryle compose himself and walk downstairs to look for her mom. Like what had Ryle thought, he’s just half way on the stairs when he smelled something delicious and made his stomach groaned because of hunger. “Hi mom.” Ryle greeted him with a kiss on a cheek. “I bet your favorite eggplant scrambled with egg is still your taste hmm?” she asked, while putting the done eggplant scrambled with egg on a plate. Ryle look his mom with a guilty face, “I love to mom, but I think I’ll have my dinner outside, not far from here, there’s a restaurant, best for dinner, it will improve your appetite.” Her mom chuckled, “don’t excuse yourself Ryle, I know you’ve got a date.” She said . Ryle was taken aback by what his mother had said, “mom!” “Alright, alright!” she raised her two arms to look like she was giving up, “calm down.” Ryle shook his head and said curtly, “I gotta go. Bye.” Ryle sprinted out without kissing his mom’s cheek.


The Secret Of The Scientist The streets were high alive, Christmas lights and Christmas Lanterns were hung on the streetlights that’s blinding on Ryle’s vision. Christmas songs were played in every house that Ryle’s passed by. Some childrens were singing Christmas carols and they were being praised or either rejected of some people and slam the door into childrens faces. Ryle walk and walk and stumbled some people by crossing into pedestrian lane. Snow drifting everywhere, good thing Ryle bring one of his hooded sweater that gave some heat to Rile’s body. A few minutes later, Ryle found what he’s been looking for. A café that’s full of people inside, Ryle admitted that he’s been lying to his mom. He just want to have some hot chocolate dip, because every time Ryle is stressed or something that’s bothering inside his mind, a simple hot chocolate can make himself feel better. Some students that’s attending the night class were stepping in and out to buy some coffee or chocolate. Ryle also seen some of his schoolmates chattering boisterously. Others were having their laptops, having conversation some family relatives, greeting their happy Christmas. Ryle settled himself in the table just beside the wall glass of the restaurant, so that he can see the view outside. He ordered a hot chocolate and sip it slowly to feel the heat that’s running inside Ryle’s stomach. Ryle observed too much of not noticing that some of his schoolmates were watching him. One of the girl with a shoulder length black hair that’s wearing a red scarf spoke, “hi Ryle.” She said, catching Ryle’s attention. Out of the girls imagination, Ryle turned his head towards them, some of them giggled, the comprises at exactly six people. Ryle don’t know what to say, he thought that snobbing them is a show of being rude. So, Ryle gave them his gallant smile. One of those who giggled a while ago, can’t help to squeezed their seatmates arms and giggled more loudly that almost attract the attention of the whole customers. Ryle felt a little embarrassment. “I just want to say a late condolence of what happened to your dad.” The one who spoke a while ago said. “I didn’t get an opportunity to say this during your dad’s burial because you know, you don’t really talk that much.” Ryle shook his head, “no, it’s fine, really and thank you also. It’s a long time ago let’s just forget it” He replied back, Ryle’s composing his face that they can’t see a longing-to-hisfather look on it. She nodded and smiled kindly, “I’m Harriet by the way” she held out her hand and Ryle shook it gracefully, “Ryle” he replied back. As some of the people who saw that Ryle shook Harriet’s hand, they shot a malicious look on her. As Harriet saw their face, she look again to Ryle, “Ahm, Ryle, by the way, this is my friends, Lucia, Rhianna, Rain, Gwen, and Floresca.” The last friend of Harriet named Angela bowed her head, seems like she’s shy. Ryle smiled to them, “nice meeting all of you.” They talked a different topic until Harriet’s group bid their goodbyes. Ryle took a glance on his golden wristwatch (gave it to him by his father). Ryle was shocked when he saw what time is it, it’s ten in the evening and this shop is filled with many customers. He paid his bill and exited himself outside the café. The cold breeze of the evening grasped Ryle’s entire body and it sent shivers down to his spine. R. ESPINO

The Secret Of The Scientist He walk again until he reaches the deserted alleyway. It was only dumped by trash cans and other garbage that made the alley smell gross. Ryle can’t make sure whether this alley has an end, because at the narrowest part of the alley is very dimmed that you can’t see anything. Only the half of the alley shone by the moonlight. Desperate of his choice, whether to just keep walking or to thread this alleyway. In a swift moment, Ryle didn’t know that he’s know threading the dark deserted alleyway. It didn’t occur to Ryle’s mind that majority of the crime is always happening at the dark corridors or dark alleyway, just like what Ryle’s been walking through. He stopped at midway, where the light of the moon shone. It feels like you’re just choosing on where to go, to the dark or to the light? If in dark, it shows loneliness, sorrow or even death. In the light, you can do everything. But the traitor mind of Ryle chose to step onto the dark, Ryle continued to walk until he was devoured by the darkness. Out of Ryle’s imagination, a wind came by and removed Ryle’s hood and revealed Ryle’s head. Ryle admitted that there’s a snow falling by, but the feeling of coldness in his body is not normal anymore. It feels like he’s naked and he was being hugged by a snowman and it made Ryle’s hair stand on the back, including the hair on his arms. He can now sense something’s wrong and something’s coming. Out of nowhere, a sound of shoes or heels? Ryle can’t tell. But due to it’s sound, they’re advancing quickly straight to him. Ryle narrowed his eyes, expecting to see something but the dimness is blinding him. The cluttering of shoes is too close now, not barely six inches. But what Ryle scared the most is that, it’s too many of them now. And another thing happened, a sounding of voices echoed on Ryle’s ears. Whispering. “Givvvvvvveeee iiiiit tooooo usssss.” Spoke the cold voice. Ryle step back. He took another step. Another step. Another one. Until Ryle look his surroundings, it no alleyway anymore. Ryle’s background is now dark. No sign of moonlight, blinding lights of the streets and even the deserted alley. But no matter the dimness, Ryle took another pace, until Ryle decided to run. But where to run? It’s nowhere to go. And then another voice came, this time it’s not whispering anymore. Base on it’s voice, it’s a man. The man talk to Ryle like they’re in normal conversation. He said: “Give it to us young man. Give us what we need. Or you’ll face death.” The man spoke in cold baritone voice. Ryle tried to answer without showing fear on his voice but he can’t do it. The cold air is still grasping his body. “W-what do you w-want?” Rile startled. The cold baritone voice chuckled and it made Ryle’s hair stand proudly. “Simple young man” he said, “the code.” A code? Ryle didn’t know such code. Ever since he’s born here, he didn’t hear any code, except perhaps number during math class. Ryle compose his self and took a breathe and speak. “I didn’t know anything about code.” Seconds had passed when the man spoke, “just give it to us and you’ll make it here alive.” R. ESPINO

The Secret Of The Scientist Again Ryle tried to answer, sounding like he’s confident what he’s going to say, “I swear I didn’t–” Ryle was interrupted by the man. “Give it to me! Or face the consequences!” the man sounded now like he’s angry and losing patience. “Give it to me or face DEATH!” The man shouted the word ‘death’ and Ryle started to feel his legs melt. The word death echoed inside Ryle’s mind and another thing happened. Ryle was being pulled away from the dark and found himself lying flatly in the cold ground of the alleyway. Ryle heard a huge sigh. He can also feel that’s his body were trembling and his breathing were barely to catch. Ryle also felt the cold beads of sweat streaming down to his face. Whoever it is, whoever pulled him in that dark place, Ryle felt thankful for it. Ryle move slowly, trying to compose his self, but it seems like Ryle’s energy were drained and he felt like his soul ripped away from his body, because Rile can’t feel his body, Rile can see his fingers move but he can’t feel it. Then a warm arms supported him to stand, at first, Ryle’s vision went black and blurred, but when his eyes adjusted, he can now see the streets blinding Ryle’s. He look at the one who saved him from death to say thank you but Rile stopped dead. Shock. It was Ethan who saved him. His best friend he think? “You” Ryle began, looking to Ethan with and awe, “save me?” Ethan shrugged and smile, “Yeah.” Then a sudden flash of question appear at Ryle’s mind, “how did you know that I’m here?” he asked him. “I was in your house a while ago to say something rather important and also, to say sorry.” Ethan said, looking at Ryle with an apologizing look, “and then your mom said that you went out to have dinner at your said restaurant. And she’s being worried that you’re still not coming back. And I owe you one, so, I volunteered my self to find you and thread the whole restaurant that I knew but you’re not there, and I’m starting to feel worried also.” “My last resort is to find you in different shops or whatsoever that you might interested in. And I remember something, when you’re upset, you like to drink some hot chocolate. I came to the only café in here and hoping that I can find you now, but the café is closed when I got there. I’m worriedly sick and desperate on how to find you, I was about to call my dad to conduct an search and rescue operation for you. But the operation will only come if that person was lost twenty four hours, and you were lost just three hours ago.” “And my legs deliver me here to the dark and deserted alleyway. I tried to call you but you’re not answering me. I advance my self to see you and the moment I touched you” Ethan’s face began to change into anxiety, “you were cold as ice, your eyes were wide open and your barely not breathing. I thought you were d-dead.” Ethan startled and a cracked voice. “But I was standing here.” Ryle said. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, dead people don’t stand. Then a little confident filled me, sure that you’re might be still alive. I shouted at you but seems like you were petrified. I smack your heart with my fist but you’re not responding, so, I’ve got no choice but to pull you off and R. ESPINO

The Secret Of The Scientist bring to the hospital. And the moment I pulled you, that was the moment you’d started panting, barely catching your breath.” Ryle tap Ethan’s shoulder, “I don’t know how to thank you, but really, I owe to you my life.” Ryle smiled, but suddenly it turned into confusing one, “did you see those people?” Ryle asked. Ethan’s brows furrowed looking back to the dark alley, “what people? We’re just alone there Ryle. There’s no one up there.” Ryle shook his head, “yes, I admit, I didn’t see ‘them’ but there’s voices. Strange and tragic voices.” “We’re just alone there Ryle, no one else is there. You sure you’re fine?” Ethan asked. Ryle nodded, “yeah, I’m fine.” “Come on let’s go home. Night is drifting upon us, I’m sure your mom’s worried about you.” Together, they walked quietly. But Ryle’s mind is in those voices, he’s not going mad, or crazy but something’s odd is happening. Ryle’s sure Ethan did notice what he’d just seen tonight, it’s not a normal happening when you were sick or something. And those ‘codes’ they were looking for him. They want Ryle to give them the codes but Rile didn’t know such thing as ‘codes’. The most substantial part for him is, why him? Why’s happening this to him? Is there got be involved about those unexplained crimes that spreading to the city? After all, he’s not a scientist, his father though.


The Secret Of The Scientist


“So, what’s this ‘important’ thing you’re talking about?” Ryle asked Ethan when they settled themselves inside Rile’s house. “Well, my dad said to me that they found the culprit behind of all of this.” Ethan said, sipping his tea. “And they’re acting weird. Their voices suddenly changing, and the cops has suspicion that he’s taking drugs.” “Their voices suddenly changing?” Ryle asked. “Yeah” Ethan nodded, “and they’re wearing hoods.” “Hooded. Voices were changing.” Ryle muttered under his breath, “but that’s not an ordinary people, I think. By the way, where did the cops arrest this culprit?” “Down in the alleyway, my dad shot him on his legs two times.” Ethan said proudly. The fact that the culprit is now in custody, gave Ryle a feeling of credence and hope. At last, the justice is on their hands. After of so many years, they can now give justice to his father. After Ethan’s some confession about the suspect, it blow away in Ryle’s mind of what happened this night. “Oh! And one thing” Ethan said while throwing some cookies on Ryle’s face.” “Hey!” Ryle protest, “what was that for?” “You owe me one. You didn’t show up in tryouts. I was chosen.” He said. Ryle shrugged, “good for you.”



The Secret Of The Scientist Ryle slept that night having another dream. He’s back at the dark deserted alleyway, again, his whole surroundings were covered with dimness. Ryle advance another step forward until the cold voices whispered again on his ears. It sent shiver down to his pine. “Give it to us” said the cold baritone voice, “or face the consequences.” Sooner, Ryle recognize that this voice is the man who spoke to him at the dark alleyway. Ryle shook his head, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He replied to the cold voice. The cold voice shouted and it echoed inside Ryle’s head. “Give it to us!” Ryle felt that the cold voice is advancing toward him and with a swift motion, the pale long hands were dragging him into the deepest corner of the darkness. Ryle tried to raise his head but it feels like his whole bones were glued. The cold pale hands were dragging him away to the darkness, then not far from them, a silvery light shone the dimness. The silvery white erupted a strong wind that Ryle felt he’s being devour by the portal. Then two of them was sucked by the portal and they move in spiraling motion. In a swift moment, Ryle’s body were slumped on the ground. The pale hand released Ryle’s shirt and he raised his right arm and move it upward and Ryle’s body were now standing stiffly. He look around, this place looks like a Parthenon in Greece. Series of pillars were assisting the rocky roof, the only difference of it, is that, in every pillars, a gargoyle embossed in it. Ryle can see the hideous view outside this temple. Series of mountains, and Rylee can’t say whether the mountains has a tree. It was colored with black, no sun is rising. For Ryle, this is the most sorrowful view he’d ever seen. Then, at the end of the temple, six giant chairs stood. At the center of it, a hooded man sitting on the throne. By the look of him, he’s bowing his head. Ryle tried to look on the man beside him, but the hood of it is larger than it’s head. The man that’s sitting on the center raise his head. Ryle’s expression were unreadable, firstly, he thought that the man’s face is hideous because they’re wearing hoods. The hood is empty, no sign of eyes nor lips. Then, he spoke to the man beside Ryle. “Quis est?” the man spoke in Latin–as Ryle recognized. The man beside Ryle answered, “et filium physicus, teneat signum.” The man that’s sitting on the throne, stood on his seat, like something had interested him, “tum, quod in codice?” The man beside Ryle shook his head and look the man on the throne “dixit autem nesciebant.” Ryle look the two men that’s talking unknowingly. The man that’s on the throne shook his head, then shouted: “occidere eum!”


The Secret Of The Scientist The man stood beside Rile, bowed his head, “curis, sententiis dominus meus.” Then he turned to Ryle and muttered something under his breath, “pectore ruptis dirempta.” Before Ryle could say or shout about what the man’s face made about, Ryle felt his entire body drowned in magma and his heart were in the arms of the most hottest object he’s ever laid in. Ryle scream in agony, and the last view of his dream is that, his body slumped lifeless on the ground. Ryle woke up with a start. He sat bolt upright and barely catching his breath. Panting and exhausted, beads of sweat streaming down to his face. Even he didn’t perform a two hundred meter run, still, he felt drained. He’s being murdered on his dreams! Ryle thought. Ryle glance on his bedside clock, it’s four in the morning, in any minute now, his mother will prepare his foods and other stuff. –××××××××××–

After Ryle’s bathed, he felt strange on his posture when the moment he glanced toward his mirror. He did grow four inches, broad shoulder and muscles defined. What is this? He pondered. I’ve never exercise in my life, or should I say ‘entire life’. His blue eyes, were bluer than before. Ryle shook his head and buttoned his uniform. “So, you’d dream an horrific dream?” Ethan said after Ryle described to him what happened on his dream, “like, scary faces? Big nostrils, like a pig? Red glassy eyes?” Ryle nod his head, “horrible, in short.” “Well, that’s strange isn’t it? Why would be your dream bring you to that strange place? And you said, they’re speaking Latin.” “And worse, I’m dead on my dream.” Ryle snapped. “But–” Ethan said, but interrupted by their math teacher, Mrs. Tierro. “Mr. Leviste, would you tell me please, what is the meaning of coordinate proof?” she asked to Ethan. Ethan stood up and, slowly, he shook his head. “I’m sorry ma’am–” Ethan was interrupted again by someone, by raised her hand. Ethan look at her with an odd expression. “Yes, Ms. Samaniego?” Mrs. Tierro said. “Would you like to say something?” The girl named Ms. Samaniego smiled on Mrs. Tierro, “oh, I mean the meaning of coordinate proof, ma’am.” She printed out. “Oh” Mrs. Tierro said, “go on, Ms. Samaniego.” Samaniego sighed deeply and started, “coordinate proof is a proof that uses figures on a coordinate plane to prove geometric properties.” She ended up with a smile on the face.


The Secret Of The Scientist “Well said Ms. Samaniego.” Mrs. Tierro turned to Ethan, “I bet you’d thank later on Ms. Ellaine Samaniego Mr. Leviste, she saved you from detention.” “How could I know the answer if I’m busy here with you?” he muttered. “That’s not a good reason you lunatic. I’ve read already the whole topic.” Ryle snapped. “Good for you” he mumbled then diverted his attention to the front. “Cafeteria?” Ethan asked when classes were finished. Ryle nodded, “yeah. As I’ve heard you’ve practice today?” Ryle asked while threading the pathway to the cafeteria. “Yeah” he said, “in fact, I’m here.” He gestured his hand to the gym’s entrance. Ryle shrugged, “well, good luck.” Ryle sprinted away and walk towards the cafeteria, the room were filled by students. Some of them were busy finding tables and the rest were talking boisterously. Now, how on earth could Ryle find some seats? His stomach were now aching, longing for French fries and hamburgers. Ryle has no choice but to leave the campus and find some close restaurant nearby. The heat of the sun were striking painfully into Ryle’s skin. He jog and run, until he saw a restaurant not far from him. The inside were visible because of the wall glass. Ryle guess that he’s lucky today, not may people were occupying the tables. “One French fries and two burgers please.” Ryle said to the cashier and find some seats, firstly, he didn’t why it occurred to him or why did his legs bring him into someone’s table. His mind is an idiot! There’s so many empty tables inside but why on earth he’s now sitting with a….. well, a pretty girl–he thinks. She has the curly style at the end of her hair, she tightened it with a ponytail. She has those ultimately blue shivering eyes, perfect brows and attractive lips. All right, she’s perfect! In fact she’s vaguely familiar. Ryle tried to walk away but the girl is now looking at him. So, he guess, he has no choice but to sit on her table. Ryle cleared his throat, “may I?” He asked. The girl made a face with an odd expression, “why?” she asked back, then she look around. “There’s so many seats here, why here?” Okay that’s cold. Get out of the way Ryle, before she stood up and slap hard on your face! “Okay. I just find some seats.” Ryle replied back and turn his back on the girl. But before he could take one step, the girl spoke. “Fine” she said lazily, “you can have here.” “You sure?” Ryle asked back. “Because I can have some seats here.” “Well, if you don’t–” Ryle interrupted her mid way. “Okay!” he said. R. ESPINO

The Secret Of The Scientist The girl smirked unknowingly, but Ryle saw it. He sat opposite on her then began to eat his fries. Every minutes passed, Ryle already felt an awkward feeling without knowing each other, especially that he’s eating with an unknown but beautiful girl he’d ever seen. He take a deep breathe and look at the girl directly at her blue shivering eyes. “So” Ryle began, “what’s your name?” At first, Ryle thought that he’s going to be ignored, and then the girl heaved a sigh then spoke together with her angelic voice, that sent shiver down to Ryle’s spine. “Floresca” she stated clearly, “Floresca Monasterio.” That rings a bell, now he remember, she was also friends with Harriet. Ryle smiled back, “it’s a pleasure to know you, Floresca. In fact, we actually met that night in the café remember?” Floresca narrowed her eyes then smiled, “yeah! You’re–” “Ryle Jordan.” He held out his hand. Floresca shook Ryle’s hand gracefully. Without expecting it to happen, Ryle felt a circuit that flow, starting to his hands, then up to his whole body. Ryle released his hand first, Floresca bowed her head and Ryle saw that she’s blushing. “Sorry about that” Ryle apologized, “that’s rude of me.” Floresca shook his head, “no it’s okay.” She smiled. Then, another several minutes has passed when the two became dormant. None of them didn’t dare to speak. Their heavy breathing and the music of the resto can only be heard. Ryle tried to think what topic they’re going to discuss, but even his mind can’t bear their situation. Angela also seemed to look like she’s uncomfortable. Make a move Ryle! His heart spoke. But how? He asked on his mind. Anything! The heart answered, you’re losing the opportunity!” said the heart. Don’t! The mind fired back, you’ll only make her annoyed. Just spill what you want to spill!” the heart accounted. I want you to shut your mouth Ryle! Snapped the mind. Is this a debate? Ryle asked to the both. “Hey!” Floresca snapped her fingers on Ryle’s face, “you alright?” Ryle hesitated on how to answer her, whether yes or no? But in the end he said….. “Yeah, I’m fine!” he said. “Are you sure? Seems like your mind’s floating.” She smirked. “Yeah, just thinking something.” Ryle snapped back. “You, why you’re so cold to me a while ago?” Floresca smiled, “well, I thought you’re just playing at with me.” Ryle made a curious look, “playing at you?” “Well, the last time when I was here, someone asked me to sit with me….here. Well, of course I let him, then I just found out that it was just a prank.” She said, “you know, just for a


The Secret Of The Scientist fun. ‘look! The cheap girl wants someone to sit with her! Because she’s a loner! Because she’s a loser!” she finished the line whispering, then, she remained quiet again. Ryle sighed then folded his arms on the table, “look, I know we’ve just met a while but the truth is, you’re not a cheap or a loser or whatsoever, in fact…” Ryle look Floresca at her eyes, “you’re beautiful.” It seems like it gave Floresca a boost of her self because she smiled, looking more confident. “Really?” she asked enthusiastically. Ryle smiled and said; “yeah.” “Well, it’s my first time to hear it again, that someone said to me that I’m beautiful.” “First time to hear again?” Ryle questioned her. “Yeah, when my dad is alive, he used to say to me that I’m beautiful, that I really look like my mother.” She answered, “then when he’s gone, everything went black to me. My aunt and her daughter adopted me, then treated me like nothing in this world.” Ryle was shocked when he heard her sniffed. His insides began to panic. “Oh I’m sorry Floresca. I didn’t mean to–” She shook her head then smirked, “no it’s fine. Haha.” Ryle realized that they’re the same situation on their lives. Ryle understand that she’s hurt, especially that she’s not treated well on her aunt’s house. “I understand what you’re feeling about your dad, that’s also my feelings when the day I knew that my father was gone. The day when he left us. And the day that I realize that he’s not coming back.” Ryle said. “So, we’re the same.” Ryle nodded then took a bite on his burger. Floresca look at her with an odd expression, Ryle seems to notice that. “What?” Ryle asked, his brow furrowed. “Nothing” then she giggled, another circuit flows inside Ryle’s body, “I just realize that, how gormandizer you are.” Okay, that hits Ryle on the eyes. Ryle made a face, grimacing at her. “I’m sorry!” she smiled, tears were now streaming on her face. “Ryle Jordan is a pig!” Ryle grimaced more. “no matter” he mumbled, “I must prefer that I’m a pig, than looks like a skeletal model.” Then, with that words, Floresca stopped giggling around. In fact, she grimaced on Ryle. “Oh, did I offended you?” Ryle asked playfully. “I’m just kidding.” She snapped back. “in fact, you look like a god.”


The Secret Of The Scientist “Yeah, and what makes me look like a god?” She shrugged, “well, muscular, like broad shoulder, then blue attractive eyes.” “Is that is?” Ryle interrogate. Floresca admits that Ryle really look like a god, ‘coz with one glance on Ryle’s alluring blue eyes, you’ll fall instantly. She nodded, “yeah.” Then the two back again on square, they remain quiet until Ryle glance on his wrist watch. It’s nine forty five, and it’s five minutes left and his science class will end. Okay, I think we talked too much, Ryle thought. He look at Floresca whose busy now on her remaining juice. “Uhm” Ryle said to attract her attention, and basically she look at him, “I need to go, ICT class will come. You have class to attend to, I believe?” Floresca seemed so shock, then she look in her watch. “Oh god!” she panicked, “it’s my math class! I’m doomed.” “Would you like to come?” Ryle asked. “Sure!” Then the two sprinted away on the restaurant. They jog and sometimes they walk. Ryle is now full of sweat, plus, the heat is hitting painfully on his skin, just like when he’s on the way on the resto a while ago. Floresca looks like she’s exhausted. She can barely catch her breathe. “Hey, you alright?” Ryle stopped then tap her on her shoulder. “I can’t run anymore. My body can’t manage too much exhaustion.” She said, while catching her breathe. Ryle, bent his body low, “okay, hop in.” he said. Floresca seems so shock, “what? Are you crazy? The school is still out of sight, and you’re going to carry me?” “Are you underestimating my strength madam?” Ryle asked, still, lowering his body, “besides you’re the one who said that I look like a god, then, let me prove it to you. Hop in!” Floresca has no choice but to get carry by Ryle, besides, she’s catching her math class. Then, with a swift motion, she put her two arms on Ryle’s neck. Ryle catch Floresca’s two legs then Ryle jogged. Every time, Ryle’s jogging, the more the face of Floresca getting nearer on Ryle’s face. With that, she can smell Ryle’s manly scent. Oh god, she pondered. Then, minutes of jogging, they’re now in schools gate. “Thank you Ryle. You really are a god.” Floresca thanked him then sprinted inside the school’s premises.


The Secret Of The Scientist “Nice move Ryle!” Ethan shouted at Ryle’s back. Ethan descended to Ryle then tap him on the back. “You’d just met Floresca Monasterio, fantastic! The school’s genius.” Ryle was shocked of Ethan’s short revelation. He didn’t know that Floresca is a school’s genius. All he know is that, she’s just simple girl he met just a while ago. “I didn’t know.” Ryle said then dashed away toward the ICT room. Ethan is catching up behind him. When the time they reach their room, they sat idly and waited for Ms. Campbell to show up. Some of their classmates were now lowering their phones and turned their head at the front. “Before we begin, I would like to make an announcement!” Ms. Campbell said, “our school’s 49th foundation day is about to come.” Some of Ryle’s classmates face is filled with curiosity and Ms. Campbell seemed to notice this, “tell me, did your advisers said this to you?” she asked to the crowd. Ryle’s classmates shook their heads. “no ma’am.” “No matter, as I’m saying, our school’s 49th foundation day is about to come and we have some prepared activities for all of you.” The whole class whispered, maybe thinking on what activities they might interested in. “one of them is of course, the street dancing, to be perform during our parade. Secondly, we decided that every year level has to make a booth. Thirdly, the most anticipation and most awaited of them all, the night of extravaganza! The Search for Mr. and Ms. St. Benedict High School!” Ms. Campbell clapped boisterously and so the whole class did. “The signup for the activities will be distributed by your advisers, except perhaps on search for Mr. and Ms. because your advisers will be the one to choose the candidates. Have fun everyone!” she said then turn her back to class as the bell rang and everyone sprang to their feet to shuffled to the door’s entrance and talking noisily what activities they’ll going to signup for. “What do you prefer to?” Ethan asked while walking in the street. Ryle turn his head toward him. “What do you mean?” he asked. Ethan shrugged, “I mean, what activities shall you signup for?” Ryle already thought about it a while ago. Street dance is not bad at all, although, Ryle needs to face a gay-ish dance moves and others. And the thought of seeing Ryle’s dancing with that moves gave shiver down to his spine. His second option is that, signing up for proposing a booth to the front of SSG (Supreme Student Government) members. But what kind of booth he wants to proposed? Or maybe, he’s just going to sign up for helping the others booth! That’s it! Still, it’ll give some points to his performance in school. “Well, maybe signing up for helping the others booth?” he replied back. “That sounds fun.” Said Ethan. They remained quiet for the rest of minutes then bid their goodbyes and got separated.


The Secret Of The Scientist “Honey!” Mrs. Leviste said when the moment she saw Ryle enter the kitchen, “how’s school?” Ryle watch her prepared the dinner while drinking his glass of water. “Fine.” He said plainly. She stop then turn toward him, “that’s it?” “What do you want to know?” asked Ryle. “Well–” she stop then examined Ryle, “you grow about an inch. And–” she touch Ryle’s shoulder, “are you in gym?” “What? Mom no!” he said menacingly. “I thought you were. Well, enough about that, you go straight in your room then change your clothes, your dinner is getting cold.” Ryle obeyed then change his clothes, walk downstairs then finished eating his foods. By the time he’s finished, Ryle strolled away from the kitchen then head towards his room. It’s boring, Ryle pondered. Ryle just thanked himself because he left an unfinished homework to be check tomorrow. When he’s done, he cleaned his desk neatly then slump to his bed. He summarized everything that happened today then thankfully, Ryle drifted to sleep. He dreamed another one, this time it’s a clean slate. The walls were cemented and painted with an all white color. The atmosphere were cold, sending a shiver down to his spine. He paced forward then touch the cold wall. Then with a surprise, a door automatically appeared. Beside the door, a looking ATM machine emerged. Then a lady spoke from nowhere. “Please enter the code.” She said with a swift voice. Ryle walk towards it then enter the code. It says, 7-9-12-2-5-18-20. Then, with a swift motion, the door swung open. Inside of it, is another plain room with an all white color. But this one is just a size of Ryle’s bedroom with a series of decks that pinned on the wall, covering the entire room. Each deck has a sliding mirror in order to access it, and inside of it are vials that stocked together which contains a colored liquid blue. Aside from that, at the center of the room, catch Ryle’s attention. A long vial–different from the others–flying midair without support. He walk towards it then held out his hand to touch the vial. When his fingers were an inch to the vial, the whole room vanished, replaced by the dimness. The room were nowhere to be seen, the vials were also gone. Ryle look everywhere, but only darkness occupied his eyes. The cold wind grasping Ryle’s entire body. Out of nowhere that cold baritone voice speak again. “Give it to us!” said the cold voice. Ryle remained standing stiffly on the invisible ground. Then another thing happened, Ryle’s body flew mid air then he felt a pang of pain that flows inside his body. A pale hand emerge from the darkness then spread his palm and pointed it to Ryle’s body. The coldness traveled inside his body, then, Ryle saw an horrific scene, visible to his naked eye, he saw his


The Secret Of The Scientist soul ripped apart from his body, screaming. Ryle’s body dropped to the invisible floor then he move no more. Then with a swift motion, Ryle sat bolt upright to his bed then catching his breathe. Cold beads of sweat were pouring down to his face. How many times he’s going to die on his dream? Or being tortured? What’s that supposed to mean? Ryle thought. This dream is going to be the reason that someday, he’ll going crazy.


“Stupid dimwit.” Grunt Ethan while swooping down his phone upward and downward. “What is it?” asked Ryle while encoding his last phrase of essay during ICT class. “You seems so bothered there.” Ethan sighed, “how can I bother if I’m trying my best here to not get caught by Ms. Campbell? Well, aside from that, this stupid scientist named, Manuel Miñeza, denying that the cause of death of Dr. Orlando is the one whose behind the crime.” “Who’s Manuel Miñeza, by the way?” Ryle asked, sending his documents to Ms. Campbell’s email.


The Secret Of The Scientist “Oh it’s just a stupid bald man with his 50s I guess?” Ethan shrugged, “going to replace Dr. Orlando as the head of Science Laboratory.” Ryle shut down his PC, then diverted his attention to Ethan, “is this crimes not enough to scared them away? I mean, whose sensible person’s going to take the job, especially the culprits were targeting the laboratory? Especially that the crime is airing in the world?” “You can’t blame the old bloke Ryle, let’s just say, he has the guts.” Ethan replied. “By the way, let me see yours.” Ethan shifted his gaze to Ryle’s all black screen now. Ryle shrugged then smirked, “sorry didn’t know.” After Ryle’s last class, he strolled towards the bulletin board hanging on the walls of corridors to sign up for the activity. Before he could lay a hand on the signup paper, someone just appear beside him. Without glancing beside him, he already knew who it is, the circuit that flows inside him, is a symbol that Floresca’s beside him. She seemed to notice that Ryle’s also beside her, “oh!” said Floresca, a little bit of surprise, “you’re here!” Ryle shrugged then smile, “yeah, I guess so?” They both laughed. “So, signing up?” asked Floresca. “Yeah” answered Ryle. “Actually, I’m going to sign up for the assisting of booths.” “Oh! So, you’re going to help?” “Yeah.” “You don’t want to develop your own booth?” she asked. “Er, no. Haha” Ryle smile awkwardly. “No idea what kind of booth I’ll propound.” “Well, me and my friends, remember Harriet? The girl who introduced us to you?” Floresca asked. “Yeah.” “We’re thinking about proposing a photo booth.” Ryle smiled, “that’s great!” She smiled back then put back her pen inside her bag, “thanks! See you around.” She wave then smiled upon Ryle, and sprinted away. Sweet, he thought then parted himself to the crowding corridor as the classes is getting over. As Ryle is in their doorstep, he caught a man’s voice speaking to his mother, but only at the end of the phrase he heard.


The Secret Of The Scientist “….he has the right to know.” Said the man’s voice. Then, Ryle back away as he sense that the man is moving toward the door. The door swung open then revealed a man’s pointed face plus his pointed black beard. His silvery eyes caught stared at Ryle. Ryle thought, the man’s going to ignored him due to it’s odd expression, but out of Ryle’s imagination, the man smiled astonishingly at him, revealing it’s white teeth. “You must be Ryle Jordan, I presume?” he held out his long pale hands. As Ryle shook his hands, the cold pale hands sent shiver down to his spine. Ryle’s insides began to react, Ryle don’t understand why, but he got those feeling that this man, smiling towards him, is not a quiet person, though. “Yeah.” Replied Ryle. The man nodded, “I’m Rey Cordeza, your father’s old friend.” Ryle’s taken aback by that, he didn’t know his father got an old friend. “Oh, my father didn’t mention you to me.” Mr. Cordeza narrowed his eyes, “such a shame of him” at that kind of words, Ryle wanted to punch Rey Cordeza. Great! Now he lose some respect inside of him, Ryle’s just wish that he can’t lose respect outside of him. “Your father was a great man, I wonder why he didn’t mention me to you?” That’s a nice question bloke! Maybe he didn’t because he thought you’re a bad person for me. He clicked his tongue then spoke again, “well, I must be off. Good to see you Ryle.” He sprinted away. Ryle followed him with his eyes until the man turned away and nowhere to be seen. “Who’s that bloke anyway?” Ryle asked as dinner came. Mrs. Jordan stopped dead, she gulped a water then turn her attention to Ryle, “you’d met him?” asked Mrs. Jordan. “Yeah” answered Ryle, “so, who’s that man?” he asked again. “That’s Mr. Rey Cordeza, you father’s old friend.” Said Mrs. Jordan, “he’s working at Science laboratory, together with your father when he’s still alive.” “Why’d he showed up?” asked Ryle. “Uhm, he’s just sending his regards and also, to know that we’re still fine.” She answered without looking at Ryle. Then a flash of sudden memory appeared to Ryle’s mind. “Mom, do I have something a right to know?” asked Ryle without taking off his eyes on her. Curiosity filled Ryle as what he heard to Mr. Cordeza a while ago. “W-what do you mean?” she startled, trying to compose herself. R. ESPINO

The Secret Of The Scientist “Uhm, no. Nothing mom” said Ryle while shaking his head. Mrs. Jordan didn’t bother to answer anymore, but she look pale and aghast. That night, they finished their dinner quietly, parted on the kitchen then walk towards their room.


Foundation day is fast approaching. Teachers, students and other clubs were busy for the activity. Ethan is desperate for not having classes due to their very conflicting schedule of practicing basketball. Ethan admit that, he don’t want to miss one topic, or else, at the end of the term, his paper will be blank. But he also said to Ryle, that basketball is his most priority this year. Idiot, Ryle thought. “Ohhh, I assume this week have no classes already.” Said Ethan while scribbling and solving math problems on scratch paper. “You think?” “Don’t know” Ryle mumbled upon his breathe without looking at him. Minutes passed, when they submit their paper at the front then Mrs. Tierro bid her goodbye and said good luck for Miro Ty and Lara Herrera (the two contestant for the search of Mr. and Ms. St Benedict High School). “As I’d heard, you helped Ms. Montenegro of their photo booth?” asked Ethan, packing his things. “What’s the big deal?” asked Ryle. Ethan smirked then shook his head, “nothing. I just find it, you two are compatible with each–” “Shut up!” interjected Ryle, grimacing at him. “There’s nothing going on between us.” Ethan brows furrowed, “why so defensive?” “Oh” said Ryle, “is it because you’re thinking too far.” “Alright! Calm down. I just find it interesting.” “And what makes it interesting?” asked Ryle. “Simple. Maybe you’re going to admit that you developed some strange feelings on her. Or admit that you two were now together, but it gave me an idea that, it’s too fast right? Or maybe…. The start of the ANGLE love team?” Ryle’s forehead wrinkled, “Angle love team?”


The Secret Of The Scientist “Yeah! You know, Angela and Ryle love team?” Yeah, that sounds pretty good….no Ryle! What were you thinking? “You shut up now, lunatic!” Ryle thwarted. “If you say so.” He said then continue to walk in their next class. Gladly, Ms. Campbell is not present. This event bring the whole class to party inside the computer laboratory, enjoying their earphones and cellphones, or else, connecting to the school’s Wi-Fi. “Do you reckon that bloke, Miro Ty is going to win on Search for Mr. and Ms. St. Benedict High School?” asked Ethan. “Let’s not talk about that.” Said Ryle. He’s annoyed to Ethan for opening that kind of topic again, he said he’s more better than Miro and more handsome compared to him. “I thought you don’t want anymore classes due to your conflicting schedule?” said Ryle. “Yeah, I said that.” Ethan replied, “but if I’m going to–” “Hey, would you like to borrow my earphone?” Ryle asked him, changing the topic. He knew that Ethan likes to banging his head with an earphone, he’s a nutter. “Yeah of course!” he snatched the earphone away from Ryle’s phone harassingly. The whole room were only filled by the sound of aircon, releasing a cold atmosphere inside the room. But moment had passed when Ryle seemed to notice that the whole room feels like it was collided by an iceberg then froze the entire classroom. He’s now trembling, the cold atmosphere sent shiver down to his spine and Ryle felt that all of his hair on his body stand. He look around, but it seems like they’re fine. Ethan is closing his eyes, feeling the melody on his ears. Then a moment later, he felt his intestines were tied on tight knot. Then, Ryle’s most feared is the cold voice spoke again. “Give it to us.” Said the voice. Ryle remained seated on his seat, frozen. Then, the whole room vanished, replaced by the same place on his dream. A wide platform, with a series of pillars embossed by a gargoyle in it. At the center of the temple, there stood an enormous face that once delivered Ryle in here, the one who killed Ryle on his dream. Beside of an enormous face, a man kneeled on the ground, with a dirty white robe that looks like a robe of a scientist. Then, at the end of the temple, at the darkest part of it, six chairs stood. At Ryle’s previous dream, there was only one man sitting on the center chair that looks like a throne. But this time, the six chairs were occupied by six people also. At the center man, he’s the only difference among them, wearing a black robe and without a face, the other members were look like a normal humans. All of them has a long black hair, red eyes, pale face, then a red roses lips. They’re not wearing a hood, just simply staring blankly on the man kneeled on the ground.


The Secret Of The Scientist They seemed did not notice that Ryle’s one of them. And this man, is vaguely familiar to Ryle, he just don’t get the idea who he is. Minutes passed when the center man spoke. “Well, where is it?” he said. The man with the white robe trembled, “please, I beg you.” Ryle stood on the ground, stiffened. Now he know who this is. Mr. Cordeza. But how on earth he’s here? “I ask you one more time Dr. Cordeza.” The center man spoke again. “Where is the serum?” Dr. Cordeza look up for the first time, “s-serum?” “Yes! Where is it?” “S-stolen.” Dr. Cordeza replied. The center man stood up, it looks like the black robe is floating mid air. “who stole it?” Dr. Cordeza now trembling with fear then he beg, “please, let me live.” “I’ll let you live if you’ll tell us the truth.” “Stolen by the Jordans, the boy–” “Whose the boy?!” bellowed by the center man. “R-Ryle” at the sight of Ryle’s name, Ryle also began to panic, cold blood rushed inside him. Ryle’s sure that he looks paler than the other members. “Ryle Jordan. It’s in the boy’s blood, the serum. Please.” Dr. Cordeza plead again. “Did he know about it?” the center man said. Dr. Cordeza shook his head, “no, I’m sure he didn’t. Please I beg you, let me live.” The center man gaze upon his members, “find the boy” he said to them “track his insides. I need that serum.” At the right of the man, he spoke in an audible voice, “master, the scientist told you that the serum is his blood, but how can you get the serum?” “If the serum mixed the blood of the boy I have no choice but to transfer the boy’s blood on mine, it’s the only way for me to rule again!” said the center man. “Except perhaps, if the boy knew where’s the Secret Chamber is.” As the word ‘Secret Chamber’ is mention, it gave Ryle to gasped. It’s on his dream. The man who spoke to their master a while ago spoke again, “but master, the scientist clearly said that he’s a Jordan, not a Madrigal. I reckon that Dr. Madrigal is the only one who knows about the Chamber.”


The Secret Of The Scientist Ryle heard that the center man spoke at the very calm voice, “that’s what I’m thinking of. How did that serum got on the hand by a simply innocent boy?” the master said, “I need that boy Jaro! Alive! I need to know why the serum is on his blood!” “Aye my master! Soon, you’ll rule again. And those people, will face your wrath. And the Flagrare Destruere, will rise upon your rule, and together, your forces will bring this world back to where it does belong– to the dark ages.” The master laughed, “Off you go Jaro! Complete your mission and promises! Bring back your brother!” With a snapped, Ryle heard the scream of Dr. Cordeza and everything went black and cold. Ryle woke up, he’s lying on a white sheet, as he look around the whole room is filled with white walls. Ryle pondered whether it’s a part of his dream, but no. This room is the school’s infirmary room. Ethan heaved a sigh when he saw that Ryle’s awake. “What happened to me?” asked Ryle. “You passed out man” replied Ethan. Ryle look at his side and there’s a girl, reading her textbook quietly. He gestured his head towards the girl, Ethan seems not surprise, instead he smiled. “Oh, that’s Ellaine Samaniego. You know her Ryle, she’s the one who save me from detention.” Said Ethan. “Why she’s here?” Ryle whispered, careful not to be heard by Ellaine. But, before Ethan could answer Ellaine dropped her book on her lap then turn to face Ryle. “You’re awake.” She said. Ethan snort, “is it bad not to?” She rolled her eyes to him, “shut up.” Ethan went silent for the rest of the minutes until Ellaine spoke again. “You’re seeing things aren’t you?” she asked. Ryle turned to her, looking suspiciously, “what do you mean?” “Don’t pretend that you aren’t, because I know.” Said Ellaine. “Horrible things isn’t it? Killing you in your dreams?” Firstly, Ryle don’t understand how Ellaine know what’s happening on his dreams. Secondly, he don’t know how to trust her, besides, it’s just their first talk and meet, so, who knows if her intention is good isn’t it? “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Replied Ryle, turning his gaze to nowhere to avoid Ellaine’s eyes.


The Secret Of The Scientist She sighed then stood from his seat “fine. I just want to tell you one thing Ryle” she look around then stop her eyes to Ethan, “don’t trust too much. Especially that Flagrare Destruere is attempting to rise. Especially their armies were airing around the world, they’re just here, waiting to attack, especially you.” Then she stormed away, leaving Ryle and Ethan look aghast. Ryle’s mind was storming with ideas but he can’t catch what’s Ellaine true motive or intention to him. What Ellaine said back there is not a threat, it’s a warning. Another idea made Ryle’s mind fuzzy and drunk, what does ‘Flagrare Destruere’ means? Then, Ryle’s heart thumped faster, Flagrare Destruere….Flagrare Destruere….Flagrare Destruere. That word was mention on his dream, it was mention by the master’s brother, Jaro. It was some kind of ally or army? Ryle thought. Then, all of his dreams came flashing back, he remembered as Jaro spoke to his brother. If their master is risen, the Flagrare Destruere will rise also, and the Dark Age will ascend and bring chaos to the world. At the end of the class, Ryle was dismissed by the school nurse then head to the second story of the grade ten building to get his things. The school’s sound system is echoing inside the school’s premises, flag lets can be seen to the gate up to the school’s gymnasium. The school’s foundation day can be feel, Ryle’s inside filled by excitement but it dissolve when he sees Ellaine sitting on his chair stiffly. “We need to talk.” She said then throw Ryle’s bag on him, “no buts, follow me.” Ryle didn’t get the opportunity to asked on her because she’s walking too fast and Ryle needs to run to catch on her. They reach a some kind of resto, small room but the ambiance is great. They seated on the very edge of the table where no one else can hear their whatsoever have to talk about. “Tell me about your dream” she started, looking intently on him, “everything you remember.” Ryle shrugged, “it’s a bit too long.” “I don’t care how long it is.” Said Ellaine. Ryle heave a deep sigh then started to narrate everything he remember, starting from the very first he heard the voices in the dark alleyway up to the last dream, which happened just today. Ellaine’s looking confuse. “So you didn’t know?” she asked. Ryle’s brow furrowed, “what do you mean?” “Know yourself Ryle.” “I know my self Ellaine, I’m the son of deceased scientist and a housewife whose longing for his husband.” “That’s my point!” Ellaine printed out, “do you really think you’re the son of scientist and a housewife? Do you really know your self Ryle Jordan?”


The Secret Of The Scientist “What are you talking about?” asked Ryle, loosing his patience, “who are you to know too much about me? Who are you to talk about my family?” “I don’t know how to say this to you, but you’re in grave danger Ryle.” Said Ellaine. “W-what do you mean?” Ryle startled, “danger? Me?” Ellaine just nodded. “Is this a joke?” Ryle asked again. “No! You don’t understand–” “Then enlighten me!” Ryle interjected. “Why is this happening to me? How did you know about my dreams?” She made a deep breathe, “first things first Ryle, you’re not normal. Yes, you may look like normal in the outside but in the inside you’re not. Do you notice sometimes there’s changes in your self?” “Yeah, my body was broadening and my mind was sharper than before.” Said Ryle, “what about my dream? How can I not be normal?” “Secondly, I’m like you, I’m not normal also. I know about your dreams because I experienced that too. And thirdly, there’s something in your body they need to take.” Ryle see this coming, it appears in his dreams that Jaro’s brother–which they called him as master–needs something inside Ryle’s body. “A serum isn’t it?” asked Ryle. “Y-yes” Ellaine startled, “as you said a while ago, in your dreams, Jaro’s brother said to them that they have to find you to bring his body back then to rule again on the world. You need to be careful Ryle, I bet they’re on the move now.” “One more thing” said Ryle, “why is that serum came inside me? Who injected it to me?” “That’s one of another thing that’s bugging in my mind. You said that you’re a Jordan, you’re father works for the Science lab.” Ryle nodded. “Don’t you think your father knows about the Secret Chamber?” asked Ellaine. “I don’t know.” Said Ryle, shaking his head. “I’m not sure I have a right to tell this to you but, ask your mother Ryle” said Ellaine, “I know this is hard for you but your life depends on the truth. If the truth will come out, then it would be easier for us to plan the rest. All you need to do is to know who you really are.”


The Secret Of The Scientist Ryle walk from the resto up to their house with a clouded mind. Is this really happening? Or is this just a dream? Ryle don’t know what to do if he’s not the true son of his parents, after all this years, he believe as the son of the Jordans, but what if it’s not? What place he have to live for himself? Who is his true parents? Are they dead? “What kind of face is that?” asked Ryle’s mother when dinner’s come. “You didn’t like my cook? I can cook another–” “Am I your true son?” Ryle interjected, looking his mother straight on the eyes, “please, answer me truthfully.” Mrs. Jordan stopped dead, there’s a verge of tears on her eyes. “R-Ryle–” “Please, tell me the truth.” Said Ryle. Mrs. Jordan clap her hands on her mouth then tears starting to pour down to her face, “first, I know that someday you’ll know soon about your true identity. Everyday, I’m trying my best to raise you as normal. But then, as what they said, truth will always come out. Everyday, I’m winding my mind just to throw away that saying. I thought everything’s fine, because you look normal, you act normal just like the others. But that day I notice you grow so fast, I’m starting to worry, and I’m sure you noticed that too.” She paused for a moment to take a breathe then she continue, “when Mr. Cordeza went here, he’s not just regarding us but to remind me about the truth of you. But I just can’t tell you all of this, I need to wait for the best time.” “And now is the best time.” Said Ryle. “You want the truth?” Ryle nodded, “am I your true son?” Another tears stream down to her face, then out of Ryle’s imagination, she shook her head. Ryle felt the world went black, his surroundings went cold, cold blood rushed to his whole body. “I’m sorry I hid everything to you” said Mrs. Jordan, “you’re a good–” “Just get to the point” Ryle interrupted. “I’m not your mother, and I’m not married to anyone.” She said that made Ryle look on her on the face, “John is my boyfriend, that night he gave me to you, he said we’ll treat you like a son, I can’t reject you because I love him, and every time you’re in my hands, I’m starting to love you too. I’m not a Jordan either, nor John. My true name is Freya Millentes, and John’s true surname is…” she hesitated first but at the end she spilled out, “Madrigal.” Ryle’s heart skip a beat. Madrigal? He’s Madrigal? He remembered his dream again, Jaro said to his brother that Ryle’s a Jordan not a Madrigal. Then, everything came back like he’s running ten times back from the past. Dr. Gilbert Madrigal is the one who built the Secret


The Secret Of The Scientist Chamber. A rumor spread to the city that he invented something that succeeded, is this the serum? She continue again, “John and Dr. Gilbert Madrigal were brothers.” Ryle’s heart thumped in triumph, it explains everything, all of his dreams. “Did you know about the serum?” he asked. She nodded, “yes, John injected it to you when you were just four years old. He said the serum contains an extraordinary abilities. If your blood can’t carry the serum, it will lead you to death, but according to John, Dr. Madrigal had already tried it to himself then he succeeded. John believes that his brother’s blood is in your veins. I think your blood has succeeded, but only it reacted late, you’re starting to develop a broad body at the age of fifteen. And I don’t know what’s that serum will lead you. John said it’ll bring intelligence, and many more. And my thought is not, it’s not just intelligence, there’s something in it.” She’s right, Jaro and other members is now on the move, finding him and tracking his insides. The serum that runs on his blood can be tracked by them.


After that revelation of Mrs. Jordan (or should we call her now as Freya). Ryle don’t have a guts on how to start a conversation on her, even to stare on her for a long time or even to take a short glimpse on her. They remain silent until Ryle finished his breakfast and thread towards the school.


The Secret Of The Scientist “So it’s true then?” asked Ellaine when they’re in school’s cafeteria, “you’re really are a Madrigal. Not just Madrigal I say, but the son of Dr. Gilbert Madrigal, the famous scientist of all time.” Ryle nodded absentmindedly while sipping his juice. “What about your mother? Is she alright?” asked Ellaine. Ryle nodded, not wanting to have a conversation especially about his mother. Not now that he’s recovering and starting to accept the truth. “Hey, could you please tell me about the so called, Flagrare Destruere?” asked Ryle. “Yes of course!” said Ellaine, “the Flagrare Destruere or commonly called as The Black Doomer or Destroyer. The Black Doomer is some kind of ally of Yfel–” “Yfel?” Ryle interpose. Ellaine nodded, “Yfel is the master of all in the World of Doom. They follows every Yfel’s command on them. During the time of B. C, Yfel’s allies conquering half of the Hidden World–” “Hidden World?” Rye chime in. “Could you please stop interrupting me?” said Ellaine, irritatingly. “Sorry, continue.” “The Hidden World will only be found in the Book of Lathea. A magical book that used to arrive in the Hidden World. There were at least three Hidden World in the book, the land of Lathea, Eliseo and the World of Doom.” Said Ellaine. “During Yfel’s time, he succeeded to conquered the land of Eliseo, from where the normal people lives. He made all of them as slaves.” “In the land of Lathea is where the gifted people lives. The forces of Yfel is not enough for the forces of the Latheans. They set a trap, they fought Yfel them put him into an end. Yfel’s brother, Jaro and other Yfel’s allies recruited then promised to the people of Lathea that they’ll going to return then vanquished all of them.” “But then again, Jaro heard something special in the outside world, something that was invented by a scientist and something that will put Yfel into power again. The augury heard about this, then hid the book somewhere else that no one can ever find it and never to open the portal to the outside world.” “So, it explains everything” said Ryle. “The serum is the only thing that will put Yfel on power again.” Ellaine nodded, “yes, like what you said, Dr. Madrigal gave the serum to his brother after he passed away. But the thing is, why did Dr. Madrigal gave that serum and said to inject it to


The Secret Of The Scientist you? Did he know about the crime? Did he knew in the first place that those snatchers are after those serum?” “I don’t know.” Ryle simply answered. Besides, he didn’t know his father’s true identity and it’s history. And what about his mother? Where’d she go? Is she still alive? “Hi guys!” Ethan came in, “talking without me? Is it important? Share.” Ryle hesitated first and he look to Ellaine for assistant if it’s okay to tell him. Ellaine jerked her head like, well if you trust him. Then, Ryle began to recount up to Freya’s revelation down to where Ellaine and him ended up just a while ago. Ethan look aghast after Ryle told him the truth, especially the part that Ryle’s a true son of the greatest scientist of all time. “So, are you planning to change your name?” asked Ethan. Ryle shrugged, “don’t know.” Ellaine cleared her throat, “for me, it’s better not to change your name first. For your own protection Ryle.” Ryle agreed and Ethan also nodded. Ryle finish the day with Ellaine and Ethan on his side. They also help him assist to Floresca’s booth. It gave Ryle and her to have much time with each other, especially their laugh. While, Ellaine and Ethan looking at each other like some kind of enemy. Ryle wonder whether this two has a chemistry. Ellaine, Ethan and Ryle walk beside the road when classes is over. They remain quiet until Ryle asked her. “How exactly did you know about all of this?” asked Ryle. “Well, like what I said back from the resto, I’m not normal like you. I also experienced that kind of vision.” She said, “well, aside from that, my father is Lathean.” She whispered the last word and made Ryle’s eyes big in shock. “What!?” said Ryle, dumbfounded, “you’re Lathean?” She nodded, “my father is Lathean and my mother is pure human. She died when I was three, then my father was a wreck when that happened then he returned to his true world, leaving me here with my aunt.” Said Ellaine. “Then, one day, he returned with a warning. Jaro is aftering Dr. Madrigal’s invention. At first I didn’t understand what he’s trying to say, but he taught me how to fight and defend my self.” “And I have that vision, I can see through human body, read his mind, emotions, everything.” “What?” asked Ryle. The thought that Ellaine’s seeing and reading his mind is awkward. “Don’t worry I can’t see you. I wonder why?” she said.


The Secret Of The Scientist “Good” Ryle breathe. “But this bloke here” she jerk her head towards Ethan whose busy eating his burger. “I can see him.” Ryle laugh hysterically. “So tell me? What do you see?” She grimaced at him. “Isn’t it obvious?” she laugh. “In short…..gross.” Ryle laugh again. Ethan seemed to notice what the two laughing at. “What happened to you two?” “Nothing.” Ryle and Ellaine chorused, but continue laughing. Days passed when the school’s 49th foundation day has come. Every students were wearing their P.E uniform that blend the school’s color which is dark blue. Parade had started at eight thirty down in the highway. Ryle’s senses detect something odd that’s happening surround him. The effect of the serum made Ryle to feel strange sometimes. Then out of Ryle’s imagination, his eyes saw at the top of the building a hooded man standing at the edge of it. Ryle look around, seems like no one notice the man that’s standing at the edge of the building. Ryle blinked and look to see the man again but he’s not there anymore. “You saw it?” Ellaine asked as they settled inside the school’s gymnasium. Ryle nodded. “But how come others can’t see him?” “Maybe they’re invisible to others.” Said Ryle, shrugging. “After all, the one whose aftering them is me.”


The Secret Of The Scientist


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