The Rock - Foundation Academy - June 08

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  • Pages: 2

Calendar of Events


June 2008 June 9th Summer School Begins


Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 2:00PM


(904) 241-3515 SACS CASI Accreditation


June 2008 NIPSA Accreditation

July 10th Summer School Ends


*New Campus Open House*


Check Website For Details

Summer ahhhh!

One of our students asked me this month “Do we get closer to God when we give money to our church?” Absolutely not! God cannot be bought. Everything already belongs to Him. Nor can we get closer by beating our body to death in pain, as Martin Luther used to do at his Seminary by striking himself with a cat-of-nine tails, or some culture that crucifies themselves as Christ did to understand what it was like. Salvation is not sold to the highest bidder, nor does it make us more spiritual if we are in physical pain, or impressive to God when we make sacrifices. There is only one thing that impresses God, and that is our love. “God will show His mercy forever to those who worship and serve Him.” (Luke 1:50). God’s Delight in us is found in our surrender to Him, not in conquest to prove how tough we are. No one is tougher than God, and God loves us, just the way we are. As we serve Him, He finds His fellowship in us, but service is found in our belief, our trust in Him. God will take care of us; we must believe that. And in that faith, God sends His angels to guard us and His Love to comfort and take care of us: Not in our money, nor in our service, nor in our sacrifice. God has done all of that for us, and He does for His Children what they cannot do for themselves. So why tithe? Or why serve? Because we love Him, and we want to serve Him. If you love your house, you may sacrifice your time and money to fix it up, but not because you are commanded to do it: You want to have a house you will love. If you give to an organization or a church, you care about what they are doing, and you want to help. But it is not to establish your foothold in Heaven; Your foothold is established through Christ’ sacrifice, and all you are asked to do is believe. Service comes from loving God enough to want to do service for Him. We have empty pockets. There is nothing we can do for God: We can’t spend enough money, as He already has it; We can’t get spiritually closer by physically punishing ourselves; God loves us too much for that; and we can’t do enough service to make up for the sins we have committed. We must come to Christ, and fall at His feet, and ask for His Help and Forgiveness, which He offers without price. I was recently at a very rich man’s house for dinner, because I knew the man’s son, and his son invited me. Nothing I had done, the son just favored me and invited me for a delightful meal. And when I arrived at the Large Entrance Gate to the house, the Guard asked me who I was. “I am an invited guest for dinner.” I answered, and I gave him my name. “Oh yes,” the Guard lit up, “You are a Guest of the Son. His dad is expecting you.” I hadn’t done anything to deserve to enter the gate: I hadn’t cleaned the house or landscaped the yard, I hadn’t paid any money to open the gate, and there was no sacrifice to come to dinner. I knew the Son, and the Son introduced me to the Father, and I became a welcomed guest. All it takes for you to enter the Pearly Gates and be invited by the Father to join His table is to know His Son, Jesus.

107 Third Avenue South, Jacksonville Beach FL 32250 Phone: (904) 241-3515

Fax: (904) 241-9857

Time for swimming, hiking, kayaking, family fun games, barbeques, cleaning out the closets, enjoying the long days, stars at night, fresh fruit, ice cream and of course reading.

For Parents: Here are some books you should take the time to read. Just like anything that is important to you, you take time to learn more about, so too with children. It is not a given that you are born knowing how to have a successful family. Like anything you need to study. First on my list is:

The Foundation Academy celebrated the graduation of the class of 2008 on May 29th, at the Neptune Baptist Church in Neptune Beach. (I’m thinking that next year we will graduate from our very own campus?!) The church was crowded with proud and elated family and friends. For many of these students, graduation from high school was a culmination of determination, struggles, and tears. Some of them had thought graduation was a non-attainable dream. Thanks to Herb and Miyuki Scheidel, each of these graduates have an opportunity to attend college at either FCCJ or UNF with a scholarship. May each have a blessed future. I will miss each of you.

Have a New Kid by Friday by Kevin Leman Subtitle, How To Change Your Child's Attitude, Behavior And Character In 5 Days. This is a five day recipe for restoring your authority and taking back your family. Next up is: Confident Parenting by Jim Burns, Faith based with practical been -there- done-that advice. It should only take an afternoon to digest. Then read: Internet Protect Your Kids by Stephen Arterburn, I know that you understand the potential horrors of the internet. This book should be mandatory for all parents. You are responsible to keep your children safe, even the ones that drive already. Last book: How to Behave and Why, A charming and instructive little book on fundamental courtesies for parents to read to their young children. For Students: Now What? The Young Persons Guide To Choosing a Career by Nicholas Lore. A step by step guide to reaching a specific goal. Choosing an interesting, meaningful, rewarding career built on innate abilities. The pages of this book contain detailed questionnaires and charts that teach young people how to answer big questions and solve problems by breaking down the issues into smaller parts. Remember all the other books that you can read just for fun too. Have a great and safe summer. See you on our new campus. Keep checking our Web site for open houses on the new campus. "The earth is filled with your love oh Lord" . Psalm 119:64


107 Third Avenue South, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 1


Phone: (904) 241-3515

Fax: (904) 241-9857


Thank you to all those who serve, you enter the classroom with conviction and amazing strength we applaud you! We can tell you love your work and we want to thank you for not giving up. A special thanks to a good friend and teacher Ms. Maria. Ms Maria is taking time off to pursue her long time dream of obtaining her Masters Degree. We will miss her very much. I know she will be praying for us and attending our events. We will be praying for her too. She has worked for The Foundation Academy for 18 years with a two-year break when she lived in Puerto Rico. She is a blessing to us. We love you and will miss you Ms. Maria. We would also like to share our prayers and good wishes for Chris Siders who has also decided to pursue his interest.





A Child Called “It”

Dave Pelzer

The Lost Boy

Dave Pelzer


Walter Dean Myers

Ghost Canoe

Will Hobbs

The Call of the Wild

Jack London

Anne Frank, Diary of a Young Girl

A. Frank


Jerry Spinelli

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott

Chicken Soup for the Pre-teen Soul

Jack Canfield

Across Five Aprils

Irene Hunt


Louis Sachar

Tuck Everlasting

Natalie Babbitt


Walter Dean Myers

White Fang

Jack London

I Know why the Caged Bird Sings

Maya Angelou

The Pigman

Paul Zindel

The Outsiders

S.E. Hinton

The House on Mango Street

Sandra Cisneros

Middle School Supply List

3rd Grade Reading List This summer, please choose 1 chapter book to read and complete a book report on it. The report should include the title of the book, author, and at least 3 paragraphs describing the plot of the book. Your book report is due on the first day of school. Some suggested authors include: Beverly Cleary, David Alder, Louis Sachaar, Barbara Park or Mary Pope Osborne.

4th Grade Reading List This summer choose 2 chapter books to read and complete a book report for both books. The report should include the title of the book, author, and at least 5 paragraphs describing the plot of the book. Your report is due the first day of school. Some suggested authors: Andrew Clements, Lois Lowry, Natalie Babbit, Lemony Snickett, Ronald Dahl.

5th & 6th Grade Reading List Read at least 2 books of choice over the summer. Some suggested authors: Andrew Clements, Beverly Cleary, Pam Conrad, Jerry Spinelli, and Elizabeth Winthrop. Have your book reports ready on the 1st day of school along with a drawing or visual aid. The title and the author’s name should also appear on the same page.

Notebook Filler Paper (plenty)

1 Box of facial tissues (for classroom)

Book Bag

Plastic forks and spoons (1 bag ea.)


1 ream of copy paper

3 Ring Binders (one for class and one for portfolio)


1 spiral notebook

Summer Reading for Rising 9th-12th Grade Students Questions? Call Dr. K: 242-0607

Tell the main character’s name and describe in your own words the character’s personality. Name two other supporting characters and their roles in the story.


Tell three important events in the story. You may create a timeline to plot the events.

Read a book of your choice and write an essay that addresses all of the following points, 1-8, with an illustration (9). Choose your examples from many different parts of the book. The final essay should be typed, or very neatly written, on one side of the paper, in blue or black ink. Each book report (essay with illustration) will be presented in class, so plan to show off!


Quote something funny (or scary, sad or some other mood) and explain why it is funny. Explain how that part makes you experience that emotion.

DUE: The first day of school, Fall 2008.

It is the policy at The Foundation Academy to read at least 30 minutes everyday. Hopefully this can be a family event.

1. In the first paragraph, introduce the book to your reader with a sentence giving the title, author, and date of publication; then explain something you find unusual about this book; and finally, describe what kind of person would enjoy this book. Next write a minimum of one paragraph (5-7 sentences) for each of sections 2-8 below.

Supplies: # 2 Pencils, pencil case, pencil sharpener

4. Tell three important events in the story (PLOT). Explain how/why the first causes the second and the second causes the third. Create a timeline to clarify the sequence of events.



Glue sticks

Pencil sharpener

Large box of facial tissue

Notebook paper

Plastic utensils

5. Quote (give the page number!) something funny (or scary or some other emotion) (MOOD) and explain why it is funny (or scary). Then quote something sad (or some other emotion, such as anxious or mysterious, or daring, etc.) and explain how that part makes you experience that emotion. 6. Text to Self: Find something in the story that reminds you of something you have experienced. Quote (give the page number!) that part of the story and then write a detailed comparison between the story and yourself.

Paper plates (Bring a new supply of tissue, plates and utensils at the beginning of the second semester….)

Have a fantastic summer! See you in September!

Enjoy your summer and the wonderful world God has given to us.

-Ms. Mandi

-Mr. V


2. Tell the main CHARACTER’S name and describe in your own words the character’s appearance and personality. Then quote (copy and give page number!) a passage from the book that describes the character well. The quote is evidence for your interpretation. Do all of these steps for a second character. 3. Describe a location (SETTING=time and place) in the story and tell what happens in this place and time. Quote (give the page number!) a description from the book that clarifies what you have described.

Separate erasers Colored pencils

Drawing pad or Sketchbook

Pocket Folders with 3 ring fasteners


2 - 1 inch 3 ring binders

4 - Spiral notebooks


Black Or Blue Pens

Write a minimum of one paragraph (5-7 sentences) for each of the following items:

Notebook paper



7. Text to Text: Explain how a part of the story reminds you of another book, movie, song, or other artwork. Quote (give the page number!) that part of the story and write a detailed comparison between the story and the work it reminds you of. 8. Text to World: Quote (give the page number!) something from the story that you must research in order to understand it. For example, maybe the character is wearing a “garanimals” shirt so you must look it up to see what that brand looks like. Look up the thing you chose and write what you learned. Tell where you found the information. 9. Create an artwork (a drawing or collage) that illustrates what you wrote for one of the “TEXT to…” parts (6, 7, or 8).


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