The Rock - Foundation Academy - January 08

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Calendar of Events


January 2008

Position: Exhibition Evaluator Open to all members on The Foundation Community. When: January 14 – 17, 9 A.M. – 11 A.M. or

January 2nd Return to School

February 19 - 22

SACS CASI Accreditation

January 14th - 18th Exhibitions

What: Observe and evaluate student group presentations of their work Contact: Ms. Gill

(904) 241-3515 &

January 2008 NIPSA Accreditation

January 18th End of Grading Period

Elementary's Got Talent!

January 21st Home School

For this year's Christmas concert, the Elementary Department showed what they were made of in a live Nativity, African dance, drums, guitars and violins! They had lots of fun and were happy to see all of their friends and family there.

January 31st Student Led Conference with Exhibitions

Happy New Year Wow, 2008. How exciting to know that we have great opportunities in store for us.


God is good and faithful.

What is my child’s (or for that matter, My) Temperament?

Ever wonder why your child acts the way he/she does sometimes? Or why you can’t get them to clean their room? Or play with the kids down the street? They may have inherited their habits and decisions from you. Do you even know your own temperament, and why you do the things you do? God gave you your temperament for a reason. This is an invaluable workshop where you can learn about yourself and your child, and how you can become a more effective parent and greater servant of God.

Well, it’s a New Year, with new excitement and frustrations and learning experiences. Since we are endeavoring to enter this New Year with hope and enthusiasm and a new school building and property, may I make a suggestion? How about entering into a new life? We might as well go all the way! “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: Old things are passed away; Behold, all things are become new.” II Corinthians. 5:17 Did you read that Scripture carefully before you went on to this next paragraph? Any man in Christ is a New Creature. You are reborn. Receiving Christ into your heart, you are no longer the same person; You are renewed, changed, different. You have a new life; you are a new being. Talk about effective New Year’s Resolutions: You don’t have to promise yourself that you are going to do better. Thanks to your faith in Christ, you are a brand new creature. Ever wonder why, if you are a new creature in Christ, you still have some of the same old habits? Well, unfortunately, it’s because you don’t believe what God has told you. You don’t believe you are a new creature, you don’t understand how effective Heaven is in seeing you regenerated because of your faith, and since you don’t really believe, you fall back into your own habits, unaware of the Power your newborn spiritual strength has given you by Christ Himself. You no longer have any sin because Christ has paid the penalty, you no longer are shunned by those who live in Heaven because now you are a legitimate citizen of God’s Country, and you are instead welcomed by the angels because they cannot imagine what it is like to experience the Power of God by being transfigured in your heart and mind by the Power of Christ as you have experienced. There’s only one thing keeping you from experiencing these blessings and rejoicing in the joining of God’s Family: You! That’s right: You’re not enjoying the blessings of God, the forgiveness of Christ, or the Power of the Holy Spirit because you don’t believe what He has told you.



Tuesdays, March 11 & 18 , 7-9 pm Dr. Keith Johnson is a noted speaker and author who has traveled the world helping missionaries and has dedicated his life to helping families become stronger through Christian Principles. As Moderator of The Foundation Academy, he has designed these workshops based on Scriptural Truths to bring the family closer together while establishing each life on Christian Principles. Entire families are encouraged to attend, including your children.

So in this New Year, how do you change a world of defeat and problems into a world of excitement and victory? BELIEVE!! Know that you are a Child of God, love it, and claim the power that comes with it. Bring joy to people you see every day; Tell your family you love them; Seek ways to help people, and talk to God daily, not about your plans, but about the plans He has for you, because they are Glorious! And, oh yes, Happy New Year!

If you have any questions, please call 241-3515. 107 Third Avenue South, Jacksonville Beach FL 32250 Phone: (904) 241-3515

Fax: (904) 241-9857


I want to take this opportunity to thank all my students for their awesome work in the Christmas concert. The middle school and high school guitar students had a huge challenge in playing all together, especially since we only got to rehearse together a few times! But they really stepped up and did great. I was also really impressed with the elementary guitar and drum students. They really worked together and put on a great performance. It was especially challenging for the elementary drum students, as they had to be the accompaniment for one of the African dances. The high school band really rocked it out and got the crowd going with their rendition of “Sweet Child of Mine” and “Play that Funky Music”. I also want to thank the great audience for supporting our students and coming out to the concert. If you missed this year’s Christmas concert, don’t worry! The spring concert is just around the corner.

We always know that whatever God allows in our lives it is for our good.

Walter Hill

We are so excited about our new campus.

Guitar and Drums Instructor

I look forward to what is in store for us. Our exhibitions are first on our new year’s agenda. Then we look forward to our next student led conference. That is such a great time to celebrate the student achievements and the exciting things that still need to be learned. We have so much ahead of us. Please be sure you fill out your applications for the 2008-2009 school year.

We anticipate many applicants so please be the first to register.


2008-2009 Registration

We are already hiring for the new year . The resumes are promising.

Marianne Clifford, a teacher from The Foundation Academy in Jacksonville Beach, FL, won a copy of Virtual Economics at the "Novel Ways to Teach K-8 Economics" at the 2007 Florida Council for the Social Studies conference.

Registration for the new school year is on-line at: Please complete and submit the application by February 1st to receive $25.00 off registration. If you don't have access to the internet, come by the office to pick up a 08-09 application and complete and return by February 1st.

Many wonderful teachers are interested in working at such an innovative school. I look forward to seeing you soon. "The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day." Proverbs 4:18

107 Third Avenue South, Jacksonville Beach FL 32250 1


Phone: (904) 241-3515

Fax: (904) 241-9857


Sign of a Stroke

Ice Skating & SITE SEEING

STROKE IDENTIFICATION: Remember The 1st Three Letters.... S.T.R. Students and teachers enjoyed gliding over the ice on our annual ice skating trip prior to Christmas break! Everyone was excited when we stopped by the new campus to get a firsthand look at the progress.

On December 4th, 2007, our students put on their annual Christmas Concert. This year, the title was “Christmas in my America”. I was so pleased with the amazing performances, and with such a great audience turn-out from parents and friends. Mr. Todd directed the high school choir, who started the show with lots of energy. One of my favorite parts of the show was the adorable nativity scene our elementary students performed. They worked very hard on those songs and Bible verses, and it really paid off! Along with the vocal music from the high school and elementary choirs, we also got to hear violin students, guitar students, and our amazing band. Another real treat was watching Ms. Christa’s African Dance classes. All the dancers had such great energy and really got the whole crowd into it! Thank you so much to all the parents, teachers, and talented students that made this year’s concert such a success! If you missed the Christmas concert, you didn’t just miss some singing and dancing. You missed a night of fun, family, and total entertainment! Make sure you don’t miss our next event!

Study: Sleep deprivation tied to childhood obesity, mood

Ms. Madaline Performing Arts Director Spring Concert

March 4

Elementary Musical

April 10

Spring Musical

May 2-4, 9-11

Children who sleep less than nine hours per night carry more body fat and are more emotionally volatile, according to a New Zealand study of 591 seven-year-old children. "Short sleep duration was associated with a threefold increased risk of the child being overweight or obese ... independent of physical activity or television watching," said lead study author Ed Mitchell. "Attention to sleep in childhood may be an important strategy to reduce the obesity epidemic."

National Honor Society December was a busy month for the National Honor Society, which participated in three projects. On a cool, windy Saturday morning, about half of the membership devoted a few hours to the Beaches Holiday Party for Kids sponsored by BEAM. Nobody kept count but a whole bunch of faces were painted with designs ranging from tigers to candy canes. Thanks to the active participants for a good time for all. We hope to continue this in the future. Special thanks to Ms. Beverly for her help. For the third year, members brought gifts for Angel Aid an organization that helps needy children with life threatening illnesses. Students contributed gifts from Barbie Dolls to Hot Wheels and all were welcomed. Thanks to all who donated to this cause.

nize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions: S * Ask the individual to SMILE.

R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke. If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 911 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

Construction of the new school continues, the progress is amazing! We will continue to follow the progress, and eagerly await is completion. Praise God! For more pictures check out next month’s ROCK!

Benjamin Franklin

Mr. Christopher’s English classes are learning the art of what to look for when reading! Lots of short stories as well as newspaper and magazine articles are read in or out of class. Certain strategies to trigger recall of what has been read are being taught as well. Some students have been spotted in the halls reading for fun! Basic grammar is being refreshed in their minds to help students become better writers. The Foundation Academy believes it is not only important to remember and relate what we read to our lives but also be able to communicate through speaking and writing what we have learned. Journalism class has met all of the deadlines I have set for the school newspaper. Each member has had the opportunity to contribute something that is of interest to them and also things that are happening at the Academy. Puzzles, poetry, art and more make the “Hurricane Herald” a source of knowledge for students and parents alike.

at peace with your neighbors,

The members of Honor Society take their duties seriously and look for more opportunities to serve.

P.S. The students will need to be fed and housed so if you can help in this area, please let Ms. Gill know.

T * Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (i.e. It is sunny out today)

"Be always at war with your vices,

and let each new year find you a better man."

A few years ago, a select group of adults enjoyed a concert by the Madrigals, a choral group from Hiram College, Ohio. Ms. Gill is an alumna of Hiram College and was, therefore, the sponsor for the performance. This remains in Ms. Gill’s memory as ONE of the MOST EMBARASSING moments of her life. I gave a show and nobody came….

I have been given a chance to redeem myself and the community as the choral group will be returning to Florida this March. The RECOGNIZING A STROKE performance will be on March 8 and everyone Thank God for the sense to remember the "3" steps, STR. Read and Learn! Sometimes is cordially invited to attend. The vivacious symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells students perform a mix of music in beautiful disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recog- voice which all will enjoy.


For the second year in a row members participated in Harvest Mission. This group fixes boxes of goodies for troops overseas and mails them out on a regular basis. In an assembly type line up, students placed foodstuffs, bibles, cards and sanitary goods in boxes, then mailed them to a group leader. That leader then distributed the items to his/her group so everyone got something. The working conditions were not the best, but the students made a fun morning of the job.


During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics)...she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die.... they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke... totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized; diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.

Mr. Christopher 3

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