The Religion Of Power

  • May 2020
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1st may, 2009-05-04

The Holy Qur’an’s manifestation of the word “Power” and its implications. Allah said in His glorious Book Qur’an: (Allah is (He) who created you out of weakness, thereafter He made you even after weakness Power; thereafter He made you after power weakness and hoariness. He whatever He decides, and He is the ever knowing, the ever determiner. (54-55 ‫) الروم‬. The word power can mean abstractly, like the power of the will of Almighty Allah as we can see clearly in the following verse. Almighty Allah said: (and (remember) as We took compact with you and raised above you the mount of Tur; “Take powerfully what We have brought you and remember what is in it, that possibly you would be pious (towards me)). (63 ‫)البقرة‬. He said about the prophet Yahya: (O Yahya! Take the Book powerfully; and We brought him judgment (when) a young boy). (12 ‫)مريم‬. The Almighty Allah describe Himself with power and put it among His names in many verses: He said: (Allah has written, “Indeed I will definitely


overcome, I and my messenger. Surely Allah is Ever-powerful, Ever-mighty). (21 ‫)المجادلة‬. Almighty Allah said again: (Surely, your lord, Ever He, is Ever-powerful, Ever-mighty. (66 ‫)هود‬. He said again: (Indeed, your lord is Ever-powerful, strict in punishment). (52 ‫)النفال‬. Power is among the characteristics of the Angel Gabriel (may Allah be pleased with him). Almighty Allah said: (And by the star when it tumbles down. Your companion is neither Astray nor being misled. Nor does he say (aught) of his own desire. Decidedly it is nothing except a revelation revealed. He was taught by one of valiant power. Endued with wisdom; for he appeared (in stately form)). (1-6 ‫)النجم‬. Power is the feature of a glorious Angels. Almighty Allah said: (O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your family from a fire whose fuel is mankind and stones, (and) over which are harsh, severe Angels, who do not disobey Allah in whatever He commands them and who perform whatever they are commanded to). (6 ‫) التحريم‬. Power also is the feature of the prophet Muhammad and His companions. Almighty Allah said: (Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and (the one) who are with Him (His companions) are strict against the steadfast disbelievers, constantly merciful among themselves). (29 ‫) الفتح‬. 3

The Almighty Allah commands us to prepare well so as to face our enemies (unbelievers) with any means of power we have. He said in His glorious Book Qur’an: (And prepare for them your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the heart of) the enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not Be treated unjustly. (60 ‫)النفال‬. Among the bequest of the Khalifa Abubakar (May Allah be pleased with Him) to His commander Khalid bin Waleed: (O Khalid! Fight them with what they fight you with; if they fight you with sword; fight them with sword; and if they fight you with the spear, fight them with spear. This glorious bequest teaches us to be making equality even in terms of battle we are suppose to fight our enemies with the kind of weapons they are fighting us with, and put our trust in Allah and seek His assistance and victory. If the word “Power” that is protecting a person against his enemies, so it is a dignity and ennoble to the person who possess it, so the vile of weak, idle and laziness is in depth of shortage. Almighty Allah said: (Surely the ones whom the angels take up, (while) they are unjust to themselves (to them) (the angels) say, “In what (condition) were you?” 4

they say, “we were deemed weak in the earth.” They (the Angels) say, “was not the earth of Allah wide so that you (could) have emigrated in it? “ So, the abode for those (men) is hell, and what an odious Destiny! Except (the ones) deemed weak among the men and women and newborns (who) are unable (to contrive) a device and are not guided to a way). (97-99 ‫) النساء‬. Like how the Islam fight against weakness, idle and laziness also fight against tyranny’s power whom use their power in banditism and violating people in oppressive and tyranny way, and committing crimes breaking Allah’s law. The Holy Qur’an tells us in many of its verses about some people who pride with their power and use it to torture other people, and deny the signs of Allah and His bestowal. Listen to the Almighty Allah saying: (So, as for Ad, they waxed proud in the earth untruthfully and said; “ who is more valiant than us in power?” and they not see that Allah, who created them, Ever He, is more valiant than them in power? And they used to repudiate our ayat (signs). Then we sent against them a most clamorous wind in days of ill-luck that we might let them taste the torment of disgrace in the present life and indeed the torment of the hereafter is more disgraceful, and they will not be vindicated. Listen again to the Almighty Allah saying: (And (similarly) how many a town that was more valiant 5

in power than your town, which has driven you out, have we caused to perish! So there was no vindicator for them. (13 Muhammad). It is reported in the sound Hadith, narrated from Abu Hurairah may Allah be pleased with Him said: Prophet Muhammad (P.B.H) said: (A strong believer is better and is more lovable to Allah than a weak believer, and there is good in everyone, (but) cherish that which gives you benefit (in the Hereafter) and seek help from Allah and do not lose heart, and if anything (in the form of trouble) comes to you, don’t say: if I had not done that, it would not have happened so and so, but say: Allah did that what He had ordained to do and your “if” opens the (gate for the Satan). Islam is the religion of power in everything and the believer man is the origin of all righteousness, whether He possess a strong believe or the weak one, and in both of them are good because of their sharing in believe. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.H) encourages the believers in His traditions to be energetic in loyalty to Allah glory be to Him, and seek help from Him, and they should not be laziness in worshipping and loyalty to Him. And they should also believe with the decree of Allah, and they should turn everything to His will; because He is doing


whatever He likes without any hindrance because of His power and mighty. People should know that nothing can strike them, good or bad unless Allah had decreed it to them because sometimes devil is whispering into the bosom of mankind. Islam is the religion of power in all its concern, it is strong in its origin and branches, because the who legislate Islam is the God of power, mighty and glory. He said in His glorious Book Qur’an: (So, as soon as our command came, We safely delivered Prophet Salih and the one who believed with him by a mercy from Us, and from the disgrace upon that day. Surely your lord, Ever He is the Everpowerful, the Ever-mighty). (66 ‫)هود‬ In another verse, Allah glory Be to Him said: (Allah will certainly aid those who Aid His (cause) for verily Allah is full of power). (40 ‫)الحج‬ And He said again: (In no way have they estimated, Allah His true estimation; surely Allah is indeed Ever-powerful, Ever-mighty). (74 ‫)الحج‬. He said in the other place: (And Allah turned back the unbelievers for (all) their fury: no advantage did they gain: and enough is Allah for the believers in their fight. And Allah is full of power, Able to enforce His will). (25 ‫)الحزاب‬


Allah glory be to Him created mankind so as to worship Him and He do not have any need or benefit with their worshipping, because they are poors and Allah is Ever-affluent, Ever-praiseworthy. Allah glory be to Him said: (O you mankind! You are the poor (in relation) to Allah; and Allah is the one who is Ever-affluent, the Ever-praiseworthy). (15 ‫)فاطر‬. Allah said: (I have only created Jinns and Mankind, that they may worship Me. No substance do I require of them, nor do I Require that they should feed me. For Allah is He who gives (all) substance, the Lord of power steadfast (forever)). (56-58 ‫)الذاريات‬ The constitution and the law of Islam that judge between Muslims in their ideology, worshipping, transactions and politeness is the authentic Book (Holy Qur'an) that challenges all eloquent of Jinns and mankind, for them to produce even one verse similar to the authentic Book, but unfortunately they cannot produced. And the challenges upright up the day of resurrection. Almighty Allah said: (say: if the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support). (88 ‫) السراء‬.


With this great power of the sustainer (Allah glory be to Him) challenges Jinns and mankind to produce even ten verses similar to Qur'an or even the smallest chapter of it but they cannot. Allah said: (Then let them produce a recital like this, in case or if they speak truth). (34 ‫)الطور‬. And He said once again: (or (even) do they say, "He has fabricated it! Say , "Then produce ten surah like that of Qur'an, fabricated; and invoke whomever you are able, apart from Allah, in case you sincere). (13 (‫هود‬ Allah said again: (And in case if you are in doubt about what We have revealed upon our servant, then produce a surah like thereunto; And call your witness or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your doubt are true). (23 ‫)البقرة‬. THE COURAGEOUS OF THE PROPHET


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