The Radical Faeries At The National Equality March

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Final Reminder: Radical Faerie Activists Equality March Gathering Schedule Greetings and blessings to all. Faerie magic is happening. We are packing our drums, bells pots and pans and heading to Washington. Everything we planned is falling into place.TIF and Potpourri will be representing the Radical Faeries on stage at the National Equality March rally on Sunday at about 2 PM during the invocation. Please join me in congratulating them and wishing them warmest Faerie blessings for this outstanding achievement.Tif is also organizing the Sunday morning Activist Pow Wow and Breakfast, and he has worked closely with Flood and me on organizing the Faerie Equality March Gathering schedule. The weather report is good for the Saturday Drum Circle and the Sunday March events. Please join us and bring your friends. Here is the Faerie schedule for you. Please pass it on, invite your friends, and print out a copy if you are joining us. Please remember to circle and send your collective energy to the march on Sunday at noon, wherever upon the Earth you may be at that time as the sun approaches her heavenly Zenith over the marchers and shines down upon them all. Love and Namaste, Tommy National Equality March October 10-11, 2009 Washington, D. C. Radical Faerie Activists Announce Equality March Gathering Schedule A Call to all Radical Faeries, Friends, Family, and Supporters To Gather in Washington, D. C. For Full Civil Rights and Spiritual Equality Equality March Gathering Please Pass this On Greetings and Blessings to all An invitation Who we are: Radical Faeries, or Faes, are a loosely affiliated worldwide network of GLBTQ people and friends seeking to "reject hetero-imitation" and redefine gay identity; many are also pagans or members of counterculture and activist movements. The Radical Faerie movement started in the United States among gay men during the 1970s sexual revolution. The movement has spread throughout the world and today embodies a wide spectrum of genders and sexual orientations. Radical Faerie communities are Congregational, generally inspired by but not limited to aboriginal, native or traditional spirituality. People of all faiths are welcome community members. More here: Why we are Marching:

We are guaranteed equal protection by the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. Free and equal people do not bargain for or prioritize our rights, so we are coming to DC this October 10-11 to demand equal protection in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states. Now. The march is not our final destination. It is our first step toward building a national grassroots network that will continue organizing until we have achieved full equality. We ask you to join us in this effort as we execute this monumental and extremely important gathering of Activist Radical Faeries and friends from across the land and across the seas. With our collective energies and empowered numbers, we can send a clear and strong message of positive energy and a call for equality to our government, across the nation, around the globe, and to our spiritual Universe. The Schedule: Saturday October 10th 6:30 PM Spiritual Sunset and Twilight Gathering and Evening Drum Circle at the Washington Monument Place: The National Mall, North Side of The Washington Monument North Area at 16th St, NW and Constitution Avenue, NW Smithsonian or McPherson Square Metro Stops Gather, circle, and drum West of the entrance to the Prayer Vigil for The Earth, to which we are also invited. You will see the tents and tee-pees. We are invited to attend, and we may be invited to drum at their sacred fire later on after dark. "We are happy to invite you to enjoy and celebrate the 17th annual 2009 Prayer Vigil for the Earth where the theme is "Harmony with the Earth and Harmony with each other around the Circle. We welcome you to join our community, which is comprised of people from diverse spiritual and religious traditions who share their ancient ceremonies with each other." The website and more information here: Time: Gather just ahead of sunset, 6:38 PM Eastern onward, into the twilight and darkness. (Twilight ends at 7:04 PM Eastern.) Begin drumming when the sun touches the horizon. Bring your candles, drums, bells, pots and pans and spoons. You may want to bring a newspaper or plastic bag to sit on and a bottle of water. If the police ask us to move, we will move inside the permitted Prayer Vigil For The Earth, to which we are invited. We will drum and send a clear and strong message of positive energy and a call for equality to our government, across the nation around the globe, and to our spiritual Universe up through the towering Washington Monument.

Sunday October 11th

8 AM to 10 AM Strategy Breakfast & PowWow Activist Breakfast Meeting and Invitation to Invocation Invitation from TIF: Faeries invocation at 8:30 a.m. Calling the ancestors to the March In the spirit of Harry Hay If anyone is interested in that, please let me know at tif509@.... "Welcoming Invocation by Radical Faeries" A community strategy discussion featuring The Dallas Principles, Florida OUT (a coalition model), and the new movement web-tool The Whip Count by Place: Bus Boys & Poets: A community restaurant and gathering place. 14th &V Streets, NW. Continental Breakfast, ten dollar suggested donation. Room for 100, pre-registration requested. Contact: to reserve tickets, please email your state in subject with name and affiliation to tif509@... 10 A.M. Depart for March. Easy Journey to 15th & I (eye), McPherson Square DC Circular (clang clang clang went the trolley) from Bus Boys down 14th to I (eye) (every 10 minutes, $1 exact change). Or, 20 minute warm up walk South down 14th street, 13 blocks to McPherson Square.

10 AM to 11 AM Faerie Meet and Greet Gathering, Dress, Coffee, and Drum Circle Before March Lineup. Place: McPherson Square Statue (picture below) Near McPherson Square Metro Stop 15th Street NW Between I (eye) Street and K Street McPherson Square Park is directly East of the March Lineup on 15th Street Please wear your march regalia and comfortable shoes. Bring make-up to share, drums, pots and pans, signs, coffee, and breakfast. We will drum up some Faerie energy around General McPherson as we meet, greet, dress, eat, and prepare to march together. 11 AM to 12 Noon March Lineup and Faerie Circle Before March Step off Wear March Regalia, and comfortable shoes. Bring signs, drums, bells, pots and pans and spoons to make some energy noise during the march. Bring your friends. Place: Lineup on 15th Street near K Street (Between Eye ("I") Street and K Street) Near Georgia Brown's Restaurant. 15th Street will be closed to traffic.

12 Noon March Step off High Noon Faerie Circle and Invocation at 11:55 AM or Just Before Noon March Step off Place: Wherever you are! We will Join our Hands together in Faerie Circle and Invoke our

purpose together just before The March Step off at noon. Join hands and circle when the sun approaches her heavenly zenith. We will invoke our individual Deities, Air, Earth, Fire, Water, The Spirit World, Angels Ancestors, Flora, Fauna, and People to join with us and collectively send a clear and strong message of positive energy and a call for equality to our government, across the nation, around the globe, and to our spiritual Universe. We ask those not able to be with us to join us a collective moment of spiritual energy and reflection at the stroke of noon. You may feel the energy as you do this. This energy will last through the Equality March and into the future. With this time schedule, we will be near the head of the March, without a long wait time to step off, and we will have choice gathering space at the Capitol rally to see and hear the speakers and performers. We join together and we march as one. There are many more events all weekend. Full Events Calendar:

We Invite You To gather with us and join Radical Faerie Activists This group is a National Equality March Planning and Information Center. Please Click on these links and Join one or both groups. Our Yahoo group Signup link and URL: Our Sister Google Group Signup link and URL: This is a mirror image of the Yahoo group for those who use or prefer Google. National Equality March Website If you are joining us in Washington D.C, Please Print This Schedule Out and Bring it With you. Please pass this on and invite your friends. Love and Namaste, Tommy Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time. Have a great day,


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