The Promise Breaker

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  • Words: 33,104
  • Pages: 94
The promise breaker’s



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Chapter 1 I am held hostage by demons

5 6I opened my eyes. I had to blink twice before everything looked clear again. I had no 7idea where I was. All I could remember was saying goodbye to my best friend Ann 8from school and running from this hooded figure that was following me. Then my 9memory went blank. I took a wild guess that I probably fainted or something. I 10shivered. I was in a cold cellar with no comfort. I sighed. This was nothing strange to 11me. It had happened before. I was always followed by strange people. I would have 12liked to tell you that I feared none of this but that would be a lie. Of course I was 13scared. It was not everyday that a normal fifteen year old school boy got stalked by a 14strange hooded figure and got trapped in some cold cellar. I put my head on my knees 15mourning on my bad luck. 16 17 Suddenly the door burst open. I sat up straight. Again there was that strange 18hooded figure except this time there was two of them. 19“Who are you people?” I demanded, “Where am I?” The hooded figures glided 20towards me. The one at the front let out a cold cackle. 21“This one smells really mouth watering” it hissed. 22“No, the boss said not to dispose of him until he gives it to us” Another one hissed. I 23was totally confused by now. What were they talking about? Give what to them? 24Dispose of him. I gulped. I would have been flattered to be called mouth watering. 25But when these things said it I totally wasn’t flattered. 26“Please let me out” I begged. “I’ll do anything.” All of the figures laughed. I felt 27pathetic. Yeah right. Why would they do that? 28“We want our dinner” the thing hissed. I had enough. I felt like they were talking 29code. 30“Look can you at least answer your dinner’s question?” I yelled angrily. The figure 31laughed. 32“We demons don’t talk to our dinner.” 33“Demons?” All the demons laughed. With that all of them glide out of the room 34slamming the door shut behind them.. I cursed the demons. What would happen to me 35now? Mum would be worried sick. Mum is really sick. I was the one who looked after 36her. I felt something vibrate in my pocket. It was my mobile. The demons were 37probably too arrogant to disarm me of communication. Or maybe they were too stupid 38to know that such a device existed. I quickly took the mobile out of the pocket and 39pressed the answer button. 40“Hello?” I said in an excited tone.

41“Danan Richards” my sister’s voice shrieked from the other line. 42 43 I should probably start telling you about myself. My name is Danan 44Richards which you would have probably guessed by now. I am fifteen years old. I 45have sandy hair and my eyes are the colour of honey. I am the right height for a fifteen 46year old and my skin is fair and rosy. I was a pretty normal average school boy until 47now. Anyways back to the problem. 48 49“Danan Richards” my sister’s voice shrieked from the other line. I smiled to myself. 50My sister’s name is Bethany. She likes to be called Becky but when I was little I was 51thinking of horses and then I called her Bucky. Everyone laughed and the name stuck 52forever. 53“Where’s the fire?” I asked sarcastically. 54“Don’t give me lip. You have been out for nearly two hours where are you? Mum is 55worried sick” Bucky yelled. 56“Look Bucky…” I began. 57“DON’T CALL ME BUCKY” Bucky yelled. 58“Shut up” I hissed. I heard footsteps. I quickly hung up the call and went back to my 59original position. The door burst open and in walked one of the demons. I pretended 60to act scared which was easy. The demon eyed me with thirsty blood red eyes. 61“Who are you talking to?” the demon asked. I gave the demon a glare. 62“I and my imaginary friend were just discussing how ugly and smelly you demons 63are” I sneered. “I mean no wonder this place stinks.” The demon roared and lunged 64for me. I kicked it in the face and ran towards the door that was ajar. I don’t know 65how long it takes for demons to heal but all I knew was that I had to run for my life. 66Demons came around every corner. I was trapped. I saw a fire extinguisher behind 67me. I grabbed it and threw it at one of the demons face but there was still plenty more 68demons around me. Two demons grabbed me by the arms and hauled me towards my 69prison cell. So close to freedom. 70 71 72 I opened my eyes again. I was lying on the cold floor of my prison cell. 73It had been 10 days since I was first captured. I have been a hostage of the demons for 7410 days! Bucky tried to call me loads of times but every time I tried to talk to her the 75demons would start to come. Plus my mobile didn’t get charging so it went dead. I felt 76very weak. All the demons had given me was water and bread. I didn’t moan because 77then I wouldn’t get food at all. I felt very weak. I was so weak by now that I couldn’t 78sit up. The door swung open and about 6 demons entered. 79“Your time is up boy” the demon at the front hissed. “Tell us the whereabouts of the 80sword.” I had no idea what they were chatting about. An idea started to from in my 81head. If this plan worked I would be able to be free. If it didn’t work I would be dead. 82“Why you demons are stupid after all. Don’t you know where it is?” I asked 83pretending to look astonished.

84“No that’s why we are asking you” one demon snarled. “So tell us where it is?” 85“Only if you promise to let me free” I blackmailed. All the demons started to grumble. 86“Fine but tell us where the sword is first.” I spoke the first thing that came to my 87mind. 88“It’s in Alaska” I blurted out. All the demons looked confused. 89“Who is Alaska?” one demon asked looking puzzled. I sighed. These Demons were 90really stupid. 91“It’s a country” I explained to them. 92“I know that” the demon snapped. 93“We must alert the master!” a demon screamed. Suddenly all the demons burst into 94talk and arguments. While the demons were in their busy discussion I sneaked quietly 95towards the door. I already had a head start before they realised that I was gone. 96“We will ask the boy to take us to Alaska” the head demon quoted. 97“Where is the boy?” Suddenly there was uproar. I started to run faster even though it 98did make tired I ran. An alarm went off. I tried to run as fast as I could. Demons 99started to corner me everywhere. I hid behind a pillar just as a demon soared past. I 100started to run a different route. Home free I thought. Suddenly a demon blocked my 101path. 102“More lunch for me” the demon giggled. “Yes.” I would have said to him ‘time for me 103to punch you in the face yes’ but I was too scared to say that. The demon moved 104closer to me preparing for its kill. Suddenly a girl swooped before me. She had long 105flowing walnut hair. Her eyes were the colour of mustard and her skin was all rosy. 106She drew a sword and stabbed at the demon which vanished in a shower of green 107slime. She turned to face me when I suddenly felt something bang against my head. 108Then everything went dark. 109 110 * 111I was greeted with cold water. I sat up and spluttered. 112“What the…?” I began 113“Shh” a girl’s voice hissed. “We are still in their territory.” I sat up and was staring at 114the girl with auburn hair and mustard eyes. 115“Who are you?” I asked. The girl frowned as though I had just kicked her grandma in 116the face. 117“I’m Summer and please don’t be rude next time” Summer replied in a distasteful 118tone. 119“I want to go home now!” I demanded. I knew I sounded spoilt but I was so desperate 120to get back to Mum. 121“Go then no one is stopping you but you would be a fool to wander off because we 122are still in demon territory” Summer replied casually as though this happened 123everyday. I gave a long blazing glare. 124“I guess I’ll be hiking for the rest of my life” I said sadly crest fallen. 125“Good you need it” Summer muttered. I ignored that comment.

126“How am I going to get home then?” I asked Summer feeling quite annoyed.. 127“You can’t” Summer said softly. “Home is quite far for you now.” 128“No it isn’t” I snapped at her. “My home isn’t in the Atlantic ocean.” Summer didn’t 129say anything to this. After a long while she said, 130“I’m sorry Danan but there’s no way.” I sat down and buried my face in my hands. I 131didn’t even bother asking her how she knew my name. I was simply too sad. 132“You can come back with me to the Big House” Summer suggested. I was hopelessly 133confused by now. I stared at her blankly. She sighed. 134“It’s where all moonslayers live” Summer explained. I started to laugh. 135“I’m hopeless at science” I managed to choke out. Summer looked at me as though I 136was deluded. 137“Do not take this very lightly Danny. I just saved your butt just now” Summer 138snapped at me. I laughed again. 139“It was nice meeting you Summer but I better be getting home.” I pretended to look 140sad but it didn’t work. Summer just shrugged. 141“Like I said before there is no home for you now. So you’re just making yourself 142dinner for the demons” Summer said in a tone as though that solved the matter. I 143started to fume up at the part of ‘there is no home for you.’ 144“Listen here you have no right to tell me I don’t have a home. I have the best family 145ever. Just because you don’t have a family it doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t have 146a family because not everyone is a LONER LIKE YOU.” I shouted the last two 147words. Summer just glared at me. 148“Look I only saved your butt because I was ordered to. If I had my way I would have 149let the demons have you for their little banquet. When ever I go to get moonslayers 150they are always ungrateful stupid ugly gits so please for my sake don’t act like one for 151the day” Summer replied calmly. I suddenly realised why Summer looked so familiar. 152“You’re Ann’s sister” I stuttered. Summer raised an eyebrow. 153“You know Annabelle?” Summer asked looking surprised. I started to look at the 154floor. 155“Yeah she’s my best school friend” I explained. “You are Ann’s sister?” I added rather 156quickly. Summer started to become interested in her sword. For a minute I thought she 157wasn’t going to answer but she did. 158“Yes Annabelle is my sister. My parents always fussed about her because she was 159everything they wanted. Not that I’m jealous” Summer added quickly. Before I could 160ask any questions Summer suddenly said something. 161“Well are you coming or not?” Summer asked. I looked at the valley that we were in. I 162shrugged my shoulder. 163“Alright, what’s there to lose?” With that Summer started to walk straight. I followed 164the suit not knowing that with every step I took I was leading myself to more danger. 165 166

167 168 169 170 171 172 173 Summer kept walking fast. Not slowing the place.

Chapter 2 THE BIG HOUSE.

174“Where’s the fire?” I asked sarcastically. Summer ignore this comment. We had been 175walking for almost an hour. I sighed finally Summer stopped and smiled. 176“Are we out of the demons territory?” I asked. Summer rolled her eyes. 177“We were out of their territory ages ago” Summer answered. 178“So why do you keep walking fast?” I asked sounding annoyed. Summer smiled 179again. Her mustard coloured eyes twinkling. 180“Because I know you hate walking fast.” With that Summer flounced ahead. I trailed 181after her muttering about how girls are hard to understand. 182 183 Summer stopped again. I sighed. 184“What now?” I asked sounding irritated. Summer rolled her eyes. 185“We wait for the bus.” I finally lost keeping my anger controlled. 186“How the hell are we going to find a bus here?” I asked furiously. Suddenly 187something red stopped in front of us. It was a bus. Summer smiled. 188“How the hell are we going to find a bus here?” Summer mimicked in a bad 189impression of my voice. I gave her a dirty look and hopped into the bus. Summer 190followed me in. As we got a seat together I shared my suspicion with her. 191“You had something to do with this” I told her. Summer frowned looking confused. 192“What are you talking about?” She asked me. 193“The bus” I said. “When I ask how we are going to find a bus. Boom next minute 194there’s a bus. You had something to do with it.” Summer laughed. 195“How could I make a bus appear out of thin air?” Said Summer still chortling. 196“Magic?” Summer looked at me as though I was mad. I bent my head in shame. 197Magic. How childish did that sound? 198“So your Ann’s sister?” I asked trying to start a conversation. Apparently I said 199something offensive because Summer gave a long blazing glare. 200“Yeah what’s it to you?” Summer snapped. Normally I don’t tolerate anyone to be 201rude to me but this was different. 202“It’s just that Ann never mentioned she had a sister” I tried to explain. Summer 203sighed. 204“Of course she didn’t mention it to you because she doesn’t know she has a sister.” 205Summer saw my questioning look and answered it but very quickly.

206“I was about three years old when I got abducted. It happens to every moonslayers” 207Summer replied. 208“How come I haven’t been abducted?” I asked. Summer grinned. 209“You have but by me.” I was about to protest but Summer didn’t wait to listen. 210“Anyways Annabelle was only a baby when it happened. So she doesn’t remember 211me.” I was shocked. 212“Didn’t your parents try to…?” I tried to ask. Summer shook her head sadly. 213“My parents didn’t realise I was gone till 3 days later. I was at the park when I got 214abducted. My parents were too busy fussing over Annabelle that they never had time 215for me” Summer explained. “I wish I could see how Annabelle looks like now” 216Summer blinked to keep tears out of her eyes. 217“I’m sorry” I murmured to her. Summer didn’t hear apparently. 218“Look if I do ever get home I’ll tell Ann all about you” I offered. Summer smiled 219sadly. 220“You have very big hopes and dreams Danan. It’s not good.” I shrugged my 221shoulders. 222“Yeah well if you don’t believe in yourself you will never succeed” I quoted. Summer 223grumbled. 224“Loads of people say that. It’s just a load of rubbish.” I looked at her. Summer was a 225very disagreeable person. 226“If it’s a load of rubbish then how do you think some of the most well known people 227got there? How did George Washington become the first president? How did 228Michelangelo make all those fabulous sculptures? And how did Neil Armstrong 229become the first to make it to the moon and come back?” I asked quietly. “If you have 230a good answer for all those questions then there’s nothing I can do to.” 231“It was just luck” Summer said apprehensively. I looked at her. 232“Why are we having this conversation in the first place?” Summer snapped. With that 233she turned away from me. 234 235 Summer was quiet throughout the whole bus ride. I didn’t even try to talk to her. I 236couldn’t be bothered to deal with spoilt brats. Summer wasn’t a spoilt brat. She was 237just so disagreeable. Suddenly the bus stopped. Summer started to get up. 238“This is our stop” She said quite grudgingly. 239“Thanks. My mum is going to be worried.” I started towards the exit but Summer 240pulled me back. 241“What now?” I asked. 242“When I meant we’re here I meant the big house” Summer explained to me. I sighed. 243“I’m going home” I said. 244“You are home. Your home is the big house” Summer tried to persuade me. 245“My-home-is-not-the-big-house” I said through gritted teeth.

246“But….” 247“WHAT PART DO YOU NOT GET? MY HOME IS NOT THE BIG HOUSE” I 248yelled. Everyone stared in me and summers direction but I didn’t care. I strode 249towards the exit. The bus driver blocked my way. 250“Is there a problem sir?” The bus drive asked. 251“Get out my way fatty” I snarled. 252“Excuse me but you do not….” 253“MOVE” I SCREAMED. With that I pushed the bus driver on the floor and stalked 254out of the bus. Summer hurried out of the bus without helping the bus driver to his 255feet. I didn’t even bother screaming at her. After all Summer got me in this mess. I 256turned at a road. 257“Mum?” I called out. “Mum are you here?” “Mum?” I ran to the road on the right. 258Summer followed after me. 259“Danan I think your mum isn’t her” Summer said softly. I ignored the comment. I 260started to run to the street on the right. I stood in silence watching my house in horror. 261Everything was ashes. I was rooted to the spot. Summer came after me and followed 262my gaze to my old house. Summer sighed. 263“Come on Danan let’s go” Summer urged me. I suddenly felt so angry. Here I was 264standing watching my house go up in ruins and my family could be dead and all she 265could say was let’s go. 266“MY FAMILY IS DEAD. MY HOUSE IS IN RUINS AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS 267LET’S GO” I yelled at her. Summer didn’t say anything. All there was on her face 268was pity. I sank on the floor and buried my head in my face. Summer sat down next to 269me. 270“Danan, listen to me.” Summer said softly. 271“I DON’T WANT TO LISTEN” I shouted. Summer sighed again. 272“I was exactly like you when I was all new to this. I felt angry and just wanted to get 273rid of the feeling. Don’t you?” Summer enquired. For once I realised she was telling 274the truth. I wanted to wash everything out of me. 275“Your mother isn’t dead” Summer said quietly. I looked at her confused. 276“Maybe it’s about time that you ring her.” Summer held out a phone to me. It was my 277mobile. 278“I thought I…..” I couldn’t finish the sentence off. So many things were happening to 279me that my brain couldn’t take it all in. 280“I didn’t want to see a nice mobile go to waste.” Summer grinned. I took the mobile 281and started to dial my mum’s number. 282“Hello?” a familiar voice asked. 283“Mum?” I managed to croak out. I was so relieved. 284“Danan?” My mum’s voice called out in surprise. “Danan I thought you were dead. I 285thought the demons would have had you for supper.” Mum broke out in sobs. So my 286mum knew about the demons too. 287“Where are you?” I asked. My mum stopped her sobs.

288“Don’t come looking for me Danan” my mum said sounding deadly serious. I started 289to get worried. 290“Mum?” I asked. 291“Danan get to the big house. Train hard there. I know you will be the greatest 292Darkslayer ever.” I was totally confused. 293“Who’s Darkslayer? Mum? Where are you?” I asked panicked stricken. 294“Goodbye Danan.” The call disconnected. I threw the phone on the floor. Summer 295didn’t say anything. She jumped up and dusted dirt of her clothes. 296“We better get to the big house” Summer said without any hesitation. I didn’t say 297anything. I just stood up and followed her, leaving my previous life behind me. 298 299 300 * 301Summer gave the taxi a big wad of cash and gesture for me to follow her. I jumped 302out of the taxi and it drove off. Summer stopped in front of a tall building. She took a 303key out of her pocket and put it into the keyhole. It unlocked immediately. Summer 304smiled. 305“Welcome Danan to the big house.” I looked around. Everything looked white. The 306hall was crowded with lots of people. When they saw Summer coming in they all 307bowed. Summer didn’t react to this. 308“Should I bow too, your highness?” I asked Summer sarcastically. 309“Ha ha.” I smiled looking quite pleased with myself. Summer turned to face me. 310“Danan go to room 15 first corridors on your right. Sheffield will be there” Summer 311explained to me. I started sniggering. Summer rolled her eyes and muttered. 312“Get a grip.” 313 314 I started to make my way to the corridors when I heard a boy yell out for help. 315I started to run towards the boy’s voice. He was tied by a rope to a tree. I ran towards 316him and quickly untied him. The boy grinned. He had blonde hair that was up to his 317neck and his eyes were electric blue. He was probably around my age. 318“Thanks. Nobody bothers to untie me.” 319“This happens all the time?” I asked him. The boy grinned showing milky white teeth. 320“Nothing new” he said. “Anyways are you new here? I haven’t seen you here before” 321the boy asked. I smiled. 322“I’m new here. I’m Danan” I said holding my hand out for a shake. The boy took it. 323“I’m Maximillian but most people call me Maxi.” We shook hands. 324“Nice to meet you. I better get going” I said. 325“Where are you off too?” Maxi asked. I shrugged my shoulders. 326“Someone call Sheffield.” Maxi went all pale.

327“This is bad. Sheffield never meets any newbie’s unless they are very important. One 328of the 3 chiefs’ sons” Maxi explained. I shrugged my shoulders and walked away 329without saying goodbye. 330I finally made it to Sheffield’s office. I knocked on the door. 331“Enter which ever punk it is” a voice boomed from inside. Now normally I would get 332angry if someone called me a name I hated but I was too scared to make a fuss. I 333stepped inside looking around the small office. It was quite a weird one. There were 334walls painted blood red and there were knives hanging on them. There were three big 335stained glass windows at the back. Painted on the stained glass windows were scenes 336of battles. 337“You like my office then?” a familiar voice drawled. I turned to face the person sitting 338on the desk. My first impression was of a big fat potato sack. The woman looked like 339she had been pumped up and that she was going to explode. The woman had blonde 340short hair. Her face was really red and she wore a tweed jacket over a cocktail dress. 341“Ms. Puc?” I asked looking astonished. Ms. Puc shuffled uncomfortably in her chair. 342“That’s Sheffield for you” Ms. Puc-Sheffield wagged her chubby finger at me 343whenever I gave her lip. She glared at me. 344“Right, Danan. You have been subscribed to room 15. Second door. on your right. 345Any problems?” Sheffield asked. 346“Yeah I…” I began. 347“Well too bad” Sheffield interrupted. That’s when I exploded. 348“What am I doing here? Why aren’t you at the school? What is this place? And what 349am I doing here?” I yelled at her furiously. Sheffield stared at me blankly. 350“Didn’t Summer tell you?” she enquired. 351“Tell me what?” I demanded. Sheffield sighed. 352“I could kill that girl.” Suddenly a beep came from somewhere. Sheffield took a 353walkie talkie out of her pocket. 354“What?” Sheffield asked. 355“There is an urgent call from the big chief. He wants a meeting with a boy” a voice 356said from the walkie talkie. 357“What’s the boy’s name?” Sheffield asked. 358“Danan Richards.” Sheffield’s face started to turn pale. 359“Tell him he’s on his way.” Sheffield slammed the walkie talkie on to her desk and 360turned to face me. 361“Danan, what’s your father’s name?” Sheffield asked softly. I had never met my 362father. He left when I was very little. All my mum told me was his name. 363“Jonathon Morgue” I replied. Sheffield turned even paler. 364“You will go tomorrow to meet your father” Sheffield said finality. I started to get 365angry. Everyone made fun out of me and my family when my dad left me. I don’t 366know what they found so funny about being abandoned by your family relatives.

367“What’s your problem?” I asked angrily. I should have mentioned something 368important to you. I tend to get angry very easily. In simple words I had anger 369problems. It was my fault. I was always looked down upon other people. It was just so 370annoying. 371“Danan, listen to me” Sheffield tried to say. That’s when I completely lost it. 372“What’s your problem?” I asked again hysterically. Sheffield started to get scared. 373“Sorry if I’m not a rich snotty fat cow like you” I yelled. Sheffield looked like she 374was going to faint. 375“D Danan” Sheffield stuttered. 376“SHUT UP” I roared. Then without realising I came straight at her. I had Sheffield 377pinned on the ground without realising. I spoke in a deadly quiet voice. 378“You will let me leave this place quietly” I said in a threatening voice. Sheffield’s 379eyes were wide opened. 380“I will let you leave this place quietly” Sheffield repeated in a trance. 381“You will not speak of this to anyone.” 382“I will not speak of this to anyone.” I smiled with a menace on my face. I got up to 383my feet slowly and ran to the door carefully shutting it behind me. 384 385 386 Don’t ask me how I did that thing with Sheffield. It always happened. 387Whenever I got angry the person I was angry with would suddenly be in a trance and 388then they would be under my control. It once happened with my English teacher. She 389said something that really pissed me off and then next minute she would be in a 390trance. I tried not to get angry because of that trance thing but I would always fail. 391There was only one person who wasn’t affected by my thing I could do. I was so deep 392in thought that I didn’t think about getting out quickly. I bumped into someone. 393“Where are you going?” Summer asked. I decided to use my special ability on her. 394What do I have to lose? 395“You will let me leave quietly” I said softly. My eyes started to change colour. 396Summer didn’t react to the way Sheffield did when I did that to her. Instead Summer 397reacted differently. Next minute I was pinned on the floor with a knife hovering above 398my throat. 399“Do that again and I’ll kill you” Summer hissed at me. I kicked her in the stomach. 400Summer crashed in to a pillar. I ran past her bolting towards the exit. 401“Your going to pay for that darky Summer yelled after me. Did she just call me a 402darky? Then I remember the last thing that happened to me was getting punched in the 403stomach. 404 405 406 407 408


409 Being lied to by your own family is not a pleasant thing. If this hasn’t 410happened to you I envy you. If this has happened to you then welcome to the club. 411Altogether I was not in a good mood. If you had run into one of your least favourite 412teacher, tried to escape from her, getting chased by half of the security and then 413getting punched in the stomach you wouldn’t be in the happiest moods. I remember 414waking up in some tiny cell. I started to freak out. This room was exactly the same as 415the one where the demons imprisoned me. The demons must have captured me. The 416door started to creak open. Probably one of those stupid retarded demons. 417“What do you want retard?” I asked bitterly to the demon. I didn’t even bother turning 418around to face it. 419“Excuse me?” A non demon Voice asked. Before I could say anything a familiar voice 420added something in. 421“Excuse him sir. He’s very rude. He has no respect at all for anyone” Summer sniffed. 422The man started to laugh. 423“He gets that from me I guess” the man said cheerfully even though I called him a 424retard. I decided to apologise to him. 425“Sorry” I said. “I thought you were one of those retarded demons.” The man started to 426laugh again. 427“Understandable” the man said in an approval tone. I started to have another one of 428my attitude problem. 429“Why do you keep laughing like that? You sound like a duck when you laugh” I 430snapped. Oops my bad. I was definite s that he would thwack me on my butt. 431Apparently he didn’t. 432“You remind me a lot of myself” the man added. That’s when I turned to face him. He 433had dark green eyes. His hair was chestnut brown and his face was very pudgy. 434“No way.” I said opened mouth. Jonathan smiled. 435“You have finally got….” I didn’t let him finish his sentence because I went charging 436towards him. My head slammed into his stomach. Jonathan slammed into the door. 437Summer screamed. She drew her knife and ran towards me. I stuck my leg out and 438tripped her up. Summer slammed into the wall. I started towards Jonathan who lay 439crippled by the door. Jonathan saw me and his eyes widened in terror when he saw 440Summers knife in my hand. 441“Danan, I understand your anger but you have to learn to control it” Jonathan told me. 442I kept walking not listening to a word that Jonathan said. 443“Danan, don’t do this.” My mum’s voice whispered in my ear. I froze in my walk. 444“Danan the hero.” I remember that. When It was time for me to go to sleep, I asked 445my mum to read me a bedtime story. She read me Hercules. He was my favourite hero 446when I was little. Then I told my mum that I can be a hero to. She laughed and then 447started to call me Danan the hero. Even now it was a pet name. I didn’t even get 448embarrassed about it. Whenever people asked what I’ll do when I grow up I said that 449I’ll be a hero. They all use to laugh at me. But I didn’t care. I still want to be Danan 450the hero. Tears trickled down my cheek. 451“Danan the hero” I murmured and then I dropped the knife on the brick floor. 452Jonathan looked at me stunned.

453“I knew my own son…” I interrupted him 454“I might have not hurt you but I’m not your son” I said bitterly. Jonathan’s expression 455looked pained but I didn’t care. I looked towards Summer who lay crumpled near the 456wall. I walked towards her. 457“Summer?” I asked softly. Summer looked up and glared at me. 458“What do you want?” she asked angrily. She was clutching her ankle. 459“Sorry about the ankle” I said. Summer glared at me even more. 460“We must get going Danan. We will explain everything later” Jonathan pleaded. I 461nodded quietly and indicated for Summer to try to stand up. 462 463 We were in a big room with a marble floor. Me, Summer and Jonathan 464were sitting at the big table. Jonathan was drinking tea in a mug. He offered it to me 465but I refused. I didn’t trust him. Not after what he did to my mother. I had finally 466calmed down. Every now and then I would give Jonathan a dirty look explaining how 467I felt about him. It definitely was not child love. Not even close. Summer was still 468scowling about me breaking her ankle. She wasn’t angry about me breaking her ankle. 469She was angry that I’d beaten her in a fight. 470“Danan I know you don’t trust me and you have every right not to. But please sit 471properly in you chair” Jonathan said calmly. I was sitting on the edge of my chair. I 472didn’t even realise that. 473“No” I said fiercely. 474“Danan you have no right to talk to me like that” Jonathan scolded. 475“Ha, who are you to talk about rights?” I demanded. “Who said you had the right to 476abandon my mother when she was really ill. She depended on you. What did you do? 477You abandoned her. I was left to look after her. She cooked and fed you when you 478were with her. What do you do to thank her? You just abandon and leave her 479heartbroken. You are just a stupid ungrateful git” I yelled. I had lost to control my 480anger but I was fuming. I was in one of my worst fits ever. Jonathan bit back his lip. 481“Danan just sit down” Jonathan urged. “I’ll….” I kicked my chair. It went soaring 482across the room. 483“What will you do? Abandon me and break my heart like you did to my mother. Well 484guess what? That will never happen. Hear that?” I yelled at him. Summer sighed. 485“Danan, stop being so….” Summer began. 486“Shut up” I snarled at her. With that I ran out of the room. I heard Jonathan call my 487name. Loads of footsteps started to echo across the floor. I hid behind a pillar. 488“Well that went well” I heard Summer say. 489“I wish he could the truth” Jonathan said sadly. “I didn’t break Emily’s heart. She told 490me to leave. She said it would be safer. But it didn’t turn out safe at all. Ariel’s plans 491are never great.” I heard what sounded like a sigh from Summer. 492“So how are we meant to tell him that he is a darkslayer and that he’s in great danger 493and that we have to kill him?” Summer enquired. I started to tremble. They were 494planning to kill me. That was enough for me to know that I have to escape. I leapt out

495from the pillar. Summer gasped. I started to run to the exit. I was blocked by two 496people. I leapt over them and continued to run. Someone grabbed the back of my 497shirt. I tuned towards a fat boy with brown eyes. 498“You will let me leave quietly and tell the others that I’ve escaped” I hissed. The boy 499went into a trance and had let go of my shirt and started to wander the opposite 500direction. I burst out of the doors with relish and started to walk straight forward. 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508Dear diary,


509 Today I had the most weirdest day ever. I was meant to hunt down some 510demons because they had a moonslayer captive. I went there and battled the demons 511and then successfully escaped with the captive. His name is Danan. He has sandy 512hair and rosy cheeks. He had honey eyes that would every now and again change 513electric blue. That seriously freaked me out. He looked like a Darky and he was. He 514even had the nerve to use that creepy power of his on me. He even beat me in a fight. 515This boy isn’t like normal Darky’s. He doesn’t even look that evil like normal Darkies 516do. When he was using that gift on me., His expression looked like he was scared. 517That’s why it didn’t affect me. If you want the power to work you have got to have 518faith that your using it correctly. I still hate Danan. He’s a Darky but he’s quite 519interesting. His eyes are always focused. I’m still going to kill him no matter what I 520might kill him. I’ll see what kind of Darky he will be. Speaking of which, I have to 521make my mind up quickly. Because then Danan was dragged inside wet and weak 522which was the perfect time to kill him. 523 524 525 526LAMBORGHINI


527Okay I’ll explain how my escape plan failed. I was just getting a drink of 528water from a lake when something pounced on me. I fell into the river. I 529assumed that I became unconscious then and was dragged towards the big 530house because I woke up weak and spluttering on a cold marble floor. 531Summer was towering over me. She was holding a knife in her hand 532“Go on get over with it then” I said bitterly to her. Then I turned towards 533Jonathan. 534“Hope your happy” I said angrily. Jonathan looked pained. 535“My son…” he began.

536“Don’t call me your son” I hissed. Summer raised the knife and then 537pushed it down on my arm. I didn’t even scream or cry out in pain. It just 538felt like a pinch. Summer gasped. Jonathan laughed. Summer started to 539get angry. 540“You knew and you didn’t even tell me” Summer shrieked at Jonathan. 541Jonathan laughed. 542“Well I thought it would be a surprise for you” Jonathan said cheerfully. 543“Well you don’t need to despair about the prophecy now.” Summer 544stormed out of the room. 545“What prophecy?” I asked. 546“The prophecy is that Summer shall retrieve a person. That person will 547help Summer make her dream come true. The person will be a darkslayer 548that is of the 5 eagles. I think that fits you very much Danan.” I was 549hopelessly confused now. 550“Who are the five eagles?” I asked. 551“There were five people. Two were girls and three were boys. They were 552powerful people who ruled the Earth. They were known as the five 553eagles. The five eagles decided that when they got too old to rule the 554Earth. Who would do it? They then made children known as the 555Darkslayers. They made many but they made five important ones. One 556for each of the five eagles. These important Darkslayers would always 557come back. If you killed them they would just appear again. The 558important Darkslayers was Codpillar. Son of Zelena, Emilaskus daughter 559of Hroth, Danansan son of Ariela, and Marialca daughter of Orpan and 560Devenine son of Copan” Jonathan explained. 561“So what does this have to do with me?” I asked. Jonathan smiled. 562“Your Ariela’s son.” 563“But my mum is dead. Her name is Serena. Not Ariela” I explained 564quickly. “I’m your son right?” Jonathan smiled sadly. 565“It’s a bit complicated. I’m not actually your father. I’m sort of like your 566guardian” Jonathan explained. 567“Then why do you keep calling me your son?” I asked. Jonathan smiled 568again. 569“It was only to make you feel better” Jonathan said. I sighed. 570“Why does Summer hate me so much?” I asked. Jonathan sighed. 571“Summer had a bad experience with a Darkslayer. It caused her to never 572see her family again” Jonathan replied mournfully. “Ever since she has

573hated all Darkslayers.” “Don’t take it personally” Jonathan added hastily. 574I sighed. 575“Summer told me that her parents never noticed her. She said that they 576noticed 3 days later after she was taken away” I said. Jonathan shook his 577head sadly. 578“Summer is too young to understand the whole story.” Jonathan sighed. 579“I’ve got to go Danan. Go to room 18. That will be your bedroom.” With 580that Jonathan walked off. I guess I was stuck here then. As I made my 581way towards room 18 everyone kept looking at me and then started to 582murmur to their friends. I saw one of my friends and then started to walk 583towards him. 584“Hey Maxi” I said. Maxi slowly turned around. 585“Sorry I don’t talk to Darkies” Maxi sneered. Great, now Maxi hates me 586as well. 587“What are you talking about?” I asked trying to sound confused. This just 588made Maxi even angrier. 589“Now you’re taking a mick. Watch what I’ll do to you? I’ll arrange your 590legs in such a way that you will never be able to walk again” Maxi 591threatened. With that he started to walk away. 592


593. I made my way towards room 18. There was a schedule of all the 594lessons I had. Before I had a plan to escape but I felt like I belonged here. 595Whenever I was with my so called mother I didn’t feel like I belonged 596there. But over here in the big house, I felt I belonged here. I started to 597make my way towards the arena where they did sword fighting. When I 598went there I found a whole load of people in the arena. I tried to look for 599people I recognised but was sad that I only recognised Summer. I made 600my way towards her. 601“What’s going on?” I asked. Summer was looking very pale. 602“A punishment. That’s what’s going on” Summer replied grimly. 603“Order! Order!” a voice called. Everyone scrambled to their seats. Two 604people came out. One I recognised as Jonathan. The other man was quite 605skinny and had shaggy black hair. His eyes were beady red. He looked 606like he had just woken up. 607“That’s Ratagan” Summer whispered in my ear. I started to snicker. 608Summer gave me a warning look.

609“Everyone. We are gathered here to witness a crime committed. I think 610we all know what the punishment is when someone breaks a rule.” 611Ratagan grinned cruelly. I gulped. 612“Bring the scum out” Ratagan yelled. A boy about one year younger then 613me was dragged into the arena all chained up. This was making me really 614angry. I tried to control my anger. 615“Who would like to kill this scum?” Ratagan asked. The boy turned 616completely pale. 617“Please sir. Don’t do this to me” the boy begged. 618“Shut up” Ratagan roared. The boy shrank away from Ratagan. This was 619the last straw. I stood up and yelled. 620“ENOUGH.” Everyone turned their heads towards me. Ratagan’s beady 621eyes started to gleam. 622“Who is this?” Ratagan asked. “I haven’t seen him anywhere in the big 623house.” I started to walk towards the arena. Everyone looked shocked. 624Summer buried her face in her hands. Finally I was standing right in front 625of Ratagan. 626“Leave him alone” I commanded. Ratagan started to smirk. 627“Or else what?” Ratagan asked. 628“Do you honestly want me to demonstrate?” I threatened. Ratagan’s smile 629faded. 630“He is a criminal” Ratagan said. 631“What was exactly his crime?” I enquired. Ratagan pursed his lips. 632“He refused to obey an order” Ratagan exclaimed. 633“He told me to kill someone’s parents” the boy yelled out. “But I’m not a 634filthy smelly git like Ratagan.” 635“Silence” Ratagan ordered. “Go back to your seat now.” I had an idea. It 636was a crazy one but there was no harm in trying. 637“Sure, right after I do this.” I aimed a kick in Ratagan’s face. Ratagan 638went smashing into a wall. I grabbed the boy’s chains and snapped it in 639half. 640“Go now” I said to the boy. The boy looked completely shocked. 641“Thank you.” With that he ran to his freedom. 642“GUARDS SEIZE HIM” Ratagan shrieked. Big guards dressed in armour 643came lumbering towards me. One of them picked me up by my shirt. I bit 644his hand. The guard yelled out in pain and dropped me and then I

645punched him in the face. The guard went down. Suddenly everyone 646started to run around. I saw a guard lift Summer off her feet. I ran towards 647the guard full speed and head butted him in the stomach. The guard 648crumpled towards the floor. Summer dusted her clothes and then she 649scowled at me. 650“I could have handled it” she said. Before I could reply I was suddenly 651lifted off my feet. 652“Well it’s about time I kill you” Ratagan hissed in my ear. He slammed 653me into a wall and then dropped me. Everyone had stopped panicking. 654Everyone was watching me and Ratagan. Ratagan smiled menacingly. He 655held a knife in his hand. He made his way towards me. Ratagan towering 656over me. I then used a trick that my mother taught me whenever I was 657about to get beaten up. I wrapped my legs around Ratagan’s and then I 658moved my legs forward. It caused Ratagan to fall over. I got up and took 659the knife from his hand. I then stabbed the knife down on Ratagan’s chest 660“NOOO” Ratagan wailed and then he disintegrated to dust. I shivered. 661Everyone cheered and ran down to me. I went over to Summer. 662“Not bad” Summer said. 663“I thought I was the bad guy because I killed him” I said. 664“Ratagan was the bad guy. We have wanted him dead for so long. Don’t 665expect me to bow down to you just because you killed Ratagan.” I 666shrugged my shoulders. 667“Why do you hate me so much?” I asked. Summer pursed her lips. 668“We can’t be friends. I’m a moonslayer and you’re a Darkslayer” 669Summer explained. 670“So?” I asked. “We are more or less doing the same thing. We’re both 671slayers.” 672“There’s a difference” Summer hissed. “Darkslayers are sworn enemies 673of moonslayers. We just can’t be friends.” 674“So let’s change that. Let’s try and get along” I suggested. Summer shook 675her head and then she walked off. I sighed. 676 677


678After the fiasco with Ratagan I didn’t want to cause any other major 679events again. Everyone was now keeping their distance. I was suddenly 680now the one of the five Darkslayers who were dangerous and was hated 681by everyone. I was sitting by the sea trying to figure out what to do now. I 682was worried sick about my mother at home. Not the eagle one. The one

683who I thought was my mother. I wondered what happened to Becky. She 684tried to call me when I was held hostage but I lost my phone so I couldn’t 685call her. 686“You look deep in thought” Someone remarked. I turned around it was 687Summer. 688“I thought you hate Darkslayers” I said miserably. Summer sighed. She 689sat down next to me. 690“Danan, it’s not that I hate you. I just hate who you are if that makes 691sense” Summer tried to explain. 692“Why do you hate Darkslayers? What have they ever done to you?” I 693demanded. Summer bit back her lip. 694“I told you it’s that….” Summer began. 695“No it isn’t” I interrupted. “You had a bad experience with a Darkslayer 696that took you away from your family.” Summer finally let her rage out. 697“Look I just hate Darkslayers. Is that too hard to understand?” Summer 698asked angrily. 699“Yes.” Summer rolled her eyes. 700“Look, if you can just tell me your reason for hating me then maybe I’ll 701stay away from you” I suggested. Summer put on a thoughtful look. 702“Hmm…. Let me think about that, no” Summer said sarcastically. I 703sighed. 704“I’m going to track down my sister and family tomorrow” I said. “So you 705won’t be seeing me again.” Summer gave me a pitiful look. 706“Danan, this is your family.” Summer pressed on. “Danan, perhaps it’s 707about time you contact Betty.” 708“Becky” I corrected. 709 710 Summer led me back to the big house. Jonathan stood there waiting 711for us. When he saw me he let out a sigh of relief. 712“Danan, I thought you would have run off again” Jonathan said. I 713shrugged my shoulders. 714“Summer said I can talk to Becky. Is she here?” I scanned the room trying 715to see if she was here. Jonathan shook his head. 716“No Danan. You will see her in a holographic form.” Jonathan gestured 717for me and Summer to follow him. We were soon in a room that was 718filled with lots of machines. Jonathan wandered over to a small working

719desk in a corner. He picked up a round silver disk and then he tossed it 720across the room like a Frisbee. Me and Summer had to duck to avoid 721getting wacked on the head. The Disk skittered across the floor and then 722it started to glow. Green light shot of the Frisbee and then there was a 723hologram of a boy and a girl sitting in a yellow Lamborghini. I 724recognised the girl as my Becky and I had no idea who the boy was. 725“Becky?” I asked uncertainly. 726“What is it Josh?” Becky asked the boy sitting next to her. The boy called 727Josh frowned. 728“What?” Josh asked. Becky rolled her eyes. Apparently the boy wasn’t 729really that bright. 730“Becky” I called out to her. Becky was starting to get irritated with the 731boy. 732“Josh, stop calling my name” Becky snapped. 733“I’m not” Josh protested. I suddenly had a bright idea. 734“Josh” I called out. “Josh. I am the ghost of Mary Alice and I have come 735to haunt you.” Josh screamed and fumbled for the handle of the 736Lamborghini. Josh fell out of the door. 737“AHHH. GHOST. SOMEONE HELP ME” Josh wailed as he ran for the 738nearest convienient store. I started to chortle. 739“Stop messing about” Summer snapped although she was trying hard not 740to laugh herself. 741“Summer’s right Danan. This is no time to mess about” Jonathan scolded. 742“Now hurry up.” I was still snickering but stayed focused. 743“Becky it isn’t a ghost. It’s me” I said. Becky didn’t say anything. I 744frowned. 745“Can she hear me?” I asked Jonathan. 746“She should be. I sent a signal to her phone so that she will be able to 747hear your voice” Jonathan explained. “Oh.” Jonathan pressed a button. 748“Her phone should be ringing.” As if on cue Becky’s phone started to 749ring. Becky got it out. 750“Hello?” she asked. 751“Hey Bucky” I greeted. Becky’s eyes went wide. 752“Danan, is that you\?” Becky asked. 753“The one and only.” Becky looked suddenly angry.

754“Where have you been? I’ve been calling you non-stop but I was getting 755no signal.” 756“Where’s mum? Is she okay?” I asked. Becky looked exhausted. 757“She’s the same as ever and she’s worried sick about you.” I looked 758confused. I had seen the house in ruins. How could she be fine? 759“When was the last time you saw her?” I asked. 760“I talked to her on the phone weeks ago. I’m in university” Becky 761explained. 762“She’s dead” I said in a dead voice. Becky turned pale. 763“She’s not dead you idiot. She’s in the hospital.” 764“Then why did you say she’s the same as ever?” I asked irritably. 765“I didn’t say that” Becky denied. 766“Yeah you did. I asked you ….” I began to protest. 767“Got a Lamborghini to drive, bye.” The hologram flickered and then died 768out. I sighed. 769“You could have given me some privacy” I rounded on Summer. Summer 770shrugged her shoulders. 771“There is no privacy here. Now you see. This is your home” Summer 772said. I glared at her. 773“Why don’t you people understand? I’m not who you think I am” I 774persisted. Summer rolled her eyes. Jonathan had now stopped fiddling 775with the machines and was now listening to me. He frowned. 776“I don’t remember it being so hard to convince the others that they were 777important Darkslayers. Emila believed it straight away” Jonathan added. 778“Who’s Emila?” I asked. 779“Emilaskus. Daughter of Hroth” Summer explained. “She has good aim 780in archery.” 781“Isn’t she a Darkslayer?” I asked. Summer rolled her eyes. 782“No she’s one of Santa Clause’s elves” Summer said sarcastically. 783Jonathan cut in before I could say anything. 784“The point is that you are one of the big five. You were due to come in 785about a hundred year’s time. We waited for about a century. You still 786hadn’t come. We had almost given up on you. Ariela was getting worried 787that her hero was the only one that hadn’t come. But you have now. You 788probably came to save us from war” Jonathan emphasised.

789“What do you want me to do about it?” I asked. Summer rolled her eyes. 790“This is what is so annoying about Darkies. It takes them ages to figure 791about what to do.” I had enough. 792“Why do you keep calling me Darkie?” I demanded. “How about I call 793you moony?” That was the last straw. Summer started to charge at me. I 794step sided her and then she went crashing into the wall. 795“AHHGH” Summer shrieked. Summer turned around to glare at me. I’m 796sorry but I couldn’t help but laugh. Summer had blood everywhere on 797her. From her forehead to her chin. But the funniest thing was that she 798had blood on the front of her nose. 799“Ha ha” I chuckled. Summer started to get even angrier. 800“YOU IDIOTIC MORON. LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE” Summer 801yelled. Jonathan sighed. Apparently our fighting was tiring him out. 802“Both of you. Stop fighting. It’s getting on my nerves” Jonathan said 803irritably. I smirked at Summer. 804“Danan’s getting on my nerves” Summer muttered. Then all three of us 805walked out of the room. 806 807 808 809TRUCE


810 811 Okay. You must think by this 812time that I believed I was a Darkslayer. I did believe it now but I 813absolutely hated it. Everyone was now always horrible. It was divided in 814to halves. Half were Darkslayers. Half were moonslayers. The 815moonslayers were disgusted that I even existed. The Darkslayers 816welcomed me with open arms. My fight with Summer had spread. 817Darkslayers started to use the nickname I made up for moonslayers 818(moonies). It was like war between the moonslayers and Darkslayers. 819Summer steered right off me ever since I gave her a nosebleed. Summer’s 820nose was completely broken. So she had a plaster on it. It looked really 821funny. Some Darkslayers started to call her moony nose. I was always 822getting pushed around by moonslayers. I still did not get why 823Moonslayers and Darkslayers hated each other. I decided top ask this 824question to someone.

825“Why do Moonslayers and Darkslayers hate each other?” I asked George 826Henry who was a fellow Darkslayer I knew. George started to adjust the 827arrow on his bow. 828“Sorry, what were you saying?” George asked. 829“Why do Darkslayers and Moonslayers hate each other?” I repeated. 830George’s face darkened. 831“It’s a long story. Have you heard of the five eagles?” 832“Yeah” I replied. 833“Well, there were other rulers under the employment of the five eagles. 834The employers of the eagles thought they were not being treated right. So 835they decided to rebel against the eagles. There were four leaders who led 836the rebellion. I don’t know their names so don’t ask. They were called the 837four moons. The rebellion obviously failed. But Ariela felt sorry for the 838slaves that rebelled so she persuaded the others if they could just be 839leaders of their own. So the 4 moons became leaders for the rest of the 840people. It was like a total different world. So the people who rebelled 841started to have children and so on and then bam that is how we are stuck 842with moonies” George explained in a bored tone. 843“Why are they called moonslayers?” I asked. George shrugged. 844“They slay all evils. Just like Darkslayers.” 845“That still doesn’t answer my question” I retorted. “Why do moonslayers 846hate Darkslayers?” 847“The moonies think we embarrassed their ancestors” George said with 848disgust. “Moonies are always trying to find faults in Darkslayers. It’s not 849our fault that their ancestors didn’t think logically.” I heard someone 850make an angry hissing noise behind George. 851“We can hear you know” Summer said in a angry tone. George just stared 852at her. All he said was 853“You are moony nose?” George enquired. 854“Shut up Darkie” Summer snapped. 855“Or what? Are you going to shine moonlit nose at me?” George sneered. 856Summer flushed. George aimed his arrow at the target and then he 857released it. The target board had a big hole on it as soon as the arrow 858landed on it. 859“Watch what you say moony or that’s what will happen to you” George 860threatened. With that he started to head off for the arena. I sighed. 861“Summer…” I began.

862“Are you going to make another threat to me as well?” Summer shrieked 863at me holding back tears. With that she ran off to the big house. 864 865


866I sat on the fields watching the calm sea. For some reason it always 867calmed me down when I had a lot of things on my mind. 868“The sea is quite peaceful” a voice from behind me said. I turned around. 869Jonathan stood leaning on an apple tree. He came and sat down on the 870grass beside me. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. 871“Why is Summer so difficult?” I blurted out angrily. “What is her 872problem? George only snapped at her and then she goes storming off.” 873Jonathan plucked an apple from the tree and started to roll it about in his 874hands. 875“I’m afraid that what George said was very offensive to Summer” 876Jonathan said calmly. He took a bite off the apple. I opened my mouth but 877Jonathan raised a hand. 878“I’m not going to explain. George knows why is what he said was 879offensive. I presumed he did it knowingly. I expect them to handle things 880maturely. So don’t worry about it.” I was still angry though. It always 881took me ages to calm down. I still had a question though. 882“Do you know who my father is?” I asked excitedly. Jonathan cast his 883eyes down on his half bitten apple. 884“I’m sorry to tell you this Danan but you don’t have a father” Jonathan 885said mournfully. I was confused. 886“But that’s impossible. It’s that…..” I struggled with words. “Don’t you 887know science?” I finished off lamely. Jonathan sighed. 888“Danan, you were not born as normal humans. You were sort of made out 889of ingredients. You were designed for a particular task. You’re not a 890human. You’re a…” 891“Darkslayer” I finished off. “So moonslayers are made the same as 892Darkslayers.” I said. Jonathan sighed. 893“There’s a difference. Moonslayers were not made. They were born. 894Darkslayers were made.” Jonathan rushed on. “Let me give you an 895example. Saying as if you made a metal brick and then you called it ugly. 896The brick wouldn’t start crying would it now?” Jonathan asked. 897“No it wouldn’t. it can’t” I replied in a reproachful tone. Jonathan smiled 898as if he was getting his point across.

899“Why can’t it cry?” Jonathan asked. 900“Because it’s an inanimate object. It was manmade.” Jonathan smiled. 901“Same with you. You were manmade by Ariela. So what does that 902mean?” I shrugged my shoulders. First he starts talking about making a 903metal brick and then calling it ugly. Then starts saying that the brick can’t 904cry because it was manmade. It suddenly dawned on me. 905“You’re saying I have no feelings?” I said my voice quivering. Jonathan 906looked down. 907“No Danan, you’re different. You’re….” Jonathan began. 908“YEAH, I KNOW I’M DIFFERENT. JUST BECAUSE I’M SOME 909CHILD OF A STUPID MORONIC LEADER” I shouted. Jonathan 910looked panic stricken. 911“Danan, just calm down” Jonathan pleaded. But I was on the roll. 912“WHAT? I SHOULD HAVE RUN AWAY WHEN I COULD. WELL 913GUESS WHAT? THAT’S WHAT I’M GONNA DO RIGHT NOW” I 914screeched. I stomped back towards the big house. Jonathan didn’t even 915try and stop me. There were a whole load of people practicing in the 916arena. I crossed through it. Some of the people waved at me. Others 917shared looks of disgust. A boy was suddenly blocking my path. 918“Maxi, move” I said looking exhausted. Maxi tried to look fierce but he 919actually looked scared. 920“I want a duel” Maxi quivered. I stared at him. 921“Why?” I asked. Maxi glared at me. 922“Why do you think?” Maxi snarled. 923“Is it for entertainment?” I guessed. Maxi suddenly ran towards me with a 924sword in his hand. I suddenly let my instincts take over me. I grabbed the 925sword and flipped it over. Maxi yelped. He went soaring into the arena 926wall. I gasped. Maxi laid crumpled near the wall. He slowly got up to his 927feet. All the moonslayers groaned. 928“Maxi is such a waste” one moonslayer muttered. . 929“So are you” I snarled at the person. The person gave me a dirty look and 930flounced off. I ran to Maxi’s side. 931“Are you okay?” I asked looking concerned. Maxi had tears on his face. 932“I thought if I did it people would look at me and want to be my friend. I 933guess not” Maxi sobbed. I sighed. 934“I could be your friend” I suggested. Maxi shook his head as soon as I 935suggested it.

936“Moonslayers and Darkslayers can never be friends” Maxi said sadly. 937“Let’s be the first to change that.” I held my hand out. Maxi took my 938hand reluctantly. 939“Truce” I said. 940“Truce” Maxi agreed. 941 942 943


944No one knew about the truce me and maxi made. It passed on unnoticed. 945Me Maxi didn’t start to hang with each other. That would just look too 946suspicious. Whenever we passed each other we would just share a brief 947smile. Me and Maxi were starting to become good friends. Thirteen days 948had passed since I had been held hostage by the demons. I stood in the 949arena with an arrow in my hand. I aimed it at one of the targets and then I 950threw. It landed in front of the target. I sighed. 951“Need company?” a voice asked. I spun around and threw one of the 952arrows at the person. It obviously missed because I had pathetic aim. 953“You need to work on your aiming” Jonathan commented as he plucked 954the arrow of the ground. He handed it back to me. 955“Danan, I’m sorry about yesterday” Jonathan apologised. “I guess you 956were not ready yet.” I nodded my head silently. 957“I have noticed something about you” Jonathan added quickly. “If I said 958that to another Darkslayer, then they would have used there ah special 959ability. You just started to yell at me.” I sighed. 960“Why is it that you are always here to talk to me?” I asked. Jonathan 961shrugged his shoulders. 962“You are a very interesting young man Danan” Jonathan said 963thoughtfully. “It’s been millennia before I met someone as enchanting as 964you.” 965“How old are you exactly?” I enquired. Jonathan frowned. 966“Approximately 6000 years old” Jonathan estimated. I was completely 967awed. Jonathan chuckled. 968“I’m not old I’m quite young actually.” 969“Your way older than me” I pointed out. 970“We cannot exactly tell how old you are Danan. You may look fifteen but 971your way older than that.” I was shocked.

972“What about moonslayers? Are they like that? Like no matter how many 973times you try to kill them, they’ll never die. They will just keep coming 974back.” 975“Moonslayers are made exactly the same as Darkslayers. The only 976difference is that Darkslayers are powerful rulers and Moonslayers are 977like just spirits” Jonathan replied. 978“Which one are you?” 979“Pardon?” Jonathan asked looking puzzled. 980“Are you a Moonslayer or a Darkslayer?” I asked. Jonathan’s face 981darkened. 982“I’m neither” Jonathan replied. I was confused. 983“Then what are you?” I said. 984 “Danan” Jonathan said his voice impossibly soft. “I’m not a human. I’m 985a monster.” 986“You’re not a monster” I argued. “You’re the kindest person I’ve ever 987met.” Jonathan smiled. 988“Thank you Danan but it’s true. I’m half monster. My father was a 989vampire. My mother married a vampire and then my father killed her by 990accident. He felt so guilty and then he went and killed himself. Quite 991tragic” Jonathan said conversationally. I felt bad. Jonathan must hate it to 992say things he was ashamed of. 993“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…” I faltered. Jonathan raised a hand. 994“Don’t worry Danan. You did not offend me” Jonathan replied. I nodded 995in silence. 996“If Moonslayers are sprits then what are Darkslayers?” I asked hastily. 997Jonathan laughed. 998“You remind me so much of Deven” Jonathan commented fondly. “Both 999of you just want to know everything. Then we have the opposites. Maria 1000and Emila who don’t want to know anything. Then we had Cod who…” 1001Jonathan trailed off. He had obviously let something slip. 1002“What happened to Cod?” I asked curiously. 1003“Nothing happened to Cod” Jonathan said quickly. 1004“I know something happened to Cod. What was it?” I said impatiently. 1005“You already let it slip. So you might as well tell me it now.” Jonathan 1006hesitated before he started to speak. 1007“Basically Cod did something that was forbidden for all. Moonslayers 1008and Darkslayers” Jonathan said finality.

1009“What was it?” I asked. Jonathan hesitated again. 1010“It’s forbidden for both Darkslayers and Moonslayers to love each other. 1011They can be friendly to each other but they cannot love. Cod had one day 1012met this moonslayer girl. They started to chat to each other and next 1013minute you know they were in love. It was meant to be a secret but Deven 1014soon caught them together. Deven obviously didn’t like it but because 1015Cod was his friend he kept it a secret. Then Cod proposed to his girl. 1016Deven got hysterical and went and snitched on them to Zelena who was 1017Cod’s mother. Zelena was outraged and then she took away the girl who 1018Cod loved soul away. Cod was heartbroken. He wept for months. He then 1019yelled that he was no longer Zelena’s son and then the next day he was 1020gone” Jonathan explained mournfully. 1021“What do you mean gone?” I asked. 1022“I mean like he ran away. No one could ever find him” Jonathan snapped. 1023I started to feel angry. How could Zelena do that to her son? She took 1024away Cod’s only happiness. Deven was Cod’s friend. What did he do? He 1025ruined his friend’s life. 1026“How could Deven do that?” I asked feeling outraged. 1027“Don’t judge Deven too harshly. He was still very young then” Jonathan 1028said calmly. 1029“It doesn’t matter how young you are. You should never betray your 1030friends” I argued. 1031“Deven regrets what he has done and he can never forgive himself for 1032that” Jonathan stated. “I knew you would act this way because this was 1033what had caused you to leave and not to come back for a long time.” I 1034was confused. Jonathan rushed on. 1035“When Cod disappeared. You were so angry with Deven that you left 1036because of your anger. That’s why I keep telling you to control you 1037emotions so that you don’t leave again.” I sighed. 1038“How do you know if Cod just left as well?” I asked. 1039“Zelena would know if Cod just left. She would be able to feel it. Cod 1040may be angry with Zelena but he hasn’t left. He’s just hiding 1041somewhere.” That was somehow wrong. Cod had every right to be angry 1042with Zelena and Deven but it was not right to hide from everything. 1043“Is Cod mad?” I said. 1044“I was surprised at what Cod done as well. It is quite cowardly” Jonathan 1045agreed. “This is not a good thing seeing as he’s the one to lead you and 1046the others.” My ears pricked up.

1047“So what are we going to do about it?” I enquired. Jonathan looked down. 1048“I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do” Jonathan said sadly. 1049“What do you mean there’s nothing we can’t do?” I snapped angrily. 1050“You see. You give up too easily. This is why you always fail.” Jonathan 1051started to get angrily. 1052“Who are you to call me a failure?” Jonathan said heatedly. It was the 1053first time I heard him raise his voice. “Let me see you come up with a 1054bright idea.” With that he stomped off. 1055 1056


1057Things were not going my way. I got into more fights with Summer and 1058the other moonslayers. I also had not seen Maxi since we made our truce. 1059He somehow didn’t want anything to do with me anymore. I also had a 1060lot of questions I wanted answers to. Where were the other 3 important 1061Darkslayers? What were they doing? What was this big war? And why 1062was I so important in it? I wanted to ask these questions to Jonathan. 1063Maybe he had the answers but after our fight I just didn’t want to see him. 1064I lay on my bed thinking all these things. There was a knock on my door. 1065“Get lost” I called. 1066“Sheffield wants to speak to you” a voice called back. Uh oh. I hadn’t 1067thought about Sheffield in a long time. I was surprised she didn’t talk to 1068me as soon as I cam into the big house. I sighed and got off my bed. I 1069started to head down the way towards the office. I hesitated before 1070knocking. 1071“Come in” a voice that did not belong to Sheffield called. I opened the 1072door and came inside. Jonathan stood in front of the desk. He smiled 1073wryly. 1074“Hello Danan. Please sit down.” He pointed to a chair in a far corner. I 1075did as instructed. 1076“Where’s Sheffield?” I asked regretfully. 1077“She’s been huddled in a corner murmuring ‘I will let you leave quietly’” 1078“Oh.” Now I felt even worst. 1079“But she will be back to normal tomorrow” Jonathan added. I was still no 1080reassured. Jonathan quickly changed the subject. 1081“After our last meeting I must have left you wanting more questions 1082answered” Jonathan said. 1083“Yeah you did” I replied. Jonathan smiled.

1084“Well the first answer you want is probably what this war is about?” 1085When I didn’t say anything Jonathan continued. 1086“It’s basically that as the five eagles get weaker more of their enemies are 1087seeing this great opportunity to start a war. That’s the time when you and 1088the other four will come and defend the five eagles. I don’t think Cod is at 1089the moment willing to defend his mother. Cod was originally voted as the 1090leader but now that he’s gone and run off I don’t who’s going to be the 1091leader” Jonathan explained. 1092“Why can’t you get another leader?” I asked. 1093“It’s not that simple. Don’t you think I would have done that by now?” 1094Jonathan said sounding exasperated. I sighed. 1095“Well you really need to sort things out” I remarked. Jonathan looked 1096down. 1097“Well you see if there was one person that could convince Cod to change 1098his mind it would be you” Jonathan quoted as if he had rehearsed what he 1099was going to say. 1100“You always had this way of getting people to change their minds. Your 1101mother Ariela had that as well. It was one of her powers. Getting people 1102to change what they were going to do.” “It can be very useful in wars” 1103Jonathan added after a while. 1104“What do you want me…?” It finally came to me on what Jonathan was 1105hinting. I gulped. 1106“How am I going to find Cod if no one knows where he is?” I asked 1107Jonathan. Jonathan sighed. 1108“I’m sorry Danan. I didn’t mean you to find Cod and convince him. I 1109meant could try to help me figure out a plan?” Jonathan pleaded. I didn’t 1110really want to add another thing to think about. 1111“Alright” I said with defeat. Jonathan beamed. 1112“You may leave Danan” Jonathan dismissed. I walked out of the office 1113feeling even more miserable. There was no point in Jonathan asking me 1114to help him. I would be completely useless. I made my way towards my 1115archery class even though I wasn’t good at it. I saw Summer walking in 1116front of me. We were both in the same archery class. Summer was better 1117than me in archery. But I was better than her in sword fighting. Today in 1118archery we were trying to aim and shoot from far. Summer of course was 1119perfect. My aims went haywire. One of my arrows went flying into 1120Martin Blacks butt. It was by accident but I didn’t apologise because 1121Martin was very anti-Darkslayers. Summer was told to show me how to 1122aim from far which was hell.

1123“You’re aiming the wrong way genius. Try holding it this way” Summer 1124dictated. I purposely held it the wrong way and before Summer could 1125protest I released the arrow so it went flying into one of Summer’s friends 1126hair. The girl turned around to face me. 1127“Summer told me to aim for your head” I said automatically. “I wish I 1128aimed for your face so I wouldn’t have to see how ugly you were.” The 1129girl came right for me but I was too quick for her. I step sided her so that 1130she went crashing into Summer. Summer got up again and turned to glare 1131at me. 1132“That’s the sixth time you have caused me an injury” Summer snapped. I 1133shrugged my shoulders. Summer rolled her eyes. The loud church bell 1134rang signalling that it was the end of the lesson. I grabbed my arrows and 1135stuffed it in to my duffel bag. I made my way towards the big house for 1136lunch. I didn’t want to be the last in the line. Summer grabbed me by the 1137arm. 1138“What?” I hissed at her. “I need my lunch. They’ve got nectar sausages.” 1139You must have thought what are nectar sausages? Well it’s like the name 1140says. Sausages combined with nectar. When I first started at the big house 1141I thought the food here was weird as well. The food actually tasted nice. 1142The foods might have had weird names like the Origin Swiss Roll. To my 1143surprise it tasted excellent. Anyways back to the story. 1144“I know how to help you and Jonathan” Summer whispered. “It’s a plan.” 1145I didn’t know how Summer found out. So I played dumb. 1146“What are you chatting about?” I asked. Summer glared at me. 1147“You know what I’m talking about” she said. I rolled my eyes. 1148“Bye. See you in sword fighting” I replied. I started to walk towards the 1149cafeteria. 1150“You know where to find me if you change your mind” Summer called 1151after me. When I finally got my Nectar Sausage and my Honeysuckle 1152drink I chose a table with some of my distant Darkslayer friends. They 1153were Joe Trotter, Jamie Barballow and Taylor Jack. Taylor and I didn’t 1154exactly get along. Taylor was very mysterious. No one knew whether he 1155was a Darkslayer or a Moonslayer. Everyone assumes he’s a Darkslayer 1156since he hangs out with them. I sat down next to Jamie. He beamed at me. 1157Probably proud that I hang out with him. It was really annoying to see 1158Jamie smiling at you every now and then. 1159“So what took you so long?” Taylor asked. Trust him to start a 1160conversation like that. What surprised me more was that Joe joined in as 1161well.

1162“Yeah. You don’t normally take this long” Joe added. They were all 1163staring at me curiously. I sucked on my Honeysuckle casually. 1164“I got held back in archery” I lied. They all nodded. They were not that 1165surprised seeing as I was bad at archery. Taylor still looked suspicious. 1166Eager to change the subject I moved on. 1167“So how was wrestling?” I asked Joe. Joe grinned. 1168“I trashed Jamie so much” Joe said with glee. 1169“No” Jamie denied. “I twisted your leg. You started to squeal like a pig.” I 1170rolled my eyes. Joe and Jamie were always arguing. Perhaps it was the 1171reason that they were best friends. Taylor just sort of tagged along with 1172them. Jamie didn’t have a problem at all with Taylor. The more people 1173that hung out with him. The happier he was. Joe was completely different. 1174He had that mistrustful look in his eyes. I think he didn’t even trust me 1175when we first met. I got off the table. 1176“I’ve got some things to do” I told all of them. Jamie and Joe were still 1177arguing. Only Taylor was paying attention to what I said. 1178“What sort of things?” Taylor enquired. 1179“Stuff” I replied. With that I made my way towards Sheffield’s office. She 1180was apparently meant to have returned today. I knocked on the door. 1181“Come in” Sheffield’s voice called. I walked inside guiltily. Sheffield’s 1182eyes widened in horror. 1183“Please sir. Forgive me” Sheffield pleaded. “I did as you obeyed please.” 1184I took one step towards her. She backed towards the wall. 1185“Sheffield. I’m not going to harm you” I reassured her. Sheffield 1186screamed. She crumpled towards the floor crying. I was shocked. 1187Jonathan came running into the office. When he saw Sheffield he rushed 1188to her side. 1189“Sheffield, look at me. It’s me Jonathan.” 1190“Jonathan? Oh Jonathan” Sheffield sobbed. “Help me please.” 1191“Don’t worry darling. Everything is fine. I’m here. You won’t be harmed” 1192Jonathan soothed. He got out his mobile and typed in a number. 1193“Hello. Is that you Taylor? No. Everything is just perfect. Sheffield is 1194having one of her fits again. Can you please come down here? I don’t 1195care about your stupid video game. Get your skinny butt here now” 1196Jonathan yelled angrily into the fun. I heard the person on the phone 1197mutter some swear words. Jonathan disconnected the call. 1198“And you” he wagged his finger at me. “Get to bed now.”

1199“It’s five pm” I said. 1200“I know what the time is. You don’t need to tell me” Jonathan cried out. I 1201shrugged my shoulders. I’d never seen Jonathan get so stressed out. 1202“Jonathan” I began searching for something to sat. “I’m sorry.” How lame 1203did that sound? I’m sorry. Two words for all the havoc I caused. Jonathan 1204looked at me as though I was crazy. Taylor came bursting in. 1205“Move out the way Darkie” Taylor hissed. He pushed me aside and ran to 1206Sheffield’s side. He opened his black brief case and started to rummage 1207through the things in it. Finally he took out a photograph of a cute boy 1208with dimples and curly black hair. Taylor handed it to Sheffield. 1209“Jack is coming to visit you Sheffield” Taylor told Sheffield softly. “He is 1210about to arrive in 5 minutes.” Sheffield suddenly got up on her feet. 1211“Oh Jackie is finally visiting. I knew he would. He wouldn’t abandon his 1212mummy” Sheffield said excitedly. I rolled my eyes. When Sheffield was 1213disguised as a teacher in my old school she would always be talking 1214about her son. Whenever Sheffield was angry she would say “My son 1215would never do that.” I remembered a time when Sheffield was telling me 1216off. 1217“My son would never stink bomb a classroom” Sheffield said. 1218“Do you know what your son will do when you get old?” I asked angrily. 1219“He will abandon you in an old folk’s home.” I always wished how I 1220could change those words. Taylor glared at me. I ignored him. Sheffield 1221was still babbling about her son. I decided to walk out of the office. 1222“Danan” someone called from behind me. It was Taylor. 1223“How’s Sheffield?” I asked. 1224“She’s alright now. Jonathan should have mentioned to you that Sheffield 1225will never be the same again after what you did to her” Taylor said in an 1226accusing tone. I stayed silent trying to control my temper. 1227“Well you’ve already ruined one life” Taylor sneered. “Who’s the next 1228victim?” I finally lost control. 1229“At least I’m not ashamed of what I am” I snapped. Taylor turned pale. 1230“What are you talking about?” Taylor trembled. 1231“I know you’re a moonslayer” I replied calmly. 1232“And what proof do you have?” Taylor snarled. 1233“Back in old Sheffy’s office you called me a Darkie.” 1234“So?”

1235“If you are a Darkslayer you wouldn’t call me a Darkie because that 1236means you’re calling yourself a Darkie because I’m Darkslayer like you” 1237I explained. Taylor bit back his lip. 1238“You don’t know what it’s like to have a mother as a traitor” Taylor 1239whispered. I was thoroughly confused. Then it suddenly dawned on me 1240about what Taylor meant. 1241“Y your father is co…” I trailed off. I couldn’t believe it. Taylor glared at 1242me. 1243“It’s not betrayal” I managed to choke out to Taylor. 1244“You are right. It’s something worst than betrayal. It’s too abominable to 1245describe” Taylor said bitterly. “I’m a creation of their wrongdoing. That’s 1246why I pretended to be a Darkslayer. Only Jonathan knew who I was. I 1247begged him to pronounce me as a Darkslayer. Jonathan felt sorry for me. 1248So he agreed. But even having Darkies to hang out with isn’t enough for 1249me. I look at everyone wishing to swap places with anyone.” Taylor 1250looked like he was on the verge of tears. I could see why Jonathan felt 1251sorry for him. Before I could say anything else Taylor already ran off. I 1252trooped towards my bedroom. I carefully closed the door behind. Then I 1253changed into my pyjamas and leapt into my bed. 1254 1255


1256A beautiful woman sat on her throne. She was obviously waiting for 1257something. Her hair was jet black and her eyes were frosty blue. Her 1258whole face was pale and her expression was haughty. A soldier suddenly 1259burst into the room. 1260“Mistress” the soldier bowed. “The prisoner has some information he 1261would like to share.” The woman nodded. The soldier left with a bow. 1262Then another two soldiers came in with a prisoner chained up. The 1263prisoner was a young boy. He had jet black hair like the woman and his 1264eyes were warm brown. He gave the woman a loathing hateful look. 1265“What do you want?” the boy asked rather rudely. The woman smiled. 1266“Why Cod. I’ve been so worried about you. After all you are my son” the 1267woman said smugly. Cod snorted. 1268“It wouldn’t make much difference to you if I was dead” Cod replied with 1269disgust. The woman looked pained. 1270“I am Zelena. A very powerful person Cod” Zelena said softly. 1271“I’m pretty aware of who you are thank you” Cod snapped. 1272“You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt…” Zelena tried to say.

1273“Well you already have hurt me” Cod yelled angrily. Zelena’s nostrils 1274flared. 1275“You took away the only girl I loved” Cod yelled getting angrier by the 1276second. 1277“She was a moonslayer Cod” Zelena reprimanded. 1278“I don’t care what she was. The fact was I loved her” Cod shouted. “But 1279I’m not going to stay and chat. I’ve got things to do. You can fight the 1280war without me.” Zelena started to get angry. 1281“If you dare do it…” but Zelena didn’t get to finish her sentence 1282“Anaskus” Cod yelled. All the chains suddenly exploded. 1283“Seize him you idiots” Zelena shrieked. Cod looked towards me. 1284“Danansan if you’re smart don’t try and go after me.” I wanted to yell to 1285him to stop this madness. But it was too late. 1286 1287 I remember waking up sweating. It was six thirty in the 1288morning. I looked out of the window to admire the fields when I suddenly 1289saw a hooded figure running out of the big house. There was a knock at 1290my door. I quickly pulled on some jeans and a sweater. 1291“Come in” I called. It was Maxi. 1292“Hello Maxi” I greeted. 1293“Did you see that person running out of the big house?” Maxi asked 1294anxiously. I pulled him to the window. The figure was running towards 1295the lake. Maxi nodded. He started to open the window. 1296“What are you doing?” I asked. 1297“I’m going to stop that person” Maxi said excitedly. I rolled my eyes but 1298didn’t stop him. 1299“Hold me by the legs and slowly lower me down” Maxi requested. I did 1300as asked. I slowly started to lower him down. 1301“Danan?” a voice called from outside my room. I got startled so much 1302that I accidently let go of Maxi’s leg so that he went tumbling to the 1303ground. Luckily he wasn’t that far away from the ground. 1304“Aaaaaah” Maxi screamed. He landed with a thud. Loads of people above 1305me started to open their windows. 1306“I think Maxi fell out of his window again” I called to them. The people 1307started to grumble about being woken up and returned back to their 1308rooms.

1309 1310


1311I was again sitting with Joe and Jamie for breakfast. Taylor hadn’t come 1312yet. I started to eat my bacon listening to Jamie’s strange dream not that I 1313was interested in Jamie befriending with aliens. I didn’t tell them my 1314dream I had about Cod. It just seemed too freaky. I saw Maxi limping his 1315way to the cafeteria line. Everyone was laughing at him. His hair was all 1316over the place from his time on the ground. He gave me an evil look. 1317Jamie frowned. 1318“And people call me weird” Jamie commented. I was trying hard not to 1319laugh. Today I had archery. Taylor was in the same archery class as me 1320but he wasn’t there either. Summer threw her arrow which hit the target 1321perfectly. She turned towards me. 1322“Where’s your little Darkie friend Taylor?” Summer asked. Just 1323Summer’s words made me feel sorry for Taylor. What Taylor was saying 1324about him being a creation of wrong doers was true. I started to feel 1325guilty all over. I wished I could say sorry to Taylor. It then suddenly came 1326to me. I could knock on Taylor’s bedroom door and apologise. I ran out of 1327the fields leaving Summer’s question unanswered. I ran into the entrance 1328past Sheffield’s office and into the boy’s dormitories. It was not hard to 1329find Taylor’s room since there was a sign on the door that said ‘Taylor’s 1330room’. I knocked on the door. 1331“Taylor, can I come in?” I asked. There was no reply. I shrugged my 1332shoulders and entered in anyway. Taylor wasn’t in his room either. I 1333looked around the room. There were loads of things stuck on to the walls 1334that made me think Taylor was more mysterious. There was a picture of 1335Michael Jackson and other singers. There was a photograph of Taylor 1336with Joe and Jamie. But behind Taylor’s bed there was a picture of a boy 1337and girl hugging each other and smiling at the camera. I gasped. I 1338recognised the boy from my dream. He had the same jet black hair and 1339the same welcoming brown eyes. These people were Taylor’s parents. 1340There were darts stuck on to them. Taylor probably thought this would 1341make a good dartboard. How did Taylor get hold of this picture? I don’t 1342know. There was a envelop on the floor. I picked it up. In a dark messy 1343scrawl it said 1344‘To Danan.’ I frowned. That must be me. I ripped the envelop up and 1345started to read the letter 1346‘Dear Danan, 1347 Normally if someone started to nose about in my room 1348without my permission then I would get angry. But you have done a

1349great favour by nosing about in my room because you have found this 1350letter. I would like you to deliver this message to everyone in the big 1351house and fields and the arena. I HAVE RUN AWAY AND I’M NEVER 1352COMING BACK. Someone like me doesn’t belong here. See that 1353picture with the two people hugging each other. Those are my parents. 1354You might not recognise the girl but you will know who the boy is. That 1355is Codpillar. Son of Zelena. He had an affair with a moonslayer girl. I 1356was then born. I am a abomination. I will start a war that will make the 1357Moonslayers rule the Earth. The Moonslayer ancestors will be 1358honoured forever. Darkslayers can help as well. How have your 1359parents shown you that they care for you? Is it really fair that your 1360parents only care for one person and not you? Don’t they deserve 1361punishment for not having equality? Everyone deserves respect. Right 1362or wrong? Help me raise the moonslayer ancestors. You Darkslayers 1363will be able to show your parents how it feels not to have equal rights? I 1364can help you crush your enemies. The moonslayers are not your 1365enemies. Remember that. If you decide to join me then you know where 1366to find me. Moonslayers it is where the necklace of Pearl the mourner 1367is presumed to be lost 1368XXXTaylorXXX.’ 1369I was trembling from head to toe. I slowly started to walk out of the 1370room. I slammed the door shut behind me. 1371“Danan, there you are” I heard summer’s voice yell. I was still clutching 1372Taylor’s letter. Summer looked at me. 1373“Are you alright?” Summer asked. I shook my head. 1374“Does it have something to do with Taylor?” I nodded. I handed her the 1375letter. Summer’s face darkened. 1376“We have to go and tell Jonathan” Summer exclaimed. 1377“No” I said firmly. I snatched the letter away from her. 1378“If we tell Jonathan then there will be trouble” I explained. Summer 1379looked at me as though I was mad. 1380“Don’t you see what this is?” Summer looked towards the letter in my 1381hand. 1382“No one knows that Cod and that moony girl had a child.” I ignored the 1383look Summer gave me because of offending her with the term moony but 1384I carried on. “Everyone got worked up because of the relationship Cod 1385and the girl had. If people found out that Taylor was their child then they 1386would kill Taylor.” Summer rolled her eyes. 1387“I don’t care if Taylor is killed” Summer snapped. I stared at her.

1388“He’s half moonslayer” I reminded her. 1389“He’s also half Darkslayer which makes him a abominee” Summer said 1390with bitterness. I looked t her. 1391“What’s a abominee?” I asked. 1392“The word abominable means unpleasant. People like Taylor are 1393abominee’s because of what their parents did” Summer explained. I 1394started to get angry. 1395“Taylor is not a abominee. Why should he suffer for his parents 1396mistakes?” I asked angrily. Summer gave me a unfathomable look. 1397“Your right. Why 1398“promise you won’t tell.” 1399“GET OFF ME.” should he suffer? He would be better off dead. Now if 1400you will excuse me I’ve got some things to tell Jonathan.” Summer 1401started to run. 1402“Oh no, you don’t” I yelled. I started to run after her. Summer turned a 1403corner I followed. She was just about to knock on Jonathan’s office door. 1404I did the only thing I could. I went pinning Summer down. Summer let 1405out a shriek of pain. 1406“Get off me.” Summer started to squirm. 1407“Only if you promise not to tell Jonathan about Taylor” I replied. 1408“Get off me” Summer repeated. 1409“Promise first.” 1410“Get off.” 1411“PROMISE YOU WON’T TELL.” The office door burst open. Jonathan 1412appeared. 1413“In.” Jonathan pointed to his office. I got off Summer. She scowled at me. 1414I scowled back. 1415“NOW” Jonathan yelled. We both entered the office. Jonathan slammed 1416the door shut. His eyes were blood red and unfocused. He had bags under 1417his eyes. He somehow looked restless. Summer seemed to notice that as 1418well although she looked scare instead of curious. Jonathan suddenly 1419grabbed a book and threw it across the room. It just missed a inch of 1420Summers head. Jonathan started to bang his head of his desk. I looked at 1421Summer. 1422“What happened to him?” I whispered. Summer didn’t even make any 1423snide comment like she usually did.

1424“I think it’s the rogue moth” Summer whispered back. 1425“Doesn’t rogue mean a vicious animal that lives apart from its herd?” I 1426asked looking confused. Summer shrugged her shoulders. 1427“I don’t know why the vampires call it that but it’s when the vampires are 1428the thirstiest for blood. It rarely ever happens but it seems like it’s 1429happening this year” Summer explained. 1430“Saying as if Jonathan loses control and someone happens to be near 1431by…” I began. 1432“Then they are doomed” Summer replied. I gulped. 1433“Blood fresh blood” Jonathan suddenly said. His mouth was watering and 1434he was eyeing Summer greedily. Jonathan suddenly let out a roar and 1435pounced on Summer. 1436“NO” I screamed. I grabbed a dictionary off Jonathan’s desk and threw it 1437at him with so much force. Jonathan didn’t even bother turning around. I 1438suddenly ran and jumped on to his back and started to thwack him with 1439the dictionary again. Jonathan started to try and shake me off. Summer 1440ran for a emergency button but Jonathan saw what Summer was trying to 1441do. He grabbed me by my collar and threw me across the room. Then he 1442grabbed a fire extinguisher and aimed it at Summer. 1443“SUMMER, DUCK” I screamed but I was too late. The fire extinguisher 1444hit it’s target. Summer fell on the floor looking like a limp doll. Jonathan 1445was going crazy. I did the only thing I could. 1446“Stop” I ordered in my soft calm voice. Jonathan immediately stopped 1447walking towards Summer. 1448“Stay like that” I again ordered to Jonathan. I looked around frantically 1449for meat. I found some in a corner. I then found a knife and cup on 1450Jonathan’s desk. I started to slice the meat. Blood started to pour out. I 1451collected the blood in a cup. I then walked over to Jonathan and handed 1452the cup to him. 1453“Drink it” I said to him. Jonathan immediately started to drink. His 1454gleamed greedily. Finally he finished it. 1455“Stay” I ordered again. Jonathan stood stock still. I grabbed Summer by 1456the arm. She groaned but didn’t protest. I grabbed the fire extinguisher 1457and then quickly closed the door. I then banged the extinguisher on the 1458hinges so that the door was jammed and that you would need a screw 1459driver to get it unstuck. I heard a bang on the door and then a roar. I laid 1460down Summer. 1461“Are you alright?” I asked. Summer nodded.

1462“I just got some broken ribs” Summer said. 1463“Does this hurt?” I asked. I poked her ribs. Summer flinched. 1464“No” she replied. I took her to the first aid room. When the nurse saw 1465Summer she rushed to her side. 1466“What happened?” the nurse asked us. Me and Summer exchanged looks. 1467We knew we couldn’t tell the nurse about Jonathan. It would mean that 1468Jonathan would have to go into hiding. 1469“I tripped” Summer lied. The nurse raised a eyebrow. 1470“You need to be more careful. I don’t have that much pixie wings left” the 1471nurse said. “You will be back in shape by tomorrow.” With that the nurse 1472wandered out of the room. 1473“Well see you later then” I said to Summer. 1474“Wait, Danan” Summer said. I turned around. Summer opened her mouth 1475to speak but then thought better of it. 1476“Thanks” Summer grumbled. I shrugged my shoulders. 1477“No problem” I said awkwardly. With that I walked out of the room. I had 1478a lot of worries on my mind. Where was Taylor and is he safe? Where had 1479Taylor suddenly got this bizarre idea from? Was Jonathan okay? What a 1480stupid question to think? If someone had suddenly hypnotised you and 1481then ran out of your office trapping you in would you be okay? I sighed. 1482When I had finally reached my room I started to change into my pyjamas. 1483I jumped into my bed knowing that it would be impossible for me to 1484sleep. 1485 1486 14878 1488 1489UNEXPECTED VISITOR


1490I was right. I didn’t get that much sleep but I eventually fell asleep about 1491two in the morning. My alarm clock started to beep. I didn’t even bother 1492to get up because I was so sleepy. I was going to be late for archery class 1493but who cares? When I had finally gotten enough sleep. I started to get 1494dressed. Then I made my way towards the cafeteria. I didn’t even bother 1495lining up. I just went straight to the woman who was serving. 1496“I need some animal blood” I said to the lady. She raised an eyebrow. 1497“Why the hell do you want blood for?” the lady asked. “Feeding a 1498vampire or something?” I smiled.

1499“Correct madam. But if I was you I wouldn’t tell anyone unless you want 1500to suffer pain.” My eyes shined wickedly. The lady gulped. 1501“I’ll just get some animal blood then” the lady murmured. She went 1502inside the kitchen door behind her and soon came back with some red 1503liquid in a bottle. She scowled at me before handing the bottle. I took it 1504from her and ran off before she could ask me any more questions. I 1505started to walk down towards Jonathan’s office. I looked at the door. 1506Someone had apparently fixed it while we ran off. I knocked on the door. 1507No answer. Only then did I notice the sign on the door. On a sheet of 1508paper in rushed handwriting it said 1509‘Jonathan is temporally unavailable. If you have any enquiries then 1510Sheffield will be happy to assist you. If it is a personal job you had to 1511assist Jonathan with then you can carry it on when Jonathan returns. We 1512apologise for any inconvenience. 1513Sincere regrets 1514Anonymous’ 1515 I let out a sigh of relief. So Jonathan was gone. At least he was not a 1516danger to anyone. I looked at the bottle with blood in my hand and then 1517when no one was looking I opened the door a bit and chucked the bottle 1518inside and slammed the door shut. 1519 1520


1521“Danan, have you seen Taylor anywhere?” Jamie asked me looking 1522concerned. I was sitting at a table in the cafeteria with Joe and Jamie. 1523Taylor was obviously not with us. God knows where he is right now. 1524“No” I replied instantly. Jamie nodded. Joe didn’t look convinced. Then I 1525just realised something. 1526“The figure” I gasped. I suddenly remembered. Jamie was confused. 1527“What?” he asked. I got up leaving my lunch half eaten and ran off. I was 1528such in a rush that I accidently bumped in to someone. 1529“Sorry” I mumbled. 1530“Danan, just the person I was looking for” I heard Summer say. I looked 1531up to find Summer beaming at me. Like Summer would be caught dead 1532smiling at me. 1533“We are going to the library” Summer replied. 1534“I don’t read books” I said dully. Summer rolled her eyes.

1535“This is research Danan. It will definitely help you” Summer said 1536confidently. I was still unsure but nodded anyway. We made our way 1537towards the library. We stopped at a enormous door. Summer pushed it 1538open and there it was shelves of books in every corner. 1539“Follow me Danan and try not to touch anything” Summer whispered. I 1540opened my mouth to protest but Summer flashed me a warning look. She 1541wandered past shelves and I followed her. We were soon in a room with 1542lots of chatter and loads of people seated at tables. Summer wandered to a 1543vacant table. I seated myself on a chair. Summer slammed a book down. 1544“What you looking so pleased about?” I asked. 1545“I’ve solved the solution to your problems” Summer said beaming with 1546pride. 1547“I have loads of problems right now” I replied. Summer rolled her eyes. 1548“The mission Jonathan assigned you earlier” Summer explained. I still 1549looked blank. Summer sighed. 1550“The Cod mission” Summer persisted. Then I realised what she was 1551talking about. 1552“How did you know about that?” I demanded. 1553“I’m just trying to help you here” Summer snapped. “The point is I’ve 1554found out something important. If you don’t succeed in finding Cod then 1555you won’t have entirely have failed.” 1556“I’m listening.” 1557“I searched up something. I found out about a sword. The promise 1558breakers sword, whoever has it will be victorious in whichever battle he 1559wins” Summer explained. 1560“What’s a Promise breaker?” I asked. Summer looked around before 1561speaking. 1562“A promise breaker is someone with skills. Someone who is very 1563powerful” Summer said darkly. 1564“Like a magician?” I guessed. Summer shook her head, 1565“A promise breaker is similar to a warlock but a promise breaker’s 1566powers are more powerful than a magician” Summer whispered. “They 1567died out ages ago” Summer added quickly. 1568“So if you have this promise breakers sword you will have victory 1569forever” I said slowly. Summer nodded. 1570“But we don’t know where it is” I pointed out.

1571“I’ve figured it out. I researched on the promise breaker. His name was 1572Whimstaff. He was the last of his kind. He decided that since he was the 1573last promise breaker he would leave something so powerful that the 1574promise breakers will always be remembered. That’s how he forged the 1575sword. He made an ordinary sword and then he transferred his power into 1576the sword so that whoever has it will always have victory. He then called 1577it the promise breakers sword. He then hid it somewhere in a mountain 1578called S.T Emeralds” Summer said automatically. She took a map out of 1579her pocket. 1580“Here’s a map of where S.T Emeralds is.” Summer handed the map to 1581me. I nodded. I started to get up. 1582“Well I’ll get permission from Sheffield and then I’ll be heading off” I 1583said to Summer. Summer got up too. 1584“Yeah I’ll get prepared as well and then we will meet at the…” Summer 1585began. 1586“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa”” I interrupted. “I’m doing this alone.” Summer 1587started to glare at me. 1588“I told you all this stuff and you don’t even let me come” Summer said 1589angrily. She tried to snatch the map but I caught her hand in midair. 1590“I’m doing this alone and that’s final.” With that I walked out of the 1591room. I went straight for Sheffield’s office. I knocked on the door twice. 1592“Come in” Sheffield called. I hesitated before coming in. I didn’t want a 1593repeat of last time. I walked in slowly. Sheffield didn’t act all demented 1594when she saw me. Instead she looked quite surprised. 1595“What can I do for you Danan?” Sheffield asked. I hesitated before I 1596explained everything to her. First about the mission Jonathan asked me to 1597help him with and second Summer’s idea. Sheffield smiled with 1598excitement. 1599“Thank you Danan. I will leave tomorrow morning for your idea” 1600Sheffield replied with excitement. I frowned. 1601“I thought I was doing the mission” I said. Sheffield shook her head. 1602“Your not experienced Danan” Sheffield said. “I think you have had you 1603fair share of fame.” I started to get angry. 1604“You think this is for fame” I said heatedly. “This is about saving the 1605world. This is about helping the five eagles.” 1606“Sorry Danan but it’s about time I disposed of you” Sheffield said softly. 1607I ran for the door but then I felt something pull my leg, I fell to the floor.

1608Miss Kitty. Sheffield’s pet. Sheffield laughed. She had a dagger in her 1609hand. 1610“You can’t keep running away” Sheffield said. I squirmed and kicked but 1611Miss Kitty had me pinned hard on the ground. 1612“Prepare yourself for death” Sheffield replied evilly. Then someone came 1613charging in through the window. It was Summer. She kicked Sheffield in 1614the head. Sheffield fell on the floor. Miss Kitty turned around to see what 1615happened to her mistress. I grabbed her quickly by the tail and through 1616her across the room. 1617“Come on” Summer yelled. I ran out of Sheffield’s office. Summer 1618grabbed Sheffield’s dagger and then stuck it into the door hinges so that 1619Sheffield and Miss Kitty were trapped. I looked at Summer. 1620“You saved me” I said incredulously. Summer smiled grudgingly. 1621“Well I had to repay you fro saving me from Jonathan” Summer replied. I 1622sighed. 1623“I’m going now” I said to Summer. Summer nodded. I headed for my 1624room and bolted it shut so no one could get in. I lay on my bed full 1625dressed thinking what should I do now? I heard a tap on my window. I 1626opened the window to see who it was. A man with chestnut hair and green 1627eyes was dangling on my window ledge. I helped him into my room. The 1628man smiled at me. 1629“You really do look like Ariela” the man commented. How did this guy 1630know who my mother was? I shrugged my shoulders. The man smiled. 1631Then it finally dawned on me who this guy was. 1632“Hroth?” I said uncertainly. The man smiled. 1633“I don’t mean to be rude but why have you come to visit me?” I asked. 1634Hroth laughed. 1635“You and Emila are so different. You are very unobservant” the man said 1636fondly. “So what are you going to do?” It didn’t take me long to know 1637that Hroth was talking about the mission. 1638“Should I go?” I asked. Hroth smiled. 1639“Do you want to go or not?” Hroth asked. How did he know about the 1640mission? 1641“I…..” I began. Hroth smirked. 1642“Well?” he prompted. 1643“I guess I do” I replied reluctantly. Hroth smiled again.

1644“Your mother told me to give this to you” Hroth said softly. He held a 1645dagger out for me. I stared at it. 1646“Normal human adults would think I am a bad influence. Giving daggers 1647to children but you’re a child Danan and I disagree with Sheffield you 1648have had more experience than Sheffield even if you don’t remember it” 1649Hroth mused. No adult had ever said that to me. I got off my bed. 1650“Is my mother going to visit me soon?” I asked Hroth hopefully. Hroth 1651looked down at his sparkling clean shoes. 1652“Danan I really wasn’t suppose to visit you” Hroth said hastily. I nodded 1653trying not to look disappointed. 1654“Danan, your mother can’t exactly visit you right now. She really wants 1655to but Copan won’t allow it.” “Copan is the leader of all of us” Hroth 1656added quickly. I nodded. 1657“I’ve really got to go. Good luck on your mission” Hroth said. With that 1658he jumped out of my window. 1659 1660


1661I waited till everyone was asleep. I stuffed a spare pillow underneath my 1662duvet so it looked like there was someone asleep. I then quietly closed my 1663door. I held my breath as I walked past Sheffield’s office door. I was then 1664free. I finally made it out of the big house. 1665“Hello Danan. I thought you would come.” Summer stepped out of the 1666dark into the moonlight. I glared at her. 1667“I told you. You’re not coming” I hissed. 1668“Well if you don’t let me come then I can just tell Sheffield that you have 1669sneaked out” Summer pointed out. I grounded my teeth. 1670“Alright but I get to lead the mission” I said under my breath. Summer 1671nodded. We heard a rustle in the bushes. Summer got out her quiver of 1672arrows. I drew out the dagger that Hroth gave me. We stepped closer to 1673the bushes. Then Maxi came falling out. I stopped looking shocked. 1674“Maxi what are you doing here?” I asked. Maxi looked down. He was 1675still fully dressed. 1676“I was following you. Can I please come? Please” Maxi said eagerly. 1677“No” I said automatically. Maxi shrugged his shoulders. 1678“Fine but I know where Cod is.” Summer snorted. 1679“Don’t be absurd. You can’t know where he is” Summer stated. “No one 1680does.”

1681“That’s because no one paid attention to the moonslayer girl that Cod had 1682an affair with” Maxi persisted. Summer rolled her eyes. 1683“Come on” Maxi said impatiently. “Cod really loved that girl. Her name 1684was Marie. Marie really liked this island known as the red rose. She 1685really liked it. Her and Cod would go there all the time. Cod ran there 1686after Zelena took away Marie’s soul” Maxi explained. Summer rolled her 1687eyes. 1688“How do you know this?” Summer questioned. 1689“Because Marie was my mother’s sister” Maxi snarled. Summer didn’t 1690say anything after that. 1691“So can I come?” Maxi asked. 1692“Alright” I snapped. 1693“Hooray” Maxi cheered. With that we all headed straight on a dangerous 1694mission that we wouldn’t come back alive or in one whole piece from. 1695 1696 1697 1698R 9 1699 1700FIGHT A GIANT MAN EATING AARDVARK


1701If it wasn’t for Summer. We would have never gotten to the bus stop if it 1702wasn’t for Summer. She knew exactly where we were going. We had 1703already been hiking for ten minutes. We were in a luscious green meadow 1704where lots of crops were growing. 1705“I hope you know were your going” I said to Summer. 1706“Of course I know where we are going” Summer snapped. 1707“Are we finding Cod first or that sword?” Maxi asked. 1708“We are going to find Cod first” I said automatically before Summer 1709could tune in. 1710“No we are going to get the sword first” Summer argued. I glared at her. 1711“Who’s the one leading the mission?” I asked. 1712“You can never lead” Summer snarled. It was my turn to glare. 1713“You can go your separated way” I said heatedly. “This is my mission and 1714I don’t see why you had to stick your fat nose in it.” I started to walk 1715faster.

1716“Hurry up Maxi” I called. 1717“Can… we… please…. rest” Maxi puffed. I rolled my eyes. Summer 1718walked staying silent all the time. 1719“We are here” Summer notified us. I nodded. We were on a roadway 1720track. It reminded me of the time when me and Summer first met and that 1721we were waiting for a bus and then a coincidence happened. I gave a 1722secret smile. We saw a red bus heading our way. Summer raised a hand. 1723The bus stopped for us. The doors slid open.. It was the same bus driver 1724that I was rude to when me and Summer took a bus to the big house. The 1725bus driver seemed to recognise me and Summer because he scowled at 1726us. We stepped inside. The bus seemed awfully crowded. I Summer and 1727Maxi chose a seat together at the back. 1728“Where do we get off?” I asked Summer. 1729“The next stop” Summer replied. 1730“I’m sorry for sort of shouting at you” I said to Summer. Summer 1731nodded. 1732“I’m sorry too” Summer apologised. 1733“Tell me why did you want to go on this mission so much?” I asked. 1734Summer’s jaw tightened. I guess I’d asked a question she didn’t want to 1735answer. The bus suddenly stopped. 1736“Are we there already?” Maxi asked looking surprised. 1737“Everyone we are just going to stop and pause for a minute” the bus 1738driver announced. Everyone nodded. I had a feeling that someone was 1739watching me from behind. I turned around to see if I was right. I was. A 1740old lady was scowling at me. I smiled at her just out of politeness. The 1741old lady started to glare. I turned back towards the front. 1742“Why is that old lady glaring at me?” I asked. Summer turned around to 1743see. The old lady was now pretending to be asleep. Summer frowned. 1744“She’s sleeping” Summer answered. 1745“She wasn’t before” I protested. Summer rolled her eyes. 1746“Why are you being so difficult for?” I snapped. 1747“How am I being difficult?” Summer argued. 1748“Guys…” Maxi began. Me and Summer ignored him. 1749“You are difficult. You’re always finding something to complain about” I 1750retorted. 1751“And you are a little angel are you?” Summer hissed.

1752“Guys I think you would…..” Maxi tried to say. 1753“Yes I am an angel actually” I said conversationally. 1754“GUYS” Maxi yelled. 1755“WHAT?” Me and Summer both yelled back simultaneously. The bus 1756gave a mighty lurch. Everyone screamed. 1757“Everyone, use the emergency door” the bus driver screeched. I grabbed 1758Summer and Maxi by the arm. I ran to the emergency door and kicked it 1759open. I leapt out of the door still holding Summer and Maxi by the arm. 1760We stumbled to the floor. Summer held a frightened look. The bus was 1761going insane and it was coming our way. Summer pushed me to one side. 1762The bus was heading for a lake. 1763“We got to stop that bus” I yelled. 1764“Too right we do” Maxi agreed. 1765“Do you have a tie or a cloth?” Summer asked desperately. I shook my 1766head. Maxi rolled up his sleeve and ripped a large bit off. 1767“Will this do?” Maxi asked holding the material. 1768“It will have to do” Summer said. She snatched the material and took a 1769knife out of her pocket. 1770“What are you doing?” I questioned. 1771“I’m going to try and stop that bus by making friction. You see friction 1772slows things down. To make friction I’m going to tie this material on to 1773the tires and then I will stick this knife on to the material. This will make 1774enough friction to slow down the bus” Summer explained. 1775“How are you going to get near the bus though?” Maxi asked. Summer 1776smiled. 1777“Tell me maxi, how fast you can run?” Summer mused. Maxi smirked. 1778“I can run as fast as a train” Maxi compared. 1779“What are you waiting for?” Summer handed the material and knife to 1780Maxi. Maxi went straight for the bus. He was right behind it and then he 1781jumped on to the back. He started to climb until he was on the roof. He 1782started to climb down towards the tire. Maxi’s legs were hooked on to the 1783number of the bus and he was wobbling dangerous. I took out my dagger. 1784“We have got to help him” I said to Summer. Summer nodded. I ran as 1785fast as I could. 1786“Maxi, slow down” I screamed. I caught held of the bus by my finger 1787tips. I started to climb on to the roof until I was right behind Maxi.

1788“Maxi hold on to my” I yelled. I held on to my hand. Maxi managed to 1789grasp it. I pulled with all my might. Maxi managed to scramble on to the 1790roof. 1791“Thanks” Maxi gasped. I aimed my dagger at the tires and threw. It 1792landed where I wanted it for a change. The bus started to skid. I grabbed 1793the material off Maxi and jumped off the roof. I landed in front of the bus. 1794i somehow managed to tie the material on to the tire. I skidded to the side. 1795“BRAKE” I screeched at the driver. The bus driver heard me and 1796slammed the brake just in time before the bus tumbled into the lake. Maxi 1797jumped of the roof. His hair was ruffled up. Summer came running 1798towards us. She glared at me. 1799“That was the most stupid thing you did” Summer scolded. “You could 1800have gotten killed!” 1801“But I didn’t” I replied. I walked towards the bus tires and pulled my 1802dagger out and had put it in my pocket. The buses’ engine started to 1803bellow steam. The bus doors opened and everyone started to file out. 1804“I’ve called another coach to take you. It will probably take two hours for 1805it to arrive” the bus driver announced. 1806“We better start walking” Summer said to me and Maxi. Both of us stared 1807at her. 1808“Are you mad?” Maxi asked. “We have no idea where to walk and the 1809walk is going to be very long.” Summer rolled her eyes. 1810“We can’t wait for two hours. We can’t afford to waste time” Summer 1811exclaimed. “We want to find the promise breakers sword and to get to 1812Cod before Sheffield does.” 1813“If we walk it will take even longer” Maxi protested. 1814“Both of you shut up” I said wearily. 1815“We can’t just walk it. That will be…” Maxi began. 1816“We start walking it and if we see any vehicles then we can sneak in and 1817start driving” I suggested. 1818“That’s not a bad idea” Summer said thoughtfully. 1819“What do you think Maxi?” I asked. Maxi shrugged his shoulders. 1820“Not a bad idea” Maxi mumbled. “Can we at least have a rest before we 1821start walking” Maxi added quickly. 1822 1823 Summer looked at the map trying to plot our route. Me and Maxi 1824were playing a game off tic tac toe.

1825“I found out the way” Summer confirmed. She had said that over and 1826over again. 1827“No surprise” Maxi mumbled. I sniggered. Summer glared at both of us. 1828“This is no time for fooling around. Do you know how onerous this task 1829is?” Summer snapped. I and Maxi both burst out laughing. Summer rolled 1830her eyes. 1831“Boys” Summer muttered under her breath. “We better start walking” 1832Summer said loudly to me. Maxi groaned. 1833“Walking sure is an onerous task” I whispered to Maxi. Maxi started to 1834laugh. 1835“Come on” Summer snarled. We were still sniggering as we started to 1836walk. 1837 1838 We had been walking for over twenty minutes and Maxi 1839was already tired. Summer stopped walking which caused me to bump 1840into her. 1841“What now?” I asked irritably. 1842“I hear something” Summer said. “Can’t you hear it?” Summer sounded 1843apprehensive. I listened carefully. All I could hear was the wind and 1844footsteps. Footsteps so loud that every time it hit the floor it was like 1845thunder. Maxi’s eyes started to widen in horror. He pointed a finger at 1846something. 1847“Guys, is that meant to happen?” Maxi asked. Me and Summer turned 1848around. There in front of us. A massive animal with a long snout stood in 1849front of us. It let out a loud roar. 1850“Duck” Summer screamed as the animal stamped it’s foot where I had 1851been seconds ago. 1852“What is that?” Maxi yelled. 1853“It looks like a aardvark” I added. 1854“It is an aardvark. A man eating one” Summer answered. “It’s the sacred 1855creature of Orpan.” 1856“Why is it attacking us then?” I asked as I ducked another leg trying to 1857stamp me. 1858“I told you. It’s carnivorous. It’s not a normal aardvark” Summer tried to 1859say. 1860“So what do we do?” Maxi asked as he swerved a paw.

1861“I don’t know. We could try to ask Orpan to stop his creature trying to eat 1862us” Summer suggested. 1863“Great. Let’s just get the phone book out and call Orpan” I said 1864sarcastically. Summer glared at me. The aardvark grabbed Summer with 1865it’s paw. Summer screamed. I grabbed a rock and threw it at the aardvark. 1866“Hey ugly I’m over here or are you too stupid to understand english” I 1867scorned. The aardvark turned around. The good news was that my 1868distraction worked. The bad news was that the aardvark dropped Summer 1869from a tall height. The other bad news was that the aardvark was racing 1870right at me. Maxi threw his knife at the aardvark. The aardvark groaned 1871but it didn’t collapse. We would need more than one knife to do some 1872serious damage. I did the only thing I could. I ran towards it and jumped 1873on its back. The aardvark started to kick it’s legs like a horse trying to get 1874me of it’s back. I dug my dagger into its back. The aardvark let out a roar. 1875I stabbed it again so it would die quicker. It worked. The aardvark 1876groaned and then collapsed. I jumped off and pulled my dagger and 1877Maxi’s knife out. I handed the knife to Maxi. He grinned. 1878“Hi five” Maxi said raising a hand in the air. I slapped on the hand. I 1879heard Summer groan. Me and Maxi ran towards her. 1880“Are you alright?” I asked anxiously. Summer gave me an acidic glare. 1881“No” Summer said angrily. 1882“Are you sure?” 1883“No” I rolled my eyes. 1884“Can you walk?” Maxi asked impatiently. 1885“I think so” Summer replied. Summer tried to get up bur flinched. 1886“It’s okay” Maxi said calmly and then grinned. “It’s a good thing I’ve got 1887a first aid kit with me.” 1888“You’re very well prepared” I said. Maxi’s face darkened. 1889“You will find that you will have to be at times like this.” 1890“Want a game of tic tac toe afterwards?” I asked casually. Maxi grinned. 1891“I am so going to kick your butt in tic tac toe” Maxi said. 1892 1893 1894 1895 189610




1899After the attack with the aardvark we decided to rest. We didn’t want a 1900repeat. We also had no idea were we were. Summer was trying to work 1901out where we were. 1902“I’ve got it” Summer said triumphantly. 1903“That’s great” Maxi muttered not even paying attention. Summer glared 1904at him. 1905“You could at least be more excited” Summer snapped. Maxi sat up. I 1906sighed. 1907“Shut up both of you” I snapped. “Your bickering is getting on my 1908nerves.” 1909“Well then don’t listen if it get’s on your nerves” Summer snarled. With 1910that she stormed off. 1911“She shouldn’t be called Summer. She could be called storm” Maxi 1912commented. I would’ve laughed but my bad mood had just gotten worse. 1913 1914


1915In my dream I was on a beautiful island. A girl with big blue eyes and 1916blonde hair stood admiring the ocean. She was wearing a blue frock 1917which was the same colour. 1918“Marie?” a voice called. The girl turned around and smiled at a boy with 1919jet black hair and who had warm brown eyes. 1920“Yes” Marie replied still smiling. 1921“Are you okay?” the boy asked anxiously. Marie laughed. 1922“Cod, you panic too much” Marie mused. Cod laughed too and then he 1923walked towards her. 1924“Marie, you know I would never do anything to hurt you” Cod said 1925softly. Marie nodded. 1926“I trust you Cod. How many times do you want me to tell you?” Marie 1927asked. Cod smiled. 1928“An ignorant person is he who trusts everyone” Cod quoted. Marie rolled 1929her eyes. Cod laughed. 1930“Having fun?” a voice asked. Cod turned around and gasped. There stood 1931a boy with dark brown hair and pale blue eyes that looked angry. 1932“Deven, what are you doing here?” Cod asked panic stricken.

1933“What the hell were you thinking?” Deven yelled furiously. “How could 1934you?” It was Cod’s turn to look angry. 1935“What’s it to you?” Cod retorted. 1936“What’s it to me? You don’t think twice do you? Isn’t there a brain in that 1937thick skull of yours? You have done something despicable. You have 1938done something so abominable that is hard to describe” Deven shouted. 1939“What will your mother say?” 1940“Which is why you’re not going to tell her” Cod interrupted. Deven eyes 1941widened. 1942“Are you mad?” Deven spluttered. 1943“Please Deven. You’re my best friend. Is this what you do to your 1944friends?” Cod’s eyes looked pleading. Deven sighed. 1945“Fine I won’t tell anyone on one condition” Deven said softly. 1946“What’s that?” Cod asked curiously. 1947“You kill the moonslayer girl” Deven said without remorse. Cod stared at 1948his friend. 1949“No” Cod replied. Deven turned his back on Cod. 1950“Well I’ve got to be going. I’ve got a meeting with Zelena.” 1951“Why are you doing this to me?” Cod croaked. Deven turned to face Cod. 1952“There are other things that are worse than death. If anyone found out 1953about you two then a really bad punishment will be brought on the girl. 1954The girl is better off dead” Deven snarled. Cod looked away. 1955“Alright I’ll do it” Cod whispered. Deven nodded curtly. 1956“So we’ve got a deal. You kill the girl and then no one will learn about 1957your little love affair. I pity your taste in girls.” Deven gave a disgusted 1958look at Mariel. With that Deven disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Mariel 1959looked towards Cod. 1960“You better get killing me then” Marie said casually. Cod gave a puzzled 1961look. 1962“Do you honestly think I’m going to kill you?” asked. “I’m going to hide 1963you away.” 1964“You can’t keep this forever. It will come out sooner or later” Marie 1965pointed out. Cod shrugged his shoulders. Mariel laughed and stepped to 1966embrace him. Cod gave a small peck on Marie’s lips. 1967 1968


1969“Are you alright Danan?” Maxi asked looking concerned. We were 1970walking through wastelands again. Summer reckoned that Sheffield 1971would not be far behind us now. So we had to get a real move on if we 1972want to get the promise breakers sword and to find Cod. 1973“No I’m not fine” I replied to Maxi. 1974“What’s the matter?” Maxi asked, 1975“I’ve got a headache” I lied. Maxi nodded. 1976“Same” Maxi broke down to whisper so Summer wouldn’t hear him. 1977“That girl is completely barking. It’s almost like this is her mission and 1978that we are her companions. Next thing you know she’s going to say to us 1979walk faster.” 1980“Can you guys pick up the pace?” Summer called to us. Maxi gave me a 1981significant look. I laughed. Summer suddenly froze. Me and Maxi were 1982still talking merrily. 1983“What happened to picking up the pace?” I teased. 1984“I must be hearing things” Summer muttered to herself. “Let’s carry one.” 1985“I told you she was mad” Maxi whispered in my ear. I chuckled. We had 1986been almost walking for an hour. 1987“Let’s pull up here” Summer said to me and Maxi. We sat down by a tree. 1988Summer took three honeysuckles out of her rucksack and offered one to 1989me and Maxi. I accepted it enthusiastically. Maxi hesitated before 1990accepting it. 1991“How long do we have till we reach Cod?” I asked. 1992“We have a long way to go before we reach the place Maxi claims to tell 1993us.” Summer shot a scowl at Maxi. 1994“Why do you and Maxi fight so much?” I asked frustrated. “You’re both 1995Moonslayers so you both should be getting along. Right?” Summer rolled 1996her eyes. We suddenly heard the beating of drums. 1997“What is that?” Maxi asked. 1998“Centaurs” Summer muttered. “Maybe if we start walking we will escape 1999them.” 2000“Are they dangerous?” Maxi asked looking frightened. 2001“No but they can be violent when they get offended” Summer answered. 2002“Do they get offended easily?” I questioned. 2003“Well it sort of depends how the centaur is feeling. If they are in a bad 2004mood they will get easily offended. If you’re lucky the centaurs will be

2005cheerful” Summer replied. We suddenly heard a galloping of hooves. 2006There in front of us stood a man with a black beard whose lower part was 2007the body of a horse. 2008“Barbarians” the centaur roared. Maxi got angry at that. 2009“Who are you calling barbarians?” Maxi retorted. “You’re a fine one to 2010talk seeing as you have the body of an animal who just poops on the 2011OW.” I kicked Maxi in the shins. 2012“What my young youthful friend meant was that you are a good centaur 2013because you fragrance smells like…..” I began searching for a word. 2014“Like poo?” Maxi suggested. I kicked him in the shin again. 2015“Like fresh grapes?” Summer suggested. 2016“Yeah, fresh grapes” I complimented. 2017“Are you kidding? He smells like a barnyard ani…..” Maxi didn’t get to 2018finish his sentence because just then the centaur grabbed Maxi by the 2019legs. 2020“This is a filthy barbarian” the centaur said with contempt. 2021“How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not an aaaaaah.” The centaur 2022suddenly started to shake Maxi. Maxi’s knife fell out. The centaur picked 2023it up. 2024“HA” the centaur said triumphantly. “You are a barbarian. Only 2025barbarians carry blades like this.” Maxi kicked the centaur in the eye with 2026the leg the centaur wasn’t grasping. The centaur groaned in pain and 2027dropped Maxi. Maxi scrambled to his feet. He grabbed me and Summer 2028by the arm and encouraged us to run but our path was blocked by a whole 2029load of centaurs. We turned the other way but another load of centaurs 2030blocked our path. Three centaurs came and lifted me, Summer and Maxi 2031by our legs. 2032 2033 The centaurs were planning to take us to the forest 2034apparently because that’s where they were heading. They pushed us into 2035the middle of the forest. There was a whole load of centaurs. Women, 2036children and all sorts. 2037“Dear chief, we found these barbarians on our humble journey” one of 2038the centaurs said from behind me. 2039“We told you already. We are not……” Maxi began but the centaur who 2040was guarding him slapped him on the head.

2041“Shut up you ignorant swine” the centaur hissed at Maxi. Summer was 2042trying hard not to laugh. A old centaur stepped forwards. All the centaurs 2043bowed. The centaur who was guarding me hissed. 2044“Bow down.” 2045“I’m not bowing down to a centaur” I protested. I heard Maxi protesting 2046as well. He was probably told the same thing. 2047“Are you mad?” I heard Maxi say. The centaur threw Maxi hard into a 2048tree. That got me started. 2049“You stupid idiotic pile of horse droppings” I screeched. I ran forwards 2050but my centaur guard held me back. I spat into his eye. The centaur let go 2051of me by accident and then I ran. 2052“Get that barbarian” the chief centaur shouted. I ducked as a arrow went 2053sailing over my head. I grabbed a twig and jabbed it into the centaur that 2054had summer hindquarters. I grabbed Summer by the hand as the centaurs 2055grip on her loosened. We ran towards Maxi who lay crippled. I dragged 2056him up and threw him on to my back. We ran out of the forest until we 2057bumped into another centaur. 2058“Stay back” I threatened it. The centaur didn’t even attack us. 2059“Please don’t hurt me. I’ve been banished from my herd because for 2060helping a human” the centaur moaned. Me and Summer glanced at each 2061other. 2062“How do we know if you’re not lying?” I asked suspiciously. 2063“Don’t you think I would’ve grabbed you by now with my strength” the 2064centaur pointed out. I glanced at Summer. She still looked suspicious. But 2065I could tell by the centaur’s eyes that he was not lying. 2066“We will promise not to hurt you only if you help us” I said to the 2067centaur. 2068“How?” the centaur asked eagerly. Summer gave me an incredulous look. 2069“We need a ride now!” I replied. The centaur grinned. 2070“Sure” he said excitedly. He grabbed Maxi and hoisted him on to his back 2071and then he picked me and Summer up and did the same. 2072“Hold on to my waist so that you don’t fall off” I told Summer. Summer 2073wasn’t very happy about but did as instructed. 2074“There they are” another centaur said. The herd started to gallop towards 2075us. 2076“Hurry up” I screamed to the centaur we were sitting on. The centaur 2077started to gallop straight away. Summer’s grip on my waist tightened as

2078we started to ride. A arrow came whizzing past us. Summer got out her 2079quiver of arrows and released one at a tree. It hit one of the branches and 2080then the branch fell off. A centaur tripped over it and tumbled towards the 2081ground. Our riding centaur started towards the trees as we went deeper 2082into the forest. 2083“Did I mention my name?” the centaur asked us. 2084“Centaurs have names” Summer said surprised. 2085“Humans do don’t they? So why are centaurs any different?” the centaur 2086said. “My name is Charlie.” 2087“Nice to meet you Charlie” I said politely as we raced farther into the 2088forest. 2089 2090 2091




2093We were in the shelter of the trees. Summer was using the first aid kit to 2094treat Maxi. I was using the map trying to work out where we were. 2095Charlie was walking back and fourth on his hooves. 2096“Why did your folks banish you then?” I asked Charlie. Charlie shrugged 2097his shoulders. 2098“It’s a long story” Charlie said casually. 2099“I have enough time” I said. 2100“Okay fine. Tell me what your doing here?” Charlie asked. I hesitated. No 2101one really knew that we were on this mission. Well Sheffield might have 2102figured it out by now bur no one else knew. 2103“We can’t tell you. No one is supposed to know” Summer tuned in. 2104“I’m a centaur. No one really talks to centaurs do they?” Charlie pointed 2105out. Summer scowled. 2106“We are on this mission to save the world. Right now we are looking for a 2107island called the red rose. We think there is someone hiding there and we 2108want to talk to him” I explained. 2109“Did you say the Red Rose?” Charlie asked. I nodded. 2110“I know where that is” Charlie said. “I was born there.” 2111“Do you think you can take us there?” I asked excitedly. 2112“Won’t it take long to arrive there?” Summer asked.

2113“Not if you’re riding a centaur” Charlie grinned. 2114“We also have to find a sword as well” Summer added. “It’s currently 2115located at a mountain called S.T Emeralds.” Charlie nodded. 2116“What’s a centaur doing here?” Maxi’s voice demanded. 2117“This is Charlie.” I pointed towards Charlie. 2118“You would’ve been dead if it wasn’t for him. He knows where the island 2119Red Rose was. He was born there” I explained. Maxi muttered under his 2120breath. 2121“How were you born there?” Maxi asked Charlie. Charlie sighed. 2122“I’ll tell you my whole story” Charlie began. 2123“My mother was banished from the herd I think. So she fled to an 2124abandoned island. The scenery was beautiful. I was then born while my 2125mother was on the island. She loved alright. I grew up on the island and 2126lived happily on it with my mother. It was quite peaceful with the two of 2127us. We would collect fruits to survive on. Altogether I was very happy 2128until something bad happened when I was ten. An enemy had come. By 2129the looks of it, it was a Manticore. My mother hid me in a bush so I 2130wouldn’t get hurt. She told me to stay there until she came back for me. I 2131waited and waited. She didn’t ever come back. I couldn’t bear the 2132starvation so I went out and got a pomegranate to eat. I was grieved my 2133mother was dead.” 2134 “I grew up on the island by myself. I ate, drank and slept and lived a 2135lonely life. It was up to fifteen that some people came on this island. It 2136was two humans. One was a human girl who had blonde hair and pale 2137blue eyes. The other human was a boy with jet black hair and brown eyes. 2138I was completely scared. What if these people did the same to me as the 2139Manticore did with my mother? I followed them to see what they were 2140doing on this island. I realised then that they would come here everyday. I 2141was right. On the second day they were on the island again. I waited one 2142week before I confronted them. On the second week I went up to the girl. 2143The boy saw me and then threw a sharp blade at me. It cut me on my leg. 2144I cried out in pain. The girl started to yell at the boy. She ran to my side. I 2145tried to run but couldn’t because of my leg. She started to bandage it and 2146soon my leg was feeling a bit better. I realised that this human girl was 2147kind and that not all humans were barbaric. We soon became good 2148friends. Whenever the girl came to this island she would always talk to 2149me kindly. I soon found out that her name was Marie.” 2150“When I was sixteen Marie told me she found me a herd to join. I didn’t 2151want to leave this island. I had gotten so used to the Red Rose. But Mariel

2152told me it wasn’t safe to be on this island. I agreed to leave. So then I left 2153the island mournfully. I still remember how to get there. It had never left 2154my head. I soon found the herd that had just chased you. I was accepted 2155into their herd with open arms. The herd was very prejudiced against 2156humans. They thought that all humans were barbarians but all together 2157my life was simple. I liked Red Rose better but I soon got over that. It 2158soon got out of hand. I found a human girl lost in the woods. The chief of 2159the herd said that if anyone found a human we should capture them and 2160bring them to the chief. But the girl looked so much like Mariel. The 2161lovely hair and the innocent face. I gave the girl a lift out of the forest. 2162My kinsfolk saw me and called me a traitor. They banished me from their 2163herd and land. So for the past three years I’ve been roaming in the woods. 2164I’ve been hoping that one day Mariel will come and find me.” 2165 2166 Me and Maxi exchanged looks. We both knew that Mariel was dead 2167and that she won’t be able to help Charlie. Eager to change the subject I 2168said 2169“So are you sure you can lead us to the Red Rose?” I asked Charlie. 2170Charlie nodded. 2171“Definitely” Charlie confirmed. 2172“Let’s all get some sleep” I said. Summer and Maxi nodded. I went to sit 2173near a tree and curled on the floor trying to go to sleep knowing it was 2174impossible. 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179BET WITH A VAMPIRE


2180I woke the sweet smell of food. I saw Maxi and Summer huddled around 2181a fire. I rubbed my face and walked towards them. 2182“What’s going on?” I asked sleepily. 2183“Fried eggs, that’s what’s going on. Charlie sure is a good cook” Maxi 2184answered. Summer wasn’t even eating her fried egg. 2185“Did you get a good sleep?” Summer asked. 2186“Yes” I lied. Yet again I started to have weird dreams. Last night I had a 2187dream about Cod and Mariel again. Why did I keep having dreams about 2188the past?

2189“Danan, what are you hiding this time?” Summer said wearily. I sighed. 2190“Well I keep having these dreams about things that have happened 2191already” I said reluctantly. Summer sat up straighter. 2192“What do you mean?” Summer asked. “Danan, this is really important.” 2193“Fine” I snapped. “I keep having dreams about Cod and Mariel.” Maxi 2194gasped. Summer threw her breakfast at me. I deflected it with my dagger. 2195“You idiot” Summer screeched. “Why didn’t you tell us earlier?” 2196“How long has this been going on for? These dreams you have been 2197having?” Maxi asked calmly although there was a note of panic to his 2198voice. 2199“A while” I admitted. Summer groaned. 2200“What is going on here?” Charlie came galloping towards us. 2201“Danan has been having the dreams and he hasn’t even told us” Summer 2202yelled hysterically. Charlie’s face went pale. 2203“You know what that means” Charlie stuttered. 2204“Can someone please tell me what all the fuss is about?” I asked irritably. 2205Maxi turned towards me. 2206“Whenever you have a dream about the past, present or future it means 2207that it is important information that will help you on your mission” Maxi 2208explained. 2209“Tell us what dreams you’ve been having” Summer demanded. 2210“All I can remember is that I’ve been having dreams about what Cod and 2211Mariel were doing on that island.” I threw a glance towards Charlie. 2212“What have they been doing on that island?” Summer questioned. 2213“I don’t know” I snarled. 2214“Well that’s very useful” Summer sneered. 2215“Well I don’t have a diary of the dreams I have been having” I said 2216angrily. 2217“Well maybe you should” Summer retorted. 2218“Well maybe you can do that if you think it’s such a brilliant idea” I 2219yelled. 2220“Fine I will” Summer stormed off. I stuck my middle finger behind her 2221back. Charlie sighed. 2222“Summer is so much like Mariel” Charlie compared.

2223“No they are not” Maxi denied. “You wouldn’t see Mariel acting so 2224moody and childish.” 2225“They both are lively” Charlie tried to say. I laughed mirthlessly. 2226“Summer can’t be lively to save her life” I added. Charlie frowned. 2227“Why would Summer need to be lively to save her life?” Charlie asked 2228looking confused. 2229“Never mind” I said wearily. 2230“You better find Summer” Maxi told me. “We can’t move on without 2231her.” 2232“You go look for her” I snarled at Maxi. Maxi looked at me as though I 2233was crazy. 2234“Why do I always have to do everything?” Maxi complained. 2235“Oh for god’s sake I’ll get her” Charlie said looking annoyed. I and Maxi 2236both stared at him but Charlie was already trotting in the direction 2237Summer ran. 2238“That girl is hysterical” Maxi said after a while. I just sighed. 2239 2240


2241“Are we there yet?” Maxi asked Charlie as we were walking. 2242“No” Charlie replied. 2243“We have been walking for ten minutes” Maxi complained. Me and 2244Summer looked at Maxi. 2245“What?” Maxi demanded. Summer rolled her eyes and started to walk 2246faster. 2247“Never mind” I chortled. 2248“All of you better get on to my back” Charlie said briskly. 2249“Why?” Summer asked. 2250“Yeah I am not hopping on to some barnyard animals back without a 2251good reason” Maxi said who either did not know that he was offending 2252Charlie or simply did not care. 2253“Well you guys will be taking the longer route if you guys don’t hop on to 2254my back” Charlie said calmly. 2255“How long will the other route take?” Summer asked. 2256“Approximately two months” Charlie answered.

2257“Don’t be ridiculous” Maxi snorted. 2258“Well let’s see, it will take you one whole day to reach the mountain. 2259Then it will take you like five whole weeks to reach the mountain with 2260occasional breaks in between. When you have climbed the mountain you 2261will have to climb down the other side which will take you another five 2262weeks and that will be equal to one whole month and then you will have 2263to walk straight where there are lots of monsters which you will have to 2264fight. That will delay you and you will have still a long way to reach the 2265island so if you take the other route you will probably arrive at the island 2266next year” Charlie explained. 2267“Then we will take that route” Summer said with relish. I was shocked. 2268“Are you retarded?” I said to Summer. 2269“No otherwise I wouldn’t be fit to be here on this mission” Summer 2270replied. 2271“I want to arrive at the island as soon as possible” I explained. 2272“Well next year isn’t that long” Summer told me. 2273“The war is going on now!” 2274“So?” This got me going. 2275“So? Is that all you can say when there is a war going on? So? Well I’ll 2276tell you something. This is my mission so I decide where we go” I raged. 2277“Well you’re not doing a good job and I say that we go the other way” 2278Summer yelled back. 2279“Well no one damn cares what you say” I growled. 2280“Well I do.” 2281“Yippee.” Charlie suddenly lifted Summer and me by our legs and put us 2282on to his back. Then he did the same to Maxi. He started to gallop 2283towards a large river. 2284“Put me down” Summer screamed. She kicked and punched but Charlie 2285wouldn’t do as commanded. 2286“Shut up Summer” I yelled over the thumping of Charlie’s hooves. Loads 2287of passersby stared at us. 2288“Didn’t the humans know they’ve just seen a centaur with three children 2289on his back?” I asked Maxi. Maxi chortled. 2290“Well that’s true right?” Maxi said still laughing. 2291“Wouldn’t they say something? I mean they have just seen a centaur 2292haven’t they?” I asked.

2293“Honestly Danan, would you believe you’ve just seen a centaur galloping 2294by?” 2295“No I guess not” I muttered as Charlie leapt over the river. I suddenly 2296heard a scream and then a splash. 2297“What was that?” Maxi asked. 2298“Summer fell off” I answered. 2299“We’ve got to get her out of there” Charlie exclaimed. 2300“No we don’t” Maxi argued. 2301“Why not?” Charlie enquired. 2302“Because she’s a pain in the butt and she’s drowning so she will die” 2303Maxi said hopefully. I heard what sounded like a smack. 2304“Ow” Maxi groaned in pain. “Centaurs sure do smack hard.” I jumped off 2305Charlie’s back. 2306“You guys stay here. Maxi your ankle is sprained so you can’t go in.” 2307“Not that I was planning to” Maxi muttered. I ignored the comment and 2308continued. 2309“Charlie I’ve heard that centaurs cannot survive in water” I replied 2310“We can survive in water it’s just that we prefer not to” Charlie denied. I 2311shrugged my jacket off and dived right in to the river. The last thing I 2312heard was Charlie and Maxi calling my name. I started to do the breast 2313stroked and sure enough I saw Summer treading trying to get some 2314breath. I tried to swim as fast as I can towards her. 2315“Summer, grab my hand” I tried to yell over the rushing water. I held my 2316hand out. Summer tried to reach for it but failed. 2317“I can’t reach” Summer yelled. I quickly tried to swim to the tree that was 2318beside the river. I climbed out and ran to the tree. I reached for the longest 2319branch and snapped it off. I then pulled the second largest branch and 2320snapped that off too. I bit off a loose piece of thread from my shirt with 2321my teeth and tied a knot around the branches so they would stick. I 2322jumped into the river nd swam back to Summer. 2323“Grab hold of this branch” I ordered to Summer. I felt the branch bend. I 2324guessed that Summer was holding on. 2325“Now move forwards” I instructed. I started to tow Summer out of the 2326river. We both climbed out and collapsed on the grass. I saw Charlie 2327galloping towards us with Maxi on his back. Maxi jumped off and ran 2328towards me. 2329“Are you okay?” Maxi asked anxiously.

2330“I’m f-freezing” my teeth chattered. Maxi patted me on the back. Charlie 2331draped a blanket over Summer. 2332“Where did you get that blanket from?” Summer managed to ask. 2333“It was in your back pack” Charlie replied. Summer shivered from the 2334cold. 2335“You’re so stupid Danan. Why the hell did you do that? You would’ve 2336gotten killed” Maxi shrieked. 2337“Loads of people do stupid things in the world. Get use to that” I 2338snapped. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. Charlie and 2339Summer joined in to. 2340“Come on I’ll carry you guys” Charlie said still chuckling. 2341“What about your back?” Summer asked. Charlie shrugged his shoulders. 2342“What about your legs?” Charlie replied. We all started to laugh merrily 2343and with that Charlie put us on to his back and we galloped off over the 2344river and on to the rocky road path. 2345 2346


2347Charlie wanted to continue to ride all night. Me and Summer said that he 2348needed sleep and that we should rest. All of us. Even maxi agreed. But 2349Charlie pointed out we were already behind schedule and if we wanted to 2350reach the Red Rose island before Sheffield does then we would need to 2351travel all night. So in the end me Summer and Maxi ended up going to 2352sleep on Charlie’s back while he walked. Summer and Maxi fell asleep 2353immediately. I had trouble going to sleep. If we did manage to find Cod 2354what would I say? Half of this mission was to convince Cod to fight in 2355the upcoming war. The way Sheffield would have done it was plead, 2356threaten and kill. But that would not work. If we don’t fulfil in persuading 2357Cod to fight then half of this dangerous journey was for nothing. I sighed 2358and tried to close my eyes. 2359 2360 “We are in a village now” I heard Charlie say. I sat up rubbing my 2361eyes. Summer was busy looking at a map. 2362“Charlie, where are we?” Summer asked frowning. 2363“We are in the village Caesaria” Charlie replied. 2364“Good, we are going the right way” Summer said happily. 2365“Can we go in to the pub?” Maxi asked excitedly. 2366“No” I said sharply. “We are on a mission here.”

2367“We haven’t eaten or drank though” Maxi complained. 2368“Charlie will stand out in front of humans” I argued. 2369“There are no humans in the village of Caesaria” Charlie informed me. 2370“And we have no choice but to go through the pub because there is a 2371shortcut in there” Summer added. 2372“Alright” I snapped. “But we only have a quick drink and walk through 2373the pub. Understand?” Maxi nodded eagerly. Charlie galloped towards the 2374entrance of the pub. We all climbed off Charlie’s back and walked into 2375the pub. If you were a human you wouldn’t think it was a pub. You would 2376think it was a costume party. There were all sorts of creatures in the pub. 2377We saw a really pale man with very sharp teeth who was seen playing 2378poker with a group of giants. We also saw some dwarfs drinking beer and 2379another group of centaurs who were arm wrestling. 2380“This is wonderful” Maxi exclaimed. 2381“Are you feeling alright?” I said to Maxi. Maxi ignored me and wandered 2382off to the barman. Me and Summer followed. Charlie wandered off to the 2383group of centaurs that were arm wrestling. 2384“I’ll have a brandy” Maxi said to the barman. 2385“That will cost three gold” the barman grunted. I gave Maxi a questioning 2386look. Summer sighed and took three large golden coins out of her pocket 2387and handed it to the barman. 2388“I’ll have one bottle of Honeysuckle” I said to the barman. 2389“Same as him” Summer added. 2390“And I’ll have a large beer” Charlie’s voice called. The barman gave me 2391and Summer a dirty look as though it was our fault that he was ordered 2392around like this. 2393“I think we should start heading to that shortcut” I said quietly to 2394Summer. 2395“Don’t worry. We will get the shortcut” Summer assured me. The barman 2396came back with our drinks. Maxi began sipping at his straight away. I 2397opened mine and sipped calmly. 2398“Where is the shortcut?” I asked Summer. Summer frowned. 2399“I think you have to walk into the store cabinet and then there will be a 2400certain brick that you will have to….” Summer didn’t get to finish her 2401sentence because at that moment a uproar chose to start.

2402“Who invited them here?” a centaur roared. “Mortals are not welcome 2403here.” Me and Summer exchanged panic looks. We had no idea where 2404Maxi was and didn’t have the time to look for him. 2405“Now wait a minute” Maxi said drunkenly. Summer started to mutter 2406under her breath about how could Maxi be so stupid and I didn’t blame 2407her for the attitude. Maxi tended to blurt stupid things out without 2408thinking. He was drunk now and god knows what garbage he would start 2409to sprout out. 2410“Me and my mates here came for a shortcut” Maxi continued. “So can 2411you guys just let us pass calmly?” Summer clapped her hand to her 2412forehead and I sighed. Mutters and grumbles started to pass through the 2413crowd. 2414“Sure but only on a bet” a vampire yelled. The crowd shouted their 2415approval. 2416“Sure me and my friends will be happy to…” Maxi began. 2417“What kind of bet?” I interrupted before Maxi could do another stupid 2418thing. 2419“A bet on who’s gonna win in a game of snook” a centaur cried out. I 2420gave Summer a puzzled look. Summer gave a look that said she doesn’t 2421know what he’s blabbing about. 2422“What’s snook?” I asked. There were many groans from the crowd. 2423“You don’t know how to play snooker?” the vampire asked incredulously. 2424“Oh snooker” I said. “Of course I know how to play snooker. What do 2425you take me for? A idiot?” 2426“I wouldn’t count on it” Summer muttered. I elbowed her in the ribs. 2427“Let’s bet then” the centaur roared. “You win the bet then you get to go 2428through the shortcut. You lose you don’t get to go through the shortcut.” 2429“How about if you lose the bet then not only you don’t get to go through 2430the shortcut I also get to have a snack” the vampire said with glee. 2431“I’ve got a granola bar in my pocket” Maxi stuttered. “You can have it if 2432you like.” Not even Maxi’s slyness could save us now. 2433“I mean I suck your blood out of your guts loser” the vampire growled. 2434“Well thanks for the offer but we will just take the longer route” Maxi 2435replied nervously. “Come on guys we have to go now.” Maxi headed for 2436the door. Me and Summer made to follow but our path was soon blocked 2437by the vampire.

2438“If you don’t play then I’ll just have you for my dinner right now” the 2439vampire sad softly. 2440“We will play then” I said firmly. Summer gave me an are-you-crazy 2441look. We were led to a snooker table. 2442“I bet ten pounds on Joe Bob” the vampire said slamming a ten pounds 2443note on the table. 2444“I bet our leave on that guy over there” I said pointing to a bald guy. The 2445vampire laughed. Summer glared at me. 2446“Well done” she hissed. 2447“Fine next time we are about to die I’ll let you handle it” I snapped. 2448“Guys we are about to get our blood sucked out and here you are 2449arguing” Maxi interrupted. 2450“Where is Charlie?” I asked. 2451“Over here.” Charlie came trotting towards us. “The vampire is obviously 2452going to win” Charlie continued. “He made a bet on the best guy.” 2453Summer gave me a look. 2454“Don’t go shouting at me” I said to Summer. 2455“What are we going to do?” Maxi asked. 2456“We can’t do anything” Summer said miserably. 2457“Well we can’t if you just give up” I said angrily. 2458“But we can’t do anything” Summer retorted. 2459“Stop arguing for a sec and help us think of something” Maxi snarled. 2460“How about we make a run for the shortcut now?” Charlie suggested. 2461“They’ll see us and we will be in even more trouble than we started” 2462Summer debated. 2463“But they are all busy watching the game” Maxi pointed out. Summer 2464shrugged her shoulders. 2465“True” she said. 2466“Summer, do you know where the shortcut is?” I asked determinedly. 2467“Yeah” Summer replied. “Follow me.” 2468“HA” the vampire cried. “I win the bet. Joe Bob won. Now where are the 2469losers of the bet?” 2470“Run” Summer screamed. There was suddenly uproar. 2471“GET THEM” screamed the vampire. we ducked behind the bar.

2472“Follow me” Summer whispered. She ran towards the store cupboard. 2473“What are you doing?” I hissed at Summer. 2474“Do you want to live or not?” Summer hissed back. I gave Summer a 2475long look before I followed. So did Maxi and Charlie. We ran into the 2476store cupboard and slammed the door shut. 2477“This better be good” Maxi breathed. Summer tapped four different 2478bricks on the wall. Soon enough the bricks started to go forwards until it 2479revealed a arched door. Summer smiled triumphantly. 2480“Come on” Summer said as we heard someone yell where we were. One 2481by one we entered into the arched door getting closer and closer to a 2482terrible fate. . 2483 2484 2485


2486 THE OTHER FOUR 2487DARKSLAYERS, ARIELA AND ATTACKED AGAIN 2488We came staggering into some wasteland. Maxi collapsed on to the floor. 2489“I-told-you-this-was-a-bad-idea” I panted angrily. “But no you have to do 2490everything your way don’t you?” Maxi groaned. 2491“Danan, please it was my fault. I” Maxi began. 2492“Shut up Maxi. I didn’t ask you to interfere” I snarled. Maxi sighed and 2493walked off. Charlie followed him. I was still glaring at Summer. 2494“Next time just listen to me” I said. 2495“We had to go through that pub” Summer argued. I stalked off to find 2496some sticks to make a fire. Maxi and Charlie were talking in low hushed 2497voices. I sighed and went over to them. 2498“How far away are we from the island?” I asked Charlie. 2499“We will probably reach there by next week hopefully” Charlie replied. 2500“That reminds me, how many days have passed?” Maxi asked. Charlie 2501shrugged. 2502“I’m assuming about ten” Charlie guessed. I sighed. 2503“Sheffield must have reached there by now” I said. With that I walked 2504away. This could not get worse. Right now I would like more than 2505anything for things to go back the way it was before. If I hadn’t met those 2506troublesome demons none of this would’ve happened and I could have

2507still led a normal life and be a normal boy. I stomped my foot in 2508frustration. 2509“Perhaps we should all get some sleep” Charlie suggested. With that we 2510all decided to sleep. 2511 2512


2513In my dream I saw a boy with dark brown hair with pale blue eyes 2514running down a corridor. I remember seeing this boy somewhere but 2515couldn’t remember where. He came to a halt at the door and knocked 2516nervously. 2517“Come in” a voice called. The boy entered in nervously and there sat a 2518woman on a throne with a haughty expression on her face. The boy 2519bowed down respectfully. 2520“Rise Deven” the woman said. “What do you want to tell me?” 2521“Cod has done something really bad” Deven said timidly. 2522“What is it?” Zelena asked. 2523“I can’t say anymore” Deven cried out. 2524“You won’t if your tongue is sliced off. So I suggest you cooperate if you 2525still want your tongue” Zelena said in a soft dangerous voice. Deven 2526began to tremble. 2527“Cod had an affair with a moonslayer girl” Deven blurted out. 2528“WHAT?” Zelena yelled with rage. The look on Zelena’s face was as if 2529she had cat’s pee to drink. Deven jumped back. 2530“How dare my son sets to humiliate me?” Zelena roared. “Ariela will 2531finally find a excuse to criticise me. I’ll ruin that girl for sure.” Deven 2532tried to run for the exit door but the door slammed shut. 2533“Where are they?” Zelena barked. “Tell me otherwise I’ll vaporise you on 2534the spot.” Deven trembled. The scene changed. 2535There was a field to which I recognised as the Big House’s fields. There 2536were two girls and a boy lounging about the grass. The boy to my shock 2537was me and the other girls I didn’t know who they were. One of the girls 2538was very tall. She had curly black hair with streaks of brown in it. Her 2539eyes were turquoise. She also had that kind look on her face. The other 2540girl was the complete opposite. She was not very tall and her hair was 2541fiery red and straight. Her eyes were sparkly blue and she had that 2542mischievous look on her face. Deven suddenly came running towards

2543them. The girl with curly black hair saw Deven running and smiled. The 2544short girl suppressed an evil grin and I saw myself roll my eyes. 2545“Mari” Deven panted to the girl with curly black hair. “Emila, Danan. I 2546need to tell you something.” 2547“Then spit it out” I said in a bored voice. Mari shot me an angry look (In 2548the dream). 2549“Go on what is it Deven?” Mari said kindly to Deven. 2550“I know. Your girlfriend dumped you and then you wet your pants” Emila 2551interrupted. Deven gave Emila a dirty look. 2552“Shut up Emila” Mari said irritably. 2553“I wouldn’t talk if I was you Emila” I said. “I saw you flirting with one of 2554the guards. I pity your taste.” 2555“COD IS IN TROUBLE” Deven tried to say. All of them stared at Deven. 2556Deven took a deep breath and started to explain. 2557“Cod started to have an affair with a moonslayer girl. I found out and then 2558I went and told Zelena and now she’s going to…..” words failed Deven. 2559Emila looked speechless. So was Mariel. I saw myself get up. 2560“YOU ARE SUCH A IDIOT” I heard myself roar. Mariel jumped back. 2561So did Emila. But Deven just stayed stock still. I saw myself run towards 2562him. I woke abruptly. Summer was shaking me. 2563“I know” I snapped vigorously. 2564 2565


2566“Got any sleep last night?” Maxi asked me as Charlie was trotting. 2567“Yeah” I lied. “Didn’t you?” Maxi shook his head. 2568“I guess I had too much to drink” Maxi said sounding tired. Summer 2569rolled her eyes. 2570“Hey Summer can I ask a question?” I said. Summer shrugged her 2571shoulders. 2572“How long have you been at the Big House for?” I asked. 2573“About five years” Summer estimated. 2574“Who are the other important Darkslayers?” Summer’s expression 2575darkened, 2576“Mariel, Emila, Deven and Cod” Summer recited. 2577“Did they hate Darkslayers as well?” I questioned. Summer shrugged.

2578“Well Mariel was kind to everyone and Emila was alright. I don’t know 2579about you and Cod. Both of you were very distant. It was only Deven 2580who had a problem.” Summer sighed. 2581“Wait I thought you said it’s been a century since I’ve returned” I said 2582sounding puzzled. 2583“Mariel, Emila and Deven stayed for five years and then they left to do 2584something” summer explained. 2585“What about me?” I asked. 2586“You faded for a century because you were so angry about what Deven 2587did” Summer replied. 2588“So you came a century later.” We couldn’t continue our conversation 2589because at that moment we were interrupted. 2590“Guys is that meant to be normal?” Charlie asked shakily. Me and 2591Summer looked to where Charlie was staring. Maxi’s eyes widened in 2592horror it was something unpleasantly familiar. It was the giant aardvark 2593only a hundred times bigger. 2594“He’s not very happy to see us” Maxi choked. 2595“What? You killed the aardvark before. But it wasn’t suppose to come 2596back alive” Charlie said confused. 2597“Oh no. our plan was to kill the aardvark for it to come back alive 2598hundred times more dangerous and that we would feed ourselves to it and 2599then we live happily after” I said sarcastically. 2600“Shut up” Summer yelled. “What are we going to do?” 2601“Pick up the pace Centaur” Maxi yelled. Charlie started to gallop like 2602lightening if that was possible. We heard the aardvark roar behind us. I 2603felt Maxi tremble next to me. Charlie stopped galloping. 2604“Why are you stopping for?” I screamed. 2605“There is nowhere to go” Charlie replied with horror and he was right. 2606We were standing in front of a rushing lake. I suddenly had a crazy idea. 2607“Try to jump as far as you can” I replied. 2608“We won’t be able to reach the other side of the bank Summer protested. 2609“Would you rather drown or be devoured by an aardvark?” I asked. 2610Summer bit her lip. I smirked. 2611“Jump” I yelled to Charlie. Charlie sprang. I felt cold water hit my face. 2612Charlie raised his chin above the water. I coughed and spluttered. So did 2613Maxi and Summer.

2614“Get off” I gasped to Maxi and Summer. 2615“Are you mad?” Maxi choked. 2616 “Just do it” I screamed hoarsely. I jumped off Charlie’s back and fell into 2617the water. I saw Maxi and Summer shivering in the water. 2618“Danan, the water is gushing. If we don’t get out soon then we will….” 2619Summer’s voice faded over the angry rushing sounds of the water. I saw 2620Charlie paddling towards me. 2621“Hang on to my back” Charlie said to me. I did as instructed. Charlie 2622started to paddle towards Maxi and Summer. They were both hanging on 2623to a log. 2624“We won’t all be able to go on Charlie’s back” Summer replied. “I’ll go.” 2625“No” I said firmly. “I will.” Maxi and Summer protested. Even Charlie 2626did. 2627“Goodbye” I said. 2628“No Danan no” Maxi yelled but it was too late. I was already being 2629rushed away from them. It was like the lake wanted to eat me. The last 2630things I heard were the cries of my friends. 2631 2632


2633I slowly opened my eyes. Was I dead? I must have been dreaming. I was 2634surrounded by exotic trees and fruits. I sat up and regretted doing it 2635immediately. My whole body felt like it was on fire. I saw shadows 2636moving towards me. I looked around for somewhere to hide but I couldn’t 2637get up. So I just sat down in horror. It was a girl with fiery red hair which 2638was straight and her eyes were sparkly blue. I had seen this girl 2639somewhere. She stopped and gasped when she saw me. 2640“Em, where are you?” a voice called. The girl was still staring at me. 2641Then another girl came staggering out of a plant. This girl I had seen 2642somewhere too. The girl also gasped when she saw me. 2643“Danan” she cried and ran towards me. 2644“How do you know my name?” I asked suspiciously. The girl seemed 2645hurt. 2646“Don’t you remember me?” the girl asked. “Mariel?” Then it suddenly 2647dawned on me who she probably was. 2648“Mari?” I said uncertainly. The girl beamed. I turned towards the other 2649girl.

2650“Emila” I said. Emila glared at me with deep loathing Mari and Emila 2651exchanged looks. 2652“Well it was nice meeting you and I felt the same for some reason. The 2653feeling was neutral. 2654“That must mean Deven is with you” I said. Mari looked at her shoes and 2655Emila’s face darkened. 2656“He is very sick so back off” Emila growled. 2657“Em” Mari said warningly. 2658“It was nice meeting you guys. I better be off” I said hurriedly. I tried to 2659get up but Mari pushed me down. 2660“You can’t just leave” Mari said reproachfully. 2661“Sure I can. I’m going to now” I exclaimed. 2662“No you can’t” Emila tuned in. 2663“Who do you think you are to boss me around” I retorted. I got up and 2664ran before they could stop me. I had nowhere else to go so I ran into the 2665exotic trees and then I bumped into someone. I recognised the boy from 2666my dreams. It was Deven. 2667“Get out the way” I hissed. Deven frowned. 2668“You haven’t changed one bit Danan” Deven said. 2669“I’ll give you ten seconds to get out the way otherwise I’ll attack” I 2670threatened. 2671“Attack with what?” Deven said indignantly. “You’re stranded with no 2672weapons whatsoever.” My temper was rising. I tried to kick Deven but 2673he was too fast for me. He tripped me up so I was on the floor. Deven was 2674the one towering over me. I wrapped my legs around his and pulled. He 2675fell on the ground. I saw a dagger at his belt. Was it worth killing him? 2676What would I achieve apart from being a murderer? This wouldn’t help 2677Cod. I started to walk further into the trees. I had no idea where I was 2678going. I just hoped that Maxi, Summer and Charlie came out okay. They 2679must think I was dead and must be wallowing on their grief. I sighed and 2680decided to walk back to the place where I was. When I staggered through 2681the bushes I found Emila, Mari and Deven waiting for me. Mari looked 2682relieved to see me. Emila sort of looked annoyed but also relieved that I 2683was alive and Deven’s expression was unreadable. 2684“Deven told us that you wandered off” Mari exclaimed. 2685“How long have you all been on this island?” I asked. Mari frowned. 2686“About five days and then we are moving on” Mari answered.

2687“What are you guys exactly doing?” I pressed on. 2688“Top secret” Deven replied automatically. 2689“Oh come on it’s just Danan” Mari said automatically. 2690“He can’t be trusted with the company he is with, Centaurs? 2691Moonslayers?” Deven argued. I was surprised to see Deven act like this. 2692When I bumped into him and started to attack he acted all calm about it 2693and now he was getting hyped up about the company I kept. Then I 2694remembered what Summer had said about Deven. 2695“It was really only Deven who had a problem. He was very mistrustful” 2696Summer’s words rang through my head. 2697“Look I can’t stay long I’m on a mission” I said in a low voice. 2698“What sort of mission?” Mari asked. 2699“I can’t tell you” I replied. “You don’t tell me what you are doing then I 2700don’t tell you what I’m doing.” 2701“Ok fine” Deven snapped. “We are searching for Cod. Satisfied?” 2702“Yeah like Cod would want to meet you” I snorted. “What are you going 2703to say to him when you find him? I’m sorry? Well it’s too late to 2704apologise now.” 2705“No. actually I’m going to help him find the girl he loved and then I’m 2706going to get back her soul” Deven replied in a shaky voice. I laughed. 2707“How thick are you? You can’t just pop down to the local corner shop and 2708buy a soul” I said still chortling. 2709“I will help her” Deven repeated. “Even if I don’t get her soul back.” 2710“You won’t be able to help her she’s dead inside” I informed. “And why? 2711Because……” 2712“SHUT UP” Deven roared, 2713“Because you couldn’t keep your big yap shut” I finished off. Deven 2714stared at me and then ran off into the trees again. Emila glared at me. 2715“Why are you such a jerk for?” Emila snarled. “Now look what you’ve 2716done.” 2717“He’s got to learn not to skulk off” I said firmly. “He’s not a little kid 2718anymore.” 2719“But you are” Emila sneered. 2720“Why do you keep sticking up for Deven?” I asked. Emila glared at me 2721and then ran off. Mari sighed.

2722“Deven is like a brother to Emila.” Mari carried on when she saw the 2723puzzled look on my face. 2724“Emila was only seven when Deven found her living on the streets. Her 2725house had caught on fire and she managed to escape. Unfortunately her 2726adopted parents hadn’t managed to escape so then Emila had to live on 2727streets and find food herself. Then one day Emila was so tired and hungry 2728that she was going to die Deven happened to come across Emila and he 2729recognised for what Emila was. He took her to the big house and nursed 2730her back to health and Emila has never forgotten that. She thinks of 2731Deven as her rescuer and she believes that since Deven rescued her she 2732has to do the same thing for him” Mari explained. I sighed. 2733“Where are you guys staying then?” I asked. Mari gave me a crazy look. 2734“Where do people normally stay when they are camping out Mari said in 2735a tone that made me sound so stupid for asking. 2736“A tent” I muttered. Mari smirked and gestured for me to follow her. 2737 2738 2739


2740Mari gave me a book to read in the tent in case I got bored. She said that 2741she needed to check something and then she left the tent. I didn’t bother 2742to read book because first of all I hated reading and second of all the 2743whole book was written in Latin. It looked like a baby’s book to me 2744because there were lots of colourful pictures. The title of the book was 2745called ‘Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titilandus’ underneath the title was 2746scrawled in very tiny handwriting was the translation 2747‘Never tickle a Dragon in its sleep. This book was written 2748in 1983 by Luciano Barkland. He lived in Italy for five 2749years before migrating to England. Barkland wrote a 2750variety of many Italian books. His children books always 2751had morale in the end and were aimed to teach the 2752children an England. ‘Draco Dormiens Nunquam 2753Titilandus’ was the last book to be published in Italy 2754before Barkland migrated to England. The book was about 2755a young brave boy who discovers a cave where a lost 2756princess is tied to. But the cave is guarded by a fearsome 2757Dragon. The boy runs off to tell the king of his discovery. 2758The king wants his son to marry the princess so his son 2759the prince is given the task to slay the dragon and rescue 2760the princess but the boy wants some glory as well. So

2761whoever gets to save the princess first wins. The prince 2762was proud and arrogant about his strength and thought 2763the princess would prefer him over the boy and had no 2764worries. But the boy had bravery something that was 2765crucial in the task, When the prince and the boy reached 2766there cowardice overcame the prince and then the prince 2767fled. Whereas the boy bravely stayed loyally to what he 2768had to do. The boy tickled the dragon and while it was still 2769surprised he stabbed it with a sword. Then he rescued the 2770princess and they were married the next day and then 2771they live happily together. The morale is clear from this 2772story that those who are humble will receive better things 2773but those who are unjust, proud and arrogant will achieve 2774anything in life. The fable about the Hare and the Tortoise 2775then originated from this story. Not that many people read 2776Luciano Barkland’s stories but he will still be remembered. 2777Codpillar Son of Zelena’ 2778So Cod had read this book. I don’t how but I just knew that Cod could 2779read Latin and could understand it and even speak it. I sighed. I was 2780worried sick about Summer, Maxi and Charlie. I needed to find them. I 2781still had a mission to complete. I think I could see someone standing 2782outside the tent. A woman came entering the tent. She had sandy coloured 2783hair and her eyes were a welcoming honey colour. He skin was as fair 2784snow and she was wearing a long dress that went up to her ankles. The 2785woman smiled at me. 2786“Hello Danan” the woman greeted. I was too stunned to speak. The 2787woman looked at the book I was still holding. She took the book from me 2788gently. 2789“I remember reading this book to you when you were five” the woman 2790said gently. I realised then who this woman was. 2791“Ariela” I whispered. Ariel smiled genuinely. 2792“You have done well Danan. Your mission is running successfully, your 2793nearly there but to reach your goal you must trust your conscience. 2794Therefore I have brought some gifts that will guide you through out the 2795rest of your mission” Ariela said distinctly. 2796“Why wait all this time?” I asked. Ariela sighed. 2797“You’re too young to understand Danan. Now is not the right time” Ariela 2798said hurriedly. “I can’t stay long so listen very carefully. You have a 2799choice to make. Continue your mission without finding your companions

2800or find them first and then continue your mission what will it be?” I 2801knew what to choose. 2802“I think you know what it will be” I said firmly. Ariela nodded grimly. 2803“How will I find my friends?” I asked. Ariela smiled. 2804“Close your eyes” Ariela instructed. I shut my eyes and heard my friends 2805calling me. 2806 2807“Danan! Danan! DANAN,” I felt someone shaking me. 2808“I’m getting up” I said irritably. Two familiar faces were looking down at 2809me with shock. 2810“You’re alive” Maxi said weakly. Summer stayed there looking shocked. 2811“What’s going on?” an unfamiliar voice called out. A girl with strawberry 2812coloured hair came skipping towards us. Her eyes were black and her 2813skin was an olive colour. Everything about her was radiating with beauty. 2814Her eyes widened in astonishment when she saw me. I cleared my throat. 2815“I don’t mean to be rude but who are you?” I asked. Summer answered 2816me immediately. 2817“This is Amazon. She’s a water lily.” Amazon gave me a shy smile. 2818“She is going to guide us along the way” Maxi explained. I was 2819Confused. 2820“Aren’t Water Lilies plants and what’s this about guidance?” I asked 2821bewildered. Maxi gave a look to Summer asking for help. Summer 2822shrugged her shoulders. 2823“I did tell you we didn’t need guidance but you insisted.” Summer 2824withdrew a book from her bag and wandered of to a tree. 2825“Look, we don’t need guidance” I said exasperated. Maxi looked hurt. 2826“She can show us the….” 2827“We can find our own way. We are already behind as it is.” 2828“With my guidance you will not get lost for sure” the water lily piped up. 2829“We can’t have another person in on the mission” I argued back irritably. 2830The water lily took another step towards me. 2831“You need me” She whispered. 2832“No we don’t now get out the way” I snapped. 2833“Why are you so prejudiced?” Maxi said angrily. “Come on Amazon.” 2834“She-is-not-coming” I said through gritted teeth.

2835“Yes she is.” 2836“No she isn’t.” 2837“Yes she is.” 2838“No she isn’t.” 2839“Yes she…” 2840“FINE” I shouted. “Stay here with her and you can rot with her till the 2841day you die. I made myself clear that she is not coming with us. Me, 2842Summer and Charlie will travel by ourselves and you and the plant can 2843travel by yourselves.” 2844“Who says that Charlie and Summer get to travel with you?” Maxi 2845retorted. “They should be able to vote themselves.” 2846“Even if I don’t get along with Danan I want to reach the sword as soon 2847as possible” Summer stated. 2848“What about you Charlie?” Maxi growled. Charlie came trotting towards 2849us. He hesitated. 2850“I dunno. On one hand you’re my friend but on the other I want to reach 2851the island as soon as possible” Charlie said apprehensively. 2852“Why don’t we all just travel together?” the water lily spoke suddenly. 2853“And leave you behind” I added. The water lily sighed. 2854“Never mind I’ll just go back if you don’t want my help then I’ll just 2855leave” the water lily said in a sad tone. Charlie gave the water lily a look 2856of sympathy. 2857“Oh come on Danan” Charlie said sadly. “It won’t hurt if one extra 2858person travels with us.” 2859“Originally it was only meant to be me and Danan” Summer said 2860reproachfully. 2861“Originally it was only meant to be me” I corrected. 2862“What’s the big deal if she comes?” Maxi said. 2863“She is of no use to us” I said scornfully. “You either stay here with her or 2864you leave her and come with us?” Maxi scowled. 2865“Let’s move” he said after a while. “Sorry Amazon but this is important.” 2866The Water Lily didn’t seem to hear what Maxi said she was more 2867bothered about being ditched. 2868“Wait you can’t leave me” the Water Lily cried. 2869“Sure we can. That’s what we are going to do right now.”

2870“You’ll pay for that Darkslayer” the Water Lily growled. The Water lilies 2871head started to grow bigger. Her neck started to stretch and soon in no 2872time all her skin was scaly green. She looked a terrible sight. Maxi 2873groaned in disgust. 2874“Do Water Lilies normally do that?” I asked taking a step back. 2875“No Water Lilies are soft and they are terrible flirts” Summer explained. 2876“This was obviously a disguised water lily.” 2877“Geez you think” I said sarcastically. 2878“What do we do?” Maxi asked us terrified. Summer shrugged. 2879“Why are you asking me for? You’re the one who loved her.” 2880“Why would I love that beast for?” Maxi hissed. 2881“Let’s take her please Danan what’s the harm?” 2882Maxi pulled a face.

Summer mimicked.

2883“Shut up” I snarled. “We have a problem here.” 2884“Just kill it” Summer suggested. Maxi looked affronted. 2885“You can’t kill it” Maxi exclaimed. “That’s murder.” 2886“Well that doesn’t really matter since that’s what the thing is going to do 2887to us.” 2888“Two wrongs don’t make a right.” 2889“Stop being a priest.” 2890“It’s wrong to kill.” 2891“Tell that to the thing.” 2892“We won’t kill it.” 2893“Yes we will.” 2894“No we won’t.” 2895“YES WE WILL,” 2896“NO WE WON’T.” 2897“DANAN” Summer and Maxi both yelled. 2898“Just shut up for a moment” I shouted. Summer and Maxi both held 2899offended looks. The thing that was disguised as a water lily started to 2900crawl towards us. I drew my dagger and threw it at the thing. Green slime 2901started to spill out of it and then the thing started to fade away. Summer 2902stepped forwards and started to examine the puddle of green slime that 2903came from the creature.

2904“Definitely a Bruttosquamosa” Summer said after a while. 2905“A Brutto what?” I asked. 2906“A Bruttosquamosa. It’s Italian. Brutto means ugly and Squamosa means 2907scaly most people just call it a Brutto for short” Summer explained. 2908“Any other monsters that we should know about on our mission” I said. 2909“Well there is the gillyuomo” Summer said thoughtfully. “But they are 2910not that vicious.” I was stunned. 2911“Can you speak Italian?” Summer frowned. 2912“I can understand it, write it and I can speak it alright.” 2913“Are you Italian?” I asked. Summer laughed. 2914“Do I look Italian?” Summer asked mockingly. 2915“No” I mumbled. “Say something in Italian. Summer laughed. 2916“No way my Italian is rubbish.” I stayed quite for a while and then spoke. 2917“Are we friends then?” I asked all of a sudden. Summer sighed. 2918“How many times do I have to tell you? I’m a Moonslayer and you’re a 2919Darkie. They are both enemies end of story” Summer said tiredly. 2920“Well maybe you should stop doing what everyone else does” I snapped. 2921With that I trudge off feeling disgruntled. 2922 2923 292414 2925 2926F THE MAGICIAN


2927We decided to sleep the night since we had another attack again. We 2928didn’t want to attract more creatures or it would be more accurate to call 2929them monsters. Summer, Maxi and Charlie wanted to hear everything that 2930happened to me. So I told them about how I found Deven, Mariel and 2931Emila and Ariela talking to me. 2932“Wait so Mariel, Emila and Dylan are looking for Cod as well?” Summer 2933said after I had finished talking. 2934“Deven” I corrected. 2935“What gifts were Ariela talking about?” Maxi asked. I felt something 2936heavy in my pocket. I reached inside and drew out a pebble. 2937“She gave you a pebble?” Maxi said questioningly. Summer sat up.

2938“That’s no ordinary pebble” Summer said eagerly. “That’s a guarigione 2939pebble.” 2940“Let me guess Italian” I said acidly. Summer gave me a cold look, 2941“What does it mean? The pebble of destiny?” Maxi said in a faraway 2942voice. 2943“It actually means healing pebble” Summer hissed. Maxi laughed. 2944“What does it do?” Maxi asked in a mocking tone. 2945“It heals wounds. You obviously need it to heal your brain” Summer said 2946heatedly. With that she flounced off. Maxi looked at me. I shrugged my 2947shoulders. 2948 2949


2950“My feet hurt” Maxi complained for the umpteenth time. We had been 2951walking past wastelands but Summer still wouldn’t stop walking. 2952“Are you sure you know where we are going?” I asked Summer. 2953“Of course after all this is where he lives” Summer snapped. 2954“Where does who live?” Maxi asked. 2955“Whimstaff of course” Summer replied. 2956“Who’s Whimstaff?” I said. 2957“He’s a magician.” 2958“And why are we going to see him?” 2959“He knows something about the promise breakers sword” Summer 2960replied. 2961“Wasn’t he the guy who made the sword?” I said. 2962“Yeah he was.” 2963“But you said he died ages ago.” 2964“I was mistaken.” 2965“But you said he was a magician.” 2966“Same thing” Summer snapped. “Promise breaker, magician whatever 2967you prefer.” 2968“But we don’t need to see Whimstaff because we know where the sword 2969is” Maxi confirmed. Summer quickened her pace. 2970“You don’t know where the sword is do you?” I said dreading the answer.

2971“I had my estimations about where it could be” Summer said defensively. 2972“But I think it’s better that we see Whimstaff.” 2973“We don’t have time” I said exasperated. “We still need to find Cod.” 2974“Don’t worry it won’t take long” Summer assured us. 2975 2976 It seemed to take ages to meet Whimstaff. Summer had stopped at a 2977very dirty cottage. 2978“This is it” Summer said nervously. Maxi had the same look on his face 2979as he did when he saw the Bruttosquamosa. 2980“You look surprised” Summer said to me. 2981“I didn’t expect a magician to live here” I muttered. 2982“Did you expect a big castle with a tall tower and a drawbridge in front of 2983the entrance?” Summer asked amused. 2984“Yeah something like that.” Summer rolled her eyes. She stepped in front 2985of the battered door and knocked. 2986“Who dares disturb my slumber” a squeaky voice shrilled. I exchanged 2987looks with Maxi. 2988“It’s me Summer, Danan and Maxi” Summer replied. “We wanted to ask 2989you something about the sword you made.” 2990“You won’t kill me. You’ll never get into this house.” I and Maxi 2991snickered at this stupid comment. The door wasn’t secure at all. 2992“Watch us” Maxi answered back. He stepped to the door and kicked at it. 2993The door fell backwards exposing lots of dust. All three of us walked 2994inside examining everything we could. 2995“He doesn’t do that much spring cleaning” Maxi muttered. I shrugged my 2996shoulders. 2997“Try not to make too much noise” Summer whispered. “He’s already 2998scared as it is.” I nodded. 2999“YAAAAH” A voice roared. I heard breaking china and a scream from 3000Summer. I ran to a table and crouched underneath it. I saw rusty shoes 3001and grabbed it and pulled. 3002“AAAAAHG” The person screamed. He landed with a thud. I crawled off 3003the table and ran to Summer and Maxi. 3004“Are you guys okay?” I asked them anxiously. Maxi scowled. 3005“Next time I’ll remember to keep watch in a dark place” Maxi said.

3006“It really is Whimstaff” Summer called across the room. We ran to where 3007Summer was standing. There was a man crouching on a floor shaking like 3008crazy. He had a long grey beard and his hair was grey as well. He was 3009wearing a midnight blue robe that was too short for him. 3010“Please don’t hurt me” Whimstaff stammered. I walked towards him. 3011“Don’t worry we are not here to hurt you” I reassured him. 3012“LIAR” Whimstaff yelled. He ran for the door but me and Maxi were 3013faster. We each grabbed him by the arm and hurled him into a chair. 3014“Now stop screaming like a retard otherwise we really will hurt you or 3015maybe worse” Maxi threatened. Whimstaff gulped. 3016“Great now you’ve scared him to death” Summer hissed. “A really good 3017move.” 3018“He wouldn’t listen” Maxi bickered. 3019“You are Whimstaff right?” I said loudly to stop the argument. Whimstaff 3020nodded his head. 3021“Right so you’ll be able to tell us about that cursed sword” Maxi said 3022cheerily. 3023“S-sword” Whimstaff half stammered and half croaked. “What sword?” 3024“Mr Whimstaff you know what we’re talking about” Summer said 3025desperately. “The promise breakers sword, the sword of victory, the 3026sword of ever lasting victory?” Whimstaff blinked at Summer as though 3027she was a hallucination. 3028“Listen we didn’t venture this far for nothing so are you going to help us 3029or not?” Maxi growled. Whimstaff laughed. 3030“Why should I help some strangers who come bashing my door down 3031threaten to kill me and then starts to question me?” 3032“Listen here…” 3033“Ooh what’s it going to be this time?” Whimstaff mused. “Going to slit 3034my throat and bake me into a pie like Sweeney Todd or are you going to 3035rearrange my face? Whatever you do to me it won’t help you fool because 3036you won’t have got any information anyway.” Maxi opened his mouth to 3037say something but I cut him off. 3038“Your right” I said. “Why would you help us? We are just strangers to 3039you we’re nobody to you.” 3040“Look I didn’t mean it like that” Whimstaff said faintly but I wasn’t 3041listening.

3042“We’ll just leave now” I said to him. “And sorry about your doors come 3043on guys let’s leave.” Summer and Maxi both held bewildered looks but I 3044gave them a look. We started to make our way towards the detached door. 3045“Danan what are you doing?” Summer hissed at me. “We desperately 3046need to talk to him.” 3047“Trust me I know what I’m doing” I said under my breath for fear that 3048Whimstaff might have overheard us. 3049“I don’t think you do” Maxi added. “How are we meant to talk to 3050Whimstaff if you’ve told him that we’re leaving?” 3051“Shut up and keep walking” I snarled. We just about reached the door 3052when Whimstaff came running after us. 3053“Wait” he cried. “I know something that will help you.” I smiled at Maxi 3054and Summer. 3055“Reverse Psychology” I whispered to them. 3056 3057 Whimstaff walked us to a very small dirty coffee table. He then 3058gave us what suspiciously looked like a mixture of tea and mustard in a 3059cup. 3060“It’s a special drink I made myself” Whimstaff explained. “It took me 3061ages to make it nice.” 3062“What is it made of?” Maxi asked sniffing at the drink. Whimstaff 3063frowned. 3064“I think it was mixture of tea, mustard oh did I add cat’s urine as well?” 3065Whimstaff said to himself. Maxi did a spit take. I put my cup down on the 3066coffee table slowly. 3067“I’m not really thirsty now” I said to Whimstaff. 3068“Same here” Maxi said quickly. Summer was looking at Whimstaff’s 3069cabinet. 3070“You have a lot of certificates and photographs sir” Summer said to 3071Whimstaff. Whimstaff wandered over to where Summer was standing. I 3072and Maxi followed. 3073“Ah that was my whole family” Whimstaff said pointing to a black and 3074white photograph. “Mother, father, Nanny, Nana and Loreine. We called 3075her dilly daydream because of that misty look in her eyes.” Whimstaff 3076laughed softly. Summer smiled. 3077“What about him?” I asked pointing to a photo of a dark haired boy. 3078Whimstaff looked at the photo. His face darkened.

3079“That was my brother Benjamin” Whimstaff explained. “He had an 3080argument with the whole family. He had big ambitions he did.” The boy 3081still looked like a teenager. I gazed at the smiling face of a boy who didn’t 3082know that he was never going to see his family again. Maxi’s voice 3083brought me back to reality. 3084“What are all those certificates for?” Maxi asked. Whimstaff gazed at 3085them with incredible dislike 3086“Achievements of a young ignorant man” Whimstaff said bitterly. “I was 3087a fool to give my whole family up just for stupid worthless desires.” 3088“How do achievements have anything to do with your family?” I said. 3089“Your family are your guide to achievements. It’s like that ball that 3090guided Theseus through the labyrinth.” Whimstaff looked at me sadly. 3091“That’s what Benjamin thought. He thought his family was a tool for his 3092success and now he’s become a monster and because of him I have no 3093family.” Whimstaff wept. I felt so sorry for him. He sounded so lost. 3094Summer put a hand on his shoulder gently. 3095“It’s alright they are still there with you” Summer said quietly. “You’re 3096just not acknowledging it.” Whimstaff stood up and looked at Summer. 3097“You won’t understand” he said. Summer gazed at Whimstaff intently. I 3098could tell that she was mad. 3099“You think I don’t know what it is like to lose your whole family” 3100Summer said quietly. “Well I do. I was only three years old when I was 3101taken away from my family. I was held prisoner for three years and then I 3102escaped. After that I was homeless. I had no idea where to go. I was a 3103stranger in a new country I didn’t know it that well as other people. It was 3104when I was eight years old that I was taken and cared for. I survived five 3105years without a family and they didn’t even kick up a search for me. You 3106don’t see me hiding somewhere and brooding over the loss of my family. 3107I went and got on with my life because it’s the way the world works.” I 3108gazed at Summer stunned. She never talked about her family. 3109“You’re stronger than me” Whimstaff stammered. 3110“I was only three when I lost my family and yet I never lost hope. You 3111lost hope quicker than a three year old you ought to be ashamed” Summer 3112retorted. “Now this is your chance to prove you’re not weak by helping 3113us.” Whimstaff glared at Summer. 3114“You are just like Loreine” Whimstaff said. 3115“Who’s Loreine?” Maxi asked. Whimstaff looked at him unfathomably.

3116“Loreine is like the sky. She doesn’t like to be controlled. The sky will 3117rain when it feels like it. The sky will be blue when it wants to be” 3118Whimstaff said wistfully. Maxi raised an eyebrow but Whimstaff already 3119turned back to speak to 3120Summer. 3122“Can I have a private word with you?” Whimstaff said to Summer. 3123Summer nodded. 3124“There are some books in the cabinet” Whimstaff said abruptly to me and 3125Maxi. He went into another room and closed the door. Maxi shrugged his 3126shoulders and went over to the cabinet. I went to the door and pressed my 3127ear against it. Normally I’m not a eavesdropper but I was so curious as to 3128what Whimstaff and Summer could be talking about. 3129“So what do you say?” I heard Whimstaff say. 3130“It won’t work” Summer argued. “Many people have tried.” 3131“There is no harm in trying” Whimstaff said distinctly. 3132“Look, you can try but I’m not coming” Summer replied. “I have one 3133mission to carry out and that’s all there is right now one.” There was a 3134sigh from Whimstaff. 3135 “Okay if you say so and I was so hoping that you would come with me” 3136Whimstaff said sadly. 3137“Look it’s too complicated” Summer said tiredly. 3138“You want her back don’t you?” Whimstaff demanded. 3139“Yes but…” 3140“Then what’s the problem?” 3141“She’s moved on alright why can’t you just accept that she won’t come 3142back?” Summer said angrily. “You’re so desperate for your family that 3143you’re going overboard and making stupid stuff up.” 3144“Fine and I believe that locket rightfully belongs to me” Whimstaff 3145yelled. 3146“WHAT?” Summer bellowed. I quickly ran towards Maxi and pretended 3147to be looking at the books. Summer burst through the door. 3148“We’re leaving” Summer said still fuming. 3149“I thought we needed to talk to Whimstaff?” Maxi said. Summer smiled 3150looking smug.

3151“We don’t need to” She replied gazing towards the mountains. I followed 3152her gaze towards the mountains and how I wished that we just turned our 3153backs at that mountain and walked home. 3154 3155 3156 3157SON OF ZELENA


3158“What do you mean that we don’t need to talk to Whimstaff?” Maxi 3159asked once we were outside. 3160“Because according to the tiny information that Whimstaff gave me the 3161person who last took the sword decided to hide it somewhere else and 3162Whimstaff sort of hinted that he hid it within the mountains” Summer 3163explained. 3164“I know enough about Whimstaff to know that he’s selfish, ignorant, and 3165arrogant and mean” Charlie said disgusted. “He’s obviously lying to 3166you.” 3167“But he didn’t tell her. He hinted where the sword could be” I pointed 3168out. 3169“So the sword must be up in those mountains” Maxi said. Summer 3170nodded. 3171“And Cod” I said aloud. 3172“What?” Maxi said surprised. “Why would Cod be in the mountains?” 3173“Don’t you see? 3174“See what?” Summer asked. 3175“I had a dream about Deven finding the red rose island. When Deven 3176betrayed Cod to Zelena he must’ve told him about the island that Cod 3177was on. So Cod fled to the wilderness. That’s why these mountains look 3178so familiar. It’s because I saw them in my dream”. We were all so excited 3179that we didn’t even notice that Charlie had completely disappeared. 3180“Where’s Charlie?” I said. Summer shrugged her shoulders. I looked 3181around desperately. 3182“I’ll be right back” I said to them. I started to walk into the wooded area 3183and there I found Charlie gazing at the ground sadly. 3184“Charlie?” I called. Charlie raised his head and smiled at me. 3185“Hi I was just going to get some wood” Charlie said quickly. He pointed 3186to some wood by his hooves.

3187“What’s wrong?” Charlie sighed. 3188“Well I know you’re nearly at the end of your mission and I can’t help 3189thinking whether you still want me to hang out with you” Charlie 3190admitted. 3191“Why wouldn’t we want you to hang out with us?” I asked. 3192“Because I’m a centaur” he mumbled. 3193“Don’t be daft I don’t care what you are. All I can see is someone with a 3194kind heart who will be a very good friend.” 3195“Thanks Danan” Charlie said embarrassed but pleased. 3196“Now let’s get back to the others they are probably getting worried.” 3197 3198 We decided to have a rest so we all sat by the fire talking and chatting 3199merrily like some normal hikers. It felt kind of good for once not thinking 3200about the mission all the time and just being normal like all the kids back 3201at the Big House. I kept thinking about my normal life before all this 3202happened. Like getting into fights with my foster sister Becky and 3203hanging out talking with my foster mum. It felt like it was a million years 3204ago. I felt as if someone snatched that away from me. I missed everything 3205about that life. My foster mum, my computer, my room, fighting with 3206Becky I even missed my school. Now all that had been taken away from 3207me and I had been placed with a new dangerous life. 3208“What are you thinking about? Summer asked me. 3209“Loads of stuff” I replied. 3210“Like?” Summer prompted. 3211“My normal life” I said. “About how I led a normal life before and how I 3212wish I could go back to it.” 3213“That’s what we all think” Summer said. “The other life wasn’t 3214dangerous that’s why we all want to go back to it because you just make 3215one mistake then you can change it but here you make one mistake then 3216you can’t erase it just like you can’t erase a pen mark with a rubber.” 3217“It’s also because I had a family” I whispered. Summer looked at me. 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222

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