The Play Of The Consiousness

  • November 2019
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Peace and War, together in



GAME INTENTION: The visible and invisible Light, are the best way to transmit Messages; together with the Sound, the effect, the given information, is transcendental. The Messages guides you to your Mission and to your Purpose of life, the game consists in recognizing them, they are everywhere! The Messages could be transmitted by waves, electrical and electronic impulses such as the images– colors, the radio, T.V., satellite; or by physical media and by the Spoken Words (Sound), music, paint, writing, Internet, gesture expressions, attitudes and in general all Art and Expression. The Light is, simultaneously the Transmitter and the Store of information, which is encoded in every atom and electron, even those that conforms your visible body and your structure that seems invisible. The challenge –the Game, consists in decoding the messages that you have within you and to put them in to practice. This is the key to enjoy the Game and to have fun with it, in order to live in a “State of Grace”. This is your Purpose in life.

GAME RULES: Light is composed of colors as the Rainbow! This makes the game funnier: It simply consists on using your Imagination to the maximum; to paint your world with Colors; enjoying it with Music; and to sustain your own Creation–Creativity! In this 4 phrases is enclosed the enigma of the Game. With the purpose of avoiding delays, sufferings, and to recover the State of Grace –this is, to live in Perfection and Eternal Peace– it is convenient to consider these Rules and characteristics of the Game: 1. The basic Instrument of the Game is the Physical Body (of “3D” - third dimension). As an instrument, it is NEUTRAL, in other words; depending on the intention (the approach given), so will be its aspect and its durability. It can be transformed into the Corpus Delicti, the Body of Sin, or Karma, it is the Golden Calf, the Clay Idol, etc. It could be your own hell, the anti-Christ dwelling. Or, in a moment, it could be transformed into the Temple of the Almighty; it is The Promised Land, the Holy Grail or The Chariot of Fire. It is the Heaven on Earth, the Home of Christ –the God Within. 2. The ideas, the Messages to decipher, all come from the same Unique Source, that doesn’t have limits and is indescribable. That Source, where it comes what we call Light and Energy, made this Game possible; with all its Players and Participants, the Rules, Spaces, Time, Names, and in general all the Worlds and Bodies, visible and invisibles. 3. The Creation: The Source of Energy, it created from Itself a Ray of Light that was focused towards each one of the Players. This divine spark directed from the Source and sustained by the Players, has been called Individualized Spirit. In addition, the Almighty Source shared a part of its Power with this Individual Spirit; this Power has been called “Free Will” or Will to Do. 4. The Source, as well as the Creation of Earth, and all the Creations of Universes, are all perfect. So, THE IMPERFECTION DOES NOT EXIST. However, and this is the fundament of this “Play of the Consciousness”, it is possible to modify the Vision of Reality if we desired, fixing the conditions for it, as said ahead. 5. Players and Participants receive, contain and transfer messages, so all of them are Channeling Information, are Messengers. They and their messages are all different in its Form, although in essence everything is the same.

Peace and War, together in



6. No Message is better than another. All are as important as significant: all are Radiant –as much as Energy and Light, as well as Divine and Amazing– in essence, all are perfect no matter how insignificant they seem to be. But the Time factor –which is only a fragment, a division of Eternity– makes them appear unequal, due that you are looking only at a fragment of Totality. This limited idea together with the following points, has produced all the major conflicts; the wars, hate among us - and among mates, families, groups, countries and in the entire world. 7. The Game doesn’t have preferences “in exclusive”; in other words, doesn’t consider any one of the Messengers as unique, exclusive, only-begotten (1) different by Oneness, simply because if someone else is considered as “Incarnation of the Totality” or as “Absolute God, the Absolute Supreme Source” then, the real Unique Source will be split, divided by that apparently superior Part, delaying the ending or goal, and causing damage to everyBody. 8. However; the Game considers every Human Being, Woman and Men (countless by billions) as unique, special, and only-begotten (1), every Race and every Species, at every Epoch, each System – politics / economical, religious / spiritual, intellectual, educative, scientific–; without limits of age and regardless of the physical conditions (of the body) of the players, in despite if they act to the optimum or if they act to the minimum – the Source knows that in essence all of them are part of a Plan of Perfection. 9. So, none of the Messengers; call it Angel, Guide, Prophet, Master, Guru, Avatar, Messiah, God, Extraterrestrial – Father and Mother, Man and Woman; it is bigger or better than the other although it seems as if it was. (See points 1 and 3). Time will dissolve this appearance as well as all the “external” struggles that have been being originated from “inside us”, thus will give pass towards the real Unification of Souls and Beings. 10. Player’s Profile. The Creation, like it is, was designed as a way in which God could Walk in a “Material Form”; on this Planet, through a Dual Body, with a Masculine polarity on one side, and a Feminine on the other, having as a Spiritual connection –Communion– between both polarities, the master Guide of an Entity (Inner Being): This is the Son / Daughter Spirit conceived from the Source, forming the Trinity on Heaven. As a result of the Material connection –Communion, marriage– between the Source representatives (Woman and Men) Made as His / Her image and likeness, the Human Being was conceived: This is the Son / Daughter of the Man and the Woman, forming the Trinity on Earth. Based on the preceding paragraph, the Main Actor of this Game, it is circumscribed to those that “have birth from a woman”; this is, those that were born by the common Birth’s Conception of the humanity: the Sexual Contact, the Friction of Energy. Nevertheless, those who have a Birth Conception, or Creation Concept, different and in appearance, superior to the Human Realm (i.e. Immaculate Conception - anyhow, God knows nothing about Concepts), can participate as Eyewitness, Guides and Servants; but in this case due to its Position out of place or out of the Play, due to its Concept or Vision of the Reality different and therefore advantageous, they will not get the “merit” of the Human Player. All the other Realms and Beings that accompany the Human Realm are managed by their particular rules. 11. It is difficult to predict particular and also global results and to calculate the “profit” or the “loss” of the Players and Participants; it is much better to give the more we can give to the people, and to put all our Heart every moment. This means we have to sustain the Good Will during all the Game, without expecting to receive something in exchange. Personally, the Conscious Player always want to serve without trying to receive something, but in general The Source flows in any sense, because it is WHAT IT IS.

Peace and War, together in



12. Leaving the Game. The Player can abandon the Game at any moment: The dream –sleeping– is the simplest and convenient way of leaving the Game because it offers the possibility to determine, beforehand, the activities or Destiny to follow, with the certainty of the Awaken. Other way is the Meditation, if the Player is aware of this situation. Another option, is the Death, with the inconvenience that the conditions, of Leaving the Game as well as the Awaken of it, depend of the grade of knowledge of the Player. For a definitive Exit of the Game there are other rules. 13. For all said above, when in the Game somebody lose –or wins something intangible or something tangible, then all the humanity, with no exception, lose –or win in the same proportion, although in different way according to its position in the Game and the grade of mastery or domain that each Player has over the situation. 14. This is both a Game with Science, and with Consciousness, contains a Scientific or provable bases; it is better illustrated with this mathematic formula: Politics + Religion = Science. By clearing the formula, we find the following: Politics administrate people, things and goods and in general all the visible, and tangible things –all the Forms. Religion administrate ideas, attitudes, feelings and in general all the invisible and intangible –the spirit of things; and of course the spirit of people. Science is the result of the correct domain (Mastery, Art) or operation at optimum, of all the Energies; both, tangibles –or with a Form (Politics) as intangibles –or without a Form (Religion). 15. It is known that someone deciphered the enigma –achieving the Game’s goal of Living in a “State of Grace” due to have recovered Finally the Consciousness (in the Spanish version it refers to “The Final Judgment” because “Consciencia” and “Juicio” are related (2)); if the Player sustain the Physical Body –the Instrument of the Game– uncorrupted, looking young, without dying in spite of pass of the years and centuries and even millenniums. This fact demonstrates that the Body is Neutral (See points 1 and 4). That is the evidence of the Perfect Love, the total identification with the Source. That is the real Eternal Life. This is what this phrase of the Seraphim refers: “The very last enemy that shall be abolished is the death”. Its realization depends not on the Time but on the Acceptation: particularly, replacing the faith that it is settled in death, by a faith in the Life; and collectively, replacing the “Memory” or ancestral “Agreement”, by a New Agreement, as refers in next paragraph. 16. In Earth’s planet, a very long time ago, by Agreement (implicit Acceptation) of the Players, were the following ideas considered (subject to interpretation) with the intention to modify the Vision of the Reality; as a way to experiment the Imperfection as a reality: A) It was given to an Entity the “reality and the power” in order to give the impression that such Entity has autonomy from the Source / Spirit. That Entity is the Physical Body and all Matter. a) That the Body may seem autonomous is not a conflict, the illusory problem of “Separation” is not based on the Duality of Spirit and Matter, but in that the value given to the Body was taken from the Spirit –losing the Spirit its value. Every time you add (include) value to the Body, automatically you reduce (exclude) the Spirit value and power. B) With the purpose to make this Entity / Body may seem independent autonomous from the Source, it was necessary to create Periods / Fragments in which we could sustain, classify, measure and have register of the advance or evolution of such Body, this period was denominated “Time”. b) Nor the “Time” is a conflict: We can live in the past, present and future Time, eternally, or in short periods. But the aspect and duration of the Body depends on the Intention given –perfectly or seemingly imperfect.

Peace and War, together in



C) Pure Freedom was given to the Senses of Body as a way to sustain the ideas of the parenthesis A and B and with the purpose to bring new Pure Information to the Body, bringing it throughout the Senses in order to then admire the Beauty of Creation. By this method we would Embellish more and more the Creation as a virtuous circle, in a Perfect way. c) The ideas of subsections “a” and “b”, appeared as a conflict because the Reality, Wisdom, Origin, True Love and the Rules (the ideas) of this Game were forgotten. In addition, the Body’s Senses lost their Purity when their Original Intention was reversed / inverted. That’s the reason why the Senses have been called “Without Sense”.

CHAOS AND ORDER IN THE GAME: The Cosmos is Order; the Chaos is disOrder –imperfection. As a result of the appointed in subsection “c”, it was formed a File, a Store of inverted messages, a Back Up of Disordered (opposed) Information, a vicious circle. This File or Store (Store-Age) is named “Soul” and contain the “Memory” to redeem or re-order accumulated during all past lives. This is the origin of Chaos that followed after “The Beginning of the World”. CHAOS: Be-CAUSE an intention / idea with an inverted Feeling appeared, that’s why an EFFECT was formed. It is how the Law of Cause & Effect appeared, bringing with it the Wheel of Karma and Sin. RESTORING ORDER: The Sensory organs, as said in parenthesis “C”, far from being a conflict, they are part of the Original Perfection’s Plan. As a way to re-establish its purity, it is convenient that we visualize ourselves as perfect Beings –in essence We Are Perfect–, and permit us to be, positively influenced, and also embellish our surroundings and perfect it. It is convenient also re-order our intimate Atmosphere in order to facilitate the Personal Ascension of Conscience and therefore the Humanity’s Ascension. To replace the “Memory” –to recuperate Wisdom, State of Grace, Perfection, and in general– to recover the Order, it’s convenient to allow ourselves to go with the flow of Coincidences and Common Sense, simply because the Information, the Akashic Files, the Wisdom, the Messages, are literally everywhere –in every electron! As said in Game’s Intention. In any case, this document is an Invitation for a New Soul’s Agree – it is a Communion with Love, the New Jerusalem. A new Order of Ideas.

OUT OF PLACE: It could look like (if we don’t read with the Heart) that it is extremely complex and titanic to solve the Game, the enigma, not only to obtain WORLD PEACE, but also to Personally recover the State of Grace. Indeed by this illusion, is adequate to be always alert and be open to every message, and determined to be in Communication. As said in Game’s Intention, the Source has Communication by all and every visible and invisible media; consciously or not, alive or dead. Looking at the enigma from the point of view of politics, intellectual position and from the scientific and religious perception; could be said that “If you are not an active solution part to achieve Worldwide Peace, then you are the problem”. The agreements of peace and disarmament, and the prayer and meditation; without True Love to ourselves, have NO Sense. That one who really loves herself / himself convinces and radiates to others —as Energy s/he is— this Love or vibration to everywhere, wherever it is.

Peace and War, together in



Considering (inclusion) the body, the matter, and the Basic Needs —house, food, dress, work, and specifically the money— as something necessary and essential to the sustain of life; means (by exclusion) that the Source & Spirit are neither necessary nor essential. With this way of thinking it is obvious that the attention, the faith, is focused exclusively in the body. We; as God, have no needs, but we can establish – we can make the arrangements to have needs, modifying the Vision of the Reality in order to perform a Major Plan or Purpose. A drop of Humility: When you achieve the Realization of being “One with the Father / Mother”, please avoid scandalize aloud —it will be better that you celebrate it in Secret in your Heart—, not simply because the Energy (Light, Spirit, God “without name”) needs no rewards, needs no positions, doesn’t need to show off His /Her divinity; but because you would draw jealous or envy among the other participants that have not yet awakened and have not deciphered the Game yet. But over all things, because your pretended superiority would produce guilty and inferiority feelings to them.

ENIGMA’S SOLUTION: Not because a Player has been walking very much, and with a huge sacrifice has deciphered the enigma; not because a group of Players have reached the Goal; not even in the case that, suddenly —a Quantum Leap— all the humanity reached the Realization of his / her Self; not for that signifies that the Game ended. NO, to the contrary, it will just begin the Fun but in Perfection! The reward is not exclusively for one person, nor to a selected group, it is for each and every one of the Players. When you finally have graduated as “Universal Master” you would choose to serve at every World and Being that exists in the Creation, among the countless of Planets, Suns, Galaxies, Universes … Who is responsible for the boundaries? surely not God! If you decide to feel and be like a Child, you’ll solve easily the enigma; for the reason that Everything is One (and the same) Source of Energy. With this Boy / Girl’s attitude ─by the way, seriousness is the opposite of State of Grace─ you could understand that Energy flows freely making by itself “miracles” (wonders) in Nature, except when it is interfered. That’s the reason why the solution to all conflict, consists simply of, do nothing; not merely leaving the body unusable or staying in meditation and prayer, but staying in a stillness Mind & Heart, regardless of the body does. “When from your hurried Mind it goes away the Rebellion, then in your stillness Heart comes back the Revelation”, comes the answer. In other words: A Good Mind (intellectual) without a Good Heart, has no Sense (has no direction, nor guide, feeling, sensation, sensibility, sensuality, has no love); it is a rock’s (stone’s) Heart. A Good Heart, without a Good Mind, has no Reason, but, it has Sense…. and merely for that cause, are the Pure of Heart the blessed ones! None of the Messengers can act for its own count – without the support of the cosmos. Consequently nobody that is considered as a Conscious one, should be boast by himself / herself, nor should allow self worship that suggest that “he / she is the savior of the humanity”, nor even suggest that their philosophy or their spiritual group or their country is “the chosen city of God”. Neither the Sun nor the Beings that inhabit and constitute the Sun (3) are they overvalued by themselves, ¡and well that they illuminate hundreds of Worlds and Beings! (Remember that this is a Game, if you feel bad; please skip into the final paragraphs - thank you for staying in Communion). The solution to every single problem reside very close together to that same problem regardless of the magnitude of the conflict and even if the solution seems unbelievable. Simply because the conflict –war, death– as well as the solution –peace, life– comes; in essence, from the same Source.

Peace and War, together in



There can be some resistance –war, catastrophes– when these Ideas of War and Peace, Darkness and Light (Wheat and Weeds), apparently in contrast each other, they confront themselves. The solution depends on the attitude we choose: We could clean a house, sweeping the trash and throwing it out with bad mood, thinking –and with the feeling– that the dust and the rubbish are an obstacle and are only messing the House. Or, by the other side, we could clean our Home with a huge love, not because we believe it is dirty, but because the Humility to give a Service without interest, or for the conviction of knowing, or being aware (Conscious), that the imperfection is merely an illusion. Certainly everything is Perfect. In consequence there’s NOTHING we need to do, thus only we should remain with our knees in the ground and in deep gratitude we should Glorify the Great Architect of the Universe.˙.

KEYS AND QUESTIONS: Does the reincarnation exist? What is there after death, could be avoided? Can be avoided the illness, the accidents, the aging? Can the health and youth be recovered? Can we stop the feeling of hunger, cold, fear? Could the weather be modified by our will? Why the extreme poverty or the wealth without satisfaction, and the catastrophes? And why the War exists? The existence of these questions, and any other question, demonstrate per se that it is adding more value to the Body while it is subtracting it the value from the Spirit, this is a elementary mathematical formula: All the value we subtract (─) from the Spirit it is value that we add (+) to the Body. So, why more ─or less value if “both” are ONE thing? Without mattering if we believe that we are ascending on the Path, or if we believe that we are descending on it, the ideal Guide to any direction is the “Christ” / the Guru / the Inner Master. The Guru has come many, many times; the “Christ” has returned and has stayed basically IN the spiritual people; the same many times that they (the spiritual people) have crucified Him again and again IN themselves (their Inner Self is the so-called Christ). He has not stayed for always, eternally, because as the Mankind has denied the Physical Human Body, thus the Humanity has also denied that, every Human Body IS the ALMIGHTY’S TEMPLE: The Body IS the Vehicle of Transport, Performance and Permanence of the Master Within, the Guru, the Inner God; in other words this is the Energy, so-called, Christ. (Please review point 1). He (She) has not remained eternally, because far from be so grateful for His arrival, for His coming, instead of TO GLORIFY HIM / HER (i.e. remain in permanent Gratitude), we have negated His presence by exclusion. Said in other way: If you don’t recognize (inclusion) with an open Heart THE PRESENCE OF DIVINITY IN YOUR SELF at every moment and at every place, in Secret in Stillness, then is understood (signify by exclusion) that you ignore it, deliberately. This is the meaning of “He who is not Within The Self, is against Him / Her” Mt. 12:30 paraphrased. Defenseless as a little Boy or Girl whom is the “Self”, the Inner Being (this is, the Christ Within). How S/He is going to remain in a World and in a Body where S/He is battered every moment due that S/He can’t defend itself and also because everybody is taking advantage of it, for being a Child? The Humanity treats God (Inner Self) the same way as they treat, mostly in private, to the Children.

Peace and War, together in



A Secret in order to take advantage in the Game: Due that all Creation is Mental Energy, therefore To Think & Feel IS, To Create. For that reason, and because the Sound (harmonic sound; high & perfect music) it is a consequence of the Light (of Colors) hence, in unison with Creativity and Imagination, it is created “the Word” –the Blueprint. So, the Word, joined to the Spoken Word –this is, the Sound– and particularly the Word / Verb “TO BE” in First Person of Singular “I AM”; when it is Conjugated correctly, in perfection (or “wrong” in imperfection) simply, with the Breathe then the Verb / the Word, Became Flesh with the Material according to the Plan+et. ”I AM WHAT I… think or said with consent and with feeling from my-Self”. For sure we can live very well in a Maya World, one of Illusion, Fantasies and Dreams. These are States of Conscience that are as Real as each one would like to Imagine. The choice is to live in Perfection and in a State of Grace; or to the contrary, to live in imperfection and in disGrace. Thanks to choose well being. Again and finally, this is an Invitation to Play Well and Conjugate Well the Verb. So, only try to meditate a little bit about these comments and let yourself go with the flow of Pure Feelings, and Intuition, for that is The Voice of God that Inhabit Within Your Heart. The Voice that Proclaim at your Desert – deserted (of) Life!

* The title is in Honor to Swami Chidvilasananda better known as Gurumayi. “Chidvilasananda means “The Bliss of The Play of the Consciousness”.

(1) The Latin word (and also Spanish) for Only-begotten is UniGenitae, it refers to the DNA: OneGene. (2) ”15. Se sabe cuando alguien descifró el enigma –alcanzando la meta del Juego de Vivir en “Estado de Gracia” por haber recuperado Al Final el Juicio si el Jugador sostiene el Cuerpo Físico…”

(3) If you can’t believe that the Sun -as Energy that it Is- it is inhabited by Luminous Beings; thus you should not believe that you are a solid and dense Physical Body of third dimension, because as well as IS the Sun, You Are also an atomic Energy too. To the opposite, if you accept that (and on this is sustained the Game) as a ENERGY that We Are, We could really transform it –without destroying it and therefore without creating it–, so that it seems to have different Aspects and Dimensions; since a “3D” third dimension –here on Earth, up to a “18D” far over there at the Sun in the Sky. All Rights Reserved … for all, and each one of the Players. Any Player can reproduce this document, by any media, without any previous authorization, without mentioning the source, even telling that s/he is the intellectual author. Nobody will judge you, in any case, thanks for sharing it and for allow entering into Your Heart. I Am You. February 21, 2006. Caracas, Venezuela. Originally written in Spanish: [email protected]

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