The Pioneers 2009

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Writing has a crucial role in our life. We write to record our daily events, we write to ask for information, we write to invite, we write to respond to questions in the exam, and the list limitedly goes on. Indeed, writing is fundamental in our life. Everyone should ask himself the following question: How much do I write? Is it hard to find an answer!? As language learners, writing becomes a very mandatory task. To develop this skill, we have to practice it daily. We have to write and get what we write corrected by our peers or teachers. Within every one of us there exists a writer. Everyone has tremendous writing abilities. We have to awaken this skill and I am sure we will get a very bulk writing production. This magazine is an opportunity for students to make their writings see light. You will find different types of texts: articles, stories, riddles, proverbs and others. Make writing a daily habit; please do let history remember you. Most devotedly yours, Mr. Daoudi

We dedicate this issue to all children in Gaza and Iraq. Language 1

The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring 2009

Essays Corner


here is no doubt that learning a foreign language like English is important for many reasons. On the one hand, when we speak English, we can communicate easily with the rest of the world. On the other hand, we can learn about other people’s cultures and traditions and we can help others to know about our traditions and way of life. In Morocco, students study English because there will be a national exam at the end of the baccalaureate semester. In addition to this, some students may have an opportunity to study abroad where knowledge of English is necessary. English broadens our opportunity for better careers; for instance, in future, a person who looks for a job should know English to have more chance of getting one. To sum up, everyone should know foreign languages especially English because it is an important international language. _____________________

What is Shyness?

The other way to explain shyness is by describing what is happening inside the person, although this should be a complex area as all theses are psychological processes manifested in the shy person’s recognizing a difficulty in interacting with people in social situations, mainly when trying to perform something or in his or her longing for freedom in social situations. This happens because of the existence of internal discords and barriers against the free expression of thoughts, feelings and emotions. These internal discords and antagonistic forces create a feeling of threat or danger named ‘anxiety’ in the shy person. This anxiety expresses itself in many ways depending on the particularities of the internal psychological forces. One of these expressions, as in the case of shyness, is to inhibit or block the communication channels. This means that, in certain situations, the barriers overcome the longing or they co-exist side-by-side. These internal processes have many detailed explanations, depending on the personality theory that is adopted. Each personality theory explains the development of the characteristics of the person, and the reasons that human beings behave in a certain way. Deviations from some development patterns would cause problems to the individual. Shyness, one such deviation, can be explained in different ways, depending on the theory one adopts. The explanation given here is not based on any one of these theories but has elements of many. Anyway, both common sense and a look at the internal process of the person should reveal that shyness does not compromise, in a significant way, the personal realization; rather, it expresses itself as poverty in the quality of life. It can be observed in many social situations such as participating in group activities like group sports, in speaking in public, in asking questions in class, in speaking to someone in an authority position, or in entertaining in public. _____________________


he first information to be given about this matter is the fact that shyness is not a mental disorder. Shyness can be explained in two ways. One is the common sense description of the signs and symptoms that are present in the person. The other is the explanation of what is happening in the person who suffers from shyness. Common sense indicates that shyness is a behaviour pattern characterized by inhibition in some situations. It is a behavioural pattern in which the person does not express (or expresses few) thoughts and feeling and can have physiological alterations like rapid breathing and heart beating.


e have a lot of talented people in our country especially in our schools, but these talents are marginalized. So we should do something to help and encourage them by awarding them with gifts. Moreover, we should build houses of youth to give room for these gifted people to the practise of different hobbies. This support is important to develop the gifts of youth. Zireg Taha & Walid Boutaleb_________2 BAC / S.V.T 3


The Pioneers _ issues 5 _ spring 2009

The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring 2009

_________ aza is under the fire and the Arabs are silent in front of the crimes of Israel. The war aeroplanes F.16 and the Apache fire guns are killing the Palestinian people in Gaza. Each day, many children, women and men are killed by very dangerous bombs. Israel says that this war is very important for the people in Israel because of the resistance in Gaza, especially Hamas Movement that threatens their security…, but this is not true. The goal of the government of Israel is to kill the Palestinians and to move them out of their lands. The Arabs stand looking at their brothers in Gaza… but without reaction. They do everything to satisfy the enemies; to let Israel and America do what they like.


Rahmani Mostapha________________ 2 BAC / S.V.T


aha Hussein is one of the greatest Arab writers. He was born in Egypt in 1889. He learnt the Koran in a Koranic school. He studied at Al Azhar, and then continued his studies at the Egyptian University. Taha Hussein went to France and studied at the University of Montpellier then he moved to Sorbonne University. He obtained his PhD by his book The Social Philosophy of Ibn Khaldoune. He returned home and became a professor of Arabic at the college of Arts of the Egyptian University, then dean to that college, then president of the University of Alexandria. Taha Hussein’s enormous literary works has influenced the literary renaissance in the Arab world. Taha Hussein died in 1973. Jihad Belhajiyne_______________

Dropping out of school is a dangerous phenomenon which has dangerous effects. So what are its causes and are there any solutions? There are a lot of people who drop out of school to immigrate to get married or to escape poverty. These are among the main reasons behind this phenomenon which makes society illiterate, underdeveloped and full of social crimes. There are many solutions to this phenomenon. First, we should support poor families to be able to send their children to school. Second, we should encourage dropouts (students who left school) to return back to school. Third, we should sensitize parents and children about the importance of schooling. Finally, everyone should know that literacy lightens the way ahead and changes life to better. Kabdi Soumaya___________________2 BAC / S.H.2

Leisure time or break time is very important in our life because it is a sort of recreation. We relax and enjoy ourselves by doing many activities which refresh both our minds and our bodies. My first reactional activity is sport and especially football. In fact, when I play football with my friends, I have the best time. This not only makes me feel well, but it also helps me escape boredom and get relaxed; in addition to that, it is the best way to keep fit and healthy because we protect our bodies from many illnesses. I also like travelling. When I travel I enjoy the beauty of natural landscapes. In addition to this, I discover new cultures and new traditions. Moreover, I make new acquaintances and see how other people live and behave. I also become open-minded when I exchange ideas with others. My third leisure activity is reading. When I feel bored, I read novels to escape the real world and get transported into an imaginary one. I also improve my vocabulary and knowledge as well as my writing. To sum up, leisure activities are vital because they help us to escape boredom and stress. _____________________


The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring 2009


The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring 2009

It is true couples in the past liked to have many children, whereas today new couples want to limit the number of their children for many reasons. There is no doubt that in the past, couples liked to have many children because they considered them as a joy in life. The more children they have, the less bored they feel. Moreover, for many fathers, having many kids was a kind of pride. We know that in the past, many people were farmers and they wanted to make large families so that their children would help them in the fields. Besides, because of the lack of vaccination and medical care many children died easily; as a result, parents large to have large families with many children. Unlike the past, today new couples want to have small families for many reasons; one of them is economical, due to the cost of life which is getting higher and, because of that, parents could not afford everything their children need. Furthermore, educated women who want to look after their health and children believe that the fewer children they get the more care they can give to their kids. ________________________________

drank lemonade and juice. They also wear beautiful clothes: suits for men and ‘kaftans’ for women. After many hours of pleasure, we ate the big wedding cake and we gave the presents to the spouses at the end of the party. I was very happy to celebrate this wedding because I had the opportunity to change the routine of life and I met all my relatives. I also made many acquaintances. Jihad Bellahjiyne __________________

Smoking is one of the worst habits kids or adults can get accustomed to. Every single day about 4000 kids between the age of 12 and 17 start smoking. About one of ten students start smoking in the middle schools and four of ten in the high schools. But why do those adolescents begin the habit of smoking? There is more than just one simple answer. Some of them may start smoking just because they are curious. Others may like the idea of doing something that grownups do not want them to do. Still others might know a lot of people who smoke and might think it is a way to act or look like an adult Fortunately, fewer people are starting smoking than a few years ago. Riham Mejdoubi _________________

My favourite celebration is the wedding ceremonies, especially the ‘henna’ party which takes place on the day before the main wedding day. In this ceremony, the bride has her hands decorated with ‘henna’. The designs are really beautiful. The bride always has more ‘henna’ designs and decorations than all the other guests. Last year, I attended my cousins ‘henna’ ceremony and I was also able to have my hands painted with ‘henna’.

Last summer holiday, I went with my family to my uncle’s wedding party. It was really a great event. The party took place in a very big wedding-room. The invited people ate delicious food: barbecue, chicken, fruit… and 6

The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring2009

Illiteracy is a disaster that affects many third world countries as it has many negative sides. First, it causes many social problems; for example, children resort to crimes and addiction. Second, a lot of illiterate people suffer from inferiority complex and frustration. On the other hand, literacy has many positive effects. First, we can develop our society thanks to it. Second, literacy helps us to communicate with others. Third, parents who are literate give their children better education. Moreover, literacy makes people worthy. Zireg Taha & Boutaleb Walid___________2 BAC / S.V.T


The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring2009

Small Pioneers Corner Hello everybody! My name is Meryem and my family name is Hassouni. In Morocco, Ramadan is the holiest month in the year and a very important event. The date changes every year. Moroccans usually break their fast with their families. They wear traditional clothes and go to mosques for prayers. They usually have ‘harira’ or ‘shourba’ (Moroccan soups) with dates, pancakes, butter and honey. There’s a special night, the 26th of Ramadan, when they have a special meal in the evening before they go to the mosques and continue praying till dawn; a tiring thing for many people.

I’m fourteen. I live in Ain Beni Mathar in Morocco. My father’s name is Mohammed and my mother’s name is Amina. I have one sister; her name is Assia. She’s five years old. I am a student in class nine and my number in class is four. The name of my school is Ibn Khaldoun Secondary. My favourite subject is Computer Studies. At the weekend, I visit my uncle. His name is Mostapha. I also help my mother and revise my lessons. Meryem Hassouni____________3.L.S.3


On the day of Aid Al Fitr, children wear new clothes and adults give them presents, sweets and money. Some children go with their parents in the morning to the mosque for Al Aid prayer. Everyone has a big breakfast party with his or her family: sweets and cakes, but the most important thing is the fun and the pleasure people get through the union of the family. Mankouri Sfia______________2 BAC / S.H.2

My name is Cara M. Buck. I’m a volunteer from America and work for the Peace Corps. I have been living in Morocco now for a year and a half and have been working with youth teaching English and giving lessons on the violin. People from Morocco have been very kind for the most part and I enjoy learning about Moroccan culture.

Hi! I’m Soukayna. I’m a student and I’m fourteen. I live with my parents in Ain Beni Mathar. It’s a very nice town in the east of Morocco. This is my diet. For breakfast, I eat bread with butter and jam and I drink coffee with milk. For lunch, I eat a tagine, bread and salad, and I drink lemonade. For dinner, I eat boiled eggs and fried potatoes and I drink milk. My favourite food is pizza and my favourite drink is hot chocolate. Soukayna Abdelmoumen__________3.L.S. 4

Hi! I’m Houda Drief. I’m fourteen years old. I’m a student in class nine. I live in Ain Beni Mathar town in Morocco. The rooms of my house are seven: two medium bedrooms, one nice livingroom, a dining-room, a modern kitchen, a nice bathroom and a toilet. I like my house because it’s nice and located in a beautiful area. My dream house is in Paris in France. There are thirteen rooms: four large bedrooms, two nice bathrooms, two lovely living-rooms, two modern kitchens, a beautiful dining-room and two large garages. There are also three balconies full of flowers, a garden outside and a nice swimming-pool. I like my dream house because it’s beautiful and in the centre of Paris, near the Eiffel Tower. Houda Drief______________3.L.S.1

Cara M. Buck___________ A Peace Corps’ volunteer in Jerada 9 8

The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring2009

The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring2009

Proverbs Corner A friend in need is a friend indeed. Actions speak louder than words.

Poems Corner

A person is known by the company he keeps. Better be alone than in bad company. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Forbidden fruit is sweetest. Fast bind, fast find. Like father like son.

f|Çz|Çz |Ç à{x fÇÉã

Might is right. Man proposes and God disposes. No smoke without fire. Necessity knows no law. Out of sight, out of mind. Prevention is better than cure. Silence gives consent. Speech is silver, silence is gold. Strike while the iron is hot.

I ’m singing in the snow, J ust singing in the snow; W hat a beautiful feeling! I ’m very gay again. I walk down the mountain, W hich this distinguished refrain. I have the proficiency for singing in the snow. C ome on with the snow! T here’s a laugh on my face, A s I dance down the mountain W ith the happy refrain. I ’m singing and dancing in the snow, I ’m singing and dancing in the snow.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Jihad Belhajiyne

Wall have ears. Aynaou Zohra & Kabdi Soumia ___________2BAC / S.H.2


The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring2009


The Pioneers _ issues 5 _ sping2009

Jokes Corner

Exercises Corner


teacher told his students to draw something on white sheets of paper. All the students were drawing except one. The teacher came to him and asked him: ‘Why aren’t you drawing on your paper?’ The student answered: ‘I did, Sir. Look! I’ve drawn a white tear in a snow tempest.’ Halima El Hormi _____________



he teacher asked the student: ‘Why were you absent yesterday?’ The student answered: ‘my dad was hitting my mum.’ The teacher: ‘So what’s your problem in that, then?’ The student: ‘He was hitting her with my shoes.’ Halima El Hormi______________

☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ man went to an expensive restaurant and the waiter came to his table. Waiter: ‘Yes, Sir.’ Man: ‘I only have twenty dirham. What do you suggest?’ Waiter: ‘Another restaurant , Sir.’


Yassine Benaddou____________



eacher: ‘What is the capital of China?’ Student: ‘Do you know?’ Teacher: ‘Yes.’ Student: ‘Then, why are you asking?!’ Jihad Belhajiyne _______________



atient: ‘Doctor, I see double.’ Doctor: ‘Sit down on the chair, please.’ Patient: ‘which one, doctor?’ Jihad Belhajiyne_______________


The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring2009

1. Rewrite the sentences as indicated. A- Unemployment has caused a lot of social problems all around the world. - A lot of social problems ………………………………….. B- Nass Lghiwan will give a concert in Agadir. - A concert …………………………………………… 2. Link the following sentences using the words between brackets. A- People could not reach Khnifra Mountains. It was snowing. (because) …………………………………………………………………………….….. B- I went to school early. I wanted to have a good seat. ( in order to) …………………………………………….………………………………….. C- She did not go to school. She was sick and tired. ( consequently) ………………………………………………………………………………. D- You speak up. You keep quite. ( either .......or..........) ………………………………………………………………………………. E- She was driving carelessly. She had an accident and broke her arm. (as a result) ……………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Complete with the appropriate words from the list. which / whose / what / where / who / when / why 1. I would like you to meet the man --------------saved my life 2. I want you to meet the man -------------life I saved. 3. I can’t hear -------- you are saying. there is too much noise 4. Have you the picture -------------my brother drew 5. Tomorrow is ------------we agreed to meet but we forgot to decide on the place --------------the meeting was going to take place 6. He talks about himself all the time, this is the reason---------I don’t like him. 4. Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given. I don’t know why people always go to war to solve problems. If only …………………………………… I saw the accidents on my way back home. I wish ………………………… 13

The Pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring2009

D- A man requested the stranger to leave the meeting.

5. Write what the people WISH A- You left the radio on and now the batteries don’t work. You say, “I wish. …………………………………………………………” B- It was very dark outside and you couldn’t find your torch. You say, “……………….…………………………………………….….” A- Mike crashed his dad’s car last night. Mike: “……………………………………………………………………” B- Barbara can’t type fast. She won’t get the job. Barbara: “…………………………………………………………………” C- Jack’s mother shouts at him all the time. Jack: “…………………………………………………………………….” D- Smith talks too much and his wife doesn’t like it. Smith’s wife: “…………………………………………………………….”

…………………………………………………..………………….. 10. Complete the sentences using WILL HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE A- Tom and Ann are going to the cinema. The film begins at 7.30 and it is already 7.20. And it will take them 20 minutes to get there. When they get there, …………………………………………… (the film / already / start) B-Jim always goes to bed at 11 o’clock. Tom is going to visit him at 11.30 this evening. When Tom arrives, ……………………………………………….. (Jim / go / to bed) C-Tom is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too quickly. Before the end of his holiday, ……………………………….. (he / spend / all his money) D-Chuck came to Britain from the US nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years since he arrived. Next Monday ………………………………………… (he / be / here / exactly three years) E- Next year is Ted and Amy’s 25th wedding anniversary. They ……………………………..(be married) for 25 years. 11. Use FUTURE PERFECT TENSE

6. Match the letters with the numbers to form collocations a- Health b- Social

1- Citizenship 2- care 3- good 4- justice 5- education

7. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form A- Experiments on animals should (forbid).............................................. B- Experts predict that the world population (double) ……………… by the year 2060. C- You ought (go) …………… to bed early if you feel tired. 8. Rewrite the following example using the appropriate phrasal verbs and making necessary changes: Pass away - Go off - Give up - Look after - Go on A-Would you please ……………….. my child while I go to the toilet. B-Two bombs …………..yesterday in Baghdad, a lot of people ……………. C-You should ……………..smoke; it’s dangerous for your health. If you ……….…….. Smoking may suffer from cancer in the future. 9. Put the following sentences into the PASSIVE VOICE.

1. By next February I ……………………………… (write) my third book. 2. I hope you …………………………. (not / forget) my name by tomorrow. 3. By next week we ……………………………….. (redecorate) the house. 4. Next July she …………………………………… (be) dead for ten years. 5. I hope I …………………………………… (not / make) a lot of mistakes in this exam when I finish it. 6. By the end of this year I ……………………………… (drive) more than one hundred thousand kilometres with this car. 12. Change the following sentences from DIRECT to INDIRECT SPEECH e.g.; He said, “I will be here at noon.” He said that he would be there at noon. A-Mary said, “The train will probably arrive on time.”

A- Someone has already paid the electrician for his work. …………………………………………………………………………….. B- They taught him French and gave him a dictionary. …………………………………………………………………………….. C- When we first met, they had already offered me a job at the bank. …………………………………………………………………………….. 14

The pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring2009


B-He said, “I have to finish this report by five o’clock.” ……………………………………………………………...…………….. .


The pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring2009

C-The doctor said, “Mr. Smith will improve quickly.” ……………………………………………………………………………. 13. Replace the wrong words with correct alternatives. Write the correct alternatives in the boxes below. People who are claustrophobic suffer palpitations and (anxious) attacks when they are enclosed in a small area. An (agoraphobia) suffers in a similar way if they are exposed to the great outdoors. Technophobes, on the other hand, experience milder symptoms. They suffer (feel) of self doubt and anxiety. They often feel insecure and obsolete. Some (worried) that they will lose their job because they cannot keep up with the times. Wrong word Correct alternative

anxious ....................




................. .............................................

14. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the list Lobby / hatred / Censorship/ community / partnership / altruism/ A- A lot of people ____________ near the white house for an immediate stop of the war in Iraq. B- Authorities resort to ____________of television programmes when it causes problems or offend someone C- Many Americans choose to work in developing countries out of _____________. D- James suffers from xenophobia he has an intense ________________ of all foreigners. E- Several youth charities have formed a ____________________ to help homeless teenagers. 15. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word or expression from the list. Nevertheless – in spite of - although - as well as - whereas – even if A-The book tells about the author's life _______________ his writings. B-_________ she was in poor health, she continued to carry out her duties. C-Doctors' salaries have risen substantially, __________ nurses' pay has actually fallen.

Thank you. you. .


The pioneers _ issue 5 _ spring2009

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