-//.1 ,ll, ,t r^[,f*
Someonehadstoren^,^.{r*l;!o7;!^rrir,r}.*-^,*n,,rYorryingthat the crrrnching noise in his ears was not a tearby jackhammer, but his teeth grinding in fury.
3*g.ven more worrying was that his heart was not where he had ''" seerLit last. It wa^ -^+ thumprng cheerfully away in his chest
, Jt
rl e*...
lfo*'ytl.'i<-f in
t V LuY
t ,*'l
a,chaing{-pp,beFr cooJer
t)'* i "tl
(L;+ ltryTo-
was that he was now stnfnping down the street at 3 AM on a Nfednesday in combat
put ofKrcwn
;;ffi ;;: #^r ,t-",
.*actly where to start looking. He charged toward the
even shifrier than therogle hg cpllpd home,- whoever had taken his heart
hnd bedr known what they
ke a"lubt-""4n#"n, refriseraror in his cellar-l#^k*r -"or.E#"frnK
f'r?..1lil'tx" hw P^ffi'
; tP
U;i-;.:i'"''J*'l'\"\ *& *^,
was nothing unusuaf '$(/hu, -uS-,r.rr])ual
that it was nol happily,floanqg in its mayonnaise iar 'p;[r'-1
^' I G{".4 * '" Y[f'4'U*ft{dinary
systems he had around
-.r. ao1qffi #"r%^;f;""
or trip the myriad security
i> *ft>)
bteal-rng. e.
s*€mp€d on down the street
{rewspapers on park benches,
of his heart to gateful
very messy game of kickba$ Drunks every
thinSj Those bums, feeding bits
bites themselvey Small chd&en, playing
in abat,using it as a dartboard
bother with the door handie*re knew it was
and hitting a bullseye
l/ (-/ .///r)
and televisions with the screens kicked
He didn't
sorts of horrible
instead simpiy
threw himself at the door, banging and kicking and yelling at the top of his lungs and making* as
much of a God-awful racket as was humanly possible./Didn't particulady like
liked taising a racket, especially on a night as apparently dangerous as this ope,
sometimes there was simply no subtle way of going about p.rsinesslSrif-tti.qb"
he bellowed, hammering on the door.
witl die iryou don't get your
"6onejt t:efor;''jll'::r
J herqrigb*$ie.-" o '/:'
31'f"1, t"\t?Y * I
fT,),*h'/l' tt (i/uyv
"For God's sake,Ztlch, shut your damn howler, do you wanfla wake up the whole street?!"
"I will if you don't open this door, I'll
scream to high heaven about a{ ;hat 'sensidve
merchandise'you've got sitting in the back room
, just shut up
and then
or..trYou really
in the name of all that's good and holy!" The door flew open, and
Zilch found himself dragged bodily inside by the fiont of his pajama shirt. "Now. What in
gave a dismissive jetk of his head and took a deep breath, or rather went through the
motions of breathing. No lungs inflated inside his ribcage, but still, the ritual helped calm
him down. He smoothed his rumpled clothes and mussed black hair, and reverted to a cool norm. "Now. I couldn't sleep tonight. I went downstairs for some pineapple and horse
tranquilizet-" "Horse ftanks?!"
I /,.
h,rt :f'5
smile, and picked absently at a piece of duct tape sttetched across his forehead. "Anyway. Since I was up,
I checked to make
sure everything was... present and accounted for. My
heart was missing. Gone. Everything else is intact made sure - just the heart was missing.
liver, lungs, spleen, both intestines,
I certainly did not move it from its secure place. I
would never allow anyone access to that room, much less that.. . container. Nobody has been
in or out - except that, cleady, they have. Someone has stolen my heart, Melvin, and I
u/ant to know who." "So why the hell come here and bother me in the middle of the night?" The greasy, balding man grumped, tying the belt of his bathrobe a litde tighter.
dunno where your stupid heart
is." 'qWell n
7r llc /r*la,n p"l6,*r"rpVac€.
have had a direct hand in my missing organ
you'te tryi"g to be too careful
keep it. So why don't you make
- tn fact,I'm sure you did. You lied before,
everyone knows
it much, much
I have aheatt, they just don't know
iVlelvin shrugged his round bemused walrus.
dunno what to tell ya, Ztlcb,- I ain't seen the damn thing ever before,
4/*'h^fu*.1* - {hr7 .s anl hcTc y'.2*1''fp,,7 shoulders #i*r th. elp.ression furd on tfe faye of , '- J "t\{g/glrt
could think
easier on both of us, and just tell me where
is. so I can go home, eat my pineapple and hg:seyanqtt'iliz.ercgnd go to
, there is
y in hell you
- unless you had very specific dealings with it. It's over, Mel why are you
S^3) I JLt,Jt htY:!:l:'b+-+,b"'aaL "*r\f}'
told you akeady{I dunno nothin'about no heart or who wants to have sex with it-"
"Oh my God,",7rlch
He feit hke taking I
and ";,t;x+"i" vQ,*
cann ot be ha
Melvin. I'm going to give you one last chance, and then I'm really goirg to be cranky."
ones that came from Melvin.
ThehappyoIangethingthatbounceddownthestreetwaSnot,infact,@L with rather badly-dyed orange
a young man
hnd a penchant for splashing
ugh puddles and piaying hopscotch on grids that only existed
managed to stop before
in the sidewalk in his
smackingflcgfrst into
also miraculously avoided dropping the small plastic-wrapped packag{h{cutned,and played hackey-sack with at tandom intervals.
saw the tall, sharp
and frankly scary
figure inside. "Oh, you're not Mel. Is he around herc
Zrlch's head whigped arowrd to an ansle@fittins
possessed childl
t,t',..c,4'of a human. He
and what was likely bone appeafal)ce.
fpr an qwl
didn't seem.rnuch oerrufbed,* the crackins of ioints
he was, however, quite'
"He's * indisposed at the moment!" Zilch growled through cienched teeth, and made an odd squifming movement. He hadn't tumed all the way around, and seemed to be fighting to keep his back to the boy, and to keep somethrng still
thlt was hidden behind
the shop's sale
/l^Lrr{ *'i't*S' V
"Oh. Okay." The young man ftown"ilbut brightened almost immediately damper on his spirits fot long. '{Well,
nothing put
if you see him, tell him that I had a real problem
getting dris thingy to work." He waved the small package right gg$er Zrlc$s nose. TlTe faint
wall*t*-5q^' ,fl.1 4 IY smell of formaldehyde was familiar, but Zilch couldn't4d'wny'nele.6guz"A.ft from or
why it would be
importan{F-t tl
name's Finn, by the way, short for Finneus, call me Frnny
you want, what's yours?" He said all of this very fast.
"My flame's 'get the fuck out of here'l" Zilch snaded, and smacked at whatever it was behind
busy!" "Really? \X&at are you doing? Is
it fun?"
"No! It's none of yout-"
"AAAAAGH!" there was a God-awfrrl SHHLLICK-ing noisg, qnd Vetvin suddenly appeared from behind the counter
coveted in blood,
looked like a broken-
th at the blood and innards covering and the gaping, blood-gushing hoie that had suddenly appeared in Zilch's stomach.
Melvin screamed too, simply because it seemed the right thing to do after having stuck inside another mafl's chest cavity.
flhere $/as a small explosion outside, but nobody paid that afiy mind.)
holding his head underwater for a while... so to speak. That's
"All right." ZWWI.
: ;';{-il] 6"4fit fv *'
Finny w r*sr' Tmmqh" noisesT ' u rr I) wiqeled " and " made,scard little',1,'9.'
tt | -
"I'm goir{ tolet go of your"mouth. Nobody
is going to hurt you.
But if you scream, you'Il find yourself in the same place Bloody Mary here just came out of."
He slowly let go of Finn's face (who, to his credit, did not screech
glated down at him. "Now. nflhat do you say?"
"... You're bleeding on me."
"7;):filt;Trr7:h @*ff
held his skin back together, pulled up on a small metal tabv666s>
zipped himseif un like a trlood-drenched r^7ncoat.
lr[* S4 ,[.*fi*,
r*o Ju.\r'lt.
"Now then." He said
with a forced, tight smile/ .t"ndt g!ryl andXhooting a shaqp\@-nce back at the coweling Melvin. "Now that we're all propetly hotrified,
about me getting my... desired item
"Hey! Wait a second!"
ieaped up and bounced on the spot.
"I've got something for
Melvin too, gotta fetum it or maybe he can fix it, it's not working and I dunno what's wrong
with -"
..Listen,kid.Youcanfetu1nyoursub_parmerchandise|ateL,'Zi1ch@ tumed his back to Finn. "I've got business with him, so you iust scamper right along there.'
Mel. Old pal. I really don't feel like sticking your heacldvhete the sun never sfilnes
"Ooh! Ooh!" Finny was doing a little dance in place, raising his hand like an excited child in
^frM#;.#, ? secol
"Come on, if you let me go frst, I'll shut up and leave you alone, I promise!"
Zilch consideted. "That's the only thing that'll get you to shut your face and leave, is it?"
'xep.{rayo-u ulr"u4yffi-h/w loud r\
'qVell, I could just kill yJu right now and be done with it."
rhe completely empry The cash register
fi."-{1s*t' sqtlpak t'f::hFinfy 1':* 1o'1 t.1:5**t.4cJchba ' hqd
[ ."plod@ed
his hands and
"Ohmigod! I'm so sorry ot
that happens,-when I get scared or mad or happy or sexy-feeling
anything, really! Things blow up
"That was YOU?!" ZtTch dema il
fi;;Veal"t... I
yeah! And
I'll dfit
"Okay, gteatl" Finny
on his heels, hands on his hips.
"You should go get him, you know his house better thafl me." *W'hat the hell d'you mean, he's right.
.." Ztfch fumed
around and frowned.
block wasn't just sleepy, it was dead. Melvin was gone, and so was his heart. His hands balled into fistsradhe was looking for a suitable target for his cold rage and
. f L | +/ 0
A!^^,\,-1""(f11 gowing panic when Finny zipped
foftunate thatzrtch
remembered the explosive effect an attack could have on the young man, and buried his anger and feat in a dark cornet of his brain. Hurting him wasn't something he wanted to do anyw^y.
"Aww! Now I'li have to wait until tomoffow to give this back to |rm!'i He pulledlthe paper
wrappedpackageoutofhispocketagilnatd'h^pp.n{M;th,#'|:k.phying with it anyway." Zilch grunted miserably, and wondered what felony andf or sex act was being performed on his heart at that momeflt.
'Teah, it's gotta be broken or something." Finny was holding the obiect up to his eye and tunring it atound. "It's supposed to grant wishes, Melvin said! And I wished for everything
could think of
a sandwich, to be king
of the world, to not make things explode whenever
and staredll"Finneus. That... belongs to me."
"Huh?" Finny blinked. "That in your hand. That's came ftorq nearly
- my heatt!" Zilch was almost smiling now, a real smile, one that
meltipgiqto a puddle of telief. But the smile immediately fuoze and turned
b tffi?
to accusing stEel. "It was you."
"No, I ptomiselfpome on, you think I could sneak in any'vrhere? It must've been somebody else,
I dunno who!
Stealing's bad,
I di.dn't know it was stolen! I was just supposed to deliver
it to the buyer. But... I got curious, Mel said it granted wishes and
I wanted to
if it
wotked! And then I couldn't take a broken heart to the buyer guy! It wouldn't be right."
"Fine. Give it back."
- I'il get in trouble! The buyer-"
'qMon't^T/ant it anp,l'a|'. The thrng floqsn't gr3nt wishes 1 and if's
ag aphrodipiac, that's
dfpw42\Wx +A lL& lrgo*+ ,wY 4c&ftPrry^+hornfuingl[All it does is keep uV., so] speak. And don't riotru angrv bYvers. d.
Anyone gives you any trouble, I'll give some to them."
"Oh. Okay!" Finneus gladly handed it over to Ztlch,who immediately unzipped his chest again and popped the thing in.
hard could that
can always find another wish-gtanting,
lt' *4,), 1k5
',ffi",n:",W$"L rI-Yrni"gY"p#e hr[
Zilch was about to land a scathing blow on pinni#elf-erVk{Ul,
The open, honest desire to please in those big eyes, the apparently boundless optimism so -'Heh. f,llcn and rus alien to Ztlch aren his woncl world ol of nafo hatd deaxng dealing and*s$er lifp. "Heh. right. shouldn't Shouldn't be fiou'te flght. "na "topt .t ilT.
*,qfu"ifu1 lla,-ilJ d R""-*
nlo-.ffi ^r ^,41r" -,F,pR-
,oo roo hard,, hard.,,""
'lrhere here *was al{ment of ^, ^
,ft"Uqf5e. Then(Finnbdur\)aW^,fl shlt wal own rf*,/t/tNtr'^/^#,/"\s,&t fown
hungry,[.,a rt."p'y,^ndf/probably *rr,r
({.d,b,\, /ht y:artp.V
rhe srreer the s rreer
rofro-.,Jo. elad I could
CN.--/c,t'..t-,rrl I
"Mm. Thank you. More dran you Sn efer know." Zilch said. and tvned ay/ay. d started to hop-skip awayrwAdn Zilcbmade a sort
"See you atou
"That wasn't
a word or
cougff\Bless you."
How do vou feel about
pineapple and horse
Finny grinned and hurdried back over. "Tl:'at sounds great! Waiq did you say horse...?" v
'Yes, it's for me. This way." As they walked, Finn nudgedZtlch in the ribs. "Wanna know something funny? One of my wishes was
fot a pineapple sandwich, heee!"
Zilch shook his head. "How someone like you has managed to stay alive in this place rs a