The Phenomenon Of Death

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  • Words: 442
  • Pages: 11
The Phenomenon of Death

What is Death? • Death is separation of the soul from

the physical body. Death becomes the starting point of a new and better life. Death does not end your personality and self-consciousness. It merely opens the door to a higher form of life. Death is only the gateway to a fuller life.

Greatest Fear of Death • SEPARATION - fear with which death

shadows us, a fear which comes alive in us every time we see a dear one depart from us and always connotes suffering, pain, misfortune and sorrow.

“I shall pass my heaven in doing good on earth, will not look on death as a hopeless rupture, and it will cease to be the greatest of all suffering.”

Acceptance of Death • According to Heidegger, “ one

becomes truly adult unless he assumes and accepts his birth and his death; for to be truly a human being one must accept the human condition...” • Death is to be considered as part of life, something which every person has to come to terms with, in order to live well, part of what is involved in accepting our finitude.

Death, The Test of Love • According to the Proverb, “Love is stronger than Death and Death is the test of Love” Death, this time, far from being experienced as a final absence. If the love is spiritualized, if it reaches the plane of friendship is subordinated entirely to the intangible fact of being with, of fusing our existence in common destiny.

• When love intervenes,Death is just a view of another chapter in which the departed person still exist not physically but emotionally and spiritually.

Death, The Condition of Liberty • LIBERTY - is a word that has

developed out of the need for people to communicate. It is an idea that is in essence interpersonal, social. • “Liberty is not a feature of isolation, not of exclusion but rather of connection."

• Liberty is not a matter of being free

from people, nor is it a matter of being free to do whatever you wish regardless of the effect that it might have on other people. Liberty is only meaningful when we are free with people.

• According to Man’s choice, he will

either imprison himself in the isolation of egoism or pride, he will live without others, or he will live without others, or he will open himself to communion with God and with men to meet in the faith and in love.

Death is like sleep. Birth is like waking up. He who is born begins to die. He who dies begins to live.

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