The Pay Box Pay Box can be defined as the Smart Box, which gives you opportunity to accomplish fast, easy and comfortable payments.. Convenient sensory monitor enables you to apply for the needed operation.. Pay Box requires your mobile phone number and the amount of the payment.. You put any note or coin from into the Cash-Code and your request is submitted in 3 seconds.. You receive the receipt from the printer and the SMS to the mobile phone as the confirmation of the transaction.. You waste the minimum of your precious time and effort, tempted by the idea of becoming the loyal customer of the Pay Box.. Pay Box enables you to change the traditional, adopted form of payment on flexible, modern, comfortable and fast service.
Exterior of the Pay Box
Advertising Monitor
Monitor _ Touch Screen
Cash-code and Printer The synergy of blue and yellow colors Height– 185; Width – 61 ; Thicknes-41 occupied space – 0,5 sq/m