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  • December 2019
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THE PATHWAY TO SONSHIP “As Many as received Him to them gave He power to become Sons of God” - John 1:12 By: Kimberly S. Hamilton ( An Excerpt from book : “The Journey Called Be”)

As believers it is our hearts’ desire to do the will of God. Our prayer should be daily to please Him, to be one with Him as He is with the Father. “ That they all may be one as thou, Father art in me, and me in thee, that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thous hast sent me” - John 17:21 KJV. However it is impossible to do that unless we receive Jesus. Jesus must be received completely, not partially. Every portion of our being must be in Jesus, and as we do that Jesus then releases us into the power that brings us into Sonship. This power is none other than the anointing of Sonship, which we are imparted with as we follow the life of Jesus, the Man. “ And He said to them, Come after me as disciples letting me be your guide, follow me and I will make you fishers of men. At once they left their nets and -1-

became His disciples sided with His party, and followed Him. And going on further from there He noticed two other brothers, James son of Zebedee mending their nets and putting them right; and he called them at once they left the boat and their father and joined Jesus as disciples sided with His party and followed Him.” - Luke 5:27-28 AMP. Jesus’ life is a clear distinct picture of the deeds of a Son. Why deeds? The original meaning of deed speaks of the intentions of one’s character. It also reflects the actions done willfully and decisively. You see Jesus’ deeds as Man is a reflection of his heart. So our deeds speak of our moral performance, practices, habits, ethical fiber, our speech even the tone in which you speak. Its interesting to see that as we look back at what defines our deeds, we see all of these synonyms are action words, and most importantly they are evolved from within our soul. So to the measure in which your soul is surrendered to the Holy Spirit, so will be the measure of Resurrection Life be released into your soul, thus transforming it and preparing its portals to receive in greater measure the Image of Christ.

Let’s briefly look at Jesus the Man’s Life. Jesus’ life was one of obedience (Hebrew 5:8). He was a man of deep commitment, intense passion for God the Father and remained consistency uncompromising in the truth of God’s word (John 2:13-17). Jesus is our true example of being a disciple (John 8:31). He lived a lifestyle of prayer (Luke 5:12; 9:29; 11:1;22:39-41), and worship (John 10:30; Luke 9:29,35). As we look at these scriptures, we see that every act and every word that Jesus did was a complete reflection of the intimacy He has with God the Father, as well as the depth in which he was submitted to the Father. Everything that Jesus -2-

did or said was always according to the will of the Father (John 8:29). Receiving Jesus is a decision of the will, mind and body (Romans 12:1-12) As we receive intently the life of Jesus, the Holy Spirit releases us into whom we are, what we are called to do, why we are the way we are, what our purpose is, as well to whom we are called too. Every aspect of our life is uncovered to us layers by layer, measure by measure, but only as we accept our predestined heritage. For there is a Predestination to Sonship (Romans’ 8:29-30), but we have to make a decisive decision to walk in our predestined position. It begins with our receiving Jesus. To receive Jesus is something that we must do continually. When we look at the word, receive, it opens us to a greater understanding of what John is saying in John 1:12, when He says “To as many as receive Him to them gave He Power to become Sons of God.” The word receive means to give access to oneself, to lay hold upon, to take possession of too appropriate. The principal meaning says when we receive Jesus we are giving Him access to our total being by refusing to reject Him, and all that He has for us, and open ourselves up to what ha been given to us in order to gain and get back what has been lost. I know you are saying what is she talking about? I have received Jesus,”I’m saved”!! Well that is wonderful, but there is greater dimensions in Jesus that can only be obtained as we unreservedly surrender and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. You see, to receive Jesus as Savior is the prerequisite to the Kingdom of God. Jesus calls it born again (John 3:3). You see for something to have to be born again means something is dead. When our forefather the first Adam sinned, his spirit man lost the insignia of the image of God. It was at that point that the candlestick (the Light) of God went out (Genesis 3:6-10), and when the Light of God left the First Adam he could no longer commune intimately with God as he had before in the Garden for the bible says that God met with Adam in the “cool of the Day” (Genesis 3:8a). Open access to the Lord was lost and the place where koinia between God and -3-

man was severed (Genesis 3:23-24). However it is always good to know that the Lord always makes a way for redemption. His plan of redemption was released in (Genesis 3:15), the promise of God would travel down forty-four generations and release the love of Gods’ desire from the snare of the enemy. So to as many as would receive the Messiah a spiritual transplant would occurs. The old image of the 1st Adam in our spirit is replaced with the image of Jesus, the 2nd Adam. When we receive Jesus the 2nd Adam, we are repositioned into our predestined heritage (Colossians 1:12-14). However, to be repositioned and not know what to do in this new place is futile. So what must we do? We must walk in Jesus. To walk in Jesus is to take the word and daily allow the Holy Spirit to go into the deepest portals of 0ur soul to rid us of presumptuous sins (Psalm 19:13), and progressively takes us on a journey that allows us to submit to the converting power of the word which removes every cloak, hidden mechanism, and spiritual fig leaf that block us from really getting naked and transparent before the Lord. It is on this journey that true Christian Discipleship within our lives are brought to the forefront. It removes the scales from our spiritual vision, and brings us into the truth of Ephesians 1:17-18(Amp.) It is only from this place of discipleship and receiving of Jesus that we are able to release our being (body, soul and spirit) in totality into the loving hands of the person Jesus Christ (Acts 17:28& Acts 17:20)KJV. When we have released ourselves to Him, he releases over to our care once again that which was ours to keep in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1-3). He also openly appoints us into the office of priesthood (1st Peter 2:8) All of which we are able to embrace as we walk in intimacy with Him. The more intimate we become with the Man Jesus the more we will be able to see clearer the beauty of the Kingdom of God, and the Sonship dominion given to us when we were


translated from the spiritual plain of the 1st Adam into the supernatural, always abounding, splendor and glory found within the heart of our 2nd Adam Jesus. All that was rightly 1st Adam is now 2nd Adams or the Last Adam ( Genesis 1:26-28), and we who have received Jesus have become adopted sons of God as well as all legal rights to the domain of the Last Adam (Galatians 4:17 & Revelation 11:15). After entering into this new place, we receive another measure of Jesus. When we receive Jesus, He inturn speaks to the new creation that we are, not what we were (2 Corinthians 5:17) Amp. He also doesn’t speak to our present conditions (Isaiah 43:18-19a). For example, when Jesus spoke to Simon (Son of Jonas), who was quick-tempered, foul-mouth, and quick to jump to conclusions type of man, Jesus spoke to him from that condition and told him who he was in the Kingdom of God (John 1:42). It was at this karosis meeting place that Simon received and accepted his predestined heritage. Upon doing so the Exousia(Power) of the Spirit snatches us from the power, and pathway of darkness and empowers us with the ability to lawfully live and move within the Kingdom of God. Even though we have been given the authority and power, we must continually receive more and more of Jesus so that our image reflects the image of the Son.

If we take a look at Ezekiel 47:1-5 we are able to see a picturesque illustration of the journey we are invited to embark onto Become A Son. First we have Ankle-Deep relationship which is foundational. Jesus has been received as Savior, however there is no discipleship, Sunday church attendance only. Then there is the Knee-Deep relationship, moderate sanctifications some of the exterior tendencies of the old life are dealt with, yet the inner war is still raging (Romans 7:23). Waist-Deep Relationship the cry for more of Jesus and the things of the Kingdom are the deepest desire at this place on the journey. To climb the mountain of -5-

God to enjoy intimacy in worship is the center of ones search. Worship and pleasing the Lord is most important. Also at this place the mirror of the Word reflects onto the areas deep within our lives that are sullied and would hinder us from ascending the hill of the Lord ( Song of Solomon 2:34; Psalm 51:6; Psalm 24:3-4). Lastly, Waters to Swim in here is where the intimacy that was once a way of life in the Garden of Eden, becomes the way of the believer who has turned their total being to the Flow of the Spirit. Waters to Swim in speak of living our lives after the pattern of Heaven. It is here in the River that The Anointing of Sonship flows freely within the believer. Here is where the Greater Works Anointing is walked in. The pursue of Righteousness and Justice is branded eternally within the body, soul, and spirit of the believer that reaches this place in the River. At this place, Edenic Worship is reborn, face to face, spirit to spirit, intimacy. This intimacy is the worship that Jesus the Man entered when he walked this earth. In the word as we look at the life of Jesus the Man we see that He continually went away to pray, and then the bible says He would come down, and great miracles were worked at the hand of Jesus after coming down from His communion with the Father. Water to swim in should be our aspiration. The Lord is continually calling for us to come out further, and deeper. Are we willing to go all the way? I leave you with this question, Do you want to see the Greater Works Anointing flow through the Body of Christ? Wait! Let me personalize it . Do you want the Greater Works Anointing, the Sign of Sonship to flow in and through you to a dying world? If Yes, Step Out into the Deep. Submit, Obey, Commit, Turn Your Life Eternally Over, And Flow as Directed By the Master Teacher. For the Whole Earth is in travail, awaiting the manifestation of the Sons of God.


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