The Panopticon Society: Controlling The Masses

  • April 2020
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The Panopticon Society: Controlling the Masses

Derek Rideout

Introduction The panopticon society is a term I made up in reference to the idea behind the architecture of the panopticon prison. This is a circular prison with all the cells on the outer wall with a control center in the middle that looks like a silo allowing the guards to see all the inmates all the time. The plan was to coerce conformity by not knowing when and for how long you were being watched. The panopticon society then is one very similar to communist Russia where you are always being watched some how or some way. Only this publication does not deal with Russia in the early through mid 1900s, it is about 21st century America and how our collective thought process has become extremely corrupted. Indeed it is already easy to see for some how America is already a “painless concentration camp” as Aldous Huxley said the future would become, and this was in the 1960s. This publication, for lack of a better word since I don’t know how long it will be to properly classify it as I am writing it as I think it, is all about perception, reality, and the “American dream” so to speak. Perception and reality are really the same thing because all reality is is just a perception and likewise how you perceive things is what you take to be reality. The question then is how is my reality formed or more precisely, who or what teaches you to perceive the way you do? You cannot just one day out of the blue decide to ask yourself this question and expect to come to an honest conclusion because it will be a dishonest or biased question to begin with because most everyone will tell you that they control their own minds. How is it then that if everyone is truly thinking for themselves that we all seem to be entertained by the same things, or converse about virtually the same topics day in and day out? In its simplest form how is it that we are all the same if we all control our thoughts individually? How this came to be can never be explained or thought out in a single sitting because the techniques, devices, and applications are so complex and take years to fully wrap your mind around it. This publication then is just a starting point to the awakening. You can only begin to awaken when you realize that maybe the world doesn’t spin how I thought it did. Most people can correctly tell you that there is something wrong with the world but beyond that they could never tell you why or how. I think it’s because most people are afraid of their minds, which we’ve been programmed to so you can’t really have a grudge against them. We’re always taught to be happy and to never dwell in the past or think too long about negative things. You

can see people who are like this everywhere you go. These are usually the people who love to parade around about making the world better and we should support such and such because they’re going to make things better or they’re progressive. Personally I think these people are fools because YOU CAN NEVER MAKE REAL POSITIVE CHANGE without spending long periods of time studying the negative aspects of life and learning A LOT of history. There’s a reason for the saying, “if you don’t learn from the past then you’re bound to repeat it.” Also, change requires responsibility and Americans have none. That’s why we vote for presidents and representatives because we want somebody else to do what we should be doing for ourselves. This work will NOT contain a bibliography or any formal way of sourcing for one simple reason. How many would actually read all the sources in their entirety just to verify everything I’ve said in this publication? Also it is my belief that truth cannot be told but has to be found through the will of the seeker. If you are truly concerned with the stuff I’m about to say then you would have no problem finding it yourself as most of the information can easily be found. Me giving you sources would be the same as me telling you this is the truth without you ever looking anywhere else. Besides, those sources would probably have sources and so on which would lead you down a rabbit hole you may have never intended to go down, which is not always a bad thing. I see this as nothing more than a conversation between my thoughts finitely conveyed in print and your infinite thoughts as you read this. That’s all reading is because you have to think about what you’re reading for it to make sense and be applicable to other things. Otherwise it’s just like the television where you passively take in the information. By now you should know if you wish to continue reading or not. If you are content with reality as it is where everything is happen stance and coincidence then I might suggest you are a lost cause and in for a rude awakening when everything you once trusted for their power “turns on you.” I put it in quotes because they’ve already turned on us and it just symbolizes for those who are still asleep the moment when they realize it even though it will be too late for them. However, if you want a glimpse of what reality really is then you should keep reading and THINK FOR YOURSELF the whole time. As I said before this is just a starting point and everything within should be found to be true BY YOU, the reader through research beyond this point. So, without further or due I welcome you to: THE PANOPTICON SOCIETY.

The Panopticon Society “Why should I care if I’m not doing anything wrong,” is the most common response you get from people today when you ask them what they think about being watched on an almost constant basis. The apathy is amazing. This is the response I received from my sister while she was on a social networking site after I told her that the privacy policy allows them to spy on her. For some odd reason people today seem to think that spying and surveillance are synonymous when there is a big difference and one we should be greatly worried about, especially if we’re “not doing anything wrong.” I asked my sister then what she would think if someone were to follow her around all day. She said it would be creepy and an invasion of privacy. How is that any different from what’s happening online, in schools, malls, and other public places where they watch you constantly through cameras and other tracking methods? Out of sight, out of mind has never been such a scary idea as when it comes to privacy. It’s as if reality is only what you get through the five senses. What role does your mind play in forming reality if it’s only based on the senses? There is a difference between spying and surveillance and people should learn it quickly. Most people equate spying to surveillance which is only used on “bad guys” and since they’re not personally doing any wrong they feel these efforts will not be focused on them, hence why most seem not to care that much. The difference is that surveillance is used ON “bad guys” where spying is used BY “bad guys.” Surveillance is like a search and usually requires probable cause or a warrant before you can start doing it. It’s a way of gathering evidence to be used in a trial or maybe to get a search warrant for a building. Spying on the other hand is used for a completely different purpose. You spy on someone to learn their habits either so you can find the most opportune time to attack or to manipulate them for your own purposes. If you were really clever you could manipulate them so that when you attack they will never think or believe it was you. This is an age old trick and since the victim will never believe it was you then you can keep repeating the cycle for ages. Imagine if you could use this on masses of people instead of individuals. Of course you would need extensive knowledge in psychology which is really just behavioral sciences and a lot of money to pull it all off. If this seems impossible you should think again because this knowledge and money have been at work long before I or anyone who will read this were born.

Two of the front men for this manipulative psychology are men everyone learns about in school but not the true purposes, Pavlov and Skinner. Pavlov, if you remember, dealt with conditioning dogs to react certain ways to specific stimuli. He was able to make dogs drool just by ringing a bell even though the dogs got no food. There was also a study on a baby that did this same thing to condition the child to fear mice. At first the baby thought the mouse was cute and cuddly but after a couple trials of playing a loud terrifying noise while playing with the mouse the baby is now scared of it with or without the loud noise. The vast majority of people are well conditioned and a prime example is the label of expert. Everything is experts these days. I bet you could give two groups of people the same exact list of “facts” and the group whose “facts” were produced by an “expert” would be more inclined to believe it than the other group whose list of facts were said to be produced by a high school student. Skinner also was working on manipulation techniques and is best known for his idea that you alter behavior by altering the environment. This may sound good but who’s altering the environment and for what behavioral changes? Surely it can’t be the people because we don’t have the kind of money to pool together for the research on which environmental changes produce which behavioral changes. The people who do have these resources focus them on larger regions that just communities or even states because that’s what they watch over. That would be like saying the Nazis only used these techniques on the people of Berlin or the Russians only on the people of Moscow. No, they did it over the whole country just like what we see now in America. Do you still have to wonder why certain things are national instead of local? Things like what’s on the television, what’s on the radio, who/what are people supporting, what are people eating/drinking, even what people do for entertainment. If you can control behavior by controlling the environment then what kind of behavior do you honestly expect when everyone is more or less in the same environment? Everybody would be virtually the same, not physically but mentally, and when that happens all hope really is gone. The reader should by now know this is about controlling people for personal agendas. One might ask though why does everyone need to be the same for that to occur? The reason being that sameness produces predictability which makes things a whole lot easier to control. It also allows for things to be put into an equation. Equations are used in math and math is used in every science. Now you know why EVERYTHING is a science today, so that everything can be predictable. Now we can see how Pavlov and Skinner interact with each other. The

simple equation would be A+B+C+… = desired outcome, where A,B,C,etc. are environmental variables. Pavlov’s work gives us the outcomes for variables INDIVIDUALLY and Skinner’s work puts all those into an equation to see how they can react to make one or more desired outcome that could not be generated by a single variable alone. Now that computational technology has advanced so far they can just use the output, the desired outcome, as the input and it will spit out all the proper variables that will produce the desired outcome. Method alone is not sufficient for proper control of subjects just like you cannot walk up to a dog and expect it knows how to shake just because that’s a common command for dogs. Pavlov for individuals is now school for the masses. You see people, like dogs, will not do something just because we’re told to but we have to be trained or conditioned to respond in a certain way. This is what is called direct instruction or outcome based education. The latter is a better definition showing that this kind of education is focused on the outcome or output or response, whichever you prefer. Doing this in classes is perfect if you want the thought process to be done as a group rather than individually. Rulers love group think because now the individual will only feel comfortable talking about subjects the group approves of or what is popular. This is because humans are social creatures and thus have a need to belong. Tyrants are never slow to exploit this for their own purpose. If you were to go beyond the established norms of the group then you risk being ostracized or even shunned and so you conform for fear of not belonging. Now we can see a deeper reason for group think; it causes conformity and is a way of having the people police each other. This is what happened in the Spanish Inquisition, the witch hunts, and now the “war on terror.” School is where your main indoctrination takes place. They teach you that the teacher knows best and sometimes that the school knows what’s best for you more than your parents do. Destruction of the family unit is a key point for global governance. One of the main pieces of indoctrination the school gives you is to never ask why or any serious question for that matter. If you do ask why they usually won’t answer it and instead reinforce what was just said. Also if you repeat something enough times people will start to parrot it. This is why we have the saying “if you tell a lie enough times eventually it becomes truth.” The school teaches you to accept knowledge instead of find it. This is one way to create laziness and apathy. School is what teaches us to be dogs. You see students running around nervously because of a grade all the time. I laugh at these people because they have no idea what a grade really means, but they know the treat they

get for doing the trick, just like a dog. All a grade is is a measure of how well you follow the rules. The teacher makes the test either from a book or the material they presented. YOU DID NOTHING in finding this information as it was all given to you and now all you have to do is regurgitate it. If anyone honestly thinks this is real learning taking place I’d like to hear your argument. Some of the smartest people in history failed or dropped out of school early and taught themselves. Are their grades of failing an accurate depiction of their intelligence? It should be interesting to note that one of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto was government control of education which we’ve had since the inception of the Department of Education in 1980. Also interesting is that the United States and Russia have signed education treaties and pacts. An investigation into the foundations that fund educational institutions and textbook companies by the Reece Committee found that the goal of the foundations was to seamlessly merge the western system with the soviet one. Most people will not believe you if you tell them that public education is only to make good worker bees and soldiers and NOT thinkers but here it is in a law passed by congress and signed by then president Bush about education not being about thinking and learning. It is called HR 2272 or the America COMPETES act. You would probably be better off searching the actual name then the number as that was in the 110th congress and now it is the 111th congress and they start over numbering every new session. This is found in title VI – education under section 6001 – findings and subsection (2): The United States needs to build on and expand the impact of existing programs by taking additional, wellcoordinated steps to ensure that all students are able to obtain the knowledge the students need to obtain postsecondary education and participate successfully in the workforce or the Armed Forces.

Postsecondary education is just high school and all you need to “participate successfully in the workforce or Armed Forces” is to be able to take orders without question. What I’ve just talked about in brief could be called dumbing down and that’s exactly what’s happening. When you try and talk intellectually to someone they often get offended and think you’re talking down to them when you’re just trying to explain something. I always wondered why people don’t get mad at their teachers for doing the same thing. It must be that whole expert and teacher knows best thing. I mean what do I know, I’m just a commoner? The whole point in dumbing down and indoctrination is to turn humans into sheep. Sheep never say no wherever they go and always need to be lead. A dumbed down public incapable of critical thinking or even

thinking too long about one thing ARE sheep and we’ve been lead through so many different stables it’s not even funny. This educational effort alone will not do the trick, at least for the elite who want complete control. This brings us back to our equations and this one is pretty simple as it only has two variables. There are probably more but these two together do most of the work. Our equation is education, which we just talked about, plus drugs equals subservient society. Drugs are everywhere around us and the vast majority are there to help control us. There are plenty of them but I’m only going to talk about a few. The first one is one that most everyone takes in everyday, fluoride. As far as I know fluoride was first discovered for it’s sedative properties in the Russian gulags. The guards found that the fluoride made the prisoners more manageable and they became lazier. Fluoride has been in people’s water since the 1940s and has a list of serious health effects. The major one is the mental effect in that it literally lowers your reasoning skills and general intelligence. There is a warning on toothpaste because of the fluoride in it that says if you swallow more than what you use for brushing that you should contact poison control immediately. The reported safety level of fluoride by the EPA and other government agencies is around 1.4 parts per million (ppm) yet I have seen reports by independent scientists claiming this is way too high and that the safety level is really around .3 ppm. Either way it is generally believed that the mental effects of fluoride start to take place around 2 ppm even though some water utility businesses will say the absolute highest you can have is 4 ppm. If you had this dose everyday I would bet you’re legally retarded by the end of the year. These reports also say that people in communities that do not fluoridate their water have the same oral health as those with fluoridated water because the products they use that have water in it come from fluoridated areas. This then is an admission that those who live in areas with fluoridated water are getting around twice as much fluoride as recommended which could be close to 3 ppm. I have met a person who calls himself a victim of fluoride and his story really amazed me. After being exposed to fluoride his vision went to hell and he experienced other health defects. Since the effects are mostly mental you can’t really see who’s been affected or not and if everyone is then how would you ever know? Another drug that most people take everyday is called aspartame. Aspartame is in over 60,000 products worldwide. It’s used as a sugar substitute because it can get the same sweetness with less calories. On a quick side note I think all this promotion of low calorie foods just reinforces laziness. Anyways, you can look at most foods and see that it has aspartame

in it and about half of those have it listed as one of the first couple ingredients. All ingestible products with aspartame in it must put a warning on it for people with phenylketonuria. This is a disease where the body is unable to digest phenylalanine, which is one of the substances aspartame breaks down to in the body. The buildup of phenylalanine in people with the disease causes them to become progressively more retarded. If you don’t have the disease then your body will digest the phenylalanine but too much can interfere with your serotonin levels which play an important role in regulating feelings/behavior such as anger, aggression, mood, and sleep. Interference with serotonin levels is also believed to be a leading cause in sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS. Too much phenylalanine can also trigger ADD/ADHD and other behavioral disorders. There was a study done on aspartame at the University of Wisconsin – Madison conducted by Dr. Waisman. There were three groups of monkeys each labeled by their dosage of aspartame (low, medium, high). After about 200 days the monkeys in the medium and high dosage groups started having brain seizures and one died. The seizures stopped when aspartame was removed from their diet. Once again, if we are all retarded how would we ever know? The drugs we’re given for the purpose of affecting our minds never seem to be distributed at just one time but every day or every month or every year. Vaccines are no different. They are just a big lie and don’t make you any safer. Vaccines are relatively new in the history of man; how did we ever make it so far without them? People go in for the flu shot and still get the flu. Vaccines are dangerous because most of them use a preservative called thimerasol which contains mercury, a neurotoxin. In the 2000s now it is recommended that every child have over 50 vaccinations by the age of 11 with about half of these coming before the age of 4. Targeting the brain in a developmental stage is key if your goal is to create a dumbed down/ retarded civilian population. Vaccines have long thought to be a cause of autism. Decades ago the autism rate was 4 or 5 in every 10,000; today in 2009 it is 1 in every 150. Kids were not bombarded with vaccines back then like they are now. They even give them out for free sometimes to encourage you to take them. I haven’t had a vaccine now for at least three years and get sick just as much as I used to, maybe less. The last of these drugs or chemical compounds I’m going to talk about is one that is right in front of people and yet most never see it. Since the late 1990s we’ve been constantly sprayed from the air above. They are commonly known as chemtrails. They are laid down by planes at all times of day. They get their name after contrails which is what naturally comes from the engine heat in such cold temperatures. It’s the same idea as your breath

on a cold day where you can see it for a while but it quickly disappears. Chemtrails on the other hand look more as if someone is drawing a white line across the sky. They literally stretch from horizon to horizon and they linger for hours. Not only do they stay for hours they also fan out into clouds as time goes by. Tests have revealed that whatever it is that makes up the chemical spray has toxic levels of aluminum, barium, and other dangerous metals. I’ve also read that they are some sort of nanotechnology fiber, the fiber part seems to be true as it looks like cloth under a microscope. Samples like that can be found if they spray low enough and ones that were collected have been sent to the EPA for testing only to get refused. The trails have also been linked to respiratory affects, dizziness, and other effects. However, I believe the main goal of the spraying is weather modification, which can be used as a serious weapon. The health effects are just a convenient stand along. Russia and China have already admitted to weather modification for the purposes of nice days for national holidays and the Olympics respectively. Germany has also gone on record admitting to chemtrail spraying for the purpose of weather modification. They use the excuse of global warming and blocking out the sun and most people will buy it but hoaxes will be dealt with a while later. You can read about them for yourself but they don’t become reality until you see what I call a super spray day. This is when they spray all day from sun up to sun down in every direction. Then it just shocks you. Most days they spray though they take breaks or don’t do a lot of them for the whole day, but it happens none the less. The elite want you drugged so bad that they even make up new diseases all the time to convince you that you’re not quite right and need a pill or something to make you better. My favorite made up disease of the moment is either ADD or restless leg syndrome. They made up ADD to combat the natural wildness and rebelliousness of children to make it easier to control them because a wild rebel is harder to control than a doped up sedative kid. Restless leg syndrome and others are just excuses to give you drugs that knock you out so you can “enjoy your nights sleep.” They want you drugged so bad that the big pharmaceutical companies spend more on marketing then they do on research and development. They’d rather convince you that you need a drug then make sure it actually works properly, just listen to some of the side effects next time a drug commercial comes on. I’ve even heard death as a possible side effect for a few. It should make any person sick to death to know that most of this is aimed directly at children because the elite know that’s how you change society. When the brainwashed children grow up and have children they can pass all that conditioning and passive acceptance on to their children. They

can tell them that that’s just the way it is and how they had to deal with it too when they were kids. That’s another trick they like is convincing you that what’s around you is normal or natural just because it’s been there your whole life. Another set of things which they use on us and get us to believe in are the Hegelian dialectic, moral relativism, and double think. The Hegelian dialectic and moral relativism are pretty much the same thing. These ideas denounce absolute truths which is to say there is no absolute right and wrong. It opens the door for hypocritical belief systems where if it benefits you it’s right and vice versa. The Hegelian dialectic even goes so far as to say there is no god which is where people used to look for right and wrong. If you’re not necessarily looking for or paying attention to what’s right and wrong, real and fake then how would you know when belief systems or ideas are actually entering your head and from who or what medium? Double think is something out of George Orwell’s 1984 where you hold two opposing views and can’t see the conflict at all. Common examples are things like war is peace and slavery is freedom. Politicians use the physical version of this, called double speak, ALL THE TIME IN ALL OF THEIR SPEECHES. This is all to confuse the hell out of you in another attempt to make you feel stupid. They make you feel as if the world is so complex and there’s so much information out there that you could never figure it all out or even know what’s real or not. So, following what we’ve been told to do our whole lives we let the experts and professionals take care of it. After all they get degrees for this and spend their entire lives doing what most people wish they had the energy or drive to do. Knowing that the vast majority of people will believe in what the government tells them, or if they do find out it will be at least a couple years after it happened and people either won’t remember or care, they can pull almost any trick on you they want. We’ve been lied to and played with our whole lives. I was not alive when JFK was murdered but have read enough to know that Lee Harvey Oswald had NOTHING to do with it. He was a patsy and even said so himself. A patsy is a scapegoat or someone put in place to take the blame and make the masses feel as if their almighty protector the government is keeping them safe. There are three main reasons I think he was killed: his attempt to shut down the “Federal” Reserve, his opposition to the Vietnam war, and he was starting to expose the secret government. I’ll say it right now that THE DRIVER KILLED KENNEDY. Watch the Zapruder film and tell me I’m wrong. You may have to watch it a couple times as the film was quickly confiscated by the federal agents and doctored before being officially released to the public to try and hide clear

visual evidence of the limo driver turning around as he slows the car down to blow Kennedy’s head off. Another interesting thing is that there were quite a bit of people close enough to witness the driver kill JFK but they all died within six months or so of the event. Jack Ruby was sent to kill Oswald to prevent him from saying too much. The “Federal” Reserve, which JFK tried to end via executive order 11110, is essentially the secret government of the United States. They own us, literally. The American Constitution grants congress the right to print and regulate money but in 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was passed over Christmas break while only heartless congressman were left to vote as everyone else was home with family. Now the “Federal” Reserve makes our money instead us making our own. THE FED IS NOT PART NOR EVER WAS PART OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. It is privately owned by private banks on Wall St. and even banks outside the country. They make our money in exchange for treasury bonds (control of government). This is more like a loan since treasury bonds have no real value to them since our government doesn’t make our own money which would give them value in the first place. The treasury bonds are more like an IOU. The Fed loans us the money and just like any other financial institution it charges interest on loans. The only place the money can come from for the interest is the Fed so we are constantly in debt to the “Federal” Reserve because we always need them to loan us more money to pay of our interest. Constant debt equals slavery or permanent indentured servant status if you prefer that term. Robbing us like this though isn’t good enough for the central bankers, a central bank is also another plank on the communist manifesto, so they created fractional reserve banking. Fractional reserve banking works like this: you deposit a dollar into my bank, I can then use that dollar to make more dollars out of thin air allowing me to loan someone else 10 dollars from just the one you gave me. Not only does this other person owe me the 10 dollars back but they also have to pay interest which we’ll say is one dollar. I just made 10 dollars OUT OF NOTHING FOR DOING NOTHING. This literally means you make an infinite percent profit by using other people’s money that they entrusted to you. Our federal income tax is nothing but paying off our interest to the Fed. Our government is a slave to private bankers, most of whom are international. The purchasing power of the dollar has dropped ever since the Fed was created and the Fed is the reason our economy is going to crash, NOT BY ACCIDENT THOUGH. There is one myth/hoax that is so well guarded that you can be sentenced to five years in prison for questioning any aspect of it. This is of

course the holocaust. First I’d like to say that everyone knows which holocaust I’m talking about without saying anything else even though throughout history there have been numerous holocausts, some even worse that what allegedly happened during world war two. Jews were not the only people taken to camps and put to work yet they’re the only acknowledged victims. In general jews are not a very nice people and have been wandering the earth looking for a home because they get exiled from everywhere they go due to their parasitic tendencies. This is not to say all jews are bad; I’ve had friends who were jewish and just like me. During this time in history Germany was one of Europe’s biggest economies, if not the biggest. Having something made in Germany meant it was damn good, top notch product. The jews had a welcome home in Germany where they owned businesses and were treated like average citizens but in 1933 they managed to organize a world wide boycott on all German goods which had serious economic affects. Also, back during world war one Germany was close to victory over the British but German jews made a deal with England. They agreed to bring America into the war which could crush Germany thus giving England a victory if they could get Palestine in return, which I don’t think was even under British control. With the boycott hitting hard the Germans decided to do something about their jewish problem. The “Final Solution” we always hear about was really to round up all the jews and ship them to Palestine or Madagascar, NOT TO KILL THEM ALL. There are even written records saying this and the Germans kept everything on record. This was too expensive during a world war and depression though so they sent them to labor camps with gypsies, gays, intellectuals, dissidents, and anyone else who didn’t fit into the national socialist movement. Apparently there is no official time period for when this all happened as you can find start dates ranging from 1939 to 1942 but all say it ended in 1945. So 6 million jews in 6 years would be a little less than 3,000 or 2,740 to be exact who were killed ON A DAILY BASIS on average. There were only 9 million jews in all of Europe and nowhere close to 6 million in occupied German territory. How then did they round up all these people? The Red Cross made regular visits to the camps and their records indicate that less than 400,000 people total died IN ALL THE CAMPS COMBINED. Even then most of the people who died were casualties of a typhus outbreak that was going through Europe which required the bodies to be burned to kill the disease. Any sensible person can tell you that what they play off as gas chambers were never anything like that at all. The doors are just like regular doors and have spaces for the gas to seep out. ONE DOORWAY DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A DOOR AT ALL. Zyklon B was used as a delousing agent and leaves blue

stains on the wall, none of which can be seen on the walls of the “gas chamber.” You can also see parts of the wall where it was torn out to make more space to give the appearance of a large room and some of the tour guides even tell you that the ceiling vents where they supposedly administered the poison gas were put in AFTER THE WAR. Plus killing all those people and burning them on such a large scale would take a lot of fuel. Who uses fuel like that for those purposes when they’re in a global war during a depression? Only an idiot, and you have to be one to honestly believe the official story after doing research for yourself. The camps were actually pretty nice. Auschwitz had a swimming pool, a theater to put on plays, money for the prisoners, and even an alleged brothel. Some camps were even located next to giant industrial facilities like IG Farben where they could work and make materials for the war. Who kills all their free help? Some might call this anti-semitic to which I say I love Arab people, they’re some of the friendliest people you can meet. Most jews today are not semitic and come from the Khazar empire of times past. Some even say that jews are the ones controlling the world. I believe this to be a front even though there a lot of jews who own or control major business, government, entertainment, etc. The common jew is getting played just like you and me. It does make you wonder though why you can’t question their story. Maybe because they used that story to build the nazi state of Israel where it seems like they’ve been trying to ethnically cleanse the middle east ever since. If you look at some jewish religious texts you’ll find it has a lot in common with masonry and what the elite want to come through and how they think of themselves. This is why I think jew is just a front for a much larger all encompassing entity. We, as Americans, have not been touched by the holocaust but we have still fallen victim to a myth of equal size: the September 11, 2001 “terrorist” attacks. Every American knows exactly where they were on this day when it happened but not enough know who actually did it. We were told al-qaida, al-qaida, al-qaida, bin laden, bin laden, bin laden, and the towers hadn’t even fallen yet. How did they know that fast who did it? So we were told it was 19 muslim hijackers with box cutters. I thought box cutters had enough metal to make the alarm go off, guess not. We were also told they did it because they hate our freedoms and are jealous. What a great way to demonize someone while gloating about yourself. Let’s think about this though. If they are jealous of our freedoms that means they envy them and want them which would imply that they don’t currently have them and that can happen only if someone keeps you from them. So my question is this: do you attack the person you’re jealous of or do you attack the person

keeping you from what’s making you jealous? Controversial even to people who personally investigate the events of 9/11 I don’t think there was a plane used on the first building. You can do anything with video these days and it’s New York City, honestly, who’s looking up? The buildings were already full of explosives so all you have to do is hit the button. Witnesses claim they saw the plane but they’re so shocked and all the reporter has to do is ask about the plane hitting the building and even though there was no plane you remember one because the question asked you about it. Plus the story going around is that a plane hit the tower so you don’t want to look crazy. This all follows along the group think talked about earlier. I think the second plane was real because now a lot of people are looking up and it would be harder to pull off but even still the plane looks almost like it slides into the building real nice and explodes after as if the video was doctored. Either way the second plane was not a commercial plane. It looked more like a military cargo plane. The twin towers were brought down by controlled demolition and any sane person should be able to tell this. They fell through themselves at free fall speed. This is impossible due to resistance which should have slowed the buildings down floor by floor. Thermite explosives would do a good job of moving this resistance out of the way allowing free fall speed and thermite residue was found at ground zero. Thermite is just one substance they use when demolishing buildings. Building 7 of the world trade center also “collapsed” that day yet many people don’t know so. They also claimed fire brought the building down when the fire was small and only covered a couple floors. This is considered a key piece of evidence because building 7 was never hit by a plane. The BBC also reported that the building had collapsed while it was still standing behind the reporter. How did they know? Another thing people should know is that when a building really does collapse it tips over not fall through itself. They claimed to have found a passport of one the hijackers but how does a piece of paper survive those explosions? They also said the hijackers used false aliases. Who uses a fake name and then brings their real passport? The United States has an air defense system that is supposed to scramble F-16s in case of emergencies like this to try and bring down the plane but this failed to happen on 9/11. There were war games going on depicting THE SAME EXACT EVENTS THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED that was using a lot of our fighters and caused command to be confused if it was a drill or real life when the actual call came in. The place that handles all of this is called NORAD. Our good friend Dick Cheney was given control of NORAD for the day by our other good friends Donald Rumsfeld and decided to tell them to stand down and not send any fighters after the hijacked planes. WHY? The pentagon wasn’t

hit by a plane either but instead a missile of some kind. There is no sign of a plane what so ever at the pentagon and the pieces they did find didn’t even match the plane they said hit there. They said the plane just evaporated basically but this simply just does not happen. I was shown a video by a friend who disagreed with me. It shows a plane running into a wall and evaporating supposedly. The plane is an F4 phantom and matches up to a 757 in no way so it’s already irrelevant. The video does however show the wings of the plane go through the wall. Wings are made of the same general material on all planes so why weren’t there any wing marks on the pentagon? The video also never shows the end result after the dust clears away so you can’t even tell for sure whether the plane has evaporated. FBI and secret service were also quick to remove and confiscate any evidence such as debris on the lawn of the pentagon and surveillance footage from hotels and gas stations across the street. The turn they claim the plane made before it hit the pentagon is physically impossible at the height and speeds stated. The responders at Shanksville said it didn’t even look like a plane had crashed there so I’ll leave that at that. The debris for the crash was spread over eight miles which does not happen in regular plane crashes. These events were carried out by elements within our (US) government in conjunction with Israel/Mossad to get Americans used to giving up liberty for “safety” and as an excuse for the United States to help Israel in essentially conquering the middle east. The last hoax I’m going to talk about is quite possibly the biggest and so may Americans cherish and defend it all while thinking it was made to be part of our country and is the best system to have. I’m talking about democracy. Democracy, in my mind, was one of the best tricks the elite have ever pulled on the masses. Democracy is simply a majority rules system that has clearly turned into majority of money rules instead of majority of people rules. Either way both of these are bad ideas. All that’s needed in a democracy is 51% so if you’re part of the 49% then tough luck nobody cares, the majority has spoken. Our constitution never mentions the word democracy once as we’re supposed to be a republic. The founding fathers even argued against democracy because gaining power would not be very difficult. All you have to do is persuade 51% that they should side with you and people are easy to lead and guide all throughout history. Democracy in a sense is just institutionalized group think which is based on persuasion. The founding fathers also argued against factions of government or what we would call political parties today. They knew factions could easily lead to a divide and conquer scheme. Look around you, everyone is divided, we have no central strength thus making us very vulnerable to large scale

attacks/take-overs and the elite know this. Democracy in its purest form where everyone has a say in all the decisions is only possible in the smallest of situations. To be honest I don’t even think democracy would work effectively unless you have less than 100 people maybe less. In small numbers such as this people know and feel their vote has actual worth and that their voice will be heard. What’s your vote worth among 300 million people or even 50,000? Are you going to be able to speak at meetings/votes to make your voice heard? If so how long will you be able to speak? Even regular citizens who go to public city meetings are only allowed to talk for three to five minutes. That doesn’t really seem like the best way to be heard and even then the board can decide to not let citizens speak at all, after a democratic vote of course. The only democratic thing Americans do is vote for the people who are going to screw them over. We don’t get a say in upcoming legislation or policies even though they affect us. We’re never asked if we would like to participate in debates. The people you elect don’t represent you, they represent the community, district, or country as a whole which seems a little socialistic/communistic. People are so happy to vote because it’s a “freedom” but don’t realize that what they’re really doing is consenting to shutting up and letting someone they don’t even know speak for them. I have never voted and never will, I represent me and speak for me. The citizens of soviet Russia got to vote for parties too but just like our system they’re all controlled by the same people. It’s like having a fashion show and you’re only choices are me in a green suit, me in a red suite, and me in a blue suit. It doesn’t matter how you vote because I’m going to win no matter what. Just now as I write this I’ve come to the conclusion that democracy is just covert communism because they both seek control or approval through persuading everyone to get in line and do as their told basically. Now that everything is being globalized there are entities that dictate global policies and laws and nobody elects the people to these positions. Nobody in the world gets a say or even a vote on who’s going to be giving them laws and rules except the people who appoint them to these positions. Some of these institutions are the UN, World Bank, and IMF. Secret societies already control almost every country, including the US, because the elite feel democracy takes too long with all the debates in congress and what not. Businesses and organizations with business like structure can get things done a lot faster and that’s why we have groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Bilderberg, Freemasonry, etc. Every secret society has a specialization so there is no one society that knows the whole picture. At the very top of the secrecy chain would be the Illuminati.

Everything comes from them in a top down pyramid. You can see this pyramid on the back of a one dollar bill. The capstone, or top of the pyramid, represents them. Notice how it is separated from the rest of the pyramid. The rest of the pyramid symbolizes the masses. At the bottom of the pyramid are the slaves like me who could be called commoners. Higher up are the bitches. I use the prison term bitch to mean someone who is not sovereign onto themselves and has to do someone else’s bidding. These are the college professors and other people high up in academia or the “success ladder.” They do what they’re told because they’re paid to. If you want to go off on your own and do what you want then you get fired or forced to resign. If you won’t play the game there’s millions that will. That’s what happens when you put illusionary success over people. The Illuminati control everything from politics, entertainment, religion, education, military, etc. just to control you. It’s all part of altering your environment to alter your behavior. Since it’s all about control and control is made easier when things are predictable the elite use a technique called predictive programming to tell you how to respond to the hoaxes that haven’t even happened yet. Predictive programming works by exposing you to situations your brain can imagine as being real. They like to use sci-fi movies that take place in the not too distant future. Since you’re receiving the information through entertainment your mind is more open to suggestibility. It should be noted that hypnosis is really just putting your mind into a heightened sense of suggestibility. The plan is that when an eerily similar event or events happen in real life you will have already been exposed to the “proper” way to respond from the movie and will act accordingly. You can see the same general signs in all sci-fi movies that involve a large scale crisis. It’s usually some kind of disease that has reached epidemic or pandemic levels or a series of serious attacks of some sort. The military always plays a role in these movies as the people who keep the masses under control or quarantined. Everybody is usually kept in some kind of military installation and given inoculations. The city where the movie takes place is often fire bombed as further steps to combat the problem. There never seems to be government handling things, it’s always the military. Of course the movie usually has a happy ending and the guardian angels the military and their scientists have saved the day. This is all to get you to act accordingly and accept martial law whenever they plan to initiate it and since the movies always end nice you won’t really think too much about getting on a train or a bus to be taken to some kind of camp. The psychological term for predictive programming is called priming which means you are likely to react to certain stimuli that you’ve seen before

whether you do it consciously or not. For more in depth detail about this and other subjects related to this check out Alan Watt at That’s cutting through the matrix with no spaces in case it’s hard to tell. We’ve all heard of world domination growing up but are always told that those who have tried never came close to succeeding. This is a complete lie. They tell you things like this to make you feel as if everything is OK so you can go back to your daily lives. They already control the world and have everything set up to go for the New World Order but it’s just a matter of time before the masses are ready to accept it. Most everything we get told has been known long before we’re told and they just wait until they think we’re ready to hear it. As former president Harry Truman said, “there is nothing new except the history you do not know.” Quite a statement is it not? The way the Illuminati works is through subversion and a technique called order through chaos. They create the chaos with the order already planned, just more of those predictable equations. Another way of putting this is thesis – antithesis – synthesis or problem – reaction – solution. They create the thesis and then the antithesis as a response. Since they control both sides they are able to control the synthesis which will then become the thesis for the next round. A classic example of this is war. They fund and control both sides so when they decide to make a treaty ending the conflict it’s all controlled and for their purposes. This technique is how the UN came to be, how the European Union came to be, and how Bretton Woods which set up the World Bank and IMF came to be. Their solution to everything is to broaden the boundary lines so more and more people come under more and more centralized control. Now they are pushing for global currencies openly as the solution to the economic crisis. If you create a global problem you’re going to need a global solution; how clever. Economics is one of the main areas of control because you can bring anyone to their knees if you control their money. Other areas are food and energy, used for the same reasons as economics, and education because that’s the main way of controlling how people think which you need control of if you wish to have complete control. What we live in as reality is really just a giant complex system controlled and operated by the elite. We are already in the matrix so to speak. You would think that something so big and complex would eventually crumble or that someone would blow the lid off or take control of more than was planned for him. This is why everything is highly compartmentalized. There may be one project but there are many aspects to that one project and if that project is to be kept as secretive as possible you want as little people

as possible who know the full scope of this project. People who work on these projects are then selected based on their specialization in the certain aspects of the project. People who are working on one aspect rarely get to interact with people who are working on other aspects of the same project. This keeps you from knowing too much and possibly finding out you’re part of a project that violates your morals. If you do realize that though it’s already too late for you because the only people doing this are militaries (because they have the safest places for these kinds of projects) and other affiliated entities such as intelligence agencies and governments and they will kill you or force you to be quiet if somehow you make it known to them that you know too much or even want to leave the facility before your part of the project is finished. Even in the elite circles of secret societies and organizations things are compartmentalized. You might have a society that deals with psychology and one with physics and one with politics and so on. This is why when they get together for big meetings like Bilderberg you can find attendees from all different secret societies. They are bringing their ideas to the playing field in exchange for the direction the agenda is to go so they can go back to their society and relay the word that this is what we’re working on next. Of course they already know what they’re going to work on next because the agenda goes out 10, 15 years in advance maybe more. You can’t plan the 15th year from now in great detail though but you can generalize it so the societies know what to focus on in detail as the time comes and they might make minor adjustments at these big meetings because they still don’t have everything programmed predictably as they would like. I would bet though that they always have a highly detailed plan of things to come within a years time. Right now (April 2009) things are getting scary and there are terrible times ahead in bringing about this New World Order. Our economy will collapse, there will be food shortages, disease and violence everywhere all to completely destroy us and bring us to our knees. They will tell us that the only way to world peace is through world government or what they call interdependency. They will tell us that we need a chip in our heads to make us smarter and faster and to ensure ever lasting peace. When they say peace they mean peace for them knowing that we are no longer human but artificial intelligence and no longer a threat to them and their system because they control our every thought and every action. We will not complain because most people will be so desperate they will do anything to remove themselves from what most will surely believe to be the apocalypse. Even if it means taking their solution to the problem they created. They are already

convincing people that it’s OK or even cool to have technology as part of your body but once that chip goes in you are nothing more than a character in a video game whose every action is controlled. Unfortunately for us we will never see the masters of this system to bring justice to them. We may never even know their names as the true rulers of this worldly system, not the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Kennedys, Astors, Bundys, etc., because they have probably completely erased themselves from history. I used to get depressed by that thought but I now realize that it doesn’t matter if I ever see them because I see the system everyday, it is all around me. Their power is given by the system so if we wake up to the system and stop doing as it wants then we destroy all their power without ever seeing them. That’s what this publication is all about is to start opening your eyes to this system that for too long we have called reality and thought we were free in. There is even the possibility that we are already in a simulation. That may sound crazy but do you realize you’re dreaming while you’re dreaming or when you wake up? What if you never wake up? Is what you see real? You may think this means none of this matters if it’s all a simulation but it does. A friend told me it doesn’t matter what we’re in, what matters is that you’re aware of yourself and what you’re in. Awakening could just be the time when you start to become aware of the world around you. By this I don’t mean your ability to properly use your senses but to apply them to your instincts and knowledge to find out that yes there is an answer to your gut feeling that something is terribly wrong. Unfortunately is usually takes a person who is already awake to wake you up. There is no alarm clock you can set to tell you to start reading and searching because we were never given one and told that everything we need to know will be given to us. My father was that person for me and I love him every day for it. I want to be that person for you. That’s why I write this and talk to people because alone I cannot free everyone and destroy the system. We have to do it together by seeing we are just pawns in a chess game with the potential to each be our own kings. I am not a religious person but Jesus said that god was in him and he is in us which means god is in all of us. We have to stop looking outside of ourselves for what will bring freedom when it is we who bring freedom unto ourselves. This is all part of being aware of yourself and the system you’re in, all of which the panopticon society seeks to eliminate. You are not the image you see in a mirror but much, much more than that. The elite have never wanted you to know that for if you did you might realize that what happens to that image we call our bodies is nowhere as close to important as what goes on with our minds. I have spent five years since I woke up reading about this stuff and have my whole life yet to go. The

question I’m about to ask and end the book with is not one that should be answered right away as it will probably be a programmed response that is not really your own. The panopticon society we live in has created zombies out of the best people but I know I’m a free mind whose physicality is a slave in a make believe world who is determined to destroy this worldly system and help free his people. WHO ARE YOU?

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