The Organized Church

  • April 2020
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EDITORS CORNER Greetings to you all in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The subject of this series of issues is "Protecting the Sheep." Our primary focus is to bring recovery and deliverance to sheep who have been damaged within an organized church system and to prevent others from being damaged. Toward this end, our primary goal is to equip you to guard yourself from spiritual abuse inflicted upon you as a direct or an indirect consequence of your regular church attendance. This is a very serious matter. In this issue, my conversation begins with a presentation of my personal perspective on the organized church, so that you can understand where I am coming from. I must prepare you --head on-- that I am a revolutionary----a rebel WITH a cause. My cause is truth, even if it hurts me for a brief moment. Through years of trials endured and overcome, I have found that the pain of truth is spiritually valuable. I have learned that if I face the truth, the pain of it is greatly reduced and a real lasting joy and peace is pain's reward. To be a prophet in these times is akin to the ministry of John the Baptist. John was a loner, a voice, crying in the wilderness. He preached against sin and he was a watchman. The only prophetic word that came from John's mouth was this. "Prepare ye the way of the Lord." John knew that the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth was alive in his lifetime and so he preached repentance and righteousness. Jesus declared that John the Baptist was the greatest of ALL prophets. I believe that the ministry of the prophet in our times is no different than the ministry of John the Baptist. The only difference is that today's prophets MUST preach of the Lord's SECOND COMING. Like John the Baptist, today's prophets are called to be voices crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord. I have never called myself a prophet: an evangelist, a pastor and a teacher, yes,---- but not a prophet. Even though my second book, "the Making of a Prophet" is autobiograpical, the title speaks the truth. The Lord is molding me to become a prophet and so, I am still "in the making." Nonetheless, if the signs I have received are from God, then He Himself has called me a prophet, more than once. My prophetic ministry is true to form in the spirit of John the Baptist. My primary message is one of repentance and righteousness. I also function primarily as a watchman-- one who prepares the way for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a watchman, I sound the alarm when I suspect that "the wolf is in the patch."This series of issues is my way of " blowing the trumpet and sounding the alarm." Unfortunately, I have found that Christians who disagree tend to avoid confrontation by flight. As they make their "exit" they send forth hypocritical "bless you" kinds of statements. For example, I have received emails like "God bless you, Sister, but would you kindly remove me from your mailing list? May the peace of God and His wisdom bless you now and forever!!! Take care! Yours in Christ!" I say to such folk who send me such emails, " Stop being a hypocrit and stand up for what you believe or simply "spam Pam." On the contrary, faithful readers, I am not scolding you. You have previously received 7 issues of this Newsletter and you are still standing strong, not having yet asked to be "unsuscribed." Hopefully, you can get through this one also. I must pre-warn you.This one is tough, this one is very tough. In the summer of 2007, I had a dream where I was clearly shown that since 1974, I have been "in school." My first "studies" began 3 years before I got saved. In that first class, I learned about the wiles of the devil through my three year involvement in the occult world as a psychic medium, a hypnotist and an astrologer. In my second class, I learned about "church." That course has taken more than two decades to complete. Thre dream revealed that my studies are "incomplete." Apparently, I am presently in the middle of the third course, having only just begun the 4th course. with

ome more course yet to complete---in total, 5 schools of study. The source of this dream knows me well. It is my nature to try to "figure out" where the Lord is headed. I was told up front in the dream "Pam, don't even try to imagine. You have no reference in your past or even in your imagination as to subject matter of courses 4 and 5. the third course on spiritual warfare and deliverance has not yet been completed and I have just begun the 4th course. About a month after this drem, I found myself knee deep in a study of the two angels who masquarade as "Jesus", so much so that it was too much info for a newsletter. This newsletter led me to begin a fourth book called "The Fake Jesus." Therefore, the 4th course is a study centers on the methods, teachings and practices of the fallen angels known as "ascended masters." The first step in the 4th course is to compare the teachings of fallen angels to what is being taught from the pulpits of megadom and to develop an encyclopedia of religious organizations that follow the fake Jesus.. . One thing is certain. I never would have imagined it. Even though the 3rd and the 4th courses are linked to the first two courses, I could not have imagined its contents in my wildest dreams. So I want each reader to know that "I am still in the school of the Holy Ghost" with the 5th course not yet seen. Furthermore, since I am still a student, perhaps you have a more accurate revelation and you can open my eyes to see your point of view..Therefore, If you disagree with any statement within this issue, I am eager to hear what the Holy Ghost has revealed to you on these matters. With that said, you will find in this issue statements that you may consider to be rather shocking . Just know that they are included for your good-----to warn you that the wolf may be in your patch and to prepare you for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.. Trying the spirits involves learning how to pray, learning how to watch and learning how to wait. Pam READER'S CORNER "MY MIND's PLAYIN TRICKS ON ME!!!! by JAMES FROM ATLANTA, GA: I am a 33 years old African American male. I grew up in an old Baptist church that had been around for over 100 years. I used to sit in the back and giggle with my friends and when I was alone I would fall asleep. I could never see the purpose for what was preached and taught because the folks attending church service were no different from the people I saw everyday. Church was a place where I had to get up out of my bed and go to. Once there, all it meant to me was the mothers getting up and doing a "Holy Dance." In the beginning of the service, the deacons would sing around a table, then one would get up and shake everybody's hand. He then would get on one knee and start to pray this beautifully complex prayer. There were so many organizations. The deacon board, the usher board, the auxillary, the pastors aide, the mass choir, the men's choir, the youth choir , the senior choir, the bell choir, the deaconess, the mother board, the usher board, etc. Some would wear matching outfits during the service so that they could stand out in a special way. Much ceremony led to the climax--the sermon--- where the Pastor got up and repeated a few scriptures that further confusing me. Some preachers even had various antics, where they hooped, hollered, leaped, jumped, swung their robes from side to side, even danced, so as to enhance the sermon. It didn't help. I was STILL confused. There were many rumors in the church about different members involving sexual preferences, promiscuity, theft, pride, etc. I couldn't wait for service to end because I could see no need for doing "church" The bottom line is church was no better than what I saw everyday.

Yet I thought to myself, this is what adults do and when I become an adult I will fall into the same old script. In other words, when I myself became a man I would go find a "good church", and join the choir. Maybe if I was faithful enough I would become a deacon and say one of those beautifully complex prayers; meet my wife and we could have our 2.5 kids. I could do everything I wanted and please God, cause he wants me to be happy as long as I go to church. So when I became an adult, I joined a church that did away with the denominational theme and removed the deacon board. There were no mothers and sin was an abomination. In fact, this church preached against sin. They told me that Christ died so that I may have an abundant life and if I were faithful that I would receive an overflow in blessings. I could have cars and houses, and since the wealth of the wicked was laid up for the just, the more seed I sowed, the more return on my giving I would get. But that was not all. I owed God 10% of my income, so my tithe was just enough to get me into heaven. If I wanted to be a God made millionaire, I needed to fork over and above ten percent to the church. After I learned this, I figured I would have to work up to this level, being that even the unrighteous wealthy gave ten percent. So now that I had a debt with God, I had to put him in line with the rest of my creditors. I would leave the bill collector's phone calls at home and go to church and listen to bill collection sermons. The church collection was worse cause they weren't going to sue me in a secular court of law. No, the pastor said I was going to go to hell!! Oh man---- my mind was playing tricks on me!! However, when I got to be 30 years old, I decided to read the Bible for myself. I was shocked to find that all the things that I thought I learned as a child and early adulthood was not really what God wanted. Jesus Christ of Nazareth died not for the mother board or for the mass choir, but for a dirty, filthy, lost soul. My mind was renewed and my faith was established in repentance by the cross. I became born again, for real. Then one day, the Spirit of God led me into justification by faith. I found out that nothing in this life justifies me outside of my faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I was lost in sin, I couldn't "church my way out", I couldn't even pay my way out. No, I had to nail my life to the cross. And I walked away from that church too. Even though my mind had played tricks on me, now I see that a "good church" is hard to find and if I never find it, its ok, cause I have nailed my sins to the cross. I no longer bound to this life. My true blessing are in.. Jesus Christ of Nazareth! OTHER COMMENTARIES AND TESTIMONIES: Here are two commentaries that address

Vol II: Issue 6: The Prosperity Gospel.

Michelle from Dumfries, Va. A few years ago I allowed someone to "guilt" me into returning to the Babylonian system that is now called the prosperity doctrine. This church could take any scripture--and I do mean any scripture--and turn it into a prosperity scripture. I submitted to their outlandish demands and requests, but there is one area in


I will never be flexible.

The church was holding an appreciation service for the pastor and co-pastor. The only reason I was there was because I was scheduled to minister prophetic music at that gathering. Well, I was stifled. I couldn't bring forth the Song of the Lord. I'd never had that happen to me before. After being seated, the "festivities" began. As I watched the time pass until we'd been there for nearly FIVE hours listening to people honor, talk up, and down-right worship the pastors; I became scared. The next thing I did was remind the Lord that I had only given my allegiance to Him and if He was going to destroy the building with all the idolaters in it, to please let me know, so I could leave. I left that assembly that night and never returned. That was 1998. Matthew 7:13 - 14 says: ...for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in ...because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. We should never be uncomfortable about our stance in Him and remember that wherever the crowd gathers, there is sin crouching at the door. God is a jealous God and is still waiting for His people to lavish Him with the attention and respect He so rightly deserves. Apostle Francis Ameta,



Thanks woman of God for giving me this opportunty. For sure I am now disturbed by the prosperity gospel which is now sweeping this nation of Kenya. People are now corrupt in the church because preachers are not emphasizing holiness but their focus now is just materialistic. As a result, most churches have taken the broad way of sexual immorality among them selves. They even invite the world to the altars. This is now at an alarming rate. So where are the true christians who will stand to be counted as the remnant church and proclaim the truth about true prosperity in following Christ? This has now even made politicians to attach themselves with the churches that preach only prosperity. Most pastors have now succumb to threats and are now swayed by public opinion. Sin is no longer an issue so long as you can give your money to the church. Most preachers dont care where you got the money from. I remember of one lady who came to our ministry and was asking why we are so strict in holiness. When we ask her why she is asking that, she replied that she was a great prostitute and her pastor knows about it and the pastor will always pray for her that her business of prostitution would prosper. You see, woman of God, this is why I am so much disturbed with this prosperity gospel. Ok. I believe in true prosperity but we should balance. As a result of all this, many people in my country now want to identify with big ministries but small ministries continue to suffer. This is not good.


We like hearing from you. Regards goes out to one of you from Tuscaloosa, Al, who sent us a word by your cell phone which read "I would like to say that this newsletter is awesome!!!!! Keep them coming!! With God as our help, we will "keep em coming!"

SOME FOOD FOR THOUGHT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------In truth, this week I was reminded of the Lord's warning to yet another watchman whose name is Ezekiel. I personally heed the Lord's command to Ezekiel as though His words were spoken directly to me. Simply put, if I don't warn you, the people, then your blood is on my hands. (Ezekiel Ch. 3) Consequently ,I am committed to releasing truth not only IN love, but BY love. Point #1: Simply stated, I personally suspect that the organized church has already been judged relatively recently, perhaps decades, maybe even a century ago. If not, then judgment is very close at hand. It seems that Satan began to progressively establish a seat within church divisions, sects, and organizations since around the third century.Therefore, I believe that the book of Revelation was written to and for every church age. However, death has been a real blessing for the saints who have already left this earth prior to "the end." Truly, those who are alive when the Lord Jesus Christ returns for the dead and the living will face a challenge that no other church age has been required to face. I believe that we are in that hour NOW---as we live in the best of times and the worst of times. I may see the grave, maybe NOT----but my daughter and my grandson may yet be alive when He comes. So where do we stand now? Point #2.


I believe that we are in the midst of a transition.

Back in the summer of 1981, as I sat in a chair dozing,--(not asleep yet not fully awake either,) I heard the audible voice of the Lord. I didn't have to try the spirits on this one. Didn't have a chance to. He said "Pam," and my spirit caused my mouth to answer immediately--- "Yes, Lord." Then He said "I am about to do a new thing with My Church." I stirred, stretched a bit and answered, " Uh, huh." Then, in the sweetest voice I have ever heard in my life, He asked very politely, without a hint of command or demand---- "Can I use you??" I was spiritually ignorant back then and so I answered without even thinking, "Sure Lord. Let's start with the Roses of Hope." It took years for me to realize that "His church" was not just the local church that I was a member of. In my local church, The Roses of Hope was a money raising group who organized house parties where they had card games and sold liquor to raise money for the church. I had only been a churchgoer for two years in 1981 when the Lord called me.. Likewise, I was still as carnal as the rest of the members, but commonsense told me that there was something not quite right about THIS kind of money raising. lol. Once I mentioned the Roses of Hope, my conversation with the Lord stopped immediately and there was a deep silence. Disappointed, I thought to myself "what did I say that turned Him off?" I was such a babe. I have

heard His voice a few times since but never again quite LIKE THAT!!!

Looking back, I realize that this encounter with the Lord was one of the several ways that I received my calling 26 years ago prior to entering the ministry on Oct. 25, 1981. At that time, I did not know what a sermon was much less a calling to ministry, so it took at least 10 signs for me to finally comprehend that I was being called. Even so, I have never is the new thing that can honestly tell you signs and indications

forgotten the Lord's mentioning of "the new thing." What the Lord is going to do with "His Church?" In 26 years, I that I do not yet know for sure, but there have been some that I will share in upcoming issues.

In August 2007,---just two months ago. I had yet another "conversation." There was no audible voice this time, as the communication was from " the sender of the message to my spirit and then to my mind." At the time, I was attempting to set up a conference schedule to conduct deliverance training seminars for a local church leader and I ran into a "closed door." Almost immediately, the Lord revealed to me that He was the one who closed the door. Wondering why, I sought the Father in prayer. It didn't take long for me to be answered. In less than a week, a kind of telepathic communication took place to let me know that I was "on the wrong track". I didn't even have a chance to emotionally respond to the unexpected rejection I had recently experienced. Once I understood that it was God Himself who had "hardened her heart", I completely changed my ministerial direction and I forgot about the particular "friend" in ministry that stood in my way. I realized that God used her to "close the door.". I realize now that my ministry is not to equip or edify the traditional church on church property. My answer came through a kind of parable. I was asked, "would you put up curtains at the windows of a condemned building?" I answered with my mind. "No." Then a kind of a speech was made that went something like this. "A homeless person will make a home in a condemned building. To escape the elements of the weather on the outside, he will satisfy himself and "make do" with no heat, no running water, no lights, and he will share his dwelling with the occupants: the rats and the roaches." Then I was hit in the face with this statement. "If you try to edify the organized church with seminars and conferences, you will be putting up curtains at the windows of a condemned building." Wow! I was stunned. Metaphorically speaking, it was clear to me that the condemned building was a symbol of the organized church. If this "mental conversation" was from the Holy Ghost)===== then the metaphor is suggesting that the organized church is a condemned building. Pleast note that I am still trying the spirits, so I am not saying "thus says the Lord" in this instance. If you have heard different, please let me know so that we can try the spirits together!!! Condemnation suggests "judgment." The word says that "judgment will begin at the household of faith." Therefore, natural logic by simple commonsense suggests to me that "the organized church has either already been judged or will be judged very soon." In keeping with this parable of sorts, sheep who attend church regularly are those who are afraid of the outside elements of a dangerous and sinful world, --and rightly so--Therefore, it makes sense to run inside church walls for protection. Yet, in keeping with the symbols, when we run inside, we find that there is no light. God is light. In Him there is no darkness at all. No light-No God!!!!! So what do we do? We "make do!!!" Reminiscing along with James from

Atlanta, the church has become skilled at "making do!" Since Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Light and His people are referred to "as lights", the next logical thought is that He is not the Head of the organized church and very few of His people are attending church. So what of the massive, mega congregations? Same thing. No light. No God. As astutely recognized in the commentary of Michelle from Va, it's just a crowd of gatherers worshipping someone that they refer to as Jesus. To quote her exact words, "wherever the crowd gathers, there is sin crouching at the door." In addition, there is no running water in the condemned building--- no rivers of living water---therefore, no Holy Ghost. Without the Holy Ghost, then the 7 stars are removed. The 7 stars are the angels of God.(Rev.1:20) Angels are assigned to the churches to guard and protect each flock. Without the Holy Ghost and the angels of God, it is understandable why the sheep are being spiritually damaged by the shepherds---- The RATS are the wolves in sheep's clothing---- hirelings--the so called shepherds of the flock---- countless pastors who fellowship with uncleaness, ie. the roaches. So it stands to reason, that if this parable be from the Lord, then the leaders of the church as it now stands have fared poorly in the Lord's eyes. If this be so, then what about the sheep? Sheep need shepherds?!!! Where are the shepherds of the Lord? A condemned building can stand, maybe for years but ultimately, the beams and the walls will crumble and fall. If it doesn't fall, then the city will come along with a bulldozer and "take it down." How will the organized church come down? Read Revelation Ch. 17 and Rev. 18 about "the harlot" called Mystery Babylon. After the fall of the towers of the World Trade Center, I thought that Rev. Ch. 18 was fulfilled for several reasons. However, one fact caused me to know that the dust fallout in NYC and the fall of "world trade" was not the complete fulfillment of this chapter. Why? Because the World Trade Center is being rebuilt. The scripture clearly states that when Babylon falls, there will be no rebuilding of her. So I wrongly assumed that Mystery Bablylon was NYC. I was born and raised in NYC. Therefore, in error, I warned everyone I knew to "come out of her." After a few years passed, I realized that NYC is NOT Babylon, nor is the USA. Any one who knows the Lord realizes that He would not command us to "come out of her, my people" (Rev. 18:4), "lest you share in her sins, lest you receive of her plagues," unless there was an actual place where we could flee to. Where are God's people? Well, for the most part, God's people are known to be in the organized church. If Mystery Babylon were an actual city or nation, where on earth could all of God's people go in an exodus of unimaginable global proportions? Recognizing the signs of the time, a few Christians have already fled to Canada, believing that in doing so, they are going to escape the fall of America. I say this to you. America is not Babylon because God's people are everywhere so where are His people in every nation on the planet supposed to go? To the Moon or to Mars? No. I don't know about you but I don't own a space ship. Even though severak mega-tv evangelists own personal jet planes, they don't own space ships!!! Regardless of what anybody says, America is the best country in the entire world. Meaning no disrespect to non-American readers, seekers of freedom from around the world flee their native lands all the time to find a safe harbor on American shores. There is no actual "place" that God's people can go to on this earth.

Ironically, the USA is a country founded upon the flight of spiritually oppressed people from the Old World. However, since Christopher Columbus, oppressed Americans have no earthly place that we ourselves can flee to. Think about it. Can all of God's people in the USA fit into Canada? Let's be real, here. Anyway, if America is to fall, how safe is Canada? Canada is just around the corner from us. We'd be better off in Australia or the South Pole!!!! BUT Fear not!!! Mystery Babylon could certainly not be a physical place. In previous issues, I referred to "the Fake Jesus" and other Ascended Masters aka "fallen angels", with the two leading ones calling themselves Maitreya and Jesus Sananda Immanuel. (To read the first 6 issues on the Fake Jesus, click here.) I am not alone in my belief that Mystery Babylon is a mataphor symbolizing idolatrous religion. The "judged" church is not Mystery Babylon in its totality, but merely a part of it, Actually, there are several signs that the organized churches of today will eventually unite with all of the other false religions that relegate our Lord to a mere teacher or a prophet who they claim is a created being, "not divine". Yet I believe that most of the true church will rise out of a righteous remnant that still remains within the organized church and others whom the Lord has touched and called who have never been church members. I realize that the outpouring of the spirit of God upon ALL flesh is coming upon "the remnant church" but clearly, the Holy Ghost will not manifest Himself in a corrupt place. The Lord will not put new wine into old wineskins. However, where the rivers will flow, I do not yet know. Does the "new thing" require buildings to do the work of the Lord.? No, but if so, I suspect that buildings will be used on a very limited scale. The early church of the book of Acts "was not organized," as followers of the resurrected Lord assembled in each other's homes. Likewise, I don't believe that the "new thing" will be organized with boards, bishops and buildings either!!!! The only covering required is the Head Himself, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Praise His Holy Name!!! Nor do I believe that anyone will be able to stand in the way of "the new thing." I have perceived some signs that quietly and secretly the Holy Ghost has been taking His time over the last few decades, preparing righteous and holy shepherds--Joshuas and Calebs--- who have been refined in the fires of trial, trouble and tribulation--- leaders across the globe. There are not many of them, but like Gideon's army, there will be enough to do the job. So what should we do in the meantime? Well, we should "watch, pray and wait. " Some of God's people have already heeded the call and we have "come out of her." Others of you may have to stay within the condemned building for a time or at least on its periphery, until you too "hear the call." It is not my job to "call you out." This is not my intention. Some people are addicted to church and if they were to "come out" without the proper care and support systems in place, additional spiritual damage might be incurred. As withdrawal from alcohol without medical supervision is life threatening, so too, an exodus from the organized church at the present moment may be too shocking to the spiritual system of longterm "churchaholics." Actually, it is wise NOT to come out until you hear the Holy Ghost for yourself. The problem is that most sheep within church walls for a considerable length of time are so deaf and so blind that they simply cannot hear and they cannot see. Moreover, the enemy has built up a formidable stronghold by seducing them

to heed and believe false doctrines or to become emotionally attached to pastors, buildings, church traditions, choir members, etc.. The god of this world has blinded them, almost beyond repair. (II Cor 4:3,4) Only God Himself can release the prey of the mighty and set free the lawfully captive. (Isaiah 49:24-26) In each case of spiritual blindness, prayer should beseech the Father based upon His mercy, grace and pardon. My job is simple. I preach righteousness and truth, both by mouth and on the printed page. That's all I have to do. The Lord does His work of deliverance, and from time to time, allows me to share in His power. I commit to sending you the truth through each and every issue and let the Spirit of Truth --aka- the Holy Ghost open your spiritual ears to hear, to understand and to obey Him when He calls you out of Mystery Babylon. By His grace anad mercy, I believe that He will restore your spiritual hearing and your spiritual sight, if the condition of your heart is sincere, meek and upright. You yourself have an unction from God to see and if you hunger and thirst after righteousness, I strongly believe that when the time is right, you will hear His call. To simplify matters, here is a general overview of the organized church of today. There are two main sects of Christians: Catholics and Protestants. Within Protestantism, there are three main branches: the denominations, the nondenominations, and the word of faith/charismatic movement. The church of James from Atlanta's youth falls under the category of a denomination, the Baptist Church. The second church that James and Michelle both describe is what is categorized as a word of faith, non-denominational charismatic church. There are many denominations. There are a few denominations that are charismatic, ie. the pentecostal churches. There is one denomination that calls itself "full gospel baptist." It should be pointed out that every nondenominational church is not necessarily charismatic or word of faith. However, practically ALL word of faith churches are charismatic and therefore they have much in common with some denominational pentecostal churches. So where should you attend church while you "watch and wait" for the Lord's "new thing?" Good question. Everyone is not like me. As a watchman, I was actually called to stand alone. So this is just my opinion for those who have a different calling. My advice may be of some value to you, as it is based upon decades of experience with the denominational and the non-denominational, charismatic word of faith movement. Point #3 In truth, I personally believe that the best option---the wisest choice--is to stay out of the organized church entirely, especially if you are a babe in Christ or one who is lost, but seeking Him. However, if you a churchgoer and you are still attached or even addicted to "church", then know this. By far, if you are attending a charismatic church, be it pentecostal, charismatic, or word of faith, you are not in a safe place. The better choice is the denominational church. You are asking yourself "why?" do in the meantime?

You are also probably thinking, So what should I

I will address these important questions in the next issue.

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