The Old Doctors Are Just Some Gippy

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 712
  • Pages: 2
The mandatory retirement doctors with privaty medical cabinets are a" gippy”. The retired doctors support on own skin settlement so saied liberal of the driving of Board of Health. and of College of Doctors both drived by liberal personalities of first size. After applied the liberalism against superannuations ata large in (little pensions, humilities tails communiste, poor assistances medicala etc), they thought, why to have a fate a maul hello of medicala retrieds, hereupon he created them justification of don't else can to open in their houses medical particular cabinets,in which the state don't buys but receive last taxes . Valentine papers liberal potentates against the doctors superannuations is this as,practicaly, don't they else have possibility activate in their particular cabinets, don't you else be accredit. I am sorry as the promoter of the coward gesture is as a matter of fact PNL, carry now drives both the Minister but and Medical Academy(Colegiul medicilor), what, obviously, grow up the Liberal party popularity and of cours the love and confidence as the Liberals stimulate the private labor . What abormality, what bear off the liberal politics? As a matter of fact about what there is the word. The Law 306 from 28 the June 2004, followed of the law of medical profession from 2006, bind vote of parliaments and which he foresees for the doctors which superannuations have particular cabinets an exceptions. In the item 16, aligned 4 is said as accredited these doctors is shall done yearly just on the strength of a the which his certificate ateste the state of health( from he says the nought of credits, points). Everything is very clear. No the another organs, institutions, college to may emit orders, contrary the law,order, cann't modify the sense and the letter binds. Such I burn be due to is, but the sector is drived of liberas,and they are the clever by-path, call white as a black one and from legal precautions, illegalities. Therefore the liberal of medical Colegium from Romania, approved of Board of Health , prompts now in equal way medical contiguous Educatie don't except the active doctors but also superannuations doctors. No more, if first they need 200 points conted to 5 years, the pensioner doctors of 70-80 years are due to has annual 40 of points credits. That is such they have the meanings the Board of Health and Medical Colegium as to 200 deck entered all, and one from active as the superannuation doctors with private cabinets , infringe the item binds which prompts the doctors of the pensioners just the certificate of health.

But whereof I done the credits: from procurances of titles of resident, specialist, primary doctor, masterates, doctorates, postgraduate courses, monographes etc, prerequisite for thing to stimulation of young doctors. Either old doctors long ago have these titles, have monographes, works, participations to congress of which don't else holds the expense. See you these seniors impoverish, now( I carry is the word between you and me no to have contracts with Mdical Assurance House), carry have 3-4 medical examinations on the month( the labor of invigorating and the several penny) to travel through the country after congresses, to is entered for the doctorats, masterats to 70 years, to else they does monographes. The legislator in his wisdom grasped this thing, Medical Colegium, the which organ assure us" protect and the honour", Board of Health , don't. These institutions leaded by liberals infringes in liberal way binds, am above they. The law says what it must for to authorize the doctors superannuations, they say else must credits( binds isn't across they but they across she).What if all the doctors superannuations don't shall else can profess (although they were teachers, chiefs of clinics, primary doctors, peoples with more medical experiences. In the aim to eliminate from clinical of a olds who effective wagons don't else enframe there, theour liberals from health have found with his path to punish all community of old doctors, inclusively on who they have medical cabinets in their own house. Either, I said in the beginning as the the doctors superannuations are some" gippy”. Oyippee, Mister Nicolaescu, and I carry leave me rapt of the your personality . How old else are the feather you shall become a "gippy”.


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