The Night Before Christmas

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  • Words: 809
  • Pages: 3
Poem m

The nig ght beffore Chrristmas


T THE NIIGHT BEFORE B E CHRIISTMASS by Cleement Clarkke Moore or Henry Livin ngston 'Twas th he night beffore Christm mas, when alll through th he house Not a creatuure was stirrring, not eveen a mouse; Th he stockings were hung by the chim mney with caare, I hopes thaat St. Nichollas soon would be theree; In T children The n were nestleed all snug in their bedss, Wh hile visions of sugar-pluums danced in their headds; And mamma m in her h 'kerchieff, and I in my m cap, Had just settled down d for a long l winter's nap, When outt on the lawn n there arose such a clattter, I sprang frrom the bed to see whatt was the maatter. Awayy to the wind dow I flew like l a flash, Tore opeen the shutteers and threew up the sash. The moon n on the breeast of the new-fallen n sn now Gave th he lustre of mid-day m to objects o below w, When, whaat to my wo ondering eyes should app pear, But a miniature sleigh, s and eight tiny rein ndeer, Witth a little oldd driver, so lively l and quuick, I knew k in a moment it muust be St. Niick. Morre rapid than n eagles his coursers theey came, And he whistled, w andd shouted, and a called th hem by name; "Now, Dasher! D now w, Dancer! now, n Prancer and Vixen n! On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder D and d Blitzen! To the top of th he porch! to o the top of the wall! Images: Google le images

earnwell Oy 2008 English materialls by Veronica Gilhooly © Le


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Poem m

The nig ght beffore Chrristmas


No ow dash awaay! dash awaay! dash awaay all!" As dry d leaves thaat before thee wild hurriccane fly, When they t meet with w an obstaacle, mount to the sky, So up u to the house-top the coursers theey flew, With the sleigh fuull of toys, and a St. Nich holas too. Andd then, in a twinkling, I heard on th he roof Thee prancing and a pawing of o each littlee hoof. As I drew d in my hand, h and was w turning around, a Down th he chimney St. Nicholass came with a bound. H was dresssed all in fuur, from his head to his foot, He And his cloth hes were all tarnished t wiith ashes and d soot; A bunddle of toys hee had flung on his back, A he lookked like a peeddler just opening And o his pack. p H eyes -- ho His ow they twin nkled! his dim mples how merry! m His cheekss were like ro oses, his nose like a cheerry! His droll little l mouth was drawn up like a bo ow, A the beaard of his ch And hin was as wh hite as the snow; The stump s of a pipe p he held d tight in his teeth, A the smoke it encirclled his head like a wreatth; And He had a broad b face and a a little ro ound belly, Th hat shook, when w he laugghed like a b bowlful of jeelly. He was chuubby and pluump, a right jolly old elff, A I laughed when I saw And w him, in sp pite of myself; A wink of o his eye an nd a twist off his head, Soon gave me m to know I had nothiing to dread; Images: Google le images earnwell Oy 2008 English materialls by Veronica Gilhooly © Le


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The nig ght beffore Chrristmas

Poem m


He spokke not a worrd, but went straight to his h work, And filleed all the sto ockings; then turned with a jerk, A laying hiis finger asid And de of his nosse, Andd giving a no od, up the chimney he rose; r He spraang to his sleeigh, to his team t gave a whistle, And aw way they all flew like thee down of a thistle. But I heeard him excclaim, ere hee drove out of sight,

"Happyy Christmass to all, and to all a goodd-night." http:/// nightbeforechristm mas.html

What 14 acctivities does St. Nick k perform in n the poem m? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

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Imagges: Google images earnwell Oy 2008 English materialls by Veronica Gilhooly © Le


ww.thelanguag ww

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