The Nature Of The Electron Continued

  • December 2019
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In order to explain my articles I will reference this chart motion and gravity relationship formula motion and g... Also I will refer to an interactive chart on this site: I look at the electron orbit in quadrants. At any given placement of the electron the neutron will have a relative position. The neutrons position is one of vibrancy. The neutron due to the force of the electrons magnetic charge (-) will travel along the line of point S to point S’. in the interactive chart the position of the neutron can be determined in reference to the electron by drawing a parallel line (parallel to the k, k’ point line) and intersecting with the S, S’ point line in reference to the electron position. That intersect is the given position of the neutron in regards to the electrons position. In the interactive chart the position of the neutron changes in reference to the electron position through magnetic attraction. This, I believe, is the reason for atom vibration or frequency. If the electron is in the position of point H, then the neutron assumes its position at point S. the attraction between the neutron and electron in this position is strong due their close proximity. The electron will begin its motion to point K, this position would represent the position of the electron at its highest velocity as it is in an + attract position in a positive way with respect to the electrons velocity in relation to the neutron as it travels from point H to point K. From point K to the point H’ the electron is in - attract position with the neutron attracting the electron in a negative way in respect to its velocity. Until the electron returns to the H’ position where it will assume its slowest velocity in the elliptical orbit. The electron’s change in velocity is relative to its sustained velocity which is a constant change of state relationship with regards to the speed of light. A blending of mass and energy. At point H and H’, the electron attains its maximum mass. At point K and K’, the electron attains its maximum energy. Between point H and K the electron velocity is increasing, due to + positive attraction during which time mass is being converted to an increased energy state. Between point K and point H’ the electron’s velocity, due to the - negative attraction, is decreasing. At which time energy is being converted to mass. This electron orbital cycle will repeat itself for each ½ orbit of the electron. The second half of the orbit is when the dynamics become incomprehensible. This electron is traveling near the speed of light. Sometimes exceeding this speed where the photon electric effect is at 100%… at lower speed than the speed of light, mass is introduced. The percentage of which would be relative to its velocity. The energy does not change its quantity only its characteristics. The frequency of the hydrogen atom is 1420.40575 MHz, when taken into account and multiplied by the speed of light, this result should be able to give an approximate distance that the hydrogen electron has traveled in its orbit. The hydrogen atom has a diameter of 37 pm. Using c=pi r2 it will give an approximation of distance traveled in the orbital path.

Being that 37 pm is the diameter then 18.5 pm multiplied by pi equals 58.09 pm. In a standard circle the orbital path would be 58.09 pm multiplied by its frequency 1420.40575 mega hertz ( the frequency I believe is directly related to the neutron/proton vibration in relation to the electron position) would result in 82511.37002 pm/sec. an approximation. 1 pm is equal to 1 trillionth of one meter. In another view, if the electron is traveling at the speed of light for one second it has traveled a distance of 299792458 meters. So my question is how can this be?

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