The Naturalist On The River Amazons By Henry Walter Bates Preview

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ELECBOOK CLASSICS The Naturalist on the River Amazons H E Bates ISBN 1 84327 134 6

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The Naturalist on the River Amazons A Record of the Adventures, Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the Equator, during Eleven Years of Travel.

By Henry Walter Bates, F.R.S.

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2001 The Electric Book Company 20 Cambridge Drive London SE12 8AJ

From the Unabridged Edition John Murray, London, 1892

Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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AN APPRECIATION1 By CHARLES DARWIN Author of “The Origin of Species,” etc. IN April, 1848, the author of the present volume left England in company with Mr. A. R. Wallace—“who has since acquired wide fame in connection with the Darwinian theory of Natural Selection”—on a joint expedition up the river Amazons, for the purpose of investigating the Natural History of the vast wood-region traversed by that mighty river and its numerous tributaries. Mr. Wallace returned to England after four years’ stay, and was, we believe, unlucky enough to lose the greater part of his collections by the shipwreck of the vessel in which he had transmitted them to London. Mr. Bates prolonged his residence in the Amazon valley seven years after Mr. Wallace’s departure, and did not revisit his native country again until 1859. Mr. Bates was also more fortunate than his companion in bringing his gathered treasures home to England in safety. So great, indeed, was the mass of specimens accumulated by Mr. Bates during his eleven years’ researches, that upon the working out of his collection, which has been accomplished (or is now in course of being accomplished) by different scientific naturalists in this country, it has been ascertained that representatives of no less than 14,712 species are amongst them, of which about 8000 were previously unknown to science. It may be remarked that by far the greater portion of these species, namely, about 14,000, belong to the class of Insects—to the study of which Mr. Bates principally devoted his attention—being, as is well known, himself recognised as no mean 1

From Natural History Review, vol. iii. 1863.

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authority as regards this class of organic beings. In his present volume, however, Mr. Bates does not confine himself to his entomological discoveries, nor to any other branch of Natural History, but supplies a general outline of his adventures during his journeyings up and down the mighty river, and a variety of information concerning every object of interest, whether physical or political, that he met with by the way. Mr. Bates landed at Pará in May, 1848. His first part is entirely taken up with an account of the Lower Amazons—that is, the river from its sources up to the city of Manaos or Barra do Rio Negro, where it is joined by the large northern confluent of that name—and with a narrative of his residence at Pará and his various excursions in the neighbourhood of that city. The large collection made by Mr. Bates of the animal productions of Pará enabled him to arrive at the following conclusions regarding the relations of the Fauna of the south side of the Amazonian delta with those of other regions. “It is generally allowed that Guiana and Brazil, to the north and south of the Pará district, form two distinct provinces as regards their animal and vegetable inhabitants. By this it means that the two regions have a very large number of forms peculiar to themselves, and which are supposed not to have been derived from other quarters during modern geological times. Each may be considered as a centre of distribution in, the latest process of dissemination of species over the surface of tropical America. Pará lies midway between the two centres, each of which has a nucleus of elevated table-land, whilst the intermediate river-valley forms a wide extent of low-lying country. It is, therefore, interesting to ascertain from which the latter received its population, or whether it contains so large a number of endemic species as would warrant the conclusion that it is itself an independent province. To assist in deciding such questions as these, we must compare closely the species found in Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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the district with those of the other contiguous regions, and endeavour to ascertain whether they are identical, or only slightly modified, or whether they are highly peculiar. “Von Martius when he visited this part of Brazil forty years ago, coming from the south, was much struck with the dissimilarity of the animal and vegetable productions to those of other parts of Brazil. In fact the Fauna of Pará, and the lower part of the Amazons has no close relationship with that of Brazil proper; but it has a very great affinity with that of the coast region of Guiana, from Cayenne to Demerara. If we may judge from the results afforded by the study of certain families of insects, no peculiar Brazilian forms are found in the Pará district; whilst more than one-half of the total number are essentially Guiana species, being found nowhere else but in Guiana and Amazonia. Many of them, however, are modified from the Guiana type, and about oneseventh seem to be restricted to Pará. These endemic species are not highly peculiar, and they may yet be found over a great part of Northern Brazil when the country is better explored. They do not warrant us in concluding that the district forms an independent province, although they show that its Fauna is not wholly derivative, and that the land is probably not entirely a new formation. From all these facts, I think we must conclude that the Pará district belongs to the Guiana province and that, if it is newer land than Guiana, it must have received the great bulk of its animal population from that region. I am informed by Dr. Sclater that similar results are derivable from the comparison of the birds of these countries.” One of the most interesting excursions made by Mr. Bates from Pará was the ascent of the river Tocantins—the mouth of which lies about 45 miles from the city of Pará. This was twice attempted. On the second occasion—our author being in company with Mr. Wallace—the travellers Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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penetrated as far as the rapids of Arroyos, about 130 miles from its mouth. This district is one of the chief collecting-grounds of the wellknown Brazil-nut (Bertholletia excelsa), which is here very plentiful, grove after grove of these splendid trees being visible, towering above their fellows, with the “woody fruits, large and round as cannon-balls, dotted over the branches.” The Hyacinthine Macaw (Ara hyacinthina) is another natural wonder, first met with here. This splendid bird, which is occasionally brought alive to the Zoological Gardens of Europe, “only occurs in the interior of Brazil, from 16° S.L. to the southern border of the Amazon valley.” Its enormous beak—which must strike even the most unobservant with wonder—appears to be adapted to enable it to feed on the nuts of the Mucujá Palm (Acrocomia lasiospatha). “These nuts, which are so hard as to be difficult to break with a heavy hammer, are crushed to a pulp by the powerful beak of this Macaw.” Mr. Bates’ later part is mainly devoted to his residence at Santarem, at the junction of the Rio Tapajos with the main stream, and to his account of Upper Amazon, or Solimoens—the Fauna of which is, as we shall presently see, in many respects very different from that of the lower part of the river. At Santarem—“the most important and most civilised settlement on the Amazon, between the Atlantic and Pará”—Mr. Bates made his headquarters for three years and a half, during which time several excursions up the little-known Tapajos were effected. Some 70 miles up the stream, on its affluent, the Cuparí, a new Fauna, for the most part very distinct from that of the lower part of the same stream, was entered upon. “At the same time a considerable proportion of the Cuparí species were identical with those of Ega, on the Upper Amazon, a district eight times further removed than the village just mentioned.” Mr. Bates was more successful here than on his excursion up the Tocantins, and obtained twenty new species of fishes, and many new Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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and conspicuous insects, apparently peculiar to this part of the Amazonian valley. In a later chapter Mr. Bates commences his account of the Solimoens, or Upper Amazons, on the banks of which he passed four years and a half. The country is a “magnificent wilderness, where civilised man has, as yet, scarcely obtained a footing—the cultivated ground, from the Rio Negro to the Andes, amounting only to a few score acres.” During the whole of this time Mr. Bates’ headquarters were at Ega, on the Teffé, a confluent of the great river from the south, whence excursions were made sometimes for 300 or 400 miles into the interior. In the intervals Mr. Bates followed his pursuit as a collecting naturalist in the same “peaceful, regular way,” as he might have done in a European village. Our author draws a most striking picture of the quiet, secluded life he led in this far-distant spot. The difficulty of getting news and the want of intellectual society were the great drawbacks—“the latter increasing until it became almost insupportable.” “I was obliged at last,” Mr. Bates naïvely remarks, “to come to the conclusion that the contemplation of Nature alone is not sufficient to fill the human heart and mind.” Mr. Bates must indeed have been driven to great straits as regards his mental food, when, as he tell us, he took to reading the Athenæum three times over, “the first time devouring the more interesting articles—the second, the whole of the remainder—and the third, reading all the advertisements from beginning to end.” Ega was, indeed, as Mr. Bates remarks, a fine field for a Natural History collector, the only previous scientific visitants to that region having been the German Naturalists, Spix and Martius, and the Count de Castelnau when he descended the Amazons from the Pacific. Mr. Bates’ account of the monkeys of the genera Brachyurus, Nyctipithecus and Midas met with in this region, and the whole of the very pregnant Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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remarks which follow on the American forms of the Quadrumana, will be read with interest by every one, particularly by those who pay attention to the important subject of geographical distribution. We need hardly say that Mr. Bates, after the attention he has bestowed upon this question, is a zealous advocate of the hypothesis of the origin of species by derivation from a common stock. After giving an outline of the general distribution of Monkeys, he clearly argues that unless the “common origin at least of the species of a family be admitted, the problem of their distribution must remain an inexplicable mystery.” Mr. Bates evidently thoroughly understands the nature of this interesting problem, and in another passage, in which the very singular distribution of the Butterflies of the genus Heliconius is enlarged upon, concludes with the following significant remarks upon this important subject:—

“In the controversy which is being waged amongst Naturalists since the publication of the Darwinian theory of the origin of species, it has been rightly said that no proof at present existed of the production of a physiological species, that is, a form which will not interbreed with the one from which it was derived, although given ample opportunities of doing so, and does not exhibit signs of reverting to its parent form when placed under the same conditions with it. Morphological species, that is, forms which differ to an amount that would justify their being considered good species, have been produced in plenty through selection by man out of variations arising under domestication or cultivation. The facts just given are therefore of some scientific importance, for they tend to show that a physiological species can be and is produced in nature out of the varieties of a pre-existing closely Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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allied one. This is not an isolated case, for I observed in the course of my travels a number of similar instances. But in very few has it happened that the species which clearly appears to be the parent, co-exists with one that has been evidently derived from it. Generally the supposed parent also seems to have been modified, and then the demonstration is not so clear, for some of the links in the chain of variation are wanting. The process of origination of a species in nature as it takes place successively, must be ever, perhaps, beyond man’s power to trace, on account of the great lapse of time it requires. But we can obtain a fair view of it by tracing a variable and far-spreading species over the wide area of its present distribution; and a long observation of such will lead to the conclusion that new species must in all cases have arisen out of variable and widely-disseminated forms. It sometimes happens, as in the present instance, that we find in one locality a species under a certain form which is constant to all the individuals concerned; in another exhibiting numerous varieties; and in a third presenting itself as a constant form quite distinct from the one we set out with. If we meet with any two of these modifications living side by side, and maintaining their distinctive characters under such circumstances, the proof of the natural origination of a species is complete; it could not be much more so were we able to watch the process step by step. It might be objected that the difference between our two species is but slight, and that by classing them as varieties nothing further would be proved by them. But the differences between them are such as obtain between allied species generally. Large genera are composed in great part of such species, and it is interesting to show the great and beautiful diversity within a large genus as brought about by Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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the working of laws within our comprehension.”

But to return to the Zoological wonders of the Upper Amazon, birds, insects, and butterflies are all spoken of by Mr. Bates in his chapter on the natural features of the district, and it is evident that none of these classes of beings escaped the observation of his watchful intelligence. The account of the foraging ants of the genus Eciton is certainly marvellous, and would, even of itself, be sufficient to stamp the recorder of their habits as a man of no ordinary mark. The last chapter of Mr. Bates’ work contains the account of his excursions beyond Ega. Fonteboa, Tunantins—a small semi-Indian settlement, 240 miles up the stream—and San Paulo de Olivença, some miles higher up, were the principal places visited, and new acquisitions were gathered at each of these localities. In the fourth month of Mr. Bates’ residence at the last-named place, a severe attack of ague led to the abandonment of the plans he had formed of proceeding to the Peruvian towns of Pebas and Moyobamba, and “so completing the examination of the Natural History of the Amazonian plains up to the foot of the Andes.” This attack, which seemed to be the culmination of a gradual deterioration of health, caused by eleven years’ hard work under the tropics, induced him to return to Ega, and finally to Pará, where he embarked, on the 2nd June 1859, for England. Naturally enough, Mr. Bates tells us he was at first a little dismayed at leaving the equator, “where the well-balanced forces of Nature maintain a land-surface and a climate typical of mind, and order and beauty,” to sail towards the “crepuscular skies” of the cold north. But he consoles us by adding the remark that “three years’ renewed experience of England” have convinced him “how incomparably superior is civilised life to the Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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spiritual sterility of half-savage existence, even if it were passed in the Garden of Eden.” The following is the list of H. W. Bates’ published works:— Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley, Paper read before the Linnean Society, June 21, 1861; The Naturalist on the Amazons, a Record of Adventure, Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life . . . during Eleven Years of Travel, 1863; 3rd Edition, 1873, with a Memoir of the author by E. Clodd to reprint of unabridged edition, 1892. Bates was for many years the editor of the Transactions of the Royal Geographical Society; the following works were edited and revised, or supplemented by him:—Mrs. Somerville’s Physical Geography, 1870; A. Humbert, Japan and the Japanese, 1874; C. Koldewey, the German Arctic Expedition, 1874; P.E. Warburton, Journey across the Western Interior of Australia, 1875; Cassell’s Illustrated Travels, 6 vols., 1869-1875; E. Whymper, Travels among the Great Andes of the Equator (Introduction to Appendix volume), 1892, etc.; Central America, the West Indies and South America; Stanford’s Compendium of Geography and Travel, and revised Ed., 1882; he also added a list of Coleoptera collected by J.S. Jameson on the Aruwini to the latter’s Story of the Rear Column of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, etc., 1890; and an appendix to a catalogue of Phytophaga by H. Clark, 1866, etc.; and contributed a biographical notice of Keith Johnson to J. Thomson’s Central African Lakes and Back, 1881. He contributed largely to the Zoologist, Entomological Society’s Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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Journal, Annals Entomologist.








LIFE.—Memoir by E. Clodd, 1892; short notice in Clodd’s Pioneers of Evolution, 1897.

Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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AVING been urged to prepare a new edition of this work for a wider circle than that contemplated in the former one, I have thought it advisable to condense those portions which, treating of abstruse scientific questions, presuppose a larger amount of Natural History knowledge than an author has a right to expect of the general reader. The personal narrative has been left entire, together with those descriptive details likely to interest all classes, young and old, relating to the great river itself, and the wonderful country through which it flows,—the luxuriant primæval forests that clothe almost every part of it, the climate, productions, and inhabitants. Signs are not wanting that this fertile, but scantily peopled region will soon become, through recent efforts of the Peruvian and Brazilian governments to make it accessible and colonise it, of far higher importance to the nations of Northern Europe than it has been hitherto. The full significance of the title, the “largest river in the world,” which we are all taught in our schoolboy days to apply to the Amazons, without having a distinct idea of its magnitude, will then become apparent to the English public. It will be new to most people, that this noble stream has recently been navigated by steamers to a distance of 2200 geographical miles from its mouth at Pará; or double the distance which vessels are able to reach on the Yang-tze-Kiang, the largest river of the old world; the depth of water in the dry season being about seven fathoms up to this terminus of navigation. It is not, however, the length of the trunk stream, that has earned for the Amazons the appellation of the “Mediterranean of South America,” given it by the Brazilians of Pará; but the network of by-channels and lakes, which everywhere

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Author’s Preface


accompanies its course at a distance from the banks, and which adds many thousands of miles of easy inland navigation to the total presented by the main river and its tributaries. The Peruvians, especially, if I may judge from letters received within the past few weeks, seem to be stirring themselves to grasp the advantages which the possession of the upper course of the river places within their reach. Vessels of heavy tonnage have arrived in Pará, from England, with materials for the formation of ship-building establishments, at a point situated two thousand miles from the mouth of the river. Peruvian steamers have navigated from the Andes to the Atlantic, and a quantity of cotton (now exported for the first time), the product of the rich and healthy country bordering the Upper Amazons, has been conveyed by this means, and shipped from Pará to Europe. The probability of general curiosity in England being excited before long with regard to this hitherto neglected country, will be considered, of itself, a sufficient reason for placing an account of its natural features and present condition within reach of all readers. LONDON, January, 1864.

Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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Contents Click on number to go to page AN APPRECIATION By CHARLES DARWIN ......................................5 AUTHOR’S PREFACE TO THE EDITION OF 1864............................15 List of Illustrations .......................................................................21 CHAPTER I PARÁ........................................................................22 Arrival—Aspect of the Country—The Pará River—First Walk in the Suburbs of Pará—Birds, Lizards, and Insects of the Suburbs—Leaf-carrying Ant—Sketch of the Climate, History, and present Condition of Pará CHAPTER II PARÁ.......................................................................50 The Swampy Forests of Pará—A Portuguese Landed Proprietor—Country House at Nazareth—Life of a Naturalist under the Equator—The drier Virgin Forests— Magoary—Retired Creeks—Aborigines CHAPTER III PARÁ......................................................................78 Religious Holidays—Marmoset Monkeys—Serpents— Insects CHAPTER IV THE TOCANTINS AND CAMETÁ.................................95 Preparations for the Journey—The Bay of Goajará—Grove of fan-leaved Palms—The lower Tocantins—Sketch of the River—Vista alegre—Baiao—Rapids—Boat Journey to the Guariba Falls—Native Life on the Tocantins—Second Journey to Cametá

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CHAPTER V CARIPÍ AND THE BAY OF MARAJÓ ...........................137 River Pará and Bay of Marajó—Journey to Caripí—Negro Observance of Christmas—A German Family—Bats—Anteaters—Humming-birds—Excursion to the Murucupí— Domestic Life of the Inhabitants—Hunting Excursion with Indians—White Ants CHAPTER VI THE LOWER AMAZONS—PARA TO OBYDOS ..................................................................................168 Modes of Travelling on the Amazons—Historical Sketch of the early Explorations of the River—Preparations for Voyage—Life on Board a large Trading-vessel—The narrow Channels joining the Pará to the Amazons—First Sight of the Great River—Gurupá—The Great Shoal— Flat-topped Mountains—Santarem—Obydos CHAPTER VII THE LOWER AMAZONS—OBYDOS TO MANAOS, OR THE BARRA OF THE RIO NEGRO ...........................200 Departure from Obydos—River Banks and By-channels— Cacao Planters—Daily Life on Board our Vessel—Great Storm—Sand-island and its Birds—Hill of Parentins— Negro Trader and Mauhés Indians—Villa Nova, its Inhabitants, Forest, and Animal Productions— Cararaucú—A rustic Festival—Lake of Cararaucú— Motúca Flies—Serpa—Christmas Holidays—River Madeira—A Mameluco Farmer—Mura Indians—Rio Negro—Description of Barra—Descent to Pará—Yellow Fever

Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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CHAPTER VIII SANTAREM .........................................................255 Situation of Santarem—Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants—Climate—Grassy Campos and Woods— Excursions to Mapirí, Mahicá, and Irurá, with Sketches of their Natural History; Palms, wild Fruit-trees, Mining Wasps, Mason Wasps, Bees, and Sloths CHAPTER IX VOYAGE UP THE TAPAJOS .....................................290 Preparations for Voyage—First Day’s Sail—Loss of Boat— Altar do Chao—Modes of obtaining Fish—Difficulties with Crew—Arrival at Aveyros—Excursions in the Neighbourhood—White Cebus and Habits and Dispositions of Cebi Monkeys—Tame Parrot—Missionary Settlement—Enter the River Cuparí—Adventure with Anaconda—Smoke-dried Monkey—Boa-constrictor— Village of Mundurucú Indians, and Incursion of a Wild Tribe—Falls of the Cuparí—Hyacinthine Macaw—Reemerge into the broad Tapajos—Descent of River to Santarem CHAPTER X THE UPPER AMAZONS—VOYAGE TO EGA.........................................................................................348 Departure from Barra—First Day and Night on the Upper Amazons—Desolate Appearance of River in the Flood Season—Cucáma Indians—Mental condition of Indians— Squalls—Manatee—Forest—Floating Pumice-stones from the Andes—Falling Banks—Ega and its Inhabitants— Daily Life of a Naturalist at Ega—The Four Seasons of the Upper Amazons

Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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CHAPTER XI EXCURSIONS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF EGA .......................................................399 The River Teffé—Rambles through Groves on the Beach— Excursion to the House of a Passé Chieftain—Character and Customs of the Passé Tribe—First Excursion to the Sand Islands of the Solimoens—Habits of Great Riverturtle—-Second Excursion—Turtle-fishing in the Inland Pools—Third Excursion—Hunting-rambles with Natives in the Forest—Return to Ega CHAPTER XII ANIMALS OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF EGA....................................................................................463 Scarlet-faced Monkeys—Parauacú Monkey—Owl-faced Night-apes—Marmosets—Jupurá—Bats—Birds—Cuvier’s Toucan—Curl-crested Toucan—Insects—Foraging Ants— Blind Ants CHAPTER XIII EXCURSIONS BEYOND EGA ..................................505 Steamboat Travelling on the Amazons—Passengers— Tunantins—Caishána Indians—The Jutahí—The Sapó— Marauá Indians—Fonte Boa—Journey to St. Paulo— Tucúna Indians—Illness—Descent to Pará—Changes at Pará—Departure for England

Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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List of Illustrations Click on number to go to page Saüba or Leaf-carrying ant.—1. Worker-minor; 2. Worker-major; 3. Subterranean worker....................................................................33 Saüba Ant.—Female. ...................................................................40 Interior of Primæval Forest on the Amazons ....................................68 Amphisbæna. .............................................................................91 Bird-killing spider (Mygale avicularia) attacking finches...................131 Humming-bird and Humming-bird Hawk-moth. .............................147 1-8. Soldiers of different species of White Ants.—9. Ordinary shape of worker.—10. Winged class.........................................................166 Acari Fish (Loricaria duodecimalis). .............................................180 Flat-topped mountains of Parauá-quára, Lower Amazons ................184 Heliconius Thelxiope (top); Heliconius Melpomene (above). ............193 Cells of Trypoxylon aurifrons. ......................................................277 Melipona Bees gathering clay......................................................279 The Jacuarú (Teius teguexim)......................................................285 Acará (Mesonauta insignis). ........................................................338 Blow-gun, quiver, and arrow. ......................................................409 Surubim (Pimelodus tigrinus). .....................................................423 Night adventure with alligator .....................................................443 Curl-crested Toucan...................................................................485 Adventure with Curl-Crested Toucans ...........................................487 Sack-bearing Caterpillar (Saccophora). .........................................491 Foraging ants (Eciton drepanophora). ...........................................496 Map of the Amazons ..................................................................543 Classics in Science: The Naturalist on the Amazons

H. W. Bates

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