The Morning Calm Korea Weekly - Jan. 19, 2007

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  • Words: 19,599
  • Pages: 32
Volume 5, Issue 13






Ceremony honors ROK Lt. Gen.’s contributions

‘Tough Soldiers’compete at Camp Carroll

Page 3

Page 27

Jan. 19, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly is

nline Visit

Voice over Internet Protocol Service Agreement reached with LG DACOM By Gen. B. B. Bell USFK commander

In June of last year the LG DACOM Corporation advised our exchange and the Air Force Exchange Service that Sam Sung Rental Telecommunications planned to block voice over internet protocol calls that were made by our servicemembers. This was to take place if servicemembers were using VoIP applications that were provided by companies that were not registered in compliance with the Korean Telecommunications Business Act. At that time, I knew blocking VoIP communications would have resulted in the loss of reasonably priced VoIP services, with a corresponding reduction in the quality of life for many of our USFK personnel who rely on these services to connect with their family members and friends alike while stationed or working here in Korea. For me, there wasn’t an option to consider — nothing is more important than you, your families and friends, or the jobs that you all so faithfully and professionally perform.

Therefore, I objected to this plan and directed my staffs to work hand-andhand with LG DACOM ensuring servicemembers, as well as other DoD or DA civilians, who were currently using VoIP services were not block then or now. Through many days and hours of negotiations, our USFK staff has successfully, with LG DACOM, resolved the issue. Our first requirement was that local concessionaries would provide VoIP services using Korean registered companies at prices comparable to those currently enjoyed by USFK personnel who were using services from popular non-registered U.S.-based VoIP providers. With that agreement being achieved, our second objective was to make it a point to ensure anyone who was currently using a non-registered company would not be blocked by LG DACOM/SSRT. In other words, we insisted a “Grand Father clause” was implemented so that users of non-registered VoIP services could continue to do so.

See Bell Bell, Page 4

Two Korean Air jets divert to Kunsan By Senior Airman Stephen Collier 8th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

KUNSAN AIR BASE — Two Boeing 747 aircraft made emergency landings here Jan. 17 after Incheon International Airport’s runway closed for low visibility due to fog. The two Korean Air jets — one laden with cargo, the other with passengers — were greeted by 8th Fighter Wing leaders and support personnel with open arms. “Our day-to-day mission is to defend the base, accept follow-on forces and take the fight north in support of the alliance with our South Korean allies,” said Col. Jeff Lofgren, 8th FW commander. “Today, with the 38th Fighter Group Republic of Korea Air Force, we accepted two civilian aircraft that were in trouble.” The passenger airliner, with 274 people on board, diverted to Kunsan to seek immediate medical attention for a 65-year old Korean man. Emergency responders from the 8th Security Forces Squadron, 8th Civil Engineer Squadron and the 8th Medical Group promptly stabilized the individual and then arranged for transportation to the Kunsan Medical Center in downtown Kunsan City. “It all went pretty smooth,” said Col. Joe Ortega, 8th MDG commander. “We had the ambulance respond to the scene, a Korean nurse to help translate and fire rescue responded quickly to get this individual out (of the aircraft). It all went like clockwork.” Ortega added this kind of response shows the strength of the relationship between the U.S. and South Korea.


Senior Airman Tonya Jones, an 8th Medical Group medical technician, prepares to receive a 65-year old Korean man needing medical attention at Kunsan Air Base, South Korea. The man was transported to an ambulance after his Korean Airline flight was diverted to Kunsan from Incheon International Airport.

“We didn’t think twice about coming out and getting this man the right medical attention,” he said. “It was well done. All that training and practice made it all work smoothly.” The passengers were also offered bottled water, provided by the 8th Services Squadron. The aircraft was refueled for the last leg of the trip to Incheon by members of the 8th Logistics Readiness Squadron.



Jan. 19, 2007

Alleged Assault and Rape by B US servicemember E L L

MPBlotter The following entries were excerpted from the military police blotters. These entries may be incomplete and do not imply the guilt or innocence of any person.

Area 1 - Conspiracy, Black Marketing, Wrongful Possession of Class VI Items, Investigation revealed that Subject 1 and Subject 2 purchased various Class VI items at AAFES facilities located on Cp Casey, Cp Stanley and Cp Red Cloud and diverted the items to an unknown off post residence for profit. Subject 1 and Subject 2 were interviewed wherein they admitted to committing Black Marketing by purchasing Class VI items on post and selling the purchased items to unauthorized persons off post. Investigation continues by CID. Area 2 - Assault Consummated by a Battery, Curfew Violation, Underage Drinking, Subject 1 and Victim 1 were involved in a verbal altercation which turned physical when Subject 1 became belligerent and refused to exit Victim 1’s taxi. Subject 1 grabbed Victim 1 by his shirt and struck him in the chest with a closed hand causing Victim 1 to fall to the ground. Subject 1 was apprehended by KNP and charged under KCL, ART 257 (Inflicting Bodily Injury on Other). Subject 1 was released into MP custody on a CJ Form 2 and transported to the Yongsan PMO. An odor of an alcoholic beverage was emitting from Subject 1’s person. Subject 1 was administered a PBT with a result of 0.109% BAC, was not administered a series of FSTs nor advised of his legal rights due to his suspected level of intoxication and released to his unit. Victim 1 reported minor injuries and stated he will report for medical treatment at a later time and date. At 5 p.m., on Jan. 7, Subject 1 reported to the Yongsan PMO where he was advised of his rights, which he invoked. Investigation continues by KNP and MPI with KNP as the lead investigative agency. Area 3 - Identity Theft, Person(s) unknown, by means unknown, used Victim 1 identity and fraudulently opened two credit accounts. Victim 1 rendered a written statement. ECOL is $4,980.00. Area 4 -Failure to Obey an Order or Regulation, Abandonment of Privately Owned Vehicle, Failure to Deregister Privately Owner Vehicle, Investigation revealed that person(s) unknown abandoned a vehicle on Cp Carroll. A DD Form 1408 (Armed Forces Traffic Ticket) and DD Form 2504 (Abandoned Vehicle Notice) was issued. No contact was made by person(s) unknown and the vehicle was towed by the Cp Carroll TMP to the Area IV impound lot for processing. Investigation continues by TAI.

This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOM-Korea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500 SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: Phone: DSN 738-3355 Fax: DSN 738-3356 E-mail: MorningCalmWeekly

S E N D S # 13-07

This past weekend I was informed by the combat wingman concept. Refer to our USFK Korean authorities of an alleged rape and assault Command Policy Letter #6, “Buddy System. by a US Soldier against an elderly woman — n The Curfew must be strictly followed and indeed a grandmother — as she was walking home enforced as directed in USFK Command Policy from work early Sunday morning #7, “General Order Regarding Offin downtown Seoul. USFK is fully Installation Curfew .” Curfew.” supporting the Korean authorities n I expect that off-limits area will be as they investigate this case, and clearly communicated and violations our strongest desire is that justice enforced throughout our formations. will be done. In this Alliance n I require that each Servicemember environment the criminal actions coming to the Peninsula be certified of one individual can have employing USFK Regulation 350-2 enormous negative strategic Training module which can be found under implications for all our forces the mandatory Theater Specific stationed in the Republic of Korea, Required T raining link. Training as well as for the Alliance itself. n I expect all leaders to implement Under Gen. B.B. Bell We believe this alleged crime the Oak Tree (UTOT) Counseling involved the consumption of procedures iaw USFK Policy Letter #2, alcohol, was perpetrated by a Soldier acting alone, Command Safety Safety.. and that the Soldier was almost surely a curfew Every Servicemember represents the United States. violator. It is vital that commanders and leaders The Korean people look to us to be Good Neighbors. at all levels review policies and re-energize their We cannot allow the reprehensible actions of even procedures for mitigating sexual assault and off- one individual to create a negative impression of duty misconduct. Americans as a whole in the minds of our Korean n I expect officer and NCO leaders to take hosts. Remember, you are an American Ambassador responsibility for our Servicemembers on and off- and your actions should always reflect positively on duty. We are accountable. all American. n I expect all Sevicemembers to understand We Go Together! they are Ambassadors for America and behave as appreciative guests in this wonderful land. I expect GEN B.B. Bell Servicememers to adhere to the buddy system and Commander, UNC/CFC/USFK

Guide to adoption in Korea By Capt. Su H. Kwak Client Legal Services

Expanding a family through adoption can be a rewarding and gratifying experience. Keep in mind, however, that inter-country adoptions can be costly and time consuming. The average cost of an inter-country adoption is $10,000 per child, and it may take up to three years before a child is placed with the adoptive family. Once the decision to adopt is made, there are several steps to follow: Contact an adoption agency. The adoption agency will assist in finding a suitable child for adoption. If using a Korean adoption agency, one of the

four adoption agencies approved by the Korean Ministry of Health and Social Welfare must be used. The approved agencies are Eastern Childwelfare Society, Inc. (http://; Holt Children’s Services, Inc. (; Korea Social Services (http://; and Social Welfare Society, Inc. (http:// If using a U.S. adoption agency, make sure to use one that works with one of the approved Korean agencies. Using a U.S. agency that works with an approved Korean agency will better ensure that the proper procedures for adoption are followed.

Morning Calm

Published by IMCOM-Korea

Installation Management Command-Korea Region Director/Publisher Public Affairs Officer Editors

Area I

Commander Public Affairs Officer CI Officer

Area II

The Morning Calm Weekly

Commander Public Affairs Officer CI Officer Staff Writer

Col. Forrest R. Newton Margaret Banish-Donaldson James F. Cunningham

Col. Ron Stephens Steve Davis David McNally Cpl. Lee Yang-won

Apply for a home study. Home studies evaluate the suitability of the potential family. These studies can take up to one year and may cost anywhere between $1,000 and $3,000. The following are guidelines of what is generally expected of the adoptive parents: The adoptive parents must be eligible to adopt under the laws of their country. The adoptive parents should have been married for at least three years. The adoptive parents should be between the ages of 25 and 44. The couple should not have

Printed by Oriental Press Bldg. 1440, Yongsan Main Post

Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way connected Brig. Gen. Al Aycock with the U.S. Government, under John A. Nowell exclusive written contract with the Contracting CommandSue Silpasornprasit Korea. The civilian printer is Andre Butler responsible for commercial Area III advertising. The appearance of Commander Col. Michael J. Taliento Jr. advertising in this publication, Public Affairs Officer Bob McElroy including inserts or supplements, CI Officer F. Neil Neeley does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or services Area IV advertised. Commander Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr. Everything advertised in this Public Affairs Officer Kevin Jackson publication shall be made CI Officer Galen Putnam available for purchase, use or Staff Writer Steven Hoover patronage without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin,

Sustain, Support and Defend

See A doption, Page 4

age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. President: Charles Chong Commercial Advertising Telephone: 738-5005 Fax: 02-793-5701 E-mail: [email protected] Mail address: Oriental Press, PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758

The Morning Calm Weekly


Jan. 19, 2007


AFSC donates money to area hospital By Andre Butler USFK F orce Force P rotection Advisory for Seoul FT A T alks FTA Talks The 6th round of the ROK-U.S. Free Trade Agreement talks will continue in Seoul, Namsan area at the Shilla Hotel through today. Members of the Korean Alliance Against the ROK-U.S> FTA, as well as various Farmer and Labor Unions, are expected to conduct large demonstrations during FTA discussions. Violence is anticipated. USFK personnel traveling to the Namsan area during this time should be aware of, and avoid all demonstrarions. Because a significant number of demonstrators will use public transportation to reach the FTA site, avoid mass transportation systems in the Namsan area from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. today. Department of Defense civilian employeesa, USFK invited contractors and technical representatives, and all USFK dependents are also encouraged to follow the guidance in this Force Protection Advisory. Credit Union at Camp Carroll changes hours

USA Federal Credit Union’s Camp Carroll Branch is now open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. AFN-K orea offers AFN-Korea e-mail service American Forces Network Korea offers an e-mail service entitled “What’s On Your AFN” allowing members to preview stories airing on AFN-Korea’s nightly newscast. Members receive a daily summary of that evening’s newscast and scheduled primetime shows, as well as a weekly summary of previously aired stories each Friday. To sign up, visit Membership is free and members may unsubscribe at any time. To sign up, visit

The money donated to the hospital went to buying a motorized self-dependant wheelchair, and a computerized respirator, SEOUL KOREA - The ventilator for patients. American Forces’ Spouses’ “We are very grateful for the donation, Club awarded Hangook and would like to extend our sincere thanks Guenyook-Byung Jadean 18 to the American Forces’ Spouses’ Club for million won at Yong-Dong their contribution,” said Dr. Moon. Jae Ho, Severance Spine Hospital in M.D., Yong Dong Severance Spine Hospital Seoul Jan. 10. superintendent. Moon is also the founder Hangook Gueyook-Byung of the Jadean organization. He modeled the is a non-profit volunteer program after the Jerry Lewis Muscular organization approved by the A B Ministers of Health and Cynthia Forrester, president of the AFSC, and Haing Dystrophy Foundation in the United Welfare, Republic of Korea. Jah Choi, chairwoman of AFSC Korean Welfare States, he said. Moon was awarded a scholarship from The institution provides help Projects, poses with two of the patients who will benefit for patients who suffer from AFSC’s donation to the Hangook Guenyook-Byung the Lewis foundation to attend college in the U.S. This is what inspired him to muscular dystrophy, a Jadean. The club donated 18 million won. establish a program for patients who hereditary disease which otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford proper treatment, said Moon. eventually leads to muscle deterioration in the patient’s “We enjoy supporting the local community,” said Cynthia body. The spouses club donated the money to buy equipment Forrester, president of the AFSC. “And we hope to demonstrate that, in some instances, could mean the difference between through our giving that we really care about them and their well-being. It is such a rewarding feeling being able to volunteer life and death for some of the patients. “If the money contributed would help extend the life your time and effort to helping others,” she added. AFSC is the organization that operates the “Chosun Gift of one of these children for only a few more days, it would Shop” on South Post here. Profits from the gift shop’s operations be well spent and very much appreciated,” said Haing are how AFSC raises its funds for the donations given to various Jah Choi, volunteer chairwoman of the AFSC Korean organizations and programs throughout military and local Welfare Projects. “And the equipment purchased would give them this communities. chance,” she said. See AFSC AFSC, Page 4

IMCOM Public Affairs



Legion of Merit for ROK general Marine Lt. Gen. Kim, Myung-Kyun, the former ROK Marine Corps Commandant, speaks after Marine Lt. Gen. John Goodman, the commanding general, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific, presented him with the Legion of Merit Medal at an award’s ceremony on ROK Marine Corps Headquarters, Baran, ROK on Jan. 11. Kim was awarded this medal for displaying exceptional leadership and diplomacy in facilitating the expansion of the Combined Marine Forces Command’s role in the defense of the ROK as Commandant, ROK Marine Corps from May 2005 until April 2006.


TMCW Submissions Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries, story submissions and other items for inclusion in The Morning Calm Weekly to: [email protected]. Submissions may also be mailed to our offices at: The Morning Calm Weekly c/o IMA-KORO Public Affairs Unit #15742 APO AP 96205-5742 All items should be submitted by close of business the Friday prior to the publication date. Include a point of contact name and telephone number with all submitted items. For information, call 738-3355.

Peninsula-wide Tax Centers open for 2007 season Area I OIC: Capt. Stacy Cohen Camp Casey at Maude Hall, Bldg 2440, Suite 241 Phone: 730-3598 Opens: Feb. 1 Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m. 5p.m.; Thursday 1 - 8 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Closed Sundays, Mondays and holidays and training holidays Camp Red Cloud mobile tax center Location: Freeman Hall Opens: March 1 Tuesdays only 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Camp Stanley mobile tax center Location: Bldg 2305 Opens: March 1 Wednesdays only 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Area II OIC: Capt. Denise O’Connell Yongsan Main Post at Moyer Community

Activities Center (bus terminal), room 113 Phone: 725-1040 Opens: Jan. 31 – May 10 (opens at 4 p.m. after ceremony) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Thursday from 1-6 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.; Closed Sundays and holidays and training holidays Area III OIC: Capt. Brian Tomasovic Camp Humphreys at Bldg S-262 (across from CAC, next to Red Cross) Phone: 753-3905/3904 Open: Jan. 25 – May 20 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Thursday by appointment only; Saturday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Closed Sundays, holidays and training holidays Area IV OIC: Capt. Eric Christeson Camp Henry at Bldg 1805 (building shared

with CPAC and the Legal Assistance Office) Phone: 768-6680 Open: Jan. 31- June 15 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.; Thursday 1- 5:30 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Closed Sundays, holidays and training holidays Camp Carroll at Bldg T-125 Phone: 765-7136 Open: Jan. 31 – June 15 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Thursday 1- 4:30 p.m.; Closed Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and training holidays Osan Air Base POC:Tech Sgt. Boyce Bldg 788, Rm 26 Call 784-8935 for more information Kunsan Air Base Bldg 755, 3rd Floor Appointment only Call 782-1250


Jan. 19, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

Bell I will personally state that this objective has been achieved also. LG DACOM negotiated with USFK in good faith, and we achieved an agreeable solution — one that conforms to Korean law, while not disadvantaging you — our servicemembers and civilian employees. I appreciate the cooperative and good faith efforts of LG DACOM for working with and helping us come to a reasonable conclusion. After June 1, 2007 newly assigned personnel who desire to use VoIP services will be required to seek VoIP services from authorized Korean registered companies. Our local AAFES concessionaries will also provide registered VoIP services at comparable prices of popular U.S.-based VoIP providers.


children (including the child to be adopted). The income of the couple combined should be higher than the national U.S. average, thereby ensuring that the potential family is financially able to raise the child. In addition, the adoption agencies will also take into consideration the family’s attitude and beliefs about parenting a child of another race and the effect that becoming an interracial family may have on your immediate and extended families. Begin the immigration visa process. It is important to do this as early as possible to ensure that the child will qualify for an immigration visa. File petitions for approval with the U.S. Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration. Once those petitions are approved, an immigration visa with the American Embassy in Seoul may be applied for. Once the documents are completed, a consular office will conduct a final immigration visa interview. At that interview, have the following documents: Notification by the BCIS of approval; the final adoption decree or proof of custody from the foreign government; the child’s birth certificate; the child’s passport (from the country of the child’s nationality) ; a completed and signed medical examination report; photographs of the child; and Visa application. Bring the child home. Generally, adoptive parents do not have to travel to Korea pick up an adopted child.

AFSC The spouses club is also the largest contributor to organizations throughout the peninsula, Forrester said. Choi and Forrester agreed that raising money to donate would be a very difficult task without the gift shop. “There are other things that we could do to raise money,” said Forrester. “And at times our organization host such events, but it would be almost impossible to give the amounts of money that we contribute if it wasn’t for this shop,” she said. Although financing

from Page 1 The level of service will also be the same. The following companies are all registered to offer VoIP services here in Korea: Korea Telecom-KT, Hanaro Telecom, LG DACOM, SK Telinks, EPN, Dreamline and Onse Telecom. I emphasize, it is very important that sponsors, the chain of commands and command information outlets give notice to inbound USFK servicemembers, their families and civilian employees, who are scheduled to arrive here after June 1, that if they have plans on using VoIP services, they should contract only with Korean authorized and registered companies. Again, these services will be offered at prices comparable to those currently enjoyed by users who are using popular U.S.-based VoIP providers.

from Page 2 Most adopted children leave Korea through foster care with a U.S. adoption agency affiliated with one of the government licensed adoption agencies. The adoption agency will process the case in Korea and arrange for escort and transportation of the child to the United States. After the child arrives in the U.S., the adoption agency will coordinate followup visits in six-month intervals to file reports with the Korean Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The adopted child must live in the US for one year before the adoption becomes final. Two years after entering the US, the adopted child may become a naturalized US citizen. Active-duty military, may be eligible for reimbursement of adoption expenses up to $2,000 per child and $5,000 per family per year as long as your adoption was arranged through a non-profit agency. Contact Information. For more information, contact the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Korea directly at the following address and telephone number: Population & Children’s Policy Anyang Construction Tower 3rd Fl. 1112-1 Dalan Dong, Tongan Gu, Anyang Tel: +82-31-440-9654 In Yongsan, the client legal services office is located in the Army Community Services Building, Bldg. 4106. Call DSN 738-8111 for more information.

from Page 3 their organization is important, it’s only one aspect of the overall concept these two women personally possess. “The idea of helping others is nice, not to mention it’s the right thing to do,” said Choi. “Seeing the smile it puts on the children’s faces, because of our involvement, makes me very happy.” “And I also think by providing the way we are makes all of our commitment and hard work worthwhile,” she said.

Jan. 19, 2007

Page 5

Area I celebrates King’s “Dream” By Jim Cunningham

Medallion for his exceptional advancement of the principles of human liberty,” Hawkins said. “Freedom is one thing. You have it all or you CAMP RED CLOUD—Warriors and civilians are not free,” King said in his acceptance speech. celebrated the vision and public life of Dr. Martin In 1966, the Planned Parenthood Federation Luther King Jr., Jan. 12 with a ceremony of of America awarded King the Margaret Sanger remembrance at the Camp Red Cloud Theater. “Dr. King is one of our nation’s greatest Award for “his courageous resistance to bigotry leaders,” said Col. Kevin Hawkins, United States and his lifelong dedication to the advancement Forces Korea resource management director and of social justice and human dignity. In 1971, King was awarded the Grammy guest speaker. “For the 15 or 16 years that he Award for Best Spoken Word recording for his was on the nation’s stage he moved our nation ‘Why I Oppose the War in Vietnam.’ further along in civil rights than any other time King is the second most admired person in in our nation’s history.” the 20th In 1953, at the age century, of 24, King became “At 34 King led the march on Washington according to pastor of the Dexter D.C., and gave the ever famous ‘I Have a a Gallup Poll. Av e n u e Baptist Church, in Dream’ speech,” Hawkins said. “His K i n g w a s voted sixth Montgomery, Ala. speech was voted the second best speech in in the Person Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa the our nation’s history; with the ‘Gettysburg o f Parks was arrested Century Poll for refusing to Address’ being the first. At 35 King was by TIME comply with the Jim the youngest person ever to receive the Nobel m a g a zine. Crow laws that H e was Peace Prize.” required her to give e l e c t e d the up her seat to a white Col. Kevin Hawkins, USFK resource management third greatest man. dir ector and guest speaker director speaker.. American of The Montgomery all time by Bus boycott, led by the American public in a contest conducted by King, soon followed. The boycott lasted for 382 the Discovery Channel and America on Line. days. The situation became so tense that King’s “It took 15 years to get this date recognized. house was bombed. He was arrested during the campaign, which ended with a U.S. Supreme There was a lot of debate on both sides; should Court decision outlawing racial segregation on a d a y b e c a l l e d s e p a r a t e t o r e c o g n i z e h i s all public transport. Thus began the legend and a c h i e v e m e n t s , ” H a w k i n s s a i d . “ I t w a s controversial in taking away President’s Day to legacy of King’s career. “King authored many books and is one of the accommodate it. It was controversial about how most profound authors ever known,” Hawkins much it would cost. Others said he was not deserving; Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, said. A m o n g K i n g ’s m a n y w o r k s a r e h i s the day itself, not necessarily patriotic, not autobiography, The Autobiography of Martin n e c e s s a r i l y r e l i g i o u s , n o t l i k e L a b o r D a y, Luther King Jr. by Martin Luther King Jr. and Memorial Day, and Veteran’s Day when you Clayborne Carson, Stride toward freedom; the rather have a feeling you can grab. But we are Montgomery Story (1958), The Measure of a here to put a slightly different twist on this day.” The popular mantra of Martin Luther King Day Man (1959), Strength of Love (1963), Why We is a day on, not a day off, explained Hawkins. Can’t Wait (1964), Where do we go from here: Chaos or community?(1967), The Trumpet of “Dr. King once said that men often hate because t h e y f e a r e a c h o t h e r, t h e y f e a r e a c h o t h e r Conscience (1968). “At 34 King led the march on Washington because they don’t know each other, and they D.C. and gave the ever famous ‘I Have a Dream’ don’t know each other because they don’t speech,” Hawkins said. “His speech was voted communicate. They don’t communicate because the second best speech in our nation’s history; they are separate. The word prejudice itself with the ‘Gettysburg Address’ being the first.” means to damage by prejudging. I will tell you King organized and led marches for blacks’ from all that I have heard about Dr. King, even right to vote, desegregation, labor rights and though it is important for us to touch base on other basic civil rights. Most of these rights were his accomplishments, it is also important I think successfully enacted into U.S. law with the on this day to continue his dream.” In late March 1968, King went to Memphis, passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Tenn. in support of the black sanitary public Voting Rights Act of 1965. King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial works employees who had been on strike since during the 1963 March on Washington, D.C. for March 12 for higher wages and better treatment. April 3 King returned to Memphis and addressed jobs and freedom. At 35 King was the youngest person ever to a r a l l y, d e l i v e r i n g h i s “ I ’ v e b e e n t o t h e receive the Nobel Peace Prize. Also, in 1977 Mountaintop” address. King was assassinated at 6:01 p.m. April 4, President Jimmy Carter gave King posthumously 1968 on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in the Medal of Freedom. “Not only did King win the 1964 Nobel Peace Memphis, Tenn. He was pronounced dead at St. Prize, in 1965, the American Jewish Committee Joseph’s Hospital at 7:05 p.m. The assassination presented King with the American Liberties led to a nationwide wave of riots in more than Area I Public Affairs


Col. Kevin Hawkins, USFK resource management director, gives Martin Luther King Jr., Day speech in Camp Red Cloud’s theater Jan. 12.



Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. attends a meeting on civil rights with then President Lyndon Johnson. 60 cities. Five days later, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a national day of mourning for the lost civil rights leader. A crowd of 300,000 attended his funeral that same day. “To me, Martin Luther King Day gives people an opportunity to reflect and learn about different cultures,” Hawkins said. “Dr. King preached the more you know someone the less different they look to you. Sometimes you have to force yourself to get out of your comfort zone and force yourself to deal with folks that may have different views or may come from different cultures.” E-mail [email protected]

Jan.19, 2007


Area I

The Morning Calm Weekly

AFTB Level I Class Army Community Service Army Family Team Building Instructor Course will be held Jan. 22 to 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Camp Camp Casey. For more information call 732-7314. AFTB Professional Development Class Army Community Service Army Family Team Building Professional Development class will be held Jan. 26 from 10 a.m. to Noon at Camp Casey Education Center, Room 3. For more information call: 7327314. Mitchell’s Club Closing Mitchell’s Club will be closed all day Jan. 22. For more information call: 732-8189. Camp Casey Community Activities Center Closing Due to safety concerns (painting and repairs) as well as preparation for the upcoming Korea-wide BOSS Forum from Jan. 30 to Feb. 2 at Camp Casey CAC, the CAC will be temporarily closed until Jan. 23. Free Child Care Service Free child care service is now offered at the Camp Red Cloud Coffee House, next to the Community Bank, during church services every Sunday. DoD Outreach Awards For information on all DoD outreach awards for fiscal year 2007 write to [email protected] Love is also POC for the awards and can be reached via e-mail address at: [email protected] or by phone: 703-607-1979. Superbowl Monday at Mitchell’s Club Mitchell’s Club doors will open at 6 a.m. Monday Feb. 5 for Superbowl. Breakfast plates will be $4.95 which includes orange juice, coffee, tea, eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast. There will be free prizes throughout the game.A$100AAFES gift certificate will be given to the person guessing closest to the final score. EEO Reasonable Accommodation Training Reasonable Accommodation Training will be offered Feb. 7, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Camp Red Cloud Community Services Building, Conference Room. The training will be offered at Camp Casey Feb 14 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Camp Casey CAC. For more information: 732-7120. Donnie McClurkin Show Morale, Welfare and Recreation will present the Donnie McClurkin Show Jan. 27 at the CRC Fitness Center at 7 p.m. and at Hanson Field House on Camp Casey Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. For more information call: 730-6882. MWR Bears Town Ski Trip The Bears Town Ski Trip will depart all Community Activity Centers Jan. 27. For times and information call 730-6882. .


An appreciative family in need smiles after new toilet, computer and furniture are installed in their home.

Sgt. Maj. Assoc., AMC lend assistance By Jim Cunningham Area I Public Affairs

UIJEONGBU—To quote Charles Dickens, “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” This is certainly the case when members of the Area I Sergeant’s Major Association and the Second Infantry Divisions S e rg e a n t A u d i e M u r p h y C l u b donated personal time and money to help a family living in poverty. “During a recent visit to the Uijeongbu community by the Area I and 2ID spouses Nov. 29, a family

was identified by Cindy Newton, wife of Col. Forrest Newton, Area I garrison commander, as needing assistance,” said Kil, Kwang-Chun, Area I community relations officer. “Materials and gifts to include a new computer with monitor, desk, and construction of a new toilet were donated by the organizations to strengthen the relationship with the community.” Although the volunteers from both clubs went to the residence, constructed, and installed the items, more volunteers were

involved before the action took place. “Detailed plans and projects were pre-fabricated under the supervision of the Area I Directorate of Public Wo r k s w h o a l s o h a d w o r k e r s sacrifice nonduty hours to the success of the project,” Kil said. “This is only a small token of our continued support and friendship, and we are proud to share our hearts and hospitality this Christmas season,” Newton said. E-mail [email protected]

Students send C ds to W arriors Chhristmas car cards Warriors By Margaret Banish-Donaldson Area I Public Affairs

CAMP RED CLOUD — The holiday season can be a time of cheer, but often it is tough for many military service members. Tabitha Gentry, librarian from Natalia High School, along with the faculty, decided to have their students make homemade Christmas cards and send them to Soldiers in Korea. “During the holiday season there’s no better way to lift the troops’ spirits than to send them cards and letters carrying warm wishes from home, Gentry said.. “It’s a time when we can come together to celebrate the season, to thank you in person for the sacrifices you make every day of the year.” Gentry was in the Army from 1995-1998. Her first duty station was at Camp Casey, Korea. She said she remembered how it felt to be without her family during the holidays. Her husband is a sergeant in the Army too, but is


Soldiers from Area I Headquarters and Headquarters Company, receive Christmas cards from Natalia School students, and take time to write thank-you letters back to them during their lunch time. fortunate to be stateside this holiday they did all this stuff for us and that season. they care and I can’t really say Area I Headquarters and enough because it really makes me Headquarters Company Soldiers took feel good,” said Spc. Garry Beniquez, time to write thank you letters to all HHC, Area I. the students in grades 1 through 12. “It makes me feel very glad that E-mail [email protected]

Area I Area I gives motorcycle safety briefing

Jan. 19, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

By Jim Cunningham Area I Public Affairs


Tim Ah Young-Shelton gives motorcycle safety briefing in the Camp Casey theater Dec. 20.

CAMP CASEY—Every young boy and eventually young man looks at the rakish motorcycle and sees potential adventure, and to most, a sense of unbridled freedom. Such thoughts have occurred in most young minds even before the age of motor vehicles when eyeing a graceful stallion. Some of these adventurous boys and men only see the romantic side of riding what today is perhaps the most powerful vehicle on public roads. The simple looking motorcycle belies its secret in the mechanic’s art of design and function, hiding the fact that to operate safely requires vigorous training, both classroom and hands on. For these reasons and recent accidents involving untrained Soldiers on motorcycles, 2nd Infantry Division Safety Manager Mike Wood invited Tim Ah Young-Shelton, IMCOM-Korea Deputy safety director for Motorcycle Safety Awareness Training, and Scott Steuerwald, Cape Fox Professional Services/IMCOMKorea ATSTP instructor to Camp Casey to brief 2ID motorcycle operators, particularly prospective operators before they returned to the U.S. on leave to ride or purchase a motorcycle, on the proper training and risk awareness in riding motorcycles. “This briefing includes everything the new rider and experienced riders need to be aware of: training requirements, protective equipment, risks involved in riding motorcycles, and a review of recent accidents


and fatalities,” Young-Shelton said. “Area I has the capabilities to at least support a part-time Motorcycle Safety Foundation program.” The trio of instructors agreed that it is necessary and possible for Area I to have its own motorcycle safety course. “This will take several weeks with dedicated support to accomplish, so we cannot start tomorrow, but could be ready prior to the coming spring,” Wood said. “We have more than 60 Soldiers in attendance today,” Steuerwald said. “The majority of Soldiers here own motorcycles and plan to ride when they return stateside.” Many Soldiers attending the briefing own motorcycles and do not have the proper training. “Fully 30 percent of the Soldiers in attendance who own motorcycles do not have current Motorcycle Safety Foundation credentials,” Wood said. “We should conduct similar training on a regular basis.” The two-hour briefing brought the facts involved in riding safely and the respect for the training needed in Area I. “As 2ID Safety Manager I will seek permission and support for 2ID command group to allow IMCOM-Korea and the ATSTP instructor to prepare a MSF training facility in Area I,” Wood said. E-mail [email protected]

Year-end concer t enter tains Warriors By Jim Cunningham

Area I Public Affairs

CAMP CASEY—What happens in Seoul does not always stay in Seoul. Especially when the Gang Nam Symphony Orchestra, Samulnori folk drum and dance group, Electric String Quartet, B-boy dance group with a rock band decide to entertain Warriors in Area I as well as the Soldiers in Seoul. “This is an idea that came from the 8th U.S. Army,” said Lt. Col. Terry Hodges, Casey garrison commander. “The Gang Nam district in Seoul, probably the most influential and

richest district in Seoul, normally has a concert for Soldiers in the Seoul area. They wanted to take the concert to where the largest concentrations of Soldiers are here in Area I.” The Gang Nam Symphony Orchestra performed the suite from Westside Story by Leonard Bernstein, My Way written by Paul Anka, The Stars and Stripes Forever by John Phillip Sousa, and Arirang Variations by Kim Hak Kwon. The orchestra’s performance was followed by a performance of traditional Korean drum and dance music, Kwang Myung, performed by the group

Samulnori. Their rhythm and dance moves are well known and performed by groups around the globe. With even more visual effects and moves, the Electric String Quartet performed works by Runa that included stage fog and flames rising from the stage floor. Many in the audience were thrilled with the performances. “This is a great opportunity for Soldiers in Area I to get a look at truly great entertainment from the best in Korea,” said Lt. Col. Todd Goehler, 2nd Infantry Division. E-mail [email protected]


The Gang Nam Symphony Orchestra performs the music of Bernstein, Paul Anka, Sousa and Burns for troops in Carey Fitness Center during the 2006 Year-End Concert Dec. 28.

Jan.19, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly

Jan. 19, 2007

Page 9

Area II community honors Martin Luther King Jr. By Pfc. Jung Jae-hoon Area II Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON — About 400 Area II community members celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. birthday Sunday at the South Post Chapel. The ceremony began with a vigil march from Collier Field House to South Post Chapel. At the chapel, participants presented various performances to honor the slain civil rights leader. “This day is to celebrate a life of a true American hero who stood for justice, equality and fairness,” said Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity member Spencer Walton. “We wanted to unify the community in celebration of his life and his achievements.” The Seoul American Elementary Choir sang. Seoul American Middle School and High School students read poetry to show appreciation for what King did. Spc. Kristal Hadley from 18th Medical Command sang “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” which was said to be King’s favorite song. Seoul American Middle School student Taylor MacGee sang “Precious Lord,” which was sung at King’s funeral. Seoul American High School student Sean Brown gave a mime performance called “Order My Footsteps.” “All the performances were to renew awareness of what Martin Luther King




Hundreds of Area II community members march from Collier Field House to South Post Chapel Sunday to honor Martin Luther King. Jr.

Above: Area II Equal Opportunity Advisor Sgt. 1st Class Myra Watson gives opening remarks. Left: The Seoul American Middle School choir sings “Martin Luther” and “Free at Last.”

See King King, Page 12

King commemoration calls people to action By Pfc. Kim Sang-wook Area II Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON — More than 250 Area II community members gathered to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 12 at the Multipurpose Training Facility. The U.S. Army Troop Command-Korea organized the event with various presentations. “We observe and celebrate Martin Luther King Holiday so that we can educate, bring awareness and honor the late great Dr. King’s personal sacrifices, achievements, and accomplishments,” said USATC Korea Equal Opportunity Advisor Sgt. 1st Class Desiree Tomlinson. “His struggle was not only for blacks, but for minorities to be treated equal in what was a racially torn America, back in those days.” Martin Luther King Day is an American holiday marking the birthday. It is the only United States federal holiday commemorating an African American and individual person. For one of the main events, Seoul American High School Senior Sean Brown mimed “Order My Footsteps” showing Dr. King’s struggle for equity of human rights. Master Sgt. Johnny Williams recited the historic “I Have a Dream” speech.

See Commemoration Commemoration, Page 12

Master Sgt. Johnny Williams recites the famous “I have a Dream” speech Jan. 12 at the Multipurpose Training Facility.


More than 250 Soldiers gather for the commemoration.



Seoul American High School student Sean Brown gave a mime performance called “Order My Footsteps.”


Jan. 19, 2007

Area II servicemembers Sweep Top Prizes Three Are II servicemmebrs won big with the Army and Air Force Exchange Service JVC Sweepstakes. Area II Commander Col. Ron Stephens and AAFES General Manager Ron Daugherty will make presentations 4:30 p.m. Friday. „The grand prize, with $7,000 value, is a trip to the 2007 JVC Newport Jazz Festival. Capt. Danielle Sim was the winner. „Master Sgt Andrew Bradford took first prize with a $3,800 61-inch HDiLA 1080p PTV, with rack, receiver, „ Third prize went to Maj. Jay Cha with a $549 Everio G Digital 20 GB HDD Camcorder with DVD burner. The top prizes all went to Area II servicemembers, with the exception of the second prize, which went to a servicemember at Camp Foster, Okinawa. Visitor Center Closure The Gate 20 Visitor Center will close through Feb. 16 for renovations. Visitors should sign in at Gates 5, 10, or 17. Gate 20 is still open for SOFA vehicles and pedestrians. Gas Station Closure Army and Air Force Exchange Service officials plan to close the Yongsan Gas Station Feb. 6-7 for underground pumps and pipe work.The station has been undergoing a complete renovation to install pay-at-the-pump capabilities since late December. Volunteer Ceremony Area II Army Community Service will host the Volunteer recognition ceremony 3 p.m. Jan. 18 at the Community Services Building. For information, call 738-7510.

Area II Illegal U-turns prove dangerous

The Morning Calm Weekly

By David McNally Area II Public Affairs

SEOUL — Seoul officials implemented a new center bus lane near Yongsan Garrison and Camp Kim in early December. Drivers soon found access to Camp Kim dramatically changed. Three December traffic accidents involving U.S. servicemembers and civilians resulted from illegal U-turns. Normal access to “A one-ton car Camp Kim will always and the Seoul lose to a 10-ton USO has been through a bus.” legal U-turn —Jeff Hyska after leaving Yongsan Garrison Gate 1. The city implementation of a center bus lane removed the U-turn. By making an illegal U-turn, drivers put themselves and others at risk. If drivers take the turn, they may put themselves in the path of a speeding bus. “A one-ton car will always lose to a 10-ton bus,” said Area II Safety Officer Jeff Hyska. “People need to follow the marked alternate routes.” There are two new ways to get to Camp Kim. “One possible route is to exit Camp Coiner Gate 20, and take a left at the next intersection and another left at the Hangangno intersection near Sook


Seoul officials display multiple warning against a U-turn at the Namyoung Subway Station intersection. One sign even displays where to make a left turn, followed by three right turns. Myung Women’s University,” said Area II Community Relations Officer An Chang-sin.said. “But, there could be traffic delays with this route.” An said the second possible route is going through the Samgakji intersection, over the overpass, taking a right turn at the next intersection and traveling to the Namyeong Subway Station and taking another right turn. “This is the route I would recommend,” An said. “Two right turns would be easier in heavy traffic.”

New elementary school drop-off lane opens

New Operating Hours The following Army and Air Force Exchange facilities have new operating hours: „Hannam Village Food Court 12 - 8 p.m. Monday-Saturday Closed Sunday „Hannam Village Post Exchange Closed Monday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 12-9 p.m., Friday-Saturday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday „Yongsan Car Care Center 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and closed Thursday and Sunday.

A Korean contractor installs a fence to separate the drop-off lane and the school sidewalk.

SOFA License Plates SOFA license plate charges are now: „Regular license plates $8 „Motorcycles $3 „Temporary plates $4.75 Area II Web Site For more community notes, news and information, visit the Area II Web site at

The new city bus lane will also affect the U-turn to return to Yongsan Garrison Gate 1 from Camp Kim. There is no longer a legal U-turn at the Samgakji intersection. “To get back to Yongsan from Camp Kim, I recommend taking a left at the Samgakji intersection and traveling to either Gate 7 or 8,” An said. “You will be taking your life into your own hands if you make an illegal U-turn into the bus lane,” An said. E-mail [email protected]




Workers complete a new Seoul American Elementary School drop-off lane Jan. 12. The project will increase safety and help with traffic flow during peak hours, officials said.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Area II

Jan. 19, 2007


Soldiers prepare tax center By David McNally Area II Public Affairs

IRS trains Soldiers for Jan. 31 opening


Sgt. Joshua Bell (left) and Spc. Lodrick Lawrence complete a computer exercise during Internal Revenue Service training Jan. 10 at the Yongsan Tax Center.

YONGSAN GARRISON — The Yongsan Tax Center is almost ready to open for business. Thirteen Area II Soldiers and four civilian volunteers completed Internal Revenue Service training Jan. 8-12. “This has been a good group of people to work with,” said IRS trainer Elizabeth Skiba. “They are interested and very computer literate.” Skiba traveled from Jackson, Miss. to give training to future tax preparers in Areas I and II. “Overall, I’ve been impressed with how quickly our staff has picked up on the tax training,” said Yongsan Tax Center Officer-in-Charge Capt. Denise O’Connell. In 2006, the Yongsan Tax Center processed more than 3,600 federal and state income tax returns with more than $3.7 million refunded. “Our goal is to beat last year’s benchmark,” O’Connell said. Perhaps the biggest advantage to using the tax center is the cost. “There’s no charge,” she said. “It’s a totally free service.” The center will be open Jan. 31 to May 10 at the Moyer Community

Activity Center, Room 113. Tax preparation services are available for all U.S. servicemembers, civilian employees and family members. “In some cases, we can help contractors, but only if their contract specifies tax preparation services,” O’Connell said. For the Soldiers, the job of tax preparer is in addition to their regular jobs. Spc. Justin Cauthen is normally a medic with the 121st Combat Support Hospital. “This training is tough,” he said. “It’s more complicated than I thought it would be.” Sgt. Joshua Bell, normally a mechanic, said he would be assigned to the tax center for nearly half his tour of duty in Korea. O’Connell said many customers do not need an appointment. “It depends on each individual,” she said. “If it’s a Soldier with just a W-2 and nothing else, the Soldier can use our walkin service and the process is very fast.” Add in the complexity of stock market transactions, capital gains and property, and the process will take more time and require an appointment, she said. There will be a grand opening ceremony and cake cutting at the new center 3 p.m. Jan. 31. For information, call 725-1040. E-mail [email protected]


Jan. 19, 2007

About 400 Area II community members attend a Martin Luther King Jr. event.Sunday at South Post Chapel.

Area II


King Jr., stood for, what he stands for today,” said Delta Sigma Theta Sorority member Celeste Wilkerson. “I hope it has helped the people to get rid of prejudice and live by his standards.” Wilkerson said the poem “Box of Crayons” by Aaron Watson was an inspiring portrait of how King wanted all Americans to interact with each other. “I thought it was an awesome experience seeing the boys and girls participate and celebrate the life of a great American,” said Area II Equal

from Page 9 Opportunity Sgt. 1st Class Myra Watson. “It was also a very moving tribute to Coretta Scott King, wife of Martin Luther King Jr. and also a monumental person in efforts to support equality.” Watson said people should always remember, celebrate and act. It’s a day on, not a day off. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. coordinated the ceremony to remember and commemorate.

Commemoration “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood,” Williams recited. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” The speech became the landmark of the civil right movement in America. Command Sgt. Maj. Preston Mingo, Commandant of Wightman Noncommissioned Officer Academy and

from Page 9 Korean Augmentation to The United States Army Training Academy, spoke of his appreciation for King. “Some of you may not have been born during the time of this great leader,” Mingo said. “But he was a dedicated leader to wake the conscience of America.” King, the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize winner and America’s leading proponent of nonviolence in the civil rights struggle, was assassinated in 1968. The theme of the commemoration was “Remember! Celebrate! Act! A day on … not a day off!”

Visit the Area II Web site for more community information http://ar ea2.kor .mil http://area2.kor

The Morning Calm Weekly

Jan. 19, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly


Army Program Enables Wounded Warrior to Serve Again By Elaine Wilson Fort Sam Houston Public Affairs

FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas – Jorge DeLeon may have lost a leg in the war, but he never lost a desire to serve his country. Two years after his military aspirations were crushed by an anti-tank mine, DeLeon is back in Army service - this time as a Department of Defense civilian. The former sergeant is the second civil service employee hired at Fort Sam Houston through the Army Wounded Warrior Program, and the first amputee. The program, dubbed AW2, is designed for Soldiers severely wounded in the Global War on Terrorism. AW2 provides information and assistance to aid Soldiers and their families through the recovery process and beyond, from medical evacuation to reintegration into the work force. “We continue to work closely with managers to locate employment opportunities at Fort Sam Houston that match the skills of the many wounded warriors in our area,” said Sharon Ferguson, director of the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center here. “Commanders and managers are encouraged to use all available tools to provide employment opportunities for these courageous Soldiers.” DeLeon, the newest edition to the Fort Sam Houston Police Department, is now at work as a radio operator. “I’m very happy to be working here,” DeLeon said. “I’m not doing exactly what I want, but it’s close.” DeLeon would have preferred to remain a Soldier. The 33-year-old joined in 2001 after eight years on the police force in Puerto Rico. He deployed four times in five years; however, he wasn’t injured until the last. The former infantryman deployed to Afghanistan

in April 2004, with the 25th Infantry out of Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Just a few weeks in country, DeLeon and his unit were on their way back to camp after a patrol through the region. DeLeon was driving a Humvee, the lead vehicle of the convoy. As they neared the camp, the sergeant noticed a strange sight, a funeral in progress in the middle of the desert, not far from the entrance to the base. “Usually, no one is out there. But, that day, there were more than 50 people at a funeral. I immediately thought something was wrong.” DeLeon told the lieutenant in the Humvee his suspicions, and at that moment, the Humvee ran over an anti-tank mine. “It was like slow motion,” he said. “The Humvee lifted about 12 feet in the air before it fell.” The dashboard crushed DeLeon to his seat. His fellow Soldiers raced to pull him out. As he lay on the ground, he felt no pain - until he looked down. The bone on his left leg protruded from his skin. His right leg was gone. “Then the pain hit me. I was conscious the whole time. On the way to the hospital, all I could think about was my wife and kids,” said the father of three children ages 5, 3 and 1. “I didn’t want to die.” Having taken the full brunt of the mine, DeLeon was the only one injured in the explosion. He underwent a long, painful recovery at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in D.C. His desire to stay in the Army and the support of his family kept him on the path to recovery. He finished his treatment and was soon on his way back to Schofield Barracks to join his unit - under one condition. He had to pass a PT test.

Fitted with the latest in prosthesis, a computercontrolled leg, DeLeon could walk, bike, drive, do just about anything - but run. Despite extensive running training at Brooke Army Medical Center, he was unable to pass the test and was medically retired in March. “I really loved the Army, loved the pride of the infantry,” DeLeon said. “I’m able to do anything in my mind and heart, but my disability prevents me from doing it all.” Disappointed his military dream was over, DeLeon turned to a former passion - law enforcement. An eight-year veteran of the force prior to the military, DeLeon tapped into his experience and applied for a job with the police department at Fort Sam Houston. Between his military and police experience, disability aside, DeLeon was a perfect fit. He started working as a radio operator last month. “He’s doing a fine job,” said Master Sgt. Troy Brumley, DeLeon’s supervisor. “His background in law enforcement is a real asset. If we get a few more like him, we won’t turn them down.” Ferguson said she’ll continue to encourage wounded warriors to apply. “We’re pleased with our success thus far, but recognize there are many more positions that can be filled with wounded warriors,” she said. “Our experience is the brave warriors with whom we have worked truly exemplify the AW2 vision: ‘Our Wounded Warriors and their families are self sufficient, contributing members of our community; living and espousing the Warrior Ethos knowing our Army and Nation remembers their selfless sacrifice.’”

Jan. 19, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly

JAN. 19-25

Deck The Hall (PG) 8:30 p.m.

Deja Vu (PG13) 8:35 p.m.

Deck The Hall (PG) 8:30 p.m.

Casino Royale (PG13) 7:30 p.m.

Deck The Hall (PG) 7:30 p.m.

Man Of The Year (PG13) 7:30 p.m.

Casino Royale (PG13) 7:30 p.m.

Borat (R) 7 p.m. Let’s Go To Prison (R) 9 p.m. Deja Vu (PG13) 7 p.m. Eragon (PG) 9:30 p.m.

Casino Royale (PG13) 7 p.m. Let’s Go To Prison (R) 9 p.m. Deck The Hall (PG) 7 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 9:00 p.m.

Let’s Go To Prison (R) 7 p.m. Let’s Go To Prison (R) 9 p.m. Let’s Go To Prison (R) 7 p.m. Eragon (PG) 8:30 p.m.

Stranger Than Fiction

No Show . Deja Vu (PG13) 9 p.m. Deja Vu (PG13) 7 p.m. No Show

No Show

No Show

The Prestige (PG13) 9:30 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 7 p.m. No Show

The Prestige (PG13) 9:30 p.m. Let’s Go To Prsion (R) 7 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 8 p.m.

Deja Vu — After the success of the 2004 Man on Fire, director Tony Scott and Denzel Washington teamed up once again--this time alongside high-powered producer Jerry Bruckheimer--to deliver this bigbudget spectacle of an action picture set in post-Katrina New Orleans. The city is delivered another crushing blow when a ferry explodes, killing over 500 innocent citizens. Only this time, nature wasn’t the cause of the tragedy. Enter ATF officer Doug Carlin (Washington), who is recruited by a newly formed FBI unit (headed by Val Kilmer) to help track down the killer (a Timothy McVeigh-esque Jim Caviezel). When a body is found floating in the river, it is determined that the victim was murdered before the ferry blast occurred. Unfortunately, the victim was the impossibly beautiful Claire Kuchever (Paula Patton), whose death has begun to torment Carlin.


Flushed Away — From DreamWorks Animation and Aardman Features, the teams behind the Oscar-winning hits "Shrek" and "Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit," comes the computeranimated comedy "Flushed Away." Blending Aardman's trademark style and characterizations with DreamWorks' state-of-the-art computer animation, the film marks a unique new look for the artform. In this new comedy set on and beneath the streets of London, Roddy St. James (Hugh Jackman) is a pampered pet mouse who thinks he's got it made. But when a sewer rat named Sid (Shane Richie) the definition of "low life" -- comes spewing out of the sink and decides it's his turn to enjoy the lap of luxury, Roddy schemes to rid himself of the pest by luring him into the loo for a dip in the "whirlpool."

Blood Diamond (R) 6:45 p.m.

No Show

Code Name: The Cleaner — Cedric the Entertainer, Lucy Liu and Nicollette Sheridan star in the fast-paced action comedy, Code Name: The Cleaner. Cedric plays Jake, a seemingly regular guy who has no idea who he is after being hit over the head by mysterious assailants. When he finds himself unexpectedly entangled in a high-level government conspiracy, Jake and his pursuers begin to believe that he is an undercover agent who subconsciously holds a key piece of information that could expose an arms deal involving the CIA and FBI. Lucy Liu (Charlie's Angels) and Nicollette Sheridan ("Desperate Housewives") co-star as the women Jake may or may not be involved with.

Borat (R) 6:45 p.m.

Code Name:The Cleaner

Code Name:The Cleaner

Code Name:The Cleanerr

(PG13) 9:30 p.m. Deja Vu (PG13) 8:35 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 7 p.m.

(PG13) 9:30 p.m. Deck The Hall (PG) 9 p.m. Deck The Hall (PG) 9 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 8 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 8 p.m. Flushed Away (PG) 9:30 p.m.

(PG13) 9:30 p.m. Deck The Hall (PG) 8:35 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 7 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 8 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 8 p.m. Flushed Away (PG) 6:30 p.m.

Code Name:The Cleaner

(PG13) 8:30 p.m. Code Name:The Cleaner

(PG13) 8:30 p.m. Flushed Away (PG) 9:30 p.m.

(PG13) 7 p.m. Deja Vu (PG13) 9 p.m. Deck The Hall (PG) 7 p.m. No Show

Saw III (R) 6:45 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 7 p.m. Man Of The Year (PG13) 7 p.m. Man Of The Year (PG13) 7 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 7 p.m. Lets Go To Prison (R) 6 p.m. Flags Of OurFather (R) 6 p.m.

Borat — Jagshemash! Sacha Baron Cohen, the star and creator of HBO's "Da Ali G Show," brings his Kazakh journalist character Borat Sagdiyev to the big screen for the first time. Leaving his native Kazakhstan, Borat travels to America to make a documentary. As he zigzags across the nation, Borat meets real people in real situations with hysterical consequences. His backwards behavior generates strong reactions around him, exposing prejudices and hypocrisies in American culture. In some cases, Borat's interview subjects embrace his outrageous views on race and sex by agreeing with him, while others attempt to offer a patriotic lesson in Western values. Wa-wa-wee-wa! Hilarious. Jawdropping. Inflammatory. Dangerous. Subversive. Borat, a satirical Kazakh journalist caricature invented and portrayed by Sacha Baron Cohen, has been called all this and more.

Deck The Halls — Deck the Halls is a family comedy about oneupsmanship, jealousy, clashing neighbors, home decoration ... and the true spirit of the holidays. For Cloverdale, Massachusetts optometrist Steve Finch (Matthew Broderick), no time of the year can compare to the glory of the Christmas season. And, for many years now, he's carried on a series of heartfelt but hokey Yuletide traditions that his family wife Kelly (Kristin Davis), daughter Madison (Alia Shawkat), and son Carter (Dylan Blue), at this point, can barely tolerate. Despite his family's exhausted protests, superorganized Steve has the December calendar chock full with everything from shooting the Finch's annual Christmas card photo, to their ritual tree harvesting and neighborhood caroling nights' entire Christmas season.

No Show

No Show

No Show

Casino Royale (PG13) 7 p.m. Casino Royale (PG13) 7 p.m. No Show

Blood Diamond (R) 7 p.m. No Show

Blood Diamond (R) 7 p.m.

Code Name:The Cleaner

Casino Royale (PG13) 7 p.m. Lets Go To Prison (R) 6 p.m. Flags Of OurFather (R) 6 p.m.

(PG13) 9 p.m. Deja Vu (PG13) 7 p.m. A Good Year (PG13) 6 p.m. The Prestige (PG13) 6 p.m.

Code Name:The Cleaner

(PG13) 7 p.m. Deck The Hall (PG) 7 p.m. Deja Vu (PG13) 7 p.m. A Good Year (PG13) 6 p.m. The Prestige (PG13) 6 p.m.

Jan. 19, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly


No one has greater love than this Chaplain (CPT) Anthony S. Kazarnowicz, Jr. HHSC STB


hese words of Christ are often quoted at military funerals to honor fallen comrades. However, I always felt these words fell short of truly describing the love of a service man and woman. Members of the armed services not only lay down their lives for their friends; they also (and more so) die for total strangers. This is harder to do. I interpret the above quote to mean that there is no greater natural or human love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. In dying for total strangers, however, a service man’s or woman’s love extends beyond the perfection of natural love; it enters into the realm of supernatural love. Yet, there is still a higher and still more difficult form of love. It is love for one’s

enemies, love for sinners and love for those who hate us. This kind of love enters into the realm of godly or divine love. This is the kind of love God has for the human race. This is the perfection of all forms of love. We show this love by not returning evil for evil—an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth or a life for a life. We do not seek revenge upon those who hurt us. When someone curses us, we do not curse them back; we return a blessing instead. If someone steals our shirt, we do not fight with them to get it back; we give them our coat as well. If someone forces us to walk one mile with them, we willingly walk two miles with them. We pray for our enemies and do good to them. This love is shown by service men and women when they take care of wounded enemy soldiers. It is shown when they treat enemy prisoners of

war with respect, according to the Geneva Convention. It is shown when they give their enemy food, clothing and medicine. It is shown when they try to stop injustices or crimes perpetrated against enemy soldiers or civilians. It is shown when they help rebuild their damaged cities. It is shown when they care for orphan children. It is shown when diplomatic relations are restored between the United States and nations that were once our enemies. It is shown when we open our borders to refugees and immigrants. It is shown when we forgive our enemies. Indeed, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” However, there is a higher love. Praise for living that higher love is not to be denied our American service men and women!

Area I Worship Services Catholic Catholic Mass Sunday

9 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Noon 1 p.m.

CRC Warrior Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel Camp Casey West Chapel Camp Stanley Chapel

Protestant Protestant Sunday

10 a.m.

Camp Casey Stone Chapel,

10:30 a.m. 11 a.m.

Korean Services Sunday Godspell

7 p.m.

Camp Stanely Chapel Camp Casey West Chapel Camp Hovey Chapel, Stanley Chapel, Camp Casey Crusader Chapel CRC Warrior Chapel


11 a.m. 2 p.m.

Latter Day Saints Sunday

2 p.m.

Camp Casey Memorial Chapel, Stanley Chapel Camp Casey Chapel Cp. Casey Crusader Chapel

For information on Bible study groups and other religious services and activities, contact the Area I Chaplains Office at 732-6466.

Jan. 19, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly

Made in America show entertains Warriors

By Jim Cunningham Area I Public Affairs

CAMP RED CLOUD—Doug Allen and his band returned to Area I Dec. 23 with a new show to entertain Warriors during the holidays. “We wanted to bring something different to entertain the troops beside the ‘Chicago Mob’ band,” said Allen, producer and bandleader. “We wanted to put together a hip-hop, MTV style dance show.” Members of the Chicago Mob band, five in all, played the music for the show and four top shelf female dancers provided the steps. The show includes some of the favorite dance scenes from the movie “Chicago” as well as popular rap dances. “We have been thinking of this concept for a long time,” Allen said. “Kristen Collianelli from Seattle is a choreographer and has performed on MTV videos. She put this show together with the other three professional dancers. We have Tom Clark, a veteran of the band who has done a lot of my overseas tours. He plays saxophone and keyboards. Ryan Schiedermayer tours a lot. He is a percussionist. Chaz Winzenread does a lot of overseas tours with me too, and Dan Stewart, he raps, sings and plays percussion and keyboards.” The dancers are Collianelli, Kristen Vollmer, Jessica Deahr, and Julia Rencher. The show was performed segue from one set to the next to last only one hour. Most wanted more after the performance, but all have to wait. “We will give a two hour performance New Year’s Eve,” Allen said.


Chaz Winzenread playes a contemporary rock ‘n’ roll solo in front of the band with the dancers on New Year’s Eve at Camp Casey’s Warrior’s Cllub. All of the musicians are regular featured artists with the Chicago Mob band that performs in casinos throughout the United States and overseas. This band was assymbled by Doug Allen especially for the Made in America show and especially formulated for Area I Warriors.

E-mail [email protected]

Dancers Vollmer, Deahr and Rencher serenade a Soldier volunteer during the performance of their Santa Baby medley. .

Dancer Jessica Deahr dances with a Soldier in John Antes, Area I entertainment director, the audience during the Santa Baby performs Deck of Cards, when invited by Doug Dancers Collianelli, Vollmer, Deahr and Rencher perform selections from the popular film Chicago Allen on the spur of the moment. during their show Dec. 31. The group not only danced the scenes but performed the songs. performance..

The Morning Calm Weekly

Jan. 19, 2007


Jan. 19, 2007


10-Mile Rucksack Competition Set A 10-Mile Rucksack Competition will be 10 a.m. Feb. 3 at the Crown Jewel Fitness Center on Camp Carroll. Registration will be 8 – 9 a.m., with the race and course briefing at 9:30 a.m. This competition is open to all U.S. ID card holders. There will be two individual categories, active-duty men and active-duty women; and military team categories, including active duty Men’s and Women’s open (all ages) and military team category (consisting of five military personnel from the same organization and/or installation). Teams finishing with less than five members will be disqualified. A team must cross the finish line together in a single file. Awards will be presented to the top five individuals overall and men’s & women’s top two overall teams. ACUs or BDUs and/or service equivalent uniforms are required, although non-standard t-shirts may be worn in place of regulation undershirt. Footwear is limited to military service recognized boots, however all participants may wear hi-tech style boots. Boots may not be exchanged for any other footgear along the route. No LBE or helmets are required. For more information, call the Camp Carroll Sports Office at 765-8287/8118.

Tough Soldier II Boxing Invitational Scheduled The Camp Carroll Fitness Center will host the Tough Soldier II Boxing Invitational Feb. 10 at the Crown Jewel Fitness Center. The mandatory weighin and physical exam starts at 10:30 a.m. with competition beginning at 7 p.m. All active duty USFK military personnel are eligible to enter. Categories include both men’s and women’s open and novice divisions. Lodging will be available upon request for participants from Areas I, II and III. For information, call the Camp Carroll Sports Office at 765-8287/8118.

Lotte World closed for repairs Lotte World is scheduled to be closed

Area II Pool League The Area II Pool League is seeking new members. The group meets at 7 p.m. each Tuesday at the Main Post Club, Harvey’s Lounge and the Navy Club -- all on Yongsan Garrison. Membership is open to ID cardholders, family members, retirees, Department of Defense civilians or contractors and individuals sponsored by ID cardholders. For more information, call Brent Abare at 723-3691.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Gospel Great Donnie McClurkin to per form perform Live shows will run Jan. 26 31 on Army installations By Rakendra Moore IMCOM Public Affairs

Grammy Award winning artist Donnie McClurkin, will perform five shows on the peninsula free of charge, compliments of Morale, Welfare, and Recreation. Yongsan Garrison’s Collier Field House will kick off the tour on Jan. 26. Donnie will then travel to visit troops at Camp Red Cloud Gym on Jan. 27, Camp Casey Hanson Field House on Jan. 28, and Camp Humphreys Community Activities Center on Jan. 30. His last performance will be Jan. 31 at Camp Walker in the Kelly Gym. All performances start at 7 p.m. Donnie McClurkin is most noted for his hit song, “We Fall Down”, however he has had several Gospel hits including, “Great is Your Mercy”, Just For Me”, and “Didn’t You Know”. Recently he released a new album entitled “Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs”, combining a mixture of Contemporary, Traditional Hymns and Praise, and Worship Gospel music that entertains, heals, and teaches. The compilation features songs such as “I Love To Praise Him” and “I Call You Faithful (I Call You Holy)”. Donnie McClurkin won numerous awards, including a coveted 2004 Grammy Award for Best Soul Contemporary Gospel, 2004 NAACP Image award for Outstanding Gospel Artists, BET Award, and 2002 Soul Train Music Award as well as several Dove and Stellar Awards. He has been featured in many magazines and newspapers including The New York Times, USA Today, Billboard, and the Hollywood Reporter. Donnie McClurkin is also an author, who penned the “Eternal Victim/ Eternal Victor” in which he shares his story of overcoming child abuse in his early years. It is said that Donnie McClurkin felt compelled to share his



Gospel artist Donnie McClurkin will entertain troops stationed in Korea during the last month of January. story in hopes that it would help others. As a singer, songwriter, and producer, his popularity has increased over the years in both the Gospel and secular arenas of entertainment. He has made appearances on UPN’s “Girlfriends”, “The Parkers”, and several popular talk shows. Amongst the movies he has been apart of, 2005 brought “The Gospel” to audiences starring Boris Kodjoe and Donnie McClurkin as Minister Hunter. With all of his success, McClurkin’s focus is on “Things far greater than material gain”. He was ordained in 2001 and has stated, “As much as I love music and singing, more now than ever before, I feel my greatest strengths and calling lie in pastoral ministry. It’s my very existence and my greatest joy.” Donnie McClurkin has reached heights of success people dream of. His moving songs of praise and worship have been heard through out the world. The coming performances are sure to be nothing less than excellent. For more information, contact your local MWR Entertainment Office or DSN 723-3749.

BOSS Winter Games offer ‘freestyle’ fun on slopes By Cara Masterson IMA-Korea MWR

YONGSAN – Single and unaccompanied Soldiers are ready to hit the slopes for the BOSS Winter Games scheduled for Feb. 18-20. The three-day, two-night trip to Yong Pyong Resort includes lodging, two lift tickets, equipment rental, competitions, and an Awards Dinner for the bargain basement price of $99. The Winter Games is a new event planned by the IMCOM Korea Region BOSS program. The concept was developed to increase esprit-de-corps and morale amongst single and unaccompanied by seeing a bit of Korea beyond the installation gates. Yong Pyong Resort (often referred to as Dragon Valley) is located on the Eastern Coast of Korea, about 200 kilometers or a 2 ½ hour drive from Seoul. Covering 4,300 acres, the resort receives an average annual snowfall of 250cm and average temperatures of -6 C. The 31 slopes (including 2 half pipes) and 14 lifts (including 1 cable car) can accommodate 25,000 guests per day. Opened to the public in 1975, it is sometimes called the “Skiing Mecca of Korea.” They have recently hosted a slew of international competitions such as the Winter Asian Games and the World Cup Alpine Ski Games. If Pyeongchang’s bid for the 2014 Winter Olympics is

awarded, Yong Pyong is expected to host the giant slalom and slalom races. Some scenes from the popular Korean drama Winter Sonata were filmed at the resort. The slopes offer varying levels of difficulty - each designated by individual colors - to suit the challenges of both beginner and advanced skiers and snowboarders. Registration is open to Active Duty U.S. Military only. Seats are reserved in proportionate to the population of each Area. Space is limited and reservations will be made on a first come – first serve basis. Full payment is required at the time of registration. Registration and payment can be accepted at your local Recreation Center or Community Activities Center. Deadline to register is Feb. 9. The Winter Games is just one of the many activities provided to single and unaccompanied servicemembers by the BOSS program. For more information on upcoming regional or local BOSS events, contact or visit the Community Activities Centers or unit BOSS representatives on your installation. Information can also be obtained by calling the following POCs : Area I : 732-66664; Area II: 738-5254; Area III: 7538825; Area IV: 764-4123 or KORO Program manager at 7256070.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Jan. 19, 2007


Jan. 19, 2007 20

The Morning Calm Weekly

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Jan. 19, 2007

The next best thing to a real patient By Bob McElroy Area III Public Affairs

CAMP HUMPHREYS—Combat medics here have a new training device that has a pulse, breathes, talks and even allows them to give it intravenous fluid. It’s called the SimMan Manikin and it is the next best thing to a real patient. The SimMan has been at the Eighth Army Training Support Activity Korea facility here for a few months, according to Yon Vanest, a Training Specialist at the TSAK. It can simulate a number of conditions that require medics to use basic and advanced life support measures and it will provide immediate feedback on their performance. Vanest said that the Eighth Army TSAKs Area I and IV also have a SimMan for medical training. During an end-of-year training session, Sgt. 1st Class Michael Jackson, a platoon sergeant in the 568th Medical Company put teams of Army medics and their Korean Service Company counterparts through the paces with the SimMan. “This is the same Manikin they use at Fort Sam Houston,” Jackson said. “For a medic this is the closest they can come to a real patient. It has an actual pulse, B M E Medics Spc. Jason Taijeron (L), Sgt. Ray Lee (C) of the 568th Medical Company and Mr. Chang, Tu chin, of the Korean Service blood pressure, breath sounds and it can talk.” Jackson said that the SimMan has an “IV arm” that Corps, suction out the mouth of the SimMan Manikin during training in late December 2006 at the Training Support Activity medics use to insert a catheter for intravenous fluids Korea. or blood transfusions. The laptop and software allow the instructor to simulate Spc Brent Bartlett of 568th Medical Company was one “We even have artificial blood you can pump into it various medical conditions that the medics must of the medics who trained with the SimMan. Bartlett so they get a flashback when recognize and treat. The said he found the SimMan “pretty real” and “good for they insert an IV,” Jackson instructor can put the SimMan refresher training.” Area III unit medical personnel can added. into cardiac arrest or reduce the Bartlett said he thought the SimMan would be especially contact Sgt. 1st Class Jackson at 568th Jackson said that medics pulse to challenge the medics. good for training medics who had never been with a real Medical Company DSN 753-3763 or can also connect A computer-screen patient. Cellular 011-9972-9375. To schedule electrocardiogram and representation of the patient will Jackson said that he is available to conduct training training with the SimMan please contact defibrillator devices to the show the instructor if the for other units’ medics as well as “Train the Trainer” Ms. Yon Vanest at TSAK, phone number: SimMan. medics are in the right spot on classes. He added that while the SimMan could be used DSN 754-6096 or Commercial: 031The SimMan Manikin the body to read the pulse in the future for Combat Lifesaver Training for now it is 619-6096. system consists of the accurately. restricted to training medical personnel. SimMan, a laptop computer with software, medical In addition to running the several patient scenarios, “This is an awesome investment for the post and monitor and an air compressor that feeds air through the operating software allows instructors to design and medics,” Jackson said. It’s good for Soldiers and hoses for the SimMan’s breath and pulse. save their own patient cases for future use. medics.” OB


Local Students kick it ‘old school’ for Air Defenders By 1st Lt. David C. Marlow 35th ADA BDE

SUWONAB – On the 9th of January

at Suwon Air Base, 1-43 Air & Missile Defense Battalion of 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, added a touch of the


A young Martial Artist from the Korea Tae Kwon Do Gym in Suwon shatters a piece of wood with one swift kick.

“old soft shoe” to their New Horizon’s Day. “We invited local Dancers from Unhaeng Middle School in Shihueng and Tae Kwon Do martial artists from the Korea Gym in Suwon to not only entertain the Soldiers, but also to provide a great opportunity for Soldiers and members of the local community to meet each other,” said Mr. Tae Yong Mun, the 1-43 Community Relations Officer. “This was a great addition to our New Horizon’s Day,” said SPC Isaac Siaw an administrative specialist from Headquarters and Headquarters Battery. “The presentations are good, but actually having our neighbors in the community here sharing their culture with us is the best way to learn. The dancers were great and the martial artists were as good as the guys

in the movies.” It was a special day for the performers too. “Wow, this was the biggest crowd we have performed in front of,” said Dong sung Lee, a 14 year old martial artist from Suwon. “I got to make a lot of American friends today and practice my English.” This event was just one of many coordinated by 1-43 who was last year’s winner of the Area III Good Neighbor Best Unit Award. “We have a lot of great GNP events here at Suwon,” said CPT Marty Plys, Commander of Foxtrot Maintenance Company, 1-43. “When Soldiers get introduced to great events like this early in their tour it sparks their interest in Korean culture and they are a lot more likely to seek out more positive things to do with their free time during their tour.”

Area III

Jan. 19, 2007 22

UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX Now offering the MBA. Registration is in process. The new MBA on-site semester begins Jan. 31. Application deadline is Jan 23. MBA on-line courses are also available. On-line classes start every Tuesday. For more information on our programs or registration contact [email protected] DSN 784-5664 or [email protected] at DSN 753-8920. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Area III Tax Assistance Center opens Jan. 24 and is looking for motivated volunteers to assist with tax return preparation for Soldiers and family members in the coming tax year. Training will be provided. Hours are flexible. Interested persons should call 753-6245. IG POSITIONS IN AREAS II/III The United States Forces Korea and Eighth Army Inspector General’s Office is looking for Officers and NCOs who desire to become Inspector Generals in Areas II and III. You should be in the rank of Maj. (Branch immaterial) and Sgt. 1st class (MOS 42A/42L and 92Y) to serve as Inspectors General. There is also an opening for an Inspector General position in the rank of Capt. (Career Course graduate and successful Companylevel command) at Camp Humphreys. Info call Ltc. Eady at 725-6739. HAES SEEKS SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS

You must be a U.S. Citizen and have a High School Education. Please contact Renee Smith at 031691-9527 for more information.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Spotlight on HAES Art Teacher By F. Neil Neeley Area III Public Affairs

CAMP HUMPHREYS – Humphreys American Elementary School art teacher June Webb loves art and has dedicated her teaching career to nurturing and developing an interest in and appreciation for art in all of her students. Webb, who hails from Connecticut, is now in her second year of teaching grades K through Six at HAES. “Last year I was half sixth-grade math and science teacher and half art teacher,” Webb said. But this year I’m only teaching art.” Webb earned her undergraduate degree in art from Central Connecticut State University and her master’s in elementary education at the University of Bridgeport, also in Connecticut. Before coming to Korea she taught for a year and a half in a private school in Connecticut followed by a stint as a substitute teacher in the Connecticut public school system. At HAES she employs a couple of techniques to bring out the artist in her students: teaching them about art and artists and then giving them the chance to make their own art. “I want to expose the kindergarten through third grades to a lot of different kinds of art and different materials,” Webb said. “I want to let them be creative with things and expose them to some artists. As they get into the upper grades, I introduce them to more

HAES art teacher June Webb gives Vance McLeod a hand with his art project.


For example, TONYA would be artists, then I let them get more involved Terrific, Ornery, Neat, Young, in more advanced kinds of work.” Webb currently has her students Artistic.” Webb also likes to involve her working on self portraits. “They’re looking at themselves in the students in the cultural aspects of art. mirror and checking out “For instance where their eyes are,” when there’s Webb said. “ They then Hispanic heritage draw it on paper.” Month or African Webb is providing a American history different artistic challenge month,” Webb said, to her older students. “I try to introduce “I’m having the older them to a type of art kids do a self-expression from that culture and unit,” Webb said. “I’m Webb have them create a having them do a selfexpression collage in the form of an type of art in that style.” No matter the project or class one acrostic poem. That’s a poem that uses the letters in a topic word to begin each thing is certain, the students at HAES line. All lines of the poem should relate will be the beneficiaries of Webb’s passion for art. to or describe the topic word.

Camp Humphreys observes Martin Luther King’s birthday

RED CROSS HOME ALONE CLASS SET “The American Red Cross Home Alone Class will be held on Friday, Jan 26 from 10 .-11 a.m. at the HAES cafeteria. Call the Red Cross office at 753-7172 or 753-7173 to register. Students must be 9/10 years old. Text books will be issued on the day of the course which has been fully funded by the Camp Humphreys United Club.” ACS OFFERS JOB ASSISTANCE TRAINING Classes on Resume writing 9 a.m.12 p.m. and Resumix Preparation 1 – 4 p.m. Jan. 23. Pre-registration is required, space is limited. attend one or both. info, call 753-8321/8401or stop by ACS, Bldg 311.


Camp Humphreys celebrated Martin Luther King’s birthday with a prayer breakfast held at the Pegasus DFAC Jan, 10 and a Commemorative march from Transformation Park to the Community Activities Center Jan. 11. A muti-media presentation at the CAC Celebrated Dr. King’s life followed by a performance by a gospel group.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Area III

Jan. 19, 2007


Commitment, coaches are k ey to a key successful youth sports program By F. Neil Neeley Area III Public Affairs

CAMP HUMPHREYS – Lisa Hogue, the Child and Youth Services Sports Director here, has seen changes and growth in the Youth Sports program since taking charge 15 months ago but one constant remains: without active support and participation from the community the program can wither and die. “It’s starting to grow and we’re seeing more participation,” Hogue said. “A big part of that is families’ moving from off post to on post so that their kids are now here. They’re putting them back into the program.” Hogue says that the biggest change is that CYS has taken swimming from a club sport to a YS sponsored sport. “So, in addition to basketball, baseball and soccer, we now offer swimming as a YS sport” she said. But along with growth and change Hogue stresses that the key to a successful Youth Services program is support from the community. “Our program is set to support teams in the age ranges of five to seven, eight to ten, 11 to 12 and 13 to 15 year olds.” Hogue said. “I’d love to be able to have at least two teams in each age group.” To make that happen Hogue needs children and parents who are committed to participation on the teams and enough coaches to coach every team that she can field. “When we lose kids to PCS moves,” Hogue said, “or some kid decides that he doesn’t want to play anymore in mid-season or a kid gets poor grades and his parents won’t let him play any more, we could drop below the minimum number needed to form a team and that team would be out.” The main thing that I want the kids and their parents to understand is that once they sign up for a program it’s important to stick with us for the season because we base the teams on the number of kids at registration, if one or two kids drop out that means that I may have to cancel the team for everybody. Once Hogue has enough kids to field a team she needs enough coaches to lead them. “I’m always looking for coaches, Hogue said. “Baseball and T-ball season is coming so we’ll soon need coaches. I won’t know the exact number of coaches that I’m going to need until registration is over. But I think that I’m going to need a minimum of ten. That would give me two coaches for each age group.” Hogue added that it’s always better to have more coaches than necessary. “99 percent of our coaches are Soldier volunteers,” she said. “If one of them has to go to the field and he’s the only coach on the team, then there’s nobody left here to coach.


The Camp Humphreys Kings 13 to 15-year-old youth basketball team, (in white) beat the Osan Youth team 19-14 in a game played Saturday Jan., 13.

“There are a lot of Soldiers with a lot of down time; check and they have to go through a child abuse class I hear them complaining that there’s noting to do. Come and they have to have a National Alliance for Youth out and help the kids. The kids want to learn. If you’ve Sports class,” Hogue said. “The NAYS is a national got some athletic skills come out and share them with certifying body for volunteer coaches in the states. the kids. Just be sure to let your commander know The Army has set standards so that our coach that you’re volunteering so that you can get volunteers are qualified and that they know their recognition.” responsibilities and what they are getting into.” Recognition could come in several forms not the Hogue stresses that even though a Soldier may have least of which is a medal. a top secret security clearance, he or she will still have According to Area III Command Sergeant Major to go through an ACS background check. Jason Kim, a Soldier who volunteers Because the background check can for an extended period of time can take from two to four weeks Hogue receive the Military Outstanding suggests that anyone who wants to Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM); coach should come to her sooner than the medal is awarded to military later. members who provide a level of “Coaches don’t have to wait until sustained volunteer service to the season to volunteer,” she said. “If organizations and groups in or out of they know that they are going to be the military. here for soccer season and they don’t “The first thing that they need to do want to do baseball or swimming, they after letting me know that they want can sign up now for the sport that they Hogue to volunteer is go to Army Community want to coach. Services and have their background check done,” Looking ahead Hogue says that this year Camp Hogue said. “Without the background check, they Humphreys will be hosting the Area III Youth can’t go out and coach.” Basketball Regional Championships and also will “Our coaches have to have an ACS background host the KORO baseball tournament in June.

USO, 532 MI host Korean students for Good Neighbor Program By F. Neil Neeley (left to right) Lee Juan-hee, Pfc. Dean Burley and Pfc. Wesley Floyd, (both with B Co, 532 Military Intelligence) Kim Dong-hyun, and Park Jong-han enjoy burgers and hot dogs while bowling. PHOTO



Area III Public Affairs

CAMP HUMPHREYS – The Camp Humphreys United Services Organization and B Co 532 Military Intelligence sponsored a Good Neighbor Program Wednesday, Jan.17th. 22 MI soldiers volunteered to host 90 13 year olds from ChungBuk Foreign Language School. 15 teachers accompanied the children on their trip here. Once they arrived they met with the MI soldiers at the

Community Activates Center for a brief introduction, uniform description and a Question and Answer session. Next, they went to the post bowling alley where served a buffet of cheeseburgers and hot dogs with fries and drinks. Afterwards, they bowled with the afternoon away with the MI Soldiers. The visiting students finished the day with a windshield tour of the base and a stop at the PX Food Court to load up on snacks for their long drive home.


Jan. 19, 2007

The Morning Calm Weekly

Page 25

Jan. 19, 2007

Capacity crowd enjoys memorable MLK event By Galen Putnam Area IV Public Affairs

CAMP WALKER – In a rousing tribute to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an overflow crowd jammed into the Evergreen Community Club here Jan. 10 to partake in a special breakfast celebration “Remember! Celebrate! Act! A Day On … Not a Day Off.” The crowd of more than 200 enjoyed a buffet breakfast, entertainment and remarks from guest speaker Lt. Col. Charles R. Hamilton, commander, 498th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion at Camp Carroll. The highlight of the event, however, was a spirited rendition of the “I Have a Dream” speech that King delivered Aug. 28, 1963 to a crowd of more than 250,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. KATUSA Sgt. Lee Chang-hyuk, 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, brought the crowd to its feet for a spontaneous standing ovation at the conclusion of his inspired recitation. Not only did Lee bring to life a classic of American oration – he presented the entire 1,599 word epic from memory. Upon his introduction, Hamilton quipped that he would make a mental note to avoid following Lee at future events and presented Lee with a 498th CSSB battalion commander’s coin.




Camp Walker Multi-Cultural Gospel Service Worship Team members (left to right) Monique Matthews, Valetta Love, Kerri Clay, and Mydalya Chambers perform “Thank You.” In his keynote address Hamilton the same dilemma that we face as Soldiers. highlighted some of King’s many Dr. King was a Soldier who made the accomplishments. He noted that King ultimate sacrifice for his country – he gave skipped the ninth and 12th grades and his life.” entered Morehouse College at age 15. He Hamilton pointed out, that despite a became an ordained minister at age 19 brief 13-years of public life, King had an and earned his PhD in systematic theology indelible impact as a lasting symbol of from Boston University at age 26. In 1964, diversity and catalyst for change. at age 35, King was awarded the Nobel “Dr. King accomplished more in his Peace Prize, making him the youngest short 39 years than most people are able person to ever receive the distinction. to do … within the span of their lifetime,” “During the slide presentation (earlier he said. “Dr. King was a man of historic in the program) Dr. King mentions significance of magnanimous proportion. longevity in his speech,” Hamilton said. He gave his all for the country he loved.” Event organizers were pleased. “He goes on to say it would be nice to “It was very encouraging to see the have longevity in one’s life. Dr. King faced

KATUSA Sgt. Lee Chang-hyuk, 19th ESC, presents the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech from memory. support we got from the community,” said Sgt. 1st Class Adam L. Morrison, 19th ESC equal opportunity advisor. “It was interesting for many of us to learn the origin of the “I Have a Dream” speech. Many of us didn’t know it wasn’t the speech Dr. King planned to present that day. Considering that, it is amazing how much impact the speech had then, and still does today.” A similar breakfast event Jan. 12 at the Camp Carroll Dining Facility also drew a crowd of more than 200.

New community forum to provide information

Colonel’s Cookie Crew

Area IV Public Affairs


Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr., Area IV Support Activity commander, meets with Daegu Girl Scouts and adult leaders Jan. 10 during a visit at the Area IV Support Activity Headquarters building on Camp Henry where he accepted the ceremonial first box of Girl Scout Cookies (Thin Mints!) to kick-off the 2007 sales season. Girl Scouts will be selling cookies 11 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday and Feb. 3 at the Camp Walker Main Exchange, and noon – 5 p.m., Sunday and Feb. 4 at the Taegu Commissary.

CAMP HENRY – The inaugural Community Information Exchange Forum will be 9 – 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Soldier Memorial Chapel Fellowship Hall (Bldg. 267) on Camp Walker. The forum is intended to be a central meeting to consolidate and disseminate information to the community, according to J.J. Stewart, Army Community Service Officer, who is coordinating the forum. The meeting is open to all Area IV community members. “Right now there are so many venues through which information is put out, inclusive of the many meetings, that it is difficult for people to keep track of what’s going on,” Stewart said. “This is our attempt to consolidate everything into one information exchange.” Representatives from Area IV organizations, public and private, have been invited to participate. Unit leaders will have the opportunity to disseminate information as well. Information to be distributed will include items such as upcoming community events, changes in facility operating hours, new community programs and more, according to Stewart. Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr., Area IV Support Activity Commander, directed the forum be implemented in response to input provided by community leaders and feedback received from community meetings. Community Information Exchange Forums will be held on a monthly basis. For information about the inaugural Community Information Exchange Forum, call Stewart at 768-8120.

Area IV

Jan. 19, 2007

26 Carroll Town Hall Meeting Scheduled A Town Hall Meeting for community members will be held 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Camp Carroll Community Activities Center. Discussion topics will include the installation’s ongoing Morale, Welfare and Recreation projects and customer service on post. The meeting will also include a short briefing on avian flu. This is the forum to ask questions of Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr., the Area IV Support Activity Commander, Area IV staff, and various other community service providers. For information, call Kevin Jackson, 768-8072. New Camp Henry Food Court Hours The Camp Henry AAFES Food Court will have new operation hours effective Feb. 1. New business hours will be 6:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Mon – Sat. The facility will be closed Sundays. For information, call Yi Hye-kyong at 768-8670. Tickets Available For The ‘Nutcracker’ A musical performance, ‘The Nutcracker’, will be 3 p.m., Jan. 28 at the Dong-gu Cultural Center in Daegu. Tickets are 20,000 and 15,000 won. Proceeds from the performance will aid needy children. For more information, call the 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) Public Affairs Office at 768-7851. Civilian Fitness Program Registration Full-time Department of Defense civilian employees can register for the Area IV Civilian Fitness Program. Employees are authorized three duty hours a week for six months to participate in the program. Participants must receive medical clearance from a doctor and complete the Supervisor/ Employee Participant Form, Informed Consent Form and the DD Form 1556. For information, call Maj. Juanita Gauss at 764-4819. First Aid Class The American Red Cross will host a class on adult, infant and child CPR, Automatic External Defibulator essentials and Standard First Aid 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Feb. 10 at the Red Cross Office on Camp Henry. The cost for this class is $35 and participation is limited. For information or to sign up, call Jimmy Finch at 768-7462. Training Courses The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center is offering to assist commanders and directors with their training needs. The training areas include: leadership, communication, motivation, counseling skills, conflict management, group development, new employee benefits, entitlements, problem solving and decision making, and more. For information, call Audwin Lindsay at 768-6639/6629.

The Morning Calm Weekly

AFAP gives community a voice Conference offers participants chance to make a difference By Steven Hoover Area IV Public Affairs

CAMP HENRY – Have you ever had something that you needed to get off your chest, and thought the Army community would be better for listening to your suggestion and solution? Well, that opportunity is here. The Area IV Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Conference will be 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Jan. 26, at Camp Walker’s Soldier Memorial Chapel. For the past several weeks, comment boxes have been strategically placed throughout the command, available for those who have opinions or concerns that they would like to express. Approximately 100 members of the Area IV community will participate in the conference, according to Steven Wegley, Area IV Army Family Team Building and AFAP coordinator. “Unit representatives, participating


Sgt. Keyne Smith, 16th Medical Logistics Battalion, Camp Carroll, makes a point during last year’s Area IV Army Family Action Plan Conference.

from Daegu, Waegwan and Busan, will address issues and begin the process of resolving them,” Wegley said. “The annual AFAP Conference is conducted at the installation level, providing the first step in the Department of the Army’s plan to identify and resolve areas of concern that affect readiness, retention and the quality of life for Army families.” Delegates will address all of the issues

provided in advance and brought up at the conference. Each working group will prioritize then tackle its top three issues, providing suggestions and solutions during the out briefing that concludes the day. All issues, from the smallest to the most significant, will be forwarded to the command for action. Here are some success stories based on issues first raised at AFAP conferences: Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance increased from $50,000 to $200,000; Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) increased by 11 percent, part of a plan to eliminate out-of-pocket housing costs by 2005; Army Emergency Relief (AER) now provides grants in overseas locations to assist with financial aid for spouses to pursue undergrad, vo-tech, high school completion, and English as a Second Language studies; Family Support Groups were developed; Army Family Team Building (AFTB) and Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) programs were born. To submit suggestions, express your opinion or for more information, contact megley at [email protected] or call 768-7232.

Military Personnel Division opens at Henry MPD takes over human resources duties performed by former 516th PSB By Cpl. Cha Hyun-joon Area IV Public Affairs

CAMP HENRY – With the Personnel Support Battalion concept a thing of the past, the new Area IV Military Personnel Division here is now providing personnel support to Soldiers in Area IV. The MPD provides the same services previously offered by the former 516th PSB including personnel actions, promotions, records maintenance, in/out processing, and more. The MPD is located in building 1307, which is also the new home of the Identification Card/Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System Section where Soldiers, Department of Defense civilians, contractors, and their dependents can go to get new I.D. cards and update their DEERS data. Following the Personnel Services Delivery Redesign, larger units such as 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), 168th Medical Battalion, 501st Special Troops Battalion and 36th Signal Battalion are now supported exclusively by their internal personnel (S-1) offices. The MPD services Headquarters


Sgt. 1st Class Orlando Moore, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) goes over his PCS orders with Dawn Mathis, redeployment specialist. and Headquarters Company, Area IV Support Activity; 20th Military Police Detachment (Criminal Investigation Division); 238th Quartermaster Detachment; Defense Logistics Agency; American Forces Network – Taegu Detachment; and the 837th Transportation Battalion. The MPD also provides redeployment orders and emergency leave assistance for all Soldiers within Area IV. The MPD asks that Soldier’s who require personnel services first go through their unit personnel (S-1) office before visiting the MPD to ensure all required documents have

been filled out properly. The MPD is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. In addition, a staff member is on call 24-hours a day to assist with emergencies by calling 010-2660-0438. The MPD staff members are: Robert Bridgewater, site manager, 768-8498; James Hardee, personnel actions, 768-6954; John Lee, promotions/citizenship, 768-7160; Dawn Mathis, redeployments, 7688803; Jeremy Berenschot, in/out processing, 768-8312; Unhui Nguyen, redeployments/military records, 7687948. See related story on Page 28.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Area IV

Jan. 19, 2007

‘Tough Soldier II’ coming to Carroll By Galen Putnam

NEWS & NOTES 10-Mile Rucksack Competition Slated For Camp Carroll A 10-Mile Rucksack Competition will be 10 a.m. Feb. 3 at the Crown Jewel Fitness Center on Camp Carroll. Registration will be 8 – 9 a.m., with the race and course briefing at 9:30 a.m. This competition is open to all U.S. ID card holders. There will be two individual categories, active duty men and active duty women; and military team categories, including active duty Men’s and Women’s open (all ages) and military team category (consisting of five military personnel from the same organization and/ or installation). For more information, call the Camp Carroll Sports Office at 765-8287/8118.

Area IV Public Affairs

CAMP HENRY – Following the raucous success of Camp Carroll’s inaugural Tough Soldier Boxing Invitational in September, the installation has announced a follow-up slug-fest. The Tough Soldier II Boxing Invitational is slated for 7 p.m. Feb. 10 at the Crown Jewel Fitness Center. All active duty servicemembers are eligible to participate. There will be open and novice categories for both men and women. “After the turnout we had at the first Tough Soldier Boxing Invitational, we are hoping for an even better event this time,” said Carlos Algarin, Camp Carroll sports director. “We hope to have as many participants as possible and hope to have all geographic areas of the peninsula represented. If the first tournament is any indicator, this event should be a real crowd-pleaser.” Boxers from as far as Area I, Camp Humphreys and Kunsan Air Base have already entered the tournament. Categories and weight classes are: light flyweight (106 lbs.); flyweight (112 lbs.); bantamweight (119 lbs.); featherweight (125 lbs.); lightweight (132 lbs.); light welterweight (139 lbs.); welterweight (147 lbs.); light middleweight (156 lbs.); middleweight (165 lbs.); light heavyweight (178 lbs.); heavyweight (201 lbs.); and super heavyweight (201+ lbs.). Awards will be presented to the first and second place finishers in each weight class. Fighters with less than 10 previous boxing matches will be placed in the novice category. However, based on ability and approval by a coach and the championship director, some novice fighters may be allowed to enter the open category. Fighters with 10 or more previous boxing matches must compete in the open category. Medical exams and weigh-ins will be conducted from



John Rigsbee, Company C, 307th Integrated Theater Signal Battalion, waits for his opponent to enter the ring during the Tough Soldier Boxing Invitational Sept. 9 at Camp Carroll’s Crown Jewel Fitness Center. Rigsbee won his super heavyweight fight with a second-round knockout. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. at the gym. A briefing for the boxers will be held at 5 p.m. All boxers are responsible for providing their own custom made or individually fitted mouthpiece. Open competitors will wear 10 ounce gloves in the 106- through 156-pound weight classes, while all others will use 12 ounce gloves. Lodging for participants coming from outside Area IV will be available upon request. For more information, contact Algarin at 765-8287/8118.

Soccer Club Seeks Indoor and Outdoor Players The Daegu United Soccer Club is seeking new members. The club is open to all ID cardholders including Soldiers, KATUSAs, civilians, contractors, and family members. All skill levels are welcome. The team plays both casual and competitive matches against Korean and American military, university and civilian club teams. The team plays both indoor and outdoor soccer year-round. Currently, practices are 6:30 p.m. Sundays inside Kelly Fitness Center on Camp Walker. For information, contact Galen Putnam at 011-1716-0428, or, [email protected]. Camp Carroll Boxing Program Looking For New Members The Camp Carroll Boxing Program is looking for new members, in both novice and open divisions. Practices are 5:30 – 8 p.m. weekdays at the Crown Jewel Fitness Center, Bldg. 135. For information, call Carlos Algarin, sports director, at 765-8118.

Jan. 19, 2007


Area IV

New human resources system replaces Personnel Support Bn. Sgt. Yoo Joo-yong 501st SBDE Public Affairs

CAMP CARROLL – As part of the transformation plan for the 8th U.S. Army, Personnel Services Battalions in Korean have been deactivated. Following the Personnel Services Delivery Redesign, units now carry out the functions formerly conducted by the PSB’s. “The Army is moving to a modularity concept where we’re self sufficient and the functions of a PSB have migrated to the brigade S-1 so that we can internally take care of our soldiers as far as personnel services,” said Warrant Officer Amber Reed, PSDR Chief, 501st Sustainment Brigade. Instead of soldiers having to rely on PSB’s for their personnel services, they can now directly refer to their respective brigade or battalion-level human resources. “It makes it more convenient because everything that the soldiers had to do at the PSB, they can actually do it within the brigade. Some of the functions that took the PSB a while to process, we can actually process on our own time frame now and we can mange to process quicker than the PSB,” said Sgt. 1st Class Vickie Wesley, senior human resources NCO, 501st SBDE, Personnel Office. The new change has allowed a better opportunity for providing personnel services. “It’s more effective because it is all done within house. The paperwork starts and ends with us with little paperwork going outside of our control and everything is done within our area,” Wesley said.

The overall transformation not only changed the system itself but has also affected the soldiers who served in PSB’s but now are part of the PSDR. “At the PSB level, you had an area of expertise where you only did a certain part of the work. In the PSDR Brigade S-1 concept, you do all functions. You are subject matter experts in all areas. It develops the Soldier as a well-rounded personnel services Soldier,” Reed said. “When working at the PSB, you only focused on one area of work but being in a PSDR, you have to jump from one to another. You have to be able to be multi-tasked in order to do it all,” Wesley added. The number of soldiers that a PSDR section covers has greatly increased compared to that managed by PSB’s in the past. “We still take care of soldiers like we used to but now we take care of over 3,000 instead of 1,000 or 500,” said Pfc. Jimmy Chapoteau, 501st SBDE, Personnel Office. The transition from PSB to PSDR is an on-going process, but improvements are assured once everything is settled. “Right now we’re still going through the transformation with troops still trying to settle in and make things start to flow. But in the future, you’ll see actions being approved more frequently and easily than before because you don’t have to send (paperwork) to an external agency. The approval will come from within so it will speed up the processing time for actions,” concluded Reed. See related story on Page 26.

The Morning Calm Weekly

NEWS & NOTES Walker Veterinary Clinic Pets are seen by appointment 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and Friday at the Camp Walker

Veterinary Clinic. Also, animals are available for adoption at the facility. For information, call Capt. Genevieve Vega at 764-4858. DES Section Relocations The Directorate of Emergency Services Ration Control, Pass and ID, and Vehicle Registration Sections have relocated to the old Camp Henry Lodge, Bldg. 712. For information, call Wayne Haymes, Area IV access control chief, at 768-7387. Daegu Cub Scout Troop Seeking New Members Boys in grades one through five interested in fun, excitement, and a great learning experience are encouraged to join the Cub Scouts. Weekly meetings will be held at the Scout Hut (Bldg. S-215, next to the gas station on Camp Walker). For information, contact Capt. Jason Hales at 053-210-6191, or, [email protected]. New AFN Special Service American Forces Network Korea has launched an email service allowing viewers to preview the stories on AFN-Korea’s nightly newscast. The service, “What’s on your AFN Korea Nightly Newscast,” offer a daily e-mail summary of that evening’s newscasts and scheduled primetime shows. Each Friday, the email will also include links to stories AFN-Korea aired earlier in the week. A sample message can be found on the AFN-Korea Website at Viewers interested in subscribing to the service may log-on to the AFN-Korea Web site to sign up. For more information about the service, call 724-3282.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Jan. 19, 2007


Jan. 19, 2007


Korean Language

The Morning Calm Weekly

Learn Korean Easily

The Phrase of the W eek : Week

“It’s a nice day, isn’t it?”

Nalssi jochyo?

day (weather)

it’s a nice, isn’t it

Vocabulary season






Situation of the W eek : At the hotel Week It’s terrible weather, isn’t it? Musun nalssiga eerochyo?

It’s raining. Beega


It’s snowing. Nunee onungunyo.

It’s fine. Nalssi jossumnida.

Will it stop snowing soon?


Area II honors Martin Luther King Jr.

Nuni got guchilkkayo?

Will it stop raining soon? Beega got guchilkkayo?

Korean Expression of the W eek Week

Dwaejikkum kkweotna?

Did you have a pig dream last night?

You’re so lucky.

The Morning Calm Weekly

Jan. 19, 2007


Jan. 19, 2007


The Morning Calm Weekly

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